What did Cesaro do this time?


Pre-Show Stalwart
After Tyson Kidd got injured it seemed like we were going to see a Cesaro singles push. He put on amazing matches with the likes of Cena, Rusev, Kevin Owens and more. It seemed like he was finally going on to take off with his singles career the crowd couldn't get enough of him. We even saw "CESARO SECTION" throughout the arenas. Then he gets attacked and squashed by the Big Show the next weeks to come.. REALLY!!!!?? I get they were trying to make Big Show look strong to face Brock Lesnar but they did not have to sacrifice Cesaro for this. Now he hasn't performed on Raw for 2 weeks, yet winning meaningless matches on Superstars against heather slater, bo Dallas, Adam rose.

There is so much he can be doing in so many storylines/title feuds.

What ideas do you guys have for him that he can be doing? Does he still have a chance to be a top mid card? ( they have killed his chances at being a main eventer)
First of all, no one is ever completely out of chances to be a main eventer if WWE wants to make them one. Swagger is a perfect example.

Second, people get just enough of Cesaro to want to see more. This actually parallels to the opposite sex very well, but that's a different topic. If he were to come around more he's going to have to do more than wrestle to keep the audiences attention. He's great in the ring, no doubt. On the mic, he puts everyone to sleep. He comes off in all the wrong ways you want to if you want people to listen to what you're saying.

There are several examples of this, unfortunately too many people around here are too blind to see it, or too stubborn to admit it. Unless he can turn his mic work around 180 degrees, his best position will always to be to put on good matches, and nothing more, other than the occasional push here and there like he's received before.

Fortunately for him, he does have a "Cesaro section", so people actually do want to see him because he is entertaining in the ring. That's much more than a lot of wrestlers can say.
It's tough to figure, isn't it? When Cesaro announced he was taking Vince McMahon's public dissing of him as a challenge rather than an insult, I was impressed; hoping that McMahon actually meant it as a challenge.

By now, I have to believe it was strictly a diss. Why the boss would do that to an employee baffles me, yet I've come to the conclusion that while McMahon had no particular intention of getting rid of Cesaro, he looked at the guy only as a midcard talent......and that no matter how well he might perform, he would never be rising to main event level.......and never is heard a discouraging word. :banghead:

Would I like to be wrong? You bet I would! Still, I get the feeling that once Vince has made up his mind about something, he ain't changing it for nothin' or nobody.

So, all Cesaro can do is put on fine performances, as he's been doing. His ultimate fate is in someone else's hands, but that's true for most of us in our jobs, right?

Keep on pushin' 'em, Claudio.
Its called a Start-Stop push, someone convinces Vince to push a guy but within a few weeks Vince decides he doesn't like him and then books him like a pussy until he gets lost in the midcard shuffle until the process starts again when someone convinces Vince to try again with him

Cesaro is not the first and won't be the last to get this treatment if Vince is still in charge.
Cesaro is nothing more than a high-end maintenance talent, and the fact that there is a Cesaro section for him, means that Vince and co. must be overjoyed that a guy with so much ability in the ring is ripe for being jobbed out to others who the top brass are high on. There is pretty much nothing more to it at this point.

Would have been great if post-Mania, they just paired Rusev and Cesaro with Lana as their manager. That would have been much better than what they have done with all 3 of them, lMO.
It's tough to figure, isn't it? When Cesaro announced he was taking Vince McMahon's public dissing of him as a challenge rather than an insult, I was impressed; hoping that McMahon actually meant it as a challenge.

By now, I have to believe it was strictly a diss. Why the boss would do that to an employee baffles me, yet I've come to the conclusion that while McMahon had no particular intention of getting rid of Cesaro, he looked at the guy only as a midcard talent......and that no matter how well he might perform, he would never be rising to main event level.......and never is heard a discouraging word. :banghead:

Would I like to be wrong? You bet I would! Still, I get the feeling that once Vince has made up his mind about something, he ain't changing it for nothin' or nobody.

So, all Cesaro can do is put on fine performances, as he's been doing. His ultimate fate is in someone else's hands, but that's true for most of us in our jobs, right?

Keep on pushin' 'em, Claudio.

Cesaro is suffering for all the other guys Vince didn't want to push who he had to... the Christians, the Bryans, the Punks of the world. He's seen them all get to the top and then either get hurt or leave. So this time he's putting his "foot down" and forbidding Cesaro to go to that next level... it's not a dislike, it's a edict... the way he's been treated shows that. The one thing Vince doesn't like is being told what to do by the fans, and just as with Ryder getting over on his own via Youtube, the Cesaro section is basically a fuck you to Vince and if Cesaro played to it, even unintentionally then Vince ain't going to look kindly on it.

Remember this is a guy who let the best heel IN THE BUSINESS walk in 1990 rather than push him to the title in Rick Rude... he wanted him to lose a feud to Big Bossman over insulting his freaking mother... while WCW made him a main eventer with their SECOND belt... then in 1994 the deal was basically done to get Rude back over to WWE once Hogan arrived and he would have been that main eventer, feuding with Bret and Nash etc for the title...but he got hurt and career over... There's only so many guys they can actually push at anyone time and as good as Cesaro is, he isn't THE money right now...

If TNA had been even half of what it could have been then Cesaro would have been able to go there and come back stronger like Christian did...

I genuinely think once contract time rolls around he should head to Japan like A-Train did... he'd win the IWGP World title with ease and come back in 3-4 years the finished article and by then Vince is out the picture and Trips running the show...

Look at Matt Bloom, when they brought him back it was intended to be as the main eventer he couldn't be as A-Train and that Japan taught him to be. Sadly Vince just couldn't get past giving him a shit gimmick... so it bombed, but remember how good in the ring he looked in spite of the stupid costume and how he was better than when he left... now Bloom heads up NXT... so his stock didn't drop for leaving or not succeeding as Tensai, they just moved him aside to use that talent and experience differently.

At worst case in 6 years time, Cesaro could be in that role as the legit head of their training programme and few would argue or complain... but he'd have to leave now to get to that point and finish his career in Japan before a final WWE run.
Cesaro is a great in ring performer and put great matches with great wrestlers. according to wwe he is not making fans to buy his merchandise a lot. lots of people talk of Cesaro section. a Cesaro fan brought 100 of paper and give it to others is not worth for wwe. instead he buy 100 of Cesaro T-shirt and give it to others is best way to impress wwe. it makes difference for Cesaro. if I am live in USA then I brought 100 of T-shirt and make different Cesaro section. in wwe a wrestler can make money then he became one of top wrestler. so Cesaro fans please buy his merchandise and make Cesaro one of top wwe wrestler.
He's brutal on the mic and can't tell a story for shit, that's what he did this time.. It's the same every time his push is halted. It's the only explanation.
To be honest, I think the problem right now is that WWE has no idea what to do with him.

People complained that he was being fed to Big Show, but Big Show was the one who was about to have a high profile match with Brock Lesnar. Would being squashed by Lesnar do anything for Cesaro? No, but Big Show can endure that defeat- which he has been doing throughout so much of his career anyway.

I love Cesaro and all, but Owens is a better investment, in my opinion. After that, who has Cesaro really feuded with? In my opinion, Show and Cesaro should have a feud, with Cesaro being victorious. But if Cesaro wins too much, he'd have to go for a belt. The U.S Championship wouldn't be a bad score, especially as Cena is about to take time off. But he's not ready for the WHC and the IC Belt is such a clusterf@ck that it doesn't benefit anyone.

Ryback had potential to make it mean anything, but he lost it to Owens rather quickly. Cesaro is stuck and WWE has too much talent right now, without any way of being able to utilize it.
I think it's just bad timing for him. He's already faced Rollins multiple times. He's faced Cena. He's been tag team champion. They seem stuck on pushing Reigns and Cena as their top faces. He may just have to go back to being heel, maybe join The Authority and be Rollins' eventual replacement, that's his best bet if he wants to succeed.
I think to answer the question of the thread title. It's simple Vince doesn't like him.

As simplistic as it sounds you could argue all you want about him being "not over", "bland", "poor mic skills", "unproven" etc. but in the world of the WWE this has not stopped others from getting a push. Drew McIntyre (yes he flopped but was given half a year), Ted Debiase, Jack Swagger, Alberto Del Rio, and to an extend Roman Reigns all have similar short comings yet are given more chances to succeed than Cesaro.
Second, people get just enough of Cesaro to want to see more.
"Always leave them wanting more." -Attributed to PT Barnum, and the most true thing anyone has ever said about the art of entertaining other people.

Cesaro is a great performer, has been for years, and doesn't need a textual blow job from me to get that point across; we all know that. What he doesn't have are the microphone skills which you need to have today to carry a twenty-minute RAW opening. For a little bit it looked like they were going to attach Paul Heyman to Cesaro, because Heyman can talk; but that would dilute the singular value he's bringing to Brock Lesnar, who has tons of cache as The Rare Attraction. You can't really stick Cesaro with "some gifted manager", because the WWE no longer creates those. (Total side note: Truth Martini totally recalls Jim Cornette with his tennis racket.)

So you'll probably never see Cesaro as a main event guy, outside of a possible Chris Benoit style one month reign. But that's OK, because RAW and pay-per-view is a three hour affair. You don't just need a good main event, but you need entertaining people at the top, bottom, and middle. Kevin Owens vs. Cesaro was the peniultimate match at SummerSlam- not the World Title match- because the WWE trusted those two guys to keep the crowd hot for Taker/Lesnar.

If your idea for success in professional wrestling is getting to carry around a big belt with lots of diamonds, you're going to be upset with "how the WWE treats Cesaro" for years to come. As far as success goes though, he's got a very secure spot and he's damned good at filling it.
Cesaro is a great performer, has been for years, and doesn't need a textual blow job from me to get that point across; we all know that. What he doesn't have are the microphone skills which you need to have today to carry a twenty-minute RAW opening. For a little bit it looked like they were going to attach Paul Heyman to Cesaro, because Heyman can talk; but that would dilute the singular value he's bringing to Brock Lesnar, who has tons of cache as The Rare Attraction. You can't really stick Cesaro with "some gifted manager", because the WWE no longer creates those. (Total side note: Truth Martini totally recalls Jim Cornette with his tennis racket.)

While I agree with you to a certain extent, the same should apply to everyone then right? Look at Reigns. He doesn't have the verbal skills to carry a 20 minute promo either but he was main eventing Wrestlemania last year and getting pushed to the moon. And you can bet your bottom dollar he will be pushed again.

Add that to the fact that Cesaro isn't that bad on the mic, not great but not bad. He speaks several languages fluently which in itself is something the WWE should be looking at, since they are a global company. On overseas tours he would be a natural to do interviews in the language of whatever country they are in. That is a great promotional tool right there.

The problem with putting him with Heyman is that Heyman himself is larger than life so you need a Brock Lesnar to in essence compete with him. No wrestler should have to compete with their manager for top spot.

I look at Cesaro and think they don't know what to do with him. Here is a great talent, can wrestle rings around most others and he has the strength of a Roman Reigns but not the bulk. The only good gimmick he's ever been given is the tag team he was put in with Kidd, and after Kidd's injury they should have continued to push him as a singles wrestler. They didn't and dropped the ball again.

If someone like the Miz or Jack Swagger can be champion, there is no reason why Cesaro can't one day as well. He might not be as good on the mic as the Miz, but he can out wrestle both him and Swagger on his worst day. It's a shame the WWE doesn't think that highly of him.
Look at Reigns. He doesn't have the verbal skills to carry a 20 minute promo either

No he doesn't, but he's still way better than Cesaro. Cesaro literally put me to sleep during his original singles run. I'm not exaggerating. Also, anyone who can't admit Reigns has gotten much better is simply in denial or a hater.

Add that to the fact that Cesaro isn't that bad on the mic, not great but not bad.

Yes, he is. He is exactly opposite of good. He's forced, rehearsed and has terrible facial expressions. Anyone who says he's not that bad is giving him a pass because they like him so much. I guarantee you the same people who give Reigns so much shit about his mic skills wouldn't do it nearly as much if he was one of their darlings.

He speaks several languages fluently which in itself

Who cares? He generally speaks to an English speaking audience.
If someone like the Miz or Jack Swagger can be champion, there is no reason why Cesaro can't one day as well. He might not be as good on the mic as the Miz, but he can out wrestle both him and Swagger on his worst day. It's a shame the WWE doesn't think that highly of him.
And in the fullness of time, Cesaro will probably get a world title run- much like those two guys, a very short and largely meaningless one. And he can out-professional wrestle Swagger and Miz, but if people cared about professional wrestling ability beyond a certain minimum, you'd see a lot more people talking about ROH. What matters is your ability to emotionally manipulate an audience, and there's a limit to how well you can do that if you can't do it with a microphone.

Roman Reigns is no Rock on the microphone, but he's far better than Cesaro. People who missed the Royal Rumble could be forgiven for thinking he was a badass after the "I don't respect you", "But you will" promo.
You can't compare Cesaro to Reigns... one is Vince's prototype, with a familial connection to two of Vince's most trusted former talents in Afa & Sika AND his most successful ever talent/biggest box office star in the world... Reigns will get chance one to fifty because Vince has always been able to rely on the Anoai family, from the Samoans to Yoko...

Cesaro had some disadvantages, he's not from a "cool country" for starters, remember when they tried to make him German for five weeks? If he had been a Brit, or could convincingly play one, he'd have been champ by now... but Switzerland just isn't easy to sell. WWE barely has a presence there, they can't hang big shows on him there...

Add to that he is known as a "indy darling" and has been even before WWE... Claudio was always in that club with Bryan, Punk as one of the very top indy workers... Vince pushed 2 of them right to the top and it went wrong both times... he can't push ALL of them or then he has to push the lower quality ones too... Rollins is in that club, but even he was nearly cut before they debuted him with The Shield...

The biggest disadvantage is that he now has a tag of "they don't know what to do with him" in the eyes of the fans, IWC, media and internally too... Too many bad gimmicks/turns and too many false starts on a push are kryponite to the Swiss Superman... there's a vicious cycle now...

They start a push for him, it'll fall flat with the fans cos they've been let down too many times and then then kills the push cos it wasn't reacted to as hoped and the fans will belived in Cesaro even less next time they try... it happened with Thwagger when he got hot right off the Real Americans... they COULD have gone all the way with him but they fed him to Rusev too often... he could have absorbed 2 losses but had to get the win...

A fairytale push probably wouldn't work for Cesaro now, and they can't go the bad ass route cos Owens has that covered... it really is time for Cesaro to get out so he can refresh...
The sad thing about Cesaro is that he's a super easy fix to skyrocket to the main event....or even be a permanent fixture on Raw.

1: Change his entrance music. He's had that music for a long time and it's pretty stale, that needs a refresh.

2. Slightly change his ring attire to something a little more engaging to the T.V audience. The shit he wears now is boring. Ditch the entrance towel over the head too. Maybe try a tough, sunglasses , leather jacket guy Schick.

3. Zeb Colter or some other mouthpiece manager for Cesaro. The problem with The Swiss Superman is that he sucks on the mic. In most people's opinion...that is really hurting any serious push for him and I agree. Sure, there's been quiet successful wrestlers in the past but...even Goldberg screamed You're Next ! Eventually.

4. If all else fails, put him back in the tag team division. He can tag with anyone on the roster and it would be a formidable tag team. Cesaro and Jack Swagger could reform.... Cesaro and Randy Orton could be great tag champions. Sheamus, Fandango..he would work well with anyone.

5. Place him in a solid stable of wrestlers in the same situation as him and form a new N.W.O. Destroy everyone in the new five man stable for a year until Cesaro emerges the leader with the WWE Championship around his waist.

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