What could have been....with Glacier, no really hear me out


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Now I know what most are thinking reading that and seeing the name of Glacier, like wow that guy didn't do anything in the ring really and all that but hear me out on this.

Glacier was set to debut in 1996 just after the nWo had come into existence, now they started out with a bit of an undefeated streak, and then came Mortis and Wrath to ruin all that (don't get me started). But instead of having had Glacier go and fight Mortis and Wrath, after the Giant and Bubba and Norton had gone to the nWo and Sting had disappeared, they could have taken this guy who they had been hyping for such a long time with his debut, and made him an instant main-eventer by going to fight for WCW against the nWo starting out with a fight against Bubba and Norton, and taking down the Giant, then having a great performance at WW3 going into the final 6 or so and getting thrown out by Hall or Nash setting up a match with either of them, now Hogan culminating around Halloween Havoc or The Great American Bash, and granted didn't have to give the belt to him but just having him fight for it gives him credibility and have him fighting alongside Luger and the rest of WCW against the nWo.

I'm just saying after all the huge build-up they had for this guy they really should have used him a lot better and made him a key part of WCW. What is everyone else's thoughts?
Touche my friend. I was rather impressed by Glacier's ring work myself but I just don't think the gimmick itself would have worked for that kind of push... Might have happened if it hadn't been for ...wait for it...GOLDBERG.
I remember Glacier back in the WCW days...and honestly I was impressed with his ring prescence and skills. He was someone who could go in every week and get the job done, whether be successful in a win or make another wrestler look good with a loss.

But what did it for me was the gimmick. I just couldn't take him seriously when he looked like a blue Boba Fett.
He was a descent wrestler with a good look, but I think his character was to over the top to get over with the fans. WCW should of repackaged him with a new gimmick, but they dropped the ball with him. WCW never had success creating new homegrown stars besides of course Goldberg.
I remember Glacier back in the WCW days...and honestly I was impressed with his ring prescence and skills. He was someone who could go in every week and get the job done, whether be successful in a win or make another wrestler look good with a loss.

But what did it for me was the gimmick. I just couldn't take him seriously when he looked like a blue Boba Fett.

Unfortunately it does appear that his gimmick did kill him, but it could actually have worked to the advantage of WCW, much to the way that Hogan was able to "Hulk up" he could have used the suit and have a significant story behind it, and be his driving force. The nWo could have had another story to go off, with taking the suit and Glacier fighting to get in back due to it's significant meaning to him, and continue the feud with them.
I think WCW was trying to capitalize on Mortal Kombat's popularity, so they got a legit martial artist to dress up like Sub-Zero.

Dumb gimmick, but at least he was pretty good in the ring to compensate for it.
So the NWO defeats the Steiners and all of WCW's big names and you bring a cartoon character in from a video game, whose vignettes were booed by live audiences, to beat them,

Bad idea.
I think you need to remember that in that era of wrestling, WCW was blurring the lines of reality. They didn't bring in Hall and Nash as new characters, they brought them in with their real names.

It almost seems silly for a character like his to face the NWO. Its like a cartoon vs human.

Most of the wrestlers who debuted or gained success at that time were not the typical "character"- Examples - Malenko, DDP, Goldberg

Though your typle superficial characters like - Vampiro, The Maestro, Glacier, Disco Inferno, Wrath. - (fyi - i believe characters have a place in wrestling and are actually needed) never saw ultimate success because their characters would hold them back... at that time in wrestling.

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