What Do You Look For In A President


Brilliant Idiot
You always hear or read things like, "We just want our president to do [this]"

But, obviously, this person, at 60% of the time, is talking for "their" side of the fence.

Regardless of what side of the fence you you plant your feet, the questions are simple;

1. What do you want in your president?

2. What do you not want from your president?

3. Thoughts?

Personally, for me...

1. I want a fiscally responsible president. I want someone that's going to keep things civil, while stern. I want someone that is going to boost the economy by creating jobs and has a decent business sense. I want someone that has gone through tough times, financially. As I want this person to understand what it's like to be poor or on the lower-middle class side of things. I want a president that doesn't try to please everyone. I want a president that at least attempts to get the things done that he or she said they would while running.

2. I don't want tax cuts for the top 1%. I don't want war as a first option. I don't want slander. I don't want a president that tries to play one side against the other. I don't religion involved in policy-making. I don't want the focus to be on issues that don't affect the majority of the country. I don't want ANYONE from Alaska. (Lol.)

3. I'll probably add to this section as the time goes by.

What about you guys?
1. What do you want in your president?

I want someone who can deliver on their promises. Someone with integrity and someone with good, realistic ideas for this nation that will get us out of the current economic stump we're in. I also want someone who can come up with better health care and immigration reforms. Lastly, I want someone that will cut government spending and work with all parties so that we the people are the ones that benefit. There are many more things that I would want in a president, but those are just a few.

2. What do you not want from your president?

This is easy to answer. I don't want someone that will make unrealistic promises or will make promises and then go back on them. I don't want someone that plans on spending more money that won't get out us of the economic stump and lastly, I don't want someone that just isn't prepared to be a president and doesn't have the credential or experience (such as serving in the senate, et.c.) a president should have.
I realise this thread is directed at Americans, as we don't have a president, but I'm going to reply anyway.

In the UK we have so many fewer issues which are a major thing in politics. There's no main party who would dare say they were going to make abortion illegal. None which would say homosexuality is wrong, or that they shouldn't be allowed to marry/adopt. None which argue we should bring back the death penalty. Our politics, with smaller issues in between, basically simmer down to the economy and how our money should be spent. Which makes it a lot less interesting.

Voting in the most recent election had much to do with television appearances from the 3 main leaders - which is why Nick Clegg is now Deputy Prime Minister - and perceived mistakes from the previous government. When looking for a party to vote for they seem very similar now, and people aren't thinking "I'll vote this party because they'll do good for this country" they're thinking "Well, this is the better of two evils".

I personally would vote for someone who didn't make stupid promises they couldn't keep, who believed in the same basic values I did and didn't listen to every tiny thing Brussels told us regardless of how stupid it is. I'm looking at you, David Cameron. We need someone who will put an end to the stupid waste of money and the horrible lack of justice. It disgusts me that we have a government who allow a criminal - a murderer at that - to be given £300 for the emotional upset he was caused by a court hearing being delayed. As of now, no one like that exists, so I'll just continue hoping the people we do have don't completely kill the country.

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