Week of 7/21/2014 - 7/27/2014


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House

Monday Night Raw
Date: July 21, 2014
Location: American Airlines Arena, Miami, Florida
Commentators: Michael Cole, John Bradshaw Layfield, Jerry Lawler

We're past Battleground and officially heading towards Summerslam. The show is in less than four weeks and the main event, while pretty obvious, has the potential to be awesome. Tonight we're likely finding out what HHH's Plan C is and who will be challenging Cena at Summerslam. Other than that Flo Rida is performing tonight for reasons that aren't exactly clear. Let's get to it.

Here's HHH to open things up. He talks about how no one wants to look him in the eye because they think he'll blow a gasket over the Authority losing last night. HHH goes off, saying he hasn't been this mad in a long time but he has options. He says he's going to Tweet about how upset he is. He's so mad he might even send an Instagram or a VINE. If he doesn't get what he wants, hes' going to riot. And if THAT doesn't work, he and his friend Mark are going to stop watching. Or another option is to fire everyone backstage.

HHH calms down and says he could lay back because he has options. He even guarantees that Cena won't leave Summerslam as WWE Champion. The only question is who gets to take it from him. This brings out Randy Orton who wants a one on one match with Cena. HHH says Orton is the frontrunner, but the entire roster is going to get a chance to impress him. Randy blames Kane and here's the monster himself. Kane says he can beat Cena if he doesn't have to babysit Randy Orton.

Cue Roman Reigns who says no one wants to see Cena vs. Kane, and for sure no one wants to see Cena vs. Orton AGAIN. It sounds to him like everyone wants to see Roman Reigns vs. John Cena. Reigns gets in and lays out Kane with a Superman Punch but Orton bails to the floor. HHH makes Kane/Orton vs. Roman Reigns right now.

Roman Reigns vs. Randy Orton/Kane

Randy starts for his team and gets popped in the jaw with a right hand. Kane comes in and walks into a Samoan drop so it's back to Randy. Reigns finally gets slowed down with a knee to the ribs and the heels start making fast tags. Roman quickly fights out of a nerve hold and raises a boot to stop a charging Kane. The monster gets sent to the floor and we take a break.

Back with Reigns fighting out of a chinlock but getting stomped down to the mat. Kane comes in again with an elbow to the jaw for two and it's back to Orton for another chinlock. Reigns fights up again with another Samoan drop before knocking Kane into the ropes for the running boot. Kane clotheslines Reigns down but Orton won't tag in. Orton gets grabbed by the throat but Reigns uses the distraction to hit the Superman Punch and the spear for the pin on Kane at 12:18.

Orton teases getting in the ring but backs down from Reigns.

Stephanie gives Alicia Fox/Eva Marie/Cameron/Rosa Mendes a pep talk before their four on one handicap match against Nikki Bella.

Alicia Fox/Cameron/Rosa Mendes/Eva Marie vs. Nikki Bella

Brie is in the front row so here's Stephanie to say everything that is happening to Nikki because Brie is a quitter. Brie calls Stephanie a very mean name and holds up her ticket. They yell at each other some more and Stephanie slaps Brie again before Brie gets dragged out. The bell rings and Nikki is of course destroyed. Alicia calls off the dogs before pinning Nikki in 32 seconds.

Stephanie says Nikki is going to quit soon.

Damien Sandow vs. Bo Dallas

This week Sandow is in a Miami Heat jersey with the word Miami crossed off and Cleveland written below it. Damien starts fast but Bo fights back wit a backdrop and clothesline to send Sandow outside. Back in and Bo hammers away with right hands. Bo is wrestling more like a face this week. Sandow knees him in the ribs and nails a suplex before putting on a chinlock. The Wind-Up Elbow misses and a Bodog keeps Bo undefeated at 2:30.

Back from a break with the Highlight Reel but Bray and the Family have laid out Jericho in the locker room. Bray shows us a clip of the attack and him telling Jericho that sooner or later, they all fall down. In the arena, Bray says Jericho isn't here but Bray Wyatt is. The fans may think that Chris Jericho is a better man than he is, but a loss in a battle means nothing to him.

The war is all that counts and he was the man that created war. It hasn't been long since the Wyatts brought heroes to their knees. You cannot measure him like a normal man because society does not make him and he lives a hundred years a day. Abigail told him to never chase vengeance or he would have to dig two graves: one for his enemy and one for himself.

Jericho is in the back and bleeding from the ear.

The Miz vs. Dolph Ziggler

Non-title. Miz runs to the floor to start and Ziggler finally chases after him, only to fail at sending Miz into the steps. Back in and Miz stomps away but Ziggler takes him down and drops nine straight elbows. Miz trips Dolph up and puts on a chinlock before Miz catapults him over the top. Ziggler skins the cat and pulls Miz to the apron with him, only to be sent into the post as we take a break.

Back with Ziggler grabbing his arms but still not being able to nail a right hand to the face. Miz stomps on him even more and we hit the chinlock. Ziggler fights up and sends him into the buckle, followed by clotheslines and a neckbreaker. The Fameasser is countered into a rollup for two and a Side Effect gets the same for Miz.

Ziggler kicks him in the jaw and grabs a running DDT for two more. Miz's short DDT gets two and it's time to go after the leg. The Figure Four goes on but Ziggler finally dives for the ropes. Back up and a Fameasser gets another near fall on Miz but Ziggler can't hit the Fameasser. Miz loads up the Skull Crushing Finale, only to get rolled through into the Zig Zag for the pin at 13:35.

HHH is telling Seth Rollins that there's no reason for him to face John Cena at Summerslam because he's got a title shot whenever he wants it. Rollins says there's no way this can happen because Dean Ambrose keeps interfering. Cesaro comes in and says he's no longer a Heyman Guy. Instead he'd rather be HHH's guy. Rollins says HHH already has a guy, but Cesaro says he'd be a great choice to face Cena at Summerslam. HHH says it would be very impressive if Cesaro could beat Dean Ambrose tonight.

Emma/Natalya vs. AJ Lee/Paige

Emma trips AJ down to start and they trade rollups for two each. Paige comes in and walks into the Emma Lock before it's off to Natalya for two off a rollup. Natalya puts on the Sharpshooter but Paige crawls over for the tag to AJ. A Shining Wizard and the Black Widow make Natalya tap at 2:25.

Post match Paige turns full heel and destroys AJ, including throwing her over the announcers' table. Paige skips away.

Fandango vs. Zack Ryder

Ryder comes out with Summer Rae and Layla this time. Ryder hammers away to start but Fandango nails him with a dropkick. Fandango takes him down but gets caught in a faceplant. Ryder's middle rope dropkick misses but Fandango doesn't follow up. Ryder comes back with a Rough Ryder for the pin at 1:47. Layla shoved Fandango's foot off the rope to give Ryder the win.

We recap Brie and Stephanie from earlier.

Flo Rida thinks he might get the title shot against John Cena. Heath Slater comes up and wants revenge from Flo Rida attacking him at Wrestlemania XXVIII. Slater shoves him and is shoved down to the ground.

Flo Rida performs. Stephanie was in the ring to introduce him and is arrested after the performance for attacking Brie earlier. Brie pops up and yells at her before being dragged off again. Stephanie is taken to the back and HHH tries to calm her down as Stephanie is put in the police car. HHH: “Is this a hybrid?” He promises to have her out of jail in five minutes.

Back from a break and HHH is about to leave but a guy (maybe Joey Mercury) says HHH has to decide on Cena's opponent. HHH says family is more important but realizes that it's going to take awhile to process Stephanie. He keeps the car on standby.

Ryback/Curtis Axel vs. Kofi Kingston/Big E.

Ryback and Big E. get things going with Ryback hammering away against the ropes. Big E. runs him over but walks into a spinebuster and gets double teamed in the corner. A side slam gets two for Ryback and he throws Big E. down with a belly to belly. The Meat Hook is countered by a clothesline from Big E. and he makes the hot tag to Kofi. Kingston speeds things up and gets two off the SOS as everything breaks down. Ryback rolls through a high cross body and pins Kofi at 3:25.

Big E. and Kofi are upset post match but Xavier Woods, now in glasses and a white suit, comes in and says they're not getting anywhere by shaking hands and kissing babies. Instead of asking, now they're going to be taking. Kofi and Big E. seem to agree. That was a very heelish promo from Woods.

We look back at the Wyatts attacking Jericho earlier.

Rusev vs. Great Khali

Rusev is still selling the ankle lock from last night. The big chop stuns Rusev and a big boot stops his charge. More chops in the corner have Rusev breathing deep but he nails Khali in the throat. The big chop puts Rusev down but he pops up and kicks Khali in the shoulder. A running superkick to the face sets up the Accolade for the submission at 2:27.

Clip of Sheamus on Royal Pains this week.

Stardust and Goldust talk about the Cosmic Key some more. It's calling them.

We recap Brie and Stephanie again. Renee Young reports that Stephanie is going to be arraigned tonight and may be charged with resisting arrest.

Dean Ambrose vs. Cesaro

Ambrose hammers away to start and takes Cesaro to the floor to keep up the beating. Back in and Cesaro kicks him in the face before sending Ambrose shoulder first into the post. HHH is on the phone in the back while Orton and Rollins watch on. Cesaro cranks on the arm and the match slows down a lot. Back up and Cesaro nails him with a right hand, only to be sent to the floor. Ambrose tries a dive but lands on an uppercut as we take a break.

Back with Cesaro still on the arm before getting two off a German suplex. Cesaro's superplex is countered and Ambrose nails a missile dropkick followed by a cross body. Ambrose suplex is countered but he sends Cesaro into the corner to escape a cross face chicken wing.

Cesaro heads outside but gets wiped out with a suicide dive. Back in and the rebound clothesline gets two on Cesaro but he comes back with a clothesline of his own. Dean gets a boot up in the corner but goes up and gets crotched into the Tree of Woe. Cesaro charges into the post twice in a row and Ambrose throws him in a third time. With the insanity setting in, Dean grabs a chair and blasts Cesaro in the arm for the DQ at 12:32.

Renee asks HHH if he should be with his wife right now and gets glared at.

HHH is in the ring and brings out Orton as the challenger, but Reigns intercepts Orton on the way to the ring and brawls with him into the crowd. This brings out Paul Heyman who says HHH needs to consider Plan C. Cue Lesnar and HHH isn't sure what to do. Brock stares him down and HHH shakes his hand. The boss leaves and Heyman gets to do his greasy promo about how Lesnar conquered the Streak. Now it's time for Lesnar to conquer John Cena and take the WWE Championship at Summerslam.

Heyman says it doesn't matter if you chant LET'S GO CENA or CENA SUCKS because Brock Lesnar is going to destroy Cena one way or another. We get a clip from Wrestlemania where the Streak was conquered and Paul talks about how that same beating is awaiting John Cena. Lesnar is going to punch, hurt, injure and F5 John Cena before taking the WWE Championship from him. He pledges loyalty to Brock Lesnar and promises Brock will take the title from Cena at Summerslam.

Roman Reigns b. Kane/Randy Orton – Spear to Reigns
Alicia Fox/Cameron/Rosa Mendes/Eva Marie b. Nikki Bella – Fox pinned Nikki after all four attacked her
Bo Dallas b. Damien Sandow – Bodog
Dolph Ziggler b. The Miz – Zig Zag
AJ Lee/Paige b. Natalya/Emma – Black Widow to Natalya
Zack Ryder b. Fandango – Rough Ryder
Curtis Axel/Ryback b. Big E./Kofi Kingston – Ryback rolled through a high cross body
Rusev b. Great Khali – Accolade
Cesaro b. Dean Ambrose via DQ when Ambrose used a chair




Sheamus was pulled from Main Event due to a bad case of the flu.


Date: July 24, 2014
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Renee Young, Rich Brennan, Alex Riley

As usual with NXT, there are a few matches already set for this week. Tonight we're getting Summer Rae vs. Charlotte for the Women's Title to likely blow off the BFFs once and for all as well as Kalisto finding a partner to help him fight off the Vaudevillains. That's one of the things I like best about NXT: they don't have to start from scratch every week and it saves them so much time. Let's get to it.

We open with a recap of the collapse of the BFFs and Charlotte's rise to the Women's Title.

Opening sequence.

Ascension vs. ???/???

Viktor destroys Jobber #1 to start and throws him into Jobber #2 in the corner. Konnor comes in and Jobber #2's chop just ticks him off. Jobber #2 gets destroyed for a bit and Fall of Man ends Jobber #2 at 2:37.

Tyler Breeze vs. Mojo Rawley

Beauty Shot ends this at 30 seconds in the only move of the match. So much for Rawley.

Women's Title: Summer Rae vs. Charlotte

Charlotte is defending. Heaven help me but Summer's theme song is growing on me. They get in each others' faces to start before Charlotte shoves Summer down. She mocks Summer's dancing and we go into the catfight. Charlotte takes over with some knees to the back and a Figure Four Neck Lock. We take a break and come back with Summer in the same hold and shouting about her beautiful face.

Charlotte flips her forward but gets sent to the floor to give Summer control. She slams Charlotte face first into the mat for two and puts on a bodyscissors. We get the very rare BORING chant in NXT as Charlotte gets caught in a half crab. Charlotte bites her way out and now the fans are doing the wave. A double clothesline puts both girls down but it's Charlotte up first and taking control. She grabs a quick Bow Down to the Queen to retain at 9:50.

Video on Alexa Bliss.

Sin Cara/Kalisto vs. Vaudevillains

Not a huge surprise but it's the right choice for a partner. English and Kalisto get things going with the masked man taking him down in a headlock. Off to Sin Cara for a loud chop and a cross body into a series of right hands to the head. Aiden dropkicks a springboard cross body out of the air for two and it's off to Gotch. Renee: “Gotch isn't allowed in England for trying to capture the Loch Ness Monster but getting Giant Haystacks.”

Gotch hammers away and gets two off a sunset flip before it's back to English for a hard stomping. English gets caught in an armdrag into a powerbomb and it's off to Kalisto to speed things up. Everything breaks down and Sin dives out onto English and Kalisto hits a standing Sliced Bread #2 for the pin on Gotch at 6:00.

Rusev vs. Adrian Neville

Non-title. Lana does her thing and talks about America's obsessions with stars before the match. Rusev even speaks some English and talks about being the super athlete. Neville moves around as much as he can to start but gets caught in the corner and the beating begins.

The champion gets up some boots in the corner to stop a charge but the rest of his kicks don't have much of an effect. Rusev grabs the leg and gets choked in the air. Neville comes back with a springboard missile dropkick. Tyler Breeze comes out for a distraction though and Rusev runs Neville over. Adrian escapes the fall away slam and nails a big kick. He loads up the Red Arrow but Breeze shoves him off for the DQ at 4:02.

Rusev puts him in the Accolade and makes Neville tap after the bell.

Ascension b. ???/??? – Fall of Man to ???
Tyler Breeze b. Mojo Rawley – Beauty Shot
Charlotte b. Summer Rae – Bow Down to the Queen
Sin Cara/Kalisto b. Vaudevillains – Standing Sliced Bread #2 to Gotch
Adrian Neville b. Rusev via DQ when Tyler Breeze interfered

Impact Wrestling
Date: July 24, 2014
Location: Manhattan Center, New York City, New York
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Taz

It's the second show in New York and the main story is whether or not Austin Aries is going to cash in the X-Division Title for a shot at the World Title next week. Does TNA think that the fans believe he might keep the midcard title instead of going after the big one using an idea he created? Other than that I'm sure Bully will be chasing Dixie around the arena with a table in hand again. Let's get to it.

Austin Aries arrives.

We look back at the end of last week's show where Ray almost put Dixie through a table.

MVP vs. Bobby Roode

Falls count anywhere. There's no MVP so we go to the back where Angle orders MVP, still on crutches, to the ring. Roode runs to the back and goes after MVP before ramming him into various hard objects. They head back to the arena and fight in the crowd. There hasn't been a bell yet. MVP throws a beer at Roode and hits him in the ribs with chair but misses a running kick to the face.

They get back to ringside and MVP knocks him down for some two counts. I didn't hear a bell but I guess that doesn't matter in a brawl like this. Roode suplexes him on the ramp for two as Kenny King makes a save. Eric Young jumps King from behind and chases him off as Roode is sent into the steps. Back in and MVP nails Roode in the back with a chair over and over. He tries a running boot to drive Roode's head into the chair but Bobby moves and kicks out the bad knee. Now it's Roode with the chair and hammers away at the knee before putting on a bad looking Sharpshooter for the submission at approximately 8:00.

Video on Hardy vs. Lashley last week.

Video on Team 3D attacking Spud and Ethan last week.

Dixie is here to support Ethan in his match tonight. Bully will NOT put her through a table and she'll stand over Ray's dead body.

Here's a limping Jeff Hardy with something to say. Jeff says we'll see Willow again someday and he does everything to entertain the people. He says he's got someone special for us here and the fans chant for Matt. That's exactly what they get too and Matt looks better than he has in awhile.

Matt thanks Jeff and the fans for letting him come back because he needed to go away and get healthy. He thinks he's let the fans down but they tell him thank you. Matt thinks it's time for the Hardy Boys to be back on top of the roster, and what better way than to win the Tag Team Titles at Destination X? He invites the Wolves down to see them and here come the champions. There isn't much said here, but the Wolves respect the Hardys very much and would love to give them a title shot.

Aries has made his decision.

All three BroMans are in the ring with Jesse bragging about Robbie E. being on a reality show. He won't say what it is but says it's a big deal (it's Amazing Race). DJZ brags about being the best in the X-Division. Now it's time for his match.

Low Ki vs. DJZ

DJZ actually takes over to start and gets two off a running knee to the face. Ki comes back with kicks to the face and right hands in the corner and a quick Ki Crusher (sitout fisherman's buster) gets the pin at 2:30.

Gunner is in the back with Samuel Shaw and talking about some girl when Anderson comes in. Shaw knows Anderson doesn't like him, but maybe one day he'll have to.

Ethan Carter III is with Rhino and Spud and talks about being from the streets of Boca Raton. Dixie comes in with King Mo and tells her men to take out the extreme guys in their hometown.

Magnus/Bram vs. Gunner/Mr. Anderson

Gunner elbows Magnus in the face to start but it's quickly off to Bram with a big slam. More slams have him in trouble and Gunner hammers away with right hands. It's back to Magnus who gets elbowed down by Anderson, followed by the rolling fireman's carry. Everything breaks down and Bram posts Anderson before sending him back in for a Spine Shanker (German suplex into a sitout Rock Bottom) for the pin at 2:48.

The Brits keep up the beating post match but Shaw runs in to take the shot with the piece of metal for Anderson. Abyss runs in and beats up Bram for the save.

Bully Ray says he's losing sleep over not being able to put Dixie through a table. Tonight he's teaming with Dreamer and D-Von in a New York City street fight.

Video on Austin Aries and the history of Option C.

Kurt Angle comes out and explains Option C to the fans before asking Aries to come out. Austin says this sounds like a no brainer. This brings out MVP and Bobby Lashley with the former boss talking about how Lashley is bigger, stronger and faster than Austin Aries. MVP says Aries has built up the X-Division and should stick to what he knows.

Aries cuts them off and says he knows how to touch things and make the great. He knows what it takes to be the World Heavyweight Champion. Aries knows that MVP held him down and says he can do things in this ring that MVP couldn't do with four legs. Lashley may be bigger and stronger than Aries, but there's no way he's tougher. Austin cashes in the belt for a shot next week.

Video on Gail Kim and Taryn Terrell's rivalry.

Knockouts Title: Gail Kim vs. Taryn Terrell

Gail is defending and starts fast with a takedown followed by a superplex. The running cross body in the corner gets two but both girls try cross bodies at the same time. Taryn makes her comeback with a snap suplex and goes up to but the Beautiful People come in for the DQ at 4:04.

Jeremy Borash brings out Great Muta but Robbie E. interrupts. He wants a match right now and it's on.

Great Muta vs. Robbie E.

Kicks, power drive elbows, Shining Wizard, pin in 57 seconds.

James Storm comes out post match and yells at Muta about earning your spot. He spits beer in Muta's face and beats him down but Sanada comes in with the save. Sanada turns on Muta with the mist and lays him out before nailing a moonsault. He bows to Storm and leaves with him.

Dixie and King Mo talk about regretting allowing Tommy Dreamer to come in here a few years ago. They want those chants to stop.

Tommy Dreamer/Team 3D vs. Ethan Carter III/Spud/Rhino

Street fight. It's a brawl to start of course and Ethan is coming in with bad ribs from the attack last week. The extreme ones take over to start and Bully throws Spud over the top and down onto Carter. Rhino is dropped as well and we take an early break. Back with Ray using the cheese grater on Ethan's chest but Rhino makes the save.

Dreamer takes Rhino down and Spud goes after D-Von in the corner, only to get caught in a Doomsday Device. Dreamer does the baseball slide into the chair in the Tree of Woe and it's table time. A fan in a black hoodie tries to jump the barricade but Ray is right on him. Dreamer hits Carter with a Singapore cane and loads up the piledriver but Ezekiel Jackson from WWE runs in and lays Dreamer out, allowing Ethan to hit the 1%er onto a chair for the pin on Dreamer at 9:43.

Post match a gloating Dixie comes out and tells security to let the other guy up, revealing Snitsky. The beating is on and Team Dixie stands tall to end the show. Rhino holding up the unconscious Spud made me chuckle.

Bobby Roode b. MVP – Sharpshooter
Low Ki b. DJZ – Ki Crusher
Bram/Magnus b. Gunner/Mr. Anderson – Spine Shanker to Anderson
Gail Kim vs. Taryn Terrell went to a no contest when the Beautiful People interfered
Great Muta b. Robbie E. – Shining Wizard
Ethan Carter III/Rhino/Spud b. Team 3D/Tommy Dreamer – 1%er onto a chair to Dreamer


Date: July 25, 2014
Location: Orlando Amway Arena, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Michael Cole, John Bradshaw Layfield

We're done with Battleground and heading towards Summerslam with the announced main event of Brock Lesnar challenging John Cena for the WWE Title. Other than that the big story seems to be Reigns vs. Orton which would be Reigns' first big solo match on the grand stage. A win over a former World Champion at Summerslam will be nothing but good for him. Let's get to it.

We open with a recap of Lesnar being announced as the #1 contender.

Opening sequence.

Ryback/Curtis Axel vs. Usos

Non-title. Jey and Ryback get things going with the big guy nailing a quick hiptoss but missing a Warrior Splash. Off to Jimmy for some chops but Ryback shoves him out of the corner. Axel comes in and hammers away before not ducking enough on a leapfrog from Jimmy. Curtis throws Jimmy to the floor and Ryback nails him with a running clothesline as we take a break.

Back with Ryback firing off chops to Jimmy in the corner before driving him over to the other corner for a beating from Axel. Curtis hits a running knee to the head for two and now Ryback's Warrior Splash connects. We hit a chinlock for a bit before Jimmy fights up and nails an enziguri. The hot tag brings in Jey and things speed up. There's the running Umaga attack to Axel and a Samoan drop gets two. Ryback gets low bridged to the floor and there's the Flying Uso to take him down. Axel dropkicks Jey off the apron but some Twin Magic allows Jimmy to roll Curtis up for the pin at 6:50 shown of 9:50.

One other note: at the tapings, Ryback walked out on Axel after the match. That isn't mentioned or shown here so I'm guessing WWE changed its mind.

Time for MizTV. Miz brags about winning the Intercontinental Title on Sunday and asks for quiet on the set so he can give his acceptance speech. He thanks his team and introduces his parents in the front row. Miz's mom's arms are more defined than her son's. Mom says it's awesome to have the Intercontinental Champion for a son. Miz asks who is her favorite WWE superstar and is surprised when she says Roman Reigns. “He's hot!” The responses sounded intentionally scripted until the end.

Back in the ring and Miz keeps thanking people until Bo Dallas interrupts. JBL loves the idea of Dallas taking victory lap before he gets a victory. Bo says it's ok that he wasn't thanked by name because it's clear that Miz Bolieves. Miz says he's a huge fan and they should do lunch sometime.

This brings out Dolph Ziggler for another interruption. He says Miz's speech was great but don't pretend that was some big moment. The only award Miz should win is for hiding on the floor while Dolph did all the work. Both Miz and Dallas have million dollar smiles and they're both full of it. Dallas says Ziggler can be like them if he Bolieves before nailing Dolph with the microphone. After a break we've got a match.

Dolph Ziggler vs. Bo Dallas

Miz is on commentary. One thing I really like here: Cole says this was made by the Authority during the break. But how will people know how the match was made without a GM to walk them through it? Dallas hammers away to start as Cole brings up how scripted Miz's mom sounded. Bo stomps on Dolph but charges into a boot, setting up the running DDT for two. Ziggler throws him to the floor and teases a superkick at Miz before going back inside for two off a Fameasser. Miz gets on the apron for a distraction, allowing Dallas to grab a rollup and trunks to make him 17-0 at 3:30.

Post match Ziggler superkicks Bo but gets posted by the champion.

Roman Reigns says HHH has a Plan A and a Plan B, but no plan matters when you get hit with the Superman Punch. Tonight he's facing Alberto Del Rio, and Alberto better have a plan because Reigns has the punch. He's getting there with the talking.

Cesaro vs. Dean Ambrose

No DQ after Ambrose got DQ'ed on Monday. Ambrose stomps him down in the corner and wants to know who sent Cesaro out here. He pulls out some Singapore canes and chairs but Cesaro kicks him off the apron. Cesaro gets a cane of his own but only hits the post, allowing Ambrose to take him over the barricade and into the timekeeper's area. A box of something goes onto Cesaro's head but he comes back with a cane shot to the chest as Ambrose dives off the announcers' table.

We take a break and come back with Cesaro holding a cane over Dean's face. He sets up two chairs and slams Dean onto the chairs, which don't move. Back to the cane over the face before Cesaro nails him in the bad shoulder a few times. Dean says bring it and catches the next swing before hitting the rebound clothesline. Now it's Ambrose's turn to hammer away with the cane.

That's not enough for Dean though as he sets up two chairs back to back but neither guy can nail a suplex. Instead Dean picks one up and suplexes Cesaro through the other chair for two. A middle rope chair shot to Cesaro's arm has him in trouble but he slams Dean onto a chair for a near fall of his own. They head outside and Dean nails a suicide dive before throwing about ten chairs into the ring.

Ambrose throws Cesaro back in but here's Rollins to jump Dean. It doesn't seem to matter as Dean clotheslines him into the crowd but gets crotched on the top rope by Cesaro. A BIG superplex puts both guys down onto the pile of chairs for two and Cesaro is shocked. He's so shocked that Ambrose grabs a small package out of nowhere for the pin at 11:39 shown of 14:39.

Post match Rollins comes in and helps Cesaro lay out Dean to a huge YOU SOLD OUT chant. Dean is helped out by medics.

We recap Paige vs. AJ from Paige's debut up to her heel turn on Monday. They made this feel like a pretty huge feud.

Paige vs. Naomi

Paige skips to the ring ala AJ and actually pulls it off really well. She insists that she and AJ are still friends. Cameron comes out right after the bell and Paige gets in a cheap shot. The Rampaige (fisherman's DDT) sets up the PTO for the win at 33 seconds.

Cameron beats up Naomi post match and says she's here to make a statement. Naomi nails her in the face but gets knocked off the apron.

Goldust and Stardust look at an electrified crystal ball with Goldust saying he can see the golden stars. The Cosmic Key is discussed some more and Goldust pulls his head back. When he looks back, Stardust's head has replaced the ball. Goldust is in a magician's hat.

R-Truth vs. Bray Wyatt

Before the match we see Bray attacking Jericho backstage on Raw. Bray hammers away to start but walks into a running forearm. Truth dances a bit but turns around to see the Spider Walk. The running cross body to the ribs drops Truth sets up Sister Abigail for the pin at 2:04. Squash.

Post match Bray says Truth was there when Jericho needed him, but now Jericho isn't here for Truth. Jericho may not be a savior, but Bray is.

Video on Stephanie being arrested. She'll return on Raw. Again I ask: is it really a return when you were on the previous show?

We see Brock returning and Heyman's promo.

Roman Reigns vs. Alberto Del Rio

Reigns hammers away in the corner but Del Rio goes after the arm very quickly. He tries the armbreaker about a minute into the match but is quickly sent to the floor as we take an early break. Back with Reigns getting kicked in the face but coming back with a Samoan drop and a clothesline to send Del Rio outside. Reigns misses a charge and hits the post, allowing Del Rio to wrap the arm around the steel. A superkick drives the arm into the post again and it's back inside for two.

Reigns breaks out of an armbar in a few seconds but Del Rio sends him into the buckle. The middle rope double stomp drives Reigns' head into the mat. The bad arm is rammed into the steps a few times for two and the corner enziguri gets the same. Reigns tries to fight back but gets caught in the armbreaker over the ropes. That's fine with Roman as he pulls Alberto up and nails an uppercut to knock Del Rio out to the floor.

Back in and Reigns hits a running clothesline but charges into a boot in the corner. A clothesline puts Del Rio down but he avoids the apron kick. I believe that's the first time anyone has ever done that. Del Rio nails a baseball slide for two and puts Roman in the Tree of Woe for some kicks to the ribs. Reigns avoids a charge and sends Del Rio's shoulder into the post. Now the apron kick connects, followed by the Superman Punch and a spear for the pin at 9:32 shown of 12:32.

Usos b. Ryback/Curtis Axel – Small package to Axel
Bo Dallas b. Dolph Ziggler – Rollup with a handful of trunks
Dean Ambrose b. Cesaro – Small package
Paige b. Naomi – PTO
Bray Wyatt b. R-Truth – Sister Abigail
Roman Reigns b. Alberto Del Rio – Spear




SpikeTV will not be renewing Impact. This puts TNA in a very bad place.

Quick Results

Monday Night Raw
Roman Reigns b. Kane/Randy Orton – Spear to Reigns
Alicia Fox/Cameron/Rosa Mendes/Eva Marie b. Nikki Bella – Fox pinned Nikki after all four attacked her
Bo Dallas b. Damien Sandow – Bodog
Dolph Ziggler b. The Miz – Zig Zag
AJ Lee/Paige b. Natalya/Emma – Black Widow to Natalya
Zack Ryder b. Fandango – Rough Ryder
Curtis Axel/Ryback b. Big E./Kofi Kingston – Ryback rolled through a high cross body
Rusev b. Great Khali – Accolade
Cesaro b. Dean Ambrose via DQ when Ambrose used a chair

Ascension b. ???/??? – Fall of Man to ???
Tyler Breeze b. Mojo Rawley – Beauty Shot
Charlotte b. Summer Rae – Bow Down to the Queen
Sin Cara/Kalisto b. Vaudevillains – Standing Sliced Bread #2 to Gotch
Adrian Neville b. Rusev via DQ when Tyler Breeze interfered

Impact Wrestling
Bobby Roode b. MVP – Sharpshooter
Low Ki b. DJZ – Ki Crusher
Bram/Magnus b. Gunner/Mr. Anderson – Spine Shanker to Anderson
Gail Kim vs. Taryn Terrell went to a no contest when the Beautiful People interfered
Great Muta b. Robbie E. – Shining Wizard
Ethan Carter III/Rhino/Spud b. Team 3D/Tommy Dreamer – 1%er onto a chair to Dreamer

Usos b. Ryback/Curtis Axel – Small package to Axel
Bo Dallas b. Dolph Ziggler – Rollup with a handful of trunks
Dean Ambrose b. Cesaro – Small package
Paige b. Naomi – PTO
Bray Wyatt b. R-Truth – Sister Abigail
Roman Reigns b. Alberto Del Rio – Spear

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