What do you think of decisions in Wrestling?


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This Topic just kinda popped in my head this week and I've been wondering how people would react to it. in Wrestling we've seen matches have time limits, but if the time goes out, it ends as a draw. What if instead of having the match end in a draw you have the commentators decide who wins? there could be your standard face commentator, your biased heel commentator, and an unbiased individual like the ref or another commentator. Think of all the different kind of screw jobs that could be done, or imagine how much heat a heal commentator would get when hi decision is the winning decision.

Non title matches could have a 15 minute time limit (equivalent to 3 rounds with no breaks) and title matches can have 25 (the equivalent to 5 rounds no breaks). Also world title matches can have 30 minute limits. This could make could make iron man matches (60 minutes) seem even more grueling.

and if there is no way the ref or unbiased judge can make a call it can go to sudden death which could lead to longer matches up to an hour. if matches go up to an hour in sudden death then it's officially a draw.

not every match will end by decision of course you can still have matches with 15 minute time limits end in squash matches and under 10 minutes of course.

so what do you people think? do you love it? do you hate it? do you care? please let me know! and feel free to add on any other idea's if you please.
Pro wrestling meets American Idol? I can't even express how much I hate this idea.

You want the commentators to decide the winner if a match goes to a draw. That is beyond ridiculous. Of course the heel announcer will choose the heel and of course the face commentator will choose the face. That leaves the third commentator which there isn't right now.

After typing out that paragraph, I hate this idea even more.
I've got to agree with Cobra Venom here, man. This really isnt a good idea. The role of a commentator is to announce. They shouldnt be acting as judges for matches that end in draws. They have their own jobs, and that is to relay to the fans at home what is going on. The reason the WWE has draws in it's matches sometimes, is to continue a feud between two superstars. Having announcers pick the winners would be absurd, and totally blow steam off of the feud. Honestly, it is a really bad idea.
Yeah, just like Cobra and Stinger said that idea would turn every match into a reality tv joke. It turn the announcers into figure skating judges. And it wouldn't really help if almost every night we had controversy in a match. Also I don't really like the idea of a match having a time limit unless it is an Ironman match.
Like the past 3 people have said, it is kinda lame. Good job that you're thinking though. However you have to remember, how many matches actually hit that "time limit" and are forced to stop? I've never seen one as a matter of fact. It'd be kinda useless to have that rule sense every match ends in somebody winning to progress (or end) a story-line.
The Holy One puts it all into perspective this does turn every match into a reality tv joke. Matches most certainly should not have a time limit unless as Holy said its an Ironman Match. The announcers do become Simon and Paula's and for that cannot be taken seriously. The announcers are their to commentate and interact with the viewers not to be the deciders of who wins a match.

So in my opinion having the announcers deciding the match is a terrible and a horrifying decision. This would be a decision that i would hate forever and honestly hope it never happens.
I'm not really sure why all the hate is here...quite simply because this idea isn't really new at all. Back in the days of Flair, Steamboat, etc. big main event type matches would have three judges just in case of a draw. Typically they weren't commentators though. They were legendary or experienced wrestlers of old. For instance, Ric Flair v. Ricky Steamboat at WrestleWar 1989 which is widely considered one of, if not, the greatest match of all time, had the three judges. The match did not end up going to the judges, but they were there nonetheless. I don't really care either way though. Commentators doing the judging though....no chance in hell would i get behind that one.
well i was referring to the judging in a more UFC style of judgment not like American idol (i fucking hate shows like that) but i do respect everyone's opinions and thought it would be an interesting idea. but thank you for your responses people

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