What Are TNA Going To Do With The Gut Check Signings?


King Of The Wasteland
So yeah TNA started the Gut Check to sign new talent once a month so far they've signed three people (Alex Silva, Taylor Hendrix and Sam Shaw) my question is what are they going to do with them. They haven't been seen on Impact since they got signed. For someone signing new talent surely you need to showcase them instead of signing them and then doing nothing.

In fact the person from Gut Check that they seemed to be doing something with is Joey Ryan and he didn't win.

I'm actually quite curious on the subject
This is a good topic, and I was wondering about this exact same thing myself.

I think Gut Check is one of the more interesting recurring segments on TNA right now, or within televised wrestling in general. The concept of a virtual unknown getting a shot on an internationally televised wrestling program to become part of the active roster makes for extremely compelling television.

Once a person wins though, TNA needs to be a little more straightforward about what that actually means. In my little world, I would expect to see that person within the next few weeks, if not on the very next weeks show. If there is an automatic "training" or "cooling off" period before individuals are brought up, TNA needs to let its fans know this... creatively of course.

Gut check is an incredibly good concept in my opinion, but TNA's silence is confusing the matter. Either directly or indirectly, they need to tell us what's next for the folks who win.
Well so far none of them have been used outside of the Gutcheck segments. My guess is that Gutcheck is an overblown try out and it doesn't really matter if they "sign" you or not. These people are going to stay in OVW and get called up to the main roster whenever they feel like they have something for them.

At first, however, I thought that Aces and 8's could be a group made out of the Gutcheck participants, including Joey Ryan. Alex Silva, Shaw, Ryan - that's three people already and there's three more. We've got about 2 more months until BFG, add 2 more dudes to the mix and Double J for example (or anyone else to lead them) and you essentially have another Nexus. Would suck if it were like that but I do expect Joey Ryan to be a part of it, somehow. He'll fit right in.

But back on topic, like I said, these boys and girls are still going to be in OVW until a spot opens up. There's rotation in TNA's roster and at this point it's not their turn yet. IF, however, TNA decides not to use these guys maybe Ryan could take Shaw and Silva out, due to jealousy so their absence is at least explained.
I was curious about this also but after becoming friends with Taeler Hendrix on facebook I now know that while they have contracts they keep working in OVW to further improve in fact Taeler is the OVW Womens Champion right now. I do think they need to atleast have them in a match on impact soon espically Hendrix as she was the best one yet.
Aside from Joey Ryan, all of the Gutcheck talent have come from the TNA developmental territories of OVW and Team 3D academy.

TNA basically looks at the talent who are showing themselves to be worthy of a chance and they select them to take part in the Gutcheck Challenge. Once, they say "Yes" and sign them, they go back to OVW and develop themselves on the mic, in the ring and creating their own gimmick before coming to the main roster.

Sam Shaw was apart of the 3D academy and now is headed to OVW to work on his gimmick and skills.

Technically speaking, Crimson is the only talent who was signed through Gutcheck and made the main roster immediately.
Just because the wrestler is in OVW and TNA has a relationship with them doesn't mean they all become contracted talent.

Alex Silva is having visa issues in Canada or at least that was the last report on him.

Joey Ryan is doing his 87 percent thing and obviously will be in TNA soon.

Taylor Hendrix I believe went back to OVW.

Sam Shaw was a Team 3D student and after he signed he was sent to OVW.

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