Welcome Hbk96rRko09


Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
For being a flamey twatball. I guess unless you don't recognize some of the worst draws ever as the greatest wrestler ever, you suck as a wrestling fan. Enjoy your stay.
For being a flamey twatball. I guess unless you don't recognize some of the worst draws ever as the greatest wrestler ever, you suck as a wrestling fan. Enjoy your stay.
fuck you you fucking ****** who in the fuck are you to try and talk shit. to imply that something is simply better because it is bigger is absurd. you sound like cthat douche bag sly. professional wrestling is about entertainment true but as i previously statded its not always about quantity what about quality while hbk may have only performing in front of 14 to 21 thousand fans. the quality of his matches have always been top notch. he doesnt just have great moments like hogan or cena he has great matches and apparently he did something right fellow wrestlers sing praises of his greatness in the ring which never happens for hogan or Cena. tjose guys made wrestling an circus event HBK its all about the matches. ny the way for that jack ass slyfox96 its sports entertainment not entertainment and notice the world sports comes first.

p.s you got something to say about me adress me about it. i adressed aly and the ppussy never messaged back
fuck you you fucking ****** who in the fuck are you to try and talk shit. to imply that something is simply better because it is bigger is absurd. you sound like cthat douche bag sly. professional wrestling is about entertainment true but as i previously statded its not always about quantity what about quality while hbk may have only performing in front of 14 to 21 thousand fans. the quality of his matches have always been top notch. he doesnt just have great moments like hogan or cena he has great matches and apparently he did something right fellow wrestlers sing praises of his greatness in the ring which never happens for hogan or Cena. tjose guys made wrestling an circus event HBK its all about the matches. ny the way for that jack ass slyfox96 its sports entertainment not entertainment and notice the world sports comes first.

p.s you got something to say about me adress me about it. i adressed aly and the ppussy never messaged back

You have a small dick, don't you?
ewww nasty. Maybe you shouldn't call a member of the mod staff, or any member of this forum a "***" in a pm. Should have thought that out.
haha arent you cute? you probably wear red lipstick when sucking Sly's dick don't you? you seem ilke the prissy type. and i dont give a fuck if he was the pope i dont hold my tounge for no man or woman. i think he a ****** so i called it how i saw it. im not like everybody else i ainf finna bow down just because hes a moderator andfor you to imply that i dont know wrestling is idiotic. can you name evey iron man match in history/ or every main event in mania history, or every veue in mania history, every royal rumble winner? i can name all of these off the top of my head without even gthinking about it i can even give you the dates they occurred. all sly is is some bigshot moderator who uses ticket sales to validate who he thinks are the best of alltime, even though Cena and Hogan could wrestle a classic match together to save the world.
And Shawn Michaels was bringing in the great ratings of two while Hogan and WCW were killing the ratings war. Who was the top dog then? HBK, thus proving he can't draw and no one gives a damn about him.
And Shawn Michaels was bringing in the great ratings of two while Hogan and WCW were killing the ratings war. Who was the top dog then? HBK, thus proving he can't draw and no one gives a damn about him.
yeah and what happened to all those fancy ratings in the end? people finally smartened up and realizied every top superstar in wcw besides goldberg was well on the wrong side of fourty and they got clobbered. hogan sold tickets, but can you off the top of your head name ten classic hogan matches? and i dont mean moments like him bodyslamming andre i mean where the match is
self was classic/ dont worry ill wait................................ it will be hard considering he constantly had matches that were ten to fifteen minute matches. either you 30 plus and grew up with all of the overhyped overdid under performing wwf superstars and tyhats why you love Hogan or just a fucking ******? i dont know wish one it is but im banking on both of those as correct answers
And what were so great about about HBK matches? He only becamev relevant when he had workers like Triple H, Austin, The Rock and Foley to carry his ass. HBK is nothing bit a self centered pompous jackass whose only claim to fame is breaking his back and losing to Austin. Face it, people only gave a damn about him when Austin was there to carry him. Hogan built his career off of great build-ups and the ability to work the crowd. Hogan poked some dude in his face and people ate it up. HBK had to act like a 13 year old boy in DX just to generate face pops face it Hogans runny shits are more important to the business than HBK ever was.
for someone that hates Hogan and Cena, you sure do have a lot of nice things to say about them.
hah yah because foley is such a great worker? he got through off a cell and into our hearts thats great work? no really its not great courage though i love the guy. and you are well aware that every guy that you claim carried him all stted that he was the best they were ever in the ring with right? haha no your probably not and you forgot razor ramone and marty janetty and all of vthe other guys he ever had matches of the year with right/ haha Hogans great macthes all consists of one big moment surrounded by terrible wrestling and selling. prime example him vs warrior what was great about that match nothing except for he actually lost and the crowd was electric. the closest he ever gt to an actual good match was against HBK and the rock because even though the rock as popular as hogan, warrior, Austin and the other al hype no skills gut he was ten times the wrestler that all of them could ever dream of being. its also sad that you couldnt argue against what i said about hogan because its true, you simply had to ask what HBK ever do that was so great haha sad really and i guess nothing except have the match that was voted match of the 20th century by wwe fans. i guess the fans always loving his match doesnt count for anything rght/ becase he westled when wrestling wasnt cool anymore/ oh bret hart numbers werent good during his reigns either and lots of idoits still praise him and michaels has ten times as many good matches as him!
for someone that hates Hogan and Cena, you sure do have a lot of nice things to say about them.
i actually dont hate Cena i respect the fact that he loves the company and is a hard solid worker. he also doesnt have a problem with not being the star unlike Hogan. the only time i didnt like cena was in 2007 that shit was ridiculous that ten minute and seven second five man challenge match for the wwe title was horrendous. thats when i just gave up on him. but since than he has been a lot better in the ring and isnt pushed down are throats nearly as much. but cenba vs hogan would be a great moment horrible match because they both dont have any real arsenal of moves and arent particularly good sellers either.
What the fuck of course they are going to say that. Vince McMahon is a very powerful man. Foley would make you look great. I hate HHH with a passion and even I know he is better. The Rock drew better and was more entertaining and All as HBK did was sit behind all of them. Not because he didn't want the belt it is because he wasn't good enough to win. McMahon might love him but even he knows he isn't good enough to build a business around.

Like I said, he is an upper mid carder and probably the most recognizable jobber ever.
What the fuck of course they are going to say that. Vince McMahon is a very powerful man. Foley would make you look great. I hate HHH with a passion and even I know he is better. The Rock drew better and was more entertaining and All as HBK did was sit behind all of them. Not because he didn't want the belt it is because he wasn't good enough to win. McMahon might love him but even he knows he isn't good enough to build a business around.

Like I said, he is an upper mid carder and probably the most recognizable jobber ever.
hmm ok but if vince really made them say that how come you never anything like that been said about hogan/ a you ever here is how big he made the industry and about his big moments. u never here anything about wrestling ability or his great matches because he didnt have any btw. HBK wacsalready retired by the time every guy you named finally got the belt you idiot but of course i wouldnt expect u to know that.

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