Were any lessons learned from "The Whole F'n Show"?

Bobby B

Time to play the game
Now a lot of people came out of the show last week feeling really positive. Crediting how there was a bigger focus on the in ring product, over the talking. And how that created a better show.

So we cut to this week - and we get what exactly? Every match (barring the main event) finished in under 5 minutes - the main event only last 6 too. If last weeks format was so good then why did you completely change it? I'm not saying you shouldn't have in-ring segments (of course you should). But why cram 4 weeks worth of tournament matches into one show?

This weeks show is a great example of why TNA will NEVER grow under the Russo/Bischoff regime. Some good concepts executed in totally the wrong way.
Did you actually think TNA would go with the whole F'N show's format from now on? The viewership was down last week in comparison to other weeks. While I and many here may prefer that format, I think the numbers which TNA goes according to tells them that most of the TNA viewers don't particularly care for a majority filled wrestling show.
Lessons learned..you put out the best possible product and you will maintain viewers and even attract new ones. Lessons learned from WWE's brand extension and NXT angle? You have a bunch of robotic new guys with no personas imitating the NWO invasion against less than 50 percent of WWE's top stars (as many are injured or are on Smackdown) and you lose viewers. Is it better to aim at 'spiking' your ratings every week, impossible in today's stale wrestling climate, or at the very least maintain ratings by giving your audience the best possible card possible?
I think really what was proved with The Whole F'n Show was that it doesn't matter how good guys like Beer Money, MCMG, and AJ Styles are... I think it also proves that you can put on a great show, but no one is paying attention... The only way TNA will ever increase ratings and truly get guys "over" like I mentioned above is if they get everyone's attention by grabbing a couple of really big names... I love all those guys, but no one takes them seriously because they are not "WWE". Look at R-Truth... He is doing the exact same gimmick that he did when he was in TNA... All of a sudden, WWE fans think that he is cool and could be a main event player... Two BIG names will get everyone's attention... And by big names I do not mean The Miz, or John Morrison, or Jack Swagger... I mean super huge Like Orton, Cena etc... Then the WWE fans will not feel like they are "betraying" the WWE by watching TNA... Same principle that worked when WCW brought in Hall and Nash... I know that you are thinking, "They brought in Angle, RVD, Hardy, Hogan, Sting, Flair"... As much as I like these guys they are not really what I am talking about when I say TOP guys... TNA needs top tier, in their prime top guys to make the company visible... From there you make guys like AJ, Kaz, Beer Money, etc. into top stars because those guys are now "believable"... It really is that simple... You just need the money to do it... Where is Billionare Ted???
If I am correct this week's edition of IMPACT! was taped the very next night after the TNA Whole F'n Show, so more than likely for the most part TNA probably had this week's IMPACT planned well beforehand. So if there are changes to expect, then they would more than likely come next week. Even though TNA used to put on weekly shows like the special on PPV, they more than likely would not benefit from making IMPACT! like that. They would set a standard in which would be hard to go back on and the PPV buyrates would drop way below what they are now.
Well last week format was a PPV if you really think about it. Now they are back to telling story, the same way that WWE does it or try at least. But I know that personally I can't watch a full episode of the WWE lately but I don't miss TNA because I see move that I haven't seen in the WWE for 5 years. I really like the in-ring action and I hope that they would allow more time to matches to offer the alternative like they were saying back in the day.

And was it me or was the Flair/Foley word confrontation was a total mess. It was about time that Foley asked for Ric mic's to be cut.
Californiachef84, TNA doesn't need to bring in anyone, because thats not the problem with impact. They already have jeff hardy, kurt angle, and wrestling's biggest icons in Hogan, Sting, and Flair. Everyone needs to realize that if it makes sense then TNA is going to do the opposite and thats there problem. They don't have anyone working in the office who respects the wrestling business, true wrestling fans or the talent and that's why TNA will never succeed.

I hate to say things like that, but its true. Until Dixie dismantles the office, and the god awful booking committee and replaces them with people who know and respect the business TNA is never gonna grow, and they will continue to lose viewers like myself included, and never gain any new ones.

oh yeah and one more thing Mr. bischoff and Dixie, you can do all the focus studies you want, (everyone sees how well those are working out) but ratings will always be 0.9-1.1 until you start respecting wrestling fans, the wrestling business, and start booking LOGICAL WRESTLING SHOWS and stop treating the fans like we're idiots!
Well, since you brought up this week's show, I want to mention something in the Morgan/Pope match. Specifically, the finish.

I get it. I understand what the finish was supposed to be, and that's not my problem with it. Myproblem lies in a minor part of it. Morgan had grabbed the rope. In fact, he had grabbed the rope before the ref started counting. Why did the ref count? That should have broken the pin?

"But, Pope took his hand off the ropes." Yes, he did. But, the ref had already started counting BEFORE he did that? And, the worst part of it was that Taz was talking about that, as though it were a great moment of intellect from Pope. Seriously, that kind of thing is actually insulting to anyone who loves wrestling.

Speaking of "insulting to wrestling fans," Fortune. When the lights went out, I started counting. 7 seconds. It took those guys 7 seconds to leave the locker room, run down the ramp, beat the man-shit out of Jeff Jarrett, Kevin Nash, and Hulk Hogan, AND form a circle around Sting. Sting, who has been on Flair's side since Flair came into the company, for the most part.

Let me go over that, for a second. Jeff Jarret, Hulk Hogan, and Kevin Nash are 20+ year veterans.... each. Nash and Hogan would be fairly high up on any list of the biggest names of the last 20 years. Hogan, of course, being 3rd,if I'm writing the list, behind Austin and Flair. But, those two guys, and Jeff Jarrett, all got taken out, off camera, in SEVEN SECONDS! Actually, a lot less than that, since Fortune had to run the hell down to the ring, to begin with. And, am I the only one who noticed that Fortune didn't actually touch Jarrett or Hogan with the lights on?

And, speaking of "Off-Camera Beatings," what the hell is TNA going to do to punish Abyss? Not a rhetorical question. I want an answer. Sting was suspended for hitting Jarrett with a bat. Okay, I can understand that. Assault with a deadly weapon is bad, mm-kay? But, after the off-camera massacre of RVD, how the fuck is Abyss not fired or in jail? Again, NOT a rhetorical question. Someone, please, answer that.

So, what did I learn from this week's Impact? I learned that Dixie Carter, Vince Russo, and Hulk Hogan all HATE basic common sense.
One thing about the whole F'n show is that it was basically Hard Justice on primetime TV because they gave the actual PPV to the ECW guys (personally I think they should have flipped it around, the whole F'n show was WAY better than Hardcore Justice) so it was pretty much like getting a PPV free on TV so you can't expect that format on weekly TNA television.

With that said there is an issue with having every match end in under 5 minutes, especially when the majority of the matches were for a chance at the World Heavyweight title. When you have an 8 man tournament for the title each match should be given at least 10 minutes as the matches will mean more. I like that they are having a tournament but there's no point if every match is going to end in 5 minutes, if thats the case don't waste your time and just give the title to AJ since he was the last champion. This is a chance for TNA to put on a bunch of great matches with their top talent and they are wasting that chance (if last nights iMPACT was any indication this could be one shitty tourny).

There is always going to be a need for backstage segments and promo's, but since you have 2 hours have 25% of it promo's and 75% of it wrestling (instead of the other way around), thats a 1/2 hour every week that is given to promo's, that's plenty of time. Besides, since they do have a pile of great in-ring talent (and also alot of guys with weak mic skills) you will help those talents get over by giving them time to put on great matches every week, you can't compete with WWE in entertainment value, so give the crowd something the WWE isn't giving, an edgier product that has intense, fact paced action. Give guys like Douglas Williams 10-15 minute matches and let these talents show the world how good they really are and as these guys get more fan support by their matches, give them a few minutes each week on the mic and build up their mic and promo work so maybe in a few years not only are you on par with WWE in entertainment value, but you are leaps and bounds ahead of them in the ring. Most of TNA's talent have a much better chance of getting over if they are just given enough time in the ring to showcase their skills.
One thing about the whole F'n show is that it was basically Hard Justice on primetime TV because they gave the actual PPV to the ECW guys (personally I think they should have flipped it around, the whole F'n show was WAY better than Hardcore Justice) so it was pretty much like getting a PPV free on TV so you can't expect that format on weekly TNA television.

I'm not "expecting" pay-per-views every week. By the way, I've seen almost every TNA pay-per-view in the last 2 years. Last week's Impact was better, overall, than any of them. I mean that sincerely. What I do expect, howver, is wrestling that makes sense. I do expect basic conherency in storylines. Case in point: Kurt Angle had wrestled, and beaten, 5 of the Top 10 contenders for the title over 2 months. Honestly, this is the ONLY good storyline that TNA had over the summer, since it made perfect sense,

And, then TNA completely pisses on that storyline by putting him in this tournament.... But, they don't leave out the "If Angle doesn't win, he's gonna quit" part. So, anyone who's paying attention really gets the feeling that Angle's going to win the thing, because if he doesn't, he quits. So, abnyone who's paying attention knows that Angle's going to win. Whether they're right or not doesn't matter in this case. When a company does this kind of storyline, it takes away from the drama. "Is Douglas Williams going to beat Angle?" Outside of this storyline, that would be a very good idea. And, it would be shocking. And, it would boost Williams, majorly. In this storyline, you know there's no chance in hell of it happening.

And, of course, we have a babyface/babyface/babyface/babyface tournament matchup at the next ppv, which is in three weeks. They won't touch this storyling again until September. Let's ignore the flawed logic behind not having a single heel in this storyline anymore, and go straight ot the fact that Angle's next opponent. Could Jeff Hardy beat Angle, and end his career? Probably. Would TNA EVER make Jeff Hardy a heel? No. Better question there is, COULD Jeff Hardy ever be an effective heel? No. If he could be, WWE would have turned hm heel against CM Punk, rather than have the multiple strike junky be the babyface against hte guy who lives a clean life. (But, I'm getting off topic.)

The title itself will be vacant until October! Which, conincidentally, longer than it takes for stitches to heal! So, I'm going to look into my bowl of ice cream, and see if I can see the future. Kurt Angle will win the tournament, thereby ending the "I'm going to quit if I lose" stuff, and be booked into a match against a returning RVD the following episode of Impact. Now, if anyone with a basic level of intellect was booking TNA, they would have started jobbing RVD out for what he said about the TNA talent roster, but this is TNA, so there's no basic intellect there. One look at Dixie Carter's YouShoot will prove that. ("He's thinking about an hour and 20 minutes. I'm talking about 82 minutes." And, yes... That's an actual quote from that interview. In response to a question about how "Total Nonstop Action" has next to no actual wrestling on their program most weeks. She ain't the brightest bulb. Let's just leave it at that.)

But, to sum up..... You're right. We can't expet pay-per-viewws on free TV. But, what we can expect is a little common fucking sense. And, frankly, that's not too much to ask.
There is always going to be a need for backstage segments and promo's, but since you have 2 hours have 25% of it promo's and 75% of it wrestling (instead of the other way around)...

Agreed -- but this argument has been done before. I think everyone is in agreement that both WWE and TNA are far too segment heavy. It's one thing to push storylines and it's another to over-saturate us with them.

This may be straying from the topic at hand, but I was watching the new Raw Beginnings set WWE just released and I was quite pleased. I mean, a Doink vs Bob Backlund match lasted for like 15 minutes (maybe more) and was solid wrestling from start to finish. Nowadays, these guys would get 15 seconds of air time and it would be to crack a really lame joke with a guest host. IC title matches on that DVD lasted more than 6 minutes -- wow! Not used to that. It's just sad that as I was enjoying this DVD, I also longed for 1993-94. Honestly, I think if WWE and TNA watched older episodes of Raw, copied that format, the overall product would be better. More wrestling, less segments.
I'm not "expecting" pay-per-views every week. By the way, I've seen almost every TNA pay-per-view in the last 2 years. Last week's Impact was better, overall, than any of them. I mean that sincerely. What I do expect, howver, is wrestling that makes sense. I do expect basic conherency in storylines. Case in point: Kurt Angle had wrestled, and beaten, 5 of the Top 10 contenders for the title over 2 months. Honestly, this is the ONLY good storyline that TNA had over the summer, since it made perfect sense,

And, then TNA completely pisses on that storyline by putting him in this tournament.... But, they don't leave out the "If Angle doesn't win, he's gonna quit" part. So, anyone who's paying attention really gets the feeling that Angle's going to win the thing, because if he doesn't, he quits. So, abnyone who's paying attention knows that Angle's going to win. Whether they're right or not doesn't matter in this case. When a company does this kind of storyline, it takes away from the drama. "Is Douglas Williams going to beat Angle?" Outside of this storyline, that would be a very good idea. And, it would be shocking. And, it would boost Williams, majorly. In this storyline, you know there's no chance in hell of it happening.

And, of course, we have a babyface/babyface/babyface/babyface tournament matchup at the next ppv, which is in three weeks. They won't touch this storyling again until September. Let's ignore the flawed logic behind not having a single heel in this storyline anymore, and go straight ot the fact that Angle's next opponent. Could Jeff Hardy beat Angle, and end his career? Probably. Would TNA EVER make Jeff Hardy a heel? No. Better question there is, COULD Jeff Hardy ever be an effective heel? No. If he could be, WWE would have turned hm heel against CM Punk, rather than have the multiple strike junky be the babyface against hte guy who lives a clean life. (But, I'm getting off topic.)

The title itself will be vacant until October! Which, conincidentally, longer than it takes for stitches to heal! So, I'm going to look into my bowl of ice cream, and see if I can see the future. Kurt Angle will win the tournament, thereby ending the "I'm going to quit if I lose" stuff, and be booked into a match against a returning RVD the following episode of Impact. Now, if anyone with a basic level of intellect was booking TNA, they would have started jobbing RVD out for what he said about the TNA talent roster, but this is TNA, so there's no basic intellect there. One look at Dixie Carter's YouShoot will prove that. ("He's thinking about an hour and 20 minutes. I'm talking about 82 minutes." And, yes... That's an actual quote from that interview. In response to a question about how "Total Nonstop Action" has next to no actual wrestling on their program most weeks. She ain't the brightest bulb. Let's just leave it at that.)

But, to sum up..... You're right. We can't expet pay-per-viewws on free TV. But, what we can expect is a little common fucking sense. And, frankly, that's not too much to ask.

I agree totally and you're right its not to much to ask for some common sense, I was just saying you can't expect the exact same format from the whole F'n show which is why I described what I think a good format would be for the show (at least in my opinion).

I have been very vocal about TNA not having any common sense and thats why I barely watch iMPACT these days, its just to damn frustrating to watch. Every time I turn it on I get pissed off because of the nonsensical bullshit that is constantly showing up on TNA programming. I still check it out once in a while in hopes it gets better (and I will continue to do so) but until TNA can make a show that actually makes sense I am not going to waste 2 hours of my time every week to support it. Total Non Stop action my ass, more like Total Nonstop Acting.
I think really what was proved with The Whole F'n Show was that it doesn't matter how good guys like Beer Money, MCMG, and AJ Styles are... I think it also proves that you can put on a great show, but no one is paying attention... The only way TNA will ever increase ratings and truly get guys "over" like I mentioned above is if they get everyone's attention by grabbing a couple of really big names... I love all those guys, but no one takes them seriously because they are not "WWE". Look at R-Truth... He is doing the exact same gimmick that he did when he was in TNA... All of a sudden, WWE fans think that he is cool and could be a main event player... Two BIG names will get everyone's attention... And by big names I do not mean The Miz, or John Morrison, or Jack Swagger... I mean super huge Like Orton, Cena etc... Then the WWE fans will not feel like they are "betraying" the WWE by watching TNA... Same principle that worked when WCW brought in Hall and Nash... I know that you are thinking, "They brought in Angle, RVD, Hardy, Hogan, Sting, Flair"... As much as I like these guys they are not really what I am talking about when I say TOP guys... TNA needs top tier, in their prime top guys to make the company visible... From there you make guys like AJ, Kaz, Beer Money, etc. into top stars because those guys are now "believable"... It really is that simple... You just need the money to do it... Where is Billionare Ted???

I have to completely disagree. Kurt Angle and Jeff Hardy weren't TOP guys when they left WWE? Are you freaking Kidding me? Angle is the best technical wrestler of this generation and Jeff Hardy was possible the most OVER face in all of WWE when he left. If Jeff Hardy can't bring viewership to TNA then no one else will.

TNA has ALL the talent it could ever possible need. It just needs better production and booking.
NO lessons weren't learned. Theres my post. Why? Because i am just tired right now and TNA does not even deserve a bashing from me because they are so pathetic. This does not mean i am bashing people like Pope, MCMG jeff hardy mr.anderson, Angle, Desmond Wolfe, angelina love, etc etc freaking etc. These guys here, are the very foundation of TNA and some of this decade of wrestling. They have all this weight on their shoulders, carrying wrestling day in and day out. Trying to carry such a heavy burden and take it to even greater heights. All the while you have hogan flair and Eric sitting on top of the foundation getting a free ride wherever they want. Why? Because the REAL wrestlers, the REAL entertainers, the REAL superstars , the REAL icons showed them respect. And they use that respect to fuel their giant egos and empty pockets so they can win some "war" they have with Vince Mcmahon. And our wrestlers are just casualties of this pathetic war, slowly written being off by these OLD GOATS(HOGAN FLAIR ERIC B). Such a waste, when such mightly Lions are being slaughtered for these Lambs....THIS is TNA.....
And Ducey13...Angle and HArdy not top guys? Have u seen Angle vs Michaels at Wrestlemania? Taker vs Michaels 1 and 2 are great, but that match that Angle had wit Michaels is just on a totally different level that you cannot compare the two. Even though we know wrestling is fake, that match actually made me believe that it is real. When a wrestler does that to a fan, that doesn't make him great?....
Hardy left WWE as a Champion and probably the most over guy to the young and older fans. Hands down. He was so over that the Undertaker had to replace him and feud against CM punk after he departed. If that doesn't show you how great these 2 are, then you are lost my friend.

Few other notes- RVD-SYMBOL OF ECW
STING-LEGEND and ICON of WCW finally winning against the NWO
Flair-THE Dirtest player in the game

NOt be eh?...
Californiachef84, TNA doesn't need to bring in anyone, because thats not the problem with impact. They already have jeff hardy, kurt angle, and wrestling's biggest icons in Hogan, Sting, and Flair. Everyone needs to realize that if it makes sense then TNA is going to do the opposite and thats there problem. They don't have anyone working in the office who respects the wrestling business, true wrestling fans or the talent and that's why TNA will never succeed.

I hate to say things like that, but its true. Until Dixie dismantles the office, and the god awful booking committee and replaces them with people who know and respect the business TNA is never gonna grow, and they will continue to lose viewers like myself included, and never gain any new ones.

oh yeah and one more thing Mr. bischoff and Dixie, you can do all the focus studies you want, (everyone sees how well those are working out) but ratings will always be 0.9-1.1 until you start respecting wrestling fans, the wrestling business, and start booking LOGICAL WRESTLING SHOWS and stop treating the fans like we're idiots!

First of all, the guys that you mentioned above as "top" stars are not really top stars... I am pretty sure that I covered that in my post... Hogan and Flair have not been in their prime for quite some time... RVD & Jeff Hardy were never really top stars... Certainly not at the level of The Rock or Randy Orton... Are we clear on this now??? How much clearer should I make it???

You talk about how TNA treats the fans like they are idiots... Let's see... the ECW guys come in, and have the red carpet rolled out for them... they are given their own pay per view, and treated like they actually were important... Then what happend??? Fortune and a bunch of other TNA stars got fed up with it and kicked the crap out of the ECW guys... How does that not make sense??? That makes complete sense!!! What doesn't make sense is how 7 guys can show up on Raw, destroy the set, beat up John Cena, and even BEAT DOWN THE OWNER OF THE COMPANY AND STILL GET CONTRACTS!!! That is something that is truly UNBELIEVABLE!!! However, in WWE land everything is reversed... The Nexus angle is INCREDIBLE!!! While the more logical and believalbe EV 2.0 angle in TNA is TERRIBLE!!! Really??? Go watch all the episodes of Raw that you have on your DVR...
I have to completely disagree. Kurt Angle and Jeff Hardy weren't TOP guys when they left WWE? Are you freaking Kidding me? Angle is the best technical wrestler of this generation and Jeff Hardy was possible the most OVER face in all of WWE when he left. If Jeff Hardy can't bring viewership to TNA then no one else will.

TNA has ALL the talent it could ever possible need. It just needs better production and booking.

Yes Kurt Angle and Jeff Hardy were two big stars in the WWE... But how can you honestly say that they have the same kind of drawing power that Triple H and Randy Orton have... You honestly believe that if Triple H and Randy Orton showed up next week on Impact that it wouldn't completely change the game??? I think you need to examine that question...
TNA creative is bad. They always have to mess up storylines by adding in stupid stipulations. They always ad something to a storyline or feud and kill it.
Like who ever came up with the idea for abyss to have that dumb ass weapon called janice is an idiot.

TNA is so frustrating i feel like ever sense the addition of hogan and bischoff things have only gotten worse.
I'm sick of people pointing to ratings to explain why things work and don't work, the purpose of the TV show is to build up the PPV and make the fans want to pay money to watch your product, to do this you must have a perfect mix of good wrestling (for instance, one or two good matches per iMPACT!), and solid angles, ITS THAT EASY! I hate it when I hear Dixie Carter and some fans talk about the ratings and say "well last week we did a 1.2 with 5 minutes of wrestling on the show, lets do that every week!", the rating this past Thursday was a .97 with less wrestling, does that mean they should go back to the Whole F'n Show format? NO, ratings don't matter as much as you guys think, and even if they do, TNA has their audience set (1.0), stop trying to do things to match whatever high rating you got on a certain week, instead do things to get the rating HIGHER and increase your audience!!
chess, I see where you're coming from, but I'll have to disagree. Television ratings are, at the core, an easy way to determine the size of your fanbase. That is the number of people who are exposed, on a regular basis, to TNA prgramming. And, the thing is, everyone who buys a TNA pay-per-view is among that group. I guarantee that there's not a lot of people who will buy Bound For Glory, if they don't already watch Impact.

So, ratings become more important than you seem to think, since, if a significant portion of your audience stops watching, your pay-per-view buys will certainly go down. Conversely, if the numbers go up significantly, ppv buys will also increase, since the number of potential customers went up.

Also, higher television ratings lead to more profitable ad revenue, since advertisers will spend more money to advertise on a popular show. This leads to higher contracts for TNA, since they will be able to show a production of revenue that will prove that they are worth more money to the network.

Now that I think of it, higher ratings also lead to more merch sales, since only a TNA fan will buy TNA merchandise. Especially since the only place TNA's online store is advertised is during TNA programming.

Having a better wrestling product will draw in more wrestling fans. Having more wrestling fans involved in your wrestling company can't possibly do more harm than good. In fact, I don't see a downside to working on increasing Impact's ratings.
I don't expect ppv quality shows every week. The point of having a special ppv quality show is that it rarely happens. If every Impact is just as good as the ppv's then why buy the ppvs? Now just because every Impact doesn't have to be as good as a ppv doesn't mean they have to be as bad as last weeks show was either. The ratings showed it was one of the worst ones in awhile and the whole thing was non-sensical and made me ashamed to be a fan. First off let's start with the brawl that began the show with Jeff Hardy and Abyss. TNA obviously wanted it to appear like something that wasn't part of the show. Tazz and Tenay kept saying are we supposed to call this? But the problem is if it was supposed to be real (and this is me suspending my disbelief) why did it look so dam fake. I don't see how anyone including small children could believe that fight was real if that was what TNA wanted us to get from the segment. Pro Wrestling may be choreographed but to suspend our disbelief the actors involved in the show must execute the angles in a way we can at least pretend it is real. They did not do that with this "worked revenge attack". Next let's look at the way they presented the RVD situation. Van Dam was supposedly savagely beaten down by Abyss and left in a pool of his own blood. But there was so much blood there it looked like someone took a bucket of movie blood and just poured it all over him. It looked fake, cheesy, and quite honestly I laughed the whole time Bischoff was speaking about RVD being held together by pins and needles. Now apparently we have this tournament featuring the top eight in TNA's top ten rankings. It featured Jeff Hardy,Rob Terry, Kurt Angle, Doug Williams, Jay Lethal, Mr.Anderson, Matt Morgan, and Pope. Explain to me how Terry and Pope are in the top eight despite the fact that both were ninth and tenth respectively the last time the rankings were revealed and have done nothing but lose since. Hernandez was seventh lost to Angle and disappeared. Styles was only sixth when he lost so I don't see how Terry and Pope take precedent over Styles and Hernandez. So anyway these tournament matches last about four minutes a piece. Yes four minutes a piece competing for TNA's biggest prize and all the months of Angle climbing through the top ten is mute now because the top eight (including him) were thrust into this tournament. If storylines stop on a whim (Remember the World Elite) how can I take them seriously? Also if these guys are the eight best TNA has to offer and they are beaten in about four minutes a piece (In Terry's case he lost to a guy who was just in a fight with Abyss and walked down in street clothes) then what does it say about the rest of the TNA roster? In conclusion TNA took one step forward with the Whole F'N Show and ten steps back with last week's Impact.

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