What are the chances the MITB winner cashes it in that night?


Getting Noticed By Management
Very good I would say. This is a huge event, biggest in a long time, would be a great opportunity for one of these guys to establish themselves, especially if its someone we've wanted to win it for a long time. I'm actually going to predict it to happen. They keep saying it never has, so now it will. Theres no better opportunity. It would be similiar to what happened at Wrestlemania 9, with Yokozuna winning, then Hulk coming down, winning the title, and everyone going nuts. That would be great.
I think it could happen, but the winner would not cash it in after the main, main event which should be Orton/HHH. I think that if it was to happen, someone would cash it in after the match for the World Heavyweight Championship on the condition that the champion retains in the actual scheduled match because it would be a bit silly for Cena to win it and then whoever wins Money in the Bank to come out and win it off Cena and have Cena have a 2 minute long World Championship reign. Another thing you have to think about aswell, the person who won Money in the Bank would be fairly tired and fatigued from being in a dangerous ladder match and the only way for it to happen would be whoever wins the World Championship match would have to be beaten up pretty bad and busted open a bit so they look like they have taken a beating and actually look beatable.

That being said I don't think the chances are very high of it happening but I think it would be certainly suprising to see it happen aslong as the last main event of the evening isn't the match it ends with.
I think they'll save that for a future WrestleMania, as XXV should.....(mark that - SHOULD)...have enough good stuff in it that we walk away very pleased without needing an extra suspenseful gimmick cash-in to happen. WM26 would be a better time to do it, especially if a heel wins it this year. So far, the MITB has gone heel-face-heel-face, so if a heel wins this year, and a face wins next year, it'd be great to see a heel champion retain at the end of Mania, piss everyone off, and then uh oh, new MITB face comes in, beats them, we have a new champ and everyone goes home happy because a face winning a title closed the show.

I can't see it happening this year...especially when we don't know who the MITB participants are yet, but the 2 announces ones are Kane and CM Punk - one guy who won't win any more titles and another guy who won't win the MITB match as he won it last year.
I think it would be funny to see Orton finally get a clean win over HHH after all this time and cut a promo at the end of the night hyping his Legacy and the return of the age of Orton, only to have someone come out and win the title from him in minutes.

Lol, what if Kane won MITB and then came out from under the ring and chokeslammed Randy and pinned him in 9 seconds, repeating his title win last year, and relegating the Legend Killer to Chavo status? I'd literally laugh myself to death and WM25 would be the year that a fan died in the audience from laughing so hard at the end of the show, as a result of terrible booking.
With the way they're booking Show vs Edge, I wouldn't be surprised if Cena was put in the MITB and won it. Then Show lets Edge win only to see Cena cash it in for an actual match between the two. Ridiculous I know :p
I think the most likely superstar that won't get fatigued from MITB is Hornswoggle. He can hide under the ring while Finlay fights it out, everyone's down, out he comes and grabs the case (could he reach it?) Then cashes it at the end of WHC, if you had Big Show win, then Hornswoggle pinning Show with the tadpole splash right after a Spear by Edge, sorted. Then Edge cashes in his re-match clause and wins the title. There problem solved!
NoFate got it right.

There is about a 1% chance that this would happen at Mania XXV. Mania XXV is not the place for some midcarder to rise up the ranks to cash in MITB and be the lasting face of the biggest Wrestlemania so far.

The only chances I could see of this occurring would be:

a) If Cena is somehow left out of the WHC match and was forced to enter MITB and won. If Cena enters MITB...he will win...if he wins...he WILL be cashing it in that night against the winner of Big Show v. Edge. This is extremely unlikely, however, and seems more like something that would be in a book this.

b) This would only happen if the WHC match is put on before the WWE title match (which I am pretty confident will be the case).

If they DO want this to happen, however, it needs to happen sometime in the near future. I'm not sure how much longer the MITB match will continue to go on. Unlike the Rumble, it's began to lose it's over appeal and intrigue, IMO.
If Big Show does indeed participate in and win the WHC then SURELY they have to have the MITB winner beat him. You can't have Big Show winning a title at all, never mind on the biggest show in history. However, Cena won't be in MITB, so there is nobody who can win it, and then cash it in and be accepted.MVP has the best chance IMO, but his pops are not big enough, and he is not yet credible enough, to pull it off. If he was booked better after his win over Big Show then he would be able to do it.

I have to think, they won't do it at all. And if Show does win the WHC, then it will be a dark, dark day in WWE history.
if it were to happen, i would like that person to be christian (not sure if he already has a ecw title match)... if not, then he wins MITB, and cash in to take on edge, who somehow retains the title again. if there is anyone in mid-card level capable of getting a major pop from the crowd, it would be christian. and add the brother thing into it and it's a credible win/victory at wm25. and if that is the case, then it should be an actual match, maybe 7-10 min, and not a run-in special-move 1-2-3 kind of thing...
As previously mentioned, I dont think they would have the MITB winner come out later that night, at least not at this WM. A big reason for this is that I just dont think that a mid-carder (aka pretty much all of the MITB participants) would win the title at a stage as big as WM in a fluke-like, 1 minute match. Think of it this way, when it happened with Hogan, some people (at least looking back on it) complained about him randomly winning the belt at Mania. Another random win by a mid-carder at what's supposed to be the biggest show in 25 years in the WWE would just not fit. Think about it- what if this new champ's reign was a flop, and, when looking back on it, people would seet that it all started at Mania25. It would be flat-out disgraceful. I say no.
Right now, There is really no one in the money in the bank match that would cash it in that night. It would be a heel that would do it or someone like Kenedy. Or someone with a grudge against the Champion (preferably Edge.) So if Cena does enter the Money in the Bank match he will win it. But If someone does cash it in I expect a 5-10 minute match between both men.
It all depends on whether or not Cena enters the World Title picture at 'Mania. I think it will probably turn into a triple threat because no disrespect to Show but I don't think he should be in a single's match for the title at Wrestlemania. Therefore, should Cena already be competeing for the title and not in the MITB then it is unlikely the winner will cash in that night. If Cena has to rely on a world title match by winning MITB then we could see him cash in that night. Personally I would love to see Kane win MITB and cash in that night but yes unlikely.
I still thing we're getting Cena V Edge.

The only scenario I can envisage is if Christian is for some reason not fighting Jack Swagger, and is instead in MitB.

Edge screws Cena (gets himself DQ'ed or something), Christian comes out, gives Cena the case, and the match kicks off again with Cena winning the belt.

Cena wins the title at Wrestlemania. Edge is kept from loosing too much face. Christian solidifies his place as a face, and gets an instant high profile main event feud with Edge. Bigshow lies lost and forgotten about at the bottom of a deep well.

Let me clarify, the above scenario wont happen, but if it did, it wouldn't totally suck.
Quite a few people have seen this as a possibility and I don't know why. I wasn't here this time last year, so maybe it is an annual idea. A

Anyway, Orton v HHH has far too many reprucussions from the fight itself alone to have someone come and cash in the MITB. This match is undoubtedly out of the question when itcomes to cashing in.

So that leaves Edge. Seeing how Edge is the Ultimate Oppurtunist, it seems incredibly unlikely that he would be oppurtuned against,but I'm willing to roll with it. Big Show's face turn is imminent, bu I don't think it will be before Wrestlemania, and the WWE isn't going to have a heel vs heel showdown on the biggest show ever, is it? So, it would appear likely at this stage that Big Show will either step aside for, or be joined by, John Cena in this match.

Looking at the potential MITB winners, you have Morrison, Kennedy, MVP, Christian, Kendrick and maybe a couple more. Realistically, none of them is going to be over enough by the time 'mania comes around to warrant winning the title there. Wrestlemania is supposed to bring finality, not create new feuds. That's why Backlash always does bad numbers- because people see the feuds as being dead in the water.

I completely do not see this happening this year, or ever to be honest.
it's a possibility. I had long predicted that Jeff Hardy would win MITB and cash it in at Wrestlemania and win his first world title, that was before WWE f'ed it up by giving it away at Armagedon. I now doubt that this year it will be done. So far, of the people that are in it or most likely will be in it, none seem to be ready to move up the ranks to world champion. Kane? Henry?, not a chance. Hell, guys like Shelton, MVP, Finlay, Morrison, or Miz, not likely. The only two that might, Punk maybe, same with Mysterio and that's if he still somehow gets in. I like the idea of using MITB on the same night, I've mentioned the idea long ago in another thread that it should happen at least once in its existence, but judging from this years line-up, I don't think it will happen this year.
I still thing we're getting Cena V Edge.

The only scenario I can envisage is if Christian is for some reason not fighting Jack Swagger, and is instead in MitB.

Edge screws Cena (gets himself DQ'ed or something), Christian comes out, gives Cena the case, and the match kicks off again with Cena winning the belt.

Cena wins the title at Wrestlemania. Edge is kept from loosing too much face. Christian solidifies his place as a face, and gets an instant high profile main event feud with Edge. Bigshow lies lost and forgotten about at the bottom of a deep well.

Let me clarify, the above scenario wont happen, but if it did, it wouldn't totally suck.

Why would Christian give the shot to Cena and not take it himself? That makes no sense. Christian has a huge issue with Edge if they continued with what Edge said about him shortly b4 he was axed from WWE and went to TNA. So would go without saying he would want to screw Edge himself.

You last past is true that would suck royally. :)

as for cashing it in on the same night, that would be like the fat lady singing after the show has already blown it's load. It would be unexpected and would give the following week's Raw & Smackdown a huge ratings boost, unless ofcourse someone crap won it. Leave the MITB title shot for Backlash or SummerSlam
I actually am intrigued by this idea. Usually I would say there is no way but if Edge/Big Show happens I could actually see this play out. That match itself doesn't seem to big(although Cena will likely be added)having someone cash in the MITB that night and taking the belt at wrestlemania would be huge.

Also a guy like Edge wouldn't be hurt by this at all, and it could begin a good feud between whoever wins the MITB. The only downside would be that you would lose the build up of the eventual cashing in. Whoever wins the MITB the WWE would have to have enough faith in the winner to have him do this. It would be a good springing of for a feud but I just don't know if it's something the WWE would pull off at WM.
I know this probably wont happen because they haven't been build up Kofi Kingston to be a main eventer yet but they can have him qualify for the Money in the Bank Ladder match then at Wrstlemania, he wins the match, then later in the night when Edge is about to win, he comes out & attacks Edge then goes on the mic & says he wants to cash in his title shot tonight & pins Edge & gets his revenge for being taken out before the elimination chamber match began by Edge.
Where someone mentioned the Christian idea, I just had something pop in which could add to shock and suprise value. We got Matt vs. Jeff look to be set in stone, now I was thinking this, the way it's being built is that Jeff is going to win, what if Matt was to win? And somehow (we find out on Smackdown following WM), he negoiated with Vickie that if he beats Jeff, he gets Edge at Wrestlemania and HE becomes the guy linked with Vickie. He screwed Jeff out twice of the title and becomes the person Vickie has the most confidence in to be her champion.

The other idea is that he loses, finding the defeat hard to take, he beats up the MITB winner, takes the briefcase and cashes it in after the Edge match and wins.

I know it sounds ridiculious as Matt would not get pushed that quickly to hold a World Title, but it would give him a cemented position in Wrestlemania history and it would add to his heel role and give something for the Hardys rivalry to work, you'd actually have Jeff cashing Matt, everything would put interest on him, and if he has a good 6 month run beating other opponents, this might give credibility as a champion.
The only way this could happen is if somehow Edge gets in the money in the bank match, like say if his match is on before hand and he loses the title, and he gets it back by doing that. Wich would play on his character as well as make it interesting. but predictable if it happens that way as everybody would click on straight away.

every WM since the money in the bank contract was created I always wish it was the case that this would happen but sadly I dont think it will this year.

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