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Week of 7/30/2012 - 8/5/2012 (Thursday - Sunday)


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House

Impact Wrestling
Date: August 2, 2012
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Taz

Another trip to Orlando tonight as we're approaching Hardcore Justice in a week and a half. Tonight we have a big tag match as well as Storm vs. Angle in a BFG Series match. We're sure to have more from Aces and 8's as Brooke Hogan is going to say something about her dad, which I'm sure will be riveting. Let's get to it.

Zema Ion/Bobby Roode vs. Austin Aries/Kenny King

This is a big brawl that was going on when the show started. Roode and Aries were fighting at the top of the stage before coming to the ring to join the other guys. Aries hits a huge dive onto Roode on the floor to take over. There's the bell and we're officially going. A double airplane spin puts Ion down and King hits a springboard legdrop for two. King sends Ion into the corner and fires off shoulders to the ribs. Off to Aries for a slingshot corkscrew dive for two. Back to King who gets hit in the back by Roode.

King is sent to the floor and Ion hits a big flip dive to finally give his team the advantage. Roode comes in legally and goes after the leg and ankle of King which was injured somewhere in the match. A knee drop gets two for Roode and it's back to the X Champion. We take a break and come back with Roode sending King off the topr rope and to the floor with a crash.

King is still in trouble, this time in the corner as Roode stomps away some more. Back to Ion who works on the arm a bit, only to walk into a high cradle suplex to put him down. Aries gets the tag but Roode stepped in for a distraction. Roode, being the heel that he is, comes in without a tag for more stomping. Bobby doesn't stay in long though as it's back to Ion again. King punches them both down and everything breaks down. Aries hits a missile dropkick to send Roode to the floor followed by the suicide dive. King hits the reverse F5 on Ion for the pin at 14:48.

We get the traditional recap from last week.

Sting says he wants to hear it straight from Storm's mouth.

Here's Sting who wants Storm out here to say he's not involved with Aces and 8's. Cue the Cowboy who wants an explanation. Sting shows him a clip of last week where Aces and 8's came out but didn't touch Storm. Storm says he has nothing to do with it and didn't need them to help him beat Angle a few weeks ago.

Cue Angle who says he's seen Storm all over the place but he doesn't get Storm's motivation. He talks about Aces and 8's beating up everyone other than Storm. Why would eight grown men run away from one guy? Angle wants Storm to come to his match later, and Sting says he'll be there for it too because he hopes Aces and 8's show up. Angle says he'll make Storm tap out.

AJ Styles was in Australia this week.

We recap the Clair story which has gone on forever it seems.

Daniels and Kaz make fun of AJ while holding their drinks. They're going to throw Clair a baby shower.

There are going to be three hardcore four ways at Hardcore Justice in the BFG Series, all of which for 20 points:

Daniels vs. Angle vs. Styles vs. Joe in a ladder match

Anderson vs. RVD vs. Dinero vs. Magnus in a last man standing match

Hardy vs. Story vs. Ray vs. Robbie E in a tables match

BFG Leaderboard:

Samoa Joe 47
James Storm 45
Kurt Angle 41
Mr. Anderson 40
Jeff Hardy 28
Rob Van Dam 28
Christopher Daniels 26
Magnus 21
AJ Styles 16
Bully Ray 14
D'Angelo Dinero 7
Robbie E 5

Bound For Glory Series: Bully Ray vs. Robbie E

Ray says he doesn't trust Storm before the match. Big Rob hits Ray with the list before we get going. Robbie pounds Ray down but some big chops set up a quick Bubba Cutter and we're done at 90 seconds.

Earl Hebner gives Madison Rayne gifts. She says she cares about him when Gail Kim comes up to complain. Earl leaves and Madison says he'll call the match right down the middle tonight.

Tara vs. Mickie James vs. Gail Kim vs. Madison Rayne

Winner get Tessmacher at some point in the future. Tessmacher is on commentary here. Tara immediately tries a Tarantula on Gail but gets backdropped to the floor. Mickie is knocked to the floor and it's heel vs. heel for a bit. Tara comes back in to prevent that from happening, only to get caught in a bad knee to the face from Madison. A neckbreaker puts Tara down and they take turns pounding away. Mickie pulls Gail to the floor but gets sent into the steps for her troubles. The spinning side slam gets two on Madison as Gail breaks it up. Madison chokes Tara and Gail sends Mickie to the floor.

Gail misses a charge in the corner and Mickie is back. Tara heads outside and it's Mickie vs. Rayne at the moment. Madison is taken down by a neckbreaker but Gail makes the save. Everything breaks down if that's possible in a fourway. Tara takes over and loads up a moonsault, only to get crotched by Madison. Mickie pulls Madison off the top but Rayne kicks Mickie in the head. Gail superplexes Tara down and everyone is down.

Gail covers Tara but Earl is with Madison. Tessmacher says a superplex like that can only happen with the Knockouts. Bob Orton might want to have a word with you about that. Mickie sends Gail to the floor and fires off clotheslines on Rayne. A flapjack takes Madison down again but Gail sneaks in and sends her to the floor. Widow's Peak takes Gail down but Madison goes after Tara. Tara rolls her up and gets the pin at 7:30, but, say it with me, Earl gives the win to Madison despite Tara's shoulder being nowhere near the mat.

Roode says Storm is behind it. Aries says he might as well be at ringside too since Roode will be.

Sting is talking to Brooke who says she doesn't like seeing her dad in pain. She doesn't know why Aces and 8's are picking on them. That came off as a really stupid line to me. A messenger comes in with a package for Brooke which has playing cards on it. She bails and Sting is annoyed.

ODB and Eric have a “comedy” segment about how they haven't defended the titles in months. Apparently it's not good that Eric is a man. He has a fishing show debuting on Sunday and he thinks that if the belts are always apart, they can't be stripped of them. Why do these titles exist again?

Chavo Guerrero vs. Kid Kash

Hernandez and Gunner are here to second the respective guys. As if the ending of this wasn't clear enough already, Grandmama Guerrero is here. Chavo speeds things up quickly and throws on an armbar. Kash escapes and pounds away but gets pulled off by the referee. Kash throws him into the air so Chavo crashes down, followed by a backbreaker for two. A moonsault hits knees and it's comeback time. Chavo hurricanranas him down and a dropkick gets two. Both seconds get on the apron and Kash hits Chavo in the head. Dead Level is countered and it's time to roll some suplexes. The Frog Splash pins Kash at 4:41.

Dixie says it's time for AJ to step up and set the record straight.

Angle talks to someone's kid who says that he wants to be a wrestler. It's Wes Brisco, son of Gerald Brisco. He asks Angle to put in a good word for him and Angle doesn't seem to be opposed to the idea. Before he can say yes though D-Von and Garrett come in to offer their services to Angle tonight. He says cool.

It's time for the baby shower. Kaz: “AJ Styles isn't here tonight. He's in Australia, promoting Impact Wrestling and possibly impregnating somebody.” Daniels and Kaz invite Clair into the ring and give her a necklace. Daniels talks about how important being pregnant is and says they'll do what AJ won't do. The first gift: diapers. The next: a bunch of Impact gear such as toys and t-shirts. The piece de resistance (Daniels: “That means prize piece you idiots. Stay in school.”) is an AJ baby doll. Clair looks into the camera and shouts at AJ to do the right thing.

Joseph Park says he's been retained by some Impact wrestlers for his legal services. He offers Sting said services but Sting says he's covered. One thing Sting would like to know though: where did Park learn how to do a Black Hole Slam like that? Park doesn't have an answer.

Bound For Glory Series: James Storm vs. Kurt Angle

Wes Brisco is at ringside. Weren't Roode, Sting and Aries supposed to be here too? Feeling out process to start as no one can get an extended advantage. Storm works over the arm which seems to work as well as anything else does for him. Here's Sting to ringside as well. D-Von and Garrett come out quickly thereafter as Storm hits a facebuster on Angle. Storm is almost sent to the floor but he skins the cat and hits a Thesz Press to pound on Angle some more.

The Last Call is ducked and Angle suplexes him down. Bully Ray is here too. We take a break and come back with Storm hitting an Orton Elevated DDT to put Angle down. Roode and Aries come out as well as Storm hits a hot shot and running forearm. Angle catches him in the corner and hits the Rolling Germans to put Sting down. Angle Slam is countered but Angle kicks Storm in the face for two.

Ankle lock is countered and Storm hits the Angle Slam on Angle for two. Angle takes him into the corner and now the ankle lock goes on. Storm can't roll through but he won't tap. Taz is telling Storm to tap out because it isn't worth it. The hold has been on for a minute or so now. The fans cheer for the Cowboy and he finally rolls onto his back and kicks Angle in the head. Last Call hits out of nowhere for the pin at 13:32.

Everyone looks around for Aces and 8's but Storm grabs the mic. He calls out Aces and 8's, saying that with everyone here why don't they come out now. No one comes out so Roode says this is odd isn't it James? He says Storm doesn't need them and that's why they're not here. Roode says he told everyone and Ray sneaks up on Storm, causing a brawl. Aries and Roode brawl too as we go off the air.

Kenny King/Austin Aries b. Bobby Roode/Zema Ion – Reverse F5 to Ion
Bully Ray b. Robbie E – Bubba Cutter
Madison Rayne b. Tara, Mickie James and Gail Kim – Rollup to Tara
Chavo Guerrero b. Kid Kash – Frog Splash
James Storm b. Kurt Angle – Last Call


Impact got a 1.0.

Date: August 3, 2012
Location: Bankers Life Fieldhouse, Indianapolis, Indiana
Commentators: Michael Cole, Josh Matthews

The big story tonight is that we're going to find out who the new GM is tonight. For some reason WWE decided to tell us who it was on WWE.com the day that it happened but it's not like they care about Smackdown anyway. Other than that I'm sure Sheamus and Del Rio will find ways to bore us that the world never dreamed was possible. Let's get to it.

Do You Know Your Enemy? Mine is the Indians' GM. Thanks for not trading for a starter or two and dooming our season.

Here's Vince to open the show. Josh says this is the first time Vince has been on Smackdown in three years. That can't be true can it? He talks about the process of picking a new GM and says it has to be someone the people respect. The new GM is Booker T. Cole: “Thank goodness! That means he won't be on commentary!!!” Booker thanks Vince and the Board but is interrupted by Del Rio.

Del Rio goes into his schtick about becoming the new world champion and Booker tells him to stop sucking up. How exactly he was sucking up isn't really clear but whatever. Booker talks about what Del Rio said on Monday about Sheamus, including how Sheamus is beneath him. Sheamus is a peasant and was born poor and here he is. Sheamus congratulates the new GM on being the new GM and says the first pint is on him tonight.

Sheamus says he's proud of where he came from and says he wouldn't take a few weeks off out of fear like Del Rio has done. Del Rio says he won't be competing until Summerslam but Booker disagrees. Both of them will be in the ring tonight but Del Rio says no. Booker says yes he is and he's facing Randy Orton. I'm so glad they spent the time having Del Rio say he wouldn't fight until Summerslam and made it last less than four days. Sheamus' match is up now.

Sheamus vs. Tensai

Tensai cuts an inset promo in Japanese. Ok then. They brawl into the corner to start and Tensai knocks Sheamus back with a shoulder block. Sheamus grabs the arm but it turns into another slugout. The champ knocks him into the corner and takes Tensai down to the mat for a chinlock. Tensai comes back with an elbow to the face and pounds away. For the life of me I don't get why they don't just let Tensai be Albert or A-Train again. At this point he's just A-Train speaking Japanese and no one cares, so why not change it back?

Sheamus shrugs off the punches to the face and knocks Tensai to the floor. Back in and Tensai knocks him down again and stomps in the corner. Sheamus kicks him away and pulls himself to the top but has to jump over Tensai instead of hitting the top rope shoulder. Irish Curse is broken up so Sheamus clotheslines Tensai to the floor instead. Tensai catches Sheamus in a dive off the apron and rams him into the post as we take a break.

Back with Tensai hitting a Vader Bomb to the back for two. A bearhug goes on but Sheamus quickly escapes. He can't slam Tensai so Tensai kicks him in the head for two. Another Vader Bomb is broken up but so it the electric chair Sheamus wanted to try. Instead he just knocks Tensai off the ropes and out to the floor. When all else fails go simple I guess.

There are the ten forearms and Tensai appears to have a cut on his stomach. As Tensai is coming back in he walks into a powerslam for two. Sheamus gets sent into the post and the Baldo Bomb gets two. A Tensai charge misses and the Brogue Kick gets the pin at 10:20 shown of 13:50.

Eve sucks up to Booker and tries to get a job. Booker doesn't seem interested and hires Teddy Long as his senior adviser. Booker sends Eve in her little black dress out.

Antonio Cesaro vs. Santino Marella

Cole takes a jab at Sarah Palin before the match for some reason. Uh oh, she might yell at him on Facebook. Cesaro says hi to us in five languages before the match. Cesaro immediately takes Santino into the corner but gets rolled up for two. A gutwrench suplex puts Marella down and it's off to a chinlock. Santino makes his comeback with his usual stuff but the Cobra is blocked. Gotch Style Neutralizer is broken up and the Cobra gets two due to Cesaro's leg being under the rope. Out to the floor and Santino is sent into the barricade. Back inside the Neutralizer gets the pin at 2:34.

Bryan is in the back and we get a video on his psych evaluation from Raw. Bryan says he has no comments and that he's going to be saying NO a lot more often because the fans have stolen his catchphrase. He also doesn't need another psychiatric evaluation. As he's shouting no, the lights go out and it's time for a six man.

Christian/Chris Jericho/Kane vs. Daniel Bryan/Dolph Ziggler/The Miz

Bryan has a NO NO NO shirt now. Christian and Bryan start things off and the fans chant YES. Bryan takes him to the mat and stomps away but Christian speeds things up and takes Bryan down with a shoulder block. Off to Kane with the top rope clothesline for two. Bryan avoids a charge to send Kane into the corner and it's off to Miz. Jericho comes in but gets distracted by Ziggler, allowing Miz to kick him in the face.

Dolph comes in legally and is immediately sent to the floor by Jericho. Vickie acts as a human shield to block a dive and we take a break. Back with Miz holding Christian in a chinlock. Back up and Christian grabs a sunset flip for two on Miz but the champ kicks Christian in the face for two. Off to Bryan for some NO kicks followed by a Ziggler dropkick for two.

Back to Miz as the heels are working well together. Another boot to the face gets yet another two count on Christian and it's off to a chinlock. Miz's running clothesline in the corner eats boots and Christian takes him down with a jumping back elbow off the middle rope. Double tags bring in Bryan and Jericho and they run the ropes. Jericho changes directions and hits a springboard dropkick to take out Ziggler.

Lionsault gets two on Bryan and it's off to Kane. Christian and Miz tumble to the floor, landing on Kane in the process. Jericho puts Bryan in the Liontamer but Jericho has to hit a Codebreaker on Ziggler. The distraction lets Bryan roll him up for the pin at 8:30 shown of 12:00.

Bryan shouts NO in a fan's face post match.

Orton says the WWE is his life and being away from Raw and Smackdown was like taking the breath away from him. Del Rio is only the #1 contender because he hasn't faced Orton. Tonight it's an RKO for Del Rio.

Jinder Mahal vs. Ryback

Ryback actually gets to cut an inset promo, talking about how he lives by the rule of eat or be eaten and everywhere he looks in the WWE, he sees food. Feed him more. Not bad. Ryback slams him to the mat and rams Mahal's head into the mat to start. Mahal comes back with the jumping knee to the head but a second one is countered into a spinebuster to put Mahal down. They head outside and Mahal hits Ryback in the head with I think the microphone for the DQ at 1:13.

The Prime Time Players want t-shirts.

Darren Young vs. R-Truth

Truth goes right after Young to start and pounds him into the corner and then against the ropes. AW is at ringside and has the mic again. Truth is sent to the floor and Titus gets in some shots, so here's Kofi for the save. AW throws his jacket at Kofi's head so Kofi chases him off. Truth tries to suplex Young back in but Titus trips him up for two. Kofi is back now but gets his head taken off by Titus. The distraction lets Young hit the double knee gutbuster for the pin at 1:55.

Raw ReBound is about Punk's explanation and the eventual announcement of the triple threat match.

TOUT IT OUT ABOUT PUNK BABY! Oh my goodness these people get on my nerves.

We recap Booker being announced as GM.

Booker is on the phone in the back when Layla comes in. Cody Rhodes comes in to brag about retiring Booker earlier this year. Layla leaves and Booker makes Cody vs. Sin Cara for next week.

Randy Orton vs. Alberto Del Rio

Del Rio sends him into the corner immediately and works on the arm. Orton comes back with a clothesline and pounds away in the corner. Del Rio goes to the floor but comes back in and rams Orton into the top rope to take over. Out to the floor we go and Del Rio kicks Orton in the chest. Del Rio hooks a chinlock but Orton escapes and hits his circle of stomps. Knee drop misses and Alberto takes over again.

Orton gets sent into the corner and Del Rio kicks him again. I'm not sure if the black trunks are helping Del Rio or not. Orton avoids a charging Alberto, sending Del Rio's shoulder into the post. That gets two and Orton starts his finishing sequence. The powerslam puts Del Rio down as does the Elevated DDT. Here comes the RKO but Ricardo runs in for the DQ at 6:13.

Post match Del Rio goes after the arm but Orton blocks the armbreaker and dropkicks Del Rio to the floor. Sheamus throws Del Rio in for the RKO to end the show.

Sheamus b. Tensai – Brogue Kick
Antonio Cesaro b. Santino Marella – Gotch Style Neutralizer
Daniel Bryan/The Miz/Dolph Ziggler b. Christian/Kane/Chris Jericho – Rollup to Jericho
Ryback b. Jinder Mahal via DQ when Mahal hit Ryback with the microphone
Darren Young b. R-Truth – Double Knee Gutbuster
Randy Orton b. Alberto Del Rio via DQ when Ricardo Rodriguez interfered




JBL is claiming that he's back as the Smackdown commentator.

Quick Results

Monday Night Raw
Alberto Del Rio b. Santino Marella – Cross Armbreaker
Sheamus b. Daniel Bryan – Brogue Kick
Titus O'Neal b. Kofi Kingston – Clash of the Titus
Randy Orton b. Heath Slater – RKO
Christian/Chris Jericho b. The Miz/Dolph Ziggler – Codebreaker to Miz
Tyson Kidd b. Tensai via DQ when Tensai attacked Kidd after the match ended
John Cena vs. Big Show went to a no contest

Richie Steamboat b. Leo Kruger – Sling Blade
Big E. Langston b. Adam Mercer – Final Cut
Raquel Diaz b. Audrey Marie – Gory Bomb
Mike Dalton/Jason Jordan b. Hunico/Camacho – Hurricanrana to Camacho
Seth Rollins b. Drew McIntyre – Blackout

Impact Wrestling
Kenny King/Austin Aries b. Bobby Roode/Zema Ion – Reverse F5 to Ion
Bully Ray b. Robbie E – Bubba Cutter
Madison Rayne b. Tara, Mickie James and Gail Kim – Rollup to Tara
Chavo Guerrero b. Kid Kash – Frog Splash
James Storm b. Kurt Angle – Last Call

Sheamus b. Tensai – Brogue Kick
Antonio Cesaro b. Santino Marella – Gotch Style Neutralizer
Daniel Bryan/The Miz/Dolph Ziggler b. Christian/Kane/Chris Jericho – Rollup to Jericho
Ryback b. Jinder Mahal via DQ when Mahal hit Ryback with the microphone
Darren Young b. R-Truth – Double Knee Gutbuster
Randy Orton b. Alberto Del Rio via DQ when Ricardo Rodriguez interfered

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