Week of 9/3/2012 - 9/9/2012 (Monday - Thursday)


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House

Monday Night Raw
Date: September 3, 2012
Location: Allstate Arena, Chicago, Illinois
Commentators: Jerry Lawler, Michael Cole

It's Labor Day and on top of that the guys are coming back off a tour of Australia, meaning that I wouldn't expect much tonight. Granted after last week's mostly awful show, I wouldn't expect much anyway but you have to have hope. Anyway, the focus is going to be on Punk vs. Cena after last week's ending. Perhaps we'll even get an explanation as to why Cena didn't just climb the freaking cage. Let's get to it.

We open with a recap of the Lawler/Punk stuff from last week.

We open in the arena and there's no Lawler as we get a clip of him in the back from before the show getting destroyed by Punk.

Tonight Is The Night for Punk vs. an old man again apparently.

Here's Sheamus with something to say. He says the party never ends in Chicago but the party is ending soon for Alberto Del Rio. Cue Punk with a mic of his own and the big hometown boy reaction. Punk talks about how he's happy to be here and we saw him beating up Lawler earlier. He claims Lawler started it because Punk is the real king of Chicago.

Last week Punk was teaching Lawler a lesson in the cage until a white knight came out to rescue him. Punk doesn't like what Lawler said on him at Raw 1000 and Cena saved Lawler. If Cena saved Lawler it means he agrees with Lawler and if he agrees with Lawler it means he's disrespecting Punk and that's not cool. It's Cena that has turned his back on the WWE Universe, not Punk.

Sheamus cuts Punk off and is booed loudly. He says Punk claims to be the best in the world, but Sheamus is World Heavyweight Champion. Sheamus calls Punk down to the ring but Punk says he doesn't have time for such a thing. He says Sheamus is at best the second best in the world so he can shut his mouth. Sheamus says turn around so he can see what Punk is talking out of. Cue AJ who makes Del Rio vs. Cena and Punk vs. Sheamus. Punk vs. Sheamus with 20 minutes sounds awesome. It won't happen here, but it sounds awesome.

Randy Orton vs. Dolph Ziggler

Dolph demanded this after losing on Friday. He immediately dropkicks Orton down and struts a bit. Orton comes back with a dropkick of his own and the circle stomp. A slingshot suplex gets two on Dolph and Orton hits a kind of clothesline before sending Ziggler to the floor. Orton rams him into the barricade a few times and we take a break.

Back with Ziggler getting backdropped. Orton misses a knee drop and Ziggler takes over. He goes through his usual offense, including the headstand chinlock and the big jumping elbow. Orton comes back and puts Ziggler on top for a superplex for two. The clotheslines look to set up the Elevated DDT but Dolph escapes, only to get caught in the backbreaker for two. Dolph comes back with his jumping DDT for two. That should be his finisher instead of the Zig Zag. Fameasser misses and there's the Elevated DDT. The RKO is loaded up but Ziggler rolls through into a rollup for the pin with trunks at 13:45.

Miz comes out immediately for commentary. Not to jump Orton or anything, but for commentary.

Time for more from Anger Management with Bryan and Kane. Bryan's is a piece of paper with the words YES and NO on it over and over. He explains the feud with the audience over what they should and snaps a bit. Kane holds up a blank piece of paper. He asks if the instructor wants to see how he feels inside. Kane throws the paper in the trash and sends fire into it. Bryan: “Teacher's pet.” Next topic: families. This should be good.

Sin Cara/Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes/Tensai

The lights are on full here which is a nice touch. Cody and Cara start and the camera is looking different tonight. It's at a lower level instead of looking down on the ring a bit. Ah now it's back to normal as we take a break. So we had a break, the Anger Management stuff, another break, the entrances, 50 seconds of the match and now another break. Great.

Back with Tensai hammering on Cara before tagging back to Cody for a bow and arrow submission hold. That gets nowhere so Cody goes for the mask and punches Cara in the face. Cole says he's stuck with Miz on commentary. Pick a side already dude. Back to Tensai who gets kicked in the head by Cara and there's the tag to Rey to face Cody. Things speed up Rey hits a seated senton off the top for two.

Tensai comes back in sans tag for the over the shoulder backbreaker but Rey escapes and knocks him into the 619. A springboard missile dropkick by Cara sends Tensai to the floor as Cody hits a release Gordbuster to Rey for two. A powerbomb is countered into the 619 and Cara hits a Swanton Bomb for the pin on Cody at 7:54.

Back to Anger Management with everyone but the wrestlers holding hands in a big chain. Bryan and Kane won't get up for an exercise at first until being told to do it. The idea here is that Bryan is going to fall back and Kane is going to catch him. Bryan: “He is?” Kane: “I am?” Bryan falls.....and shockingly enough Kane catches him. Now Kane has to catch Harold. Kane lets him fall and Bryan seems to be pleased. Harold needs medical attention. If this leads to an insane guys tag team, this could be hilarious.

Sheamus vs. CM Punk

Punk can't even main event in his hometown in a champion vs. champion match. Punk comes out in jeans and a t-shirt instead of gear. He says this is nothing short of a Wrestlemania main event and that he's a main event wrestler. Punk doesn't like being in the first hour (it's the second) in a champion vs. champion match and since it's Labor Day and everyone has taken the night off work, he's doing the same thing. CM walks out and AJ doesn't stop him. Sheamus says Punk is disrespecting the people here because they want to see this match.

In the back, AJ says Punk can't leave but Punk says he's taking a personal day and hops into a waiting car. Striker pops up and asks AJ what she's going to do. AJ: “Who are you?” I don't say this often, but BURN. She'll find Sheamus an opponent.

Jack Swagger vs. Sheamus

Del Rio is on commentary now. According to Cole, Swagger hasn't won a match in nearly NINE MONTHS. And he was a champion earlier this year! Last singles win I can find for him that was televised: Elimination Chamber. He was also on the winning team at Wrestlemania and was in a tag match with Ziggler on Smackdown in February where his team won. That's insane. A quick shoulder block gets two for Sheamus and he goes after the arm. Swagger sends him to the apron but Sheamus comes off the top with the shoulder for two.

The champ ducks his head and Swagger kicks him in the face for two. Miz is ripping into Punk for taking a day off after everyone else is back from an 18 hour flight from Australia. Sheamus takes Swagger down with the ax handles but gets sent into the buckle. Vader Bomb gets two but Swagger charges into a knee and Sheamus puts him in a Texas Cloverleaf (???) for the tap at 2:39. That's a new one.

Post match Del Rio and Ricardo attack with the latter taking the Brogue Kick. He's out cold and has to be helped to the back.

Eve Torres vs. Kaitlyn

Layla is on commentary to continue the parade of people we've had out there tonight. Miz is here for the night apparently. Kaitlyn his a cross body for two as Layla and Miz debate women's rights. The match turns into a catfight and Eve is torn off so she can smile. Eve puts on a front facelock and we get some great camera shots of her in those shorts. Layla is really getting on my nerves on commentary. Kaitlyn falls down and is holding I think her ribs so the match stops dead. Eve kicks her in the ribs and hits that swinging neckbreaker for the pin at 3:13.

Eve and Layla shake hands post match.

Swagger is leaving but AJ stops him. He says he's taking extended time off because he's better than this. She says he can't because Jericho and Lesnar and Punk have all left her. Swagger says sorry and leaves.

Kane and Bryan have graduated Anger Management. Bryan says that he'll give Kane a Summerslam rematch. Kane thanks Daniel and says that someday, he'll accept the challenge. He'll do his best not to eviscerate Bryan. Bryan says that's assuming Kane could do that because Kane will be tapping out. Kane says he'll make it so that Bryan physically can't leave this room. Harold: “Guys....” Kane/Bryan: “SHUT UP HAROLD!” Kane and Bryan keep arguing and the teacher snaps on them as Kane grabs Bryan by the throat. Great stuff as usual.

Back in the arena, Cole tells us that we get to pick the fate of Bryan vs. Kane. Should they have a match, be a tag team, or hug it out. Decide on Twitter! This is REALLY getting old but it's going to go on for years to come isn't it?

Del Rio comes out of the trainer's room. He won't say how Ricardo is doing but Otunga comes out and says his client has no comment at this time.

Jinder Mahal vs. Ryback

We've done this. Ryback pinned him clean on Smackdown, so what is the point of this? Ryback has his own shirt now. The idiot fans have to chant Goldberg because they think they're smart in doing so. Ryback throws him around to start but Mahal gets his feet up in the corner and hits a middle rope shoulder for two. Miz is talking about how he could beat Ryback through psychology, which I'm begging to be the start of a feud. Ryback knocks him down then picks him up into a powerbomb. The clothesline sets up Shell Shock to keep Ryback undefeated at 2:20.

Nothing for Ryback post match because we need to talk about the WWE App for Android!

AJ tells Striker that Cena vs. Del Rio is now falls count anywhere. Why? No reason whatsoever. Well, other than for them to go to the parking lot and Punk can appear out of nowhere and jump Cena.

Here are Kane and Bryan for the results. The poll says hug it out by a landslide. Well of course it does. Bryan says no, the fans say hug it out, this goes on for awhile, Bryan chest bumps Kane, Bryan finally hugs him, Kane won't hug back and Bryan is mad, the vice versa happens, they FINALLY hug and this keeps going. Now they slap each other on the arm. Now they shove each other.

Now a fight breaks out and Kane kicks Bryan in the face. Bryan low bridges Kane but misses the running knee off the apron. Kane chokeslams him down in the ring and tries to Pillmanize his neck, but referees distract him and Bryan hits Kane with the chair. They spent over ten minutes on this segment. Let that sink in for a minute. Oh and also, this would seem to be a waste of all the buildup these two had in the anger management stuff.

US Title: Antonio Cesaro vs. Santino Marella

Cole does something that gets on my nerves by saying that Antonio will be champion next week in Montreal. Miz thankfully saves him and says Santino could win, but Cole doesn't like Marella's chances. If Cole says there's no chance, why would fans think there's a chance?

Santino takes him down immediately and loads up the Cobra but loses the sock for some reason. The move hits and has no effect, so Cesaro puts the chinlock on. Cesaro clotheslines him down a few times but Santino gets the sock. He freaks out because he gets it and is clotheslined down again. Neutralizer gets the pin to retain at 2:06. Never let these two fight again. Ever.

Heath Slater vs. Zach Ryder

This is the battle of guys who did well and then were dropped on their heads because the company got bored with them. Ryder hits a quick flapjack for two and Slater hits a neckbreaker for the same. He stops to dance and drops a knee for two again and it's off to a chinlock for Heath. Ryder stops to dance again and runs into a pair of knees in the corner. A middle rope dropkick sets up the Broski Boot but the Rough Ryder is countered. A facejam sets up the Rough Ryder for the pin at 2:59.

Vickie immediately cuts Ryder's celebration off to talk about the power struggle with AJ. Are they that strapped for time? Oh wait yeah they are, because they spent SEVEN MINUTES ON A FREAKING HUG! Vickie demands AJ come out and wants a chair to sit in until she does. Post break Vickie explains the feud.....and imitates Clint Eastwood from the Republican National Convention by yelling at an invisible AJ in the chair.

AJ finally comes out and says she's been talking to the Board of Directors who have said her recent actions are juvenile. Given the way this show has gone, I think she's safe from criticism. She can't put her hands on anyone ever again and she has to apologize. AJ says she's sorry but that's not good enough for Vickie.

She demands a better apology and the fans chant slap her at AJ. AJ swallows her pride and says she's sorry. That's STILL not good enough as they pad this out even further. AJ pulls back to slap her but Vickie blocks it and says that's not allowed. Vickie slaps AJ and leaves skipping and cackling. Total time on this segment: ten minutes. Oh wait they're not done as AJ snaps and bangs the chair against the mat before throwing it up the aisle. She's stronger than she looks. AJ screams a lot and sweet goodness she has pretty teeth. Apparently this is a nervous breakdown.

We recap the show and the card we've got for the PPV so far.

John Cena vs. Alberto Del Rio

Falls count anywhere for no apparent reason. Otunga Touts that he's going to press legal action against Sheamus. That would be the second time in this feud that it's happened. This is joined in progress after the break with Del Rio hitting a tilt-a-whirl slam for two. Off to a chinlock and we get dueling chants. Del Rio goes up but jumps into a dropkick to put both guys down.

Cena starts his finishing sequence but Del Rio grabs the rope to block the AA. They head to the floor with Del Rio sending him into the steps for two. Cena sends him to the steps but Del Rio jumps over them and Cena shoulder blocks him down for two. John loads up the announce table but gets caught by a running enziguri for two. Cena tries another AA but gets posted for his efforts.

Cena gets up again and sends Del Rio into the crowd. John moves the steps to the side of the table and tries an AA through them, but Del Rio escapes into a belly to back suplex for two on the floor. Back in Del Rio gets a mic and says that Cena is beneath him. He puts on the armbreaker but Cena rolls through it and counters into the STF. Del Rio hangs in it for a long time and grabs the mic to hit Cena in the head to escape.

Del Rio misses a charge and crashes to the floor. A suplex onto the ramp gets two for Alberto and they head over to Alberto's car. Cena grabs a speaker but drops it before he can kill Del Rio with it. They head to the backstage area and Cena launches a trashcan at Del Rio who ducks. Cena hits the AA onto a case but Punk jumps Cena and knocks him out, giving Del Rio the pin 13:20 shown.

Post match Punk gives Cena a GTS onto the car and says respect. He gets in the back seat and rides off. The driver rolls the window down and it's Paul Heyman. Cue the internet explosion.

Dolph Ziggler b. Randy Orton – Rollup
Rey Mysterio/Sin Cara b. Cody Rhodes/Tensai – Swanton Bomb to Rhodes
Sheamus b. Jack Swagger – Texas Cloverleaf
Eve Torres b. Kaitlyn – Swinging Neckbreaker
Ryback b. Jinder Mahal – Shell Shock
Antonio Cesaro b. Santino Marella – Neutralizer
Zach Ryder b. Heath Slater – Rough Ryder
Alberto Del Rio b. John Cena – Pin after an attack from CM Punk


Nothing to see today.


Winter is officially gone from TNA. She hasn't appeared in months so this shouldn't really be shocking.

Date: September 6, 2012
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: William Regal, Byron Saxton

We're into the second part of NXT now as we have a champion, which means people are going to be gunning for him now. Things have been going very well so far on the show so far and hopefully things keep going the same way now that Rollins won the tournament last week. I don't think any matches were made for this week already. Let's get to it.

We open with a recap of the end of last week's show.

Welcome Home.

Kassius Ohno vs. Richie Steamboat

I guess I did forget a match that was scheduled. Steamboat saved Mike Dalton from getting destroyed by Ohno after a match and a challenge was issued as a result. They head to the mat to start and we have a standoff. Steamboat takes him to two different corners, pounding away in both of them. Kassius uses the forgotten heel move of poking Steamboat in the eye to take over. Richie comes back with a right hand so Ohno rakes the eyes again....and that's a DQ at 2:42? For raking the eyes? I don't think I've ever seen that before.

Ohno kicks Steamboat to the floor post match. He beats on Richie a bit more and hits the forearm/elbow to the back of the head before Ricky Steamboat and some referees come out for the save.

Audrey Marie vs. Paige

Paige, the British chick, is from Norwitch but Byron can't pronounce it so Regal rips into him a bit. Marie takes her to the mat to start but Paige takes over with ease. Audrey goes nuts and we've got a catfight. Marie winds up in control with a long rolling cradle (Terry Funk called it the Tumbleweed I believe) for two.

Audrey sends her into the corner but charges into a forearm, causing some of the most overdramatic selling I've ever seen. Marie looked like she got shot dead. Even Saxton sounded like he was trying not to laugh at it. Paige picks her up for what looks like a fisherman's buster but instead drops Audrey down into a stiff DDT for the pin at 2:44. Both girls looked pretty good here.

Ricky Steamboat is in the back looking for the trainer's room to see how his son is doing. Why he didn't go with him in the first place is anyone's guess, but Ricky runs into Ohno. You can tell this because Ricky shouts OHNO at the top of his lungs. Ohno has on some Clark Kent style glasses and seems to be in awe of meeting Steamboat.

Ricky won't shake his hand and Ohno says Richie doesn't have a ton of potential. Ricky shoves Ohno and referees break it up. Ohno: “What are you going to do? Arm drag me???” This would be a lot more effective if the beatdown had been big, but it was nothing you wouldn't see in a regular match.

Percy Watson vs. Leo Kruger

Kruger is psycho now and wears something that looks like khakis. Apparently he's a big game hunter now. That's something different. He grabs a quick snap suplex on Watson to start and pounds him into the corner. Watson gets up a knee in the corner and tries to speed things up. Percy fires off some good dropkicks and the Showtime Splash for two. Kruger gets up very quickly and hits a hot shot into a twisting neckbreaker (started as a reverse neckbreaker but spun Watson around almost into a cutter on the way down) for the pin at 3:16.

Brodus Clay vs. Ryan Collins

Brodus does the full intro, complete with Cameron because this was taped a few weeks ago. Total squash with the crowd WAY into Brodus. The big splash pins Collins at 49 seconds.

Some kids get to dance post match.

We recap the Usos getting jumped by Ascension last week.

Ascension vs. Usos

Whichever Uso that is pounds Cameron (the wrestler, not the dancer) down into the corner to start and everything breaks down quickly. The Usos clear the ring and we take a break. Back with I think Jimmy getting tagged in to splash Cameron in the corner. Back to Jimmy who gets two off a double back elbow. Conor comes in off a blind tag and clotheslines Jimmy down for two to take over. Ascension does their fast tags to stomp away on Jimmy in the corner which is always cool.

Conor puts on a bodyscissors and it's off to Cameron with a neck crank followed by an armbar. Back to Conor who grabs a headlock takeover then rolls Jimmy over two more times without letting it go. That was different. Jimmy gets in a kick to the face but the referee doesn't see the tag. Back to Cameron for another armbar before Conor comes in for a headlock. This is a great example of how to pick someone apart.

Jimmy gets sent into the corner and gets a boot up into O'Brien's face. There's the hot tag (with no reaction from the crowd) to Jey. He cleans house on his own but Cameron escapes the Samoan Drop. Instead Jey hits a superkick to put him down but goes up instead of covering. Jimmy takes Conor out but Cameron crotches Jey and hits a kind of running jawbreaker for the pin at 8:58 shown of 12:28.

Here's Rollins for his first interview with JR as champion. Rollins talks about overcoming his back injury last week to win the title. He's used to being called a loser and he uses it as motivation every single day. He doesn't care who he faces or who wants a shot at the title, because sooner or later, everybody gets blacked out. Good first speech from the champ here.

Richie Steamboat b. Kassius Ohno via DQ when Ohno raked Steamboat's eyes
Paige b. Audrey Marie – Fisherman's DDT
Leo Kruger b. Percy Watson – Twisting neckbreaker
Brodus Clay b. Ryan Collins – Big Splash
Ascension b. Usos – Running Jawbreaker to Jey


Impact Wrestling
Date: September 6, 2012
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Taz

It's the final night of the BFG Series and the final spots this Sunday are up for grabs. Other than that, not a ton matters. I'm sure we'll hear more about the Aces and 8's stuff from last week, but it'll be minor to say the least. Also we'll probably get more of the card set up for Sunday which is desperately needed at this point. Let's get to it.

We get videos from everyone still in the running for the spots in the Series.

Bound For Glory Series Leaderboard

James Storm 73
Samoa Joe 68
Rob Van Dam 55
Bully Ray 55
AJ Styles 50
Jeff Hardy 49
Kurt Angle 48
Mr. Anderson 47
Christopher Daniels 33
Magnus 33
Robbie E 12
D'Angelo Dinero 7 (injured)

Bound For Glory Series: Samoa Joe vs. Jeff Hardy

I think Joe has clinched a spot already. Jeff tries to work on the arm to start but gets shoved to the floor with ease. Joe follows out and rams Jeff into the steps, but a charge misses and Jeff dives at him off the steps with Poetry In Motion as we take a break. Back with Joe in control again. Apparently Hardy has to win by pin or submission to make it to the PPV and Joe needs a pin or submission to get the #1 spot and to be able to pick his opponent.

Joe hits his corner enziguri and Jeff sells it like he's dead as always. That gets two so Joe pounds him down again but still only gets two. The fat man is getting frustrated and here comes Jeff's comeback. He fires off some clotheslines and the mule kick as Joe can't keep up with the speed all of a sudden. Jeff hits the legdrop between Joe's legs and a low dropkick for two.

A jawbreaker looks to set up the Swanton but Joe gets up before it's launched. Twist of Fate is countered into the Clutch but Jeff rams him into the buckle. The Whisper in the Wind hits Joe's arm and there's the Twisting Stunner into an arm trap headlock which gets the tap out for Hardy at 12:00.

We recap Aces and 8's attacking Aries lately.

Aries runs into Hogan in the back and is told the small guy that attacked him last week is here tonight. Aries has permission to do whatever he needs to take him out which pleases the champ.

Joe has something to say post match but Magnus interrupts him. Magnus says that as a team they were good but it was Joe's fault they broke up. Magnus forgives Joe for it though and wishes him the best. He walks away and then jumps Joe from behind.

The candidates to face Daniels/Kaz are in the back for the begging to Hogan portion of our show. We have the Rob's, Chavo/Hernandez and Gunner/Kid Kash. This is your tag team division in TNA people. After they bicker, AJ comes in and says he deserves a shot. Well he deserves them more than Kash/Gunner who already got beat by Chavo/Hernandez. Hogan eliminates AJ immediately. Ok then.

Brooke Hogan makes Tara vs. Tessmacher for the PPV. Brooke still can't act at all. Gail comes in to yell at Brooke and we get Tara vs. Gail later.

Gail Kim vs. Tara

Well that was quick. Gail takes over to start with her usual kicks and a running shoulder to the ribs in the corner for two. Tara gets a quick sunset flip for two but Gail kicks her down again. A powerslam puts Kim down for no cover but a floatover suplex gets two for Tara. Gail tries to go up but gets caught in the Widow's Peak off the top for the pin at 3:38.

We recap Joey Ryan's Gut Check and attack of Snow.

Here's Al Snow to call out Joey Ryan. Ryan happens to be here and gets in the ring. Snow says give him a mic then tells Ryan to shut up. Ryan has to go through Gut Check again but without judges. Joey says he has nothing to prove as Snow take his jacket off. Ryan finally accepts it but he has to fight Snow to get his contract. Joey says no one wants to see Snow in spandex anymore. Snow slaps Ryan down and Joey bails.

Bully Ray goes to see Joseph Park to ask what Park has found out about Aces and 8's. Park can't say because Sting and Hogan are the ones that hired him. Ray says be careful and that's it.

A security guard puts a guy in a chair and leaves. Aries comes in and I think this is the guy that hit Aries last week. Aries says the guy better talk soon or else.

Back to Hogan's office and Gunner/Kash are eliminated. Thank goodness.

Bound For Glory Series: Rob Van Dam vs. Bully Ray

Basically it's winner gets in and loser is out. Ray takes over to start but they're going very slowly so as not to make any mistakes. Van Dam starts speeding things up and fires off some kicks for two. Ray heads to the floor so Rob hits a big flip dive to take both guys down. Back in and Rob goes up, only to get crotched. Ray tries to pull him down but Van Dam's leg gets caught in the ropes. Ray pounds away on it for a bit and it's off to a a leg lock.

The Bully and Hebner get in an argument, allowing Van Dam to hit a shot out of the corner to take over. He pounds Ray in the head and clotheslines him down a few times before hitting the step over spinwheel kick. Rolling Thunder hits for two and a monkey flip out of the corner puts Ray down. Van Dam tries a kick off the middle rope but Ray avoids it and kicks Rob's head off for two. A Vader Bomb misses and now Van Dam hits the kick he missed a few seconds ago. Van Dam goes up but dives into the Bubba Cutter for the pin at 8:54. Why would Rob dive with Ray already on his feet?

The four in the Series on Sunday are Storm, Joe, Hardy and Ray.

Back to the interrogation. The guy is named Mike and he's a freelance grip from New York. Aries wants to know what the boss wants with Aries and the title. He pulls out a pair of pliers and threatens to take Mike's teeth out but Hogan comes in to stop it. Hogan goes after the guy but gets a call, apparently from Aces and 8's. They want Mike back but Hogan wants the arm breaker one on one with Austin in a trade later. Aries gets the arm breaker on Sunday in exchange for Mike.

Here's Storm to announce who he faces at the PPV. Storm talks about how he lost at Lockdown and went home but his friends thought something was missing. Then he came back here and beat Crimson before entering the BFG Series. Now he's on top of that and he has three potential opponents. He asks the three of them to come out and gets his wish all at once. Storm talks about Hardy and Joe before picking Ray. Ray comes to the ring and Storm says he's getting even for last year when Ray eliminated him.

Rob is in the back with Christy when Magnus comes up and says he thinks Rob isn't who he used to be. Rob pops him in the jaw and they brawl a bit.

Tag Titles: Christopher Daniels/Kazarian vs. ???/???

It's Chavo/Hernandez of course. The champions are run out of the ring very quickly and the challengers take over to start. Hernandez and Daniels start and it's quickly off to Chavo with a slingshot hilo ala Eddie. Back to Hernandez for a bearhug into a belly to belly suplex. Daniels gets in just enough offense on Chavo to tag in Kaz but a hip toss stops him as well. The challengers are tagging in and out very fast. Apparently their name is Tex Mex. Why not I guess.

Daniels comes back in for a few seconds and gets beaten up as well so it's back to Kaz who gets caught in the over the shoulder backbreaker. Hernandez does the delayed vertical while Chavo hits the Three Amigos on Daniels at the same time. That was pretty awesome. The champs are reeling and we take a break. Back with Daniels beating on Chavo before tagging in Kaz again. A running flip neckbreaker puts Chavo down and it's back to Daniels who throws him to the floor.

Kaz hooks a double chickenwing but Chavo fights out of it and rolls into the corner to tag Hernandez. There's the slingshot shoulder and he runs over both champions with ax handles. He and Sheamus have a few similarities in the ring. Hernandez badly screws up an Alpha Bomb and heads up. Chavo hurricanranas his own partner onto Kaz for two as Daniels makes the save.

Chavo dives onto Kaz on the floor as Daniels hits a palm strike to Hernandez. Daniels heads to the floor and Hernandez hits a HUGE dive to take both of them out. Kaz gets splashed in the corner and Daniels brings in a title belt. Hernandez picks up Kaz for something but a belt shot to the ribs lets Kaz roll up SuperMex for the pin at 14:47.

Hulk comes out immediately and makes the tag champs vs. Angle/Styles for Sunday.

We run down the card for the PPV. Ion defends against Dutt, RVD vs. Magnus, the Knockouts, the tag titles, the Knockouts and the BFG stuff.

Here's Aries with Mike to make the deal. He talks about wanting to fight the guy who broke his arm on Sunday but gets impatient. Instead of making the deal, he's just going to beat Mike until Mike talks. Mike says he'll talk but a big guy from Aces and 8's comes out to save him. The big guy knocks Mike out cold before he can talk and brawls with Aries to end the show.

Jeff Hardy b. Samoa Joe – Arm trap headlock
Tara b. Gail Kim – Widow's Peak
Bully Ray b. Rob Van Dam – Bubba Cutter
Christopher Daniels/Kazarian b. Hernandez/Chavo Guerrero – Rollup after a belt shot to Hernandez

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