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Weight Divisions in WWE


The Cerebral Assasin
WWE should have weight divisions like they used to have before when the "Cruiserweights" and "Heavyweights" were separate.

I mean its really awkward seeing guys like Daniel Bryan,Cody Rhodes,CM Punk etc competing for the World Titles.This is one of the main reason why the Intercontinental and US Title have lost thier prestige. Every guy who isn't even in the weight class is competing for the World Heavyweight Chammpionship and the WWE Championship. Guys competing for World Titles don't even look like Wrestlers.

It really hurts the image of "Wrestling" when other sports like Boxing,UFC etc have weight classes and this is one of the main reason why people call WWE fake etc. Who can really believe a guy like Rey Mysterio can beat guys like Big Show,Kane,etc ?

WCW had thier weight divisions and WWE before 2006 had thier weight divisions.

Do you think WWE should bring back thier weight divisions,now I know alot of Indy marks here especially Punk and Bryan marks will disagree but still post your opinions.

If it's believability you're looking for, perhaps you've already noticed by now, but WWE isn't it. The day that UFC hosts a casket match, or a boxer uppercuts some guy from the top rope, I'll swallow my words. Rey Mysterio fighting Batista, or whatever, should really be the least of people's worries when it comes to realism in the organization.

On top of that, I think it's kind of cool, and I'd even go as far to say that the thing that gives WWE an edge over real fighting organizations is its lack of realism. The underdog story they're developing between Daniel Bryan and Mark Henry is really engaging--not the most original story we've ever seen--but watching a tiny vegan guy fighting a huge scary ass mofo like Mark Henry is waaaay more effective at getting the point across then watching, I don't know, Alex Riley trying to do the same thing. The huge weight discrepancies are fun, because it's something you wouldn't see anywhere else, and it helps push stories forward.

Plus, Mike Tyson's Punch Out for NES is one of my favorite video games of all time, and when I see tiny guys in the WWE fighting bigger dudes I always think of Little Mac taking out King Hippo or whatever. LET ME HAVE THIS, DON'T TAKE AWAY MY FOND NINENTDO MEMORIES
WWE should have weight divisions like they used to have before when the "Cruiserweights" and "Heavyweights" were separate.

No they shouldn't. Cruisers have absolutely no difficulty getting pushed in today's WWE. Every champion in WWE at the moment is a cruiserweight except Mark Henry. Why segregate the tallent and make it harder for them to rise to the top?

I mean its really awkward seeing guys like Daniel Bryan,Cody Rhodes,CM Punk etc competing for the World Titles.This is one of the main reason why the Intercontinental and US Title have lost thier prestige.

No and no.

Every guy who isn't even in the weight class is competing for the World Heavyweight Chammpionship and the WWE Championship. Guys competing for World Titles don't even look like Wrestlers.


This guy doesn't look like a wrestler? What does he look like then?

It really hurts the image of "Wrestling" when other sports like Boxing,UFC etc have weight classes and this is one of the main reason why people call WWE fake etc. Who can really believe a guy like Rey Mysterio can beat guys like Big Show,Kane,etc ?

Because WWE isn't a real sport and those ones are. Weight divisions are needed in MMA/boxing to keep things competitive, wheras in wrestling all it does it does is add a barrier for tallented guys to get past (the stigma of being "just a cruiserweight"). Divisions are uneeded and completely uneccesary.

WCW had thier weight divisions and WWE before 2006 had thier weight divisions.

You may notice that one of those companies is dead, and one's LHW/CW division spent most of its existance as a joke.

Do you think WWE should bring back thier weight divisions,now I know alot of Indy marks here especially Punk and Bryan marks will disagree but still post your opinions.

Indies suck, but a cruiserweight division would suck more.
It wouldn't make sense nowadays considering half of the roster would be considered "Cruiserweights" or "Light Heavy Weights". The WWE has realized over the last few years that you don't have to be a jacked guy to get over and a majority of the newer guys that have come in over the last few years have been smaller than those in the past, most would be considered "Cruiserweights" by your standards.

You're going to sit there and say that guys like Punk, Miz, Mysterio, Daniel Bryan and Cody Rhodes don't deserve WWE and World Title opportunities just because of their size? They're some of the most over guys in WWE right now and no one gives a shit about Mason Ryan, Big Zeke, and Jack Swagger; guys who fit the big guy mold. That shows that size doesn't matter to the fans, so it shouldn't matter to WWE either.

Plus WWE itself doesn't consider what it does a "Sport" as they've shown they're trying to detach themselves from the "Wrestling" name and labeled themselves "Sports Entertainment".
No - especially now the WWE are being more realistic with the wrestlers billed weights, half the roster would be eligible.

If the brand split is kept (and I hope it isn't) then no more titles are needed.

If the brand split is ended (yes please) then you have the IC and US titles, either make the US title the lesser of the two or repackage the belt as the TV title, then the 'smaller' wrestlers could compete for that maybe.
No. The WWE / World titles have the most prestige, a Cruiserweight title has none. It would be interesting to reinstate the Cruiserweight title, once Sin Cara returns. It would give the lower-midcarders something to do.
Definitely no to this. Generally speaking, weight divisions do not work among American wrestling fans and never really have. American fans, for the most part, prefer to see wrestlers put into the ring, regardless of size differences, and see who the better man is.

Limiting pro wrestlers by their weight really does suggest and enforce the notion that only "big guys" can make it to the top, which is an inaccurate assumption that's plagued the WWE long enough as it is. Also, as others have already said, look at most of the WWE roster. Most of the wrestlers signed to WWE weigh in the 200 to 225 pound range as it is and WWE has recently, for most wrestlers, started using their actual weights when they're announced.

Besides, it's not as though the WWE hasn't gone the route of Cruiserweights, Light Heavyweights & Junior Heavyweights in the past. WCW's Cruiserweight Division did have some great wrestlers in it but look how they were portrayed in WCW. Jericho, Mysterio, Guerrero and a few others were just "Cruiserweights" in WCW and became main eventers in WWE. In the last few years especially, WWE has really come to realize that talented wrestlers shouldn't have their careers limited based on how much they weigh.
I do not think that weight divisions have much of a place in wrestling. Wrestling is all about underdog stories, the small guy somehow gathering the strength to take the big guy down, but the weight divisions do play a huge deterrent to those type of storylines.

I know that a lot of people loved the cruiserweight division in WCW and while they were great from an aesthetic sense, it did not really do much for the wrestlers involved. Most of the cruiserweights were rather weak on the mic and they worked with other such weak mic workers of their ilk, which really did not do their cause any good. You can only get better by working with better performers. Their exclusivity also did them no good. Unless you are competing and defeating the big names out there, you are never going to get up the card. The fact that they only worked with cruiserweights hurt them.

So yeah, weight divisions have more cons than pros and should therefore never come back.
No. And since mostly everyone brought up all my points Ill disagree with you saying no one can believe Batista losing to Rey Mysterio. The underdog story always prevalent in sports. A few years back a Wild Card nfl team had no chance at beating the undefeated Patriots it was unbelievable but it happened. America faced the Russians in a hockey game we had no business winning. Do you believe in Miracles? Wayne Chrebet under sized wide reciever was told he had no chance in the NFL same with Doug Flutie. Both rose above using all the hate as inspiration. Size, experience, ability all mean nothing in an underdog story. And people love seeing an underdog win the big prize. It gives them hope in their own lives.

Also what the hell is wrong with this forum. A year ago I remember reading complaints how vince hates small guys and wont push them. Now youre complaining that its unrealistic. Shake my head.
Im with the majority here. A weight-class in WWE would not work. Most guys are close to the same weight so there would be very few guys in the heavyweight class.

Heavyweights are mostly seen as top guys of the company, and there are few SUPER heavyweights so you would have to combined them. Guys that WOULD be in the heavyweight class would not belong because they are not main eventers yet.

Lets break this down. Lets look at active roster, NOT including NXT

Big Zek
Mark Henry
Brodus Clay
Big Show
Jinder Mahal
Triple H
Great Khali
Wade Barrett
I suppose you could throw Sheamus in here

Too many superstars to name. Basically looking at almost half of the roster

maybe 4-6 guys.
No they shouldn't. This is pro wrestling, not a real combat sport. If you had actual weight classes guys like HBK and Bret Hart would have never been world champion. Being world champion means you're a DRAW. It has nothing to do with real competition. Thus, actual weight classes is pointless.

Everyone knows it's fake. So what if Mysterio fights and beats Kane? It's still entertaining which is all that mattes.

I have a hard time believing Undertaker being buried alive and coming back.....
Right. Because weight classes have done wonders for boxing and MMA. :rolleyes:

A blunt NO should be the answer. Basically, you cut off one of sports entertainments (as in wrestling, boxing and MMA) biggest drawing mechanism. Star power. People see matches because of the people involved. You divide them by weight classes you cut off lots of potential match ups. What MMA fan hasn't been curious of how a match between legends of different weight classes would do in a UFC fight? Well they can't have that. I doubt George St. Pierre can go up 70 pounds to fight Brock Lesnar. Wanna do that to WWE? Well of course not. It's a stupid idea.
so what's the XDivision in TNA then? and now they got the same philsophy for the world title

that's just how WWE does it too, no weight limits, they dropped the weight limits a decade ago.

There wasn't enough time to promote 6 or more titles so cut it back to the bare essentials. and it gives more opportunities for a wider range of stars to be thrown into random matches against people they would otherwise compete against.

It's all fake anyway so they can put anyone in that top tier and adjust the coreography to make it appear feasible to the kids. Throwing Rey in there, there's no way in hell he could legit go with the Big Show and win but they make it happen because it's Fantasy with elements of realistic actions and reprocussions....

lastly as most have said, if you want a weight limit most of the roster would fall into the 200-240lb weight range which is too heavy for a "cursierweight" division by definition. bugger all "cruiserwieghts" exclude Rey now as he is outside the weight limit

Cross-Gender Crusierweights - Hornswoggle, Tyson Kid, Evan Bourne and most of the diva's. can't think of any more off the top of my head, so yeah that's an awesome division.
Right. Because weight classes have done wonders for boxing and MMA. :rolleyes:

A blunt NO should be the answer. Basically, you cut off one of sports entertainments (as in wrestling, boxing and MMA) biggest drawing mechanism. Star power. People see matches because of the people involved. You divide them by weight classes you cut off lots of potential match ups. What MMA fan hasn't been curious of how a match between legends of different weight classes would do in a UFC fight? Well they can't have that. I doubt George St. Pierre can go up 70 pounds to fight Brock Lesnar. Wanna do that to WWE? Well of course not. It's a stupid idea.

Well they certainly could, nothing stopping them doing purely promotional matches, ofcourse going up against Brock he'd probably get mutilated but who knows lol underdogs can do miraculous things, but is it believable when it's in a world that is scripted is completely different.
Right. Because weight classes have done wonders for boxing and MMA. :rolleyes:

A blunt NO should be the answer. Basically, you cut off one of sports entertainments (as in wrestling, boxing and MMA) biggest drawing mechanism. Star power. People see matches because of the people involved. You divide them by weight classes you cut off lots of potential match ups. What MMA fan hasn't been curious of how a match between legends of different weight classes would do in a UFC fight? Well they can't have that. I doubt George St. Pierre can go up 70 pounds to fight Brock Lesnar. Wanna do that to WWE? Well of course not. It's a stupid idea.

Are you trying to imply weight classes have NOT done wonders for MMA? Weight classes have turned MMA from a sideshow embarassment to mainstream society into the fastest growing sport in the world. Same thing happened to boxing a century ago. (Boxing has talent it too far with way too many weight classes, but I digress.) Most people do not like to see two people beat each other with no rules or regulations. Ensuring safety is the key to combat sports. And all sports in general, actually. Football became much more popular when people stopped dying. I digress.

If you want professional wrestling to be treated like a combat sport, weight classes have a valid argument. But professional wrestling is not a sport. It's entertainment. People need to realize that WWE is no different than The Office or Big Bang Theory. It's scripted, acted entertainment. Is everything that happens on those shows realistic? Of course not. WWE is no different - why single out the lack of realism when a small guy beats a big guy, but no complaints when somebody beats somebody with a chair repeatedly, or hits them multiple times with a sledge hammer, or throws them off a stage, or through a table or off ladder...hell, just look at all the submission moves. How realistic is it for somebody to be in an armbar for more than a few seconds? Most of those moves would result in torn ligamants and compounds fractures if they were applied full force for as long as they are. A little guy beating a big guy is far from the most unrealistic thing WWE does.
Weight divisions would make sense to me. Guys like Rey should never win the World HEAVYWEIGHT Championship. I placed "heavyweight" in all caps for a reason. WWE should either remove "Heavyweight" from the name of the World Heavyweight Championship, or not push smaller guys into title feuds. They can bring back the Cruiserweight Championship for smaller guys, have anyone be able to grab the midcard titles, only heavyweights for the World Heavyweight Championship, and finally any top star could hold the WWE Championship. It is a format that would make more sense, but then again WWE is not a "real" sport and it's meant to be a show. Someone competing for a title outside of their "weight class" makes them an underdog and usually gains them sympathy support from fans if they are a face. Heavyweights competing for the Cruiserweight Championship if it came back would be even worse. I'm all for establishing weight class restrictions, I think the main reason they don't is due to how it would limit who can be pushed where.
Weight divisions would make sense to me. Guys like Rey should never win the World HEAVYWEIGHT Championship. I placed "heavyweight" in all caps for a reason.

Because you don't realise that typing in allcaps reduces readability, reading speed and is all around a terrible way to emphasise what you're trying to say? In that case the reason is that you're a moron. This is backed up by you supporting the reintroduction of weight divisions on the grounds that Rey Mysterio (one of the most over guys on the roster and makes WWE quite a bit of money) shouldn't hold the WHC.

WWE should either remove "Heavyweight" from the name of the World Heavyweight Championship, or not push smaller guys into title feuds.

Both of which would be stupid. The former is the case because the title's name dates back decades. As in, to the foundation of the NWA. It's not going anywhere because of that history. The latter is ******ed for two reasons, firstly because keeping over guys away from the top guys based on size alone is stupid, especially when they'd make you more money at the top of the card. That kind of thinking was employed by WCW, and look what happened to them. Secondly, a a heavyweight title means that it can be fought for by anyone up to a certian weight. There's no rules saying that Anderson Silva couldn't challenge Jon Jones or even Junior dos Santos at his current weight. Sure it would be pretty stupid, but wrestling isn't a competitive sport and isn't exactly smart anyway. Rey challenging for and winning a world heavyweight champiionship is neither stupid nor contradictory to the name.

They can bring back the Cruiserweight Championship for smaller guys, have anyone be able to grab the midcard titles, only heavyweights for the World Heavyweight Championship, and finally any top star could hold the WWE Championship. It is a format that would make more sense, but then again WWE is not a "real" sport and it's meant to be a show. Someone competing for a title outside of their "weight class" makes them an underdog and usually gains them sympathy support from fans if they are a face.

Remind me, what's Rey's schtick at the moment? Oh yeah, "The Ultimate Underdog". Weight divisions only hold people back in pro wrestling. End of story.

Heavyweights competing for the Cruiserweight Championship if it came back would be even worse. I'm all for establishing weight class restrictions, I think the main reason they don't is due to how it would limit who can be pushed where.

Give the boy a creme egg. Weight classes in a sport where chokeslams are a plausible form of offence are meaningless.
Initially, I thought this was a good idea, but after reading so many posts I have to agree it wouldn't be. Too much similarly sized talent. I think they'd be better off with less frequent title changes. That way they could really develop stories and rivalries around that, essentially making divisions but without a size restrictions.

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