What 1 song puts you in a good mood?


Sit Upon The Frozen Heavens
Everyone who is a fan of music has that 1 song they play when they're in a shitty mood and need to feel better. For me that's an easy choice


I suffer from depression so sometimes I'm in a bad mood for no reason and I just don't care about anything/anyone for a while and when I do have a reason to be in a shitty mood I just don't want to be around anyone.

When that happens I play this song a lot. The beat the lyrics all of them are awesome and it's just got that feel to it that puts a smile on my face no matter what is going on in my life and it makes me feel that everything will be all right and I end up in a little better mood when the song is over.
easy one since i get in a shitty mood all the time:


It just gets me in an imaginitve mood and that opens up a world of happy possiblities. the buid up at the beggining is my favorite part. definitley pendulums best track.
I also suffer from depression too, and I get into them mood's were its fuck the world and get away from me. I listen to music for many reasons and I have a song well more then one song that I listen to, to make me happy. I listen to is the entire Five Finger Death Punch album The Way Of The Fist. It just puts me in a good mood. It is heavy and it also has great singing along with amazing lyrics.

I also like listening to both Hollywood Undead albums. Even though a lot of people think they suck. I enjoy their lyrics and beats and they cheer me up to. I like the party style lyrics to as it is a huge change from mad to happy.

This one springs to mind for me. Not known it for too long but it's one of those that I'm always happy to hear when it comes on via shuffle. I think a lot of music that puts me in a good mood tends to be instrumental stuff as sometimes songs with lyrics can get tiresome, whereas instrumentals can be more flexible when changing a mood. To me anyway. Another example would be the theme from one of my favourite films, Last of the Mohicans.

I've posted in a similar thread that I found while Raiding the Music Section a few days back. xD

Well, here it is.


Haven't met you yet - Michael Bublé

Never fails to make me happy.

I instantly remember the cute video and couple. :3

Definitely, this song. As soon as I turn it on, it just makes me forget about the troubles of everyday life and makes me wanna go party, no matter how sad I was before. Also, the line ''you are the future, now you shine'' is inspirational, of sorts.

HA! i bet brohan knows what im talking about!

I just like how wierd the people dance in the video. I also find the word "paralyzer" unique and awesome. It just edges out living in a dream as my favorite finger elven song!
eat your heart out cult of brohanality!
This song makes me appreciate the world a bit better, it makes me feel good. It's an overall awesome 2000s song.

"I Will Not Bow" by Breaking Benjamin

It reminds me of the military and all the sacrifice they make defending us. Also its my favorite song by my favorite band. My ex got me into BB and while I can't stand her listening to their music helps me re-live happy memories.

This one is simple. Our Lady Peace-Dreamland. Why? Because this song takes me to my happy place. Its a song I can just get lost into, both in its melody and its lyrics. Its just such an optimistic song that lifts the spirit and at often times, gets me through the rest of my day.

"Oh but I feel love"
" I feel a power"
"It comes to me in the darkest hour"
"And I want to feel it again"

The song is an inspiration for me to carry on and thus putting me in a good mood.

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