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Weekly Thoughts #2


Pre-Show Stalwart
Hello Again, Wrestlezone Forum posters. This is the second edition of Weekly Thoughts where I give my two cents to WWE/TNA television in the past week.

Monday Night Raw- Feb. 7
Wrestlemania Guest Host? Very intriguing, I have no idea who it might be. The only person that I pray that it is not- Justin Bieber. He would bring so much shame to Wrestlemania.

Orton and The New Nexus- Very believable feud. I mean that you can believe that these men hate each other. I perfectly agree with Chairshot Reality in that sense. Hopefully their feud continues to Wrestlemania and it is given proper build up time.

Jerry Lawler looked like an average wrestler, and we know Miz will win, but it will be a good match. I am enjoying the buildup thus far, just sad they buried Ted Dibiase.

Mark Henry looked BEAST. He was dominating Sheamus, two World strongest slams!!! And I liked Otunga standing over Sheamus after he did nothing. LOL.

Cena vs Punk- I want these two to feud, but I enjoy Orton as that role much better. Cena's had his chance to extinguish the Nexus. Orton's Viper gimmick is much better for sneak attacks, than Cena's superhero gimmick.

NXT and Superstars, did not watch, I do not get good enough internet for NXT, do not get WGN America

Did not watch Impact

I really like Alberto Del Rio, predicted his RR victory, but he needs to enter a solid feud. Not beating Santino. I enjoyed his opening segment and match with Kingston, and it gave Kingston a chance.

I made a thread about a tag team title match idea, and it was based on Smackdown's Gabriel victory over Kozlov. I enjoyed that match, and it was a pretty solid match in my opinion. The Corre, to me, is an excellent stable and I enjoy how they are equals. Unlike the Nexus.

McIntyre's victory over Masters shocked me because I thought Masters was in line for a big push. i loved the counter into the Futureshock as well.

Barret vs Mysterio was also a great match, and I enjoyed Big Shoe coming out to save him.

The main event was very entertaining, and I was blown away by the Talent of both individuals. And I made a thread about the end, and I am really confused if Edge is still the Champ. Vickie saw him use the banned spear!!

Thank you again, write again next week, and I will enjoy your comments.
Hello Again, Wrestlezone Forum posters. This is the second edition of Weekly Thoughts where I give my two cents to WWE/TNA television in the past week.
Good post, I'm just trying to understand why you even wrote that you would give your opinion about TNA when you didn't bother to watch impact.

Monday Night Raw- Feb. 7
Wrestlemania Guest Host? Very intriguing, I have no idea who it might be. The only person that I pray that it is not- Justin Bieber. He would bring so much shame to Wrestlemania.
I could be speculating like the others but I can't be bothered. I also think I will just wait the few days to find out.

Orton and The New Nexus- Very believable feud. I mean that you can believe that these men hate each other. I perfectly agree with Chairshot Reality in that sense. Hopefully their feud continues to Wrestlemania and it is given proper build up time.
I hope so to, Orton vs punk could be a good thing. as long as the rest of nexus stay away.

Jerry Lawler looked like an average wrestler, and we know Miz will win, but it will be a good match. I am enjoying the buildup thus far,
Give the guy a little bit of a chance, Obviously he ain't going to be as great as the miz seeing he hasn't been in his prime in years but I think he did pretty well.
just sad they buried Ted Dibiase.
What can you do, when the fish is off, bury it.

Mark Henry looked BEAST. He was dominating Sheamus, two World strongest slams!!! And I liked Otunga standing over Sheamus after he did nothing. LOL.
Obviously my next statement isn't going to make any fucking sense seeing Mark henry's a jobber but I guess they did it so they didn't make Sheamus look week by losing to a guy that's only one a few matches.

I really like Alberto Del Rio, predicted his RR victory, but he needs to enter a solid feud. Not beating Santino.
I thought that was good. It was funny watching Santino "eliminate" Alberto twice after Alberto said he would never of been able to do it.
I made a thread about a tag team title match idea, and it was based on Smackdown's Gabriel victory over Kozlov. I enjoyed that match, and it was a pretty solid match in my opinion. The Corre, to me, is an excellent stable and I enjoy how they are equals. Unlike the Nexus.
That will not last long. They might be equals now, but as soon as there is a chance to become number one contender that will all go out the window.

McIntyre's victory over Masters shocked me because I thought Masters was in line for a big push. i loved the counter into the Futureshock as well.
I would much rather McIntrye get the push, I have always found masters to be boring and sloppy in the ring. he hasn't changed since returning, I hope they decided to scrap that Idea.

The main event was very entertaining, and I was blown away by the Talent of both individuals. And I made a thread about the end, and I am really confused if Edge is still the Champ. Vickie saw him use the banned spear!!
This is the thing that will get me to watch smackdown next week. I see it as a way to get the title vacated for the EC match, only to let Edge win it again to once again come up on top.
First of all, considering you've only watched 50% of the mainstrem wrestling that was on this week, isn't this more of your "Raw and Smackdown" thoughts? And second, I'm pretty sure there's another section on these forums where you can't post your thoughts on the shows this week. Still, good thread.

For the most part I agree with your statements...I personally wouldn't care if Bieber was the special guest host, but I can see how others would. He's one of the biggest stars today, and the plublicity wouldn't hurt WWE. However, my inner-mark (I call him Steve) is hoping The Rock is announced as the host, but hundreds of false spoiler reports have conviced me that's not gonna happen.

Good thread.

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