What About Jericho?

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
I just finished watching Edge A Decade Of Decadence, and I enjoyed all three discs. Since Edge is one of the top heels in the WWE, it got me thinking, why doesn't Chris Jericho have a DVD set? I know Jericho's promos are more harsh on the fans than any other heel in WWE, but surley they can find a way to make it work. There was a VHS called Break The Walls Down about Jericho, but that came out so long ago. Jericho's career has many great moments such as, him winning the ECW campionship, his debut in WWE, when he interupted The Rock's promo, becoming the first WWE undisputed champion, his match with HBK at Wrestlemania 19, his return last year, and any match from his 2008 feud with HBK. I mean they're going to put out a DVD set on Randy Savage, and we all now how Vince feels about him. They proably could even put some his WCW matches on this set. Chris Jericho has been back for over a year now, it's time for this project to get rolling!
Yeah i totally agree. jerichos career is a brillaint one, and bound for hall of fame unless he goes to TNA or something but i dont see that happening. There would definately not be a shortage of matches to put on there. It is definately something i can see them doing in the future. Maybe they will wait till he returns to face? i dno just a thought
Jericho never won te ECW heavyweight championship, he won the ECW TV championship.

But yeah, Jericho does deserve a DVD. He's got plenty of good bits from his career.
His matches in ECW,
his comedy skits when he was a heel in WCW (Man of 1,004 holds, conspiracy theory victim etc...)
His superb WWF debut.
His midcard stuff (Although they can't show his feud with Benoit)
The time he almost, but not quite, won the WWF title from Triple H.
His growth during the invasion, including becoming 2 time WCW champion.
His amazing match with Steve Austin on Raw for the WWF title during the invasion.
His undisputed title win and the extended feud with Triple H ending in Hell in a Cell
The match against HBK at Mania 19
The love triangle with Trish/Christian... i didn't like this angle but it gave us a great match or two.
The creation of Money in the Bank.
The match where he was fired
His return, including the viral campaign and the return promo with Orton.
The heel turn and feud with HBK
The mini feud with Cena.
And the feud with the Legends

That is very much enough to make a 3 disc DVD. Let's hope it happens.
I would love a Jericho DVD set.

It would be worth it just for the following:

1-Last year's feud with HBK
2-His matches with Austin and Rock
3-His 5 world heavyweight championship WINS!!!
4-His feud with Christian
5-His Summerslam match with Cena where the crowd was completely split!!!
I would buy a Jericho DVD set the day it came out. Although I don't really mind that there isn't one as of now, as he's still got time to add to it. My guess is in a couple of years he'll turn face again and remain one the rest of his days in WWE, sometime in there they'll make a DVD.
Jericho was ECW TV champ, my bad. I hope they don't wait for him to turn face again before they decide to come out with a set. If I'm not mistaken, Kane had a DVD set come out not to long ago. I mean I doubt they put the whole Katie Vick thing on their, but my point is, Kane's heel days were and still are more evil than Jericho's. It would be great to see Jericho narrate his own DVD. And if WWE doesn't want Jericho to narrate, they could have someone elese do it, like they did with The Rock's most recent DVD set.
I am extremely ready for a Jericho DVD to come out. I collect the WWE DVDS. Probably have around 30. I want to see alot of the ones that come out. I just wish WWE would wait until after the wrestler has retired before putting out a DVD on them. I would love to watch the Edge DVD, but dont think I would buy it b/c he still has plenty of career left. That's why I have never bought the Tombstone: Undertaker DVD.

But, back to Jericho. He's one of my faves. Just give it time. There WILL be one.
There needs to be a Jericho DVD for one reason and one reason only, Ralphus! That fucking guy was great, the greatest bodyguard in the history of wrestling.
this man deserves a DVD i do believe since they are releasing Randy Savage finally that there will be one next year. Savage is greatest of all time and finally gets what he deserves. Y2J will get his and it will be great as well many great matches. i also try to wait till they retire. but i did get Edge and Taker DVD they are both really good.
In short, agree/disagree. It was touched upon up there, they couldn't show any of the Benoit stuff, if I were to buy a Y2J DVD, I'd just feel cheated if there weren't ANY of the Benoit business on there, they go way back, a lot of Jericho's best matches and title wins (which are key to a strong DVD) are with Benoit.

I'm sure he'll get one, because there's been a huge influx of Superstar DVDs in recent years, but I don't think it would interest me without Benoit's inclusion, I never was a huge Benoit fan myself, but to say that he hasn't had a profound effect on Chris' career is wrong for me.

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