Welcome Hbk96rRko09

hmm ok but if vince really made them say that how come you never anything like that been said about hogan/ a you ever here is how big he made the industry and about his big moments. u never here anything about wrestling ability or his great matches because he didnt have any btw. HBK wacsalready retired by the time every guy you named finally got the belt you idiot but of course i wouldnt expect u to know that.

If I offer someone enough money to endorse something for, I guarantee you they will.

Anyway, what do you want Hulk Hogan to do? His match with the Warrior was phenomenal, his match with The Rock was great. Hogan was headlining some important paper views well into his latter years. Something Michaels can't even do.

Now onto the Rock even when HBK came back the Rock was still more relevant. Even leading up to the Rocks departure he did more for the business than HBK has ever done. HBK was the equivalent of a number 8 hitter on a baseball team.
IMO i Think HBK has done alot more then the Rock, The Rock did draw big and headline alot of PPVs But HBK IMO has some of the most technically sound and memoriable matches in WWE history and unlike the now semi famous Dwayne Johnson HBK wanted to wrestle no win titles he wanted to help establish talent and have great matches not become world or wwe champion, If HBK wanted to just win titles dont you think he would go to smackdown or ECW just to have something round his waste?, the guy is a phenominal athlete and a damn good wrestler, he knows the business and like taker gets better with age, you can say that the rock is the best and drew more but in the long run HBK has accomplished more five star matches and IMO did better with Hogan then the rock ever could
Wow. Dude, i totally agree that HBK is FAR better than Hogan, but as soon as you start slagging off the mods, rightly or wrongly, you're screwed.

Just use polite, emotionally crippling, sarcasm and make sure to emphasise the fact that what they say is pure opinion and that what they say is no more valid/invalid than what you say (unless you make a statement of fact that's totally wrong) and you won't suffer this humiliation anymore. Since i started doing that, a mod hasn't given me any shit since (though i bet they will now). I still get into infuriating arguments with people, but it's not worth getting riled up about. Despite our tendancy to disagree on most things, i have no ill will towards Rusty for example. It's just not worth it.

Basically, try and keep cool when you're having shit shovelled in your face because a) you won't win with the insults, and b) you'll look like the bigger man by not resorting to their methods.

Or use a different forum (that would probably be better, because i doubt you'll get out of here now).
I just dont get it. whats so difficult for people, really.

we have rules. Easy ones. We have mods, whose job it is to enforce the rules. if you break them, we have to do something about it.

this, is the system on which practically any organized thing on the planet earth operates under. what is so difficult about this??
fuck you you fucking ****** who in the fuck are you to try and talk shit. to imply that something is simply better because it is bigger is absurd. you sound like cthat douche bag sly. professional wrestling is about entertainment true but as i previously statded its not always about quantity what about quality while hbk may have only performing in front of 14 to 21 thousand fans. the quality of his matches have always been top notch. he doesnt just have great moments like hogan or cena he has great matches and apparently he did something right fellow wrestlers sing praises of his greatness in the ring which never happens for hogan or Cena. tjose guys made wrestling an circus event HBK its all about the matches. ny the way for that jack ass slyfox96 its sports entertainment not entertainment and notice the world sports comes first.

p.s you got something to say about me adress me about it. i adressed aly and the ppussy never messaged back

This aint gonna get you anywhere, its just gonna throw you in the bitch wing, calm down and approach this properly before you are banned for life

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