Weirdest Wrestling Conspiracy theories you have heard


Pre-Show Stalwart
I'd say the most weird, and probably the most offensive all revolve around the death of certain wrestlers. Of course in the days of interwebz these off the wall schemes are bound to gain some kind of headway.

I have heard theories on Vince killing Owen as retribution against Bret.

I have heard that Kevin Sullivan killed Benoit and his family as retribution for the affair Woman had with him.
Nothing is weirder, or stupider, than the Kevin Sullivan killed Benoit thing - aside from the fact that there are people out there who vehemently believe it. Like, they look at you like you're a paste-eating moron if you think it could have been anything else.

The Vince killing Owen thing is unbelievably stupid too, but less so just because I think WAY less people believe it.

Some other ones...

Shawn got away with a lot of crap in the 90's because he and Vince were having a gay love affair (only plausable because anything like this kinda is. I still don't buy it though.)

Vince is in some Illuminati/Satanic Cult (you hear both), and Eddie was sacrificed so he could still be a rich person or something ******ed like that.

Vince Russo was sent to WCW to destroy them.

Bret Hart was sent to WCW to destroy them.

Steve Austin got neck surgery less because he needed it, but more to avoid irrelevance so he could come back and be more over than he was before. (This one I believe way more than any other.)
A long time back, I heard this rumour that Cena was struck by lightning, and that he died, but came back to life 2 days later and shed his Thuganomics gimmick for the new Hustle Loyalty Respect persona. This was when the Carlito's bodyguard stabbed Cena angle was being played out. I was a kid back then and believed it, for about 6 months when I found out it wasn't true. But the rumour was alive and kicking among my friends and their friends and so on.
The only one of these ridiculous "conspiracy" theories that I think may have even the slightest bit of truth is the one that suggests Vince Russo was sent to WCW by the WWF in order to bring them down from the inside.

I don't believe it's true, but I can understand why people think it is. Some of the content WCW were putting out under Russo was appalling, THAT bad that it seems plausible that he was doing it on purpose. I mean, who in their right mind would think a "Judy Bagwell on a Forklift match" or a "Pinata on a pole match" was a good idea? Or putting the belt on a Hollywood actor? Or putting it on himself?! It really was that bad.

However, I don't think McMahon had anything to do with it. If it was true, someone would have said something by now. I just think that without McMahon's "filter", Russo just went ahead and did all the wacky ideas he wanted to, without anyone stopping him like would have happened in WWF. I enjoyed alot of his material in the WWF, and he was a big success there...but fuck me that WCW material was bad. Shame on you Russo.
John Cena's Politics backstage and the idea that he is only in it for himself and buries anyone who even comes remotely close to his level. Oh wait, that's a true story. My bad.

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