Weirdest Music Video


Warrior Forever
There are alot of trippy music videos out there in the world, so I want to see the videos that you guys think are the weirdest, craziest ones out there. It could be a song you like or not, just as long as it's strange and you give a description on why you picked it.

My choice goes to Mein Teil by Rammstein
Rammstein is a very well known German metal band, and one of the things they are know for are being controversial in their lyrics, concerts and videos. In this one....well if you watch you can see that it's pretty out there, but that's one of the things I love about them is that they push the limits of what's acceptable and it's entertaining. I mean how more out there and cotroversial can you get than a song about cannibalism?


So what is the strangest music video you have ever seen?

This is a very weird video, well mostly all Tool videos are weird as weird can be. I dig all Tool songs as they are amongst one of my favorite bands in the music world. This video is strange and weird and when I was younger I could never watch the whole entire thing. Now I can and it still has that weird eerie feel to it.

I absolutely love this video, as well as the song itself. I remember the first time I saw it. I had no idea what the hell was going on, I just knew I loved the damn thing... I even recorded it the next time I saw it on. Haha. Great song. Even greater video.

One of my favorite Nirvana songs and one fucked up video. I've seen those countdown shows for the greatest video of all-time and this is always in the top ten or floating around just outside. Number four on VH1's greatest rock videos of all-time. It's full of symbolic referants, some are pretty obvious, but it was supposedly Cobain's idea too. Kind of fucked up.

A thread about weird music videos with no Aphex Twin?! Enter Dowds.
It was a toss-up between this and Windowlicker, but there are a lot more screams in Come To Daddy matched with weird heads, so you're welcome.

Ooh cool, Tom and Jerry! Beating each other up, to a remixed video. I was stoned off my balls when I saw this the first time and honestly didn't know what was going on, thinking that this was just a random Tom and Jerry cartoon someone had found online while they hadn't switched off the computers music player.

This isn't really THAT weird, just kinda random, cool and different. Definitely want one of those tees though. (It gets brutal at around 1.52)

Frigging horrible song and a hella weird video. That's all I've got for now.
I still think this is one of the wierdest music videos ever because it is trippy as hell. Everything is exaggerated to extremes, which I think helps get over the message that people like to live in extremes.

Yeah those are all weird video's but they pale in comparison to the bagger 288!
I forget how i managed to come across this video(i think i was stoned at the time) but from watching it i gather that the only reason we sleep soundly at night is because the bagger 288 protects us from doom robots from the future.

Yeah, it's that fucking weird.........................







Frigging horrible song and a hella weird video. That's all I've got for now.

I thought of Die Antwoord to Tin tin. But not this song. Ninja and crew are serously fucked in the head. If you don't believe me go to youtube and watch the Explicit version of Evil boy, Go ninja is tame compared to that video.

All I have to say is I guess it's working for him. The leader of the group, Ninja has been changing his style up for years. He still keeps selling shit across the world and sells alot in South Africa. So I guess whatever keeps making him money.
There are a few that I would like to put forward for weirdest Music Video. The first is from Steven Wilson and his latest solo album Grace For Drowning. This song is called "Remainder the Black Dog" and it features former Genesis Guitarist Steve Hackett in it. The Video is Directed by the Danish artist Lasse Hoile. If you look at other videos that Hoile has made, they follow a similar art house style.

I find the lack of Primus videos to be odd for this list as well. I mean look at this video. Its hard not to call this video weird

There is many videos that would deserve the nod.

Over rated J-rock band, but this song is damn good. The video....weird.

The blood, vomit, maggots, and mechanical penis. Nuff said

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