Welcome D-Man, Klunderbunker and Lee


Excellence of Execution
Welcome D-Man, Klunderbunker and Lee, you are the three finalists for the open Administrator position. We'll get into the Interview process, I'll tell you all why you are here, what I see your strengths and weaknesses are for getting the spot, and how I'd rank the three of you in terms of best chance to get the spot.

However, before we do all that, we have a VERY important matter to discuss. Simply put, there have been many people interested in the Admin spot. This entire process remains an ABSOLUTE SECRET! You don't tell anyone on the forum, or anyone in real life. That even goes for you D-Man, as I know you're friends in real life with IC25 and Norcal...they don't hear a word about this. NO ONE is to know the three of you are finalists, with the exception of the three of you. If I find anyone told anyone, then not only will you be removed from the Interview process, you may also be subject to banning.

The fact you are the three finalists stays between the four of us, that's it. What is said in here, stays in here and is to NEVER be repeated, even after a new Admin has been selected.

If you cannot follow these rules, please remove yourself from the process now. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them. If you agree to these stipulations, please say so in this thread so that we may begin the process.
Wow, I CERTAINLY didn't see KB being the last to post in this thread...

Oooh...I should have added something about me being brutally honest, and if you can't take it, then don't agree.
Wow, I CERTAINLY didn't see KB being the last to post in this thread...

Oooh...I should have added something about me being brutally honest, and if you can't take it, then don't agree.

You're saying this like it's different than any other conversation with you on the forum :rolleyes:
All right, I'll start writing up a few essays and I'll post them throughout the weekend. D-Man, I know you're not usually a weekend guy, so don't worry about it.
Sly, this is such bad timing man. I'm leaving for Punta Cana tomorrow night and won't be back until next Thursday. I can try and do my best to access the forum, but I don't think I'll have internet access. Hopefully, we can get a lot done with this tomorrow.

Sorry guys... but congrats to the both of you.
Sly, this is such bad timing man. I'm leaving for Punta Cana tomorrow night and won't be back until next Thursday. I can try and do my best to access the forum, but I don't think I'll have internet access. Hopefully, we can get a lot done with this tomorrow.

Sorry guys... but congrats to the both of you.

It's no problem. I'm in no hurry. It'll probably take me a few days to get the things I need written up anyways. I have plans for the weekend, work during the week, etc.
I mean D-man DID post wrestling in the non wrestling section :p
It's no problem. I'm in no hurry. It'll probably take me a few days to get the things I need written up anyways. I have plans for the weekend, work during the week, etc.

Ok good. Last thing I want to do is hold up the process. Especially for those two guys, cine they'll have to be waiting patiently anyway.

Blast it I thought we were down to two.

HA! Foiled again!

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