Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
Global Force Wrestling will hold its first event in January.
Monday Night Raw
Date: September 29, 2014
Location: Allstate Arena, Chicago, Illinois
Commentators: Michael Cole, John Bradshaw Layfield, Jerry Lawler
CM PUNK! CM PUNK! CM....sorry just getting ready for the crowd later in the show. The main story at the moment seems to be the new Super Best Friends of John Cena and Dean Ambrose facing off with the Authority as Roman Reigns is out injured. There's no sign of Brock Lesnar and it doesn't look like he's going to be at Hell in a Cell. That opens up some doors for interesting pay per view matches. Let's get to it.
We open with a recap of the Authority vs. Cena and Ambrose last week.
Here are Stephanie and HHH as the announcers hype up the annual pink theme for breast cancer. The fans chant for CM Punk and Stephanie asks why the fans chant for quitters. It's because they're quitters themselves and would love to just quit their jobs when things get serious. Stephanie quickly switches over to Ambrose stealing the briefcase on Friday, which means nothing because the contract inside belongs to Rollins. This defiance of the Authority will not be tolerated.
This brings out Paul Heyman for his usual catchphrases and to talk about how close Cena got to becoming champion. Rollins got close as well, but how dare he try to cash in on Brock Lesnar with a curb stomp. Stephanie gets in his face but here's Seth Rollins to interrupt. He doesn't really apologize for what he did, but says everyone in the ring is glad Cena isn't champion again.
Rollins wants to become champion by beating the best, which is clearly Brock Lesnar. Heyman isn't cool with this so Rollins says Brock should see it as a compliment because it shows Brock is the best. Paul goes to leave but HHH stops him. They stare each other down but HHH just shakes his hand and says thanks for the talk.
This brings Rollins to Ambrose, who better return the briefcase and the personal property inside. If he doesn't return it, the cinder blocks will look like nothing. Dean pops up on screen and holds up the case in the back, saying if Rollins wants it back he should just come and get it. The three head up the ramp but Cena runs out and jumps Rollins. Seth bails into the crowd, leaving Cena in the ring.
WWE doesn't like breast cancer.
After a break, the Authority is in the back with some agents. HHH sends Jamie Noble and Joey Mercury to get the briefcase.
Intercontinental Title: Cesaro vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Miz
Ziggler is defending after beating Miz for the title last week. Cesaro had a title shot on Smackdown and got pinned with his hands in the ropes. The challengers go after Dolph in the corner to start but get in a quick argument over who gets to try for the pin. Cesaro suplexes Miz down for two but Miz clotheslines the power guy down, sending Dolph into the corner. Miz gets gorilla pressed but Ziggler dropkicks Cesaro down, leaving Miz to crash onto the mat as we take a break.
Back with Miz sliding through Cesaro's legs but Ziggler grabs a rollup instead. Everyone rolls up everyone for two until Ziggler DDTs both guys down at the same time. Another DDT to Miz and a neckbreaker to Cesaro get two on the Hollywood guy and send Cesaro out to the floor. Mizdow trips the champion and earns a baseball slide for his efforts. A sunset flip gets two on Miz but he comes back with a Figure Four attempt.
Cesaro nails Miz with an uppercut and tries a sunset flip of his own but Ziggler pulls on Cesaro's legs, sending him head first into Miz's crotch. Dolph throws Miz in the Figure Four but Cesaro makes the save with a double stomp. Miz goes up top but dives into the uppercut, only to have Ziggler superkick Cesaro and pin Miz to retain at 11:48.
Mizdow is holding his knee just like Miz in a nice touch.
Mercury and Noble go Ambrose hunting but find the Rosebuds, Big E. and Great Khali instead.
WWE still hates breast cancer.
We get a freaky video from the Wyatts which keeps jumping all over the place and talking about finding someone after everyone was told he was gone. Bray asks what you give someone who has lost everything. He fixed someone and now he's being sent out on his own. It seems like they're talking about Harper. Luke says he's piecing himself back together with pieces of you. Bray says Harper is set free. Harper gets close to the camera and says you're doomed.
The Authority yells at Mercury and Noble for not being able to find Ambrose and possibly stopping for a hamburger. If they don't find him, they're fired. The new Stooges leave and Miz and Mizdow come in instead. Mizdow talks for Miz and complains about the rematch for the Intercontinental Title being a triple threat. HHH cuts them off and gives Mizdow a match with Sheamus and threatens to fire Miz.
Layla vs. Rosa Mendes
Tyson Kidd is at ringside messing with his phone because he and Natalya (also at ringside) are having marital problems. Layla takes Rosa down and grabs a chinlock until Rosa fires back with forearms. Rosa's hair extensions fall out and Layla knocks her to the floor, triggering a brawl between Summer and Natalya. Kidd has no idea any of this is going on. Back in and the Layout beats Rosa at 2:58.
Natalya takes Tyson's phone post match.
Ambrose is in the back with the briefcase and a bag.
Here's Ambrose with the bag and briefcase in the arena. He throws in a table and sets the briefcase on top, saying he's been at the concession stand. The agents came in but they were busy eating and didn't see him wave. However, that's not what he's talking about here. Dean doesn't like the way the Authority runs their merchandise stands so tonight we're having a Dean Ambrose sale, but the briefcase isn't for sale tonight.
Dean throws a bag of t-shirts on the table and says he'll sell it for a dollar. First up is a Cena shirt for a dollar and a Sheamus shirt for a quarter. This brings out Mercury and Noble (Dean: “They sent the cruiserweight division after me?”
to ask for the briefcase. Ambrose says that's fine but they have to come in and get it. The guys back away so Ambrose starts throwing the shirts into the crowd for free.
The agents come back with Rollins and security as Dean runs out of shirts. Dean: “Are you real security? I could have sworn you were Rosebuds last week.” Ambrose backs away into the crowd as Rollins finally gets up on the apron. Rollins opens the briefcase and green slime sprays on him. Dean's “look what I did!” face is great stuff. He swears he had nothing to do with it and Seth freaks out.
After a break, Seth is complaining to the Authority that he could be blinded. Rollins is sent to the trainer and HHH makes Kane and Orton vs. Ambrose and Cena. Orton doesn't like having to fight Rollins' battles again. A phone ring and they're not sure whose it is. It turns out that it's in the briefcase and Rollins runs back in to say it's an electric razor. Was that a vibrator joke?
Here's Mark Henry with something to say. He starts apologizing to the fans for last week when Bo Dallas interrupts. Bo says Henry should apologize to himself instead of the people. It's time to close the Hall of Pain and join the Hall of Bolievers. Being a Boliever means never having to say you're sorry.
Bo Dallas vs. Mark Henry
Henry hammers away to start and pounds Bo into the corner, only to miss the Vader Bomb. A Bodog gives Dallas the pin at 1:45. JBL treats this like a huge upset.
In the back after a break, Bo says he won because he Bolieved. Henry attacks him from behind and crushes him with an anvil case a few times. Dallas is out cold. Henry says that's what he does. That came off like a heel turn.
Network hype.
The Dusts are in the back looking at a crystal ball with electric lights going through it. Stardust looks at a chalkboard and babbles about various things. Stardust comes in and says the titles are the Cosmic Key and they determine their fates. Everything else is science fiction and Stardust shoves the ball away. The belts are science fact.
Brie Bella is here for a match when Nikki comes in to remind Brie that she quit in this building. Nikki yells at her for quitting for Bryan, starting a quick YES chant. That went so well for Brie because Bryan is still sitting at home. Nikki says Brie did it for the cheers and brings up all the handicap matches she was in for about the 1000th time. Tonight Brie gets her own handicap match.
Brie Bella vs. Cameron/Eva Marie
Brie takes Eva down with ease because she's a former Divas Champion and Eva has had about an hour of career ring time. Cameron gets kicked off the apron but Eva gets in a few shots of her own. Off to Cameron for two off a snap suplex and the fans start chanting for JBL. Brie fights out of the corner and now the fans are chanting for Cole. Cameron is sent into Eva and Brie gets a rollup for the pin at 2:57. Thank goodness they got out of there as fast as they did.
WWE still hates breast cancer.
Heath Slater/Titus O'Neil vs. Los Matadores
The Rosebuds are at ringside and Rose is on commentary with the Bunny at his side. Slater and Titus bring out Hornswoggle in an alligator outfit. Reverend Jesse Jackson is n the front row. O'Neil slams Diego down to start as JBL asks if Rose and the bunny listen to hip hop. Slater allows Diego to tag out to Fernando who cleans house until Hornswoggle comes in for a distraction, allowing Slater to grab a rollup for the pin at 2:42.
Torito and Hornswoggle have their showdown but Rose makes a save. Titus is low bridged to the floor and Los Matadores drop Slater, allowing the Bunny to hit a splash.
Here are Rusev and Lana to brag about beating up Big Show on Friday, only to have Big Show attack him with a right hand. This brings out Big Show who says everything said about Putin is a bunch of garbage. He brings up A Few Good Men for some reason by saying Lana can't handle the truth.
We get the an unedited package on Big Show standing up for Henry and Rusev attacking Show with the Russian flag on Friday. Rusev says he wants to pull out Big Show's guts and kick him in the groin. He'll break every bone in Big Show's body but Big Show says we don't speak Russian. Big Show hits the ring and the Russians bail. He slowly goes over to the Russian flag and rips it down to a big reaction. Rusev finally gets back in and is thrown right back to the floor.
We recap Ambrose, Rollins and the briefcase from earlier tonight.
Cena says this is his kind of town and is glad he doesn't have to face Dean Ambrose. They both want Seth Rollins and Dean pops up behind Cena and Renee. Cena asks if Dean would like to add something. Dean: “Not really.” They get in an argument over who gets to beat up Rollins and Dean says not even Cena can take food off his plate.
Alicia Fox vs. AJ Lee
Paige introduces Alicia as her new best friend. In a throwaway line before the match, Cole says the WWE Network will launch in the UK on November 1, not October 1 as they announced for months. AJ sends Fox to the floor to start before hitting a plancha to take both evil girls down. Back in and Paige offers a distraction so Alicia can get in a quick ax kick for the pin at 1:35.
Paige gives AJ the Rampaige post match and Alicia drops soda on her. She doesn't open the cans or anything but just drops them.
Harper video again.
Sheamus vs. Damien Mizdow
Non-title and Miz is on commentary. Sheamus takes Mizdow down with a headlock to start but the stunt double escapes the ten forearms to the chest. Back in and Sheamus gets annoyed when Mizdow punches him so the beating is on in the corner. Mizdow comes back with Miz's short DDT and drives some forearms to the pale head. Sheamus shrugs it off and hits the ten forearms before sending Mizdow out to the floor. The champ follows and sends Mizdow into Miz before taking him back inside for the Brogue Kick and the pin at 5:30.
Here's a pink Hulk Hogan with something to say. He talks about breast cancer awareness month and says he's turned in the red and yellow to go pink. There are a bunch of breast cancer survivors here and they're the real heroes. We can buy gear at WWEshop.com to help fight breast cancer and it's time for catchphrases.
Kane and Orton complain about having to take care of Rollins' problems when Stephanie comes in and tells them to get over it. The people have been saying Orton and Kane have gone soft and lost their killer instinct. Kane asks if the people are saying that or if it's just Stephanie. She wants to know if it really matters and that's that.
Preview of the new episode of Monday Night War debuting after Raw. We saw this earlier.
Reigns will be here for an interview next week. Big Show vs. Rusev as well.
John Cena/Dean Ambrose vs. Kane/Randy Orton
Cena vs. Orton to start of course and the fans are already dueling. John takes over with a quick bulldog but Kane gets in a shot from the apron to take over as we go to our last break. Back with Orton getting two on Cena off what looked like the powerslam but having the RKO countered. He has to settle for the backbreaker instead but Cena is up at two. Kane comes in for a nerve hold and we actually look at Rollins being slimed twice during the hold.
Back to Orton for a chinlock as the dueling Cena chants begin. A big backdrop puts Orton on the floor and Cena does the big dramatic crawl to Ambrose before diving over for the tag. Ambrose speeds up with a pair of dives to the Authority before throwing Orton back in. Randy kicks him into the Rebound Clothesline and Dirty Deeds gets two on as Rollins runs in for the DQ at 11:47.
Dean fights Rollins off and dives at Kane, only to leave it short. Thankfully he pops back up and helps Cena corner Rollins in the ring. The heroes get in a fight over who gets to beat up Rollins though and Dean sends Cena out to the floor. Orton nails an RKO on Ambrose and Kane adds a chokeslam. Rollins plants Dean with a curb stomp onto the briefcase. Cena comes in for a save but eats an RKO and chokeslam of his own. A curb stomp sends Cena into the briefcase (Fans: “THANK YOU ROLLINS!”
to end the show.
Dolph Ziggler b. Miz and Cesaro – Ziggler pinned Miz after an uppercut from Cesaro
Layla b. Rosa Mendes – Layout
Bo Dallas b. Mark Henry – Bodog
Brie Bella b. Cameron/Eva Marie – Rollup to Cameron
Heath Slater/Titus O'Neil b. Los Matadores – Rollup to Fernando
Alicia Fox b. AJ Lee – Ax kick
Sheamus b. Damien Mizdow – Brogue Kick
John Cena/Dean Ambrose b. Kane/Randy Orton via DQ when Seth Rollins interfered
Raw got a 2.89, up from last week.
Impact Wrestling
Date: October 1, 2014
Location: Sands Bethlehem Events Center, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Taz
We're closing in on....whatever TNA builds to anymore. The main stories at the moment are the Wolves choosing the stipulations for the final match in the Tag Team Title series and Austin Aries having a match against any champion he chooses. In theory he'll pick the World Title but stranger things have happened in wrestling. Let's get to it.
We open with a video on Roode vs. Lashley from a few weeks back where Lashley retained the belt.
Roode arrived earlier today and says he didn't get the job done. It's been a hard fourteen days but he's back tonight.
Here's Austin Aries to open things up. He's going to get right to the chase and challenge his champion for a title match tonight. As soon as he won he knew who he wanted to face, but let's make this interactive. Aries polls the fans on his potential opponent. They're not wild on him facing Gail Kim, a bit better on the idea him facing the Wolves, about the same on Samoa Joe.....and we don't get the last option as Joe cuts him off.
Joe says if Aries is going to fight anyone tonight, it's going to be him. Aries isn't sure what to think about this so he runs down his resume. He thinks the fans are interested in seeing Aries vs. Joe and that's cool because the X-Division is everything that's right about wrestling. It's about the abilities inside these ropes, so let's do it.
X-Division Title: Samoa Joe vs. Austin Aries
Feeling out process to start as the lights are overly dim, likely hiding the empty seats. Joe takes him to the mat to start but Aries pops up for a slugout. Joe growls at him and runs Aries over with an elbow. The champ sends him into the buckle and nails the enziguri before setting Aries on the top rope. The MuscleBuster is countered with a back rake but Aries misses the middle rope dropkick. Aries comes back with a forearm to the back of the head and a slingshot hilo for two as we take an early break.
Back with Aries' suicide dive being blocked by a kick to the head. Joe drives knees into the head and snaps off a powerslam for two. The standing choke has Aries in trouble but he fighs out with a jawbreaker for two more. There's the Last Chancery for a few seconds before Aries tries the Brainbuster.
Joe is just too fat though so Aries nails him with a discus forearm. Another brainbuster attempt is countered by a boot to the chest to send Aries outside, but he slides back in for a quick suicide dive to take Joe down. Back in and Aries hits a missile dropkick and the running corner dropkick to set up a bad brainbuster for two. He tries another Last Chancery but Joe counters into the Clutch for the submission at 15:23.
Spud talks to EC3 in the back and says they haven't hung out in weeks despite being best friends. EC3 says Spud has failed him and now can just follows him to the ring.
We look at the ladder match in the Tag Team Title series from two weeks ago.
The Wolves are in the back and have told Angle their stipulation for the third match but he won't say what it is.
Here are Spud and EC3 with Spud having to kneel and hand him a microphone. Spud agrees that he's Ethan's best friend, but Ethan says their relationship is employer/employee. There's no world in which they're friends because Spud spends his time reading comic books and watching wrestling. The people here aren't with Spud and Carter rips on Spud's haircut. Spud: “I wanted it to look like your's sir.” Ethan tears up Spud's suit and blames him for what happened to Dixie. He tells Spud to cry and then slaps him, but Spud can't bring himself to fight.
Cue Eric Young for a save and what would be considered a big reaction for a crowd this small. Eric says he's the reason for what happened to Dixie but Eric asks him to leave. Young tells Spud to listen to the fans because Ethan is going to keep doing this until Spud stands up and hits him. Carter nails Young and stomps away in the corner as Spud bails to the floor. A referee comes in and we've got a bell.
Eric Young vs. Ethan Carter III
Young gets backdropped to the apron for his strut but comes back in with a dropkick for two. A clothesline puts Ethan on the floor for a plancha and a Thesz Press takes Carter down back inside. Carter comes back with a snap suplex for two but Spud can't bring himself to get in a cheap shot from the floor. Young gets caught in a chinlock but he finally escapes with a belly to back suplex. A forearm and clothesline put Ethan down and the top rope elbow gets two. Eric loads up the piledriver but Spud gets on the apron, allowing Carter to nail a low blow. The 1%er gives Ethan the pin at 5:45.
Mr. Anderson thanks Chris Melendez for everything he's done. The trio sees a weakness in Melendez but they're going to stand up to him.
We recap Gail Kim going after the recently debuted monster Havok. She's destroyed everything in sight and beat up Kim a few times already.
Knockouts Title: Gail Kim vs. Havok
Gail is defending and Havok jumps her from behind on the way to the ring. The champ comes back with some forearms to the face but Havok just rams her back first into the apron. Havok sends her face first into the post and we haven't even had a bell yet. She gets sent into the steps before they keep brawling on the floor. Havok rams Gail shoulder first into the post and puts on a hammerlock spinebuster on the floor. The trainer comes out to check on Gail as Havok leaves. No match.
Quick recap of the Tag Team Title Series.
Here are the Wolves to talk about being behind the entire series but always overcoming the odds. Now they're in control though and the last match is going to be.....interrupted by Team 3D. Ray does the usual sucking up to the Wolves but says they're really not that great. They may be the World Tag Team Champions but they'll never be Team 3D. The Wolves aren't going to pick the last match in this series, but before Team 3D can make the pick, here are the Hardys to interrupt.
The Hardys talk about how awesome they are and say the Wolves should step aside and let the legends make these decisions. Matt says no one is going to talk about the Wolves in twenty years but Davey cuts them off and says they've beaten both teams. They'll win again too because their time is now. The brawl is on and we get tables, ladders and chairs brought in but Angle comes out to stop the brawl. The Wolves have to make their decision right now and of course it's Full Metal Mayhem. It's close enough to the TLC match the fans were wanting.
Anderson and Melendez find MVP and Kenny King in the back and a match is made for later.
Gail has a separated shoulder but says she's wrestling tonight anyway.
Manik vs. Shark Boy
Seriously. Shark Boy hammers away to start and sends Manik out to the floor with a shot to the face. Some clotheslines do the same and a backdrop sends Manik flying. Back in and Manik grabs some suplexes for two and a knee drop gets the same. A Frog Splash is enough to pin Shark Boy at 3:10.
Team 3D thinks the Wolves are crazy for picking Full Metal Mayhem.
Mr. Anderson vs. MVP
Feeling out process to start until Anderson takes him into the corner for a chop and clothesline. MVP sends him out to the floor, causing Melendez and King to stare each other down. Back inside with MVP throwing Anderson across the ring for two before cranking on the arm. Anderson avoids a knee drop and grabs the rolling fireman's carry for two. He loads up the Mic Check but King offers a distraction. Melendez takes care of him but MVP grabs a rollup for the pin at 5:40.
Here's Bobby Roode to talk about being the longest reigning TNA World Champion ever. He brings that up a lot because it means so much to him. You're only as good as your last match though and his last match was a losing effort against Lashley. This brings out the champion and the rest of the Trio but Roode won't let him say anything.
Roode talks about coming so close to winning the title but there's one moment that stood out: kicking out of the spear at two. It gave Lashley a look that he's never had before because Lashley has never been terrified before. That look made Roode believe he could beat him so Bobby wants one more match. Lashley looks like he's about to say yes but MVP says no for him.
Knockouts Title: Havok vs. Gail Kim
Gail is defending and says bring it on. Havok charges to the rings and the fight starts in the aisle. The champ hammers away but gets dropped face first on the mat. An armbar makes Gail scream and a shoulder breaker on the good shoulder gets two. The Rings of Saturn go on but Gail still won't quit. Instead she rolls over a bit and knees Havok in the face, only to have the arm rammed into the mat. Gail sends her into the corner and actually outs on a Figure Four around the post. Back in and a high cross body gets two but Eat Defeat is countered into another hammerlock slam. A chokeslam gives Havok the title at 5:00.
Samoa Joe b. Austin Aries – Koquina Clutch
Ethan Carter III b. Eric Young – 1%er
Manik b. Shark Boy – Frog Splash
MVP b. Mr. Anderson – Rollup
Havok b. Gail Kim – Chokeslam
Impact got a .88, up from last week. Viewership was up quite a bit.
Date: October 2, 2014
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Rich Brennan, Alex Riley, Jason Albert
Tonight we move one major step closer to Sami Zayn vs. Adrian Neville in the showdown for the NXT Title as Tyson Kidd has his FINAL title shot. Other than that we also have a rematch from Takeover as Bayley gets a Women's Title shot at Charlotte, who seems to have turned face after their first match. Let's get to it.
We open with a recap of Takeover II and last week to set up both of tonight's title matches.
Opening sequence.
Women's Title: Charlotte vs. Bayley
Feeling out process to start with the champ shoving Bayley down, only to have Bayley come out of the corner with an armdrag to send Charlotte out to the floor. Back in and Charlotte cranks on the leg as we get a LET'S GO BAYLEY/CENA SUCKS chant. Some backslides and rollups get two for Charlotte but she fights out of another backslide attempt and goes after Bayley's ankle. The champ CRANKS on the leg and Bayley is in trouble as we go to a break.
Back with Charlotte still cranking on the leg in the corner before putting on the same leg hold. Charlotte tries to cannonball down onto the leg and gets rolled up for two. Bayley starts firing back but gets kicked in the leg to put her right back down. The leg is wrapped around the post and we hit the Figure Four with Charlotte bridging up ala Bray Wyatt's spider walk for more pressure.
Bayley turns it over but Charlotte is right next to the ropes. Back up and Charlotte misses a knee drop and a charge into the corner and a middle rope back elbow gets two. Charlotte reverses a suplex into a neckbreaker and a bad looking Natural Selection (Charlotte shoved Bayley's back to put her into the mat) retains the title at 11:38.
Charlotte hugs Bayley post match.
Hideo Itami vs. Viktor
Ascension double teams Hideo down as the announcers mention that he has no friends in NXT. They destroy him with ease until referees come out to break it up. No match.
Earlier this week, Enzo and Big Cass trained Carmella at the Performance Center. Enzo puts her hand on his arm in a lockup. Carmella: “Sawft!” They do some basic stuff until Carmella dropkicks him out of the ring. He tells Cass not to post the video.
Baron Corbin vs. Troy McClain
A big elbow drops Troy, a clothesline stuns him in the corner and the End of Days gives Baron the pin at 53 seconds.
Kidd says he only needs one last chance and he'll become NXT Champion. He walks away when asked about Natalya getting him the shot.
The Legionnaires want a rematch with Enzo and Cass next week.
Vaudevillains vs. Tye Dillinger/Jason Jordan
Aiden and Jason get things going with English being thrown into the corner. He takes a little bow but Jordan makes his chest dance in return. Off to Gotch vs. Dillinger with the pretty boys taking over in the corner. Back to English for a swinging neckbreaker for two on Jordan but Dillinger quickly comes in for some knees to the face. Fans: “YOU'RE NOT MANLY!” A rollup gets two for Aiden but the kickout sends him into the corner for a tag off to Gotch. We go old school with airplane spins to both pretty boys, setting up That's A Wrap for the pin on Dillinger at 4:10.
Titus O'Neil is in the front row for the main event.
Itami is getting checked in the back (and speaking pretty clear English) when Funaki comes in to say he'll have Itami's back against Ascension.
Bayley says she isn't done because there are girls that look up to her. Sasha Banks jumps her and says she'll get the next shot at Charlotte.
NXT Title: Adrian Neville vs. Tyson Kidd
Adrian is defending and this is Kidd's last chance. The champ takes Tyson down by the arm to start and we can see the lights reflecting off Titus' head. Back up and they slug it out with Kidd ripping the skin off with a chop in the corner. Neville backdrops him to the mat and a hard kick to the back gets two. He bails out to the floor for a breather, only to get kicked in the face from the apron as we take a break.
Back with Neville cranking on an armbar but getting choked on the ropes. Off to a figure four neck lock on the champion and the fans want him to tap. Neville turns around in the hold and lifts Tyson up for a powerbomb to escape. A series of kicks have Kidd in trouble but he nails a running big boot for two. Kidd nails another running kick before flipping Neville over with a snapmare and turning underneath him to make it a neckbreaker. Tyson goes up but gets kicked in the head, setting up a sitout powerbomb (“BETTER THAN BATISTA”
for two.
Neville bails out of a Shooting Star and tries a dropkick but gets caught in the Sharpshooter. He makes a rope though and heads to the apron to kick Kidd in the head. For some reason Adrian heads outside though and Titus gets in a cheap shot. Sami Zayn runs out and kicks Titus in the head as Neville dives back in at nine. Kidd loads up a superplex but gets kicked down, setting up the Red Arrow to retain at 13:07.
Zayn salutes Adrian and says he's coming for the title.
Kidd looks devastated and the announcer emphasizes that he's out of chances to end the show.
Charlotte b. Bayley – Natural Selection
Baron Corbin b. Troy McClain – End of Days
Vaudevillains b. Tye Dillinger/Jason Jordan – End of Days to Dillinger
Adrian Neville b. Tyson Kidd – Red Arrow
Date: October 3, 2014
Location: Bradley Center, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Commentators: Michael Cole, Todd Phillips, John Bradshaw Layfield
The Ambrose/Cena vs. Authority feud is picking up steam and that's a good thing so far. It looks like they're also setting up Ambrose vs. Cena which should be a solid match if they don't have Cena beat him and call it a rub. Hopefully they keep up the trend of not having a ton of recaps tonight. Let's get to it.
We open with a long recap of Ambrose giving away shirts and sliming Rollins.
Here's a fired up Cena with something to say. He talks about how different people refer to Milwaukee in different ways but Cena sees it as the place that is ready for Smackdown. This brings him to Ambrose who wants to beat up Rollins just like he does. He talks about the loss at Summerslam and having the worst beating of his life. Everyone from Michael Cole to his family wanted him to hang it up but he had to fight Lesnar one more time.
He got that chance at Night of Champions but Seth Rollins had to take his chance to become the future of the WWE. Well if that's what Seth wants, he can do it tonight right here in the ring. Cena doesn't want the briefcase or the contract as long as he can get his hands on Rollins tonight. Instead he gets Ambrose, who says he has his own issues with the Authority and Seth Rollins, but he's going to work those out by making Rollins pay. Cena says he doesn't want to do this with Ambrose and Dean says that's right.
However, Cena got in his way on Monday and that's not cool. Cena brings up Night of Champions again but Ambrose says that was one night while he almost lost his entire career. John says there's no reason for them to keep going after each other when they both want the same things. He offers a truce and says whoever gets to Rollins first gets to him first.
Dean isn't sure about shaking hands when the Authority pops up on screen. Orton talks about how the two of them deserve each other and brings up what Ambrose used to say about Cena when he was in the Shield. Apparently Cena is full of himself and can't wrestle his way out of a box of cereal. Cena on the other hand said Ambrose is only getting over by pretending to be crazy. Kane thinks it doesn't matter though because it's going to be Cena and Ambrose vs. Orton and himself tonight. So glad I watched that Raw main event this week.
Sheamus/Dolph Ziggler vs. Miz/Damien Mizdow
Sheamus takes Miz into the corner to start but misses a big right hand. Cole keeps talking about Mizdow vs. Sheamus from last night as Sheamus slams Damien for two. Sheamus sends him out to the apron and takes out Miz before hitting a few forearms to the stunt double. That's fine with Sheamus as he dives off the top with a double clothesline.
We take a break and come back with Miz hitting a Reality Check for two on Sheamus before tagging Mizdow. Damien stomps away for two of his own and it's very quickly back to Miz. Sheamus plows him down with a clothesline and makes the hot tag to Ziggler to clean house. The running DDT gets two on Mizdown and a dropkick gets the same. Sheamus and Miz fight on the floor until Miz nails him in the ribs with a chair. Not that it matters as the Zig Zag is good for the pin on Damien at 8:28.
Sheamus swings the chair at Miz post match but has to lay out Sandow instead.
Luke Harper video from Raw.
Long recap of Henry/Big Show/Rusev including the Russian flag being ripped down. WWE already officially apologized because Heaven forbid anyone ever get even slightly offended by anything. They had to know this sort of reaction was coming. Either do the angle and don't apologize or don't do it at all. It makes WWE look like a five year old admitting to stealing cookies.
Paige vs. Naomi
Paige quickly takes her down into a chinlock before cranking on both arms at the same time. Back up and Naomi snaps off a headscissors to send Paige to the apron. Alicia Fox tries to help Paige to the floor but Naomi dives onto the new best friend. It goes badly for her though as Paige kicks Naomi in the head and hooks the PTO for the submission at 1:43.
Post match AJ hits the ring and beats up Fox as Paige bails to hide behind JBL. Putting his hat on doesn't really work for her.
Here's Big Show in a suit to address the flag deal on Raw. He talks about holding himself accountable for his actions and officially apologizes to the Russian people for what happened. The fans aren't pleased but here are Rusev and Lana to interrupt. Lana says WWE and Big Show apologizing doesn't appease them because they want a personal apology.
Big Show reiterates his apology to the Russian people but not to Lana and Rusev. We get more English from Rusev who accuses Big Show of wiping his nose on the flag. He nails Rusev with the flag and drops him with the jumping superkick. Show gets up and the Russians bail. This segment made me feel better about this as it feels like the apology was intended to be a plot point and not WWE cowering away from any criticism.
Heath Slater/Titus O'Neil vs. Usos
Hornswoggle Gator is at ringside. Jey takes Slater into the corner to start but misses a charge and gets kicked in the face. Cue the Bunny to hop over Hornswoggle and send him face first into the post. The distraction lets the Usos hit stereo superkicks and a triple splash (the Bunny dives on Horny) is enough for the pin at 1:45. This is setting up Horny vs. the Bunny isn't it?
WWE still hates breast cancer.
Ambrose talks about how he embarrassed Rollins on Monday and that's a lot worse than a beating. He'll go through everyone from Kane to Orton to the Gator to the Bunny to get his hands on Seth Rollins.
Cesaro vs. R-Truth
This is due to Cesaro making jokes about Ziggler earlier tonight and Truth calling him an unfunny nincompoop. Before the match Truth makes sure he has the town right and Cole thankfully explains the joke. That's not sarcasm for once as that line wouldn't might not have made sense to a lot of fans. Cesaro hammers Truth down with European uppercuts and a gutwrench suplex. Truth's comeback goes as well as you would expect before the Neutralizer ends him at 2:12.
The Dusts are in the back and I believe this is the same vignette from Raw. The belts are the Cosmic Key and the rest is science fiction.
Bob Uecker is here.
Hulk Hogan hates breast cancer.
Kane/Randy Orton vs. John Cena/Dean Ambrose
Orton and Ambrose get things going with Dean quickly taking him down for a basement clothesline and two. Off to Kane vs. Cena for the power showdown and our resident hero takes over with right hands. Dean comes back in for the running dropkick against the ropes before clotheslining Orton down as well. An STF attempt from Cena doesn't work but a belly to belly gets two on Randy. Ambrose dives on both Authority members and we take a break.
Back with Kane nailing a big boot for two on Ambrose and bringing Randy in again. Randy stomps away and sends Ambrose outside before whipping him into the steps. They head back inside and Dean nails a middle rope dropkick to put both guys down. Kane breaks up a hot tag and we hit the chinlock.
Dean quickly fights up by biting the hand before getting punched into the Rebound Clothesline. As he's inches away from the hot tag, Rollins comes down the aisle and Cena drops down to go after him. Ambrose is left alone and gets caught in the Elevated DDT for two. Dirty Deeds is broken up and Kane kicks Dean's head off. The double teaming is enough for a lame DQ at 13:13.
Ambrose gets beaten down even more until Cena finally makes the save to end the show.
Sheamus/Dolph Ziggler b. Miz/Damien Mizdow – Zig Zag to Mizdow
Paige b. Naomi – PTO
Usos b. Heath Slater/Titus O'Neil – Double Superfly Splash
Cesaro b. R-Truth – Neutralizer
John Cena/Dean Ambrose b. Kane/Randy Orton via DQ when Orton and Kane double teamed Ambrose
Quick Results
Monday Night Raw
Dolph Ziggler b. Miz and Cesaro – Ziggler pinned Miz after an uppercut from Cesaro
Layla b. Rosa Mendes – Layout
Bo Dallas b. Mark Henry – Bodog
Brie Bella b. Cameron/Eva Marie – Rollup to Cameron
Heath Slater/Titus O'Neil b. Los Matadores – Rollup to Fernando
Alicia Fox b. AJ Lee – Ax kick
Sheamus b. Damien Mizdow – Brogue Kick
John Cena/Dean Ambrose b. Kane/Randy Orton via DQ when Seth Rollins interfered
Impact Wrestling
Samoa Joe b. Austin Aries – Koquina Clutch
Ethan Carter III b. Eric Young – 1%er
Manik b. Shark Boy – Frog Splash
MVP b. Mr. Anderson – Rollup
Havok b. Gail Kim – Chokeslam
Charlotte b. Bayley – Natural Selection
Baron Corbin b. Troy McClain – End of Days
Vaudevillains b. Tye Dillinger/Jason Jordan – End of Days to Dillinger
Adrian Neville b. Tyson Kidd – Red Arrow
Sheamus/Dolph Ziggler b. Miz/Damien Mizdow – Zig Zag to Mizdow
Paige b. Naomi – PTO
Usos b. Heath Slater/Titus O'Neil – Double Superfly Splash
Cesaro b. R-Truth – Neutralizer
John Cena/Dean Ambrose b. Kane/Randy Orton via DQ when Orton and Kane double teamed Ambrose
Global Force Wrestling will hold its first event in January.
Monday Night Raw
Date: September 29, 2014
Location: Allstate Arena, Chicago, Illinois
Commentators: Michael Cole, John Bradshaw Layfield, Jerry Lawler
CM PUNK! CM PUNK! CM....sorry just getting ready for the crowd later in the show. The main story at the moment seems to be the new Super Best Friends of John Cena and Dean Ambrose facing off with the Authority as Roman Reigns is out injured. There's no sign of Brock Lesnar and it doesn't look like he's going to be at Hell in a Cell. That opens up some doors for interesting pay per view matches. Let's get to it.
We open with a recap of the Authority vs. Cena and Ambrose last week.
Here are Stephanie and HHH as the announcers hype up the annual pink theme for breast cancer. The fans chant for CM Punk and Stephanie asks why the fans chant for quitters. It's because they're quitters themselves and would love to just quit their jobs when things get serious. Stephanie quickly switches over to Ambrose stealing the briefcase on Friday, which means nothing because the contract inside belongs to Rollins. This defiance of the Authority will not be tolerated.
This brings out Paul Heyman for his usual catchphrases and to talk about how close Cena got to becoming champion. Rollins got close as well, but how dare he try to cash in on Brock Lesnar with a curb stomp. Stephanie gets in his face but here's Seth Rollins to interrupt. He doesn't really apologize for what he did, but says everyone in the ring is glad Cena isn't champion again.
Rollins wants to become champion by beating the best, which is clearly Brock Lesnar. Heyman isn't cool with this so Rollins says Brock should see it as a compliment because it shows Brock is the best. Paul goes to leave but HHH stops him. They stare each other down but HHH just shakes his hand and says thanks for the talk.
This brings Rollins to Ambrose, who better return the briefcase and the personal property inside. If he doesn't return it, the cinder blocks will look like nothing. Dean pops up on screen and holds up the case in the back, saying if Rollins wants it back he should just come and get it. The three head up the ramp but Cena runs out and jumps Rollins. Seth bails into the crowd, leaving Cena in the ring.
WWE doesn't like breast cancer.
After a break, the Authority is in the back with some agents. HHH sends Jamie Noble and Joey Mercury to get the briefcase.
Intercontinental Title: Cesaro vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Miz
Ziggler is defending after beating Miz for the title last week. Cesaro had a title shot on Smackdown and got pinned with his hands in the ropes. The challengers go after Dolph in the corner to start but get in a quick argument over who gets to try for the pin. Cesaro suplexes Miz down for two but Miz clotheslines the power guy down, sending Dolph into the corner. Miz gets gorilla pressed but Ziggler dropkicks Cesaro down, leaving Miz to crash onto the mat as we take a break.
Back with Miz sliding through Cesaro's legs but Ziggler grabs a rollup instead. Everyone rolls up everyone for two until Ziggler DDTs both guys down at the same time. Another DDT to Miz and a neckbreaker to Cesaro get two on the Hollywood guy and send Cesaro out to the floor. Mizdow trips the champion and earns a baseball slide for his efforts. A sunset flip gets two on Miz but he comes back with a Figure Four attempt.
Cesaro nails Miz with an uppercut and tries a sunset flip of his own but Ziggler pulls on Cesaro's legs, sending him head first into Miz's crotch. Dolph throws Miz in the Figure Four but Cesaro makes the save with a double stomp. Miz goes up top but dives into the uppercut, only to have Ziggler superkick Cesaro and pin Miz to retain at 11:48.
Mizdow is holding his knee just like Miz in a nice touch.
Mercury and Noble go Ambrose hunting but find the Rosebuds, Big E. and Great Khali instead.
WWE still hates breast cancer.
We get a freaky video from the Wyatts which keeps jumping all over the place and talking about finding someone after everyone was told he was gone. Bray asks what you give someone who has lost everything. He fixed someone and now he's being sent out on his own. It seems like they're talking about Harper. Luke says he's piecing himself back together with pieces of you. Bray says Harper is set free. Harper gets close to the camera and says you're doomed.
The Authority yells at Mercury and Noble for not being able to find Ambrose and possibly stopping for a hamburger. If they don't find him, they're fired. The new Stooges leave and Miz and Mizdow come in instead. Mizdow talks for Miz and complains about the rematch for the Intercontinental Title being a triple threat. HHH cuts them off and gives Mizdow a match with Sheamus and threatens to fire Miz.
Layla vs. Rosa Mendes
Tyson Kidd is at ringside messing with his phone because he and Natalya (also at ringside) are having marital problems. Layla takes Rosa down and grabs a chinlock until Rosa fires back with forearms. Rosa's hair extensions fall out and Layla knocks her to the floor, triggering a brawl between Summer and Natalya. Kidd has no idea any of this is going on. Back in and the Layout beats Rosa at 2:58.
Natalya takes Tyson's phone post match.
Ambrose is in the back with the briefcase and a bag.
Here's Ambrose with the bag and briefcase in the arena. He throws in a table and sets the briefcase on top, saying he's been at the concession stand. The agents came in but they were busy eating and didn't see him wave. However, that's not what he's talking about here. Dean doesn't like the way the Authority runs their merchandise stands so tonight we're having a Dean Ambrose sale, but the briefcase isn't for sale tonight.
Dean throws a bag of t-shirts on the table and says he'll sell it for a dollar. First up is a Cena shirt for a dollar and a Sheamus shirt for a quarter. This brings out Mercury and Noble (Dean: “They sent the cruiserweight division after me?”

The agents come back with Rollins and security as Dean runs out of shirts. Dean: “Are you real security? I could have sworn you were Rosebuds last week.” Ambrose backs away into the crowd as Rollins finally gets up on the apron. Rollins opens the briefcase and green slime sprays on him. Dean's “look what I did!” face is great stuff. He swears he had nothing to do with it and Seth freaks out.
After a break, Seth is complaining to the Authority that he could be blinded. Rollins is sent to the trainer and HHH makes Kane and Orton vs. Ambrose and Cena. Orton doesn't like having to fight Rollins' battles again. A phone ring and they're not sure whose it is. It turns out that it's in the briefcase and Rollins runs back in to say it's an electric razor. Was that a vibrator joke?
Here's Mark Henry with something to say. He starts apologizing to the fans for last week when Bo Dallas interrupts. Bo says Henry should apologize to himself instead of the people. It's time to close the Hall of Pain and join the Hall of Bolievers. Being a Boliever means never having to say you're sorry.
Bo Dallas vs. Mark Henry
Henry hammers away to start and pounds Bo into the corner, only to miss the Vader Bomb. A Bodog gives Dallas the pin at 1:45. JBL treats this like a huge upset.
In the back after a break, Bo says he won because he Bolieved. Henry attacks him from behind and crushes him with an anvil case a few times. Dallas is out cold. Henry says that's what he does. That came off like a heel turn.
Network hype.
The Dusts are in the back looking at a crystal ball with electric lights going through it. Stardust looks at a chalkboard and babbles about various things. Stardust comes in and says the titles are the Cosmic Key and they determine their fates. Everything else is science fiction and Stardust shoves the ball away. The belts are science fact.
Brie Bella is here for a match when Nikki comes in to remind Brie that she quit in this building. Nikki yells at her for quitting for Bryan, starting a quick YES chant. That went so well for Brie because Bryan is still sitting at home. Nikki says Brie did it for the cheers and brings up all the handicap matches she was in for about the 1000th time. Tonight Brie gets her own handicap match.
Brie Bella vs. Cameron/Eva Marie
Brie takes Eva down with ease because she's a former Divas Champion and Eva has had about an hour of career ring time. Cameron gets kicked off the apron but Eva gets in a few shots of her own. Off to Cameron for two off a snap suplex and the fans start chanting for JBL. Brie fights out of the corner and now the fans are chanting for Cole. Cameron is sent into Eva and Brie gets a rollup for the pin at 2:57. Thank goodness they got out of there as fast as they did.
WWE still hates breast cancer.
Heath Slater/Titus O'Neil vs. Los Matadores
The Rosebuds are at ringside and Rose is on commentary with the Bunny at his side. Slater and Titus bring out Hornswoggle in an alligator outfit. Reverend Jesse Jackson is n the front row. O'Neil slams Diego down to start as JBL asks if Rose and the bunny listen to hip hop. Slater allows Diego to tag out to Fernando who cleans house until Hornswoggle comes in for a distraction, allowing Slater to grab a rollup for the pin at 2:42.
Torito and Hornswoggle have their showdown but Rose makes a save. Titus is low bridged to the floor and Los Matadores drop Slater, allowing the Bunny to hit a splash.
Here are Rusev and Lana to brag about beating up Big Show on Friday, only to have Big Show attack him with a right hand. This brings out Big Show who says everything said about Putin is a bunch of garbage. He brings up A Few Good Men for some reason by saying Lana can't handle the truth.
We get the an unedited package on Big Show standing up for Henry and Rusev attacking Show with the Russian flag on Friday. Rusev says he wants to pull out Big Show's guts and kick him in the groin. He'll break every bone in Big Show's body but Big Show says we don't speak Russian. Big Show hits the ring and the Russians bail. He slowly goes over to the Russian flag and rips it down to a big reaction. Rusev finally gets back in and is thrown right back to the floor.
We recap Ambrose, Rollins and the briefcase from earlier tonight.
Cena says this is his kind of town and is glad he doesn't have to face Dean Ambrose. They both want Seth Rollins and Dean pops up behind Cena and Renee. Cena asks if Dean would like to add something. Dean: “Not really.” They get in an argument over who gets to beat up Rollins and Dean says not even Cena can take food off his plate.
Alicia Fox vs. AJ Lee
Paige introduces Alicia as her new best friend. In a throwaway line before the match, Cole says the WWE Network will launch in the UK on November 1, not October 1 as they announced for months. AJ sends Fox to the floor to start before hitting a plancha to take both evil girls down. Back in and Paige offers a distraction so Alicia can get in a quick ax kick for the pin at 1:35.
Paige gives AJ the Rampaige post match and Alicia drops soda on her. She doesn't open the cans or anything but just drops them.
Harper video again.
Sheamus vs. Damien Mizdow
Non-title and Miz is on commentary. Sheamus takes Mizdow down with a headlock to start but the stunt double escapes the ten forearms to the chest. Back in and Sheamus gets annoyed when Mizdow punches him so the beating is on in the corner. Mizdow comes back with Miz's short DDT and drives some forearms to the pale head. Sheamus shrugs it off and hits the ten forearms before sending Mizdow out to the floor. The champ follows and sends Mizdow into Miz before taking him back inside for the Brogue Kick and the pin at 5:30.
Here's a pink Hulk Hogan with something to say. He talks about breast cancer awareness month and says he's turned in the red and yellow to go pink. There are a bunch of breast cancer survivors here and they're the real heroes. We can buy gear at WWEshop.com to help fight breast cancer and it's time for catchphrases.
Kane and Orton complain about having to take care of Rollins' problems when Stephanie comes in and tells them to get over it. The people have been saying Orton and Kane have gone soft and lost their killer instinct. Kane asks if the people are saying that or if it's just Stephanie. She wants to know if it really matters and that's that.
Preview of the new episode of Monday Night War debuting after Raw. We saw this earlier.
Reigns will be here for an interview next week. Big Show vs. Rusev as well.
John Cena/Dean Ambrose vs. Kane/Randy Orton
Cena vs. Orton to start of course and the fans are already dueling. John takes over with a quick bulldog but Kane gets in a shot from the apron to take over as we go to our last break. Back with Orton getting two on Cena off what looked like the powerslam but having the RKO countered. He has to settle for the backbreaker instead but Cena is up at two. Kane comes in for a nerve hold and we actually look at Rollins being slimed twice during the hold.
Back to Orton for a chinlock as the dueling Cena chants begin. A big backdrop puts Orton on the floor and Cena does the big dramatic crawl to Ambrose before diving over for the tag. Ambrose speeds up with a pair of dives to the Authority before throwing Orton back in. Randy kicks him into the Rebound Clothesline and Dirty Deeds gets two on as Rollins runs in for the DQ at 11:47.
Dean fights Rollins off and dives at Kane, only to leave it short. Thankfully he pops back up and helps Cena corner Rollins in the ring. The heroes get in a fight over who gets to beat up Rollins though and Dean sends Cena out to the floor. Orton nails an RKO on Ambrose and Kane adds a chokeslam. Rollins plants Dean with a curb stomp onto the briefcase. Cena comes in for a save but eats an RKO and chokeslam of his own. A curb stomp sends Cena into the briefcase (Fans: “THANK YOU ROLLINS!”

Dolph Ziggler b. Miz and Cesaro – Ziggler pinned Miz after an uppercut from Cesaro
Layla b. Rosa Mendes – Layout
Bo Dallas b. Mark Henry – Bodog
Brie Bella b. Cameron/Eva Marie – Rollup to Cameron
Heath Slater/Titus O'Neil b. Los Matadores – Rollup to Fernando
Alicia Fox b. AJ Lee – Ax kick
Sheamus b. Damien Mizdow – Brogue Kick
John Cena/Dean Ambrose b. Kane/Randy Orton via DQ when Seth Rollins interfered
Raw got a 2.89, up from last week.
Impact Wrestling
Date: October 1, 2014
Location: Sands Bethlehem Events Center, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Taz
We're closing in on....whatever TNA builds to anymore. The main stories at the moment are the Wolves choosing the stipulations for the final match in the Tag Team Title series and Austin Aries having a match against any champion he chooses. In theory he'll pick the World Title but stranger things have happened in wrestling. Let's get to it.
We open with a video on Roode vs. Lashley from a few weeks back where Lashley retained the belt.
Roode arrived earlier today and says he didn't get the job done. It's been a hard fourteen days but he's back tonight.
Here's Austin Aries to open things up. He's going to get right to the chase and challenge his champion for a title match tonight. As soon as he won he knew who he wanted to face, but let's make this interactive. Aries polls the fans on his potential opponent. They're not wild on him facing Gail Kim, a bit better on the idea him facing the Wolves, about the same on Samoa Joe.....and we don't get the last option as Joe cuts him off.
Joe says if Aries is going to fight anyone tonight, it's going to be him. Aries isn't sure what to think about this so he runs down his resume. He thinks the fans are interested in seeing Aries vs. Joe and that's cool because the X-Division is everything that's right about wrestling. It's about the abilities inside these ropes, so let's do it.
X-Division Title: Samoa Joe vs. Austin Aries
Feeling out process to start as the lights are overly dim, likely hiding the empty seats. Joe takes him to the mat to start but Aries pops up for a slugout. Joe growls at him and runs Aries over with an elbow. The champ sends him into the buckle and nails the enziguri before setting Aries on the top rope. The MuscleBuster is countered with a back rake but Aries misses the middle rope dropkick. Aries comes back with a forearm to the back of the head and a slingshot hilo for two as we take an early break.
Back with Aries' suicide dive being blocked by a kick to the head. Joe drives knees into the head and snaps off a powerslam for two. The standing choke has Aries in trouble but he fighs out with a jawbreaker for two more. There's the Last Chancery for a few seconds before Aries tries the Brainbuster.
Joe is just too fat though so Aries nails him with a discus forearm. Another brainbuster attempt is countered by a boot to the chest to send Aries outside, but he slides back in for a quick suicide dive to take Joe down. Back in and Aries hits a missile dropkick and the running corner dropkick to set up a bad brainbuster for two. He tries another Last Chancery but Joe counters into the Clutch for the submission at 15:23.
Spud talks to EC3 in the back and says they haven't hung out in weeks despite being best friends. EC3 says Spud has failed him and now can just follows him to the ring.
We look at the ladder match in the Tag Team Title series from two weeks ago.
The Wolves are in the back and have told Angle their stipulation for the third match but he won't say what it is.
Here are Spud and EC3 with Spud having to kneel and hand him a microphone. Spud agrees that he's Ethan's best friend, but Ethan says their relationship is employer/employee. There's no world in which they're friends because Spud spends his time reading comic books and watching wrestling. The people here aren't with Spud and Carter rips on Spud's haircut. Spud: “I wanted it to look like your's sir.” Ethan tears up Spud's suit and blames him for what happened to Dixie. He tells Spud to cry and then slaps him, but Spud can't bring himself to fight.
Cue Eric Young for a save and what would be considered a big reaction for a crowd this small. Eric says he's the reason for what happened to Dixie but Eric asks him to leave. Young tells Spud to listen to the fans because Ethan is going to keep doing this until Spud stands up and hits him. Carter nails Young and stomps away in the corner as Spud bails to the floor. A referee comes in and we've got a bell.
Eric Young vs. Ethan Carter III
Young gets backdropped to the apron for his strut but comes back in with a dropkick for two. A clothesline puts Ethan on the floor for a plancha and a Thesz Press takes Carter down back inside. Carter comes back with a snap suplex for two but Spud can't bring himself to get in a cheap shot from the floor. Young gets caught in a chinlock but he finally escapes with a belly to back suplex. A forearm and clothesline put Ethan down and the top rope elbow gets two. Eric loads up the piledriver but Spud gets on the apron, allowing Carter to nail a low blow. The 1%er gives Ethan the pin at 5:45.
Mr. Anderson thanks Chris Melendez for everything he's done. The trio sees a weakness in Melendez but they're going to stand up to him.
We recap Gail Kim going after the recently debuted monster Havok. She's destroyed everything in sight and beat up Kim a few times already.
Knockouts Title: Gail Kim vs. Havok
Gail is defending and Havok jumps her from behind on the way to the ring. The champ comes back with some forearms to the face but Havok just rams her back first into the apron. Havok sends her face first into the post and we haven't even had a bell yet. She gets sent into the steps before they keep brawling on the floor. Havok rams Gail shoulder first into the post and puts on a hammerlock spinebuster on the floor. The trainer comes out to check on Gail as Havok leaves. No match.
Quick recap of the Tag Team Title Series.
Here are the Wolves to talk about being behind the entire series but always overcoming the odds. Now they're in control though and the last match is going to be.....interrupted by Team 3D. Ray does the usual sucking up to the Wolves but says they're really not that great. They may be the World Tag Team Champions but they'll never be Team 3D. The Wolves aren't going to pick the last match in this series, but before Team 3D can make the pick, here are the Hardys to interrupt.
The Hardys talk about how awesome they are and say the Wolves should step aside and let the legends make these decisions. Matt says no one is going to talk about the Wolves in twenty years but Davey cuts them off and says they've beaten both teams. They'll win again too because their time is now. The brawl is on and we get tables, ladders and chairs brought in but Angle comes out to stop the brawl. The Wolves have to make their decision right now and of course it's Full Metal Mayhem. It's close enough to the TLC match the fans were wanting.
Anderson and Melendez find MVP and Kenny King in the back and a match is made for later.
Gail has a separated shoulder but says she's wrestling tonight anyway.
Manik vs. Shark Boy
Seriously. Shark Boy hammers away to start and sends Manik out to the floor with a shot to the face. Some clotheslines do the same and a backdrop sends Manik flying. Back in and Manik grabs some suplexes for two and a knee drop gets the same. A Frog Splash is enough to pin Shark Boy at 3:10.
Team 3D thinks the Wolves are crazy for picking Full Metal Mayhem.
Mr. Anderson vs. MVP
Feeling out process to start until Anderson takes him into the corner for a chop and clothesline. MVP sends him out to the floor, causing Melendez and King to stare each other down. Back inside with MVP throwing Anderson across the ring for two before cranking on the arm. Anderson avoids a knee drop and grabs the rolling fireman's carry for two. He loads up the Mic Check but King offers a distraction. Melendez takes care of him but MVP grabs a rollup for the pin at 5:40.
Here's Bobby Roode to talk about being the longest reigning TNA World Champion ever. He brings that up a lot because it means so much to him. You're only as good as your last match though and his last match was a losing effort against Lashley. This brings out the champion and the rest of the Trio but Roode won't let him say anything.
Roode talks about coming so close to winning the title but there's one moment that stood out: kicking out of the spear at two. It gave Lashley a look that he's never had before because Lashley has never been terrified before. That look made Roode believe he could beat him so Bobby wants one more match. Lashley looks like he's about to say yes but MVP says no for him.
Knockouts Title: Havok vs. Gail Kim
Gail is defending and says bring it on. Havok charges to the rings and the fight starts in the aisle. The champ hammers away but gets dropped face first on the mat. An armbar makes Gail scream and a shoulder breaker on the good shoulder gets two. The Rings of Saturn go on but Gail still won't quit. Instead she rolls over a bit and knees Havok in the face, only to have the arm rammed into the mat. Gail sends her into the corner and actually outs on a Figure Four around the post. Back in and a high cross body gets two but Eat Defeat is countered into another hammerlock slam. A chokeslam gives Havok the title at 5:00.
Samoa Joe b. Austin Aries – Koquina Clutch
Ethan Carter III b. Eric Young – 1%er
Manik b. Shark Boy – Frog Splash
MVP b. Mr. Anderson – Rollup
Havok b. Gail Kim – Chokeslam
Impact got a .88, up from last week. Viewership was up quite a bit.
Date: October 2, 2014
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Rich Brennan, Alex Riley, Jason Albert
Tonight we move one major step closer to Sami Zayn vs. Adrian Neville in the showdown for the NXT Title as Tyson Kidd has his FINAL title shot. Other than that we also have a rematch from Takeover as Bayley gets a Women's Title shot at Charlotte, who seems to have turned face after their first match. Let's get to it.
We open with a recap of Takeover II and last week to set up both of tonight's title matches.
Opening sequence.
Women's Title: Charlotte vs. Bayley
Feeling out process to start with the champ shoving Bayley down, only to have Bayley come out of the corner with an armdrag to send Charlotte out to the floor. Back in and Charlotte cranks on the leg as we get a LET'S GO BAYLEY/CENA SUCKS chant. Some backslides and rollups get two for Charlotte but she fights out of another backslide attempt and goes after Bayley's ankle. The champ CRANKS on the leg and Bayley is in trouble as we go to a break.
Back with Charlotte still cranking on the leg in the corner before putting on the same leg hold. Charlotte tries to cannonball down onto the leg and gets rolled up for two. Bayley starts firing back but gets kicked in the leg to put her right back down. The leg is wrapped around the post and we hit the Figure Four with Charlotte bridging up ala Bray Wyatt's spider walk for more pressure.
Bayley turns it over but Charlotte is right next to the ropes. Back up and Charlotte misses a knee drop and a charge into the corner and a middle rope back elbow gets two. Charlotte reverses a suplex into a neckbreaker and a bad looking Natural Selection (Charlotte shoved Bayley's back to put her into the mat) retains the title at 11:38.
Charlotte hugs Bayley post match.
Hideo Itami vs. Viktor
Ascension double teams Hideo down as the announcers mention that he has no friends in NXT. They destroy him with ease until referees come out to break it up. No match.
Earlier this week, Enzo and Big Cass trained Carmella at the Performance Center. Enzo puts her hand on his arm in a lockup. Carmella: “Sawft!” They do some basic stuff until Carmella dropkicks him out of the ring. He tells Cass not to post the video.
Baron Corbin vs. Troy McClain
A big elbow drops Troy, a clothesline stuns him in the corner and the End of Days gives Baron the pin at 53 seconds.
Kidd says he only needs one last chance and he'll become NXT Champion. He walks away when asked about Natalya getting him the shot.
The Legionnaires want a rematch with Enzo and Cass next week.
Vaudevillains vs. Tye Dillinger/Jason Jordan
Aiden and Jason get things going with English being thrown into the corner. He takes a little bow but Jordan makes his chest dance in return. Off to Gotch vs. Dillinger with the pretty boys taking over in the corner. Back to English for a swinging neckbreaker for two on Jordan but Dillinger quickly comes in for some knees to the face. Fans: “YOU'RE NOT MANLY!” A rollup gets two for Aiden but the kickout sends him into the corner for a tag off to Gotch. We go old school with airplane spins to both pretty boys, setting up That's A Wrap for the pin on Dillinger at 4:10.
Titus O'Neil is in the front row for the main event.
Itami is getting checked in the back (and speaking pretty clear English) when Funaki comes in to say he'll have Itami's back against Ascension.
Bayley says she isn't done because there are girls that look up to her. Sasha Banks jumps her and says she'll get the next shot at Charlotte.
NXT Title: Adrian Neville vs. Tyson Kidd
Adrian is defending and this is Kidd's last chance. The champ takes Tyson down by the arm to start and we can see the lights reflecting off Titus' head. Back up and they slug it out with Kidd ripping the skin off with a chop in the corner. Neville backdrops him to the mat and a hard kick to the back gets two. He bails out to the floor for a breather, only to get kicked in the face from the apron as we take a break.
Back with Neville cranking on an armbar but getting choked on the ropes. Off to a figure four neck lock on the champion and the fans want him to tap. Neville turns around in the hold and lifts Tyson up for a powerbomb to escape. A series of kicks have Kidd in trouble but he nails a running big boot for two. Kidd nails another running kick before flipping Neville over with a snapmare and turning underneath him to make it a neckbreaker. Tyson goes up but gets kicked in the head, setting up a sitout powerbomb (“BETTER THAN BATISTA”

Neville bails out of a Shooting Star and tries a dropkick but gets caught in the Sharpshooter. He makes a rope though and heads to the apron to kick Kidd in the head. For some reason Adrian heads outside though and Titus gets in a cheap shot. Sami Zayn runs out and kicks Titus in the head as Neville dives back in at nine. Kidd loads up a superplex but gets kicked down, setting up the Red Arrow to retain at 13:07.
Zayn salutes Adrian and says he's coming for the title.
Kidd looks devastated and the announcer emphasizes that he's out of chances to end the show.
Charlotte b. Bayley – Natural Selection
Baron Corbin b. Troy McClain – End of Days
Vaudevillains b. Tye Dillinger/Jason Jordan – End of Days to Dillinger
Adrian Neville b. Tyson Kidd – Red Arrow
Date: October 3, 2014
Location: Bradley Center, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Commentators: Michael Cole, Todd Phillips, John Bradshaw Layfield
The Ambrose/Cena vs. Authority feud is picking up steam and that's a good thing so far. It looks like they're also setting up Ambrose vs. Cena which should be a solid match if they don't have Cena beat him and call it a rub. Hopefully they keep up the trend of not having a ton of recaps tonight. Let's get to it.
We open with a long recap of Ambrose giving away shirts and sliming Rollins.
Here's a fired up Cena with something to say. He talks about how different people refer to Milwaukee in different ways but Cena sees it as the place that is ready for Smackdown. This brings him to Ambrose who wants to beat up Rollins just like he does. He talks about the loss at Summerslam and having the worst beating of his life. Everyone from Michael Cole to his family wanted him to hang it up but he had to fight Lesnar one more time.
He got that chance at Night of Champions but Seth Rollins had to take his chance to become the future of the WWE. Well if that's what Seth wants, he can do it tonight right here in the ring. Cena doesn't want the briefcase or the contract as long as he can get his hands on Rollins tonight. Instead he gets Ambrose, who says he has his own issues with the Authority and Seth Rollins, but he's going to work those out by making Rollins pay. Cena says he doesn't want to do this with Ambrose and Dean says that's right.
However, Cena got in his way on Monday and that's not cool. Cena brings up Night of Champions again but Ambrose says that was one night while he almost lost his entire career. John says there's no reason for them to keep going after each other when they both want the same things. He offers a truce and says whoever gets to Rollins first gets to him first.
Dean isn't sure about shaking hands when the Authority pops up on screen. Orton talks about how the two of them deserve each other and brings up what Ambrose used to say about Cena when he was in the Shield. Apparently Cena is full of himself and can't wrestle his way out of a box of cereal. Cena on the other hand said Ambrose is only getting over by pretending to be crazy. Kane thinks it doesn't matter though because it's going to be Cena and Ambrose vs. Orton and himself tonight. So glad I watched that Raw main event this week.
Sheamus/Dolph Ziggler vs. Miz/Damien Mizdow
Sheamus takes Miz into the corner to start but misses a big right hand. Cole keeps talking about Mizdow vs. Sheamus from last night as Sheamus slams Damien for two. Sheamus sends him out to the apron and takes out Miz before hitting a few forearms to the stunt double. That's fine with Sheamus as he dives off the top with a double clothesline.
We take a break and come back with Miz hitting a Reality Check for two on Sheamus before tagging Mizdow. Damien stomps away for two of his own and it's very quickly back to Miz. Sheamus plows him down with a clothesline and makes the hot tag to Ziggler to clean house. The running DDT gets two on Mizdown and a dropkick gets the same. Sheamus and Miz fight on the floor until Miz nails him in the ribs with a chair. Not that it matters as the Zig Zag is good for the pin on Damien at 8:28.
Sheamus swings the chair at Miz post match but has to lay out Sandow instead.
Luke Harper video from Raw.
Long recap of Henry/Big Show/Rusev including the Russian flag being ripped down. WWE already officially apologized because Heaven forbid anyone ever get even slightly offended by anything. They had to know this sort of reaction was coming. Either do the angle and don't apologize or don't do it at all. It makes WWE look like a five year old admitting to stealing cookies.
Paige vs. Naomi
Paige quickly takes her down into a chinlock before cranking on both arms at the same time. Back up and Naomi snaps off a headscissors to send Paige to the apron. Alicia Fox tries to help Paige to the floor but Naomi dives onto the new best friend. It goes badly for her though as Paige kicks Naomi in the head and hooks the PTO for the submission at 1:43.
Post match AJ hits the ring and beats up Fox as Paige bails to hide behind JBL. Putting his hat on doesn't really work for her.
Here's Big Show in a suit to address the flag deal on Raw. He talks about holding himself accountable for his actions and officially apologizes to the Russian people for what happened. The fans aren't pleased but here are Rusev and Lana to interrupt. Lana says WWE and Big Show apologizing doesn't appease them because they want a personal apology.
Big Show reiterates his apology to the Russian people but not to Lana and Rusev. We get more English from Rusev who accuses Big Show of wiping his nose on the flag. He nails Rusev with the flag and drops him with the jumping superkick. Show gets up and the Russians bail. This segment made me feel better about this as it feels like the apology was intended to be a plot point and not WWE cowering away from any criticism.
Heath Slater/Titus O'Neil vs. Usos
Hornswoggle Gator is at ringside. Jey takes Slater into the corner to start but misses a charge and gets kicked in the face. Cue the Bunny to hop over Hornswoggle and send him face first into the post. The distraction lets the Usos hit stereo superkicks and a triple splash (the Bunny dives on Horny) is enough for the pin at 1:45. This is setting up Horny vs. the Bunny isn't it?
WWE still hates breast cancer.
Ambrose talks about how he embarrassed Rollins on Monday and that's a lot worse than a beating. He'll go through everyone from Kane to Orton to the Gator to the Bunny to get his hands on Seth Rollins.
Cesaro vs. R-Truth
This is due to Cesaro making jokes about Ziggler earlier tonight and Truth calling him an unfunny nincompoop. Before the match Truth makes sure he has the town right and Cole thankfully explains the joke. That's not sarcasm for once as that line wouldn't might not have made sense to a lot of fans. Cesaro hammers Truth down with European uppercuts and a gutwrench suplex. Truth's comeback goes as well as you would expect before the Neutralizer ends him at 2:12.
The Dusts are in the back and I believe this is the same vignette from Raw. The belts are the Cosmic Key and the rest is science fiction.
Bob Uecker is here.
Hulk Hogan hates breast cancer.
Kane/Randy Orton vs. John Cena/Dean Ambrose
Orton and Ambrose get things going with Dean quickly taking him down for a basement clothesline and two. Off to Kane vs. Cena for the power showdown and our resident hero takes over with right hands. Dean comes back in for the running dropkick against the ropes before clotheslining Orton down as well. An STF attempt from Cena doesn't work but a belly to belly gets two on Randy. Ambrose dives on both Authority members and we take a break.
Back with Kane nailing a big boot for two on Ambrose and bringing Randy in again. Randy stomps away and sends Ambrose outside before whipping him into the steps. They head back inside and Dean nails a middle rope dropkick to put both guys down. Kane breaks up a hot tag and we hit the chinlock.
Dean quickly fights up by biting the hand before getting punched into the Rebound Clothesline. As he's inches away from the hot tag, Rollins comes down the aisle and Cena drops down to go after him. Ambrose is left alone and gets caught in the Elevated DDT for two. Dirty Deeds is broken up and Kane kicks Dean's head off. The double teaming is enough for a lame DQ at 13:13.
Ambrose gets beaten down even more until Cena finally makes the save to end the show.
Sheamus/Dolph Ziggler b. Miz/Damien Mizdow – Zig Zag to Mizdow
Paige b. Naomi – PTO
Usos b. Heath Slater/Titus O'Neil – Double Superfly Splash
Cesaro b. R-Truth – Neutralizer
John Cena/Dean Ambrose b. Kane/Randy Orton via DQ when Orton and Kane double teamed Ambrose
Quick Results
Monday Night Raw
Dolph Ziggler b. Miz and Cesaro – Ziggler pinned Miz after an uppercut from Cesaro
Layla b. Rosa Mendes – Layout
Bo Dallas b. Mark Henry – Bodog
Brie Bella b. Cameron/Eva Marie – Rollup to Cameron
Heath Slater/Titus O'Neil b. Los Matadores – Rollup to Fernando
Alicia Fox b. AJ Lee – Ax kick
Sheamus b. Damien Mizdow – Brogue Kick
John Cena/Dean Ambrose b. Kane/Randy Orton via DQ when Seth Rollins interfered
Impact Wrestling
Samoa Joe b. Austin Aries – Koquina Clutch
Ethan Carter III b. Eric Young – 1%er
Manik b. Shark Boy – Frog Splash
MVP b. Mr. Anderson – Rollup
Havok b. Gail Kim – Chokeslam
Charlotte b. Bayley – Natural Selection
Baron Corbin b. Troy McClain – End of Days
Vaudevillains b. Tye Dillinger/Jason Jordan – End of Days to Dillinger
Adrian Neville b. Tyson Kidd – Red Arrow
Sheamus/Dolph Ziggler b. Miz/Damien Mizdow – Zig Zag to Mizdow
Paige b. Naomi – PTO
Usos b. Heath Slater/Titus O'Neil – Double Superfly Splash
Cesaro b. R-Truth – Neutralizer
John Cena/Dean Ambrose b. Kane/Randy Orton via DQ when Orton and Kane double teamed Ambrose