What are the most powerful songs you're connected to emotionally?

The 1-2-3 Killam

Mid-Card Championship Winner
We all have those songs that, while others may not be as into them as we are, hit home in a real, deep and emotional way. Maybe they represent love, love lost, dark times in our life, childhood, our friends, death, etc. What are the songs that hit you the hardest?

I'll get the tissues...
Well there's a lot of songs I've connected to whether that be through anger or sadness, or happiness I've connected to loads.

I guess some of the ones that stick out for me are these ones



I guess I connected to these because I felt I wasn't getting anywhere. All these other people were getting girlfriends and doing well for themselves even though they weren't particularly interesting themselves and here I was actually an interesting person with nothing going for him, because I was interesting. All the things I did only I seemed to appreciate and other people didn't get it.

Signs of Life-Our Lady Peace

I could sit here a post video after video seeing as their are dozens of songs I can emotionally connect to for whatever reason. However their are only a few that put things into perspective. First off I just love how mellow and loose this song is. If I'm feeling tensed up,it really does calm me down. If I feel like tearing up or letting go,this song is a bridge that delivers me tranquility. It helps me yield to all the troubles in life and say "you won't get the best of me" as the song says. It almost somewhat urges me to fight on even when the fight seems lost.

There is another song that I've recently just developed such a powerful cohesion with.


Zebra- John Butler Trio

I've posted this song before and I will do so again. It just strikes a chord with me man,you know? It derives from that ago old question,is a Zebra black with white stripes or white with black stripes? It evokes a powerful analogy with the human enigma. Meaning we can be anything,do anything,feel anything we truly desire. We are only limited by ourselves. Nothing is holding you back but you. Pull back all that bullshit in your life,tear it away and strip yourself down to the bare bones and what you get is yourself and everything that makes you,you. Sometimes that's really all that matters. How you perceive yourself and not how others perceive you can make all the difference.

Its just as he sings

I could be asleep or I can be awake
I can be alive or be the walking dead
I can be ignorant or I can be informed
I could lead my life or I could be lead
I can be anything I put my mind to
All I have to do is give myself half the chance
I could bring love back into my life
Which ever wins the world if I got some balance.

Such a classy song that's always in my head telling me that you are who you want to be. Nobody can tell you otherwise expect for yourself. Live it,breathe it,command it. Destiny is in your hands,so take it and do what you will with it. This life is your life,you only get one shot so make it count.

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