What Do You Do With Anderson & Gallows


There are reports out today suggesting that 3 time IWGP Tag Team Champions Karl Anderson & Doc Gallows are in Los Angeles tonight and may well debut on Raw tonight. The same reports state that even if they don't debut tonight, it should be quite soon. So when they make their debut, whether it's tonight, on SmackDown or Raw next week, what do you think their first order of business will/should be?

Obviously, the idea for them to be hot shotted into the tag title picture is there and no doubt has a good deal of support among fans. I wouldn't mind putting that off for a bit and possibly add them to the impending program with the Dudley Boyz and Enzo & Big Cass with Anderson & Gallows debuting tonight, if they do debut tonight, and laying out both teams. The Dudley Boyz are back primarily to help put over younger teams, so this could be one in which the Dudleyz are used to take the falls in the matches while elevating both teams as both would need the momentum, especially Enzo & Cassady as they'd be the only team that hasn't won any gold yet.
There are reports out today suggesting that 3 time IWGP Tag Team Champions Karl Anderson & Doc Gallows are in Los Angeles tonight and may well debut on Raw tonight. The same reports state that even if they don't debut tonight, it should be quite soon. So when they make their debut, whether it's tonight, on SmackDown or Raw next week, what do you think their first order of business will/should be?

Obviously, the idea for them to be hot shotted into the tag title picture is there and no doubt has a good deal of support among fans. I wouldn't mind putting that off for a bit and possibly add them to the impending program with the Dudley Boyz and Enzo & Big Cass with Anderson & Gallows debuting tonight, if they do debut tonight, and laying out both teams. The Dudley Boyz are back primarily to help put over younger teams, so this could be one in which the Dudleyz are used to take the falls in the matches while elevating both teams as both would need the momentum, especially Enzo & Cassady as they'd be the only team that hasn't won any gold yet.

When they debut, it'll be on RAW or PPV. Not on Smackdown. Fans have been anticipating their debut for a while now and they won't waste it on a taped show.

Honestly, have them go right after The New Day. LON is occupied with the Wyatts now. What do New Day have to do? Tonight they should make a statement and take out the New Day.
Are they going to be heel or face? It's been awhile since WWE did a face faction. Not counting New Day. Perhaps they could help A.J Styles and form a new face faction to give him a pile of momentum going into his championship match vs Roman Reigns.
I would have Reigns beat Styles in a controversial fashion at payback maybe with a jealous Y2J costing styles and post match have Gallows and Anderson beat down both reigns and jericho aligning with Styles. Id move them out of the title picture and feud with Jericho and a couple other heels. After a couple months of a couple high profile feuds with big name heel tandems. tease Finn coming to the main roster to confront Styles and the Club and have a confrontation and stare down in the ring with everyone ready to fight. Then Finn holds up the Too Sweet wolfpac gesture and Styles and the club give it back, making it a 4 man group of tweeners to be the focal point of the show outside of the WWE title and Roman Reigns
I think the truth of the Anderson/Gallows singing is that WWE doesn't really have a clue what to do with them (just look what they did with Gallows when they had him the first time…fake Kane, Festus, SES). I think just like with AJ and Finn, this is nothing more than WWE making a preemptive strike to make sure that no other wrestling company has anything get hot, and with the Bullet Club doing just that WWE raided it as fast as they could, but what now?

WWE is like a jealous kid, they have a toy they haven't played with in forever, but the second someone else picks it up they scream their head off. Now that they've acquired the majority of the Bullet Club's biggest starts, how do they use them?

If I was booking…I keep teasing Bullet Club stuff until the next PPV, the occasional planted signs in the crowd, twitter, etc. Backstage pics of Anderson/Gallows let people get to the point they feel like it isn't gonna happen, then at the next PPV, you go one of two ways…

1.) Reigns retains and then they come out and attack him, and align with AJ…a week later Finn joins them on Raw.

2.) AJ wins CLEAN, and the next night on Raw one of them debuts as his security/backup, the following week the other does the same thing, the week after that Finn joins them on Raw. A modern day NWO debut.

They've gotta make this mean something though, or it was a total waste, this needs to be exciting. Having them just show up as any other team, even if they win the tag titles, really doesn't make enough use of how much hype they have behind them right now.

All we've heard about lately is the women's championship, and divas revolution, while right under our noses the tag team revolution is set to occur if they don't blow it.

Usos, Dudleys, New Day, Enzo/Cass, Vaudevillians, Ascension, Lucha Dragons, Hype Bros, American Alpha, Bullet Club…this could be the best tag wrestling since the late '90s.
I have pretty mixed feeling about the idea of Gallows and Anderson being used as a pure tag team with no Bullet Club influences around them. I just think it's wasting a good chance to capture the magic of the Bullet Club in WWE by debuting them outside of the context of forming a top heel stable. Anderson is a very good wrestler and he and Gallows make a fine tag team, but there's nothing so special about them as a tag team that truly warrants importing them, other than their role in the Bullet Club. The tag team division in the WWE is already loaded and they've already just added two new teams to it. Right now the division can barely contain the stars it already has (seriously, you've got, off the top of my head, the Social Outcasts, the League of Nations, the Wyatts, the Dudleys, perhaps the Prime Time Players, the returning Primo and Epico, Enzo and Cass, the Usos, the Lucha Dragons, the Ascension, the New Day, Truth and Goldust, and the Vaudevillains) and adding yet another tag team that is only that is probably the wrong move.

Another aspect of this that can't be discounted - the "I'm a high flying nice guy babyface" AJ Styles is not the AJ Styles that WWE paid for. WWE paid for the massive superstar AJ became after flirting with the dark side in TNA and then becoming the face of the Bullet Club internationally as a true bonafide heel. Being surrounded by the Bullet Club defines the most successful iteration of AJ Styles ever, and the WWE knows that full well. Why keep AJ in a character that isn't his most successful one?

All signs for the best use of Anderson and Gallows point to them being part of a new Bullet Club in the WWE, led by AJ Styles. It was the nucleus of one of the most successful acts in wrestling history and it was imported for a reason - not to leave AJ Styles as a babyface without a cause and stick Gallows and Anderson as just a couple of dudes in the tag division, but to reform it in the WWE. I think that has to be the overall goal.

If I was the WWE, I would debut them tonight as AJ's partners and have the three of them engage in a beatdown of Roman Reigns. Nothing is going to really change the fan response to AJ vs Roman, of course, but AJ and the Bullet Club are the act to make in the WWE right now, and an AJ "heel turn" is the way to go with this angle. Perhaps no one expects AJ to win the title, but no one expected AJ to beat Okada in his first match in New Japan to become the champion there either, but he did it with the help of the Bullet Club. Anderson and Gallows are the key to letting AJ reach his highest heights in the WWE, and it strikes me as a huge waste to do anything but bring them in to flank AJ and lead a new era of the Bullet Club.
I'm expecting the return of Tons of Funk, now with the Gallows and Anderson.

Seriously, WWE would prefer to trash outside talents than use them to better their product.

WWE teasing Balor Club is money until they pull the trigger, then it drops in value, they need to just keep teasing the faction for months, while keeping Gallows and Anderson as a generic tag team to drive the IWC crazy, the casual fans won't care.
As several others have said I would have them help out Styles from an attack by Reigns. If the plan is to make them face, then have them save Styles. If the plan is to make them heel, then make them initiate the attack on Reigns. Involve the Usos in this storyline, helping out their cousin, and you have the first feud for Gallows/Anderson. The Usos are pretty much just there to elevate other teams, right now, and what better team to elevate than Gallows/Anderson, while The Dudleys elevate Enzo/Cass?
I would play up the history with AJ and then have them turn on AJ and side with Roman. Instant heat and an immediate mega heel team. Then go after New Day to continue growing heat
I'm just HOPING that they don't give them a new gimmick. Even if they're not going with the Bullet Club right away, Doc and Anderson should stay just the way they are, big, bad, tough, and cool... just let them do what they do and they'll get over in a big way. That being said, I don't see WWE keeping them away from AJ Styles, it's almost like they can't. I understand WWE is a completely different animal from every other wrestling company but the Bullet Club is huge among ALL (almost) wrestling fans. I doubt there's very many people other than the very casual viewers that haven't heard of The Bullet Club, so I think something needs to happen there. It would just be awkward to see them on the same show and not interacting at all.

Personally, I think they're going to cost AJ the title at the PPV. It will keep Styles strong, start a fantastic program for him, and continue Reigns' very slow turn. Eventually Finn'll come up and we'll have a masterpiece on our hands. If friggin only.
I would have Balor debut first and work a feud with Bray Wyatt.
Have the Wyatt family interfere costing Balor the match and then again for the rematch.
Then the next night on Raw Balor comes out and says he needs backup. Then here comes his Balor Club to start a feud with the Wyatt Family
I don't think the question is necessarily...What do you do with Anderson and Gallows? I think it's...What is the main roster plan for Finn Balor?

I have no idea what the next set of NXT tapings have Balor doing. I do, however, envision that his time must be coming to am end. As much if an asset as he is to that brand, he could easily drop the belt to Nakamura, Joe, Aries, Rhode or whoever else may come. As far as Balor goes, I can't imagine his debut coming while he's still the champ. Have him drop the belt and stay under the radar a bit. Hold his debut off until Summerslam where it could really mean something because that dude absolutely screams instant star

As has already been said, put Gallows and Anderson with Styles for now. Reigns wants to be a cocky dick? Well, Styles has friends. Roman doesnt. While we're at it, have Ambrose turn on Roman that way. It keeps Ambrose a face and could lead to some vicious heel reactions from Reigns.
Someone already eluded to it, but let me go a bit deeper. Now that we've seen these two debut, we still don't know much, so all possibilities still exist. With that in mind, I think you tease the idea of them helping AJ win the title at Payback, only to turn on him and cost him the title.

The explanation would be that AJ left them high and dry in Japan so they're pissed at him. They found their own way in and now they're gonna make him pay for being so selfish. This could go two ways. Either they can explain that Finn got them in and he becomes their leader, or, and I think this is better, Anderson and Gallows challenge AJ and a partner to a match and he gets Balor to team with him because they're in the same boat.

This leads to a big tag match, but more importantly, avoids ANOTHER 3 man team in WWE because we have too many of those already.
Just some rough thoughts thrown out, potentially looking too far into this, but the fact that Gallows and Anderson attacked the Usos, and Styles is coming up against Reigns is almost telling me that there may be a correlation here. I'm not normally one for predictions or fantasy bookings but played right we could see The Bullet Club with AJ Styles post Payback, with Finn joining down the track. As Harthan pointed out, AJ's best work was with the Bullet Club, why keep him as a face when you have all the right ingredients around him to play the Bullet Club out and get the best out of everyone.
I think it's a smart idea that they're introducing Gallows and Anderson before any of the Balor/Bullet Club stuff happens. That way, you build a foundation, get the guys over, show that they're the real deal before you bring Finn into the mix.

Debuting a faction with three or more members that no one has seen before is risky. I think the Shield might be the only ones to do it in recent memory (I won't count the Wyatts, because they're all about Bray), and that was lightning in a bottle. So if the three Bullet Club guys had debuted all at the same time, it would've seemed strange to fans who don't know about them.

Now, we'll have Gallows and Anderson beat up the Uso's (and maybe even the New Day) for a few months, until Finn comes up later in the year. I think it'll be interesting to watch.
I'm not sure how much value I see in just those two right now, but I have confidence there are bigger plans for them than just tag matches and Uso feuds.

I'd be inclined to pair them with Styles as faces for a few months before Balor arrives and Styles is kicked to the curb. Do it right and have an initial match between Styles and Balor which the latter wins, before a Mania rematch where Styles gains some revenge. But this is pure fantasy booking. WWE don't plan this far ahead with mid-card matches.
It's story time.

It's 2:30 PM, an hour before the Staples Center doors were scheduled to open for Raw, and so I go into the LA Live store that's right next to there to go buy a few things for the show, and on the TV that was there, it shows Gallows and Anderson jumping the guardrail and The Usos were in the ring and then they were doing a beatdown segment. Everything I saw on that TV screen ended up being exactly the same thing that took place on the actual show. I'm thinking "What in the fuck is going on? And why is this being showed?" So what I gathered from everything is that it was a rehearsal, and for some reason, there was no tarp around the ring and some form of a camera was rolling, so obviously someone fucked up and thus their debut got spoiled, and hopefully, somebody will probably be getting fired over this.
first thing is first, i think they have to somehow, someway get into the Tag Team Title Tournament. maybe have them replace the "injured" Usos. then have them win the Tournament and win the Tag Team titles, then have them get involved in the main event and the most logical thing to do would be to have them turn on AJ Styles and join up with either Balor (who would debut at Payback) or join up with Roman Reigns. if they join up with Balor, call them the Balor Club, if they join with Reigns, call them the Roman Empire or something along those lines, but to me, the first thing they must do is be entered in the tournament to win the tag team titles and have them beat Enzo and Cass (with the Dudley's help).
It's story time.

It's 2:30 PM, an hour before the Staples Center doors were scheduled to open for Raw, and so I go into the LA Live store that's right next to there to go buy a few things for the show, and on the TV that was there, it shows Gallows and Anderson jumping the guardrail and The Usos were in the ring and then they were doing a beatdown segment. Everything I saw on that TV screen ended up being exactly the same thing that took place on the actual show. I'm thinking "What in the fuck is going on? And why is this being showed?" So what I gathered from everything is that it was a rehearsal, and for some reason, there was no tarp around the ring and some form of a camera was rolling, so obviously someone fucked up and thus their debut got spoiled, and hopefully, somebody will probably be getting fired over this.

WWE has come to terms to release Kevin Dunn on Tuesday April 12 2016. We wish Kevin the best in all future endeavors.

Too early to tell what will happen to this team considering this is the third new tag team brought into the main roster. Either they should win the titles from New Day or form a stable with AJ Styles. No way should be jobbing to anyone. Going to be pissed if they make a match with the Uso's and lose at Payback
Wow...what an anti-climax debut against a low midcard team, the Uso's. Shitty WWE booking as normal....changed my channel and watched Dancing with the Stars instead. Lol...Anderson and Gallows against the Usos? Is that the best they could do? Just sad......
The attack on the Usos was fine,it gets them in, over the next few weeks have them continue to attack both the Usos and then Reigns. Heading into Payback everyone is questioning AJ's motives for having his Bullet Club brethren in the WWE and having them softening Reigns up, of course AJ denies all involvement. At Payback have Gallows and Anderson come out and cost AJ the match by unleashing a savage beating on him. Reigns enters the ring looking to make the save but instead joins in the beating down of Styles. Raw starts with Reigns being confronted by the Usos demanding answers for Reigns actions in helping the guys who have been beating down the Usos for weeks. Reigns says that he got nothing from helping his so called family and he is only looking out for number one now. Later that night Gallows and Anderson interfere in a number one contenders match costing Styles again, after taking everyone out the Usos come down to get some more of Gallows and Anderson. Reigns comes out and spears both Usos, Anderson gets on the mic and says nothing can stop the Roman Empire as the show ends with Reigns Gallows and Anderson standing over the Usos and the contenders. During the Reigns/Styles feud a fourth member could be added , maybe some who was teaming with Styles against the Empire, possibly Ziggler Ambrose etc. If it stays a 3 man faction then during a Raw Gallows and Anderson could say that AJ was wrong for leaving them high and dry in Japan after they brought him in, Styles interrupts saying that they were not the ones who brought him to Japan only one man convinced him to join the BC and he is here to help even the odds (que Balor's music). After multiple attempts to even the odds ( teaming with the likes of Cena, Orton, and Ambrose) Reigns says he is tired of beating on Styles and Balor and challenges them to one last 3 on 3 inside the Elimination Chamber all they need to do is find someone who hasn't lost to the Empire. Styles and Balor agree , start to fight with the Empire and while they are losing the 3 on 2 Seth Rollins comes out and evens the odds. After the Chamber match Reigns and Rollins feud for the title while Styles/Balor feud with Anderson/Gallows.
The attack on the Usos was fine,it gets them in, over the next few weeks have them continue to attack both the Usos and then Reigns. Heading into Payback everyone is questioning AJ's motives for having his Bullet Club brethren in the WWE and having them softening Reigns up, of course AJ denies all involvement. At Payback have Gallows and Anderson come out and cost AJ the match by unleashing a savage beating on him. Reigns enters the ring looking to make the save but instead joins in the beating down of Styles. Raw starts with Reigns being confronted by the Usos demanding answers for Reigns actions in helping the guys who have been beating down the Usos for weeks. Reigns says that he got nothing from helping his so called family and he is only looking out for number one now. Later that night Gallows and Anderson interfere in a number one contenders match costing Styles again, after taking everyone out the Usos come down to get some more of Gallows and Anderson. Reigns comes out and spears both Usos, Anderson gets on the mic and says nothing can stop the Roman Empire as the show ends with Reigns Gallows and Anderson standing over the Usos and the contenders. During the Reigns/Styles feud a fourth member could be added , maybe some who was teaming with Styles against the Empire, possibly Ziggler Ambrose etc. If it stays a 3 man faction then during a Raw Gallows and Anderson could say that AJ was wrong for leaving them high and dry in Japan after they brought him in, Styles interrupts saying that they were not the ones who brought him to Japan only one man convinced him to join the BC and he is here to help even the odds (que Balor's music). After multiple attempts to even the odds ( teaming with the likes of Cena, Orton, and Ambrose) Reigns says he is tired of beating on Styles and Balor and challenges them to one last 3 on 3 inside the Elimination Chamber all they need to do is find someone who hasn't lost to the Empire. Styles and Balor agree , start to fight with the Empire and while they are losing the 3 on 2 Seth Rollins comes out and evens the odds. After the Chamber match Reigns and Rollins feud for the title while Styles/Balor feud with Anderson/Gallows.

This is more or less how I was thinking it should go as well.

I agree that attacking the Usos was a fine way to bring in Anderson & Gallows, albeit a rather uninspired one.

At Payback, you've got AJ Styles vs. Roman Reigns for the World Title. Styles is the clear fan favourite, while Reigns is starting to ride that heel line. So you have to run with it. Have Anderson & Gallows come in and cost Styles the Title, aligning with Reigns. Reigns, Anderson and Gallows form a new heel faction called Bulletproof. Reigns used to be in a faction called the Shield, and he still wears a fucking bulletproof vest thing so the name works. It would be heat on multiple levels. Heat from general audiences because it's a heel faction beating up a smaller guy and doing heel things, and heat from the stupid internet marks because Reigns is basically hijacking the Bullet Club concept.

Since Andersn & Gallows took out the Usos on their debut you also have the angle where the Usos can approach Reigns and ask him like what the hell are you doing working with guys like this? And Reigns can say he's doing what needs to be done in order to remain a World Champion, something they know nothing about. This could give you a match on Raw with Styles & The Usos vs. Bulletproof. All hell breaks loose and you set-up a Cage Match between Reigns and Styles at Extreme Rules for the World Title, to prevent any outside interference (and to go along with the gimmick of the PPV). Reigns would of course retain the Title. Reigns is the clear heel and you want to build up Styles chasing it more before he eventually goes over. You need to make the fans really want it, something that seems to be more and more of a lost art.

From here I wouldn't bring in Finn Balor yet. Dean Ambrose will have just beaten Chris Jericho to blow off their feud, so it's time to involve him as well. He can team up with Jericho to go against Reigns, but of course the two of them would be outnumbered still by Bulletproof. Brining back Seth Rollins to even the score here would make sense. Rollins never lost the Title, and they wanted to do Rollins/Reigns before he was hurt. In a Rollins vs. Reigns match people would cheer Rollins and boo Reigns anyways, so might as well write the angle to reflect that. Bring Rollins back as a babyface, but have him as an uneasy ally of Styles and Ambrose against Reigns, Anderson & Gallows.

At this point you have lots of matches you can book, and it can keep you running months and months. You've got Reigns vs. Ambrose for the belt finally. A rematch between Styles and Reigns. Reigns vs. Rollins in the match we never got to see. Reigns defending his Title agaisnt all three babyfaces (Styles, Ambrose, Rollins) in a fatal-4-way. You could do a War Games styles Elimination Chamber with Styles, Rollins & Ambrose vs. Bulletproof. You could involve the Tag Titles in addition to the World Title. There are so many possibilities.

Eventually yes, you bring in Finn Balor. As this feud is ongoing you can hype Finn Balor as this mysterious figure looking on from the shadows, build him up with vignettes to really add some mystique to his character, and make it abiguous who's side he's on. The same way Sting was booked during that original NWO angle, you weren't sure who's side he was on. The announcers can put over his past affiliations with Anderson & Gallows in Japan. Eventually, Finn Balor reveals his alleigiance...Imagine a segment with the three babyfaces on one side of the ring and the three members of Bulletproof on the other, Finn Balor is standing in the middle. Balor turns and points his fingers like a gun, aimed directly at Bulletproof...


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