What 5 wrestlers from TNA would you like to see in WWE?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Name 5 Current TNA stars you would like to see in WWE.

I guess my list would be

1) The Pope D'Angelo Dinero (he would then disappear into obscurity)

2) Samoa Joe (If WWE could find something to do with him, more power to em. I just want him out of TNA as well. He's not so bad just I don't see any upside in him and he's only going to start to diminish now, he's already peaked.)

I'm trying to actually think of guys who I didn't mind losing in TNA, who WWE could have a use for, but I really can't imagine many TNA guys being much of anything in WWE.

3) Rob Terry may be?

4) Reid Flair. He's signed with TNA but has not been used yet and I don't mind WWE taking him and doing something with him. I really don't look forward to seeing him used in TNA, he kind of seems like another Nick Hogan. Pretty sure WWE could find a use for him being second gen and all.

5) This ones a toss up. I might wanna move Jay Lethal out of TNA b/c I do not see him going anywhere. Though, TNA has seemed to use Desmond Wolfe poorly for whatever reason. I think I'd give WWE the chance now to use Desmond/Nigel McGuiness.
1. Kurt Angle.

2. AJ Styles.

3. Desmond Wolfe.

4. MCMG (2 for the price of 1)

5. Velvet Sky.

I really don't think there's anyone else I'd have much if any interest in at this time.
1. Kevin Nash

2. Sting

3. Jeff Jarrett

4. Mick Foley

5. Ric Flair

I have a feeling these kids could do something and are just being squandered in TNA. Their talents need to be realized damn't!
1. Sting just because he is the only major star to never have gone to WWE.

2. Desmond Wolfe, in WWE he would have been great in NXT or as a member of Nexus with Wade Barrett or I could see him in good Feuds or Partnerships with CM Punk.

3. Robert Roode, he has improved so much over his tenure at TNA since the days of Team Canada.. Roode's turned into one of my favorites over in TNA.

4. Matt Morgan, he is a legit big man now and his days of the stuttering act in WWE are long gone.. He is so much more polished as a wrestler then Tough Enough Days

5. Abyss, I'm sure due to legal issues he'd have to change his character, however I think WWE creative would be good enough to use him in a creative, entertaining way.

AJ Styles is too small for wwe, Samoa Joe is too out of shape, Kurt, RVD, Kennedy, Hardy, Pope, etc have already been at the wwe in major roles or in the recent history.. it'd be nice to see someone new.. plus thats the direction WWE has been going as of late anyways
Booker T- I know he left but I like him better in WWE

Generation ME-They just fit perfectly with the E PG programming with a Teen punk rock gimmick

Mr.Anderson-I feel he had more heat as Mr.Kennedy than Mr.Anderson

Jay Lethal-He really died out in TNA and plus would really help out with mid-carder division in WWE

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