Week of 9/15/2014 - 9/21/2014 (Monday - Thursday)


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House

Smackdown got a 1.69, down pretty sharply from last week.

Monday Night Raw
Date: September 15, 2014
Location: Cajundome, Lafayette, Louisiana
Commentators: Michael Cole, John Bradshaw Layfield, Jerry Lawler

It's the go home show for Night of Champions and the World Champion is in the building. Last week a fired up John Cena called out Lesnar to appear here tonight, threatening Paul Heyman with violence if Brock didn't show up. It should be interesting to see Cena get his hands on Lesnar to put a seed of doubt in Brock for Sunday. Let's get to it.

We open with Heyman in the ring for his weekly address. He talks about Cena coming to the ring (complete with singing Cena's music) and waving to the fans before Brock comes out to kill. Cena cuts Paul off before he can get much further and has the black shorts on so you know he's serious. John asks where Brock is and Heyman starts panicking. If Brock isn't here then Heyman is taking Lesnar's beating.

Heyman gets some cheap pops from the crowd and talks a lot, seemingly stalling for time. He points to the entrance and Cena is ready but Heyman starts laughing. Brock flies on a private plane because he doesn't like anyone and the plane is delayed. He'll be here tonight but not until later. Heyman thinks Cena knew Brock was late though because he knows what's coming when Lesnar arrives.

Paul applauds Cena for being a hero and tries to leave but John grabs him by the neck. Cena doesn't buy what Heyman said and give Heyman until the show is half done to produce Lesnar. Heyman goes to leave but Cena cuts him off because he doesn't trust Paul. He's guaranteed these people a fight and grabs Heyman in a headlock to drag him to the back.

We look back at the Authority beating down Reigns to end last week's show.

After a break we see Cena taking Heyman into his dressing room and having Great Khali guard the door.

Kane vs. Chris Jericho

Jericho quickly low bridges Kane to the floor and nails a big dive. Kane pops up and uppercuts Jericho down before sending him into the steps. Back in and Jericho gets two off an enziguri and slaps on a cravate. That's fine with Kane who sends him out to the floor and we take a break. Back with Jericho hitting a middle rope missile dropkick but not being able to follow up. Kane knocks him right back down and puts on another chinlock. The sideslam gets two on Jericho but he dropkicks Kane out of midair on the clothesline attempt.

There's a top rope ax handle to put the big man in trouble. Jericho hammers away in the corner and gets two off a high cross body. A turnbuckle pad was pulled off somewhere in there. The Walls are easily countered but Jericho bulldogs him down. Kane blocks the Lionsault with a chokeslam attempt but Jericho sends him face first into the exposed buckle for the pin at 13:20.

Heyman tries to call Lesnar.

We look back at Rusev attacking Henry on Smackdown. Some Olympians wish Henry luck in rallying America tonight.

Roman Reigns looks at Rollins turning on him a few months back and says this ends tonight.

Jack Swagger vs. Bo Dallas

Jack drives him into the corner to start but Bo fights back with right hands. Dallas takes him down and puts on a chinlock as the fans aren't sure what they want to chant. Jack fights up and is put right back in the chinlock. Another attempt at a comeback with a belly to back suplex works but Bo gets two more off a neckbreaker. Dallas misses a middle rope knee drop and Jack makes his real comeback with shoulders in the corner. The Vader Bomb doesn't get to launch as Dallas rolls to the apron and snaps Jack's neck across the top rope. Jack rolls through a sunset flip and puts on the Patriot Lock for the submission at 6:00.

The announcers hype up the Network's schedule for the week.

We look back at the Springer segment from last week.

Nikki Bella/Paige vs. Brie Bella/AJ Lee

Brie's new music starts off with the words Brie Mode. So she's going to be drunk and dance a lot? Nikki starts with her sister but tags out before there's any contact like a heel should. Paige drives knees into Brie's ribs to take over and mocks AJ for not being able to make a tag. Brie gets in a quick rollup for two so Paige headbutts her down. A jawbreaker almost allows the hot tag but Nikki takes AJ down. The Rampaige pins Brie at 2:58.

Post match Nikki lays her sister out while the other girls have a skip off.

We look at Big Show stopping Bray Wyatt from making it to the ring on Smackdown.

Bray talks about David slaying Goliath but the giant still lives today in the form of misery and sorrow. Bray has been left with the burden of having to fix everything. He'll fix the Big Show. Follow the Buzzards.

Heyman tries to leave because he can't get cell reception. Khali takes the phone and breaks it before throwing Heyman back inside. He picks up the phone and tries to call someone to no avail. This was a waste of time.

Bray Wyatt vs. Big Show

Wyatt hammers away to start but Show shoves him into the corner. The chop is loaded up but Bray shoves him off, only to make Show chop him even harder. Bray hits some corner splashes and stops himself before charging into Show's boot. A kind of jawbreaker to the ankle and a clothesline have Big Show in trouble. Bray DDTs him for two and we hit the chinlock to slow things down. Show suplexes him way out and nails some clotheslines but Bray hits his cross body for two. Rowan gets on the apron but Bray is whipped into his minion. Big Show nails the Final Cut on Bray but Harper runs in for the DQ at 4:49.

Show chokeslams Harper and Rowan post match, making Bray laugh.

Cesaro/Goldust/Stardust vs. Usos/Sheamus

That's quite the odd heel partnership. Sheamus and Goldust get things going with the threat of a Brogue Kick sending Goldust out to the floor. Stardust goes to check on him and meows for.....luck I guess? Back in and Jey comes off the top to go after the arm but Goldust drives him into the corner for a tag to Stardust. Cesaro grabs Jey from the apron for ten forearms to the chest.

Jey shrugs it off and tags in Jimmy to clean house with a Samoan drop to Goldust. Off to Stardust with a shot to the head for two before throwing Jimmy to the floor. Back from a break with Cesaro dancing a jig and getting two off a double stomp to Jimmy. A gutwrench suplex puts Jimmy down and it's off to Stardust for some shots in the corner. Back to Cesaro who poses a lot and puts on a front facelock.

Jimmy powers out and makes the hot tag to Sheamus who immediately cleans house. Cesaro gets caught in a series of forearms to the chest but Stardust makes the save with a rollup. Sheamus knocks both of them to the floor and hits the battering ram off the top. Back in and Sheamus Brogue Kicks Stardust but walks into the Neutralizer. Jimmy makes a last second save and superkicks Cesaro down, setting up the Superfly Splash from Jey for the pin at 13:10.

We look at Ambrose being put out of action last month.

Orton says he had to attack Jericho last week because Jericho said Orton has been handed everything in WWE. This Sunday, Jericho gets the beating of his life.

Cena thanks Khali and drags Heyman to the ring. He says produce the beast or be ready to lose your teeth. Heyman starts talking and says this is the beast that he's been trying to drag out of Cena but he knows Cena won't be ready on Sunday. Paul has been trying to get Cena to become the beast that can stop the beast of Brock but Cena just can't do it because of his inner code. Heyman says Cena can't be a bully because Cena can't even punch him in the face when Heyman deserves it. That means Cena will never be champion again because he can't beat Brock Lesnar.

John takes the mic from him and says if there was a human being that deserves to have his face rearranged, it's Heyman. Paul says do it and become a Paul Heyman Guy but Cena still won't do it. Cena is about to leave but Paul plays his ace and says Cena's mother raised a son with some testicular fortitude. That's enough for Cena as he shoves Heyman to the floor.....and here's Brock.

Cena is all fired up and wants a piece but Lesnar calmly walks around the ring. He takes the belt off but just puts it over his shoulder. They start walking off but Brock hands the title to Heyman. Cena says let's go and Brock walks to the ring and gets on the apron. He actually gets in and the fight is on. Brock puts Cena down with a release German suplex and kicks him to the floor with ease. John gets up and knocks Brock to the floor. Brock is sent into the apron and barricade before they fight on the ground. Lesnar covers up until security drags them apart. The champion leaves and might have a busted up nose.

Cameron vs. Naomi

This is based on something that happened on Total Divas last night, which still happened at least two months ago as Daniel Bryan's neck surgery was announced on the same episode. Naomi gets tired of waiting on Cameron to look in her mirror and goes after her, only to be sent to the floor when trying her stupid hip shake headscissors. Cameron gets two (after trying to cover Naomi with her face down) off a snap suplex before cranking on Naomi's arms. Back up and Naomi grabs a sunset flip before putting on a freaky looking leg choke for the submission at 4:32.

Yeah it might be character, but when her development is on Total Divas and consists of dancing, looking at a camera and talking about “chingle chingle” (the scene where Bryan tries to have a conversation with her is hysterical), it's hard to buy it as being put on. Naomi was trying here and has something with that choke though.

Dolph Ziggler/R-Ziggler vs. Miz/Damien Mizdow

They did this on Smackdown already as R-Truth is playing Dolph's stunt double, down to the same gear and moveset. The joke though is no one can tell them apart (JBL: “Like the Beverly Brothers!” Old school fans will get why that's funny) and the announcers play it seriously. Ziggler works on Sandow to start before it's off to Truth for stereo elbows.

Truth gets taken down by Miz and it's off to Mizdow as the announcers can't tell them apart either. Truth finally escapes Miz and makes the diving tag to Ziggler. Miz gets two off a quick rollup but gets caught in the Fameasser for two. Everything breaks down and Miz hits his partner, allowing Dolph to hit the Zig Zag for the pin at 5:08. Oddly enough Lawler was cheering for Miz and Mizdow.

Rollins won't take anything away from Reigns but Roman is nothing without him. He calls Reigns a neanderthal and imitates Roman walking on his knuckles like a gorilla. Reigns is part gorilla, part Samoan and part rhinoceros. A rhinoceros is one of the most powerful animals in the world but they're not that smart. Tonight Rollins is going to show Reigns why he led the Shield.

Roman Reigns vs. Seth Rollins

Don't these two already have a match at Night of Champions? Seth speeds things up to start and snaps Roman's throat across the top rope. A hard clothesline sends Rollins running to the floor but Roman catches him trying to come back in and sends him face first onto the concrete. Back in and another shot puts Rollins on the floor as Reigns is dominating. Rollins is thrown over the announcers' table and we take a break. Back with Reigns missing the Apron Kick and getting caught by a suicide dive into the barricade.

Reigns quickly fights back and nails him in the face before hitting the Apron Kick. The Superman Punch looks to set up the spear but Seth leapfrogs him and nails a low superkick for two. Back up and Seth tries what looks like a Pedigree off the top but gets countered into a slow motion backdrop, only to have Rollins catch him in an impressive running buckle bomb across the ring for two more. Reigns gets back up, ducks a charge and hits the spear for the pin at 11:23.

We recap Cena vs. Lesnar as 11pm passes.

It's time for Henry to rally America before his match on Sunday. He talks about having a second chance to represent the United States after he was injured at the Olympics. For all the fans waving the American flag, he can't let you down. Henry says Lana couldn't make all her statements without living in America, so here are Lana and Rusev to cut him off. Lana says American intelligence is dropping faster than President Obama's approval ratings.

She brings up Henry competing in the 1992 Olympic Games but Russia actually won that year. We get a picture of that year's winner and Lana goes on about how Henry fakes his injury in 1996 to avoid being defeated again. Henry tries the Pledge of Allegiance but Rusev comes in for the brawl. Rusev kicks him down but Henry powers out of the Accolade and chokebombs the Russian. Old Glory is eavd to end the show.

Chris Jericho b. Kane – Rollup
Jack Swagger b. Bo Dallas – Patriot Lock
Nikki Bella/Paige b. Brie Bella/AJ Lee – Rampaige to Brie
Big Show b. Bray Wyatt via DQ when Luke Harper interfered
Sheamus/Usos b. Stardust/Goldust/Cesaro – Superfly Splash to Cesaro
Naomi b. Cameron – Leg choke
Roman Reigns b. Seth Rollins – Spear




Impact Wrestling
Date: September 16, 2014
Location: Manhattan Center, New York City, New York
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Taz

This is the No Surrender special, which doesn't really need to exist as we're only a few weeks away from Bound For Glory. The card is fairly stacked though as we have a ladder match to continue the Tag Team Title series and Bobbly Lashley defending against Bobby Roode. Maybe we'll even start building up the biggest show of the year. Let's get to it.

We open with a recap of the tag team series. The Hardys and Team 3D have won a match each and the first team to two wins are the Tag Team Champions.

Battle Royal

Taryn Terrell, Madison Rayne, Angelina Love, Velvet Sky, Rebel, Brittany, Havok

The winner gets a title shot at some point in the future. Havok destroys everyone in sight to start so the rest of the girls try to gang up on her. That goes as well as you would expect it to and Havok puts on Madison and Taryn in succession. The Beautiful People work together against Brittany and Rebel but Havok puts Brittany out. Rebel low bridges Angelina to the floor, leaving Rebel, Havok and Velvet. Rebel goes to the middle rope but gets shoved out onto the steps for the elimination. Velvet tries some kicks and a sleeper but Havok snapmares her over and slams Sky to the floor for the win at 6:00.

Gunner tells Samuel Shaw that his foot is fine and suggests that Shaw ask Brittany out. Shaw says he can't because he's fixated on someone else. It's going to be Gunner isn't it?

Here are MVP and Kenny King for a chat. MVP talks about how Lashley is going to win tonight and the headlines tomorrow will read Roode Awakening. He shifts over to someone else who has been making headlines: Chris Melendez. The Wounded Warrior comes out and they offer Melendez a spot on their team to carry their bags. Melendez turns it down, saying he doesn't need to be handed anything. King takes this as Melendez saying he's better than them. Kenny calls him peg leg and wants a referee out here right now.

Chris Melendez vs. Kenny King

MVP nails Melendez after the bell and we take a break ten seconds in. Back with King still in control and kicking Melendez in the back of the head. Some right hands get King two and it's off to a chinlock. A legdrop gets another two for Kenny and he picks Chris up, only to be countered into a sunset flip for the pin at 6:58.

King beats Chris down post match until Mr. Anderson makes the save.

Video on Roode vs. Lashley.

Anderson checks on Melendez, who says he isn't hurt or injured.

X-Division Title: Homicide vs. Samoa Joe

Joe is defending. Feeling out process to start with Joe taking Homicide into the corner and firing off some kicks. A chop to the back and the knee drop gets two but Homicide gets in a few shots of his own to take over. He stats working on Joe's neck until Joe catches him in a release overhead belly to belly suplex into the corner. A snap powerslam gets two for Joe but Homicide goes back to the neck. He loads up the Gringo Killa but Joe gets underneath him for the Koquina Clutch for the submission at 5:45.

Post match James Storm and the Great Sanada come out to beat up both guys. A low superkick lays out Homicide and Manik comes out in completely new attire to nail Homicide with a frog splash.

The Wolves talk about how this series is about their legacy and how they're climbing ladders to prove themselves.

Eric Young and Bobby Roode reminisce about how insane this year has been.

Wolves vs. Hardys vs. Team 3D

This is a ladder match and only the Wolves can't win the series here. The Wolves charge the ring to start the brawl and an ECW chant already starts up. The champions send the Hardys and Team 3D to the floor for back to back suicide dives. We get the first ladder brought in but Richards has to stop to kick Ray in the head. Ray and Matt both get hit by the ladder with Ray being driven back into the corner.

Jeff kicks the ladder into the Wolves and hits a Whisper in the Wind to put both champions down. We get the required helicopter spot with the ladder on Ray's head before he just drops the ladder on Richards' back. What's Up crushes Davey even more but Matt breaks up an attempt to get the tables. Edwards stops Matt from pulling down the belts but D-Von pushes the ladder over to send both guys into the ropes.

We take a break and come back with Ray powerbombing Jeff onto a pile of ladders, knocking another ladder into Eddie and Matt's faces. Ray sets up a ladder but the Wolves powerbomb him down for a save. The Wolves, D-Von and Matt all climb up until Davey and D-Von knock each other off and Matt hits a Twist of Fate on Eddie. Jeff loads up a ladder in the corner and tries to jump over it but Ray gets up and superplexes him down with Jeff's feet hitting the titles on the way down.

Davey hammers away on D-Von in the corner until Ray slaps him HARD across the back to set up a Doomsday Device. Now the Hardys start cleaning house with the ladder and hit double Twists of Fate to Team 3D. Matt moonsaults Ray and Jeff Swantons D-Von in a cool spot. Poetry in Motion crushes Eddie against a ladder as the Hardys are in total control. They lay Davey onto a ladder and Matt holds it up for a splash from Jeff.

Team 3D comes back with tables but the Wolves bring in chairs (fans: “TLC!”). Davey double stomps Matt through a table at ringside, leaving Eddie to climb for the belts. Jeff is right there with him but Davey shoves the ladder over, sending Jeff ribs first onto a ladder. Eddie pulls down the belts to tie the series up at 18:10.

Gunner vs. Bram

They lock up to start and the fight quickly heads to the floor. Gunner hammers away and gets two off a headbutt back inside. An exploder suplex gets the same but Bram gets in some shots to the knee to take over. Samuel Shaw comes out to offer support as Bram cannonballs down onto Gunner's leg. Gunner comes back with a clothesline and some headbutts, but his knee gives out on a powerbomb attempt. Shaw comes in and accidentally hits Gunner again, giving Bram the pin at 4:08.

Gail Kim is ready for Havok.

TNA World Title: Lashley vs. Bobby Roode

Lashley is defending and I'll only refer to Roode as Bobby. The champion shoves him down to start and leapfrogs over Roode with ease. Roode clotheslines him out to the floor to get himself a breather but MVP trips Bobby up to change control again. Things backfire though as the referee ejects MVP as we take a break.

Back with Roode not being able to get a fisherman's suplex due to his back. He holds his back and screams, prompting Tenay to say “I'm sensing his back is hurt!” Lashley throws him across the ring but gets caught in the Crossface until King makes the save. Eric Young comes out to deal with King and the Crossface goes on again. Lashley powers out with relative ease and there's the spear for a very close two. The shock on Lashley's face at the kickout is good stuff.

A quick Roode Bomb gets two and both guys are spent. They slug it out until Roode grabs a spinebuster for two. The powerslam gets two for Lashley and he has nothing left. Roode gets back up and Roode Bombs Lashley over the top and out to the floor for a big crash. Back in and Lahley slams Roode off the top but Roode jumps over the spear. He injures his leg though and can't Roode Bomb the champ, setting up the second spear to retain Lashley's title at 17:07.

A quick video for next week announces MVP vs. Robbie E vs. Magnus vs. Abyss vs. Austin Aries for a future World Title shot, though no date is given. Only MVP and Aries come off as good challengers there and MVP vs. Lashley would be one of the weakest main events I could think of.

Havok won a battle royal last eliminating Velvet Sky
Chris Melendez b. Kenny King – Sunset flip
Samoa Joe b. Homicide – Koquina Clutch
Wolves b. Team 3D and Hardys – Edwards pulled down the title belts
Bram b. Gunner – Pin after Samuel Shaw accidentally hit Gunner
Lashley b. Bobby Roode – Spear


Impact got a .88, up slightly from last week.

Santino Marella has undergone neck surgery and is going to attempt a comeback.

Date: September 18, 2014
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Renee Young, Rich Brennan, Alex Riley

We're past Takeover II now and the main story seems to have been Adrian Neville teasing a heel turn by pulling the referee out of the ring to retain his title. Other than that we saw the debut of Hideo Itami and what looks to be the start of a feud with former NXT Tag Team Champions the Ascension, who lost their belts to Sin Cara and Kalisto. Let's get to it.

We open with a recap of Takeover.

Opening sequence.

Here's Titus O'Neil as your WWE Superstar for this taping cycle. He tells the fans that they're lucky to be in his presence (“WE WANT DARREN!”) and complains about people like Sami Zayn and Adrian Neville taking up his time on Raw last week. Now he's going to take up our time and just stay out here for awhile. Now this show will be called NXTITUS but here's Sami Zayn to cut him off.

Sami says we need someone like Titus here who can't win a match to save his life. While Titus is getting beaten up by a bunny, NXT is stealing the show. A fight is teased but here's Adrian Neville to interrupt. The champ says he's the man that stands up for NXT, but here's Tyson Kidd with something to say.

Kidd says it's a fact that Titus and Sami are both losers but at least Adrian is a champion. Tyson praises Adrian for doing what he did last week, which Sami says he's cool with. Titus cuts them off and says he's here to make a statement, but GM William Regal comes out and makes Titus/Tyson vs. Adrian/Sami for later. NXT does NOT need these long talking segments to start the shows.

We look back at Hideo Itami debuting and taking out the Ascension.

Charlotte vs. Emma

Non-title and of course the fans welcome Emma back. Emma knocks the belt out of Charlotte's hand so the champ knocks her down and ties Emma up in the Figure Four headlock. She even mocks Emma's dance with the hold on. That's the kind of thing that elevates wrestlers just a step above the rest.

Emma rolls back for a cover and breaks the hold but Charlotte runs her over with a shoulder. The moonsault is broken up though and Emma grabs a rollup (after missing on the first try). A few running forearms drop Charlotte and there's the Emma Sandwich. Emma gets two off a high cross body but gets caught in a neckbreaker and Natural Selection gives Charlotte the pin at 4:10.

Justin Gabriel vs. Hideo Itami

Feeling out process to start until Hideo kicks him in the face to block a leapfrog. Gabriel bails to the floor and snaps Hideo's neck across the top rope to take over. Off to a double chickenwing but Itami fights out with strikes and even taunts Justin a bit. A running boot to the face and kick to the chest have Justin in trouble before a springboard kick to the ribs drops Gabriel. Itami mostly hits a top rope double stomp for the pin at 3:35.

Post match Ascension comes out and destroys Itami with the Fall of Man.

CJ Parker vs. Baron Corbin

Baron looks to be a biker. Parker gets shoved into the corner and is dropped by a right hand. The same snap Downward Spiral, now called End of Days, takes out Parker at 34 seconds.

We look at Marcus Louis getting his hair removed last week.

The girl (Carmella) that gave Enzo and Big Cass the hair cream comes into the gym to yell at them for getting her fired. She wants a job as a fighter and smacks Enzo down to the floor. I like these videos where they take things out of the arena. It's a nice change of scenery even if it's something as basic as a gym.

Tyson Kidd/Titus O'Neil vs. Sami Zayn/Adrian Neville

Kidd and Sami get things going but it's off to Neville before there's any contact. Adrian jumps over Kidd in the corner and gets one off a hiptoss. Sami tags himself back in and hits Adrian's standing moonsault (Fans: “BETTER THAN NEVILLE!”) for one of his own. Adrian comes back in and does a standing corkscrew moonsault onto Tyson's legs for two. Neville dropkicks Tyson to the floor but Sami tags himself in. The champ doesn't notice and loads up a dive but Sami hits a springboard moonsault to take Kidd out again as we take a break.

Back with Tyson driving Sami into the corner for the tag off to Titus. O'Neil hits two backbreakers in a row before just throwing Sami away. It's already back to Tyson who gets a TYSON CHICKEN chant. A chinlock slows things down a bit until Titus comes in with a hue uppercut. Off to an abdominal stretch before a hard slam drops Sami again.

A legdrop to the back of the head sends Zayn crawling for the corner where he avoids a charging Titus. The hot tag brings in Adrian to clean house with kicks and a standing moonsault for two on Tyson. Everything breaks down and O'Neil breaks up the Red Arrow by shoving Adrian onto Tyson's knees, giving Kidd the pin at 11:30.

Sami is annoyed but says it's ok to end the show.

Charlotte b. Emma – Natural Selection
Hideo Itami b. Justin Gabriel – Top rope double splash
Baron Corbin b. CJ Parker – End of Days
Tyson Kidd/Titus O'Neil b. Sami Zayn/Adrian Neville – Kidd pinned Neville after a missed Red Arrow

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