WFE Overdrive.

Skairipa Matrix

3 Time Elite Openweight Champion
(Just a small note in the future I will have a WFE logo most likley but as of right now I dont have one and dont know when I will.)

**Pyro goes off on the stage and the tron above the stage as Headstrong (Remix) by Trapt plays**​

The cameras pan all over the sold out Phillips Arena in Atlanta, Georgia before going to the commentary desk at ringside where we see Jim Ross and Matt Striker sitting.

Jim Ross: Hello everybody and welcome to the very first episode of WFE Overdrive live from the sold out Phillips Arena in Atlanta, Georgia! My name is good ole JR, Jim Ross and this is my brodcast partner Matt Striker.

Matt Striker: Hello JR its always nice to be working with a legend like you im looking forward to seeing what our GM and co owner of Wrestling Force Entertainment has in store for tonight and the future!

Jim Ross: Well Matt, Were about to find out because Dustin Hunter is on his way to the ring right now!

**The Overdrive theme cuts and the cameras go to the ring where Lillian Garcia is standing**​

Lillian Garcia: Ladies and Gentleman please welcome the GM of Overdrive and half owner of the company Mr.Dustin Hunter!

**The fans cheer as a instrumental verison of Detriot Rock City hits**

A man who looks to be in his mid 20's walks out onto the stage wearing jeans, A black t-shirt and a black sports jacket and hes sporting a full beard and short hair as he walks down the ramp and gets handed a mic from a ringcrew member and walks up the steps then enters the ring and the music cuts.

Dustin Hunter: I appreciate the warm welcome folks I rember watching wrestling growing up in downtown Detriot and I rember seeing some great moments over the years and its still pretty sureal to me to actullay be in a wrestling ring of the company im co owner of! I have some big things in store for Overdrive and for the first pay-per-view in WFE history in 3 weeks Hells Judgement including the crowning of our first Heavyweight Champion, Tag Team Champions, Universal Champion and Womens Champion!

*The fans give a nice response for that*

Dustin Hunter: But im not just gonna give anybody those championships everybody will have to work hard to become a champion here thats why I have decided that at Hells Judgement to crown our first tag team champions we will be having a 5 team gauntlet match!

*The fans cheer louder then they did before*

Dustin Hunter: Also at Hells Judgement to crown our first Womens Champion I have set up a Battle Royal between all the women wrestlers on this show in order to be eliminated you must be thrown over the top rope to the floor and when its down to 2 women it will become a 1 on 1 match with the first one to score a pinfall or submission winning the Womens Championship!

*The fans give a slightly less postive response*

Dustin Hunter: But as for tonight I have set up 4 matches and the winners of those matches will advance to Hells Judgement where they will be competiting in a Fatal 4 Way Ladder Match to crown the very first WFE Overdrive Heavyweight Champion!

*The fans give the loudest response yet for this*

Dustin Hunter: Well I think we have had enough of me running my mouth out here so lets get down to business with the first of 4 one on one matches tonight to decide who will be competing for the Overdrive Championship at Hells Judgement!

**Dustin drops the mic and leaves the ring and Gold Medal kicks up**

The fans give a nice response as Kurt Angle rises up onto the stage from his lift below the stage and he walks down the ramp and gets to ringside and runs up the steps then enters the ring and poses for the fans before backing into the corner waiting for his opponet.

**Smoke & Mirrors (V2)**

Cody Rhodes now walks out onto the stage wearing red and white trunks with a zip up jacket of the same color and he recives a fairly large negative reaction and he walks down the ramp ignoring all the fans as Angle stares him down and Cody walks up the steps and enters the ring and unzips his jacket and tosses it out of the ring and backs into the corner as his music cuts.

**The Bell Rings**

The match begins as both men step out of their corners and walk into the middle of the ring and they lock up. Kurt takes advantage early and applies armbar on Rhodes then switches to a rear waist lock and trys to german suplex Rhodes but Cody blocks it with a few back elbows to the jaw! Cody then turns around and ducks a closeline and springboards off the ropes looking for the Beautiful Diaster Kick but Angle grabs his ankle and takes him down into the Ankle Lock!

Angle drags Cody into the middle of the ring and sinches in the hold as Cody struggles crawling to the ropes but Angle drags Cody back to the middle of the ring! Cody now trys to roll over onto his back but Angle blocks it and Cody now kicks Angle a few times to finally break the hold! Cody gets up and comes running now and dropkicks Angle through the middle rope to the floor!

Cody now rolls out of the ring and waits for Angle to get up then grabs him by the arm and hits a russian leg sweep into the steel steps bouncing the skull of Angle off the steps! Cody rolls Angle into the ring now and Cody rolls in after him and hooks the leg for the pin.

NO! Angle kicks out!

Cody now gets up and punches Angle in the side of the head to keep him on his knees then Cody comes running and nails a low dropkick to the face taking Angle down! Cody now taunts the fans to some boos from the fans and Angle fights up to his feet and Cody grabs him by the head and drags him to the middle of the ring and goes for a DDT but Angle shoves him off then ducks a closeline and nails a german suplex! Angle fights up and hits another german suplex then stands up and hits a 3rd german suplex right into a bridging pin!

NO! Cody kicks out!

Angle stands up and takes the straps down on his singlet and waits for Cody to get up and Cody stumbles up to his feet and Angle goes for the Angle Slam but Cody lands on his feet behind Angle and dropkicks him in the back taking him down! Cody then springboards off the ropes and nails the Beautiful Diaster Kick on Angle as he gets back to his feet! Cody now drags Angle to the middle of the ring and hooks both legs for the pin.

NO! Angle kicks out!

Cody now waits for Angle to stumble up to his feet and turns him around and lifts him up by his legs and walks over to the ropes then looks to hit an Albama Slam on Angle but Angle slides down the back and gets a sunset flip pin on Cody but Cody rolls through and Angle dropkicks out the knee and then drags Cody back into the middle of the ring and locks him into a Ankle Lock again! Angle has the hold sinched in and it looks like Cody is about to tap out but before he can Ted Dibiase runs down the ramp and jumps onto the ring apron and Angle breaks the hold then runs over and knocks Ted off the ring apron! Angle looks down at Ted who stumbles up the ramp and now Cody gets up and runs over and pushes off the ropes and rolls up Angle using the tights!


Lillian Garcia: Heres your winner Cody Rhodes!

**Smoke & Mirrors (V2)**

Cody Rhodes celebrates his victory and he motions around his waist as Angle gets up and Cody bails out of the ring with a big smirk on his face as he walks up the ramp backwards and Ted raises Cody's arm in victory as Overdrive goes to commerical.

We come back from commerical and the cameras go backstage into the Womens Locker Room where Layla is doing her makeup and Michelle McCool walks over.

Michelle McCool: Hey Lay, I know one of us is obviously gonna win that battle royal at Hells Judgment so what do you say we get the flawless duo back together and take everybody else out of the match then may the most flawless woman win?

Layla: Chelle I was just thinking the same thing! Were so totally flawless that one of us must win the match those ugly jealous little girls cant win!

Michelle and Layla hug as the cameras now go to the ring where Lillian Garcia is standing holding a mic.

Lillian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first from Long Island, New York Zack Ryder!

**Woo Woo Woo You Know It! into Radio**

The crowd cheers as Zack Ryder walks out onto the stage wearing his purple gear with headband and sunglasses and he throws up the LI symbol as he walks down the ramp and high fives some fans along the way before jumping onto the ring apron and he enters the ring and jumps onto the top turnbuckle and fist pumps as the crowd chants with him WOO WOO WOO! Ryder then jumps down and backs into the corner waiting for his opponet.

Lillian Garcia: And his opponet from Lafayette, Louisiana Husky Harris!

**Kuntry 2 The Core**

Husky Harris walks out onto the stage to a small mixed reaction mainly boos and Husky walks straight down the ramp quickly and slides under the bottom rope into the ring and slides backwards on all fours then gets up and stares down Ryder whos giving him a weird look and Husky backs into the corner as his music cuts.

**The Bell Rings**

The match starts and Ryder walks into the middle of the ring and offers a handshake to Husky who just slaps the taste out of Ryder's mouth! Ryder turns his head then turns back around and goes for a punch but Husky ducks then clubs Ryder in the back of the head! Husky begins stomping away at Ryder and Ryder rolls out of the ring to get away from Husky whos now pacing in the ring waiting for Ryder who walks around ringside to shake the cobwebs out of his head then jumps onto the ring apron only for Husky to come charging and hit a big shoulder block knocking Ryder off the ring apron!

Husky now rolls out of the ring and throws Ryder into the ring then rolls in after him and comes off the ropes looking for a running senton but Ryder rolls out of the way to avoid getting crushed! Husky lands hard on his back and he begins stumbling to his feet and Ryder turns him around and then pops him with a punch to the jaw sending Husky into the corner! Ryder now comes running and hits a closeline into Husky in the corner and Husky stumbles out of the corner and Ryder hits a one man flapjack! Ryder rolls him over into a pin.

NO! Husky kicks out!

Ryder now backs up and bounces back and forth on his feet with the LI symbol up again looking like hes about to hit the Rough Ryder and Husky stumbles to his feet then turns around and Ryder comes charging looking for the Rough Ryder and it hits! Ryder gets up and quickly hooks both legs for the pin on Husky!


Lillian Garcia: Heres your winner Zack Ryder!


Zack Ryder celebrates his victory and he fist pumps with the crowd as Husky gets to his feet and he sees Ryder about to leave the ring but Husky comes charging behind him and he clubs him in the back of the head and knocks Ryder out of the ring! Husky now rolls out of the ring and stomps on Ryder a few times before pulling him up to his feet and then Husky drops Ryder with a Swinging Reverse STO and Ryder's skull bounces off the steel steps! Ryder is laid out and then Husky takes Lillian's mic and rolls back into the ring.

Husky Harris: I cant belive I just lost to that idiot! I am a third generation wrestler and its about time I start living up to the family name thats why from here on out I will be using my real name Windham Rotunda!

Windham drops the mic and rolls out of the ring then walks up the ramp backwards and the cameras focus on the titantron where a video package begins and the lights go out in the arena and the video package shows a young man wearing a black hoodie and black sweatpants and hes throwing lightning fast punches and kicks into a punching bag before turning around to face the camera.

???: My name is Luke Robinson and im coming to Overdrive and when I do its just a matter of time until I reach greatness you see in my past I was on a little show called "Tough Enough" and I was screwed out of winning! They didnt see my true greatness but now I have my chance here with Overdrive and nobody will stop me from taking everything I want, I am a future legend and soon you will all know that! My names Luke Robinson and im coming to Overdrive.

The video package ends and the tron goes dark and the crowd is unsure how to react and The cameras now head to Dustin Hunter's office.

Dustin Hunter is on the phone when Christian and John Morrison walk into the office and Dustin hangs up the phone.

Dustin Hunter: Ahh gentleman thank you for coming I asked you here because tonight you two will be in my main event and 1 of you will be taking a spot in the Ladder Match at Hells Judgement!

Christian and John Morrison nod in approval and Christian says may the best man win then he walks out of the office and John Morrison agrees with the comment then walks out himself and now Daniel Bryan walks into the office.

Dustin Hunter: Can I help you Mr.Bryan?

Daniel Bryan: Yes...Yes you can I want a qualifying match to get into the Heavyweight Title match at Hells Judgement!

Dustin Hunter: Hmm well I guess I can do that but since your so rude your match is up next and you can find out your opponet when he comes out. Better get going.

Daniel Bryan walks out annoyed and Dustin laughs then goes back to his phone call as we head into a commerical.

**Flight of the Valkyries**

We come back from commerical and Daniel Bryan is standing in the ring ready for his match and hes holding a mic and now his music cuts.

Daniel Bryan: I shouldnt even have to qualify for the chance to become the Overdrive Champion! I am the best wrestler to ever lace up a pair of boots! It doesnt matter who faces me tonight I will beat whoever is put in front of me because im Daniel Bryan! YES! YES! YES!

**Written In My Face**

The crowd cheers as Sheamus walks out onto the stage in his ring gear holding a mic and his music cuts.

Sheamus: Danny boy fella, Our GM Mr.Hunter told me to come out here and tell ya that im your opponet tonight fella! You can say yes all ya want fella but tonight im gonna kick your arse and im gonna move one step closer to becoming Overdrive Champion!

Sheamus drops the mic and Written In My Face kicks backs up and Sheamus walks down the ramp with a smile on his face and Daniel Bryan hands his mic to a ring crew member and Sheamus gets to the bottom of the ramp and then quickly walks up the steps and enters the ring and extends his arms out to his sides to a loud cheer from the Atlanta crowd before backing into the corner.

**The Bell Rings**

Bryan and Sheamus lock horns in the middle of the ring right away and Sheamus over powers Bryan and brings him into the corner then hits a few shoulder blocks into the ribs of Bryan before clubbing him over the back until the referee pulls Sheamus out of the corner! Bryan is in the ropes to avoid Sheamus who escapes from the ref and comes charging and hits a running knee lift knocking Bryan out of the ring and to the floor! Sheamus rolls out of the ring now and lifts up Bryan who hits a jaw breaker then drops Sheamus with a roundhouse kick! Bryan throws Sheamus into the ring then slides in after him and hooks the leg for the pin.

NO! Sheamus kicks out!

Bryan now grabs a front facelock on Sheamus but Sheamus shoves him off and Bryan stumbles into the ropes then Sheamus gets up and Bryan comes running and walks right into a double sledge from Sheamus! Bryan rolls out onto the ring apron and Sheamus walks over and pulls him up and clubs him ten times right in a row in the chest and Bryan falls off the ring apron to the floor below! Sheamus rolls out of the ring now and Bryan crawls away and Sheamus follows and pulls him up and tosses him into the ring and Sheamus slides in after him but Bryan catches him with a running low dropkick to the face!

Bryan now lets Sheamus get up to his knees then Bryan nails him with a kick to the chest! Bryan now hits two more kicks to the chest then nails Sheamus with a kick to the face taking him down! Bryan lets Sheamus get up and then he applies a front facelock and trys to take down Sheamus into a choke but Sheamus applies a bearhug to block it! Sheamus walks into the middle of the ring and Bryan elbows Sheamus in the back of the head to fight out of the hold then he goes for a roundhouse kick but Sheamus ducks then comes running and drops Bryan with a Brouge Kick! Sheamus quickly covers Bryan hooking the leg for the pin.

NO! Bryan kicks out!

Sheamus cant belive Bryan kicked out and he argues to make sure it wasnt a three as Bryan stumbles to his feet and Sheamus kicks him in the gut then lifts him onto his shoulders and goes for the High Cross but Bryan slides down his back then turns him around then goes for the YES! Lock but Sheamus counters into a small package pin!

NO! Bryan kicks out again!

Sheamus goes up to the top turnbuckle now and Bryan gets up and Sheamus goes for the battering ram but Bryan sidesteps to avoid it and Sheamus crashes hard into the mat! Sheamus rolls into the ropes and Bryan comes charging and dropkicks him in the chest knocking Sheamus out of the ring! Bryan backs up and waits for Sheamus to get up then he comes running and hits a suicide dive on Sheamus! Bryan now pulls Sheamus up and whips him shoulder first into the steel steps! Sheamus is down holding his shoulder and Bryan walks over and rolls im into the ring then rolls in after him and hooks both legs for a pin.

NO! Sheamus kicks out!

Bryan is aruging that it was a 3 but he gets told no and now Sheamus pulls himself up with the ropes and Bryan turns him around and slaps him in the face! Sheamus rubs his jaw then glares at Bryan then swings at him but Bryan ducks then bails out of the ring and Sheamus follows him out and Bryan runs around ringside and Sheamus chases him and then Bryan runs up the ramp and Sheamus follows him up the ramp! Bryan now turns around and hits a dicus punch jaking the jaw of Sheamus! Bryan realizes the refs count is at 8 and he runs down the ramp and slides into the ring at the 9 count and Sheamus is getting to his feet and Sheamus gets up and runs down the ramp but too late the referee reaches a 10 count!

Lillian Garcia: Heres your winner via countout Daniel Bryan!

**Flight of the Valkyries**

Daniel Bryan celebrates and begins yelling YES! as Sheamus cant belive he fell for that trick and his irish temper got the best of him and Bryan runs around the ring yelling YES! and Sheamus slides into the ring and when Bryan faces him Sheamus drops him with a huge Brouge Kick! Sheamus laughs at the laid out body of Daniel Bryan then leaves the ring and walks up the ramp as Overdrive heads to a commerical.

The cameras now go to the announce table as we come back from commerical.

JR: Well Matt, We now know Cody Rhodes and Daniel Bryan will both be in the ladder match at Hells Judgement but up next is another qualifying match between Matt Hardy and AJ Styles.

Matt Striker: Its the match I have been waiting for all night and my pick to win is Hardy....Us Matt's have all the luck!

The cameras now go to the ring where Lillian Garcia is standing holding a mic.

Lillian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first from Cameron, North Carolina Matt Hardy!

**Live For The Moment**

Matt Hardy walks out onto the stage in his classic cargo pants to a good size amount of cheers from the fans and he throws up the V1 sign before he keeps walking down the ramp and high fives some fans on his way down the ramp then he walks up the steps and enters the ring and gets on the second rope and holds up the V1 sign again before backing into the corner.

Lillian Garcia: And now his opponet from Gainsville, Georgia AJ Styles!

**Get Ready To Fly**

AJ Styles walks out onto the stage wearing his blue gear and his white hooded jacket and he walks onto the top of the ramp then flips off his hood and pyro goes off behind him and now he walks down the ramp then takes off his jacket and runs up the steps then enters the ring and strikes his usual pose for the fans before backing into the opposite corner of Hardy.

**The Bell Rings**

Both men lock up right away and Hardy takes down Styles with a armbar and then drops a knee onto his arm. Styles rolls away and Hardy walks over to him but Styles kicks Hardy in the knee to stall him then Styles gets to his feet and hits a enziguri to take down Hardy! Styles now comes off the ropes and goes for a jumping knee drop but Hardy rolls out of the way! Styles lands hard on the mat and Hardy waits for him to get up then dropkicks out his knee! Hardy locks in a single leg boston crab on Styles now and Styles is nowhere near the ropes! Hardy applies more pressure onto the hold but Styles rolls onto his back and kicks Hardy off into the ropes and then gets up and closelines Hardy over the top rope and to the floor!

Styles backs up and waits for Hardy to get up and Styles comes running and dives over the top rope and takes down Hardy with a flying cross body! Styles now gets up and pulls Hardy up and smashes his head into the announce table and Hardy stumbles away and Styles follows him and throws Hardy into the ring then gets on the ring apron but Hardy gets up and yanks on the ropes launching Styles into the ring! Hardy now hits a leg drop on Styles then covers him.

NO! Styles kicks out!

Hardy now waits for Styles to get up then goes for a Side Effect but Styles blocks it with a few elbows to the side of the head! Hardy stumbles away then turns around and goes for a dicus closeline but Styles ducks then hits the Pele Kick! Styles now goes up to the top turnbuckle but Hardy gets back to his feet and walks over and punches Styles right in the jaw! Styles now sits on the top turnbuckle and Hardy climbs up and hits another punch then goes for a superplex but Styles blocks it and then shoves Hardy off the top turnbuckle to the mat! Styles then hits the Sprial Tap off the top turnbuckle onto Hardy! Styles hooks both legs for the pin and the ref counts it!

NO! Hardy grabs the bottom rope!

Styles asks the ref why it wasnt three and the ref motions that Hardy grabbed the bottom rope and now Styles drags Hardy to the middle of the ring then pulls him up to his feet and kicks him in the gut then attempts the Styles Clash but Hardy backdrops Styles to block it! Styles stumbles up now and Hardy catches him with the Side Effect! The crowd cheers loudly for the move and Hardy looks to be setting up for the Twist Of Fate! Styles stumbles up to his feet after taking a big Side Effect and he turns around and Hardy kicks him in the gut then goes for the Twist Of Fate but Styles shoves him into the ropes then Hardy comes back at Styles and gets caught with a spin kick into the ribs! Styles now lifts up Hardy and drops him with the Styles Clash! Styles rolls Hardy right over into a pin now.


Lillian Garcia: Heres your winner AJ Styles!

**Get Ready To Fly**

AJ Styles celebrates his victory and Matt Hardy gets up holding his ribs with a disapointed look on his face and Styles walks over to him and offers him a handshake. Hardy looks at Styles then looks at the crowd before shaking hands with Styles then he raises the arm of Styles before leaving the ring and walking up the ramp and Styles poses for the fans then leaves the ring himself as Overdrive heads into the final commerical break of the night.

As we come back from commerical the cameras go to the announce table.

JR: Well folks we have had a hell of a show tonight and now up next is our main event Christian vs John Morrison with the winner joining Cody Rhodes,Daniel Bryan and AJ Styles in the ladder match to crown the first Overdrive Champion at Hells Judgement.

Matt Striker: I gotta agree with you JR and I just heard from our GM that next week we will find out the 5 teams that will be in the gauntlet match at Hells Judgement to crown our tag champs because they will take part in a 10 man battle royal to decide on the order of entry.

JR: Thats huge news Matt, I cant wait to see that! But now lets get back to the action for tonights main event.

The cameras now go to the ring where Lillian Garcia is standing holding a mic.

Lillian Garcia: The following contest is tonights main event and it is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first from Toronto, Ontario, Canada Christian!

**Just Close Your Eyes**

Christian walks out onto the stage to a loud roar from the crowd and he looks out at his peeps then slaps his chest three times then walks down the ramp high fiving some fans along the way then he slides under the bottom rope and climbs up to the top turnbuckle and again looks out at his peeps and points to some fans then jumps down and stands in the corner.

Lillian Garcia: And his opponet from Los Angles, California John Morrison!

**Aint No Make Belive**

The crowd cheers as John Morrison walks out onto the stage with his bedazzled pants with fur on the bottom of each leg and his matching fur coat and he does his slow motion enterance then walks down the ramp and stops at the bottom of the ramp and gives a young fan his sunglasses then walks up the steps and enters the ring then poses on the top turnbuckle then jumps down and takes off his fur coat and hands it to a ring crew member then backs into the corner.

**The Bell Rings**

The match begins and both men shake hands before they lock up. Christian trys to grab an armbar but Morrison fights it off then applies a side headlock but Christian shoves Morrison off into the ropes then hits a shoulder block! Christian now comes off the ropes but Morrison ducks a closeline then when Christian comes back off the ropes Morrison catches him with a big dropkick! Morrison then goes for a standing moonsault but Christian gets his knees up to block it and Morrison rolls away holding his ribs!

Christian and Morrison both get to their feet and chuckle at the back and forth then they lock up again. Morrison kicks Christian in the gut to take control with a knuckle lock as Christian is on his knees and Morrison takes him down to the mat and the ref counts his shoulders down.

NO! Christian gets up!

Morrison now whips Christian into the corner then comes charging at him but Christian gets his feet up to stop Morrison who stumbles away then Christian comes running but Morrison catches him with a one man flapjack! Christian gets up holding his ribs and Morrison clubs him with a elbow to the back of the head then shoves Christian into the ropes and comes running but Christian pulls down the top rope sending Morrison flying over the top rope but amazingly he lands on his feet outside the ring! Morrison now trips up Christian then pulls him out of the ring and drops him with a jumping armbreaker!

Morrison now walks over to the steel steps closest to the announce table and drags them away from the ring post and about 2 feet in front of where Christian is getting to his feet and Morrison walks over and hits a elbow strike to take him back down! Morrison now backs up to the guard rail and sees Christian getting back up and Morrison comes running and jumps onto the steel steps then jumps from there to the announce table and dives but Christian catches him with a spinning spinebuster hard onto the steel steps!

Morrison is in a ton of pain on the steps holding his back and Christian pulls him up then scoop slams him onto the steel steps! Morrison rolls off the steps and lays at ringside holding his back and Christian throws him into the ring then slides in and hooks the leg for the pin.

NO! Morrison kicks out!

Christian calmy gets back to his feet as Morrison stumbles up and Christian then hits him with a back suplex! Morrison rolls around holding his back and he rolls to the ropes and Christian walks over but Morrison catches him with a kick to the ribs! Morrison now gets to his feet and springboards off the ropes looking for the Flying Chuck but Christian ducks and Morrison lands on his feet only to get caught with a running dropkick straight into his back! Christian now quickly rolls Morrison over and hooks both legs for the pin.

NO! Morrison kicks out!

Christian now drives his knee into the back of Morrison hard then applies a bow and arrow submission on the injured back! Morrison yells in pain and trys to fight up to his feet but Christian keeps him down on the mat and now Morrison begins stomping his foot on the mat and the crowd gets behind him as Morrison fights to his feet then hits a few elbows to the ribs to break the hold! Christian turns around and Morrison goes for a superkick and it hits! Morrison falls onto the pin now!

NO! Christian kicks out!

Morrison looks shocked as he might have just lost his last chance to put Christian away but he drags Christian about a foot in front of the turnbuckles then goes for Starship Pain but Christian quickly gets to his feet then shoves Morrison off the top turnbuckle and he crashes hard spine first against the guard rail! Morrison is down at ringside holding his back not moving and Christian catches his breath then rolls out of the ring and pulls Morrison up then drives him spine first into the guard rail then right into the ring post! Christian repeats this again before throwing Morrison into the ring and Christian rolls in after him and backs into the corner looking for a Spear! Morrison gets up now and turns around and Christian charges for the Spear and it hits! Christian covers Morrison!

NO! Morrison shockingly kicks out!

Christian cant belive it as he thought he had Morrison beat there and now he whips Morrison hard into the turnbuckles in the corner causing more pain to the back of Morrison! Christian walks over and puts Morrison on the top turnbuckle then climbs up after him and goes for a superplex but Morrison hangs onto the turnbuckles! Christian trys again with no luck then he tries to hit a hurricarana off the top turnbuckle but Morrison blocks that and Christian is holding his ribs on the mat and Morrison goes for Starship Pain and NO! He misses because Christian rolled out of the ring!

Christian now slides in and comes off the ropes with a running kick to the face of Morrison then Christian climbs up to the top turnbuckle and dives off and he connects with a big Frog Splash! Christian hooks both legs now for the pin on Morrison and the referee counts it!


Lillian Garcia: Heres your winner Christian!

**Just Close Your Eyes**

Christian celebrates his victory as he knows he has a 1 in 4 chance now to become a world champion and Morrison begins to get up and Christian helps him up and then lightly pats him on the back as a sign of respect and Morrison claps for Christian then rolls out of the ring and walks up the ramp and Christian climbs up to the top turnbuckle celebrating when out of nowhere Cody Rhodes comes out of the crowd and slides into the ring and then runs over to the corner and springboards off the top rope then catches Christian with a Beautiful Diaster Kick knocking Christian off the top turnbuckle and to the mat! Christian is laid out and Overdrive goes off the air with Cody Rhodes standing over Christian's laid out body!
The GS Express

Got to say I'm bummed you dropped your TNA thread Nightmare for a new project, but eager to see what you have up your sleeve, and if you will write it in a totally different style. So let the GS Express commence... Please note that all of the following messages are of my opinion only and not to be thought of as much else.

1. Don't like made up GM's. Their personalities are all the same no matter who's writing the BT.

2.Ted and Cody working together ... again. Sigh.

3. Michelle McCool and Layla working together.. again. Sigh.

Zack Ryder victory. Using his current WWE gimmick which to me screams WWE, but does it work for your Overdrive federation?? Another sigh... but wait.. what have we here??

Husky denounces his "slave" name, and a debut for Luke Robinson. Now this is what I was looking for! When creating your own federation, as a reader I want to see something new, not recycled old gimmicks or alliances. I want to see your take on characters.

This is just an example, but how about a babyface 6 foot 6 inch ass kicking Jack Swagger be the top guy in a promotion, due to great booking and a great character. With great booking, if a guy is talented and has a look there is no reason that in a brand new federation that someone can have kayfabe a new focus and be a world beater inside the ropes. I don't want to read what the WWE dictates to me who is a good talent and who should be on top, I want to read who you think is the best and create them all great characters and take them all to the top.

Bryan vs. Sheamus, I've seen this enough on WWE tv already... but it was a great match to read mate. Well written and happy to see Bryan win... would of liked you to use Bryan Danielson instead though. Styles vs. Hardy.. although we haven't seen this enough on TNA tv, I would have loved to see Styles face a "WWE" guy. Another well written match though and same again with Christian/Morrison.

I know I groaned about Ted joining up with Cody, but where was he at the end? I don;t understand the continuity here?

So here's where I stand on your new project mate and try and see through my complaints and more to what possibilities and potential you have got here with Overdrive. Don't give us what TNA and WWE have given us. Give us something different, because you have created a new fed, a new company, I would like you to give us something totally different because I know how good you are from your previous thread. Your matches are great reads, but with this new fed, we need something new. A tournament to crown a new champion. Tried and true and a really good way to get a champ, but can we have something a little more?

For example when RoH crowned their first champion it was a four man 60 minute iron man match. The man with the most points at the end of the 60 mins was the new champ. Think about TNA's new gut checks or NXT introduction segments and use them for inspiration.

I hope I haven't been too harsh, I just want to see your thread go from formulae to great. Which I know you can do. Glimpses of it with Whindam and Luke. Stick with this because as I said you have a big opportunity to make this something you can be known for around these parts.


**Pyro goes off on the stage and the tron above the stage as Headstrong (Remix) by Trapt plays**

JR: Hello ladies and gentleman welcome to WFE Overdrive! My names JR and this is my brodcast partner Matt Striker and were live tonight from the (arena name here) in (city name here) and we have a great show for you tonight!

Matt Striker: I cant wait for this tonight JR were gonna have a HUGE 6 man tag team match featuring the 6 men who will compete for the Universal Championship at Hells Judgement! Also all 4 men who won a spot in the ladder match for the Overdrive Championship last week WILL be action tonight!

JR: Thats gonna be good Matt but for now lets get the show started as our GM Dustin Hunter is on his way to the ring!

**Detriot Rock City (Instrumental)**

The fans cheer as the GM Dustin Hunter walks out onto the stage in a black sports jacket, Jeans and a black T-Shirt and he walks down the ramp and gets handed a mic from a ring crew member and then walks up the steps and enters the ring and now the music cuts.

Dustin Hunter: Well first off let me say thanks again for the warm welcome folks and welcome to another edition of Overdrive!

*The fans give a cheer for this*

Dustin Hunter: Before I address the situation that im out here to address, First I'd like to let you all know the 6 men that I have chosen to compete for the Universal Championship at Hells Judgement. They will be in a 6 man tag team match tonight the first team is the team of Matt Morgan, Dolph Ziggler, and Curt Hawkins!

*The fans give a mixed reaction for these names*

Dustin Hunter: Their opponets tonight are the team of Jack Swagger, Kazarian, and Brian Kendrick!

*The fans give a slightly more postive reaction for this team but still mixed*

Dustin Hunter: Now onto the business at hand, Last week Kurt Angle had Cody Rhodes trapped in the Ankle Lock until Ted Dibiase ran down and tried to interfere which lead to Cody Rhodes rolling up Kurt for the victory. Well while I dont agree with the way he won im not gonna take Cody out of the title match but...

**Gold Medal**

Dustin is cut off by the olympic gold medalist music and Kurt Angle walks out onto the stage in his street clothes holding a mic and he walks down the ramp quickly and enters the ring and his music cuts.

Kurt Angle: Mr.Hunter, With all due respect did I just hear you say your NOT gonna punish Cody Rhodes for screwing me over last week and hes still in the title match?

Dustin Hunter: Yes you did Kurt, But if you had let me finish I was gonna say that I have decided to give you a match against Ted Dibiase at Hells Judgement so you can get your payback on him.

Kurt Angle: Okay that sounds good but I still want revenge on Cody.

**Smoke and Mirrors (V2)**

Cody Rhodes walks out onto the stage in his ring gear holding a mic to a good size amount of boos and he walks down the ramp ignoring fans and his music cuts as he enters the ring.

Cody Rhodes: Actullay Kurt, I hate to tell you this but I had no idea Ted was going to come out and interfear I dont need some second rate wanna be Cody Rhodes watching my back I can fight my own battles.

Kurt Angle laughs and then Dustin Hunter steps forward.

Dustin Hunter: Cody, Are you telling me you are not working with Ted Dibiase?

Before Cody can answer we see Ted Dibiase walk out onto the stage in a suit holding a mic.

Ted Dibiase: I can answer that "Mr.GM", No I am not working with Cody Rhodes, I interfered because for too long I have been held back in the wrestling business and knowing Kurt is considered "one of the best ever" I have made it my own personal mission to destory him and end his career! Im not a "legend killer" no not at all but Kurt, I am going to kill you.

*The fans boo Ted loudly for this comment and Kurt leans against the ropes*

Kurt Angle: Ted, You wanna end my career? How about you grow a pair and get your ass down here right now why wait till Hell's Judgement?

*The fans cheer for this and Kurt begins to unbotton his shirt and Ted just stands on the stage and laughs*

Ted Dibiase: Oh Kurt, Your so predictable im not gonna end your career here tonight. Hell I may not even end it at Hells Judgement! Im gonna end your career when it fits my schedule and in front of the biggest crowd possible!

Kurt now gets pissed and drops his mic and leaves the ring and begins walking up the ramp but Dustin yells for him to stop.

Dustin Hunter: Kurt! Kurt! Hang on, I just got a brilliant idea! Tonight you will get your hands on both Ted Dibiase AND Cody Rhodes in tag team action!

Kurt nods in approval as he is now facing the ring and he yells "Who's my partner?"

Dustin Hunter: Your partner? Well your partner is the man who Cody here laid out at the end of Overdrive last week...CHRISTIAN!

*The fans cheer loudly for this and Kurt again nods in approval and Ted is yelling at Dustin from the stage while Cody yells at Dustin from the ring and Overdrive heads into a commerical break.

We come back from commerical and the cameras go to the announce table.

JR: Welcome back Ladies and Gentleman, In case your just tuning in you missed the big announcement of two big tag team matches later tonight one between the 6 men in the Universal Championship Match at Hell's Judgement, The other of Ted Dibiase and Cody Rhodes vs Kurt Angle and Christian!

Matt Striker: That was just sick those comments Ted Dibiase made about wanting to end Kurt Angle's career but I think at Hells Judgement when its time to put up or shut up that might just cost him the match.

JR: It truly is disgusting to think Ted, Who's father is a legend in this business wants to take out one of the very best to ever step in the ring Matt. But now folks lets move onto our first match of the evening its a rematch from last week, It's Zack Ryder vs Windham Rotunda rember Zack Ryder won last week but Windham has asked for a rematch here tonight.

The cameras now go to the ring where Lillian Garcia is standing holding a mic.

Lillian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first from Long Island, New York Zack Ryder!

**Woo Woo Woo You Know It! Into Radio**

Zack Ryder walks out onto the stage to some cheers from the fans and hes wearing grey and red gear and he throws up the LI sign and begins walking down the ramp and high fives some fans along the way then jumps onto the ring apron and climbs up to the top turnbuckle and poses for the fans while holding up the LI sign again then he jumps down into the ring and backs into the corner as his music cuts.

Lillian Garcia: And his opponet, From Lafayette, Louisiana Windham Rotunda!

**Kuntry 2 The Kore**

The crowd boos Windham as he walks out onto the stage wearing black trunks with what looks like a family crest on the back of them and hes staring down Ryder who is staring back rembering the post match beatdown he took last week and Windham slowly walks down the ramp with a sick grin on his face and he slides under the bottom rope and while on all fours can be seen mouthing "Rember last week?" to Ryder before standing up then backing into the corner as the music cuts.

**The Bell Rings**

As soon as the match starts Windham charges out of his corner but Ryder sees him coming and comes running himself but runs right into a big stiff closeline from Windham! Windham now begins stomping on Ryder until Ryder pushes him off and gets to his feet and comes running looking for a early Rough Ryder but Windham lifts Ryder up and tosses him into the air and then crushes him hard into the mat with a huge samoan drop! Windham laughs at Ryder whos rolling around on the mat holding his ribs and Windham pulls him to the middle of the ring then hooks the leg for a pin.

NO! Ryder kicks out!

Windham has a bit of a surprised look on his face and he pulls Ryder up to his feet and tosses him into the corner then comes charging and crushes Ryder hard in the corner! Ryder stumbles out of the corner and Windham grabs his head then hits him with a Swining Reverse STO! Ryder is laid out on the mat and Windham now comes off the ropes and hits a running senton to crush Ryder but instead of rolling off Ryder he hooks the rear leg for a pin.


Lillian Garcia: Heres your winner Windham Rotunda!

**Kuntry 2 The Kore**

Windham Rotunda hs a grin on his face as he looks down at the carcus of Zack Ryder not moving on the mat and he asks for a mic to which he quickly gets handed one and his music cuts.

Windham Rotunda: You see? Did you all see that? Tonight I lived up to my family name while also proving to you people im better then this idiot! But I need to send a message to everybody in the back that im no joke!

Windham drops the mic and pulls Ryder up then drops him with another Swinging Reverse STO! Windham laughs and rolls out of the ring on the side closest to the announce table and he walks over to where Lillian sits and takes the steel folding chair and slides into the ring with it as Ryder lays on the mat unable to defend himself. Windham now walks over to Ryder and raises the chair above his hand but then we hear...

**The Rising**

Windham looks around confused and the fans arent sure how to react until they see Tyson Kidd walk out onto the stage! Tyson Kidd now runs down the ramp quickly and slides under the bottom rope then gets up and Windham swings with the chair but Kidd ducks then dropkicks the chair into the face of Windham knocking him out of the ring! Kidd kicks the chair out of the ring on the side opposite of Windham and now Windham gets up and Tyson Kidd dares him to get in the ring and fight him but Windham backs up the ramp instead and Kidd is standing on the ropes watching him as we head into the second commerical break of the night.

We come back from commerical and the cameras are now in the interview area where we see backstage interviewer Reby Sky standing with a mic.

Reby Sky: Ladies and Gentleman my guests at this time, Matt Hardy and Richie Steamboat.

Matt Hardy and Richie Steamboat walk over to the interview area to some cheers from the crowd.

Reby Sky: So Gentleman, I hear you have some news for everybody about Hells Judgement?

Matt Hardy: Thats right, As you all know at Hells Judgement there will be a 5 Team Turmoil Match for the Overdrive Tag Team Titles, Well im here to say that me and Richie are officialy announcing that we will be 1 of those 5 teams in the match fighting for the tag titles!

The fans cheer loudly for this announcement clearly exicted about this team.

Reby Sky: Well I wish you both luck at Hell's Judgement but Richie, I gotta ask what caused this team to form?

Richie Steamboat: Well we met backstage last week and it was a honor to meet Matt cause he was my idol growing up and after talking it out we realized we would make a great team so after talking with our GM we decided to officialy join forces and try to become the Tag Team Champions.

Reby Sky: Sounds like a great story Richie, Well good luck at Hells Judgment guys!

Matt and Richie thank Reby but then out of nowhere Nick and Matt Buck attack Matt and Richie! Nick mounts Hardy and begins to punch him in the face non stop while Matt Buck is stomping away at Steamboat then Reby runs away to go get help, But Nick and Matt Buck stand up and walk away and now medics run over to check on Hardy and Steamboat who are both laid out in the interview area as the cameras fade out and we head into a quick commerical break.

We come back from commerical and the cameras go to Daniel Bryan's locker room.

Daniel Bryan: So apparently tonight I have to face that over rated piece of crap AJ Styles in the main event, Well on the bright side im gonna be main eventing like I always should, But working with that AJ Styles guy? He isnt worth my time that's why im gonna send him a clear cut message for Hells Judgement.

Daniel Bryan walks towards the door but the camera man asks him what he means. Daniel Bryan ignores the camera man and just walks out of the locker room and slams the door shut behind him leaving us with more questions then answers.

Lillian Garcia: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first from Marietta, Georgia Cody Rhodes!

**Smoke & Mirrors (V2)**

Cody Rhodes walks out onto the stage to a good size negative reaction in red trunks with a matching red and white hooded jacket on and he walks down the ramp and gets half way down the ramp and flips off the hood of his jacket before running up the steps and entering the ring. Cody now unzips his jacket and tosses it out of the ring then backs into the corner as his music cuts.

Lillian Garcia: And his partner, From West Palm Beach, Florida he is The Fortunate Son, Ted Dibiase!

**I Come From Money**

The crowd gives Ted the most boos out of everybody tonight and Ted walks down the ramp with a cocky smirk on his face. Ted now slowly walks up the steps and while on the ring apron glares at the fans who are still booing him like crazy then he steps through the middle rope and enters the ring then stands next to Cody while his music cuts.

Lillian Garcia: And now their opponets, Introducing first from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Kurt Angle!

**Gold Medal**

The fans cheer loudly now as Kurt Angle rises up onto the stage and he slowly walks down the ramp never taking his eyes off Ted Dibiase who is glaring right back at him and Kurt stops at ringside waiting for his partner and now his music cuts.

Lillian Garcia: And his partner, From Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Christian!

**Just Close Your Eyes**

Christian walks out onto the stage to the biggest pop yet and Christian looks out at the fans from the stage then slaps his chest three times before walking down the ramp and he high fives some fans along the way then walks up next to Kurt Angle and both look at each other then they both slide into the ring but Cody and Ted leave the ring to avoid them! Christian jumps up to the top turnbuckle and holds his hand on his brow looking out at his peeps and Angle poses with his arms out to his sides then they back into the corner as Christian's music cuts.

**The Bell Rings**

Kurt Angle gets in the ring to start the match and dares Ted to start the match with him but Ted just laughs and gets on the ring apron while Cody slides into the ring. Kurt laughs at Ted being a coward then locks up with Cody. Kurt now takes control backing Cody into the corner then he punches him in the side of the head! Kurt now goes for another punch but Cody ducks then dropkicks Angle face first into the top turnbuckle! Angle stumbles out of the corner now and Cody rolls him up!

NO! Angle kicks out!

Cody kicks Angle in the ribs then goes for a DDT but Angle counters into a northern lights suplex! Cody gets right up now and he turns around walking right into a belly to belly suplex from Angle! Cody rolls out of the ring onto the ring apron and Angle walks over and hits him with a belly to belly suplex from the ring apron into the ring! Cody rolls around on the mat and Angle waits for him to get up and Cody stumbles up and Angle walks over and grabs a rear waist lock then goes for a german suplex but Cody grabs onto the ropes to block it!

Angle now comes running but Cody pulls down the top rope and low bridges Angle over the top rope to the floor below! Cody looks to tag in Ted but Ted jumps off the ring apron and waits for Angle to get up then Ted comes running and takes his head off with a huge closeline! Ted now throws Angle into the ring and gets onto the ring apron and Cody drags Angle away from the ropes then hooks the leg for a pin.

NO! Angle kicks out!

Cody now comes off the ropes only for Ted to make a blind tag and then Cody goes for a knee drop on Angle but Angle rolls out of the way! Angle gets up and Cody is holding his knee and Angle traps Cody into the Ankle Lock! Ted now enters the ring and comes up behind Angle and locks The Million Dollar Dream on Angle forcing him to break the hold on Cody! Ted walks to the middle of the ring and has Angle trapped and Angle begins to fade away! Ted tells the referee to ask him but Angle yells NO! to giving up then slips out of the hold and picks the leg of Ted and goes for an Ankle Lock but Ted rolls through then gets up and dropkicks Angle!

Ted drags Angle to the middle of the ring and he hits a fist drop on Angle! Ted now hits two more fists drops on Angle then hooks the leg for a pin.

NO! Angle kicks out again!

Ted gets mad over this and hooks both legs in another pin attempt.

NO! Angle kicks out yet again!

Ted is livid now and Christian is trying to get the fans behind Angle but just as the fans begin to get loud Ted runs over and dropkicks Christian off the ring apron and his skull bounces off the steel steps! The fans let Ted hear it for the cheap shot on Christian and he just laughs but then Angle runs up behind him and hits him with a big german suplex! Angle stands up and then hits another german suplex! Angle now stands up and hits a third german suplex taking Ted down! Angle now takes the straps down on his singlet as Ted stumbles up to his feet and Angle goes for the Angle Slam but Ted lands on his feet behind Angle then runs over and tags Cody in!

Cody Rhodes enters the ring as Angle walks over but Cody backs into the ropes and the referee backs Angle up then Cody comes running but Angle ducks a closeline from Cody then shoves Cody into the turnbuckle in the corner Christian is in! Angle now comes running but Cody kicks him away! Angle stumbles away then Cody springboards off the ropes for the Beautiful Diaster Kick and it connects but Angle also connects with a dicus closeline at the same time!

Cody and Angle are both laid out and Angle is crawling towards Christian and Cody is crawling towards Ted and then Ted yells at Cody to stop Angle and Cody sees Angle dive and Christian gets the hot tag into the match! Cody gets up and Christian enters the ring but Cody runs over to his corner but Ted jumps off the ring apron avoiding the tag! Cody turns around now and Christian slaps the taste out of his mouth! Cody stumbles away and Christian looks at Ted who's now half way up the ramp and Christian Spears Cody as soon as he turns around! Christian tags in Angle now and Angle enters the ring and drags Cody to the middle of the ring then grapevines his leg and locks in the Ankle Lock! Cody knows hes trapped in the middle of the ring and he taps!

Lillian Garcia: Heres your winners Christian and Kurt Angle!

**Gold Medal**

Angle breaks the hold and stares down Ted who's on the stage with a pissed off look on his face and Christian now enters the ring and hugs Angle then raises his arm in victory as Cody lays on the mat holding his ankle and the cameras focus on the tron where a video package begins.

The video package is in black and white and it shows Luke Robinson hitting some closelines and dropkicks on another man in a wrestling ring inside a gym then he jumps out of the ring and walks up to the camera.

Luke Robinson: Last week I told you all that im coming to WFE Overdrive soon and gave you a bit of backstory on me, This time im gonna show you why im not just a good talker with a nice body.

Luke walks over to a punching bag and the camera follows him and he throws some lighting fast punches and kicks into the bag then shows some athletic ability by hitting a roundhouse kick on the bag then he runs back to the ring and slides into it and uses some type of leg submission on the man hes in the ring with to which the man taps out right away. Luke leaves the ring and walks back over to right in front of the camera.

Luke Robinson: My names Luke Robinson and im coming to WFE Overdrive and when I do we will find out whos afriad of the big bad wolf?

Luke laughs now as the camera fades out and Overdrive heads into a commerical break.

We come back from commerical and the cameras go to the ring where Lillian Garcia is standing holding a mic.

Lillian Garcia: The following contest is a 6 man tag team match and it is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first from Fairfield, Connecticut Matt Morgan!

**Sleeping Giant**

Matt Morgan walks out onto the stage to a mixed reaction from the fans and he walks down the ramp quickly right to the ring then pulls himself onto the ring apron and walks over the top rope and enters the ring and flexs for the fans as his music cuts.

Lillian Garcia: And his partners, Introducing first from Hollywood, Florida Dolph Ziggler!

**Here To Show The World**

Dolph Ziggler walks out onto the stage and the fans give him mostly boos and Ziggler struts down the ramp then runs up the steps and enters the ring through the middle rope then Ziggler jumps onto the top turnbuckle and poses before jumping down and standing next to Morgan as his music cuts.

Lillian Garcia: And their partners, From Queens, New York Curt Hawkins!

**In The Middle Of It Now**

Curt Hawkins walks out onto the stage wearing his black and pink tights and he has a leather jacket on and a cane in hand and he walks down the ramp slowly and then puts his cane against the ring post then walks up the steps and enters the ring then takes off his jacket as his music cuts.

Lillian Garcia: And now their opponets, Introducing first from Perry, Oaklahoma Jack Swagger!

**Get On Your Knees**

Jack Swagger walks out onto the stage and he beats his chest before walking down the ramp then he slides into the ring and stands in the corner opposite of his opponets as his music cuts.

Lillian Garcia: And his partners, Introducing first from Anaheim, California Kazarian!


Kazarian walks out onto the stage and throws up two fingers in the air and now he starts walking down the ramp and he slaps hands with a couple fans on his way down the ramp then Kazarian runs up the steps and climbs up to the top turnbuckle and throws two fingers up in the air again then jumps down into the ring and stands next to Swagger as his music cuts.

Lillian Garcia: And their partner, From Venice, California Brian Kendrick!

**Man With A Plan**

Brian Kendrick walks out onto the stage and quickly walks down the ramp and then slaps hands with a couple fans at ringside before walking up the steps then he jumps over the top rope and enters the ring and stands next to his partners as his music cuts.

**The Bell Rings**

Kendrick and Hawkins both circle each other to start the match and now they lock up. Hawkins goes for a headlock but Kendrick rolls him up for a quick pin!

NO! Hawkins kicks out!

Kendrick now hits a few kicks to the knees of Hawkins then Kendrick comes off the ropes but Morgan kicks him in the back! Kendrick turns around and punches Matt Morgan but Morgan punches back and Kendrick turns around and Hawkins takes him down with a big closeline! Hawkins drags Kendrick into the corner then tags in Morgan who enters the ring then Hawkins whips Kendrick into Morgan who takes him down with a big dicus closeline! Morgan quickly pins now.

NO! Kendrick kicks out!

Morgan pulls Kendrick up off the mat now and grabs him by the throat! Morgan goes for a Chokeslam but Kendrick counters in mid air with a DDT! Morgan goes down and Kendrick is in need of a tag and he crawls to the corner but Morgan is up and knocks Swagger and Kazarian off the ring apron! Kendrick gets up now and turns Morgan around then hits a jumping armbreaker! Morgan stumbles away holding his arm and now Kendrick comes charging and hits a second jumping armbreaker this time Morgan goes down!

Morgan gets up holding his arm and Kendrick walks over to his corner and makes the tag bringing Kazarian into the match and he goes up to the top turnbuckle and dives off but Matt Morgan catches him! Morgan now drops Kazarian with a sitout spinebuster! Kazarian rolls away holding his back and Morgan waits for him to get up and Kazarian gets to his feet in the corner and Morgan comes charging but Kazarian sidesteps and Morgan slams arm first into the top turnbuckle! Kazarian now hits a jumping kick to the arm of Morgan! Kaz now runs over to the corner and tags Jack Swagger into the match but Morgan walks over to his corner and tags in Dolph Ziggler!

Ziggler and Swagger both enter the ring and walk into the middle of the ring and stare each other down then Ziggler slaps Swagger across the face and shoves him into the ropes! Swagger now comes charging and takes down Ziggler with a big shoulder block! Ziggler gets right back up and Swagger hits another flying shoulder block! Ziggler gets to his feet and Swagger knees him in the gut then hits the Gutwrench Powerbomb right into a pin!

NO! Ziggler kicks out!

Swagger now hits a quick elbow drop into the ribs of Ziggler to keep him down and then he comes off the ropes and hits a running splash! Ziggler is holding his ribs and Swagger pulls him up then whips him into the corner where Kazarian and Kendrick are standing! Swagger comes charging in and splashes Ziggler in the corner! Swagger now tags in Kazarian and then Swagger and Kazarian hit a double suplex on Ziggler! Kazarian now rolls over onto a pin on Ziggler and hooks both legs for the pin.

NO! Ziggler kicks out!

Kazarian now lifts Ziggler up off the mat then lifts him up looking for Fade To Black but Ziggler counters it with a sunset flip right into a pin using the tights out of nowhere!

NO! Kendrick breaks it up!

Ziggler runs his hands through his hair as he thought he had the match won and Kazarian stumbles to his feet and Ziggler drops him with a picture perfect dropkick! Ziggler now walks over to his corner and tags Hawkins into the match and Kazarian gets up then Hawkins comes charging and closelines him over the top rope and to the floor! Kazarian is down at ringside and Hawkins leaves the ring and pulls Kazarian up then hits a side russian leg sweep slamming his skull into the guard rail!

Hawkins now tosses Kazarian into the ring then rolls in and he hits a running kick into the ribs of Kazarian! Kazarian is holding his ribs and Hawkins now grabs the legs of Kazarian and slingshots him up and he goes flying face first into the top turnbuckle! Hawkins now comes charging and hits a running dropkick into the back of Kazarian and he bounces off the turnbuckles then goes down! Hawkins now makes the tag to Matt Morgan who enters the ring over the top rope and Kazarian stumbles up and Morgan Chokeslams him! Morgan now hooks the leg for a pin!

NO! Swagger breaks it up!

Morgan now flexs his muscles to boos from the fans then Kazarian starts crawling to his corner but Morgan walks up behind him and drops an elbow across his back! Kazarian goes down and Morgan backs up and slaps his leg then paces waiting for Kazarian to get up but Kendrick turns Morgan around and pops him with a punch to the jaw from the ring apron! Morgan turns his head and laughs then comes charging and hits the Carbon Footprint sending Brian Kendrick flying off the ring apron and he bounces off the guard rail! Swagger starts yelling at the ref now complaining that wasnt fair and Morgan turns back around and Kazarian drops him with a Shining Wizard! Kazarian now covers Morgan hooking the rear leg for the pin but the referee is distracted!

Kazarian yells at Swagger to shut up and Swagger points out the pin to the referee who quickly turns around and counts it!

NO! Ziggler and Hawkins pull Kazarian off the pin!

Kazarian gets up and starts attacking Ziggler but Hawkins clubs Kazarian in the back of the head taking him down! Swagger now enters the ring and comes running and he takes both Hawkins and Ziggler out of the ring with a double closeline but his own momentum takes him out of the ring as well! Kazarian now sees everybody down at ringside and turns around but BAM! he walks right into a Carbon Footprint from Matt Morgan! Morgan drags Kazarian away from the ropes then hooks the leg for a pin.


Lillian Garcia: Heres your winners the team of Matt Morgan, Curt Hawkins, And Dolph Ziggler!

**Sleeping Giant**

Matt Morgan celebrates his victory as Hawkins and Ziggler enter the ring and celebrate as well as Overdrive heads to commerical.

We come back from commerical and the cameras head to a hallway backstage where Brooke Tessmacher is standing.

Brooke Tessmacher: I cant wait for next week, I was just informed that I will be in a tag team match with a patner of my choosing against LayCool! Im gonna enjoy smacking them around and guess who my partner is?

Velvet Sky walks into the camera view and puts her arm around Brooke Tessmacher.

Velvet Sky: Thats right me and Brooke are joining forces to smack around LayCool and prove why one of us is guarenteed to walk out of Hells Judgement with the WFE Womens Championship around our waist!

The cameras now go to the ring where Lillian Garcia is standing holding a mic.

Lillian Garcia: The following contest is tonights main event and it is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first from Aberdeen, Washington Daniel Bryan!

**Flight of the Valkyries**

Daniel Bryan walks out onto the stage and he looks out at the fans then causually walks down the ramp and then he walks up the steps and climbs up to the top turnbuckle and holds his arms up in the air and yells something about AJ Styles being taken out tonight then jumps off the top turnbuckle into the ring and backs into the corner opposite of where he entered and stands there waiting for his opponet.

Lillian Garcia: And his opponet from Gainsville, Georgia AJ Styles!

**Get Ready To Fly**

AJ Styles now walks out onto the stage in his black tights with his normal white hooded jacket on and he slowly walks down the ramp but stops half way and flips off the hood and pyro comes down from the tron behind him then he takes off the jacket as he keeps walking down the ramp then walks up the steps and jumps over the top rope into the ring and stands in the corner opposite of Bryan as his music cuts.

**The Bell Rings**

Bryan and Styles begin to circle each other and Styles trys for a lock up but Bryan walks away. Styles walks after Bryan but Bryan backs into the ropes and demands he backs Styles off. Styles does back off and Bryan comes out of the ropes then Styles comes running but again Bryan backs into the ropes to avoid a lock up! Styles now gets pissed and swings at Bryan while being held back by the referee but Bryan rolls out of the ring and walks around ringside! Styles now breaks away from the referee and slides out of the ring and Bryan runs around ringside with Styles chasing him then Bryan slides into the ring with Styles sliding in right after him but Bryan catches Styles with a high knee to the jaw!

Bryan laughs as Styles holds his jaw and Bryan lets him get up then applies a rear waist lock and goes for a german suplex but Styles blocks it then hip tosses Bryan! Bryan gets up and Styles hits another hip toss then applies an armbar! Styles has the hold locked in and Bryan reaches for the ropes but cant reach and Styles now puts Bryan's arm behind his back then pushes up and Bryan now fights up to his feet and hits a few quick elbows into the ribs of Styles to break the hold then Bryan sends Styles off the ropes and goes for a dropkick but Styles hangs onto the ropes and Bryan goes down! Styles quickly dives over and gets a bridging pin on Bryan!

NO! Bryan powers up and counters into a backslide pin!

NO! Styles kicks out and counters into his own backslide pin!

NO! Bryan kicks out!

Styles and Bryan now both come off the ropes at the same time from opposite sides then Styles swings for a closeline but Bryan ducks under it and then Bryan dropkicks Styles in the back knocking him down! Bryan grabs the leg of Styles then drags him into the middle of the ring and turns him around but Bryan kicks Styles away! Bryan gets up now and goes for a roundhouse kick but Styles ducks then rolls up Bryan with a school boy pin!

NO! Bryan kicks out!

Styles waits for Bryan to get up then pops him with a punch to the jaw and Bryan stumbles away before coming charging and he trys to closeline Styles over the top rope but Styles backdrops Bryan over the top rope and onto the ring apron! Styles now hits the Pele Kick off the ring apron and Bryan goes down on the floor! Styles now sees Bryan down and shoots off the ropes then dives over the top rope looking for a splash but Bryan moves out of the way and Styles crashes hard on the floor! Bryan now pulls Styles up and lifts him up then drops him ribs first onto the steel steps! Styles rolls off holding his ribs and Bryan tosses Styles into the ring then rolls in and hooks both legs for the pin.

NO! Styles kicks out!

Bryan pulls Styles up and whips him hard into the corner! Bryan now comes charging and hits a running dropkick into the ribs of Styles followed up quickly by a belly to belly suplex! Bryan now climbs up to the top turnbuckle but now Styles gets up and runs over to the ropes and springboards off the ropes then hits a hurricarana off the top turnbuckle on Bryan sending him crashing to the mat!

The fans erupt cheering for this and Bryan is laid out and Styles is holding his knee having crashed hard and he crawls over to him and puts an arm over him for the pin.

NO! Bryan kicks out!

Styles pulls himself up using the ropes then Bryan gets up and Styles knees him in the ribs then goes for the Styles Clash but Bryan drops down to his knees to block it then low blows Styles without the referee seeing it! Styles goes down holding his groin in pain and now Bryan gets up and starts yelling at him to get up and Styles stumbles to his feet then Bryan kicks him in the right knee to bring Styles to his knees and now Bryan unleashes 5 kicks to the chest of Styles before dropping him with a roundhouse kick to the side of the head! Styles is laid out and Bryan pins him hooking the leg!

NO! Styles gets his foot on the bottom rope!

Bryan cant belive Styles still has fight left in him as he sees Styles pulling himself up with the ropes but Bryan walks over and lifts Styles up then drops him ribs first across the top rope! Styles falls back into the ring holding his ribs and Bryan goes out onto the ring apron and now Styles gets back up and Bryan hits a shoulder block into the ribs! Styles stumbles away and now Bryan climbs up to the top turnbuckle then dives off and connects with a missle dropkick! Bryan quickly stacks up Styles with his legs above his head for a pin!

NO! Styles kicks out!

Bryan seems to be getting frustrated now and he drags Styles into the middle of the ring then goes for a Guillotine choke and he gets it locked in wrapping his legs around the waist of Styles with the choke hold locked in! Styles is trying to fight it but the strain is too much and he begins fading away! Bryan yanks on the hold and tells the ref to ask him if he wants to give up but Styles yells NO! but that only makes Bryan yank on the hold even more and now Styles drops to his knees and seems to be out! The referee lifts up the arm of Styles and it drops then the referee lifts his arm again and again his arm drops to the mat! The referee lifts up his arm a third time and drops it but this time Styles keeps his arm up! Styles gets back to his feet with Bryan still yanking on the hold but Styles breaks the choke hold then drops Bryan with a thrust spinebuster!

Both men are down as Styles feels the effects of being in the chokehold for so long but he manages to crawl to the corner as Bryan rolls over to the ropes and begins to pull himself up with them and Styles now gets up in the corner as Bryan gets up on the ropes and turns around then comes charging into the corner but Styles gets his knees up to block the attack Bryan attempts! Bryan stumbles away and now Styles walks out of the corner then springboards off the ropes and lands on his feet behind Bryan then drops him with a reverse DDT! Styles now rolls over onto Bryan and hooks the rear leg for a pin.

NO! Bryan kicks out!

Styles cant belive it as he gets up pulling Bryan up with him then he goes for a Styles Clash but before he can lift Bryan up for it he gets backdropped by Bryan! Bryan now waits for Styles to get up then he comes running behind him and rolls him up using the tights for leverage!


Lillian Garcia: Heres your winner Daniel Bryan!

**Flight of the Valkyries**

Daniel Bryan celebrates the victory as AJ Styles gets up and yells at the referee saying he was holding his tights but the referee leaves the ring and now Bryan comes from behind trying to blind side Styles but somehow Styles sees him coming and drops him with the Pele Kick! Bryan rolls out of the ring holding his jaw and AJ grins at him while Bryan walks up the ramp annoyed his plan failed as Overdrive goes off the air!
GrandSword let's you know what he thinks...

Nightmare, read your show yesterday, and here's some feedback as promised.

1. I like what you've done with the whole Cody/Ted dynamic. They aren't working together.. (although they do in the main event grrr...) it's more about both men trying to make an impact, in their own way. I just hope after this episode these two don't really have much to do with each other again, unless they are against one another.

2. A 5 team turmoil match. 5 Teams... That's a lot of teams, and an uneven number... I hope you find a way for this to work because it sounds like it will be hard to pull off.

3. Angle and Christian win. A feel good moment for the fans, but it seems you have just killed off your two main feuds in the space of one week...

4. Robinson promo. Love having a new guy come in. The promo could have been a little bit better. Isn't he from the bayou or something like that you could have worked with? Not like Brya Wyatt or anything but use his hometown to train through the swamps or something maybe suplexing tree logs. I don't know, a gym setting just seems a bit bland for someone you look like want to build up big.

5. The 6 man tag. I had no idea who was face or heel. Were they both heel teams? I read this yesterday, I'll have to go back and read this match again. Why did this match happen? No promos leading up to it. I need a reason to care about the matches Nightmare.

6. Tesmacher/Sky, eye candy!!!! Promo to build their match. Awesome! That's all you and Maverick need, more of that. Nothing crazy just something to let me know who's face/heel and what their motivations are.

7. Main Event is what I'm talking about. We got promo to build up who was who, what they were after and then got an awesome match for our main event. Nice clean(ish) win and then a post match fight to keep the feud alive.

Last Words - I really liked the set up of the Christian/Angle vs. Ted/Cody match and Dustin's interaction and the main event. It's your filler matches you need to work on. Maybe think about who it is you want to push to the main event. Is it Morgan, Ziggler? Good job again with Windham Rotunda and Luke Robinson. Overdrive was a very solid show. You might have too many colours, maybe just bolding the name. I was also very confused with your 6 man. I would also like to see some cool stuff happen like turning someone heel in a big move that will shock. Maybe something to look toward for your ppv.

Apart from that, keep going with this, I hope you are having fun putting it together because that's the main thing.

Read both your show and HUFCMaverick's show last night and a few things I noticed and thought you needed some feedback on. First of all, for WFE in general, I get the distinct impression that your show is a tweaked WWE and Underground is a tweaked 'others' show - this sort of makes some of the matches a little bit problematic. First up, in yours, we've seen a lot of these matches already - OK, there was a stipulation hanging on it but Morrison vs. Christian for your first main event? Nice a match as it will be, without build, this is just two (upper) mid-card faces with little to interest me. In Underground, it leads to - for someone not up to speed with TNA and such - guys who I don't know well against each other so I'm feeling 'negative' towards it immediately. I think the rosters could have used a bit more of a mix-up and really split the WWE guys apart and then add in the others so that you would immediately have plenty of new, fresh matches and feuds ready to begin.

Just looked at GrandSword's comments, I agree with him - too 'WWE' for a new company. Not much change in character going on, a bit 'stale' - that's not a criticism of your writing, it's a criticism of what those guys are like. When you did something different - e.g. Husky Harris > Windham Rotunda - it was entertaining. I don't know Luke Robinson, I go and check him out on YouTube because you made me interested. You need to set some of the guys you're using apart from their WWE characters and storylines, IMO.

Matches: Well written and easy to read. They'll improve as you continue but they're solid to start with. Often, newcomers struggle to write matches that flow but yours do.

Promos: Something to work with. They seem too short to me, you are a little too eager to get to the point. Out of the matches and the promos, the promos are where the work is needed to improve.

Format: Good. An image or two would be nice, not sure about the different colours being used, however, it is clear enough and easy to read. Solid enough for now.

As for the feuds and storylines in particular, I've made a vow to hold off until PPV #1 before I comment on those. I feel we need to give you chance to show off the complete story before commenting on it. Am continuing to read.


Overdrive Preview:

On the latest episode of Overdrive we saw the 6 men who will be facing off at Hell's Judgement for the Universal Title compete in a 6 man tag team match which was won by the team of Matt Morgan, Dolph Ziggler, and Curt Hawkins now this week they be facing off in a triple threat match just 3 days before Hell's Judgement who will gain momentum?

Straight from the Twitter of Britani Knight...
Next episode of Overdrive I WILL be making my official debut! @OfficialNatayla are you ready for our match? #iknowiam

Another match announced last week on Overdrive was a tag team match with Lay-Cool taking on the team of Brooke Tessmacher & Velvet Sky which team will gain some momentum just 3 days before the Battle Royal between all the women on the roster at Hell's Judgement?

After their brutal attack on Matt Hardy & Richie Steamboat last week will The Young Bucks speak out about their actions?

Finally straight from the Twitter feed of GM Dustin Hunter:
Go home show before #HellsJudgement big tag team match of @RealDanielBryan & @CodyRhodesOfficial against @Christian4Peeps and @PhenominalAJStyles #mainevent

See the answers to all these questions, All these matches and more on the next and final episode of WFE Overdrive before Hell's Judgement!

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