Welcome to the 4th Annual WrestleZone Tournament


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
As many of you already know and some of you are hearing for the first time, this is our biggest event of the year, bar none. For the first time, I'll be running it this year with the absence of the normal people that operate this thing. The idea here is simple: who is the greatest wrestler ever? That's what we're going to find out over the next few weeks in the best method possible: arguing about it over an internet forum! Why have them get in the ring and settle it when we can TALK ABOUT IT??? I mean how awesome does that sound? Pump iron! Sorry channeled my inner Norcal there.

Just like the NCAA Basketball Tournament, we use a standard bracket to determine how things line up. However, unlike previous years, we're changing a few things up.

To begin with, there are only 128 participants this year. The general consensus is that there is no point in having someone like Bret Hart squash Barry Horowitz and Repo Man before getting a real challenge. It's a waste of time and there is no need for it.

Second, we're eliminating jobbers. That's right. This year, it is the best of the best only. The idea is simple: if we're talking about who the best in history is, why include a bunch of people that don't even belong on that list? Therefore, this year the staff has compiled a list of 124 names of either former world champions, midcard champions, or people that are among the best names ever or our personal favorites to be in this tournament. The idea is that there are no guys like Jay Briscoe or Brian Adams in here. Why should they be for that matter? They serve no chance of winning so they're wasting our time. I mean think about it. What sounds more interesting in the first round: Sting vs. Skinner or Sting vs. Kane?

Now a lot of you are probably thinking that Kane and Sting are both huge names and couldn't possibly be seeded so far apart. Well that's true. It's also true that this year, there are NO SEEDINGS. That's right. We're going totally random here. We're going to just put all 128 names in a hat and it's pure luck of the draw. The theory again is that if you're fighting the best of the best, there is no such thing as an easy match. It also prevents the same names from showing up in the final 8 because they had one tough match on the way. If they're the best ever, let them prove it.

Another change is the lack of regions based on a promotion. Again like the NCAA, everything is based on geography. What we'll do is have a pair of matches in a single city so that one person comes out of each. The finals of each region will be in one of four cities which you can see in this section. The idea is that Los Angeles was never really a place for a major wrestling organization. Chicago has held WWE, WCW, ECW and I believe a TNA show, so it's more or less open ground. Mexico City and Tokyo speak for themselves. As for Europe, you'll get a region when you produce a bigger name than William Regal.

The format is still the same: first two rounds are regular matches, second two rounds are gimmick, final three are a one night tournament.

A final thing you might have noticed is that there are 4 open spots. As Sly addressed, we're going to let YOU pick them. The staff has made their selections and all that jazz, so now you guys can pick who you want the final four slots to be. We've got 12 names to pick from and YOU get to pick them. This way no one can complain about someone being left out. However when someone does, I'll ask you this: if they're not good enough to be in the top 128 wrestlers, how much of a chance do you think they would have had anyway?

So with all that being said and I'm sure I left something out, the poll with the names will be going up later today with a 5 day voting time. The random draw will be held one week from today and the first matches will go up on April 19th. This is going to rock and you'll enjoy it.

Or we'll ban you. Have fun!

Ask any questions you might have in this thread.
My only question would have to be (seeing as this would be my first tournament) how does the voting work? is it the same way as the current tournament Echelon is running with superheroes / super villians?
Well what I might do is put up four polls: one for each region we've been working with in the Board Room. Might not though and just have them in one big free for all where i'll toss a coin or something.
Man I love when these things getting brewing over here on the forums. It actually was the reason I decided to actually post and such, as it is just so fun and awesome reading everyone's heated arguments. Looking forward to seeing the brackets.
I do think this tournament will be better because there won't be seeding. Is there a chance of triple threat matches still occuring or will there be a tiebreaker system in a particular match?
The idea was we didn't want a big ordeal of people PMing for votes or whatever. If someone votes, they have to validate it. Sly pointed out though that you should be able to just pick who you want and not have to write it out one way or another. He can ban us so we stopped fighting it.
I wanted us to have no polls period but Sly shot that down.

The only way around the polls that I could think of, was to have people post in the thread whom they wanted to win; however, the problem with this, would the unnecessary amount of spam that would be created if no one stated why they wanted that person to win.

At least with polls you'll be guarunteed at least some involvement, and a winner, even if no one posts on the match itself.
It looks pretty good, gets the official Shocky seal of approval. It was time to change up the old format regardless. All in all, the random draw looks like the craziest thing, but one quick question, the random draw is for the first round only correct? I don't like the idea that each round is a new set of randomness. Plus it would take away from the prediction contest as well.
Hey KB. I have a question on the cities. I understand Tokyo and Mexico, but wonder why the cities of Chicago and Los Angeles were chosen over the larger markets of New York and Toronto. Will the cities effect the outcomes at matches at all? I just can recount very few wrestlers from Los Angeles especially (Hogan and Sting have roots there).
New York is pure WWE country. Chicago was a big city for everyone. LA wasn't a big town for anyone really.
So wait, it's random for the first round, then normal after that.

Does that mean there will be a reseeding after that round, and then going from there?
Sweet! I return just in time. I'm glad to see the number of contestant's are down, So we don't have to whittle out the crap.

So there isn't going to be the company rules anymore?
As a new guy here, this sounds like loads of fun. But what is the primary criteria for who should win this? Personal opinion, drawing ability, wrestling talent, etc.?

Not sure if that was already covered, if it was, my bad.
Last year most of the arguemnts were based on kayfabe, as that seems to be the most enjoyable way of doing it. However, by the end it was "vote however the fuck you want." I'm assuming that's still the criteria, as there is really now way of preventing people from doing it that way. Pretending the match is a real competition is much more fun though.
As a new guy here, this sounds like loads of fun. But what is the primary criteria for who should win this? Personal opinion, drawing ability, wrestling talent, etc.?

Not sure if that was already covered, if it was, my bad.

Up to you. It can be anything. Who would be booked over who, who entertained you more, who was more technically sound, who had a better career, whatever you like.

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