WFE Underground


Dark Match Jobber
WFE logo fade into a shot of the arena in Seattle, Washington
Tally It Up, Settle The Score(By:Sleeping With Sirens) begins to sound over the sound system as the official intro to WFE Underground plays on the titantron. As the song comes to a fade the pyro shoots all over the arena. The cameras pan around the arena and over to the broadcast team.

JBL: Well aren't you gonna welcome em to the show Spazy?
Joey Styles Why yes of course. Welcome to the first ever WFE Underground! I'm Joey Styles and that's my broadcast partner JBL
JBL: That's Mr.John Bradshaw Layfield to you Spazy.
Joey Styles: Well partner I'm curious as to if you know anything about our gm and the co-owner of WFE?
JBL: I don't know squat about the poor man to be fair with you Spazy.
Joey Styles: I heard he's going to be ope(he gets cut off)

Feel so Numb(By:Rob Zombie) blares over the sound system and the cameras pan to the curtain as a shaggy haired blonde who is clean shaven in his mid to late twenties wearing a purple suit appears and begins to strut down the ramp to the ring. He walks up the steps and gets in the ring. The ring announcer Leticia Cline hands him a mic and kisses him before exiting the ring. The man kisses her back and looks around the crowd.

Austin Hunter: Ladies and Gentleman let me be the first to welcome you to the past, present, and future of wrestling. The WFE.

Crowd cheers in approval.

Austin Hunter: My name is Austin J. Hunter. Co founder and Co Owner of Wrestling Force Entertainment and the official GM of Underground.

Crowd cheers slightly lower.

Austin Hunter: We will all get to know each other very well in the future I'm sure. This roster is very full of talent. I've decided tonight there will not just be one main event. But rather two main events.

Crowd cheers extremely loud.

Austin Hunter: But because tonight is rather huge. I will guest ref both. To make sure everything goes smoothly and no one tries to get involved in these number one contender matches.

Crowd gives no real response.

Austin Hunter: I feel like you are getting bored of me, thats rather insulting. After all I am about to give you the show of a life time.

Crowd gives a really mixed reaction.

Austin Hunter: Well okay. Tonight will also see a tag team match. With the winning team moving onto a fatal fourway in an ultimate x match at Hell's Judgement for the All Risks Championship. The other 2 competitors in that match will be decided next week.

Crowd gives a loud approval.

Austin Hunter: And why not get some of the women on the show right? Everyone loves sex appeal *he pauses and laughs* whoops did I say that out loud? I mean lets see 6 women in this ring competing for the right to challenge for the Queen Of The Underground Championship at Hells Judgement.

Crowd boos at first but then cheers with the news of the match.

Austin Hunter: Trust me there is plenty more surprises for the evening. But for now enjoy this tag team match!

Austin exits the ring as Warriors Of Time(by Black Tide the official theme of the American Wolves) kicks up.

As Underground comes back from commerical the cameras focus inside the ring where Letica Cline is standing with a mic in hand and The American Wolves are standing behind her.

Letica Cline: The following contest is a tag team match and its scheduled for one fall! Introducing first the team of Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards The American Wolves!

The fans give them a nice response as The Wolves stare down the stage waiting for their opponets.

Letica Cline: And now their opponets, Accompined by Toxxin the team of Shannon Moore and Jesse Neal Ink Inc!

**Tattooed Attitude**

Shannon Moore and Jesse Neal walk out onto the stage in matching Ink Inc shirts and Toxxin walks out between them and all three walk down the ramp high fiving some fans along the way then Shannon walks up the steps and Jesse slides into the ring while Toxxin stands at ringside and Ink Inc poses on the top turnbuckles before jumping down and then Jesse gets on the ring apron as does Richards on the other side of the ring.

**The Bell Rings**

Shannon and Edwards lock up now and Shannon applies a side headlock on Edwards but Edwards counters out with a back suplex then he gets up but Shannon is right back up and gets hit with a dropkick! Shannon bounces back up and walks right into a second dropkick then Edwards hits a leg drop on Shannon into a pin.

NO! Shannon kicks out!

Edwards now hits a couple of knees right to the skull of Shannon before dragging him over to Richards and Edwards drives Shannon back first into the turnbuckles then makes the tag and now Richards enters the ring and The American Wolves hit Shannon with a double suplex! Richards now hooks both legs for a pin.

NO! Shannon kicks out!

Richards pulls Shannon up and goes for a snap suplex but Shannon counters with a snap suplex of his own! Shannon walks over and tags in Jesse who enters the ring and hits a huge Spear on Richards as soon as he gets up! Jesse then knocks Edwards off the ring apron and Jesse turns around and Richards comes charging with a shining wizard! Shannon now enters the ring and comes charging and he dropkicks Richards then dives over the top rope taking out Edwards! Jesse now gets to his feet and pulls Richards up then lifts him up onto his shoulders and backs up to the middle of the ring as Shannon jumps onto the ring apron then climbs up to the top turnbuckle and dives off and then Shannon hits the Mooregasm while Jesse hits a Samoan Drop! Jesse covers Richards as Shannon rolls out of the ring.


Letica Cline: Heres Your Winners Ink Inc!

**Tattooed Attitude**

Ink Inc celebrate their victory and leave the ring as Jesse hugs Toxxin then she holds up the arms of Ink Inc and Underground heads into a quick break.

Underground comes back from the short break and again Letica Cline is in the ring holding a mic.

Letica Cline: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a 6 pac elimination match to decide the #1 Contender to the Queen Of The Underground Championship at Hells Judgement! Introducing first from Toronto, Ontario, Canada Taylor Wilde!


Taylor Wilde walks out onto the stage to a nice response of cheers from the crowd and she poses on the stage then walks down the ramp quickly high fiving some fans along the way then she slides under the bottom rope into the ring and stands in the corner as her music cuts.

Letica Cline: Introducing next, From New York, New York Ashley Massaro!

**Light A Fire**

Ashley walks out onto the stage to a louder response then Wilde and she throws up the rock on sign then runs down the ramp and slides into the ring then jumps up and poses on the top turnbuckle for the fans before jumping down and standing in the corner as the music cuts.

Letica Cline: Introducing next, From Columbus, Ohio Madison Rayne!

**Killa Queen**

Madison walks out onto the stage doing her wave and the fans give her a good size negative reaction and she walks down the ramp still doing her princess wave for the fans then she walks up the steps and enters the ring then takes off her tiara and sash and stands in the corner as her music cuts.

Letica Cline: Introducing next, From Toronto, Ontario, Canada Angelina Love!


Angelina Love walks out onto the stage to a mixed reaction and she walks down the ramp quickly then jumps onto the ring apron and steps through the middle rope into the ring and stares down her opponets before backing into the free corner and her music cuts.

Letica Cline: Introducing next, From Queens, New York Becky Bayless!


Becky Bayless walks out onto the stage to little to no reaction and she quickly walks down the ramp then walks up the steps and enters the ring and stands against the ropes staring down her opponets.

Letica Cline: And now introducing next, Their opponet from Richmond, Virgina Mickie James!

**Dumb Bitch**

Mickie James walks out onto the stage and skips down the ramp to the biggest pop yet and then slides into the ring and jumps up to the top turnbuckle and poses for the fans then jumps down and all 6 women stare each other down as her music cuts.

**The Bell Rings**

As soon as the bell rings all six women begin to battle! Mickie and Becky are fighting each other while Wilde closelines Madison over the top rope and to the floor then Wilde dives over the top rope and splashes onto Madison! Angelina now attacks Ashley in the opposite corner that Mickie and Becky are battling in and Angelina is kicking Ashley in the ribs while Mickie is delivering chops to the chest of Becky then Mickie backs up and comes running for a closeline but Becky sidesteps and Mickie slams arm first into the top turnbuckle! Becky then dropkicks Mickie in the back sending her flying through the middle rope and she tumbles out of the ring to the floor!

Angelina now whips Ashley at Becky but Becky ducks a charging Ashley then charges Angelina and closelines her in the corner! Ashley then turns Becky around and pops her in the jaw with a elbow smash then hits a quick DDT! Ashley now rolls Becky over and hooks both legs for a pin.

NO! Becky kicks out!

Ashley now stomps on Becky until Angelina comes charging and drops Ashley with the Botox Injection! Ashley rolls over to the ropes holding her jaw and Becky stumbles to her feet while Mickie dives off the ring apron onto Wilde and Madison on the outside! Becky gets up and Angelina kicks her in the gut then backs up and comes charging for the Botox Injection and it hits! Angelina covers Becky hooking both legs!

3! Becky Bayless has been eliminated!

Angelina now celebrates but Ashley comes running behind her and rolls her up!

NO! Angelina kicks out!

Ashley now tosses Angelina over the top rope and to the floor! Mickie now slides into the ring and comes running and clubs Ashley in the back of the head taking her down! Mickie stomps on the down Ashley then kicks her out of the ring and Angelina gets on the ring apron but Mickie runs over and dropkicks her off the ring apron and Angelina slams into the guard rail! Mickie now turns around and gets blasted from a running kick to the face from Madison! Madison hooks the leg for a pin now.

NO! Mickie kicks out!

Madison now grabs the hair of Mickie then slams her face into the mat and Mickie rolls into the corner and Wilde gets on the ring apron but Madison comes charging only for Wilde to catch her with a shoulder block into the ribs! Madison stumbles away and Wilde climbs up to the top turnbuckle but before she can do anything Ashley slides back into the ring and comes running and catches Madison with a big closeline! Ashley turns around now and Wilde nails her with a Missle Dropkick! Wilde drags Ashley to the middle of the ring but Mickie gets up and comes running and rolls up Wilde!

NO! Wilde kicks out!

Mickie now hits a few elbow smashes to the face of Wilde then dropkicks her knocking her through the middle rope to the floor! Angelina now slides into the ring and charges at Mickie going for a Botox Injection but Mickie ducks then hits a roundhouse kick to the back of the head of Angelina and rolls her over right into a pin!

3! Angelina Love has been eliminated!

Mickie kicks Angelina out of the ring and Ashley gets up and waits for Mickie to turn around then comes running and hits a big Spear! Ashley now pins Mickie!

NO! Mickie kicks out!

Ashley kicks Mickie out of the ring and now Madison and Wilde get up only to get hit with a double closeline from Ashley! Ashley now scoop slams Wilde as soon as she gets up then Madison gets up and Ashley scoop slams her! Mickie now gets on the ring apron but Ashley comes charging and hits a kick knocking Mickie off the ring apron! Madison now gets to her feet and turns Ashley around then hits her with the Rayne Drop! Madison now pins Ashley and the referee counts it!

3! Ashley Massaro has been eliminated!

Were now down to 3 women as Madison celebrates and Mickie is getting up on the floor while Wilde turns Madison around and hits a punch but Madison hits a punch to the face of Wilde! Wilde and Madison keep going blow for blow with each other then Mickie gets on the ring apron and climbs up to the top turnbuckle as Madison rakes the eyes of Wilde then goes for the Rayne Drop but Wilde blocks it then closelines her! Wilde turns around and Mickie dives off the top turnbuckle and hits a cross body on Wilde! Mickie has a pin and she hooks both legs!

NO! Wilde kicks out!

Mickie now lets Wilde get up then drops her with a roundhouse kick to the back of the head! Madison now slides into the ring behind Mickie and runs up behind her and turns her around then hits the Rayne Drop out of nowhere! Wilde now starts pulling herself up with the ropes and Madison comes running and hits a running knee lift knocking Wilde out of the ring! Madison turns around and Mickie gets a small package pin!

NO! Madison kicks out!

Mickie gets up as does Madison and Mickie goes for the MickieDDT but Madison shoves her off and Mickie slams hard on her ribs on the mat! Madison shakes her head as Mickie gets up holding her ribs and Madison drops her with the Rayne Drop! Madison goes right into a pin now and the referee counts it!

3! Mickie James has been eliminated!

Madison celebrates another elimination and she kicks Mickie out of the ring as Wilde is trying to get up on the floor and Madison rolls out of the ring then grabs Wilde by her hair and slams her skull into the steps! Wilde stumbles away only to get tossed into the ring by Rayne who slides in and hooks both legs for a pin!

NO! Wilde kicks out!

Madison pulls Wilde up by her hair then places a knee on the back of her head and goes for the Rayne Drop but Wilde shoves her off then comes running and hits a closeline! Madison gets up and Wilde hits another closeline! Madison stumbles back to her feet and Wilde now hits a running dropkick! Wilde now goes out onto the ring apron the climbs up to the top turnbuckle but Madison gets up and punches Wilde! Madison hits another punch then gets on the second turnbuckle and trys to superplex Wilde but Taylor shoves her off and Madison falls to the mat! Madison now stumbles up to her feet and is holding her head and she turns around and Wilde catches her with a Missle Dropkick! Wilde quickly stacks up Madison for a pin and the referee counts it!

3! Madison Rayne has been eliminated!

Letica Cline: Heres your winner and NEW #1 Contender Taylor Wilde!


Taylor Wilde celebrates becoming #1 Contender and she poses on the top turnbuckle for the fans before jumping down and leaving the ring and she backs up the ramp and blows a kiss for the fans as we head into the next commerical break.

Came to play blares over the sound system as Underground comes back from commerical break and The Miz walks out on the stage to a chorus of boos in a very fancy grey suit.

The Miz: Allow me. The Miz, To introduce you all to the present and the future of Wrestling. The Saints Of Los Angeles, Myself. The Miz. The Man The Myth The Legend Jessie Godderz!

Jessie walks out wearing a fancy black suit and stands next to The Miz.

The Miz: Next please help me welcome the star studded beast Mike Dalton!

Mike Dalton walks out also wearing a black suit and he follows suit behind Jessie.

The Miz: Now every great group needs this. The beautiful and stunning Tenille Dashwood!

Tenille walks out wearing a short black dress, which makes her look gorgeous, she stands next to The Miz opposite side of Jessie and Mike.

The Miz: (as the group is walking down) This is your future. This is what you will see every Saturday night. We are The Saints Of Los Angeles.

The group steps in the ring.

The Miz: Now I noticed tonight is a new show and the first of it. So why do none of us have matches? Doesn't it only make sense to show off your talent?

Jessie nods as the crowd boos.

The Miz: You're booing us? Really? Really? We are A-Listers and we have more talent in our shoes than any of you have in yourself.

Crowd boos and chants you suck

The Miz: No, We don't. And To be quite honest, I am glad we don't get to show off our talents infront of you all as you are undeserving of seeing abouslete perfection in action! We are The Saints Of Los Angeles and guess what...We are (he hands the mic to Jessie and Jessie holds it about The Miz's mouth as he looks upward) AWEEEEESOMEEEEEEEE

The crowd boos loudly as Came To Play kicks back up and The Miz drops his mic and now the group leave the ring together with Miz sitting on the bottom rope to help Tenille leave the ring then he follows her out and the group walks backstage as Underground heads into another short commerical break.

We come back from commerical and the fans are still buzzing after that promo from The Miz and now the cameras head to the ring where Letica Cline is standing holding a mic.

Letica Cline: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and pre orders of Austin Hunter the winners WILL advance to the WFE All Risks Championship! Introducing first from Cape Town, South Africa Justin Gabriel!

**All About The Power**

Justin Gabriel walks out onto the stage to some cheers from the fans and he quickly walks down the ramp then slides into the ring and jumps up to the top turnbuckle and poses for the fans then does a backflip off the top turnbuckle back into the ring and he backs into the corner.

Letica Cline: And his partner from Cleveland, Ohio Matt Cross!

**Carmina Burana**

Matt Cross walks out onto the stage to less cheers then Justin Gabriel but still getting some and Cross quickly walks down the ramp then gets on the ring apron and jumps over the top rope into the ring and stands next to Gabriel.

Letica Cline: And now their opponets, Introducing first from The Isle Of Samoa he is The Samoan Submission Machine Samoa Joe!

**Nation Of Violence**

Samoa Joe walks out onto the stage and quickly walks down the ramp ignoring the fans and he walks up the steps then enters the ring and takes the towel off his neck and tosses it out of the ring staring down his opponets.

Letica Cline: And his partner, From Parts Unknown Suicide!

**Coming Alive**

The lights go out and a single spotlight shows Suicide standing on top of the titantron and he takes a zipline off the titantron and he lands in the middle of the ring and unhooks from the zipline and then stares down his opponets then stares down his partner before backing up next to him then going on the ring apron.

**The Bell Rings**

Joe is in the ring to start the match and Gabriel is in the ring as well and now both men lock up. Joe quickly shoves Gabriel down to the mat and he gets up and comes running but Joe lifts him up onto his shoulders and hits a samoan drop! Gabriel rolls around then gets up and Joe comes running for a big boot but Gabriel ducks then hits a spin kick taking Joe down! Gabriel now lets Joe get up then whips him into the corner Cross is in! Gabriel comes charging in and hits a running forarm then tags Cross into the match and Cross hits a springboard dropkick taking down Joe then Gabriel springboards off the ropes with a springboard moonsault! Gabriel rolls out of the ring and Cross hooks both legs for the pin!

NO! Joe kicks out!

Joe gets up and Cross hits a few kicks to his knees then comes off the ropes but Joe hits a spinning back elbow to take him down! Joe pulls Cross up off the match then whips him hard into the opposite corner where Suicide is standing! Joe comes charging in and crushes Matt Cross hard into the corner then tags in Suicide who springboards off the top rope and hits a cross body taking out Cross and Suicide hooks both legs for the pin!

NO! Cross kicks out!

Suicide pulls Cross up then lifts him up onto his shoulders and hits a rolling fireman's carry slam! Suicide gets up to his feet and walks over making the tag to Samoa Joe who enters the ring as Cross sits up but Joe comes charging and hits a running knee smash to the face! Joe now comes off the ropes quickly and nails a running senton splash on Matt Cross! Cross is holding his ribs in agony and Joe rolls over onto him for a pin.

NO! Cross kicks out!

Joe waits for Matt Cross to stumble up to his feet then Joe hits a straight left hook to his jaw! Joe hits a couple more quick jabs then goes for a dicus closeline but Cross ducks under it then from behind Joe pushes off the ropes and rolls up Joe!

NO! Suicide breaks it up!

Cross is holding his head and Gabriel enters the ring but the referee holds him back! While his back his turned Suicide from the ring apron holds back Cross and Joe hits a jumping kick to the side of his skull! Joe then starts kicking Cross in the ribs non stop until the referee turns back around and forces Suicide to let go and Cross stumbles away from the ropes but Joe comes running and hits a running big boot to the face! Joe now pins Cross hooking both legs!

NO! Cross gets his shoulder up!

Joe cant belive it and he whips Cross into the corner Suicide is in and Joe lifts up Cross and puts him on the top turnbuckle sitting and now Joe lifts up Cross onto his shoulders looking for a Muscle Buster but now Suicide makes the blind tag into the match and he enters the ring as Joe hits a Muscle Buster right into a pin but the referee wont count! Joe gets up with a pissed off look on his face and he begins yelling at the referee who informs him hes not the legal man and Joe turns around and sees Suicide pull Cross off the mat and then Suicide sets up Cross for DOA but Joe comes running and nails a big boot to the face of Suicide! The crowd boos Joe out of the building and Joe rolls out of the ring and walks up the ramp pissed!

Suicide is down and Cross is crawling towards his corner and now Suicide gets up and looks at Joe who stands on the top of the ramp with his arms crossed and now Cross dives and makes the tag to Justin Gabriel! Gabriel enters the ring and Suicide turns around but Gabriel catches him with a superkick! Suicide goes down and now Gabriel jumps up to the top turnbuckle and then looks down at Suicide then dives off and hits a beautiful but devasting 450 Splash! Gabriel now hooks both legs for the pin and the referee counts it!


Letica Cline: Heres your winners Justin Gabriel and Matt Cross!

**All About The Power**

Justin Gabriel and Matt Cross celebrate their win and they glare at each other as they just realized they will be opponents now at Hell's Judgement but Justin Gabriel extends his hand and Matt Cross smiles and shakes his hand and they exchange a look as if to say "may the best man win." then Cross exits the ring and Gabriel exits a different side as Suicide slowly gets up holding his ribs as Underground heads into the second to last commerical break of the evening.

As Underground comes back from commerical Letica Cline is in the ring holding a mic and GM Austin Hunter is in the ring with her and hes leaning against the turnbuckles in the corner wearing a referee shirt along with a pair of jeans.

Letica Cline: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is to decide one of the challengers in the Underground Heavyweight Championship match at Hells Judgement! Introducing first the special guest referee he is co owner of Wrestling Force Entertainment and GM of WFE Underground Austin Hunter!

The fans boo loudly for this and Austin just smirks.

Letica Cline: And now introducing first from Chicago, Illinois CM Punk!

**Cult Of Personality**

The fans give a loud mixed reaction as CM Punk walks out onto the stage then swipes his hand on the top of the ramp then goes down to one knee and yells "ITS CLOBBERIN TIME!" before standing back up and he turns around and walks down the ramp backwards then turns back around and runs up the steps then goes onto the top turnbuckle and poses for the fans then jumps down off the top turnbuckle and shuffles his feet around the ring in a circle before backing into the corner.

Letica Cline: And his opponet, From Milwaukee, Wisconsin Austin Aries!

**The Greatest Man That Ever Lived**

Austin Aries walks out onto the stage and does a spin before quickly walking down the ramp and he slides into the ring and takes his cape off tossing it outside the ring and he recives a pretty warm welcome from the fans and he stands in the corner opposite of Punk waiting for the bell.

**The Bell Rings**

Punk and Aries walk into the middle of the ring and shake hands then they lock up. Punk goes for a side headlock but Aries shoves him off and gets a headlock of his own and takes Punk down to the mat with the headlock applied! Aries yanks on the head of Punk but Punk is quickly back up and he fights out of the headlock then grabs an armbar on Aries and goes for a cross armbreaker but Aries shoves him off into the ropes but Punk catches himself on the top rope then Aries comes charging but gets caught with a stiff kick into his ribs from Punk! Punk now hits a couple slaps to the face of Aries followed by a spin kick into the ribs! Aries is bent over now holding his ribs then Punk hits a double underhook backbreaker! Punk trys to pin Aries but Aries rolls out of the ring!

Punk backs up and waits for Aries to get up then Punk comes charging and dives through the middle rope and takes down Aries with a suicide dive! The fans cheer for that move and Punk drags Aries over to the steel steps then drives him spine first into the steps! Aries goes down holding his back! Punk kicks the steps out of the way then pulls Aries up and leans him against the ring post before backing up and then coming running looking for a high knee but Aries sees it coming and moves out of the way at the last second causing Punk's knee to collide into the ring post!

Punk is down holding his knee and he screams in pain and now Aries walks over to him and then grabs the injured leg and hits a leg DDT! Punk screams in pain again and Aries throws Punk into the ring then gets on the ring apron and waits for Punk to get up then Aries springboards into the ring and hits a springboard dropkick taking Punk down! Aries crawls over to him and hooks the leg.

NO! Punk kicks out!

Aries now grabs the leg and quickly drags Punk to the ropes placing his injured right leg on the bottom rope then Aries stomps down onto the right knee! Punk rolls away holding his knee and he crawls to the ropes on the other side of the ring and begins pulling himself up but Aries comes running and hits a chopblock taking Punk down! Punk trys to roll out of the ring but Aries refuses to let him leave and drags him to the middle of the ring then begins pounding on the injured knee non stop until Austin Hunter pulls him off! Punk is holding his knee trying to get to his feet and Aries lets him but then comes running and chopblocks out his knee again!

Aries now grabs the injured leg of Punk and locks in a figure 4 leg lock! Punk yells in pain and reaches for the ropes but there just out of his reach! Punk now lays down to try and relive the pain but Austin counts his shoulders down!

NO! Punk sits back up!

Aries now decks Punk with a big punch to the jaw and he lays back down and again his shoulders are counted down!

NO! Punk again sits up!

Punk now struggles in the hold and Aries refuses to break the hold and Punk starts crawling backwards trying for the ropes but Aries breaks the hold then drags him into the middle of the ring and goes for another figure 4 leg lock but Punk counters into a small package pin!

NO! Aries kicks out!

Punk now lets Aries get up then goes for a roundhouse kick but Aries ducks then Punk turns around and Aries dropkicks out his knee! Punk goes down holding his knee and Aries grabs his injured leg and drops down into a heel hook submission! Aries is yanking back on the hold and Punk struggles but sits up and hits a elbow to the jaw of Aries to break the hold! Punk gets to his feet and then drops Aries with a roundhouse kick to the side of the head! Punk falls to the mat then rolls Aries over and hooks the leg!

NO! Aries kicks out!

Punk gets up limping and Aries stumbles up then Punk whips Aries into the corner! Punk then backs up and sprints to the corner and nails a running high knee to the jaw of Aries! Punk now comes running out of the corner and drops Aries with a running bulldog! Aries is down and Punk makes a motion of Aries going to sleep and Aries stumbles to his feet and Punk lifts Aries up onto his shoulders but Aries hits non stop elbows to the jaw of Punk until Punk drops him! Aries kicks Punk in the ribs then lifts him up but Punk hits a kick to the face of Aries to save himself from being hit with a Brainbuster! Punk now goes for a roundhouse kick but Aries does the same and both men connect and take each other down!

Austin is standing back watching now not even bothering to try and count them out as Punk and Aries lay on the mat not moving and Austin crosses his arms in the corner and then jumps up onto the top turnbuckle and sits waiting for them to get up and now Punk and Aries both begin to stir to their feet and Punk from his knees nails Aries with a punch! Aries now almost falls over and now Punk gets to his feet then Punk goes for a front facelock on Aries but Aries shoves him off and then Aries dropkicks out the knee of Punk taking him down! Aries now drags Punk into the middle of the ring then lifts him up and drops him with a Brainbuster! Aries rolls right over into a pin and Austin jumps off the top turnbuckle and pins.


Letica Cline: Heres your winner Austin Aries!

**The Greatest Man To Ever Live**

Austin Aries celebrates his big win tonight and the fans cheer in approval as Austin Hunter raises his arm then sarcastically claps for him and now CM Punk slowly gets to his feet and Aries walks over and helps him up then extends his hand for a handshake but Punk just glares at him and bails out of the ring and limps around ringside then limps up the ramp as Underground takes their final commerical break of the night.

The cameras pan to the ring as Underground comes back from commerical and Letica Cline is in the ring with a mic.

Letica Cline: The following contest is the main event of the evening and it's scheduled for one fall! Once again let me first introduce the special guest referee the GM of Underground Austin Hunter!

Austin waves to the fans to a HUGE amount of boo's while standing in the corner still in the ring from the previous match.

Letica Cline: And now introducing first competitor number one, From Manchester, England Wade Barrett!

**End Of Days**

Wade Barrett walks out onto the stage to loud boos from the fans and hes wearing his black overcoat on over his gear and he walks down the ramp then walks up the steps and enters the ring through the middle rope and throws off his jacket then tosses it out of the ring and backs into the corner.

Letica Cline: And his opponet, From Green Bay, Wisconsin Mr.Anderson!


The lights go out in the arena besides a single spotlight on the stage that Mr.Anderson walks out into it and he does his signature pose but no mic lowers and he just walks down the ramp with the spotlight following him then he runs up the steps and enters the ring and jumps up to the top turnbuckle and poses again for the fans while they cheer loudly then he jumps down and stands in the opposite corner of Barrett as his music cuts.

**The Bell Rings**​

Both men lock up right away trying to get the advantage early and Barrett begins to take the advantage due to his power but then Anderson shoves him off into the ropes then comes running and closelines Barrett over the top rope to the floor! Anderson now quickly rolls out of the ring taking the fight right to Barrett and Anderson pops him with a punch to the jaw! Barrett stumbles away and Anderson follows him but Barrett catches him with a knee to the gut! Barrett then clubs Anderson over the back taking him down!

Barrett now begins stomping on the back of Anderson before pulling him up and now Barrett lifts Anderson up and drives him spine first into the ring post! Anderson goes down holding his back and Barrett now tosses him into the ring then rolls in and hits a running kick to the side of the head to keep Anderson down! Barrett now rolls Anderson over and hooks the leg for a pin.

NO! Anderson kicks out!

Barrett now lets Anderson get up then clubs him over the back again and Anderson walks away and Barrett waits for him to go into the corner then Barrett comes running for a closeline but Anderson ducks under it then rolls up Barrett!

NO! Barrett kicks out!

Anderson kicks Barrett in the gut now then goes for the Mic Check but Barrett instead fights it off then lifts Anderson up onto his shoulders but Anderson quickly grabs onto the ropes with both hands! Barrett trys to pull Anderson away from the ropes but he refuses to let go and now Barrett drops him off his shoulders snapping his neck off the top rope! Anderson is holding his throat and turns around but Barrett comes charging with a running kick to the groin! Anderson goes down and Austin Hunter stands there with his arms crossed clearly with no intention to DQ Wade. Wade now kicks Anderson out of the ring to the floor then rolls out after him and now Barrett scoops up Anderson then drops him spine first onto the steel steps! Anderson is laid out not moving and Barrett now rolls into the ring and tells Austin to count him out as he stands in the middle of the ring waiting to see if Anderson will answer the count.


Anderson now rolls off the steps and is laying on the mat as Austin reaches a 8 count and Anderson pulls himself up with the ring apron then slides into the ring at the 9 count! Barrett goes right on the attack as soon as Anderson slides into the ring though and drops an elbow onto his back! Barrett now drops a second elbow across the back of Anderson! Barrett now drags Anderson into the middle of the ring then pulls him up and hits a snap suplex then rolls over into a pin!

NO! Anderson kicks out!

Barrett is staying calm knowing he has yet to pull out his big moves and now Anderson stumbles up to his feet and Barrett turns him around then whips him into the ropes across the ring and Anderson comes bouncing back right into Winds Of Change from Wade Barrett! Anderson rolls on the mat holding his back as he lets out a scream of pain and Barrett drags him away from the ropes then hooks both legs for a pin.

NO! Anderson kicks out again!

Barrett gets up and throws his arms into the air and now Anderson pulls himself up using the ropes and Barrett stands waiting then once Anderson is up Barrett turns him around then lifts him up onto his shoulders and walks into the middle of the ring but now Anderson slides down the back of Barrett then turns him around and drops Barrett with the Mic Check out of nowhere! Barrett goes down but before Anderson can go for a pin The Miz,Jesse Godderz and Mike Dalton all walk out onto the stage and begin walking down the ramp!

Anderson looks confused but stands waiting for them as they get to the bottom of the ramp and Anderson asks them if they have a problem to which he gets no answer so he dares them to get in the ring and fight him and now Miz takes a couple steps back but Godderz walks up the steps and Dalton jumps onto the ring apron! Anderson looks at Austin Hunter who now has his back turned to him and hes smirking at the commentators and Dalton enters the ring along with Godderz and Anderson comes running and takes down Dalton with a spinning neckbreaker! Anderson gets up and begins a fist fight with Godderz but Dalton comes from behind and hits a running double sledge to the back of Anderson! Dalton and Godderz begin stomping on Anderson then Miz slides into the ring and Anderson begins to try and fight off Godderz and Dalton but Miz comes charging with a running knee to the face of Anderson! Miz,Dalton and Godderz all beat the hell out of Anderson and Jessie and Dalton pull Anderson up then Miz comes up behind him and locks in a full nelson then drops him with the Skull Crushing Finale! Miz now tells Godderz and Dalton to leave the ring and they do so and Miz follows them out as Wade comes out of the corner then pulls Anderson up and drops him with Wasteland! Wade covers and Austin turns around.


Letica Cline: Heres your winner Wade Barrett!

**End Of Days**

Wade Barrett celebrates not caring that it was a cheap victory and Austin holds up his arm then leaves the ring and Underground goes off the air with the image of Anderson laid out not moving in the middle of the ring!
GrandSword Reviews: WFE Underground

Howdy Maverick and welcome to BT. Now many people around here know me as a pretty harsh critic when it comes to certain shows. But it's all hopefully constructive and helpful to you. A lot of it is all personal preference too, and if you like something the way it si don't change it because someone says "Oh I don't like quote boxes" etc.

1. For example the way Leticia announces the matches is the way you liek to write, but I prefer a clear title for a match. As I said this is completely upto you, but I feel it is much clearer and people can read your show a little easier. It also adds a bit of formality to it.

2. You don't have to put the crowd cheering or booing after evrything someone says, it starts to get a tad bit annoying on the reader.

3. You've opnened your first ever show with your GM walking out and introducing how everything works. This was done in Nightmare's show, I would of loved to have seen maybe a bit of rivalry between the two WFE GM's. Maybe your show is a little different maybe we could have kicked off the show with a big time match to get people absolutely blown away from the first second Underground kicked off. Aries vs. Punk to be the first ever match perhaps, then Austin Hunter can address the fans or not at all. Keep him a mystery, try and create a difference between the two brands if possible, that will be the fun of it. Trying to out do the other. Oh you had this match well Underground did this!! Sort of stuff.

4. Your match ups are all quite good and you are trying to bring in some new names to mix it with the established ones. I really like how you don't have any "veterans" so to speak in your fed which is quite exciting. Everyone is a guy/girl in their peak which is one of the great decisions you have made in creating your roster. There isn't a Sting, or an Undertaker or an Angle or even a Cena or Orton. I know that Nightmare has these guys, but you maybe could have and the fact that you are running without them is awesome!

5. Miz has a stable. It's name and everyone in it seems to fit the gimmick, so great stuff there, as it's really important. Look at TNA's Immortal stable. Hogan and Bischoff run a team named after Hulk's nickname, and include guys that are very much the anti-Hogan, such as Hardy, Abyss, Anderson, etc. You would have thought it would be Kurt Angle and Scott Steiner straight up... You've kicked a goal already here.

6. Your main event was a let down for me for one reason... why was it the main event? I'm not knocking the guys in the match I'm knocking your first ever show's build towards the match or why it was important. Throughout the show or even before the match have both Barrett and Anderson cut promos. Both guys are incredible mic guys, missed opportunity here. Barrett beats Anderson... why are people booing? I'd cheer Barrett over Anderson. Could have Barrett come out and run down the crowd, could Anderson have come out and sucked up for some cheers? This leads to my next point

7. Although you have some huge names in your fed, it was just match after match which made it feel like an indy show. Which maybe what you're going for. However it is always nice to break up matches with something. Especially it being your first show. Give us something new, something that no other federation has... was that the Saints? Perhaps, but maybe someone to confront them, to step up? I don't know. I'm not saying have Stone Cold bust through the arena on a crane and lift up the set and throw it into the closest river... but something to really make people say this is was more than just a bunch of matches on a card.

Final thoughts..

It was a solid start and your roster is quite different from what is the norm which is great. I would work on where you want to put things, making it different for the reader and breaking up the matches to allow the fans to take it all in. For example WWE will break up two big matches with a Divas match just so the crowd can build their energy back up. And lastly you need a reason for people to care about your wrestlers. Don't rely on what they have done in other federations, make them your own and give them promos and body language to tell the reader why they are doing what they are doing and what their motivations are.

Tally It Up, Settle The Score begins to sound over the sound system as the official intro to WFE Underground plays on the titantron and Joey Styles and JBL welcome everybody to another exicting episode of WFE Underground. As the song comes to a fade the pyro shoots off the stage and tron and now the cameras pan around the arena.


The fans cheer loudly as Mr.Anderson walks out onto the stage wearing his A**hole t-shirt and his ring gear he quickly walks down the ramp and gets handed a mic as he reaches the bottom of the ramp then he walks over to the steps and runs up them and enters the ring through the middle rope and as he walks into the middle of the ring his music cuts.

Mr.Anderson: So uh last week...last week I was robbed out of getting a title shot at Hell's Judgement by The Miz and his little buddies! But dont worry assholes I WILL get my revenge against each and every one of them but thats not why im out here right now, Im out here right now to call out the GM Austin Hunter cause Austin, All you did when they came out was turn your back so Austin get out here right now!

**Saints Of Los Angeles**

Anderson glares at the stage as The Miz leads the rest of the Saints Of Los Angeles out onto the stage and Miz is twiriling a mic as he stands in front of Mike Dalton and Jesse Godderz with Tenille Dashwood on the arm of The Miz.

The Miz: Really? Really? You really think your important enough to call out the GM? Or even better you really think you will get "revenge" for us doing you a favor last week by saving you the embrassment of losing the big one on PPV?

Mr.Anderson: I dont think anybody asked you to come out here Miz but hey since your out here how about you grow a pair and come down to the ring ill be happy to slap you around instead!

Mr.Anderson now takes off his A**hole shirt and tosses it into the crowd and drops his mic but Miz just laughs.

The Miz: Anderson I am far too talented to be wrestling for these people here tonight! If you wanna face me lets do it at Hell's Judgement because it doesnt look like I will have anything better to do that night.

Mr.Anderson goes to pick up his mic but all of sudden the titantron lights up and we see Austin Hunter sitting in his office.

Austin Hunter: Ken, You wanna know why I turned my back and let you get attacked last week? Because I dont like you see, I dont think you even deserve a title shot. Maybe that was a gift from Heaven, And to be honest im glad you got screwed....your little ego could use a bruising. Thats why I have decided to let you and Miz face off at Hell's Judgement but since you wanna fight someone tonight how about you face Mike Dalton? Then next week you can face Jesse Godderz that should keep you busy for a little while.

The tron now goes dark and Anderson tosses the mic out of the ring and Mike Dalton begins walking down the ramp with Miz,Jesse and Tenille all following behind him and now a ref runs down the ramp and slides into the ring ready to call the action as Dalton walks up the steps and then jumps over the top rope into the ring and stares down Anderson.

**The Bell Rings**

The match begins and both men walk to the middle of the ring and Dalton slaps the taste out of the mouth of Anderson! Anderson turns his head then laughs and decks Dalton with a big punch to the face! Anderson lets Dalton get back up and decks him again then comes off the ropes and takes down Dalton with a closeline! Dalton gets back up and Anderson shoots off the ropes again this time hitting a spinning back elbow! Anderson now hooks the leg for a pin.

NO! Dalton kicks out!

Anderson now begins stomping on Dalton who is trying to get up and Anderson pulls him up onto his shoulders then hits the Green Bay Plunge! Anderson now rolls over to the ropes and pulls himself up and stands waiting for Mike Dalton to get up but Jesse Godderz now jumps onto the ring apron and comes running but Anderson decks him with a punch to the jaw! Miz now starts walking towards Anderson whos distracted watching him and this gives Dalton the chance to charge over and knock him off the ring apron and Anderson flys shoulder first into the guard rail!

Dalton now distracts the ref and Miz runs over and pulls Anderson up then throws him shoulder first into the steel steps! Anderson goes down and Miz throws him into the ring but grabs his right arm and slams it into the ring apron! Anderson rolls into the middle of the ring holding his arm and Dalton stomps on it a few times then slams the injured arm into the mat hard! Anderson rolls away into the ropes and Dalton comes charging and hits a running kick into the injured right shoulder! Dalton walks away taunting the fans as Anderson pulls himself up then he walks into the middle of the ring and turns around then goes for the Mic Check but Dalton counters into a small package pin!

NO! Anderson kicks out!

Dalton now grabs the right arm of Anderson then goes for a cross armbreaker but Anderson shoves him off into the ropes and Dalton stumbles backwards only for Anderson to turn him around and drop him with a Mic Check! Tenille now jumps ontthe ring apron while Miz slides into the ring and Anderson turns around and Miz comes charging but Anderson sidesteps then launches Miz over the top rope and he flys over into Jesse! Tenille jumps down and checks on Miz and Jesse and Anderson covers Dalton.


Letica Cline: Heres your winner Mr.Anderson!


Mr.Anderson celebrates the victory as Dalton is laid out and Anderson rolls out of the ring and walks past Miz and Jesse and high fives a few fans on his way up the ramp then gets to the top of the ramp and looks back at Miz who is staring him down and now Underground heads to commerical.

Underground comes back from commerical and we see Taylor Wilde walking backstage the cameras follow and see she walks into our GM Austin Hunter's office and sits down in a chair. Austin then looks up and puts down his paperwork.

Austin Hunter: Ah Taylor I see you got my message after all.

Taylor Wilde: Yeah yeah, What did you want?

Austin Hunter: Better change that attitude unless you wanna lose your title match, Speaking of your title match I called you here to tell you that at Hell's Judgement you will face an unsigned female talent for the Championship. Also tonight your gonna face Madison Rayne because she came so close to beating you last week.

Taylor Wilde: Wait whos this unsigned talent im gonna face?

Austin Hunter: Guess you will find out at Hell's Judgement when everybody else does huh? Better get going your match is next.

Austin smirks and goes back to his paperwork as Taylor Wilde stands up and walks out looking digusted and she walks out of camera view but now the cameras head to a different area backstage where we see Drew McIntyre dressed in a nice suit and he walks up to Crimson.

Drew McIntyre: Crimson! I have an offer you cant refuse how would you like to team up with me at Hell's Judgement? I have been given a tag team title match against The American Wolves and I want you to be my partner, So what do you say?

Crimson stares down Drew and then says "No thanks, I dont team up with people I never heard of." Crimson now walks away laughing as Drew is giving Crimson a death glare and now the cameras go to the ring where Letica Cline is standing holding a mic.

Letica Cline: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first from Toronto, Ontario, Canada Taylor Wilde!


Taylor Wilde walks out onto the stage to cheers from the fans and she salutes the fans then walks down the ramp quickly high fiving some fans at ringside then she runs up the steps then jumps over the top rope and into the ring and she salutes the fans again before backing into the corner opposite of where she entered and her music cuts.

Letica Cline: And her opponet, From Columbus, Ohio Madison Rayne!

**Killa Queen**

Madison Rayne walks out onto the stage with her usual tiara and sash over her attire and she waves then walks down the ramp to boos ignoring the fans who reach out their hands and she slowly walks up the steps then enters the ring through the middle rope and takes off her tiara and sash handing them to a ringcrew member and she stands in the corner staring down Wilde as her music cuts.

**The Bell Rings**

Wilde and Rayne lock up right away and Rayne applies a side headlock but Wilde shoves her off into the ropes and Rayne bounces off then Wilde hits her with a dropkick! Rayne gets back up and Wilde turns around but Rayne decks her with a big closeline! Rayne now wraps her legs around the head of Wilde and turns her over onto her stomach and she slams Wilde's head into the mat a few times! Rayne then rolls Wilde over and hooks both legs for the pin.

NO! Wilde kicks out!

Rayne now begins to stomp on the back of Wilde then drops an elbow across her back! Rayne now rolls Wilde over then goes for an elbow drop across her ribs but Wilde rolls out of the way! Rayne is holding her arm and Wilde now kicks her in the arm and Rayne rolls over then starts to get up and Wilde comes charging and rolls up Rayne pushing off the ropes!

NO! Rayne kicks out!

Wilde now hip tosses Madison then hits another hip toss! Wilde goes out onto the ring apron then climbs up to the top turnbuckle as Rayne gets to her feet and punches Wilde in the jaw! Wilde is now sitting on the top turnbuckle while Rayne climbs up to the second rope and trys to superplex Wilde but Wilde pops her with a couple quick elbows to the jaw knocking Rayne off the ropes and to the mat! Wilde now stands up as Rayne rolls away from the ropes then gets to her feet and Wilde flys off the top turnbuckle and nails a Missle Dropkick! Rayne is down and Wilde quickly stacks her up for a pin putting Rayne's legs over her head!


Letica Cline: Heres your winner Taylor Wilde!


Taylor Wilde celebrates her victory as Madison Rayne is down on the mat and Wilde saltues the fans then rolls out of the ring and walks up the ramp but all of sudden the tron flashes on and Wilde stops dead in her tracks! The tron shows the words "Hell's Judgement: 8 days away, 8 days until your destruction." The tron now flashes off and Wilde looks surprised and confused as she quickly walks backstage and Underground heads to commerical.

The cameras go to the ring as Underground comes back from commerical and Letica Cline is standing there holding a mic.

Letica Cline: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is to decide the final 2 men who will compete for the All Risks Championship at Hell's Judgement! Introducing first, From Hell's Kitchen, New York Bully Ray!

**The Beaten Path**

Bully Ray walks out onto the stage to loud boos from the fans and he throws up the longhorns then walks down the ramp with his chain in hand and then stops as a fan touches his back at ringside and Bully turns around and threatens the fan to louder boos from the fans but he just yells at the fan not to touch him then walks over to the steps and enters the ring placing his chain down in the corner opposite of where he came into the ring and his music cuts.

Letica Cline: And his partner, From Champlin, Minnesota Joe Hennig!

**And The Horse He Rode In On**

Joe Hennig walks out onto the stage to a small reaction of boos from the fans but he still recives a few cheers as he walks down the ramp quickly then slides under the bottom rope into the ring and stands on the top turnbuckle posing for the fans before jumping down and standing next to Bully Ray as his music cuts.

Letica Cline: And now their opponets, Introducing first from The City Of Angels, Christopher Daniels!

**Wings of a Fallen Angel**

Christopher Daniels walks out onto the stage wearing his long black and yellow tights and he quickly walks down the ramp high fiving a few fans along the way and now Daniels runs up the steps then enters the ring through the middle rope and stares down his opponets.

Letica Cline: And his partner, From Davenport, Iowa Seth Rollins!

**Flesh It Out**

Seth Rollins walks out onto the stage to a decent size amount of cheers and Seth Rollins quickly walks down the ramp not stopping to slap hands with fans and he slides under the bottom rope and walks over to his partner and shakes hands with him as his music cuts.

**The Bell Rings**

Bully Ray steps out onto the ring apron forcing Joe to start the match meanwhile Seth and Daniels are aruging about who will start and Joe uses this chance to run over and he dropkicks Daniels through the middle rope knocking him out of the ring! Joe now begins attacking Seth in his own corner with shoulder blocks into the ribs then he pulls Seth out of the corner and closelines him! Joe now covers Seth quickly.

NO! Seth kicks out!

Joe now starts stomping on Seth until Seth trips him up by sweeping his legs out then he covers him.

NO! Joe kicks out!

Seth and Joe both get to their feet now and Seth pops Joe with a punch to the jaw then Joe comes back swinging with a punch of his own but Seth ducks it then dropkicks Joe in the back knocking him through the middle rope and to the floor! Seth walks over and tags Daniels into the match and now Daniels sees Joe getting up on the floor and Daniels runs across the ring apron then dives off taking out Hennig with a closeline! Daniels now slams the face of Hennig into the floor then tosses him into the ring and Joe rolls away from Daniels who follows him into the ring and Joe crawls into the corner and begs Daniels off but Daniels keeps walking towards him only to get hit with a kick to the knee! Joe gets up and drags Daniels by his leg over to Bully Ray and Bully Ray tags in and stands on the back of the knee of Daniels!

Bully steps off the knee after a 4 count and Daniels pulls himself up with the ropes only to get hit with a chopblock from Bully Ray taking out the leg again! Daniels goes down and Bully hits a leg DDT on him then stands up and tags Joe Hennig back into the match and now Bully holds Daniels back and Joe dropkicks out his leg! Daniels starts crawling towards his corner but Hennig walks over and drops an elbow across the back of Daniels! Joe rolls Daniels over and hooks both legs for a pin.

NO! Daniels kicks out!

Joe now puts the injured leg of Daniels on the bottom rope then jumps up and stomps down on the knee! Daniels rolls around holding his knee and Joe grabs his leg then turns Daniels over and goes for a figure 4 leg lock but Daniels counters into a small package pin!

NO! Joe reverses it into a rollup of his own!

NO! Daniels kicks out!

Joe gets up and runs over decking Seth with a big punch to the face knocking him off the ring apron! Daniels is now pulling himself up with the ropes as Joe turns around and walks over and grabs the leg of Daniels but Daniels uses his good leg to hit a enziguri! Joe stumbles away and Daniels is now on his feet and charges taking down Joe with a big closeline followed up by a second big closeline! Joe gets up again and Daniels comes off the ropes but Joe dropkicks out his leg again!

The crowd boos loudly as Daniels rolls out of the ring looking for a breather and Joe steps out onto the ring apron then hits double sledge off the ring apron taking down Daniels at ringside! Joe now throws Daniels into the ring but instead of sliding in after him he grabs both legs of Daniels and yanks him forwards to low blow him with the ring post! Joe now begins slamming the injured knee of Daniels into the ring post but Seth jumps off the ring apron and comes running and he dropkicks Joe into the guard rail! Bully Ray now jumps off the ring apron and comes charging towards Seth but Seth pulls Joe up and in front of him then jumps onto the ring apron and Bully barrles into his partner!

Meanwhile in the ring Daniels is slowly crawling towards his partner and Seth has his hand extended for the tag and Bully throws Joe into the ring and Joe trys to shake out the cobwebs and he does just in time to grab the leg of Daniels and stop the tag! Daniels is now standing on one leg and he turns around and kicks Joe right in the head taking him down! Bully is yelling for the tag as Daniels is again down and now Joe rolls over then extends his hand and makes the tag to Bully Ray who enters the ring and comes running but Daniels dives and makes the tag to Seth!

Seth springboards into the ring taking down Bully Ray with a springboard dropkick to the chest and then Bully gets up in the ropes and Seth comes charging and closelines Bully right over the top rope and to the floor! Joe Hennig now enters the ring and comes running but Seth backdrops him over the top rope and onto Bully Ray! Seth backs up and then shoots off the ropes then dives through the middle rope taking down Bully and Joe with a suicide dive! Seth throws Bully into the ring then slides in and backs up waiting for him to get up and Bully stumbles up then gets dropped with a Superkick! Seth covers as Daniels is holding back Joe!


Letica Cline: Heres your winners Seth Rollins and Christopher Daniels!

**Flesh It Out**

Seth Rollins celebrates the victory to a roar of cheers from the fans and Daniels rolls into the ring and hugs Seth then both men shake hands and the ref holds up the arms of both men then they leave the ring and walk up the ramp celebrating as Joe and Bully both have pissed off looks on their faces over not advancing to the title match and Underground heads into a commerical.

**Just Dont Care Anymore**

Wade Barrett walks out onto the stage in his ring gear with his long black over coat on and he recives the loudest boos of the night and he walks down the ramp then walks up the steps getting handed a mic along the way and he steps through the middle rope and he stops in the middle of the ring and raises the mic up to his mouth as his music cuts.

Wade Barrett: Last week I was given the chance to reach my full potential and I took advantage of that by beating that over rated piece of crap Ken Anderson and now in 8 days at Hell's Judgement I will become the WFE Underground Heavyweight Champion!

The fans boo loudly for this and Wade just smirks and chuckles to himself.

Wade Barrett: The only thing standing in my way is that over rated internet darling Austin Aries and in 8 days I will pin him 1,2,3 right here in the middle of the ring and prove why I am the most talented person on this roster!

**The Greatest Man To Ever Live**

Austin Aries walks out onto the stage to some loud cheers in a suit and he quickly walks down the ramp holding a mic then walks up the steps and enters the ring then he gets right in the face of Wade as his music cuts.

Austin Aries: Wade, You can think anything you want but in 8 days my actions will speak louder then any words you could possibly say and the most important action I plan to make is hold up that Underground Heavyweight Championship high above my head while im standing over your laid out body!

The fans cheer loudly and begin an Austin Aries chant for this as Wade Barrett just chuckles.

Wade Barrett: Was that supposed to scare me you little runt? Your all talk and if you dont leave my ring right now I will knock your lights out right now!

Austin Aries and Wade Barrett both drop their mics and Aries takes off his suit jacket and now both men are about to come to blows when the tron flashes on and again we see Austin Hunter sitting in his office.

Austin Hunter: Gentleman, Save it for the PPV dont wanna give these fans a free preview do we?

The fans boo for this.

Austin Hunter: Now as for tonight Wade, You will choose Austin's opponet and Austin, You will choose Wade's opponet. In fact since your already in your ring gear, Wade your match will be right now as soon as Aries tells me who your opponet will be. Austin Aries picks back up his mic and suit jacket and says his choice is the man he beat last week to earn his title match CM Punk!

The fans give a mixed reaction as Aries looks back at Wade who just smirks and takes off his black overcoat and tosses it out of the ring and Aries exits the ring and takes a seat at the commentary desk with Styles and JBL.

**Cult Of Personality**

CM Punk walks out onto the stage to a mixed reaction of mostly cheers from the fans and he gets down on one knee on the stage and taps his wrist then yells "ITS CLOBBERIN TIME!" before standing up and he turns around with his arms out wide to his sides and he walks down the ramp half way then turns around and walks the rest of the way down the ramp as Wade stares him down and now Punk walks up the steps then climbs up to the top turnbuckle and stares down Barrett before jumping off the top turnbuckle into the ring and he stands in the corner as his music cuts.

**The Bell Rings**

Punk and Barrett now walk into the middle of the ring and lock up. Punk tries to take the advantage with a side headlock but Barrett quickly overpowers him and has an armbar and he brings Punk down to his knees then hits a elbow onto the arm and then slams Punk's face into the mat! Punk now gets up again and Barrett nails him with a big punch to the side of the head of Punk taking him back down!

Punk gets back to his feet and Barrett comes running for a closeline but Punk ducks then goes for a roundhouse kick but Barrett ducks then rolls up Punk using the tights!

NO! Punk kicks out!

Barrett and Punk now get to their feet and lock up again. Barrett takes control by backing Punk into the corner then goes for a punch to the jaw but Punk ducks then rams Barrett into the corner! Punk now hits a few shoulder blocks to the ribs of Barrett and Punk backs up then comes charging for a running knee but Barrett sidesteps and Punk launches himself off the middle ropes then dives onto Barrett! Punk now hooks both legs for a pin.

NO! Barrett kicks out!

Punk gets up as does Barrett and Punk kicks him in the ribs then slaps him twice in the face before taking him down with a spinning back elbow! Barrett quickly gets back to his feet and Punk whips Barrett into the ropes and he comes bouncing off and Punk nails him with a powerslam! Punk gets to his feet and goes out onto the ring apron as Barrett stumbles up to his feet and Punk springboards and goes for a springboard closeline but Barrett catches him in midair then nails him with the Winds Of Change out of nowhere! Punk is down and holding his back in pain and Barrett covers him for a quick pin.

NO! Punk kicks out!

Barrett cant belive it and he covers Punk again this time hooking both legs for the pin.

NO! Punk kicks out again!

Barrett is in shock as he gets to his feet and watches Punk crawl to the ropes and begin to pull himself up and Barrett walks over then lifts him up onto his shoulders but Punk hangs onto the ropes to block what seemed to be Wasteland on the way! Barrett tosses Punk out of the ring onto the ring apron then comes running but Punk hits a shoulder block into his ribs! Barrett stumbles backwards now and Punk climbs up to the top turnbuckle but Barrett comes charging and nails him with a big boot and Punk goes flying off the top turnbuckle and he crashes hard into the floor below! Barrett laughs as Punk isnt moving on the floor and the ref begins to count!


But now Punk is on his feet and he slides into the ring to break the count! Barrett quickly runs over and drops an elbow across his back! Barrett now kicks Punk out of the ring again then rolls out after him and Barrett pulls Punk up then charges him right into the guard rail followed by ramming him spine first into the ring post! Punk stumbles away from the ring post holding his back and Barrett lifts him up onto his shoulders then nails him with Wasteland on the floor! Meanwhile in the ring the ref is at a 7 count and Barrett rolls into the ring and tells the ref to count Punk out!

The ref reaches an 8 count and Punk is still laid out at ringside but now Austin Aries takes off his headset and stands up then runs over to Punk and throws him back into the ring just before the 10 count! Barrett is yelling at Aries asking him what hes doing and Aries just tells him to turn around and Wade turns around and Punk drops him with a roundhouse kick to the side of the head! Barrett is down and Punk rolls him over then hooks the leg for the pin!

NO! Wade kicks out!

Punk cant belive that wasnt a 3 count and he argues with the ref who keeps telling him it was only a 2 count meanwhile Wade pulls himself up using the ropes and Punk turns around and grabs the arm of Barrett but Barrett reverses to control of Punk's arm then wrenches the arm turning Punk inside out and when Punk turns around Barrett blasts him with a short arm forarm smash! Punk goes down now and Barrett hooks the leg for the pin.


Letica Cline: Heres your winner Wade Barrett!

**Just Dont Care Anymore**

Wade Barrett celebrates his victory as the fans boo him and Punk is laid out on the mat and Aries shakes his head in disapointment on the stage as Wade raises his arm and smirks at Aries as Underground heads into a commerical break.

We come back from commerical and the cameras go to the ring where Letica Cline is standing holding a mic.

Letica Cline: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, From The Isle Of Samoa he is the Samoan Submission Machine Samoa Joe!

**Nation Of Violence**

Samoa Joe walks out onto the stage to a chorus of boos from the fans and he walks down the ramp with his trademark towel around his neck and he walks up the steps then enters the ring and walks across the ring and then climbs up to the top turnbuckle and tosses his towel outside the ring and stares down the fans before jumping down and standing in the corner as his music cuts.

Letica Cline: And his opponet, From Parts Unknown Suicide!

**Coming Alive**

The fans cheer as the lights go out in the arena and a spotlight shows Suicide standing on top of the titantron! Suicide now ziplines down and into the ring with the spotlight following him and he unhooks himself from the zipline then lets go up in the air as the lights come back on and Suicide is on the top turnbuckle posing for the fans when Samoa Joe walks over and yanks Suicide off the top turnbuckle and slams his head into the mat as his music cuts!

**The Bell Rings**

Samoa Joe is right on the attack stomping away at Suicide until the ref pulls him back and Suicide pulls himself into the corner where he sits trying to catch his breath but Joe comes charging in and hits a running facewash! Joe now mounts Suicide and begins nailing him with nonstop punches to the face until Suicide headbutts him to knock him off! Suicide gets to his feet as does Joe and Suicide goes for a closeline but Joe ducks and from behind Suicide drops him with a neckbreaker!

Joe now stands on the throat of Suicide until the ref reaches a 4 count and Joe steps off letting Suicide get up and Joe pushes him into the ropes and Suicide stumbles back and Joe lifts him up onto his shoulders and drops him with a samoan drop! Joe now comes off the ropes and Joe splashes down onto Suicide with a running senton! Joe gets up and Suicide is starting to get up holding his ribs and Joe lets him turn around then drops him with a running big boot! Joe now drags Suicide into the middle of the ring then hooks the leg for the pin.

NO! Suicide kicks out!

Suicide is slowly getting up with the ropes and Joe is pacing back and forth and Suicide turns around and Joe comes charging but Suicide pulls down the top rope and Joe goes flying over the top rope and to the floor! Suicide backs up now as Joe gets to his feet then Suicide comes running and dives over the top rope connecting on a cross body onto Joe on the floor! Suicide now throws Joe into the ring and jumps onto the ring apron then climbs up to the top turnbuckle but Joe gets to his feet and walks over hitting a jumping kick to the head of Suicide! Joe now pulls Suicide off the top turnbuckle onto his shoulders and walks into the middle of the ring looking like hes gonna hit the Muscle Buster but Suicide counters into a sunset flip pin!


Letica Cline: Here's your winner Suicide!

**Coming Alive**

Suicide celebrates the victory as Joe gets up with a pissed off look on his face and Suicide offers him a handshake but Joe decks him with a punch to the face! Joe now locks in the Rear Naked Choke on Suicide and begins choking him out on the mat and Suicide taps out but Joe refuses to break the hold! Joe keeps choking Suicide out and he quickly fades away and Joe breaks the hold as Suicide lays on the mat passed out and now Joe pulls Suicide up then tosses him through the middle rope and to the floor! Joe exits the ring and pulls Suicide off the floor then lifts him up and connects on a spinebuster putting Suicide through the announce table! Joe smirks as Suicide is clearly knocked out and Joe walks away as Underground heads into commerical for the final time tonight.

We come back from commerical and the cameras are in the interview area where the lovely Maria is standing with Wade Barrett.

Maria: Wade Barrett, Up next your opponet for Hell's Judgement Austin Aries will be facing an opponet of your choosing so my question is who will be his opponet tonight?

Wade Barrett: Well, Instead of sending someone out there to face Austin who is one of my buddies like he did I am going to pick someone who is about my size that way that little runt can get a preview of the size advantage I will have in our title match, My choice is Randy Orton.

Wade smirks and the fans are unsure how to react to this news as the cameras go to the ring where Letica Cline is standing holding a mic for tonights main event.

Letica Cline: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is the main event of the evening! Introducing first from Milwaukee, Wisconsin Austin Aries!

**The Greatest Man That Ever Lived**

Austin Aries walks out onto the stage in his ring gear and he quickly walks down the ramp then slides under the ring clearly he means business tonight and he whips off his cape and tosses it out of the ring then stands ready for his opponet.

Letica Cline: And his opponet, From St. Louis, Missouri Randy Orton!


Randy Orton walks out onto the stage to a loud mixed reaction more so boos from the fans and he slowly walks down the ring staring down Aries his whole way down the ramp then Orton slaps the steel steps before running up them and he enters the ring through the middle rope then glances back at Aries who is watching him closely as Orton climbs up to the top turnbuckle and strikes his signature pose before jumping down and standing in the corner as his music cuts out.

**The Bell Rings**

Orton and Aries walk into the middle of the ring and begin circling each other trying to get a sense of each other before locking up. Orton applies a side headlock but Aries pushes into the ropes then shoves Orton off and Aries comes running but Orton counters into a powerslam! Orton stands up and Aries gets to his feet and Orton takes him down with a big closeline! Aries gets back to his feet and Orton takes him down with another closeline! Aries gets back up and Orton throws him out of the ring onto the ring apron then grabs a headlock and drags Aries head and body into the ring while his feet are on the middle rope but Aries takes his feet off the ropes into the ring then backdrops Orton over the top rope and to the floor!

Aries now backs up and lets Orton get to his feet before diving through the middle rope and Aries nails a suicide dive! Aries gets to his feet and slaps hands with a few fans as Orton gets up and Aries nails him with a punch to the jaw! Orton now strikes back with a punch of his own then Aries goes for a punch but Orton ducks then drives Aries down spine first across his own back for a nasty backbreaker! Orton now throws Aries into the ring then rolls in and hooks the leg for the pin.

NO! Aries kicks out!

Orton begins stomping on the arms and legs of Aries now then bounces off the ropes and goes for a knee drop on the skull of Aries but Aries rolls out of the way! Orton gets up holding his knee and Aries dropkicks out the knee taking Orton down again! Aries drags Orton to the middle of the ring then looks for a figure 4 leg lock but Orton counters into a small package pin!

NO! Aries kicks out again!

Orton gets up and waits for Aries to get to his feet then trys to strike with the RKO but Aries shoves him off and Orton bounces off the ropes and Aries nails him with a big dropkick! Aries now whips Orton hard into the turnbuckles as he gets up then Aries sprints into the corner and nails a running dropkick into the chest of Orton! Aries throws Orton down onto his back in front of the turnbuckles then Aries comes running and jumps onto the turnbuckles then up to the top turnbuckle and hits a split leg moonsault onto Randy Orton! Aries hooks both legs for the pin now!

NO! Orton kicks out!

Aries drags Orton to the middle of the ring by his arm then hits a swift kick into his left arm then grabs a headlock and tries to lift Orton up but Orton blocks it with a snap suplex! Orton gets to his feet and turns around and sees Aries roll out onto the ring apron! Orton walks over as Aries gets up but Aries punches Orton right in the forhead! Orton stumbles backwards and Aries waits for him to comeback then hits a shoulder block right into his ribs! Orton stumbles backwards again as Aries springboards off the top rope and hits a springboard dropkick on Orton! Aries now covers Orton hooking both legs!

NO! Orton kicks out again!

Aries backs up letting Orton stumble up to his feet then Aries spins him around and lifts him up then drops him right on his skull with a huge Brainbuster! Aries is about to go for the pin when all of sudden we hear...

**Just Dont Care Anymore**

Wade Barrett walks out onto the stage with a big smirk on his face and Aries glares at him as Wade walks down the ramp and Aries dares him to get in the ring and Wade reaches the bottom of the ramp but as he takes another step Aries launches himself over the top rope and he takes out Wade with a big crossbody! Aries now pulls Wade up by his head then throws him head first into the steel steps and takes him down! Aries now rolls into the ring while Wade lays at ringside holding his head and Aries pulls Orton up to his feet but then out of nowhere Orton drops Aries with a RKO! Orton quickly rolls over Aries hooking both legs for the pin!


Letica Cline: Here's your winner Randy Orton!


Randy Orton celebrates his victory as Aries is holding his jaw disapointed he fell for Barrett's trap and Orton exits the ring and walks up the ramp as Aries gets up holding his jaw and now Barrett slides into the ring and turns Aries around then lifts him up onto his shoulders and walks over to the ropes then hits Wasteland from inside the ring dropping Aries over the top rope onto the hard floor outside! Wade smirks and raises his arm over his head as Aries is laying in a crippled ball on the floor as Underground goes off the air!

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