What do you think of the crowds today?


Occasional Pre-Show
So right now i was watching raw and saw the lovely Melina return but when here music hit i could hear myself breathing i was like :wtf: i no womens wrestling isn't good right now but when she got hurt she was very over and now she can't even get a clap.Also the crowds are really lame they have to be the quietest crowd ever i bet that they are quieter than a crowd at a tennis match:banghead:.I think the crowds this year and last year have really sucked they make no noise unless cena or orton come out but even when they do come out it is just a decent pop i feel that they at least get a NAO pop and thats just being nice.

So what i want to now is do you think the crowds are to quiet.

And why do you think they are to quiet?

I think for the most part people don't care for the women's division like they used to in the glory days of Trish Stratus and Lita. While Milena is a great wrestler and one of the best women's champions in recent years it has been quite a while since she was injured and personally I forgot that she was even on the Raw brand and for a while I didn't even know that she was injured. If they had done updates and promos with her while she was injured I think she would've stayed in the crowd's mind and they would have went crazy seeing her back on the roster.
you forgot the giant Y2J chant that starts up EVERY monday, and PPV's, and also the pop Kane got when he won MITB. Goldust last week got a great pop as well (much deserved) there are some people who get them, others who dont. the heat at CM punk, Cole, and Vicky as well to name a few. i agree that we pretty much just lost faith in the women.. it sucks, but it's true.
The reason Melina did'nt get a pop is because of one of two things either no one recognised her music or no one cared, neither of those would surprise as to put it bluntly no one gives a sh*t about the divas division.

As for crowds in general, are you deaf go back and listen to the pops for both Orton and Cena over the last few months, they are more than as you put it "decent pops" 99% of the time when Cena or Ortons music hits the place erupts and it isnt only Cena or Orton who get the crowd to react go listen the the heat for Swagger or the pops for Rey or Kane and then tell me that the crowds dont react.
I'm not sure what you've been watching but from what I can remember the crowds are normally quite hot during most segments and matches. You can't judge a crowd on a diva's match as we ll because come on, who cares about it anyway? Another thing, Melina got injured months ago. Half the audience (including myself) probably forgot she existed so her coming back was just, oh meh.
Well this show was taped after last weeks raw so its hard to constantly cheer for the same people over and over as if you hadn't seen them earlier in the night. As for what your saying by crowds sucking this year I disagree. You can't just say hey the crowds have sucked this year. I would need you too name at least five examples and dont say divas matches and squash matches.
I was surprise she didn't get a huge pop like others said, they forgot she got injured and she should have promo her return back in the ring. she looks like she still got it, but am not sure if i am right but, did anybody notice she gain a little bit of fat on her face??
The crowds are good. Give them something to cheer about and they will. The pops for some superstars are fantastic.

With regards to the womens division, a lot of them have a short shelf life i think, there aren't that many others to feud with so its hard to create new matches so its like seeing it all again and they can easily go stale.

If crowds are quiet, then maybe it could be due to predictability of matches nowadays. I mean like near falls, during matches generally, if a superstar is wrestling a superstar of lower stature then that can sometimes cause it to happen too.
The crowds are mainly 5-12 year olds that come to see SUPER CENA, not the 90% Males that used to be around in the Attitude Era that came to see TnA and Austin to Stunner someone. WWE are trying to show off the Divas are wrestlers and not TnA anymore, (as they are PG and try to show that they don't see females as objects) but none but maybe one or two can wrestle.
You do realize that Raw today was taped RIGHT AFTER last week's Raw, yeah? I would've been tired and I'm sure the crowd was too.

The crowds in South Texas have sucked the last few times WWE were there. Don't believe me? Then go watch Raw and Smackdown tapings from a while back for proof. Better yet, pay attention next time.
apart from tna, tha crowds have sucked for about 6 or so years! probably bcos it turned boring around then! tna on tha otherhand dosnt try and b like sesame st n they get a decent audience even if it is small!
I haven't really noticed too often but i really noticed that the crowd was dead silent during the Edge vs Wade Barrett match i was like WTF these are two great performers and the crowd is silent.

But to answer your question, Yes I think the crowds recently are too quiet and I have no idea why. But its a shame
Gotta agree with the OP. Crowds today are awful, it wasn't just last night on RAW which can be argued as it was taped and the crowd would be dead but seriously there have been some crowds this year mainly RAW were Orton will get a nice pop and then Cena gets one just below orton with boo's mixed in sometimes. Then there is nothing from crowds sometimes i dont blame them like the womens matches and Santino matches.

But dont give up hope there are still crowds out there who are very vocal like New York, Chicago, Philly, Canada, England are the crowds that stand out to me as being the kind of fans you want as they are loud and into the action. And it seems that also PPV crowds are also loud still sometimes MITB is NOT one of them. MITB had a horrible crowd. Like i said dont give up hope there is some good crowds and most of the terrible crowds are RAW crowds with few exceptions.
MITB had a horrible crowd

what are you talkin about?? the HUGE pop for Kane? TWICE. the giant Y2J chant, the hugely surprising Sheamus chant, the Boo's for Cena, that was a vocal crowd
The crowds today aren't as good as during the Attitude Era, due to the age of the crowds. Today it's mainly children with their parents. Before, it was a totally different age demographic. Therefore with it being children, they're less likely to react to any other events, except the ones they are familiar with.. such as John Cena.
Agree completely and thought it many times myself. The crowds today are nowhere near as hot as they were a a decade or so ago. But then neither is the wrestling industry. If you go back and watch shows from 95/96 onwards, when the monday night wars first started, that is why we love this shit. The crowds reaction, the wrestlers/wrestling, the OTT characters and personalities, the amazing play by play from the likes of the king and mcmahon on raw, heenan, mondo and bischoff on nitro. Just the incredible enthusiasm shown by all sucked u in man. God i miss that shit.
apart from tna, tha crowds have sucked for about 6 or so years! probably bcos it turned boring around then! tna on tha otherhand dosnt try and b like sesame st n they get a decent audience even if it is small!

Are you serious? The Impact crowds will pop at absolutely anything, I wouldn't be surprised if they had the classic talk show signs for "applause" and then some for "boo" or random chants. Their admission is free so absolutely anyone can be there even if they don't have a clue what the company is or any of the wrestlers in the ring and they have been known to boo for the "wrong people." Sure the WWE crowds occasionally feel lower than usual but they will still get very loud for the main eventers, some random new faces, and guys that have been around for a long time.
aaaugh i hate to admit it but the crowds arent the same anymore its true, the last time i can remember a crowd bein real hot for a match was taker hbk at 25 and the triple threat at survivor series with hbk hhh and cena, now i know that there may have been others in between, like the rumble or whatever else but i was expecting the crowd to be electric at mania 26 during the streak vs career, most of the time i think the crowd makes the match, i mean if theres two wrestlers wrestling in an empty arena or out in a back yard, its just not cool, anyways i thought the crowd would of ben red hot for that, they were in some spots but i mean for the whole match as they were witnessing the end of something great, anyways just my take on things, but i do have to agree, the crowds are nothing like they were in the attitude era, watch an intro to a raw from 98 and check the crowd, absolutely lovin it, i believe there were more signs then fans at some points lol.
The crowds aren't too bad. The crowds are mostly kids though, which makes it a little less "rowdy", especially for those who watched during the Attitude Era where the crowd was NEVER silent. EVER. I think for today's type of wrestling the crowds are just fine. PG type wrestling = PG type of crowd.
I don't think that it's that the crowd isn't loud enough. They Boo so loud for Vickie Guerrero you can't even hear what she says. The kids cheer for Cena so loud that it gets you irritated (I'm talking of course at live events/tapings). Through the television, it doesn't sound as loud, but it is still fairly loud. But anyway, I think most of the people stopped caring about the Diva's division so no one really cares (the divas need a BIG miracle right now, hopefully Melina can give some much needed help).

The crowd doesn't cheer (or BOO) when they are not interested. When people like William Regal comes out to the ring, no one cares so they don't make any noise. But when Randy Orton comes out, everyone goes nuts.
It really depends on WHO is in the crowd, but alot of times these days the crowd just don't seem into anything but the main event. On Smackdown when Kofi Kingston fought Dolph Ziggler, the crowd was dead. %$@# those dead crowds! Do they not know how much better a match can be when they are into it? Even the worst of matches can be enjoyable when the crowd gets into it.
Are you serious? The Impact crowds will pop at absolutely anything, I wouldn't be surprised if they had the classic talk show signs for "applause" and then some for "boo" or random chants. Their admission is free so absolutely anyone can be there even if they don't have a clue what the company is or any of the wrestlers in the ring and they have been known to boo for the "wrong people." Sure the WWE crowds occasionally feel lower than usual but they will still get very loud for the main eventers, some random new faces, and guys that have been around for a long time.

I dont think that matters if the crowd pops for everything, a loud crowd is always better than a dead crowd imo (unless they are doing a "you fucked up" chant which I hate) I don't care if they are only louder because of an "applause" sign, at least they aren't dead

and the wwe crowds are absolute shit. Go back just FOUR YEARS and the crowd was so much more alive. Smackdown crowds from 05/06/even 07 were louder than RAW crowds of today! Now the crowd pops for the entrances of select few wrestlers and that's it. Not to mention how since WWE has gone HD you can barely even notice the crowd anymore. It's pathetic
To be honest, I think diva's matches COULD get a reaction... if they used the right divas. I mean, Alicia Fox? Diva's Champion? And Eve Torres before that? The current flock of divas are lacking the one element that would make a crowd care about them... CHARISMA. Alicia doesn't have it, Eve sure as hell doesn't (hell, did you hear her on commentary a month or so ago? She can't even TALK!), Gail Kim doesn't have much. Maryse is at the top of the food chain there, and that doesn't say a lot. Call me pessimistic, but i don't think Alicia can work a good program with Melina, at least on promos. She's not a terrible wrestler, but she seems really green and stiff. I think they should drop the belt on Melina and prep for a Melina-Maryse feud, with a side of Morrison-Dibiase. maybe pairing thios feud together will help all parties involved.

To get back on topic, the crowds do seem to have been dead recently. Evan Bourne and R-Truth get a pretty good pop on Raw, and Vicki still gets boo'd out of the building on Smackdown. When you look at it, I think that the fan's ages do have something to do with it. Someone brought up the crowd in the Impact Zone, but look at their base age demographic....would you say early 20's to early 40's? Now look at the WWE's base demographics.... kids and early teens. If kids don't care about you, they won't cheer or boo... they will just sit there.

That's why the diva matches have no pop. It's also why the Morrison-Dibiase matches have been dead. The kids don't care about the throwback rock guru vs. the guy who is using his dad's gimmick... they have no clue what the hell Morrison represents or Dibiase. KoolAid Ma... I mean, Mark Henry, gets ok pops 'cause he's a good guy... same for Big Show.

Edge-Barrett didn't get the reaction it should have because kids are used to a more "good guy, bad guy" approach to booking. "With one bad guy in Edge going up against ... another bad guy in Barrett? I don't like either one of these guys, but i can't boo them both... I'll just sit here until the rest of the Nexus comes out"...... thats EXACTLY what happened. If your audience is 60% kids, and they all shut up, then your cheers and boos decrease by more than half. So it just sounds...well... dead.

Maybe mic'ing a rowdy section wouldn't be a bad idea. It may help encourage people to get up and cheer!

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