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Week of 9/10/2012 - 9/16/2012 (Monday - Thursday)


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House

Rosita may be gone from TNA.

Smackdown got a 1.95, the highest rating since July.

Monday Night Raw
Date: September 10, 2012
Location: Bell Center, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Commentators: Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler

There are two major things going on tonight. First of all, we'll have the continuation and explanation of Heyman driving Punk away last week to end the show. The other is that Bret Hart is going to be in Montreal so you know the crowd is going to go nuts. This is the go home show for the PPV on Sunday so tonight is likely going to be a lot of pushing towards that show. Let's get to it.

Here's Bret to open the show. The fans give him a very long ovation and Bret talks about how dark that day in Montreal was. The fans got him through that time and he thanks them deeply. That's about it and here's Punk with less hair. Punk complains about Bret having a big ego and wants to know what would have happened if it had been him in Montreal instead of Shawn. Bret says Punk would have been in the Sharpshooter with his feet touching his head.

Punk says the WWE wouldn't exist because he would have beaten Bret without Vince, then jumped to WCW and there wouldn't have been an Attitude Era and the company would have died. Bret says that he's the best there is, was and ever will be which gets on Punk's nerves. Punk takes a jab at Lawler and in a bizarre moment, Bret defends Jerry. We get a clip of the end of last week's show with Punk coming back and leaving with Heyman.

Punk asks Bret if Cena is here tonight and is going to save Bret if things get too heavy. Bret mentions the word respect and Punk goes off on him. Eventually Punk says he'll put Cena to sleep on Sunday. Bret: “Just like you're putting these people to sleep here tonight.” Punk says nothing else of note and we're done. I'm not sure if I liked this or not. It was better than the Lawler stuff, but at the end of the day it's the same thing he's been saying over and over again.

Pick Brodus, Lawler or Orton to be Punk's opponent tonight.

Antonio Cesaro/The Miz vs. Kofi Kingston/R-Truth

Cesaro's five language word tonight is prestige. There's going to be a battle royal on Sunday's pre show to determine who gets the shot at Cesaro later in the night. Truth comes in pretty quickly and the tag champs clear the ring with Kofi hitting a bit flip dive to the floor as we take a break. Back with Cesaro holding Truth in a chinlock while Aksana lays on the apron and watches.

Off to Miz who hits the top rope ax handle for two. Such a shame to see a former legendary team like this fighting isn't it? Truth comes back with a flying kick to take Miz down and there's the hot tag to Kofi who cleans house. A top rope cross body gets two on Cesaro and Truth takes Miz out with the spinning forearm. Kofi gets rolled up for two but even a handful of tights only gets two for Cesaro. Kingston pops up and Trouble in Paradise gets the pin on Antonio at 8:10.

We recap Sheamus and Del Rio's stuff from Friday.

We go to a court deposition about the Otunga/Sheamus/Del Rio ordeal which involves Jewish and Mexican jokes from Sheamus. Otunga lists off some former victims of the Brogue Kick (including Daniel Bryan, making Sheamus answer every question YES in a funny bit) and we get some legal banter that belongs in a parody of A Few Good Men. Then Sheamus Brogue Kicks the camera and says let's have a party, prompting him to belt out Hava Nagila. This was out there but it was certainly different.

Alicia Fox/Natalya/Beth Phoenix vs. Eve Torres/Kaitlyn/Layla

Beth and Kaitlyn start us off and it's quickly off to Nattie. Kaitlyn gets beaten down and it's off to Alicia who hits a suplex for two. Off to Layla who cleans house before Eve tags herself in and hits the spinning neckbreaker for the pin on Alicia at 2:33.

AJ is looking a bit psycho when Punk comes up. He doesn't like that Cena doesn't have a match tonight and Punk doesn't know who his own opponent is. He yells at AJ but she doesn't back down. She leaves and Punk runs into Brodus who might face Punk tonight.

Orton wins the poll in a non shocking landslide.

CM Punk vs. Randy Orton

Punk is in Hart colors which is a weird kind of respect I guess. The champ starts with his traditional headlock to shout spots into Orton's ear but gets hiptossed down and we stall a bit. Punk stomps him down in the corner and hits a suplex for two. A chinlock stays on Orton for awhile but he fights up and almost gets the RKO. Punk bails to the floor and tries to walk out but Orton makes the save. Orton throws Punk in first so CM dropkicks Randy's legs out, sending Orton face first into the apron as we take a break.

Back with Punk dropping an elbow for two on Orton. Punk goes up top but Orton channels his dad and superplexes him down. They slug it out from their knees and Orton takes over, but the Elevated DDT is countered by a kick to the head and the springboard clothesline for two. GTS and RKO are countered so Orton hits the backbreaker for two. Now the Elevated DDT hits but as Orton loads up the RKO, here's Ziggler for the DQ.

Post match Orton gets double teamed but Lawler makes the save. The four brawl as we head to a break, leading to.....

Randy Orton/Jerry Lawler vs. Dolph Ziggler/CM Punk

Back with Ziggler pounding on Orton in the corner and hitting a neckbreaker for two. Orton comes back with the slingshot suplex and brings in Lawler for a pair of middle rope fists for two. Ziggler dropkicks Jerry down as Punk looks bored out of his mind on the apron. It's intentional boredom though so at least he's doing his job properly. Ziggler drops some elbows on Lawler and hooks a chinlock as Punk still hasn't been in yet. Lawler suplexes out of the hold and it's hot tag Orton.

He cleans house but the Elevated DDT is countered and Orton is sent to the floor. Here's Heyman for a chat with Punk but Vickie starts shouting at them. Punk ignores them and keeps talking to Heyman. Heyman hands Punk the title as Ziggler is pounding on Orton in the ring. For no apparent reason Cole has stopped talking.

A Fameasser is countered (we're watching Punk and Heyman so the match is being seen in the background) but the RKO doesn't hit. A rollup gets two for Ziggler but he walks into the RKO for the pin at 7:10 shown. Punk was never in the match and walks away with Heyman without caring at all.

Punk and Heyman are walking in the back but we still can't hear what they say. Matt Striker asks them what their relationship is and Punk says he's a Paul Heyman guy.

We recap the hugging segment from last week in a package that aired on Smackdown.

Bryan and Kane meet in the back but they aren't sure who sent both of them messages to meet here. Someone set the meeting up and Kane is mad to see him. It's the doctor who wants to run a checkup. AJ asked the doctor here apparently because they have to trust each other before everything falls apart for them.

Heath Slater wants to face Ryder again after losing last week. Ryder pops up on screen and says he's not facing Slater. Here's the real opponent.

Heath Slater vs. Ryback

Slater gets in some offense but poses to the crowd too much. Clothesline, double powerbomb, Shell Shock for the pin at 2:07.

The Prime Time Players have whistles now and come in to see AJ. They aren't the #1 contenders now because they have to beat Kane and Bryan tonight.

Daniel Bryan/Kane vs. Prime Time Players

Winners get Kofi/Truth on Sunday for the titles. Kane and Titus start things off with the bald guy jumping Kane. Off to Bryan who stays right with Titus to take over. Young comes in with a rollup for two and a double shoulder block from the Players puts Bryan down again. Yong puts on a cravate but Bryan escapes, only to get distracted by the fans. Titus comes in and walks into some kicks but he hits a backbreaker to slow Bryan down again.

There's a chinlock which doesn't last long and it's back to Young. Something is going on at the announce table and the people are all looking at it. The word on the street is that something is very wrong with Lawler and it may be something along the lines of a legit seizure. That's scary stuff man.

They trade uppercuts before Bryan gets caught in another chinlock. Bryan suplexes Young down but he won't tag. Bryan misses a Swan Dive and it's chinlock #3 in the match. Another suplex gets Bryan out of trouble but he still won't tag. After kicking the tar out of Young, Bryan gets too close to the corner and Kane tags himself in. He cleans house and hits the top rope clothesline on Young but Titus breaks up the chokeslam. After disposing of Titus, Bryan tags himself back, only to get chokeslammed onto Young, sending the anger management buddies to Night of Champions at 8:30.

We recap the opening segment.

Alberto Del Rio vs. Tyson Kidd

Kidd comes out second which is surprising. Tyson almost immediately takes Del Rio down but can't get the Sharpshooter. Del Rio hammers away but gets caught in a quick Sharpshooter. He gets the rope on the second try and almost immediately the armbreaker gets the tap out at 2:50.

Del Rio says he'll win the title.

Cole says Lawler passed out at the announce table. They're performing CPR and Cole is adamant that this isn't part of the show. This is real based on everything I can find.

Sheamus vs. David Otunga

Cole isn't saying anything still. Otunga jumps him to start and I don't think we're going to have commentary for awhile. Cole can be seen at the desk with his head on his hand watching the match but he isn't saying anything. Otunga gets in an early shot but Sheamus pounds him down and the Cloverleaf gets the tap out at 1:28.

Sheamus hits the Brogue Kick post match. This brings out AJ who says....nothing because Booker interrupts her. Booker is conducting an internal investigation and if Sheamus uses the kick before it's over, he's stripped of the title.

This is very eerie right now as the show is basically operating like a house show because we're not sure what's happening with Lawler. This is legit scary.

Back from a break and Cole still isn't saying anything. We get a clip from the tag match which I think is after Lawler collapsed. Yeah it's the ending of the match with Kane chokeslamming Bryan.

The tag champs send out a Tout about keeping the belts on Sunday.

Kane and Bryan are with the doctor and are still arguing. The doctor says they passed a trial. Bryan didn't appreciate the chokeslam but they won and that's what matters. An argument breaks out out over whose name comes first in the team name. The doctor suggests Team Friendship, drawing a collective NO.

We get the rundown of the graphics for the matches on Sunday with no commentary.

Cole is back on screen and says Lawler passed out and was stretchered to the back. Lawler has been taken to a hospital in Montreal. He's receiving oxygen but is breathing on his own. There won't be any further commentary tonight. That might be the best idea. In advance, I want to apologize if the last part of the review is off. I'm not going to be able to focus that well and I apologize in advance. This is scary stuff and when you see it happen live, it's hard to take in all at once.

Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes

The lack of commentary is eerie. Cody drops down twice early, getting hit once and hitting Rey once. Cody hits the release godrbuster but Cross Rhodes is broken up. They go back and forth for a bit with Rey hitting the sitout bulldog and taking out an interfering Miz before the 619 can hit. Miz's distraction lets Cross Rhodes get the pin at about 5:00.

Post match Cody hits Cross Rhodes on Miz for no apparent reason. He holds up the title and I think that's a challenge for Sunday which would be heel vs. heel.

Post break Cole tells us a bit more about what happened to Lawler earlier. Lawler was breathing on his own and now he's more responsive than he was earlier. He's reacting to lights being put in his eyes and is in the isolated ER, awaiting a CAT scan.

Here's Hart for the closing segment. He brings out Cena and says that he sees a lot of himself and Shawn Michaels in Cena and Punk. Cena talks about how he's nowhere near those two and he thanks Bret for the compliment. Punk isn't like Shawn because Punk isn't always himself. Hart wants to know what Cena is going to do to shut Punk up.

Cue the champ who is annoyed at the lack of respect. Cena calls Punk out and asks for a fight but Punk says Cena is the biggest phony in the company. Punk talks about how the two in the ring have been surpassed by people better than themselves, those people being Punk himself and Shawn Michaels. Punk says that comparison doesn't work though because he's better than Shawn. He's better than Austin and Rock too. Punk says he's the best at everything and his eyes are bugging out. Cena says Punk is right but that makes Punk a liar and a scumbag.

Cena talks about how Punk has spent a year watching PPVs go by and thinking that everyone is against him. Punk said everything on the mic and then became champion in Chicago, which made the fans believe change was coming. Then it became clear that Punk didn't want ice cream bars or new talent or anything else. He wanted to be a star and that's it. Cena mentions a line Punk said about becoming what he hated the most and that's true. On the other hand there's Punk who has no idea who he is.

Punk steals colors from Hall of Famers and stole the elbow from the late Randy Savage. CM has changed his identity over and over again over the years and right now it's based around being champion. Cena stops to thank the fans for a bit and starts speaking French, drawing perhaps the loudest face pop he's gotten in years. Punk yells at Cena for sucking up to the crowd and it's time to get in each others' faces. Cena says he'll beat Punk up on Sunday so Punk pulls back to hit Bret, only to be stopped by Cena. Cena takes the shirt off and Punk goes for Bret again, only to get punched down and out to the floor to end the show.

Kofi Kingston/R-Truth b. Antonio Cesaro/The Miz – Trouble in Paradise to Cesaro
Eve Torres/Kaitlyn/Layla b. Beth Phoenix/Natalya/Alicia Fox – Spinning neckbreaker to Fox
Randy Orton b. CM Punk via DQ when Dolph Ziggler interfered
Randy Orton/Jerry Lawler b. CM Punk/Dolph Ziggler – RKO to Ziggler
Ryback b. Heath Slater – Shell Shock
Daniel Bryan/Kane b. Prime Time Players – Bryan pinned O'Neal after a chokeslam from Kane
Alberto Del Rio b. Tyson Kidd – Cross Armbreaker
Sheamus b. David Otunga – Texas Cloverleaf


Raw got a 2.9, likely due to Monday Night Football debuting.


Date: September 12, 2012
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Byron Saxton, William Regal

Back to Florida for the best run TV show in wrestling every week. The main feud seems to be Richie/Ricky Steamboat vs. Kassius Ohno which doesn't really do much for me. Both guys are pretty dull in the ring but Ohno made me chuckle in the backstage segment last week. Other than that we're still looking for a challenger for Rollins so maybe we'll have some development in that tonight. Let's get to it.

Jey Uso vs. Kenneth Cameron

Jey takes him down to start and throws Cameron out to the floor. Back in and Jey runs into a boot in the corner as Kenneth takes over. I love Ascension's look. They look like guys that could beat the tar out of anyone which is something you rarely get in tag teams anymore. A clothesline sets up a chinlock with a bodyscissors by Cameron.

Back up and Jey tries to speed things up, only to get hiptossed into the corner. After another clothesline from Cameron, Jey tries to speed things up and gets in some shots to the face, but O'Brien trips him up on the floor. Cameron hits what looked like a suplex but I think there was supposed to be a kind of spin into a cutter at the end. Not that it really matters as it looked like a suplex and only gets two. Jimmy superkicks O'Brien down and the distraction lets Jey hit a superkick for the pin at 5:26.

The Usos celebrate in the crowd.

Dusty Rhodes is talking to someone when Rick Victor comes in and demands an NXT Title shot. Dusty says prove you're worthy of one. Short and simple.

Big E. Langston vs. Chad Baxter

Langston pounds him down to start and easily blocks a sunset flip. The fans chant for Chad for some reason. The fans don't exactly fire him up as Langston hits three straight backbreakers followed by a running splash (Vader used to do this. I'm not sure what to call it but Baxter was standing in the middle of the ring and Langston hit a standing splash to knock him down) and the falling slam for the pin at 1:58.

Post match Langston hits another falling slam and counts himself a five count. Langston says a three count is normal, but he isn't normal so it's five counts for him. He gives Baxter a third slam and gets another five count. This goes on too long but the fans are digging Langston.

Ohno says next week he's going to have a sparring session.

We get a video on Trent Barretta missing. He's been found though and he's back next week.

Garrett Dylan vs. Damien Sandow

Sandow says that Dylan has the option of getting beaten up or sitting ringside for a lecture Sandow has prepared. Sandow pounds him down into the corner and continues to do so in the middle of the ring. Dylan gets in some basic offense but gets taken down, hit with the wind up elbow and the double arm neckbreaker gets the pin at 1:35.

Rollins doesn't care who he faces for the title. Rick Victor comes up and says he doubts Rollins even knows his name. Rollins agrees so Victor slaps him. Victor is ono the top of Rollins' list now.

Raw ReBound is about Cena vs. Punk at the end of the show.

Rollins talks to Dusty and demands a match with Victor next week.

Tyson Kidd vs. Michael McGillicutty

Winner gets a shot at Rollins somewhere down the line. See how much a title can enhance a feud like this one? They head to the mat quickly and McGillicutty controls with a headscissors. Kidd counters into an armbar but Michael makes the rope. They fight over a wristlock until Kidd suplexes him to the mat to take over. McGillicutty grabs a headlock on the mat but Kidd rolls out and sends McGillicutty to the floor.

Back in and McGillicutty elbows him down and we take a break. We come back McGillicutty holding a chinlock, only to get taken down by a sunset flip. McGillicutty gets a two count of his own and the fans chant SHAH with every count. I remember the ECW fans doing that for Hack Meyers but why are they doing it for McGillicutty? Kidd gets sent into the buckle but he kicks McGillicutty in the face to escape a suplex back into the ring.

Kidd speeds things up and hits his dropkick to the side of Michael's head for two. McGillicutty slides to the floor to avoid a spin kick but Kidd hits a kick through the ropes and a kick off the apron to take Michael down. Back in and a springboard elbow hits McGillicutty's knees. Wouldn't that hurt McGillicutty just as much?

Perfectplex gets two but Michael gets crotched on the top. Kidd tries a top rope rana and it mostly hits, but his feet were under McGillicutty's arms. I've seen him do that before so maybe it's intentional. A jawbreaker staggers Kidd but he comes back with an enziguri. McGillicutty ducks and the McGillicutter gets the pin for Michael at 10:30 shown of 14:00.

Jey Uso b. Kenneth Cameron – Superkick
Big E. Langston b. Chad Baxter – Falling Slam
Damien Sandow b. Garrett Dylan – Double Arm Neckbreaker
Michael McGillicutty b. Tyson Kidd – McGillicutter


Impact Wrestling
Date: September 13, 2012
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Tazz

Well we're past No Surrender and it looks like we have two of our three main matches for the biggest show of the year. Hardy won the BFG Series in what can only be called a surprise given that he did almost nothing until the last few weeks. I mean, the guy lost to Robbie E. Also it looks like we're having Roode vs. Storm in the likely blowoff to their nearly year long feud. That just leaves the Aces and 8's match which will probably be Lethal Lockdown. We're headed to Phoenix now so let's get to it.

We open with a recap of the PPV with the voiceover guy.

Here's the champ to open things up. He holds up the title and talks about how important it is, and how it makes the company go around. It's also why Aces and 8's have been all over him. On Sunday he didn't unmask anyone but he got a piece of one of them. That brings us to Bound For Glory and his opponent at Bound For Glory: Jeff Hardy. The champ asks Hardy to come out here so here's the painted one.

Aries congratulates Hardy for winning the Series, especially given how much he went through on Sunday. Hardy is a man of few words, but the fans love him. The fans cheer for Aries as well, and at Bound For Glory, it seems like Aries has something Hardy wants. Aries sees it as Hardy has something Aries wants.

Before he can elaborate on that, here's Bully Ray to tell both of them that they're lucky. Aries is lucky that Ray isn't getting the shot and Hardy is lucky that Ray felt badly for him for one second when Aces and 8's took out Hardy's shoulder. Ray goes on a rant about how many times he's beaten Hardy and now he screwed it up. Aries cuts Ray off and says maybe Ray and Hardy should fight again. Apparently it's on for later.

X-Division Title: Zema Ion vs. Sonjay Dutt

Didn't we see this match on Sunday? Dutt immediately takes him to the floor and hits a moonsault and headscissors to take the champion down. Back in the ring and a rana gets two. Ion tries to hit a charge in the corner but gets caught with a pendulum kick. Another rana takes Ion down but Dutt misses a standing moonsault and Ion hooks a Rings of Saturn. Dutt escapes and slams Ion down for the moonsault double stomp. That move is still insane. Dutt goes up again but gets crotched and rolled up for the pin by Ion to retain at 3:30.

Post match Ion cranks Dutt's arm back.

Hogan walks in on Daniels and Kaz imitating him in a funny bit. We get an overly complicated deal for later: Daniels is going to face either Chavo or Hernandez while Kaz is going to face either AJ or Angle. If both of them win, they don't have to defend against either team again. If either of them lose, they have to face the member of the team that beat them. Assuming both guys lose, they have to face both teams.

Angle and Styles talk about who gets to face Kaz. Apparently it'll be AJ. Styles leaves to get ready when Wes Brisco comes up and says nothing of note to Angle.

We recap Roode and Storm from Sunday.

Here's Roode to the ring. He says he's back and talks about getting screwed against Aries at Hardcore Justice. He can't get another rematch with Aries during this reign so he left. So then he shifted his views to James Storm, who made a living off Roode for years. Roode made sure Storm wasn't getting the world title shot either.....and here's the Cowboy.

It's on immediately and Storm takes him down to the floor and up the aisle. Storm rams him into the stage and puts a dent in the thing. They head to the back and some equipment is knocked over and we go to a break.

We get a clip from BFG 09 where AJ beat Sting to retain the title. The tagline of Memories Are Waiting is great.

Kazarian vs. AJ Styles

AJ snaps off some armdrags to start and a big right hand takes Kaz to the floor. The drop down/kick takes Kaz down and Kaz heads to the floor where he gets pounded on even more. We take a break and come back with AJ hitting a backbreaker to stop Kaz's momentum. AJ heads to the apron and blocks a suplex back in before DDTing (kind of) Kaz on the apron. AJ tries to go after Kaz but gets caught in a monkey flip on the floor. Back in and Kaz gets three quick two's but AJ pops up and tries the Clash. That doesn't work so he settles for the springboard forearm for two. Kaz gets a rollup with feet on the ropes for two but he walks into the Pele and the Clash for the clean pin at 10:10.

Hogan is in the back with Brooke and says he doesn't want her going anywhere around here without two bodyguards. Joseph Park comes in and after some legalese, he says that his key piece of evidence is coming next week. Hogan tells Park to guard Brooke until further notice. Hulk leaves and Park givers her his legal pitch which goes nowhere.

Ray yells at Hardy in the back and asks for tonight's match to be for the title shot at BFG. Hardy doesn't say anything but eventually he opens his eyes and says sure.

After a quick package from Sunday about Aces and 8's, here's Hogan to the ring. He praises all 12 guys in the BFG Series but Hardy came out on top. Hardy is from another solar system and it's cool with Hulk if the title is on the line tonight. Hogan talks about how Sunday at No Surrender was a game changer with the lockdown and all that. The Impact Zone is going to be locked down forever.

This brings Aces and 8's to the monitor. The leader says that it's not that they're locked out. It's that they're locked in. From this moment on, Hogan will never have any idea who is working against him. Hogan looks scared. Well he might be hungry. With his acting abilities you never can tell.

Christopher Daniels vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr.

Feeling out process to start with Guerrero hooking a headlock and an over the shoulder backbreaker for two. Daniels heads to the floor and avoids a kick but gets taken out by a running flip attack off the apron. Back in and Daniels takes over and works on the ribs of Chavo a bit. A backbreaker puts Chavo down but he pops back up and starts his comeback. Daniels gets hiptossed to the floor and grabs his belt but the swing with it misses. Chavo rolls some suplexes and the Frog Splash gets the pin at 6:30.

Aaron Markopoulis is the next Gut Check guy.

Storm wants more of Roode and he's getting it next week at Open Fight Night.

Gail Kim talks about winning the first Knockouts Title.

Here's Tara for a chat. She asks Tessmacher to come out here and says that on Sunday, the student beat the teacher. Tara asks to put the belt on Tessmacher (a rare sight with that belt) and after awhile there's the obvious heel turn. Widow's Peak leaves the champ laying.

Another video from Sunday and the main event.

Dixie yells at the people in charge of TNA (agents/Hogans) about Aces and 8's so Hogan talks about how this is war. Dixie is worried about everyone because there must be someone inside. They're going to look Aces and 8's in the eye instead of running.

Bully Ray vs. Jeff Hardy

Winner gets the shot at BFG. Ray jumps Hardy during his posing on the ropes to get us on fast. Hardy sends him to the floor and hits a plancha as we take a break. Back with Ray dropping an elbow for two and backdropping Hardy. A splash gets two as well but Jeff tries the Twist. Bully shoves him shoulder first into the post and Jeff is in trouble. Hardy rolls in to break the count but it ticks Ray off even more and he drops a forearm on the back from the apron.

Back in and Ray goes for the chops in the corner. Dang those are loud considering Jeff has a top on. A corner splash from Ray hits but Jeff counters the second and hits Whisper in the Wind. They slug it out from their knees with Jeff taking over with an atomic drop and the legdrop between the legs to set up the basement dropkick for two. Twist of Fate is countered into a Bubba Bomb for two

An attempt at a second Bomb is countered into a DDT for two and Jeff is going up. Ray dives to crotch him and there's a superplex for two. A Vader bomb misses but the Swanton does as well. Another Bubba Bomb hits for two and we've got like 30 seconds left of air time. The Twisting Stunner sets up the Twist of Fate which sets up the Swanton to cement Hardy in the title shot at BFG at 14:35.

Zema Ion b. Sonjay Dutt – Rollup
AJ Styles b. Kazarian – Styles Clash
Chavo Guerrero b. Christopher Daniels – Frog Splash
Jeff Hardy b. Bully Ray – Swanton Bomb

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