Week of 7/16/2012 - 7/22/2012


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House

Smackdown got a 1.79 on Friday.

Monday Night Raw
Date: July 16, 2012
Location: Mandalay Bay Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada
Commentators: Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler

Money in the Bank is over and Cena is Mr. MITB for Raw. Tonight is the final show before the real big match of the month in the form of the 1000th Raw. Punk is still champion so it's pretty clear that Cena vs. Punk is either going to be next week or at Summerslam, unless they throw us an unlikely curve ball. Let's get to it.

Here's Punk to open the show. He talks about how he loves Vegas because it's the same place that he dropped his first pipe bomb right up there on that stage. Last night he went through a war and kept the world title, because he's the best in the world, which is what he said a year ago. With the 1000th Raw next week, he has to flash back to the first Raw when he wouldn't even get a chance to be on TV.

Cue Big Show, who Punk faces tonight. Show says he was inches away from winning the MITB case last night but the handle broke to give it to Cena. If Show had the case, he'd cash it in right now. Punk says Show almost won last night, but he didn't quite do it. Show is a guy that breaks a lot of stuff but no one respects him.

Show laughs at the idea that people respect Punk, but that's impossible because the people don't respect themselves. If Punk left the WWE tomorrow, it would be a week before the people moved on to the next big thing. Show calls Punk a joke so Punk says Show is a well paid shell of a man that happens to be a giant. Show says that after Punk gets knocked out tonight, he might lose the title to Cena.

Tag Titles: Kofi Kingston/R-Truth vs. Prime Time Players

1. Why didn't this match happen on the PPV last night?
2. Why did they have the #1 contenders lose clean last night if they're getting the title match tonight?
3. Why should I care?

Titus and Kofi start things off and it's quickly off to Young. Kofi fights them off and brings in Truth as things speed up. The Players get sent to the floor and Kofi hits a flip dive to take them out as we take a break. Back with Young holding onto Truth before it's off to Titus. Kofi finally dives over to Truth and house is a little less dirty now. Kofi hits Trouble in Paradise on Titus and Little Jimmy gets the pin on him at about 7:15 total.

Daniel apologizes to AJ in the back when Eve pops in. Tonight it's AJ/Bryan vs. Eve/???. Eve insults AJ and leaves. Bryan has something to say to AJ after they win tonight and he kisses her on the cheek.


Alberto Del Rio vs. Zach Ryder

Alberto jumps him to start and takes out the arm with a DDT. They go to the floor and it's more arm work followed by the cross armbreaker for the pin at 1:33.

Alberto goes after the arm even more until REY MYSTERIO comes back for the save. By save I mean waiting on the stage and doing his full entrance, during which Del Rio could have ripped Ryder's arm off and beaten him senseless with it. Rey gets beaten down for a second but hits a spinning headscissors and the 619 sends Del Rio running.

Heath Slater vs. various legends happened on Raw. This is really one of the moments they feature.

Heath Slater vs. Rikishi

Kish looks decent. Thankfully he's wearing a t-shirt here which is probably a telling sign for him. Slater sings a bit, takes a superkick, the Stink Face and a Samoan Spike of all things. Rump Shaker ends this at 1:11. See, THIS is how you do nostalgia. Not by having Dusty and Piper come out every three months.

In a very cool moment, the Usos (Rikishi's sons) appear in the ring to do the Too Cool dance with their dad.

Eve Torres/??? vs. Daniel Bryan/AJ

Eve's partner is Miz. The crowd LOUDLY chants YES with Bryan in a cool moment. The guys get us going here. Bryan fires off some HARD kicks in the corner and it's quickly off to the girls. Eve chokes away in the corner but AJ snaps and fires off a bunch of Bryan like kicks. Miz distracts the referee so AJ kicks him to the floor and looks all loony. Eve rolls up AJ but there's no referee. Bryan reverses it and AJ pins Eve at 2:55.

Post match Bryan says he loves AJ and says he asked for her hand in marriage last week to become WWE Champion. Tonight though, he wants nothing. He gets on one knee and pulls out a ring. AJ says yes and they kiss.

Another Raw moment is when Rock threw the Smoking Skull belt into the river.

The wedding is next week. Dang they're packing that thing.

Jack Swagger vs. Ryback

That's quite the upgrade over Hawkins and Reks. Swagger jumps Ryback before the bell and hits the gutwrench bomb. Vader Bomb keeps Ryback down and there's the ankle lock but Ryback shrugs it off. Swagger shoulders him down but can't put the ankle lock on again. Ryback takes Jack's head off with a clothesline and a BIG spinebuster followed by a a triple powerbomb. Swagger bails and Ryback stands tall. The bell never rang and there was never a match. Good looking beatdown though and it's good to see Ryback getting beaten down a bit before making these comebacks.


Here are Ziggler and Vickie. Ziggler talks about how great he is and how he'll be better than Bret, Rock and Austin. Vickie makes sure to say every name after he says it.....and here's Jericho. Ziggler cuts him off before Jericho can say anything because this isn't about Jericho. Ziggler says he won the match last night while Jericho didn't. When is the last time Jericho won anything? Actually Dolph doesn't remember either, but he does remember hearing Jericho talk about how great he is.

Ziggler talks about how all Jericho does is lose, despite being given more chances than anyone else. All Jericho does is lose because he's all hype. Ziggler thinks Jericho is losing his touch, so here's a Codebreaker for him. I think that's a face turn for Jericho. Jericho never said anything and leaves.


We run down the stuff for next week: Bryan/AJ's wedding, Rock live, Brock answers HHH's challenge and DX reunites again.

Brodus Clay vs. JTG

After Brodus' entrance we're told that Christian will defend the IC Title next week due to a poll on WWE.com. JTG actually gets an entrance. Great to see Brodus moving up the card like he has since the Show match. Usual stuff here with JTG going after Brodus' still bad knee. Brodus comes back and splashes JTG for the pin at 2:30.

Vince was bald on Raw once.

CM Punk vs. Big Show

Non title here. Punk tries to move away from Show and stabs with kicks to the leg of the giant. Show gets his hands on the champ and chops him in the corner before running Punk over with a shoulder. They head to the floor and Punk is in big trouble. He escapes the shoulders of Big Show and rams the bald head of the Show into the post. Back inside and here come the kicks. Punk blasts Show a bit but gets shoved right back down.

Punk gets up a boot but jumps into a bearhug and then a slam. With Show firing away shots at the ribs, Punk jumps on his back and hooks a sleeper. That gets broken up by a side slam and Punk is still in trouble. The Vader Bomb misses and Punk tries some clotheslines. They only do so much though as a backdrop puts the champ down. Show loads up the WMD but Punk ducks and hits a high kick. Another high kick staggers Show and a third one knocks him into the corner.

The knee hits in the corner as does a second one. Punk hits a third one but the bulldog is countered. Show charges but a corner splash hits the post. Punk hits the top rope elbow but Show shrugs him off at two. The springboard dropkick lands in the chokeslam but Punk gets his foot on the ropes at two. Show is all ticked off now and he sends Punk into the corner to pound away on the ribs. And there goes the referee for the DQ at 9:20.

Post match the beating continues and here's Cena with the case. Show leaves but Cena wants a mic. He says that he's cashing in......but Show cuts him off before Cena can say when. Show says Cena is cashing in right now because Cena hasn't been champion in a long time. A referee runs out as Show says Cena would be a fool to not cash in now. He says there's never going to be an easier win for Cena than right now, but Cena says no. Cena says that Punk has one week to prepare because it's next week. As for tonight, his announcement is a case shot to the head of Big Show. Punk and Cena stare it down to end the show.

Kofi Kingston/R-Truth b. Prime Time Players – Little Jimmy to O'Neal
Alberto Del Rio b. Zach Ryder – Cross Armbreaker
Rikishi b. Heath Slater – Rump Shaker
AJ/Daniel Bryan b. Eve Torres/The Miz – Small package to Torres
Brodus Clay b. JTG – Splash
CM Punk b. Big Show via DQ when Big Show shoved the referee


Raw got a 3.4, the highest since Wrestlemania.


Chavo Guerrero has signed with TNA.

Date: July 18, 2012
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: William Regal, Byron Saxton

It's week four or five here and things are seeming to change on this show, which is fine but it also would have been fine if nothing had changed at all. I believe this is the beginning of the second set of tapings so things are likely going to change a bit more here. I don't remember any announced matches for this so it'll be a surprise. Let's get to it.

As I said I don't know any of the matches but WWE has promised me a great main event tonight.

Welcome Home.

The main event is Slater vs. Gabriel. I forgot about that one.

Tamina Snuka vs. Kaitlyn

Kaitlyn is called the girl next door. I've never had a neighbor that looks like her. Tamina tries her power stuff but results in a chop to take Kaitlyn down instead. Kaitlyn leg whips her down and things slow down again. Tamina is screw this wrestling stuff and chops her right back down again. Now it's a flying chop to mix things up. Kaitlyn hooks a kind of abdominal stretch in the ropes to take over.

Bulldog gets two for Kaitlyn and she hooks a bodyscissors on the mat. Tamina gets up and hits a spinning hair grab to slam Kaitlyn into the mat. Wouldn't that hurt Tamina too? Tamina tries the splash but Kaitlyn grabs her leg. A Russian legsweep puts Tamina down and Kaitlyn hooks an arm hold while using her legs to hold down Tamina's head. Tamina is like SAMOA POWER and uses a Samoan Drop to escape. Superfly Splash gets the pin at 5:20.

Raw moment is Jericho debuting in 99.

Big E. Langston, a very muscular black guy is coming. He has more personality in his calf than Ezekiel Jackson has in his whole body from what I can tell.

Jinder Mahal vs. Percy Watson

Mahal grabs a headlock to start as Regal tells stories of facing Mahal's uncles over 25 years ago. I'd love to just hear Regal tell old wrestling stories. Watson comes back with a suplex but Mahal fires in the knees out of the cravate to take over again. A knee drop gets two for Mahal. Apparently Watson and Cena are friends. Ok then.

Regal points out how the hand grips that Mahal has in this chinlock make the hold more painful. Now that's some good analysis. Watson comes back with his jumping attacks and the Heisman Splash for two. Percy takes too much time though and walks into a jumping knee and the camel clutch gets the tap at 4:22.

Richie Steamboat vs. Leo Kruger

Kruger takes him into the corner with chops to start but you can't chop a Steamboat and gets away with it. Richie rips some skin off Kruger's chest and a monkey flip sends Kruger flying. Steamboat chargers into the corner but Kruger uses a move I've never seen before. He grabs a rollup but uses it to ram Steamboat's head into the bottom buckle to take over.

Steamboat grabs a small package for two but Kruger puts him right back down with ease. Steamboat gets in a clothesline and some forearms to send Kruger to the floor. We get a chase but as they head back in, Steamboat hits a cross body but Kruger rolls through and puts his feet on the ropes for the pin at 4:30.

Raquel Diaz promo, I believe the same from last week.

Raquel Diaz vs. Paige

Diaz comes off like something resembling Lady Gaga. She's on a wireless mic and says she wants to give this show a makeover and sounds like a chick imitating Cher from Clueless. Her parents are Eddie and Vickie Guerrero so the genes are there. Diaz takes her to the mat and rams Paige's face into the mat. Paige comes back with a kind of superkick but Diaz will have none of that, and hits the Gory Bomb for the pin at 1:49. That's the kind of debuting squash you need.

Alex Riley is looking for catering and runs into Aksana. Nothing of note happens here but Antonio Cesaro pops up. Aksana says Riley was hitting on her, which Cesaro says is so American. Cesaro wants a match next week, which Riley says is very European of him.

Heath Slater vs. Justin Gabriel

JR is on commentary here as usual for the main event. Gabriel armdrags him down and hooks an armbar for early control. Slater fights up and gets taken down by the exact same sequence again. Gabriel tries to go up but Slater shoves him to the floor as we take a break. Back with Slater holding a chinlock for a few moments followed by a neckbreaker for two. A hard Irish whip into the corner gets two. Back to the chinlock as the fans chant that they want Frostees.

Slater sends him to the apron and catches Gabriel with a knee coming back in. A middle rope neckbreaker gets two as Slater is staying on the neck which was hurt when Gabriel fell to the floor earlier. Gabriel fires off some kicks and a sitout powerbomb gets two. Slater comes back with a good looking spinebuster for two. They trade some counters resulting in Slater hitting a reverse suplex for two.

A neckbreaker out of the corner gets two for Slater and he loads up a belly to back superplex. Gabriel knocks him off and tries AJ Styles' backflip into a reverse DDT, but he doesn't hit it quite right as it looks like he lands in an over the shoulder gutbuster. Not that it matters though as Gabriel hits the reverse DDT for the pin at 8:50 shown of 12:20.

Tamina Snuka b. Kaitlyn – Superfly Splash
Jinder Mahal b. Percy Watson – Camel Clutch
Leo Kruger b. Richie Steamboat – Rolled Through Cross Body
Raquel Diaz b. Paige – Gory Bomb
Justin Gabriel b. Heath Slater – Reverse DDT


Impact Wrestling
Date: July 19, 2012
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Tazz

It's Open Fight Night again and Roode is calling out Aries tonight. Why he would do this when he has a world title match at the next PPV is a bit of a mystery but that's wrestling for you. We also might get an update on the Aces and 8's faction which is a pretty cool idea. We haven't had masked me in awhile so that's kind of a cool thing. Let's get to it.

After the standard opening recap, we have another recap of the Aces and 8's beatdown last week.

Hogan is shown in the hospital, which is due to a legit back surgery.

Theme song hits. Get your reinforcements.

Bound For Glory Series standings:

James Storm 43
Samoa Joe 37
Kurt Angle 27
Jeff Hardy 21
Mr. Anderson 16
Rob Van Dam 14
Magnus 14
Christopher Daniels 12
AJ Styles 7
D'Angelo Dinero 7
Bully Ray 0
Robbie E 0

Tonight the high scorers get to do the callouts.

Here's Storm to talk about Aries being the new champion and wanting the title shot no matter who it's against. He hasn't forgotten about Roode either, because the title is just business while Roode is personal. As for Aces and 8's, if this was the wild west, he'd be the sheriff because he's the Cowboy. While he doesn't have a star on his chest, he has a set of balls. Hogan gets a shoutout but Storm wants Angle tonight.

Bound For Glory Series: James Storm vs. Kurt Angle

And there's no Kurt. The music plays again and it's Aces and 8's in the back destroying Angle. We go to a break with Angle out cold and Tenay wondering if the guy in an American flag t-shirt with no hair that looks exactly like Angle is in fact Angle.

Bound For Glory Series: Samoa Joe vs. D'Angelo Dinero

I'm not going to bother listing the quick callouts that happen unless anything significant is said in them. Dinero tries to knock Joe into the corner but Joe pounds him with elbows and an enziguri to take over. Joe pops him in the face but gets sent into the corner and out to the floor. Back in and Pope hits a powerslam for two and it's off to the Rings of Saturn. Pope starts pounding away and gets caught in a cross armbreaker for the tap at 3:20.

Roode denies having any connection to Aces and 8's despite being the last guy seen with Hogan before the attack. He'll prove Destination X was a fluke later too.

Bound For Glory Series; Jeff Hardy vs. Robbie E

Jeff says he has someone in mind to call out but Robbie E interrupts. T jumps Hardy to take over but Hardy realizes he's Jeff Hardy and takes over with his usual stuff. T interferes again to send Jeff out to the floor. That gets two for E but Jeff comes back again and hits the Whisper in the Wind for two. A plancha to the floor misses as T shoved E out of the way. Jeff fights T up the aisle and E wins by countout at 2:49.

ODB and Eric Young are in the back and Eric is back. It turns into a plug for his fish show.

We recap Clair/Daniels/Kaz with Clair saying that AJ is her baby's papa.

Daniels rants a lot as does Kaz, saying that AJ is a coward.

Smoe guy named Sam Shaw comes out for Gut Check and while he's talking, here are Aces and 8's. There are six of them this time. The beating continues as they go to a break.

Post break Shaw is helped up.

Bound For Glory Series: Mr. Anderson vs. AJ Styles

Anderson works over the arm and hits a hiptoss to take over. He hooks an armbar but AJ counters into a headscissors. They stay on the mat for a bit until a stalemate takes us to a break. Back with Anderson holding a headlock but AJ comes back with the drop down/kick sequence. AJ grabs the arm but gets elbowed in the face and a neckbreaker puts Styles down for two. Anderson hooks a cravate for a submission attempt but Styles rams him into the buckle to escape. Springboard forearm gets two for AJ.

Mic Check and Clash are countered as we're getting close to fifteen minutes here. Regal Roll gets two for Anderson but the Mic Check is countered again. AJ goes up but Mr. snaps off a superplex with AJ landing on his arm. That only gets two for both guys as we have less than two minutes left. Pele out of nowhere (missed by the announcers) sets up the Clash but Anderson counters and they hit the mat with Anderson getting a pin out of nowhere at 13:38.

Clair comes over the rail and yells about the night that AJ came to the hotel but AJ doesn't remember it. She says Styles was drinking that night too but Styles says this was all in her head. Clair has pictures of them in bed together with AJ looking very drugged/drunk.

Back and we look at the pictures again with AJ looking stunned in the back.

Bound For Glory Series: Rob Van Dam vs. Christopher Daniels

Some MMA guy is on commentary here because when you watch wrestling, you think MMA. Van Dam fires off some kicks but Daniels comes back with an elbow to the face. Daniels gets caught in an abdominal stretch, only for Daniels to fall backwards into the ropes. Back in after a quick run to the floor and Daniels hits the slingshot elbow for two. The MMA guy at least is interested here and sounds like a wrestling fan.

Daniels drops a knee to the back and puts on a chinlock with a knee in the back. Van Dam escapes and superkicks Daniels down, followed by a monkey flip. Five Star misses so RVD hits the walk over kick to take Daniels down. Rolling Thunder misses and Daniels rolls Van Dam up with feet on the ropes for the pin at 4:13.

Austin Aries says he can trump anything Roode can do. He finds playing cards on the floor and says he can trump Aces and 8's too.

It's Brooke Hogan time! She does a phone interview to talk about her dad's injuries and how her dad doesn't know what he's in for. Nothing of note is said here.

Joseph Park offers his legal services to Garrett Bischoff as a way to talk about what happened last week when Park snapped. Park says that was all him.

Bound For Glory Series: Magnus vs. Bully Ray

Ray jumps Magnus in the aisle but Magnus fights back. Magnus sends him into the barricade and heads into the ring for the bell. Ray kicks him in the chest to take over but I think he was aiming for the face. Ray chops him in the corner and slams him down, but the splash misses. Magnus makes his comeback and throws on a Texas Cloverleaf but Ray makes the rope. Falcon's Arrow gets two for Magnus. He misses a middle rope elbow though and it's the Bully Cutter for the pin at 4:45.

Chavo Guerrero Jr. debuts next week.

Here's Roode to call out Aries. That'll be after a break though.

Austin Aries vs. Bobby Roode

Non-title of course, because why would you think of asking for a title match in a match where you have to accept said challenge? Aries snaps off an armdrag followed by Roode getting sent into the corner. The fans sound like they say they want t-shirts. Roode sends him to the apron but Aries counters and hits a slingshot hilo for two. Roode goes face first into the apron so Aries dives on him on the outside as we take a break.

Back with Aries in trouble as Roode hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker for two. A spinebuster gets the same and it's time for a chinlock. Aries fights up but walks into an elbow to the face to put him right back down. Aries gets up again and they slug it out but the spinning forearm gets caught in an armbar. Last Chancery goes on but Roode breaks out and hits the spear for two.

Roode loads up a superplex but Aries knees him in the head to escape. A missile dropkick puts Roode down but the brainbuster is countered into the Crossface. Aries hits the discus forearm and clotheslines Roode to the floor, followed by the suicide dive. And here are Aces and 8's for the DQ at 13:42.

Roode gets beaten up too and it's a big beatdown to end the show.

Samoa Joe b. D'Angelo Dinero – Cross Armbreaker
Robbie E b. Jeff Hardy via countout
Mr. Anderson b. AJ Styles – Rollup
Christopher Daniels b. Rob Van Dam – Pin after Van Dam missed Rolling Thunder
Bully Ray b. Magnus – Bully Cutter
Austin Aries vs. Bobby Roode went to a no contest when Aces and 8's interfered


Impact's rating won't be out until next week but it looks to be about a .8, the same as last week. The overall viewers were up.

Date: July 19, 2012
Location: Valley View Casino Center, San Diego, California
Commentators: Michael Cole, Josh Matthews, Booker T

It's just after MITB and the only major change is that Ziggler is the MITB case holder for this show. Other than that we're just in a holding pattern tonight as everything is likely to be shoved forward on Monday at the 1000th Raw. I'd be surprised if we found out anything about Summerslam tonight but it's possible. Let's get to it.

Do you know your enemy? Mine is currently Pandora charm bracelets.

Here's the freshly returned Rey Mysterio to open things up. We're in his hometown tonight so you know the pop is big. We get a quick recap of Alberto injuring him in this arena a year ago but now he's back here with his family. He couldn't wait for tonight to get back which is why he was there on Raw, and Alberto being there just made the whole thing sweeter.

Cue Alberto who calls Rey a chihuahua and says that Rey is back, only to get hurt again. Alberto says that he could hurt Rey all over again but instead he'll just let Rey leave. Rey says no way so Alberto says whatever and starts talking about Sheamus. Rey says that at MITB, Sheamus beat up Del Rio. Del Rio says that he'll be the next world champion, and here's Ziggler.

Dolph talks about winning the case and about how he was going to cash in on Sunday which would make him the World Heavyweight Champion right now. Del Rio says that he's loco and challenges Dolph for a fight right now, along with his burra (female donkey) Vickie. Rey says get it on right now but Dolph suggests he and Del Rio team up against Rey. Cue Sheamus and I think I know where this is going. Sheamus says that if Ziggler takes another step towards Rey, the briefcase is going up his trunk and he'll drive Dolph into the Pacific Ocean. Del Rio runs so Ziggler gets an ax handle to the face and almost a 619.

After a break the tag match is announced. If you don't know what I mean, go read something else.

Prime Time Players/Hunico/Camacho vs. Primo/Epico/Kofi Kingston/R-Truth

Hunico and Epico get things going with things moving very quickly. Hunico slams him face first into the mat but is quickly pulled down into an armbar. Off to Primo for a dropkick and more armbaring, this time on Camacho. A blind tag brings in Truth for some gyrations and a spinning legdrop. Everything breaks down and we take a break. Back with Kofi getting tagged in to beat on Camacho. The Boom Drop hits but Hunico breaks up Trouble in Paradise, allowing Camacho to hit a spinebuster on the flippy Jamaican.

Off to Hunico with a slingshot hilo for two. Titus comes in and slams Kofi down for two before hooking an abdominal stretch. Young comes in but Kofi takes him down with a shot to the face. Hot tag brings in Primo who cleans house. A spinning flip dive off the top takes down Darren and everything breaks down. Titus knocks Primo off the top into the gutbuster from Young for the pin at 6:50 shown of 10:20.

Big Show comes out post match and cleans house on everyone but the Players. He leaves them all laying with punches and chokeslams before asking for a mic. He says “and what” and leaves.

Jeremy Piven was on Raw once.

We get a LONG recap of Cena's path to MITB and his promo on Monday, announcing that he's cashing in at Raw 1000.

Don't be a bully.

Damien Sandow vs. Zach Ryder

Sandow yells during Ryder's entrance about how stupid it is so Ryder charges into the ring and it's on. Ryder pounds him down but Sandow gets in a shot to the head and takes over. Sandow puts Ryder on the apron to drop an elbow as the fans cheer for Zach. Back in and Sandow fires in knees to the ribs, followed by the double arm neckbreaker for the pin at 1:25. Basically a squash.

Time for the Peep Show with Bryan and AJ as the guests. Christian talks about the situation and we get a clip of the proposal from Monday. Here are AJ and Bryan with AJ now in a Bryan top. There's a ring now on her finger now too. Christian asks about the wedding planning and we get a video of the pair going to various places set to classical music. I miss little videos like this one. Christian asks if Bryan is serious and if AJ has forgiven Bryan for what he did, both of which receive a yes answer.

Christian asks the fans if they think this is true love or if AJ knows what she's doing. The fans say no, so Christian asks AJ if she knows what she's doing. That earns Christian a slap and the marriage participants go to leave, but Christian says hang on a sec. Apparently Bryan has a match tonight and it's with AJ's psycho ex-boyfriend.

Daniel Bryan vs. Kane

We start the match after a break so that the set can be cleared out. Bryan fires off some YES kicks but Kane knees him in the ribs to break that up. Kane kicks him down for two and puts on a bodyscissors. A backbreaker hits Bryan and Kane bends Bryan's spine over the knee. Bryan finally gets up and does the backflip out of the corner before taking out Kane's knee. Here are more kicks but Kane grabs him by the throat.

Chokeslam is broken up and there's a BIG kick to the head for two. Bryan goes up but jumps into an uppercut for two. Side slam gets two for Kane and the big man goes up, only to jump into a YES Lock attempt. Kane escapes and they head to the floor with Kane accidentally knocking AJ over. Kane goes off on Bryan and sends him into the announce table. Back inside and Kane loads up the chokeslam but AJ jumps on him, drawing the DQ at 5:13.

AJ stays on Kane's back and rips at his face. Bryan charges at Kane but gets chokeslammed with AJ still on Kane's back. AJ gets down in Kane's face like she's about to kiss him and gives him the freaky look. Kane looks confused and Bryan pulls AJ out to the floor. Bryan and AJ kiss on the stage.

Here's Slater again and he has a new legend to face, which is the first time he's done that on Smackdown. We get a quick video about Heath's experiences against legends.

Heath Slater vs. Animal

Yes of the Road Warriors. Animal looks OLD. He isn't fat but he has no muscle definition at all. The match runs 45 seconds and Animal wins with a powerslam and elbow drop.

Ricardo and Vickie are arguing in the back and Vickie screams a lot.

We run down the stuff for Raw 1000.

Alberto Del Rio/Dolph Ziggler vs. Rey Mysterio/Sheamus

During Dolph's entrance we get a clip from Monday with the Codebreaker to Ziggler. Ziggler and Sheamus start things off and the champ runs him over with a shoulder block. Ziggler goes after Sheamus' arm which I guess is still injured. Sheamus picks him up and hits a quick Regal Roll for two. The fans want Rey and here he is, hitting a slingshot legdrop for two. Rey is in a t-shirt here which is a different look for him.

Ziggler takes Rey's head off with a clothesline for two and it's off to Del Rio. Rey rolls away from Alberto and tags in Sheamus, sending Del Rio to the floor in fear. Ziggler gets caught in the ropes with the ten forearms and is sent to the floor. Sheamus goes out after him but gets dropkicked coming back in as we take a break. Back with Ziggler getting thrown off Sheamus and there's the tag to Mysterio.

Rey kicks Dolph in the face for two and it's 619 time. Del Rio kicks Mysterio in the back to break that up though and comes in with a chinlock. Back to Ziggler for some rope choking and an armbar. Alberto comes back in and works on the arm again but allows Rey to get close to a tag. That doesn't connect though and Rey gets sent into the corner. Rey backdrops Del Rio to the floor but Ziggler comes in and breaks up the tag to Sheamus.

Ziggler picks up Rey but gets caught in a spinning DDT to put both guys down. There's the hot tag to Sheamus and Del Rio comes in again. Sheamus cleans house on everyone, including sending Del Rio into Ziggler, knocking Ziggler into the announce table. White Noise takes down Del Rio but Ricardo breaks up the Brogue Kick for the DQ at 9:46 shown of 13:46.

Del Rio puts the Armbreaker on Sheamus again before leaving. Ziggler looks like he's going to cash in but Rey breaks it up. Sheamus kicks Ziggler's head off to end the show.

Prime Time Players/Hunico/Camacho b. Kofi Kingston/R-Truth/Primo/Epico – Gutbuster to Primo
Damien Sandow b. Zach Ryder – Double Arm Neckbreaker
Kane b. Daniel Bryan via DQ when AJ interfered
Animal b. Heath Slater – Elbow Drop
Sheamus/Rey Mysterio b. Alberto Del Rio/Dolph Ziggler via DQ when Ricardo Rodriguez interfered





Quick Results

Monday Night Raw
Kofi Kingston/R-Truth b. Prime Time Players – Little Jimmy to O'Neal
Alberto Del Rio b. Zach Ryder – Cross Armbreaker
Rikishi b. Heath Slater – Rump Shaker
AJ/Daniel Bryan b. Eve Torres/The Miz – Small package to Torres
Brodus Clay b. JTG – Splash
CM Punk b. Big Show via DQ when Big Show shoved the referee

Tamina Snuka b. Kaitlyn – Superfly Splash
Jinder Mahal b. Percy Watson – Camel Clutch
Leo Kruger b. Richie Steamboat – Rolled Through Cross Body
Raquel Diaz b. Paige – Gory Bomb
Justin Gabriel b. Heath Slater – Reverse DDT

Impact Wrestling
Samoa Joe b. D'Angelo Dinero – Cross Armbreaker
Robbie E b. Jeff Hardy via countout
Mr. Anderson b. AJ Styles – Rollup
Christopher Daniels b. Rob Van Dam – Pin after Van Dam missed Rolling Thunder
Bully Ray b. Magnus – Bully Cutter
Austin Aries vs. Bobby Roode went to a no contest when Aces and 8's interfered

Prime Time Players/Hunico/Camacho b. Kofi Kingston/R-Truth/Primo/Epico – Gutbuster to Primo
Damien Sandow b. Zach Ryder – Double Arm Neckbreaker
Kane b. Daniel Bryan via DQ when AJ interfered
Animal b. Heath Slater – Elbow Drop
Sheamus/Rey Mysterio b. Alberto Del Rio/Dolph Ziggler via DQ when Ricardo Rodriguez interfered

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