Week of 8/15/2011 - 8/21/2011 (Monday - Thursday)


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House

Smackdown got a 1.81, the same as last week.

Mike Chioda (referee) and Andy Levine (Tough Enough) have been suspended for Wellness Policy violations. Andy's career may be in trouble already.

Monday Night Raw
Date: August 15, 2011
Location: San Diego Sports Arena, San Diego, California
Commentators: Jim Ross, Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler

It's the night after Summerslam and there are a lot of questions to be answered. Alberto Del Rio is the new WWE Champion after cashing in MITB on CM Punk. However, when Punk pinned Cena to become official champion, Cena's foot was on the rope. Also, Kevin Nash attacked Punk to cost him the title to Del Rio. Was Del Rio the one that hired Nash? We'll find that out tonight in theory. Also Del Rio has to defend against Rey Mysterio. Let's get to it.

After a brief recap of last night Nickelback opens us up.

Here's HHH to open the show. He says he made a mistake last night and he'll tell that to Cena's face later. If he hadn't screwed up he's not sure who would have won but he would have had no problem raising the hand of CM Punk. HHH assures us he had nothing to do with it though. He's friends with Nash and all he did was leave Nash some tickets to the show. There's an invitation for Nash to be here tonight. As for Del Rio, that's just how Money in the Bank works. There's only one WWE Champion, and here he is.

Cue Alberto who talks about how awesome he is and he talks about destiny. He says he's going to be a great champion and he'll be in the lobby all night signing autographs and taking pictures. That's the kind of champion he'll be: a champion of the people. For his first title defense he's going to beat Rey. That took him a few minutes to say for some reason. The people need to change their area code because after tonight he'll be their new hero. This was oddly not full blown heel.

HHH goes into Cena's dressing room.

John Morrison vs. R-Truth

This is falls count anywhere. Morrison says he's going to give the Little Jimmys something to cheer about. Also Truth has what sounds like a rock/instrumental version of his old theme song. Morrison takes over to start and we go to the floor quickly. Big corkscrew dive takes Truth down for two. Moonlight Drive (I know that's probably not the name of it but who cares) off the railing gets the same.

Truth fights back and hits a sitout gordbuster for two as we take a break. Back with Truth getting two on the floor off a move we don't see. A replay shows that he dumped Morrison off the top while Morrison was punching him. Total dominance by the Jimmy Hater extraordinaire. We go into the crowd and Truth sends Morrison sprawling onto the concrete for two.

Coming back to ringside though Morrison gets a big kick to the head which was nearly a Pele and nearly gets the three. Truth rams him into the steps to take momentum right back. He grabs a rolling chair but a clothesline stops it. Morrison suplexes Truth onto the chair and hits a running knee to the head for the pin at approximately 11:00. The ending was kind of sudden.

Punk is here.

Here's Miz who is rocking a suit. He wants to talk to someone famous tonight: it's Jared from Subway. Jared is sitting in the front row with a sandwich in his hand. Miz says he should be the pitchman for Subway and steals the sandwich. He gives a well scripted commercial for it and then tells the Subway executives to thank him for putting the chicken sandwich or whatever on Twitter as a trending topic. He'll be a champion again, catchphrase and he's out.

Nash is here.

Trace Adkins is here.

Eve Torres/Eve Torres vs. Bella Twins

Kelly takes let's say Brie down and does the stupid Stink Face. Kelly gets double teamed and beaten down for awhile. Brie does something painful looking as she bends Kelly's leg all the way to the point where her boot is touching her own face. Something resembling a flapjack allows the tag to Eve. She cleans house and the moonsault ends this at about 3:00. Not much at all here.

Post match here are Beth (rocking a black dress) and Natalya. They stare the good girls down and that's about it.

Here's Kevin Nash after a list of his accomplishments. No music though. The hair and beard are both dark. He thanks HHH for letting him come here and explain his actions. He talks about being friends with HHH for years and mentions that HHH is the godfather of Nash's son. Nash talks about how HHH left him some tickets as a favor. Just before the main event last night, there was a text from a friend (doesn't say any names) asking Nash to take out whoever wins the title. Nash did it as a favor and says to Punk that it was just business. He implies that HHH knew about it but doesn't say it was HHH that send the text.

Nash goes to leave and here's Punk. Punk talks about how HHH and Nash were clearly in on this together because HHH keeps talking about what is good for business. Punk asks Nash if he'd jump off a bridge if it was good for business, because Punk thinks it would be good for business. He says Nash being there is HHH's version of “good for business”. Nash says they've never talked before but Punk needs to watch his mouth. Punk says this is his world and Nash says your world just changed.

Punk says maybe HHH is telling the truth and maybe Nash is the liar. Nash offers to show the text from his phone. Punk offers a text from his sister, saying that she thought Nash was dead. Punk says it's just Nash's career that is dead. He says he's mad at a lot of people but Del Rio isn't one of them because that's something he's done. One person he is mad about is HHH for bringing his cronies back. Nash says HHH shook things up around here. Punk says he did that and Nash calls him an indy-rific wannabe.

Nash talks about Punk loses the title so fast he doesn't have time to keep it. Punk says it's 2011, not 1994. Nash says if you want to go back to the past, let's go back to 1996 and what he and Hall did (no Hogan or NWO reference) and how it made everyone a bunch of money. Can't argue there. Nash says go hit the weights and take a shower because you look like a short order cook from a Pikeville (KENTUCKY) Waffle House. Punk: “I like Waffle House.”

CM makes fun of the past gimmicks of Nash, such as Oz and Vinnie Vegas. Punk says that's enough talk so let's fight right here in San Diego. He goes to the ring but security steps in to stop him. Punk says that's because of HHH so he'll go talk to the COO himself because Nash is in the ring and can't watch HHH's back at the moment. Punk won this one as Nash was looking for answers at times near the end.

We get more highlights of Rey's world title wins as they're trying to play up this as a huge moment for him.

Nash goes into HHH's office but he's not there. Johnny Ace is there and is as slimy as ever. He wants to talk to Nash about something in private. Nash shakes his head but goes with him.

We get a recap of Ziggler and Vickie arguing last week.

Alex Riley vs. Jack Swagger

When we come back from the recap Dolph and Vickie are on commentary and arguing. Basic stuff to start as the couple argues at ringside. Vader Bomb hits and Swagger puts on a double chickenwing. They argue about Vickie's bad breath which results in Vickie complaining about not getting enough kisses. Key lock goes on and Dolph says Vickie knows her role. Even Cole is laughing at Jerry's jokes here.

Spinebuster puts Swagger down as JR desperately tries to talk about the match. Vickie gets up and steals JR's hat for no apparent reason. Riley gets in a kick to the head as Vickie....puts the hat on the referee. Riley is distracted and it lets Swagger botch the gutwrench bomb twice before the third attempts ends this at 4:24.

Post match Dolph stomps on the hat.

After a break Swagger comes up to Vickie and suggests she expands the people she manages, implying he wants her to manage him.

Same video package from last night about WWE being in LA.

Punk goes into HHH's locker room and finds Stephanie. She says he didn't actually win last night which is true. She says people always get what they deserve and leaves with a kind of evil look on her face.

Kofi Kingston/Evan Bourne vs. David Otunga/Michael McGillicutty

The champs have new music and McGillicutty is in a skull cap. Shawn Michaels tweeted about Nash and it's kind of implied he might be back. Kofi vs. Michael starts us off. That doesn't go anywhere so it's off to Bourne who gets beaten down. Make that gets beaten down for a very long time. I'm kind of stunned by the fact that the tag champions have held the titles for the longest stretch in over a year.

We talk about Hillbilly Jim for no apparent reason and it's hot tag to Kofi. He beats up his former NXT Rookie but stumbles on the top rope cross body. He manages to shift it into a clothesline though so it's nowhere near as bad as it could have been. McGillicutty gets a dropkick to Kingston's back but is knocked into position for the Shooting Star Press which ends this at 4:40.

Raw World Title: Alberto Del Rio vs. Rey Mysterio

The new champ rolls out in a bright red Ferrari. Rey is the hometown boy so he gets a huge pop. It seems to be the Undisputed WWE Championship now. We continue the old school weapon checks but don't even get big match intros. Fast paced stuff to start but it's pretty basic. Rey sends him to the floor as we take a break. The bell rang at 10 until 11pm so they don't have a ton of time.

Back with Rey in a body vice and he pulls half of the mask off. Alberto takes him up to the top which doesn't work at all as Rey takes him down with a tornado DDT. Wicked one too. Spinning cross body gets two. Rolling sunset flip gets two. Rey gets taken down for a bit but takes to the air, sending Alberto to the floor. Gorgeous Asai Moonsault takes both guys down.

Seated Senton hits and he gets Alberto into the 619 position. Alberto takes his head off with a clothesline though and complains when it only gets two. Tilt-a-whirl backbreaker gets the same result. Corner enziguri gets two. Rey grabs a rollup out of nowhere for two to break up the armbreaker.

Dropkick puts Rey down and he goes for the arm again. Rey reverses into an electric chair position and into a rana for the 619 position. The call connects (hate that term but whatever) and it's top rope splash time. Jerry declares it over which seals Rey's fate. The splash hits knees and Alberto gets a small package for the pin at 12:50.

Post match Alberto goes for the arm and snaps it on the rope then puts the armbreaker on. Cena runs out for the save and wants a mic. Post match Alberto goes for the arm and snaps it on the rope then puts the armbreaker on. Cena runs out for the save and wants a mic. He rants about how much his weekend sucked and is all kinds of serious. he says Alberto cashed in a briefcase and got lucky. One days he's going to have to defend it (kind of like he just did?) and if it's against Cena, he won't be so lucky. Serious Cena works very well and this was one of those moments.

John Morrison b. R-Truth – Running knee to the head
Eve Torres/Kelly Kelly b. Brie Bella – Moonsault
Jack Swagger b. Alex Riley – Gutwrench powerbomb
Kofi Kingston/Evan Bourne b. Michael McGillicutty/David Otunga – Shooting Star Press to McGillicutty
Alberto Del Rio b. Rey Mysterio – Small Package


Raw got a 3.3, up from last week's 3.1.

Date: August 16, 2011
Location: Rabobank Arena, Bakersfield, California
Commentators: Todd Grisham, Michael Cole

We're on the way to the sixth month of this show. I would make a joke about this show getting close to being able to having a baby but I'm not sure it's a joke anymore. I'd expect more hijinks tonight with everyone talking about nothing in particular and nothing at all being mentioned about the show moving forward in any way at all. Let's get to it.

We open with AJ, Titus and Horny in the ring. Is this the face faction now? Titus talks about Horny looking for true love and says he has something to say to AJ. Horny babbles a lot and Titus translates. Apparently Horny wants to propose to her. Oh give me a break. And yes, it's a Ring Pop. AJ says it's not about size (make your own jokes) but about the size of Horny's heart. But she just said....oh never mind.

Bateman interrupts and says this is disgusting and that it's not a soap opera. Titus tells him to leave and insults his jeans. Make fun of his win/loss record, beat him up, get more points than he does or whatever else you can think of, but INSULTING HIS JEANS??? YOU GO TOO FAR!!! Bateman says he's not sure which one is the leprechaun and which is the troll. Horny goes after him and Bateman runs. AJ is alone in the ring and some chick jumps her. It's a now blonde Maxine. THEY'RE BRINGING BACK THE DIVA ROOKIES NOW????? To be fair she looks much better without the black hair.

JTG vs. Tyson Kidd

Heel vs. heel? Really? Works for me I guess. Kidd has promised us something special next week in Calgary. JTG grabs a rollup for one a few seconds into this. The crowd is silent. Like creepily silent. JTG is wrestling face here despite being heel for the last 4 months or so. Then again is anyone paying attention to things such as that? Kidd speeds things up and gets some kicks to the head for two.

JTG hits Jay Lethal's belly to back suplex into a neckbreaker for two. Half of the Lethal Combination gets two. Think he's been watching some TNA/ROH stuff lately? JTG yells to the crowd but gets caught in a horribly botched looking rolling half crab (think Lance Storm)...and he taps at 3:10. That was unexpected. I guess JTG is a moderate face now.

Post match some music starts for a bit and a Japanese/Chinese character (as in a written word) appears on screen. Does Japanese have written characters? Yeah we know: Tatsu is coming back.

Striker says he lost last week and he's not making any excuses. Young vs. Striker II tonight. If Young wants respect, he has to earn it. Surprisingly good promo.

Matt Striker vs. Darren Young

Striker....strikes away to start. Well he lives up to his name I guess. He works on the arm and fingers to start but gets rolled up for two. Double clothesline takes both guys down but Darren is in better shape at the moment. A neckbreaker on the apron is broken up but Young gets something like a release belly to back onto the apron which looked good. A chinlock is broken up by Striker going after the leg. Why don't more people do that?

Striker fires off and is getting all ticked off. He's really improved in his long layoff. Striker takes Young down and gets two as Young gets his foot on the rope. This referee > HHH I guess. Young goes for that fireman's carry into a gutbuster but Striker counters into a Backstabber for two. The fans go silent so Striker screams at them to wake them up. He tries La Majistral (and yes I know that's probably not the right spelling) but Young rolls through into that gutbuster of his for the pin at 5:05. That was a good ending.

Here are Bateman and Maxine. They're holding hands so there's your latest couple in WWE. Bateman wants the people to respect her and calls her his girlfriend. Maxine says Horny can't handle a real woman like her. We're just getting started according to her. Heaven help me.

Derrick Bateman vs. Titus O'Neil

For those of you that want something completely different I suppose. Regal and Grisham quote Bobby Heenan to liven things up a bit. Titus hammers away with power stuff to start as is his custom. Oh and there's no Horny or AJ in sight. Bateman gets a dropkick for two. Bateman keeps hammering away while Regal talks about his turtle running away and the turtle (Speedy) getting mugged by some snails. This is the Gorilla Monsoon/Jesse Ventura formula of “we're so bored we'll do anything short of first degree murder to keep from falling asleep”.

The match is really boring, namely because we've seen them fight so many times already. Bateman controls for awhile until Titus starts channeling his football days and tackles Derrick a few times. Shoulderbreaker gets two. There's the fallaway slam and Bateman hits the floor. Titus tries to get back in and Maxine trips him, letting Bateman get a rollup pin at 6:17.

And now we get the entire Alberto vs. Rey match from last night because NXT only has enough material to fill in 40 minutes. I have no idea if this is clipped or not but I'm not watching it again so here's the review that I wrote for it live.

Raw World Title: Alberto Del Rio vs. Rey Mysterio

The new champ rolls out in a bright red Ferrari. Rey is the hometown boy so he gets a huge pop. It seems to be the Undisputed WWE Championship now. We continue the old school weapon checks but don't even get big match intros. Fast paced stuff to start but it's pretty basic. Rey sends him to the floor as we take a break. The bell rang at 10 until 11pm so they don't have a ton of time.

Back with Rey in a body vice and he pulls half of the mask off. Alberto takes him up to the top which doesn't work at all as Rey takes him down with a tornado DDT. Wicked one too. Spinning cross body gets two. Rolling sunset flip gets two. Rey gets taken down for a bit but takes to the air, sending Alberto to the floor. Gorgeous Asai Moonsault takes both guys down.

Seated Senton hits and he gets Alberto into the 619 position. Alberto takes his head off with a clothesline though and complains when it only gets two. Tilt-a-whirl backbreaker gets the same result. Corner enziguri gets two. Rey grabs a rollup out of nowhere for two to break up the armbreaker.

Dropkick puts Rey down and he goes for the arm again. Rey reverses into an electric chair position and into a rana for the 619 position. The call connects (hate that term but whatever) and it's top rope splash time. Jerry declares it over which seals Rey's fate. The splash hits knees and Alberto gets a small package for the pin at 12:50.

Since a 13 minute match took 6 minutes to air, yeah it was clipped. We also get the close to the show with Cena saving Rey.

Post match Alberto goes for the arm and snaps it on the rope then puts the armbreaker on. Cena runs out for the save and wants a mic. Post match Alberto goes for the arm and snaps it on the rope then puts the armbreaker on. Cena runs out for the save and wants a mic. He rants about how much his weekend sucked and is all kinds of serious. he says Alberto cashed in a briefcase and got lucky. One days he's going to have to defend it (kind of like he just did?) and if it's against Cena, he won't be so lucky. Serious Cena works very well and this was one of those moments.

Tyson Kidd b. JTG – Half Crab
Darren Young b. Matt Striker – Fireman's Carry into a Gutbuster
Derrick Bateman b. Titus O'Neil – Rollup


Nothing today.


Impact Wrestling
Date: August 18, 2011
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Tazz

Tonight we're likely to get the fallout of Angle attacking Crimson last week as well as Sting vs. Hogan/Angle. I'm not wild on either story but that's what we have to go with leading up to No Surrender. Also we should get an answer from AJ about Daniels challenging him for another match at the same PPV. Also there are Bound (get it?) to be be more Series matches. Let's get to it.

We open with a recap of last week's Angle segment with Sting and Hogan. The idea is Angle is mad at Dixie for lying about Karen and Jeff. Now he's going after all of the young talent one by one, starting with Crimson.

Here's Sting to open the show, chair and bat in hands. Sting stops to roll down the ramp. Uh...sure. He says it was a redoing of last week where he got beaten up. He doesn't remember what happened but he does remember that he was nervous, as his shirt says. It was however awesome to be beaten up by Hogan, who still has the (cue singing) Eye of the Tiger.

Sting says the fans and he both want to see the Hulkster back in the ring right? He starts a Hogan chant because he wants Hogan in the ring tonight. Instead he gets...Ric Flair. He asks if Sting just called Hogan the greatest ever. Sting is in fact an icon and people ask Flair when they'll wrestle again. The fans want one more Flair vs. Sting match. There goes the jacket and Flair says in order to get back to where he uses to be, he has to wrestle Sting again. He doesn't have to win, but just wrestle him. If he beats Sting, Sting retires. If Sting wins, Flair will deliver Hogan to Sting.

Sting asks the people and they seem into it. Flair smells like garlic and Sting accepts the match.

Post break Flair goes into Hogan's office and Hogan is FREAKING. Hogan wants to know if Flair is on goofball pills. He thinks Sting should be dead and Flair says it's not a big problem. Flair says he'll get the troops together tonight. Hogan swears he'll never wrestle Sting so Flair hugs Hogan and kisses him on the cheek. Ok then.

Bound For Glory Series standings:

Crimson 50
Bully Ray 42
Bobby Roode 35
James Storm 33
Devon 30
Gunner 28
Rob Van Dam 25
Matt Morgan 24 (out)
AJ Styles 21
D'Angelo Dinero 17
Scott Steiner 14
Samoa Joe -10

There are three weeks left and the final four advance to BFG.

D-Von says he'll beat Scott Steiner and is going to BFG.

Bound For Glory Series: Scott Steiner vs. Devon

D-Von's kids are there of course. He takes over to start and gets a pair of two counts quickly. And never mind as Steiner gets a rollup and puts his feet on the ropes for the pin at 1:10. What the heck was that?

Post match Joe sneaks in on Joe and beats him up, putting a leg hold on him. D-Von's kids want Pope to come help him but they jump the railing (security around here sucks) to stop it and Pope comes in late for the save.

There's an X-Division gauntlet which determines the rankings of the division and #1 contender next.

Post break Joe says don't act surprised because this is how he does things. He's taking everyone down with him. He's going to take out the entire Series.

Alex Shelley vs. Tony Nese vs. Kid Kash vs. Robbie E vs. Zema Ion vs. Jesse Sorensen vs. Mark Haskins vs. Austin Aries

This is a gauntlet match. Shelley vs. Haskins (who looks like Morrison but less tanned and built) with Shelley beating the tar out of him. The first person out is #8 in the rankings, making the whole rankings stupid because whoever got the first two spots have a 50/50 chance of being last. Shelley keeps trying Sliced Bread but Haskins keeps blocking it. They trade pinning combination attempts and Haskins gets something resembling the inbred cousin of the GTS for the pin at 1:56.

Robbie gets pinned at 2:20 (total time on each, meaning there were about 24 seconds between pins).

Ion comes in third and hits a missile dropkick and some nice stuff including throwing Haskins' face into Ion's feet (yes that's what happened) for two. A 450 gets the pin at 3:30.

Off to Sorensen who starts fast but gets taken down just as quickly. 450 hits knees and Ion is gone thanks to something like a spinning DDT at 4:20. This is why I hate gauntlet matches: the pins come WAY too fast.

Nese is in next and likes to attack by running. The rankings are in reverse order, meaning that Shelley is #8, Robbie is #7 etc. German gets two on Sorensen. That same spinning DDT ends Nese at 5:50.

Kash comes in and we take a break. Back with Kash hitting a moonsault for two on Sorensen. Only Aries is left. Moneymaker, the double underhook piledriver is countered into a rollup for the pin at 10:50.

Aries is in last but Kash comes in and hits the Moneymaker to kill Sorensen. Aries comes in and puts his foot on the chest for two. Brainbuster is countered into a small package for two. There's a running dropkick in the corner and now the brainbuster ends this at 12:20 total.

Aries talks about Kendrick post match and the champ comes out to offer a handshake which Aries declines. Kendrick jumps him and beats the tar out of the #1 contender.

Flair is getting ready for a fight. Don't tell me Sting vs. Flair is tonight.

Sting is pacing in the back.

Anderson is out with two ruptured eardrums.

BFG ad.

ODB and Jackie are excited for a match later where they're going to get a roster spot. Oh freaking joy.

Traci comes in to see Eric and he hits on her. She has an idea for Eric and wants to be Knockout Law again. In essence she's in charge of them and Eric makes her lean over so he can look down her shirt. She was in Playboy dude.

ODB vs. Mickie James

Mickie gets her rematch on September 1. Mickie hammers away but gets caught in a fallaway slam. I think Mickie's hair is blonder now. It's power vs. speed here and Mickie gets a neckbreaker to put both of them down. They nip up at the same time and slug it out. Some clotheslines put ODB down and a rana is blocked. James is sent to the floor and Jackie wants to jump her but can't. Mickie gets back in but the DDT is blocked. Bronco Buster misses for ODB and the DDT hits this time, ending things at 5:47.

Winter and Angelina have a weird moment over the title. Just get them to a lesbian scene already. She says she can beat Mickie. They're having wine and it looks like it's got blood in it. Winter calls it orgasmic.

Bound For Glory Series: Rob Van Dam vs. AJ Styles

Lynn is outside again. Technical stuff as usual to start as they feel each other out a lot. AJ gets a backbreaker for two. Knee drop gets the same. BIG monkey flip sends Styles down though and it even gets a replay. Rolling Thunder hits for two. Lynn gets annoyed and Rob isn't pleased with Jerry getting up.

RVD gets crotched and AJ looks to take over again with a superplex but Rob counters. Five Star hits knees and Styles gets two. They slug it out and an attempt at the Clash is broken up. AJ hits the Pele and Lynn pulls the referee out for the DQ at 5:22, costing RVD another ten points.

Rob yells at Lynn post break.

Flair is talking to no one it seems and things start moving around. He says Sting isn't the Joker and we hear a pipe fall. Flair keeps looking for him and more stuff moves/falls. He calls out Sting but all he hears are more noises. Something big falls and Flair says he's counting to five and is starting at four. He doesn't have time for this as he has to go to a bar later. Sting finally appears but someone jumps him. It's Gunner and Sting rams him into some boxes. Flair fires Gunner and leaves while Sting keeps beating on him. Sting tells Gunner he'll go somewhere someday.

Time for more Eric Young hijinks. He tries to wrestle some woman and wants to find Scott Baio, again. He's told Baio is in the Valley and the showdown is next week. Good for it.

Crimson is here and is limping.

Here's Crimson in the arena and he's limping badly. He says he used to respect Angle and calls him out because they have some issues now. Angle doesn't respect him because he's a nobody. The young talent, built around Angle, has meant nothing. Without Angle, Crimson is uncoordinated and green. Angle says Crimson needs him (Angle) to get anywhere. Crimson says no one in the back disrespects Angle and Angle calls Crimson nothing.

He goes to leave and Crimson stops him. Crimson challenges Angle for next week where he'll show him why he's the future and and the here and now. He's REAL. He's DAMN REAL.

Mexican America says they'll win the titles next.

Tag Titles: Beer Money vs. Mexican America

The Jarretts are on commentary here. This is billed as the final showdown. The champs take over to start as Jeff talks about Mexico and is way funnier than he should be, especially given what he's talking about. Hernandez gets a shot in on Storm and takes over, also getting two. Off to Anarquia who gets two off a double shoulder block.

Jeff and Karen are shocked that Tenay speaks so highly of the Guerreros. He accuses Hector of having some cerveza as Storm gets a shot in on Anarquia but Hernandez breaks up the tag. Border Toss is countered into a Codebreaker and here's Roode off the hot tag. Blockbuster gets two. Angle has accepted Crimson's challenge. Beer Money hits a slingshot into a DDT on Anarquia.

Double suplex puts Hernandez down and LET'S SHOUT OUR NAMES! Rosita comes in and spits beer in Storm's face which doesn't work for some reason here. They go after her and Karen bounces down to ringside. Jeff comes down as well and the distraction lets Hernandez get a shot to the head of Roode with the AAA belt and the Mexicans win the titles at 7:25.

Scott Steiner b. Devon – Rollup with feet on the ropes
Austin Aries won a gauntlet match last eliminating Jesse Sorensen
Mickie James b. ODB – Jumping DDT
AJ Styles b. Rob Van Dam via DQ when Jerry Lynn interfered
Mexican America b. Beer Money – Hernandez pinned Roode after a belt shot

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