Well, TNA Is Losing At Least One Potential Viewer..


Pre-Show Stalwart
I had been DVRing and/or watching Impact every week since Hulk Hogan first debuted with the company, just to check it out (I'm still first-and-foremost a WWE fan). With their move to Monday nights now though, they no longer will fit in to my viewing schedule.

I have a DirectTV box that will only allow me to DVR 2 programs at a time, which means I can't watch a third channel if I have 2 DVR shows going at once. Currently, RAW and Kiefer Sutherland's awesome show 24 will have me occupied (though I still can catch the second hour of TNA, assuming it runs at the same time as RAW). During the football season, I'll be watching RAW and Monday Night Football, leaving TNA out again as an option.

Obviously each viewer is different, but this move to Monday might not be a great idea since Monday Night is already packed with programming. At least on Thursdays there wasn't as much stuff to watch (with the exception, for me, of Community and The Office).

So long for now, TNA, and perhaps forever. I hardly knew ya!
Until I find out if Impact will replay on Thursdays (My comcast guide is freaking out right now) I will have to forgo missing Castle this week.

If there is a repeat, kudos for me. If not.. meh, I'll play the DVR by ear and see what I want to watch come Sunday. :)

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