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Week of 8/20/2012 - 8/26/2012 (Thursday - Sunday)


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House

Impact Wrestling
Date: August 23, 2012
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Tazz

Tonight is another Open Fight Night and the main draw of the show is that at the beginning, we're going to have Aces and 8's vs. Sting and company. Other than that we're likely to have a title match as we have on all other Open Fight Nights. There's also another Gut Check tonight, which again makes the card too crowded. Oh and there's the Styles/Lynch paternity test thing. Let's get to it.

After the usual recap, here are Sting, Angle, Styles, Roode, Aries, Hardy, Anderson and the Dudleys. There are some more guys on the floor on top of that. Sting says they're ready for us and we get some stills of the attacks. There's no Hogan but the fans want him. Sting calls out Storm who has been cleared of his charges as of last week. Storm is all fired up and wants to go hunting. Sting says Hogan is here and here are two members of Aces and 8's at ringside.

Sting lets them come into the ring and it's Angle and Storm to beat them down. Storm hits one guy with a weapon of some sort as Angle destroys the other in the corner. One guy is revealed to be.....someone that doesn't seem to be anyone of note. Sting interrogates him and the guy says everyone here is in for a long and painful night. Sting kicks him to the floor and we take a break.

Here's Tessmacher who thanks Brooke for making things right. She wants to know if she can beat Tara and since it's Open Fight Night, let's find out.

Tara vs. Miss Tessmacher

Non-title here. Taryn Terrell is the referee again which apparently is a regular thing for the knockouts. Tara takes oer with the power stuff to start as Tessmacher barely can get over here in a leapfrog. A slam gets two for Tara and she easily wins a slugout. Tessmacher clotheslines her down and does Tara's shake at her, but takes too long going up. A superplex gets the pin for Tara at 2:50. There's your next title program I'm guessing.

The Pope is out of the BFG Series with a broken collar bone.

Sting talks to Robbie E, AJ and RVD, all of whom still had to face Pope in the Series. There's going to be a three way instead and it's winner take all. Robbie T is banned from ringside.

Bound For Glory Series Leaderboard

James Storm 66
Samoa Joe 61
Rob Van Dam 55
AJ Styles 50
Kurt Angle 48
Bully Ray 48
Jeff Hardy 42
Mr. Anderson 40
Christopher Daniels 33
Magnus 28
D'Angelo Dinero 7 (Injured)
Robbie E 5

Bound For Glory Series: AJ Styles vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Robbie E

Van Dam and Styles throw Robbie to the floor so we can get down to the important guys. Van Dam fires off some kicks to start and a rollup gets two. It's a standoff and Robbie is back in. he charges into a double hip toss and a suplex from Styles sends him to the outside again. AJ hits the drop down/kick to send Van Dam to the floor but Robbie sneaks in and clotheslines Styles down for tow.

Van Dam is kicked to the floor before he can do anything and we take a break. Back with AJ trying to speed things up but missing a forearm in the corner. Robbie knocks Van Dam to the floor again and AJ gets put in a chinlock. Van Dam pulls Robbie to the floor and beats him up but Styles dives on both of them to put both guys down. He may have hurt his leg in the landing though.

Back in and AJ hits the fireman's carry into the backbreaker for two. The leg seems to be ok. Robbie can't get past the apron and Van Dam kicks AJ down. Rolling Thunder hits and Robbie takes a kick to the face as well. Standing moonsault gets two on Robbie and he gets sent to the floor. AJ botches the moonsault into the reverse DDT but gets two off of it anyway. Styles loads up a superplex on RVD but gets knocked back down. The Five Star hits but Robbie runs in and rolls up Van Dam for the pin at 12:53.

Jeff Hardy is here and he calls out Robbie T. I won't bother listing the call outs unless they're anything of note.

Jeff Hardy vs. Robbie T

Hardy jumps him to start but Robbie knocks him down with a clothesline. Jeff comes back with a Whisper in the Wind for two and some clotheslines stagger Robbie. Twist of Fate and the Swanton get the pin at 2:36. This was just a step above a squash.

Sting is still looking for Aces and 8's.

We get a recap of AJ vs. Daniels and the Clair Lynch jazz.

Here's AJ for the reveal of the results. He says he doesn't remember the night but if it's his kid, he'll take care of it and be responsible for it. If it's not his though, he doesn't want to hear from Kaz and Daniels ever again. JB asks Lynch to come out but here are Kaz and Daniels instead. Kaz goes into a somewhat hilarious rant about how people like Styles are the reason for how bad the country is and how overpopulated the prisons are. Daniels says AJ has put Clair through so much stress that she's in a hospital.

Some chick in a suit comes out and takes the mic from Daniels. Apparently her name is Grace Stein and she's Lynch's attorney. She has a statement from Lynch which says she lied, agreed to blackmail AJ, and drugged him on the night the pictures were taken. Lynch never was pregnant and it was all a lie from Daniels. AJ kicks Daniels in the head and that's it.

The Tough Enough guy says he needs this because he doesn't have anything else to go home to.

Aces and 8's are walking in the back when Sting stops them and flips a deck of cards at them. He throws a bat to Hogan who is behind the masked guys and all three get beaten down. Hogan threatens to feed their hearts to his dog if they ever attack his daughter again.

Alex Silva is proud to have won Gut Check.

Gut Check: Kris Lewey vs. Gunner

Kris takes over to start with a shoulder but Gunner knocks him into the corner to take over. An elbow takes Lewey down again but Kris comes back with some bad strikes followed by a bad Samoan Drop. A top rope splash misses and the release F5 gets the pin for Gunner at 2:59. Lewey looked really bad.

ODB is on the phone with Eric Young and wants sex. She hits on someone we can't see and that's it. Fish references are made because of Young's show.

Bound For Glory Series: Mr. Anderson vs. Bully Ray

This is Anderson's last match in the Series. It's a feeling out process to start with both guys hitting some chops. We take a break and come back with Ray dropping an elbow. The fans want something but I can't make it out. A slam looks to set up a Vader Bomb (what is with the popularity of that move lately?) but Anderson moves. They slug it out from their knees and it's boo/yay time. A clothesline puts Ray down and things speed up. Neckbreaker gets two for Anderson and a spinwheel kick gets the same. The announcers are talking about what Hogan did and call him Hollywood Hogan. That doesn't bode well.

Anderson tries a fireman's carry but Ray is too fat. A neckbareker gets two for Ray but as he goes up, Anderson hits him in the ribs and hits the rolling fireman's carry slam for two. Anderson goes up but gets crotched and superplexed. We cut to the back and see Gunner, Robbie T and Angle beating down three members of Aces and 8's. Back in the ring and a Bubba Bomb gets two. Another one is countered into a DDT followed by a Swanton Bomb for two for Anderson. Bubba Cutter is countered into the Mic Check for the pin at 12:19.

An Aces and 8's guy is in the back and he says they've been playing his game all night. In three and a half minutes, they're unleashing the Dead Man's Hand.

Here's almost the entire roster to end the show. Sting says the three and a half minutes have passed. There's no Hogan in the ring, nor is there a Joe that I can see. The fans want Hogan. Here they come and it's a brawl at ringside and in the ring. There's nothing special to it. It's just a brawl that the TNA guys are winning. Aces and 8's are getting run out of the building. Hogan and Storm are fighting in the back with some more members. AJ is there with them too.

Back in the arena, RVD, Aries and Hardy are left alone while everyone else is beating up more members. The camera is cutting all over the place. Aries dives on more guys on the floor. There must be 20 Aces and 8's guys all around the arena. Hardy is down at ringside. A big guy is in the ring now and he took Aries head off with a clothesline. The big guy calls in some more members and they have a piece of the guardrail stacked up on the buckle. Aries has his arm placed on it and crushed with a chair. Bully Ray comes in for the save and the six guys in the ring bail. In the back Aces and 8's get on their motorcycles and leave to end the show.

Tara b. Miss Tessmacher – Superplex
Robbie E b. Rob Van Dam and AJ Styles – Rollup to Van Dam
Jeff Hardy b. Robbie T – Swanton Bomb
Gunner b. Kris Lewey – Release F5
Mr. Anderson b. Bully Ray – Mic Check


Impact got a 1.2, up from last week.

Date: August 24, 2012
Location: Rabobank Arena, Bakersfield, California
Commentator: Michael Cole

We're past Summerslam and Sheamus is still the champion. He kept the title by pinning Del Rio, but there was some controversy at the end as Del Rio had his foot on the ropes. Then on Raw, Alberto got pinned by Orton, so I think we might be seeing another triple threat in the near future. Well to be fair we haven't had one in almost five days so it's high time for one. Let's get to it.

We open with a recap of the title match at Summerslam.

Here's Orton to open things up. He says that he's never been a glass half full kind of guy. He's the kind of guy that would like to shatter the glass (again with the Austin motif) and beat up the guy that came up with that stupid expression. Randy says he deserves the world title shot after beating Del Rio on Monday. However, there are probably some people that disagree with him in the back, so he invites them to come out here right now.

Instead he gets Sheamus which isn't the result he was expecting. Sheamus talks about how Alberto has lost every chance he's had at the title and he's lost twice in a row now “fair and square”. Sheamus wants to defend the title against Orton but here's Booker with a rebuttal. He asks the fans if they're interested in seeing Orton vs. Sheamus....but here's Alberto to interrupt.

Del Rio says that Sheamus is a cheater and Orton is an animal. He whines and whines about how unfair everything is and Booker caves and makes him #1 contender. Actually scratch that because the whining has made Booker change his mind. Tonight it's Del Rio vs. Orton for the title shot at Night of Champions.

We get a recap of Josh Matthews getting injured by Kane at Summerslam. Teddy Long is filling in for him tonight. Apparently there's going to be a different commentator filling in on each match.

Ryback vs. Jinder Mahal

Ryback pounds Mahal in the face as Cole talks about how Teddy should be upset that he's not the boss anymore. Mahal escapes a powerslam and sends Ryback into the corner to take over. The running knee to the face gets one but an attempted seated boot at the face is caught by Ryback. The fans chant FEED ME MORE as Ryback hits a powerslam. The clothesline and Shell Shock end this at 2:53. Now move Ryback up the card already.

Layla vs. Alicia Fox

Kaitlyn is guest commentator. Tiffany's song does not work well at all for Layla. Now I'm not one to usually notice crowd noise being piped in, but when Layla gets a pop as she holds up the belt and a wide shot shows almost no one moving, I think there's something fake there. Layla hits her double jump springboard cross body for two. Kaitlyn talks about Natalya complaining about being eliminated from the battle royal “last night”. Layla gets kicked off the ropes and Alicia goes after the knee. A half crab is broken up and Layla hits a high kick for the pin at 2:04. Nothing to see here.

Eve comes out post match and raises both of their hands.

Raw ReBound talks about the end of the show.

Ziggler brags to Vickie about getting rid of Jericho on Monday. Sheamus pops in and says there's no time like the present, so why not have a match tonight? Ziggler says no but Teddy comes up and says yes.

Sin Cara vs. Heath Slater

Cody is the guest commentator. Cara takes him down with a snapmare to start and a dropkick puts Slater into the corner. Slater knocks him to the floor with a shoulder to the ribs to take over and it's off to the chinlock. Cody gets in a backhanded compliment to Slater by saying that this is the only match he has a chance to win this year. Cara does the corner rope walk into the armdrag to send Slater out to the floor before hitting a dive over the top. They head back in but Cody turns Cara's mask around, allowing Slater to hit a reverse DDT for the pin at 2:35. This was angle advancement.

Cody goes for the mask again but referees stop him.

Sheamus vs. Dolph Ziggler

No entrance for the champ. Vickie does commentary of course. Ziggler bails to the floor to start before charging back into a headlock takeover. Dolph comes back with a chinlock as Vickie runs down AJ. Sheamus comes back and tries White Noise but Ziggler bails to the apron. Ziggler trips him up and drops Sheamus onto the apron with a DDT for two.

Back to the chinlock followed by a failed sleeper attempt. Sheamus hits some power strikes followed by the ten forearms in the ropes. White Noise looks to set up the Brogue Kick but Ziggler bails to the corner. Vickie slips him the case and he blasts Sheamus with it for the DQ at 4:55.

Ziggler hits Sheamus again with the case and looks to cash in but Sheamus gets up and stares him down so Ziggler takes the case back and runs.

Wade Barrett is still coming back.

Here's Santino with something to say. Santino talks about how long he was US Champion and how he doesn't feel like an American anymore. Then he ate apple pie and felt better. No seriously, that's what he said. Santino isn't sure if he can talk to the Cobra anymore so he puts it on and sees if things are ok.

He remembers the good times with the Cobra but on Sunday, the Cobra cost him the title because of its attraction to Aksana. Santino quotes Roberto De Niro and asks if you can milk him because he has nipples. Oh wait he meant to quote Rocky Balboa and says if he can change everybody can change. That fires the Cobra up and he says they can win the title again.

Thankfully Cesaro comes out to interrupt with new music. Cesaro does the five languages thing with the word this week being winner. He says that unlike Santino, he's a winner. That fires Santino up and they brawl on the stage with Santino loading up the Cobra, only to be distracted by Aksana. The Cobra, not Santino. The distraction lets Cesaro deck him and leave Santino laying. This is modern WWE for you: we finally get a young talent like Cesaro pushed to a title and he feuds with a guy over a sock on the challenger's hand being attracted to Cesaro's girlfriend.

Primo/Epico vs. Kofi Kingston/R-Truth

Non-title here. The Prime Time Players are the guest commentators. Cole suggests the tag champions have the Players' number. Titus: “You mean our phone number?” Kofi and Epico start things off and it's a standoff with both guys trying dropkicks. Epico pounds away on him in the corner and it's off to Primo. Cole tries to learn the bark as Epico hits a slingshot hilo for two. Titus does a Booker imitation as the commentary continues to move further and further away from the match. Off to Truth who cleans house and hits a gordbuster on Epico. Everything breaks down and Little Jimmy gets the pin on Primo at 2:17.

Video on the Japan tour.

Kofi and Truth say they'll fight anyone. Little Jimmy thinks there's a lot of good competition around here. The Players come in and say they deserve the shot. The Usos, Kidd/Gabriel and Epico/Primo all come in and it's a big brawl.

Teddy tells Booker the brawl has been broken up. Booker asks Teddy who deserves the shot. Teddy isn't sure so Eve comes in and has a win/loss chart for the teams over the last six months. She's also organized his schedule for the next six weeks. Booker is pleased and Teddy isn't sure what to think.

Recap video on Kane vs. Bryan.

Since this show isn't boring enough already, here's a long recap of HHH/Lesnar/HBK from Raw. Seriously that speech made you think HHH died.

Randy Orton vs. Alberto Del Rio

Winner gets Sheamus presumably at Night of Champions so he's on commentary here. They fight for control to start but Randy hits a slingshot suplex of all things for two and takes over. He hits the slingshot into the bottom rope but Del Rio comes back with a quick armbar attempt. That gets countered into a neckbreaker to send Del Rio to the outside as we take a break.

Back with Del Rio holding a chinlock. During the break Orton's arm was sent into the steps so the arm is hurt as usual. A knee to the ribs stops Orton's attempt at a comeback and Alberto pounds away on the arm. The running enziguri in the corner misses and Orton gets fired up. Well, as fired up as Orton can get. Orton's clotheslines set up the powerslam but the elevated DDT is countered by Del Rio pulling on Randy's arm.

That's the extent of his offense though as Orton hits the backbreaker for two. Del Rio hits the Codebreaker on the arm out of nowhere for two and Randy is in trouble again. The armbreaker is countered and a dropkick puts Del Rio down and gets a delayed two. Elevated DDT looks to set up the RKO but Del Rio hangs onto the ropes, sending Orton's arm into the mat again. There's the armbreaker and in what has to be a surprise, Orton taps clean at 6:46 shown of 10:16.

Post match Del Rio throws a shoe at Sheamus to draw the champ in, allowing Ricardo and Alberto to beat Sheamus down. With Sheamus down, here's Ziggler to cash in but Orton hits an RKO on Dolph for no apparent reason other than I guess Dolph needs someone new to feud with. Someone must have landed on the case because there's a big dent in it now.


Money in the Bank got approximately 200,000 buys, the same as last year.



Ryback b. Jinder Mahal – Shell Shock
Layla b. Alicia Fox – High Kick to the head
Heath Slater b. Sin Cara – Reverse DDT
Sheamus b. Dolph Ziggler via DQ when Ziggler used the MITB briefcase
R-Truth/Kofi Kingston b. Epico/Primo – Little Jimmy to Primo
Alberto Del Rio b. Randy Orton – Cross Armbreaker

Quick Results

Monday Night Raw
Kofi Kingston/R-Truth/Sin Cara b. Prime Time Players/Cody Rhodes – Rollup to Rhodes
Ryback b. Mike Spitter/Andy Takarez via DQ when Jinder Mahal interfered
Randy Orton b. Alberto Del Rio – RKO
Damien Sandow b. Brodus Clay – Rollup with a handful of tights
Big Show b. David Otunga – WMD
Kaitlyn won a battle royal last eliminating Eve
Dolph Ziggler b. Chris Jericho – Zig Zag

Antonio Cesaro b. Derick Bateman – Neutralizer
Tamina Snuka b. Sofia Cortez – Superfly Splash
Kassius Ohno b. Jake Carter – Dream Killer
Justin Gabriel/Tyson Kidd b. Michael McGillicutty/Johnny Curtis – Blockbuster to Curtis

Impact Wrestling
Tara b. Miss Tessmacher – Superplex
Robbie E b. Rob Van Dam and AJ Styles – Rollup to Van Dam
Jeff Hardy b. Robbie T – Swanton Bomb
Gunner b. Kris Lewey – Release F5
Mr. Anderson b. Bully Ray – Mic Check

Ryback b. Jinder Mahal – Shell Shock
Layla b. Alicia Fox – High Kick to the head
Heath Slater b. Sin Cara – Reverse DDT
Sheamus b. Dolph Ziggler via DQ when Ziggler used the MITB briefcase
R-Truth/Kofi Kingston b. Epico/Primo – Little Jimmy to Primo
Alberto Del Rio b. Randy Orton – Cross Armbreaker

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