Well, This Is Lovely

This is done all the time.

Here's the problem though: shutting down the government would be a bullet to the GOP and every sane person in that party knows it. They tried this back in the mid 1990s and to say it was a disaster for them is an understatement. We're talking about social security being cut, government jobs being furloughed, government funded programs being stopped for the time being etc.

And when that happens, Barack Obama and everyone that voted against it can point to the GOP and say "They did it. These are the people that would rather you lose all this than have 50 million Americans gain access to healthcare. We voted to keep the government running but these people said if we can't have everything we want, no one is getting anything."

This bill will be introduced, it'll likely pass the GOP house, the Senate will laugh in their face, as would Obama in case the sky fell and the Senate passed it, then the House would make a new bill to continue funding the government (likely at the last second because that's how this government works, freaking out the world economy over stuff that is as common as paying the water bill) and everything will be fine.

And the Republicans will be blamed for almost everything, because this is a horribly dumb idea.
And when that happens, Barack Obama and everyone that voted against it can point to the GOP and say "They did it. These are the people that would rather you lose all this than have 50 million Americans gain access to healthcare. We voted to keep the government running but these people said if we can't have everything we want, no one is getting anything."
Ever go to a pharmacy, say CVS, and stand behind someone who is oblivious to the 10 people behind them, and they find out their prescription isn't ready? Well, that person isn't moving from the line until their script is filled. The problem? The pharmacy is out of the medication at the time, and the person then demands they call another CVS pharmacy to get their medication delivered, and they're not going anywhere until it's done?

Well, that's what the GOP is like. No one else is getting what they need if this customer doesn't get theirs. And I tire of trying to explain these things using such metaphors to my Democrat parents who vote all Republican(don't ask me, I've asked them and they don't even know how they're registered Democrats) and my (mostly) Republican family of the disaster bills like this will cause, and get an explanation like this:

"But Obama is pro-choice, and Romney is pro-life."

I can't tell you how many times I heard that as election time rolled around, as if that's the issue that will truly determine the welfare of our country.

And the Republicans will be blamed for almost everything, because this is a horribly dumb idea.

As they should, and if enough intelligent people read the Huffington Post to see the real heart of issues like this, they would refrain for a Republican President ever again. I don't like Obama, and I think his administration has been an unmitigated disaster. But every once in awhile, you consider the alternative, and feel thankful for a man who at least tries to make things better, even if some of his ideas are just awful.

And having a split Congress just makes things worse, because bills like this make it a never ending cycle of destruction where the real losers are the people of this nation.

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