What are some wrestlers that you inexplicably like?

I'm a fan of fat wrestlers, no matter how little ability they have.

Same, that's why I was going to say Kevin Steen despite never having watched a full match of his, nor a promo.

Brodus Clay too.

Edit: Everybody providing explanations (proper explanations - not like my 'I like fat blokes' one) seem to be misunderstanding the premise of the thread.
MVP. Always been huge mark for the due for reasons that I do not know.

MVP is awesome to me too. I like everything about him and feel like he could have held WHC gold. I don't see what's inexplicable about Anderson either. IMO he was great all around not the best wrestler but he was good enough and feuding with the top guys would have certainly helped him out. He also would have been the next top star of the WWE one of the many reason why I don't like Orton though.
Current wrestlers would be guys like Hawkins and Ryder, Tyson Kidd and such. Pretty much mid carders that don't really stand out but I enjoy watching them for some reason.

Wrestlers from the past would be guys like Adam Bomb, Crush and Lance Storm.

I probably have more wrestlers I like that I can't explain than ones I can explain.
I can't explain why, but I have to say I am still a David Otunga fan, he has little to no ring skills but he is just really entertaining to watch.
I might have been the only Essa Rios fan ever...because of the hangtime he'd get on his moonsault.

I liked Essa too but I don't count him here for me because I know why I liked him.

He was exciting to watch in the ring. Like a lot of cruiser weight wrestlers.
I love old evil heel Doink. He rocked and had some fuckin' killer matches with Marty Jannetty on RAW, including a really good 2/3 falls match that's pretty much forgotten about.
Ludvig Borga
Savio Vega
Steve Blackman
Too Cold Scorpio
Steve McMichaels
Alexander Rusev
Adam Bomb/Wrath
Jerry Flynn
Zema Ion
Doug Furnas & Phil LaFon

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