What Did Cole Say?

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Dark Match Winner
Last night on MNR, Michael Cole, when asking HHH why he was bringing JR back said something along the lines of, "Why? Why would you do this to me? I did everything you asked! I even stuck this man's foot(Kings) in my MOUTH!"

My question is: Where do you see this going? Is there some angle going to be ran between HHH and Cole, about Cole doing all these things at the orders of HHH? It seems as if Cole overstepped the bounds, relaying that his matches were "scripted," as we all know they are, but are not SUPPOSED to know they are...LMAO. So what, if anything, comes of this?
I honestly saw that as a way to finally introduce Zack Ryder to the world. And I don't think it was done to 100% full effect mainly because he was wrestling Michael fucking Cole. But I don't know, something could happen with this.
God I hope not. I have had enough of Cole. First, I was fine with his whole heel turn but after Wrestlemania, it got to where he was fucking unbearable. Cole needs to do his job; commentate. The focus the WWE is putting on Cole could be used for someone like Jack Swagger, Dolph Ziggler or any other lower/midcarder who isn't exactly over. I don't think anything will come from this but if something does, I'll be severely disapointed. Cole needs to stop putting focus on himself. I get that he's a heel and all but he's taking up valuable time that could be used for someone who actually needs it.
God I hope not. I have had enough of Cole. First, I was fine with his whole heel turn but after Wrestlemania, it got to where he was fucking unbearable. Cole needs to do his job; commentate. The focus the WWE is putting on Cole could be used for someone like Jack Swagger, Dolph Ziggler or any other lower/midcarder who isn't exactly over. I don't think anything will come from this but if something does, I'll be severely disapointed. Cole needs to stop putting focus on himself. I get that he's a heel and all but he's taking up valuable time that could be used for someone who actually needs it.

I agree. He garners the most heat out of almost anyone in the WWE and that's mainly because people see him as the smuggest piece of shit ever that you just wanna slap in the face. He could do wonders as a manger, maybe for Jack Swagger, because history shows he ain't gettin over on his own.
Misleading title to say the least. Anyway, I hope not. While some of the stuff Triple H might make Cole do is funny, I've had enough of the guy. Or fire him or make him manage someone already. The Cole angle is starting to interrupt with the announcing big time.
You're reading waaaaaay too much into it. Kissing King's foot were the conditions of the match if he lost. He did. So he had to kiss King's foot. He did it so that he could keep his job. This really is a non-story.
@thoklly123 or should I say Michael Cole? Its considered rude to post in CAPS.

JR makes mistakes, everyone does... but he is the greatest announcer alive, if not ever so that argument is fairly week. Cole as an announcer is fine but people are sick of seeing him involved in storylines.

JR is there to advance the match, that is what play by play does.. Cole puts attention on himself with his antics which is a colour job at best..

If WWE wants Cole to be a heel and have attention on him, do as other people have said, make him a manager or mouth piece, for Swagger if need be or whatever.

Cole is not better than JR, he never ever ever will be. That Truth will set you free Michael... I mean thoklly123.
I hate Cole as well, but you have to realize that that is his job to make people hate him. He's annoying and draws attention to himself on purpose. Vicki Guerrero did the same thing and she is actually fairly over now. Personally I wish that Cole would just stick to commentating like the first weeks after he lost to King, he was actually pretty easy to deal with then. But now he's back to heel Cole.
I know its just his job and he's told what to do but all the same, I hope he doesn't show up to SmackDown. (I haven't read the spoilers)
I doubt anything will happen with this but if anything it's just a way to write Cole off of RAW to lessen his work schedule. There's no reason to have the guy traveling to every RAW and Smackdown event just to have him do commentary.

I'm still confused over why they need three guys to do commentary on Smackdown, so hopefully if Cole takes over the reigns there they can get Booker off the headset and into the back doing something worth while.

I'm not reading too much into this though, but it's a thought.
The Mr. McMahon character is obviously going to comeback at some point to fight for the company. Can you really see this as being the end to the character? No, neither do I. The character deserves a good write out.

I've posted this in another thread but it seems relevant here. Watch RAW again. HHH is trying to make his own mark and in doing so will get under the skin of certain individuals. Miz and Cole already are anti HHH and so will side with McMahon. Together with Cena/Punk, it's all part of a bigger story that's be building for months, waiting for the right opportunity. It has me hooked and is pandering to every type of wrestling fan. Expect this to run til at least Wrestlemania.
Am I just 1 of a rare breed that actually like Cole on RAW?

He was great at doing what he was supposed to do and that's be the heel announcer. Part of being the heel announcer is that they get under your skin, they do things that make you just wanna punch them in the face. Cole did his part perfectly.

Personally now he's not on the announce table, I'd like to see him play the Vicki Guerrero role and become the mouthpiece for a guy like Swagger or anybody else that needs help on the stick.
I think they might keep Michael Cole off the show for a few weeks, maybe a month and then introduce a new or even a returning star with him being said person's manager. I know people hate Cole, but his mic skills have improved over the years, and maybe his run with Swagger was just a way to see what he could do when put into this particular type of position. I don't really wanna see King & Ross again, but who else do they have? So we gotta take it for what it is I guess. I don't really see anything building between Michael Cole and HHH, as it wouldn't make much sense and it'd be a waste of time...Cole as a manager makes more sense....
@megatron2507 ...no you're not... I too, LOVE Cole.. His quick wit and humor is far underated. Nothing cracks me up more than hearing him take this piss out of Booker every week on smackdown. I want to see him stick around for a long time and while I agree sometimes theres too much time spent on him, you are all reading in to it too much, you're making mountains out of molehills. Keep Cole around have a 3 man booth, it will only make it better ,,, Cole JR n jerry on raw, Cole Josh n Booker on SD. Cole has become the voice of wwe it would be weird without him and you'd all probably realise that once he's gone.
I think some people are over reading this situation. The developments on Monday night, pertaining to Cole, are two fold:

1. A way to introduce Zack Ryder onto Monday Night RAW programming, with an easy and obvious win. This may lead to a minipush, to the upper low card, possibly even approaching the midcard.

2. A way to get Cole off RAW and back to being exclusive to Smackdown. Gets Cole away from Lawler. RAW reverts to JR and King, with SD being Cole and Booker.

In my opinion, any other conspiracy theories are just the typical over analysis of the IWC.
I think bringing JR back is a way to slowly take cole off of RAW and be only on Smackdown with maybe making a guest apperance on RAW every once in a while. Like others have said Cole is starting to get really annoying and I agree, he fits in well with Booker T with they way they nag each other but I dont think RAW is his thing.

As far as to what Cole said to HHH i think it was literally a mess up on Coles behalf because he literally did actually admit his matches were scripted. I was watching it and I was like WTF Cole way to ruin it for some people that think wrestling is real like some of the kids. But I dont know what this means. I think it might start a feud with Cole and HHH in which HHH is just going to make Cole do stupid and embarressing things haha.
I am not afraid to say it and I will:

Michael Cole is BETTER RIGHT NOW than Jim Ross. Ross put me to sleep during Raw. I know there is rust involved so I wont even comment on how awkward it was the whole night but I dont even remember him giving a reaction to Punk coming out. They both prob were told to be quiet but I was so disinterested in the show after Ross took over.

Michael Cole is a VERY GOOD announcer and the fact so many of you hate him just shows how good he really is. I just hope its a 3 man team because that will take some of the heat off of Ross until he is in rythem.

As for HHH/Cole:

Dude how long have you been watching wrestling. All Cole was doing was asking HHH how he could bring Ross back and just turn Cole over after all Cole has done for them. He had done everything they asked him to do.

As one poster said, NON STORY.

The only story going forward is what Cole does, does he stay on Raw? Does he manage someone? Does he go back to Smackdown!?

I can only hope for a Lawler, Cole, King table. That shit would be FUN.

Am I just 1 of a rare breed that actually like Cole on RAW?

He was great at doing what he was supposed to do and that's be the heel announcer. Part of being the heel announcer is that they get under your skin, they do things that make you just wanna punch them in the face. Cole did his part perfectly.

Personally now he's not on the announce table, I'd like to see him play the Vicki Guerrero role and become the mouthpiece for a guy like Swagger or anybody else that needs help on the stick.

Nope, I love him. He is so funny and I posted just a few minutes ago that he is doing his job because everyone hates him.

He calls the action good enough for me and his voice is a tv voice. Theres nothing WRONG WITH HIM AT ALL.
NB4 jelly Cole haters...

oh wait...

OP, Your reading too far into the lines.. you guys always want someone to fall.. Cole has been with the company for over a decade... and he is about the only healthy announcer who can actually call matches.. and IMO, Is definitely the second best announcer who is currently appearing on WWE TV.

The guy is calling PPVs.. Raw.. and Smackdown.. and he was Calling NXT.. but he is still should be fired for some dumb reason..

some of you say he sucks at that, i say he is doing his job.. If he wasn't obviously he wouldn't be there or he would would not be screwing up. He is doing what he is told.
*cracks up laughing* I was working this Monday so I totally missed Raw but that is funny! Oh man, this is going to be one funny storyline (at least, funny to watch Cole suffer- but that's always funny). This will probably go on until WrestleMania and then sometime after it- wouldn't shock me.

Let's just mess with Cole and wait and see
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