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Week of 6/4/2012 - 6/10/2012 (Friday - Sunday)


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House

Dixie Carter is saying that Christian will be at Slammiversary, which may be the compensation for Flair being at the HOF inductions.

Impact got a 1.0, up from last week.

Date: June 8, 2012
Location: Colonial Center, Columbia, South Carolina
Commentators: Michael Cole, Josh Matthews, Booker T

Back to the blue guys again for another Smackdown. The only thing announced so far is that Del Rio and Sheamus will do something. Whatever that something is has yet to be announced but that might be for the better. The whole company is almost at a standstill at the moment but hopefully things pick up soon. Let's get to it.

Do You Know Your Enemy? Mine is people that won't return e-mails.

Here's Del Rio to open things up. He shows us a clip from Raw and his attack on Sheamus' arm, because we haven't had an arm injury angle in two full weeks now. After some basic threats of taking the title, here's.....Ricardo dressed as Sheamus. He even has white leggings and arm covers to make himself look pale. Del Rio says this isn't really Sheamus, because anyone can pound their chest like a caveman, spike their hair like a stupid kid and act like a hooligan. Ricardo tries a Brogue Kick and falls down.

Cue the real Sheamus who looks ticked off. Both guys jump him immediately but Sheamus throws Ricardo out with ease. Rodriguez comes back in and Del Rio kicks Sheamus in the head. He goes for the arm but Sheamus fights him off and clears the ring. They go to leave but Sheamus chases them down and runs them over. He tries to load up the High Cross off the stage but Ricardo makes the save. They go for the arm again but referees break it up. Teddy comes out and says that since Ace isn't here, he's in charge tonight. He makes Sheamus vs. Kane and Del Rio vs. this man.

Alberto Del Rio vs. Great Khali

Khali starts with the chops in the corner but misses a big boot in the corner, allowing Del Rio to go after his legs. He puts on a leg lock but Khali punches him in the head to escape. Why over complicate things I guess. A kick to the head of Khali gets two. After some more knee work, he switches to the arm for no apparent reason. Del Rio goes up but jumps into another chop to the chest. Ricardo distracts Khali to stop the Punjabi Plunge and the Cross Armbreaker gets the submission at 3:29.

We get the Big Show piece from Raw where he talks about being tired of being seen as a joke.

Teddy is in the back when Brodus' girls and Brodus himself come in. Brodus is now officially on Smackdown permanently but can't be on Raw because of Big Show. Ok then.

Brodus Clay vs. Derrick Bateman

Apparently Clay sees Big Show when he sees Bateman. Clay pounds Bateman down with ease and we head to the floor for the headbutt. Back in the ring there's the splash and suplex. Splash and we're done at 1:05.

Video on the Mexico/South America tour.

Booker's favorite Raw moment is his match with Buff Bagwell for the WCW Title. Oh what a disaster that was.

Sin Cara vs. Drew McIntyre

Drew immediately knocks him down but Cara comes back with his kicks. Drew gets in a shot and takes over, sending Cara to the floor for a second. Back in and it's a chinlock for a big but Cara comes back with some ranas. A BIG boot sends Cara flying, but Drew charges into two boots in the corner. Cara goes up and tries to jump into his finisher but Drew blocks it. Cara never hits the ground and comes out with a spinning DDT for the pin at 3:15.

Tony Andriotis/Kevin Mahoney vs. Ryback

Double MuscleBuster/Samoan Drop, 1:43. Next.

The crew sets up the Peep Show set but Cody Rhodes comes out and breaks it up. He talks about how he was going to be the guest on the show tonight but Christian should be pandering to him instead of Cody pandering to the host. Cue Christian who says he's the one that beat Cody, not the other way around. Cody wants to know who Christian thinks he's fooling, because before then he didn't care about any of the people.

Christian says he had a moment of clarity. He missed most of the year with an injury, and while he was out he inducted Edge into the Hall of Fame. While Edge was giving his speech, it occurred to Christian that a career can end in an instant. He didn't want to be remembered a the guy that whined about wanting one more match all the time. He wanted to come back and win championships and put together a Hall of Fame career on his own. Cody laughs about Christian being in the Hall of Fame and says that at No Way Out, the title is coming home. Christian says shut up and wants a fight, but here's Dolph Ziggler.

Christian vs. Dolph Ziggler

This should be good. So Christian was going to do the talk show and wrestle? That's quite a night. Cody sits in on commentary. Feeling out process to start with Ziggler throwing Christian to the floor. Christian comes back quickly and rams Ziggler into the barricade. Dolph knees him down and we take a break. Back with Ziggler holding a chinlock which Christian easily breaks.

Ziggler takes him right back down and hooks the same hold as Cody complains about not getting a fair shake at Over the Limit. A slingshot sends Christian into the corner but the Fameasser is countered into a powerbomb for two. Christian hits an uppercut while Ziggler is on the ropes but the spinning sunset flip is rolled through and the Fameasser gets two. Christian puts him back down but his spear is countered by a dropkick for two. There's the sleeper but Christian counters quickly. He goes up and knocks a charging Ziggler down so that the Frog Splash can get the pin at 6:34 shown of 10:04.

We get the ENTIRE Cole vs. Cena segment from Raw.

Cole speaks about the incident but gets cut off by JR......being imitated by Hornswoggle. We get some slow motion replays of the beating and Horny laughs a lot. Thankfully Damien Sandow cuts this off to save us. He runs down Horny and goes after him but Tyson Kidd makes the save. He dropkicks Sandow to the floor and Sandow walks away. When Kidd turns to look at the leprechaun, Sandow comes back in and beats Kidd up, hitting his neckbreaker.

Kane only cares about winning the triple threat match tonight. AJ's look means nothing to him. Kane walks away and AJ is watching him from behind some crates.

Jimmy Uso vs. Antonio Cesaro

Teddy has to do the entrances for Antonio and Aksana. Cesaro pounds him into the corner to start but Jimmy comes back with a superkick to the ribs. A headbutt gets two but Cesaro throws him into the air and down into the European Uppercut. The falling Cradle Piledriver gets the pin at 58 seconds.

Sheamus' favorite Raw moment is the Breakthrough Battle Royal.

Sheamus vs. Kane

They fight over a lockup to start with neither guy getting an advantage. A shoulder puts Sheamus down so the champ goes after the arm. Kane throws him into the corner but Sheamus comes back with some punches. That gets him nowhere as Kane rams him into the corner and works on the bad arm. A brief comeback is stopped and Sheamus is thrown to the apron and booted to the floor as we take a break.

Back with Kane getting one off a move we didn't see. Kane hooks a neck crank followed by a side slam for two. Back to the crank which is broken a bit slower this time. Sheamus comes back with some kicks to the ribs and hits the top rope shoulder to put Kane down. A running knee to the ribs and a double ax get two for Sheamus. Powerslam gets the same. Regal Roll is countered and Kane uppercuts him down.

The low dropkick gets two and Sheamus grabs the Irish Curse out of nowhere for the same. Sheamus is getting a little frustrated so he drops a bunch of knees on the back of Kane. Here comes the Brogue Kick but instead he opts for the ten forearms. A suplex back in is blocked and Kane goes for the clothesline. A superplex attempt is blocked but the clothesline misses. White Noise hits but Kane tries the chokeslam. Sheamus fights out of it and they clothesline each other, followed by Ricardo running in for the DQ at 9:34 shown of 13:04.

Kane takes Sheamus down post match and here's AJ to smile at Kane. The distraction lets Sheamus Brogue Kick Kane's head off. Ricardo gets up and Sheamus does the same to him to end the show.

Alberto Del Rio b. Great Khali – Cross Armbreaker
Brodus Clay b. Derrick Bateman – Splash
Sin Cara b. Drew McIntyre – Spinning DDT
Ryback b. Kevin Mahoney/Tony Androitis – Double MuscleBuster
Christian b. Dolph Ziggler – Frog Splash
Antonio Cesaro b. Jimmy Uso – Falling Cradle Piledriver
Sheamus vs. Kane went to a no contest when Ricardo Rodriguez interfered


R-Truth has a possible broken foot. No word on how long he'll be out but he missed a house show over the weekend.

Alberto Del Rio may have a concussion and may be out of the title match next weekend. No word yet but it'll likely be addressed on Raw.


Slammiversary 2012
Date: June 10, 2012
Location: College Park Center, Arlington, Texas
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Taz

It's the ten year anniversary show and the main event is Sting challenging Roode for the title. Other than that we have a guest appearance by Christian, likely as the first member of the TNA Hall of Fame for basically publicity reasons. The rest of the show is pretty much a regular PPV, but they've surprised me before with these bigger shows. Let's get to it.

The opening video is about what you would expect: they started with a dream, they've come a long way, they're here now. It's interspersed with big moments in their history.

The crowd is HUGE, looking like a real PPV style crowd.

Here's Hogan to open the show. The ring looks smaller than usual here. Hogan welcomes us to the show and says that this is a celebration of ten years. He says the next ten years are going to be even more awesome because this company is shooting to the moon. Tonight we're going old school and opening with Joe vs. Aries. How exactly is that old school? Oh it's for the title. So the weight limit is gone? SWEET.

X-Division Title: Austin Aries vs. Samoa Joe

That ring is 15 feet wide AT BEST. Aries is defending of course. They fight over a wristlock to start and it's a standoff. The fans are split here but the Aries chants sound a bit louder. Aries gets in some kicks at the leg and we hit another standoff. Joe comes back with kicks of his own and down goes the champion. Aries will have none of that and dropkicks him to the floor, but Joe blocks the suicide dive with a kick to the head.

Back into the ring and Joe crushes him in the corner and hits an enziguri. Facewash connects and Aries is in trouble. Snap powerslam gets two. Joe charges into a boot but hits his own big version of it to take Aries down again. The backsplash hits knees and Aries fires off more forearms. Joe tries the suicide elbow but Aries dodges, slides in and hits the suicide dive to take over.

The dueling chants are getting louder here. Back in and Joe gets taken into the corner by a missile dropkick. The running dropkick in the corner is caught in a powerslam for two. They slug it out but Aries can't hit the brainbuster. A rana is caught in a powerbomb followed by the Boston crab/STF/Rings of Saturn (used to be a Crossface) sequence that he hasn't busted out in years.

Joe loads up the MuscleBuster but Aries forearms his way out of it. They go up but Joe gets knocked off, letting Aries hit the 450 for two. They fight from their knees and Aries gets caught in the Clutch but he kicks backwards into a cover for two. Aries charges into the release Rock Bottom out of the corner and Joe is all fired up. The MuscleBuster is countered again, this time into kind of a crucifix slam for no cover. Aries goes off with the forearms in the corner and hits the brainbuster for the pin at 11:44.

Kid Kash vs. Hernandez

For the life of me I don't get why this is on the card. When was the last time either of these guys was on TV at all? Kash tries to speed things up but he gets run over with ease and knocked to the floor. Hernandez throws Kash around with ease so Kash bites him on the nose. He hooks an armbreaker on SuperMex which is broken pretty quickly. We get a bad looking sequence with Kash not really selling a clothesline and then BADLY botching a rana. Tornado DDT puts Hernandez down but he pops up and hits the slingshot shoulder to put both guys down. Kash heads to the floor so Hernandez dives over the top to crush him. I miss that spot from him. Border Toss is escaped so Hernandez goes up, shoves Kash off and hits a top rope splash for the pin at 5:52.

Moment #3 is AJ Styles winning the first X Title.

Garrett Bischoff/D-Von vs. Robbie E/Robbie T

The TV Title feud continues. E and Garrett get us going and Bischoff slams him down with relative ease. Off to the current OVW Champion as we get dueling WE WANT D-VON/YOU CAN'T WRESTLE chants. Right hands have no effect on T so Garrett tries some clotheslines, only to get pulled down to the floor by E. Madison is out watching again, looking GREAT in a red dress.

The fans still want D-Von but it's Garrett getting worked over in the corner. The Rob's hit a double team side slam/elbow drop combo and it's chinlock time. Garrett comes back with a flapjack and D-Von finally gets in. House is cleaned and a Rock Bottom puts E down. A shoulder block gets a cover but T makes the save. Garrett low bridges T and hits a dive, as D-Von spinebusters E for the pin at 5:58.

Garrett and D-Von dance for no apparent reason.

Daniels runs down his accomplishments in TNA and drinks a toast to himself and Kaz while saying how great they are. “You have permission to worship us now.”

Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Rob Van Dam

This is happening earlier than I expected. The winner gets a title match on Thursday. Either there's some lighting issue or Van Dam's face is green. Jeff flips a coin or something and goes after Van Dam as a result. He takes down everyone but Anderson gets in a knee to slow him down. Jeff sends both guys into the corner and hits a double splash, followed by a dropkick out of Poetry In Motion at Van Dam.

Hardy headscissors Anderson out of the corner but walks into a neckbreaker from the same person for two. Van Dam hits some shoulders into the ribs of Anderson in the corner and a running kick to the head of Hardy. After some control by Van Dam, Hardy goes up but gets caught in the Tower of Doom, but he crotches himself on the top. After disposing of Van Dam, the superplex hits Hardy. A Five Star attempt misses and everyone is down.

We get a three way slugout from their knees, followed by a spin kick from RVD to Anderson, followed by a rollup to Hardy for two. Another spin kick puts Hardy down and Anderson gets monkey flipped onto Hardy's body for two. Anderson backslides Van Dam and Hardy covers Van Dam at the same time but it only gets two. That was a smart move though. Van Dam is knocked to the floor and he pulls Anderson out with him, allowing Hardy to hit a HUGE dive on both to put everyone down on the floor.

Hardy and Van Dam head into the ring and Whisper in the Wind gets two. Jeff's suplex is countered so he hits a Twist of Fate instead. The Swanton hits but Anderson pulls the referee out to the floor. Hardy gets sent to the floor and Rolling Thunder is countered into the Mic Check by Anderson for the pin at 11:28. That came out of nowhere.

Crimson talks about how great and perfect he's been for over 470 days. He doesn't care who he's facing tonight.

Crimson vs. ???

Crimson runs down Texas a bit and says he'll fight a Maverick, a Ranger or a Cowboy if he has to. The opponent is.....JAMES STORM? Oh yeah the streak is done. The match starts fast and Crimson is quickly clotheslined to the floor. Storm has the old trenchcoat too. We get some hard chops in the corner but Crimson comes back with a shot to the head. There goes the coat and Storm is in some trouble. Storm shrugs all that off, hits the Codebreaker which has another name that I can't remember, seems to go into a seizure, and hits the Last Call to end the streak at 2:09.

Aries says he wants to be in the main event. That gets a good reaction from the crowd.

Hogan joining TNA is the second moment.

Here's Dixie for the HOF stuff. There are four matches left (tag titles, Ray/Park, Knockouts and world title) and it's 9:15 so there's a lot of time for the remaining matches. She thanks everyone that helped get us here from her parents to the Jarretts to the fans. Dixie brings out the locker room and AJ looks like he's about to cry. The first inductee into the Hall of Fame is....Sting? It should be Jarret but I'm FAR more ok with this than it being Christian. We get a video and testimonials from the other wrestlers and Sting goes to the ring.

The fans chant YES, which I'm not sure how to take. The formal induction won't be until Bound For Glory. Sting says he's honored and starts a chant for the crowd. He says that tonight it's Showtime.

Knockouts Title: Gail Kim vs. Miss Tessmacher

Ok.....there is ZERO reason for Tessmacher to lose here. I mean, it's her home state, she's been built up perfectly, the champion has gotten stale and says the same things over and over......she's screwed isn't she? Tessmacher speeds things up to start and they head to the floor. Back in and she tries a victory roll but gets hot shotted instead. Shoulder breaker gets two.

Gail works on the arm before shifting to a headscissors for a bit. Tessmacher makes her comeback but gets bulldogged back down. A horrible looking neckbreaker puts Tessmacher on the apron and then into the barricade. Back in and Eat Defeat is countered so Gail tries Tessmacher's finisher. Brooke (screw Hogan's daughter) countered into a rollup for the pin at 7:05.

Brooke celebrates post match.

Bully runs down Texas and talks about how great New York is. He has Park right where he wants him and it'll be an assault tonight. Ray can't be held responsible for his actions due to the contract.

We recap the Park vs. Ray story which I'm sure you've heard of already. In short, Joseph is Abyss' brother and is looking for him. Abyss popped up and said that Joseph needed to stay away from the fire. Ray got annoyed by Joseph and challenged him to a fight tonight. The fight is happening. Ok then.

Joseph Park vs. Bully Ray

Park comes out in a workout suit. He takes off the glasses and Ray offers him the first shot. A right hand misses as does a second. Ray offers to put his hands behind his back but spits in Park's face too. Park gets in a single slap and down he goes. The fans think New York sucks. Ray goes and gets a chair but Park trips the rope as he comes back in to send Ray down. Park picks up the chair but isn't sure what to do with it. Instead he looks at the fans and gets hit in the back for his mistake.

A chair to the back puts Park down and the sweat is dripping. Another chair shot to the back puts Joseph on the floor and there's a water bottle to the head. Back in and the middle rope backsplash misses to give Park a chance. He seems pretty ok two minutes after two chair shots to the back. Park pounds away in the corner and Ray is in trouble. And never mind as Ray kicks his head off to take him down.

Ray brings in a table and kendo stick, drawing the second ECW chant of the night. The thing is dead people. Let it go. Joseph punches Ray in the balls to block a kendo stick shot before clocking Ray in the head for two. Park goes under the ring and Abyss comes out (with his hood up to hide short hair). Ray sees him and panics before getting chokeslammed through the table. Abyss goes back under the ring, Park pops out and gets the pin at 10:28.

Roode says he'll keep the title.

Cue Hogan again for some reason. He tells the fans to give it up for Park and that he has a surprise for us. Hogan brings out Christian Cage to no real buildup or fanfare. Tenay of course makes it sound like it's someone here every week because that's how he rolls. The fans ask Christian to come back. Christian says he's been asked if he was really appearing here tonight all week, and yeah, he is. The fans chant YES of course.

He remembers there being more corners in this ring. Things might change, but the fans never change. They should stand up and give themselves a round of applause. He presents the #1 moment in TNA history and it's.....Sting returning. No. Just NO. That's it for Christian. He isn't seen again and he doesn't say anything else as we move on to the package about the tag titles.

We recap the Styles/Angle vs. Kaz/Daniels feud. The idea is that Daniels thinks AJ is sleeping with Dixie and has shown some circumstantial evidence to destroy AJ, so tonight AJ and Angle are teaming up to go for the tag titles.

Tag Titles: Kazarian/Christopher Daniels vs. Kurt Angle/AJ Styles

The match starts fast and AJ gets double teamed. It's Styles vs. Kaz to get us going with Kaz rolling him up quickly before walking into a spin kick. Out to the floor and AJ does his slide under the barricade into the forearm spot. Daniels tries to interfere but Angle takes his head off with a clothesline. A knee to the face puts Kaz down and it's off to Angle. Double suplex gets two. Off to Daniels who takes Angle down but he walks into a belly to belly.

Off to AJ who Daniels over his knee and goes for the Styles Clash but Chris runs to the apron. Kaz comes in and puts AJ on the ropes. Daniels interferes and Kaz hits a sweet bicycle kick to the face, catching AJ by his knee in the ropes. Daniels chokes a bit as AJ's knee is done at the moment. Kaz comes in and gets hiptossed into a legdrop onto AJ for two. A suplex is blocked into a neckbreaker and both guys are down.

Double tag brings in the bald guys and Angle is all fired up. He snaps off an overhead belly to belly on Daniels and a German on Kaz. Angle Slam gets two on Daniels due to Kaz making the save. Kurt is like cool man and Germans them both at once. Ankle lock to Daniels is broken up by Kaz again and Daniels is back up. Angel's Wings is countered and it's off to AJ with the flying forearm. Moonsault into the reverse DDT takes down Kaz but it's combined with a regular DDT to Daniels. Kaz distracts AGAIN before hitting a kick to the face of Styles.

Daniels busts out Last Rites but Angle makes the save. Things slow down a bit and AJ loads up a superplex on Kaz but gets shoved off. Angle runs the corner for the belly to belly and it's down to Daniels vs. Styles. They slug it out and the release Rock Bottom sets up the BME, but Daniels lands on his feet. Unfortunately he lands in perfect position for a release German. Angle hits a top rope splash of all things for two but Daniels pulls the referee out. AJ hits a HUGE shooting star over the top to take out Daniels on the floor. Back in the ring Kaz tries Fade to Black but Angle reverses into the ankle lock for the tap at 14:26.

We recap the main event which is being built up as way bigger than it probably really is.

TNA World Title: Sting vs. Bobby Roode

Roode stalls before the bell and stalls again after the bell. After a chase Sting sends Roode into the barricade and then does it again for good measure. Roode goes into various other hard objects and it's all Sting so far. The champ (Roode in case this is like 2020 by now or something) guillotines Sting across the top rope and stomps away. Sting blocks a punch and makes a comeback but charges into a boot for two.

Off to a sleeper by the champ which is countered into one by Sting, but Roode escapes with a jawbreaker. Roode goes up but Sting punches him down and busts out a superplex. Scorpion goes on but Roode finally gets to a rope. Roode goes to the floor and they head up the ramp. Back to ringside and Sting ACTUALLY HITS THE SPLASH ON THE BARRICADE. Roode gets put in the Scorpion on the announce table but the tap out there doesn't count. For no apparent reason there's a six pack of beer by the table and Roode gets one out. It goes upside Sting's head and it gets the pin at 9:52.

Post match Sting snaps and takes Roode up the ramp before hitting the Death Drop off the stage through some tables.

Austin Aries b. Samoa Joe – Brainbuster
Hernandez b. Kid Kash – Top Rope Splash
Garrett Bischoff/D-Von b. Robbie E/Robbie T – Spinebuster to Robbie E
Mr. Anderson b. Rob Van Dam and Jeff Hardy – Mic Check to Van Dam
James Storm b. Crimson – Last Call
Miss Tessmacher b. Gail Kim – Rollup
Joseph Park b. Bully Ray – Pin after a chokeslam from Abyss
AJ Styles/Kurt Angle b. Kazarian/Christopher Daniels – Ankle Lock to Kazarian
Bobby Roode b. Sting – Pin after hitting Sting with a beer bottle

Quick Results

Monday Night Raw
Sheamus b. Dolph Ziggler – Brogue Kick
Sin Cara b. Hunico – Spinning Mat Slam
Ryback b. Arthur Rosenburg/Stan Stansky – Double MuscleBuster
Kane b. CM Punk – Chokeslam
Kofi Kingston/R-Truth b. Curt Hawkins/Tyler Reks – Trouble in Paradise to Hawkins
John Cena b. Tensai – Attitude Adjustment
John Cena b. Michael Cole – Attitude Adjustment

Tyler Reks b. Jey Uso – Spinning DDT
Percy Watson b. JTG – Persecution
Tamina Snuka b. Natalya – Superfly Splash
Tyson Kidd/Justin Gabriel b. Heath Slater/Johnny Curtis – Middle Rope Neckbreaker to Curtis

Impact Wrestling
Crimson b. Austin Aries – Pin after Samoa Joe interference
Brooke Tessmacher b. Tara, Mickie James and Velvet Sky – Flip Mat Slam to James
D-Von b. Robbie E – Small Package
Sting/AJ Styles/Kurt Angle b. Bobby Roode/Christopher Daniels/Kazarian – Scorpion Deathlock to Roode

Alberto Del Rio b. Great Khali – Cross Armbreaker
Brodus Clay b. Derrick Bateman – Splash
Sin Cara b. Drew McIntyre – Spinning DDT
Ryback b. Kevin Mahoney/Tony Androitis – Double MuscleBuster
Christian b. Dolph Ziggler – Frog Splash
Antonio Cesaro b. Jimmy Uso – Falling Cradle Piledriver
Sheamus vs. Kane went to a no contest when Ricardo Rodriguez interfered

Slammiversary X
Austin Aries b. Samoa Joe – Brainbuster
Hernandez b. Kid Kash – Top Rope Splash
Garrett Bischoff/D-Von b. Robbie E/Robbie T – Spinebuster to Robbie E
Mr. Anderson b. Rob Van Dam and Jeff Hardy – Mic Check to Van Dam
James Storm b. Crimson – Last Call
Miss Tessmacher b. Gail Kim – Rollup
Joseph Park b. Bully Ray – Pin after a chokeslam from Abyss
AJ Styles/Kurt Angle b. Kazarian/Christopher Daniels – Ankle Lock to Kazarian
Bobby Roode b. Sting – Pin after hitting Sting with a beer bottle

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