Week of 5/4/2015 - 5/10/2015 (Thursday - Sunday)


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House

Hideo Itami has injured his shoulder and could be out 6-8 months.

Date: May 7, 2015
Location: Canadian Tire Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Commentators: Byron Saxton, Jerry Lawler, Michael Cole

We had a twist on Monday as Dean Ambrose was added to the fatal fourway at the pay per view for the World Title. While it's likely that Ambrose was added to the match for the sake of taking the fall, he does add a fresh energy to the match that we haven't seen so far. This show has a lot to live up to after Monday's Raw. Let's get to it.

We open with a recap of Ambrose being added to the title match on Monday. Tonight we have a fourway contract signing.

Opening sequence.

Jerry Lawler is in the ring to open the show with an interview with the freshly crowned King Barrett. The new king doesn't think much of Lawler because he just likes to call himself a king. Barrett on the other hand defeated three men in twenty four hours to prove his royal worth. If Lawler wants to be in the same ring with him, he must say ALL HAIL KING BARRETT.

Lawler can't get any responds in before Barrett says Jerry is from the trailer parks of Memphis with that other fake king Elvis Pressley. Jerry won't say the words so Barrett threatens a Bull Hammer. Cue Dolph Ziggler to call Barrett a Renaissance fair reject. A match is set up right now.

Dolph Ziggler vs. Bad News Barrett

The King gets two off an early snap suplex and knee drop but Dolph dropkicks him out to the floor as we take an early break. Back with Dolph fighting out of a chinlock but getting kicked in the face for two more. Off to a double arm crank before Winds of Change gets yet another near fall. There's the Fameasser for two but Sheamus runs in for the DQ at 6:29. Not enough show to rate but it was just there to set up the next match.

Neville runs out for the save and it's time for a tag match.

Dolph Ziggler/Neville vs. Bad News Barrett/Sheamus

This is joined in progress with Sheamus driving Neville's back into the apron and kicking him hard in the face. The Irish Curse gets two and it's off to the King for another backbreaker. Neville tries to fight up but gets kicked in the face. There's something so awesome about just kicking a guy in the face to put him down. We hit the chinlock from Sheamus before Neville breaks out of the ten forearms to the chest.

Sheamus is sent shoulder first into the post and it's hot tag to Ziggler. Dolph fights off the UK contingent and hits the running DDT for two on Barrett. A superkick gets the same but Ziggler has to duck a Brogue Kick. Neville's flip dive takes Sheamus down and Neville is right back up to break Barrett's rollup with feet on the ropes (like any evil monarch should do). The Zig Zag gives Ziggler the pin over Barrett at 5:45 shown.

Ambrose calls himself the chaos theory in the Authority's equation. He's the last guy you want in the match because he's the last guy walking out with the title.

Luke Harper vs. Fandango

This should be painful. Harper teases some Fandangoing before the match and then boots Fandango in the face. Fandango scores with some dropkicks but Harper shrugs off a DDT. The big man nails a superkick of his own and the discus lariat is good for the pin on the dancer at 1:33.

Post match Erick Rowan comes out and beats up Fandango as well. It's not like either has done anything in a few months so why not let them be a team again?

Here's a smiling Lana with something to say. Before she can get there though, she takes the time to soak in a Lana chant. She asks them to stop though as the chants anger Rusev. This brings out the man himself to send Lana to the back while he gets the real work done. In this case that's the same promo he's done about Cena for months now, as he promises to make Cena quit at Payback. This somehow takes two minutes and various Russian to accomplish.

Roman Reigns says he's been Orton's rival forever and he hates Rollins, so the only person he can like in the ring is Ambrose. The quicker he signs tonight, the faster he can punch his way to the title. This is the kind of short, to the point promo that Reigns needs to stick with. There isn't time for him to say something stupid and it stayed on point.

New Day vs. Cesaro/Tyson Kidd/???

It's mystery partner time. Kidd/Cesaro have recruited.....Ryback. There are worse options out there. Ryback and Kingston get things going but Kofi has to stop to call off the NEW DAY SUCKS chants. They actually trade hammerlocks to start until Ryback hits an atomic drop so Kidd can nail a dropkick for two. Off to Woods but Cesaro tags himself in to nail a clothesline for two of his own.

In a cool spot, Ryback and Cesaro hit delayed verticals on Big E. and Woods. At the same time, Kidd comes in for a suplex of his own but does a snap instead. All three guys get in on the NEW DAY SUCKS stomps on Woods but he's still able to escape the Sharpshooter. New Day winds up on the floor and all three get flattened by dives and clotheslines as the fans are WAY into Ryback and Cesaro/Kidd. Big E. finally drives Kidd into the apron and barricade a few times to take over. Back from a break with Woods jumping in with a tornado DDT for two on Kidd.

Big E. sends Tyson flying with a suplex but Xavier misses a charge in the corner. Kofi tries to break up the hot tag but Kidd gets to Ryback, who immediately cleans house. Everything breaks down and Cesaro does his running uppercuts spot and loads up the Swing, drawing in Big E. for the save. Instead Cesaro dropkicks Kofi down and the Andre/Snuka splash position sets up Kidd's elbow drop on Kingston. Everything breaks down and Ryback stalks Woods up the ramp.....as the lights go out. No one appears but Big E. runs Ryback over. In the distraction, Kofi rolls Kidd up and grabs trunks for the pin at 12:49.

Orton says his strategy for the pay per view hasn't changed because he's going to take out anyone he has to in order to become champion. One of the members of Shield goes down tonight.

Naomi vs. Emma

Naomi and Tamina's inset interview talks about how they're going to remind everyone what they can do. Emma gets sent into the corner to start but does the same to Naomi for an early near fall. A neckbreaker into a nipup puts Emma back down though and a dropkick gets two. Some rollups get more near falls for Emma but the Rear View is enough for the pin at 3:26.

Tamina superkicks Emma for good measure.

Tough Enough videos.

Rollins says this is his title and thinks Kane sounds desperate when he tries to take credit for any of Rollins' success. Seth has the mind that Kane will never have and it drives him crazy.

Los Matadores vs. Lucha Dragons

New gear for the Dragons. Kalisto and Fernando start and we're in a chinlock 22 seconds after the bell. Thankfully Kalisto gets up after half a second and headlocks Fernando down before it's off to Cara for a slingshot hilo. Diego comes in with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker for two but Cara finally comes back with a springboard double cross body. He tries a headstand in the corner but gets kicked down to the floor, allowing Torito to get in a cheap shot as we take a break. In this match?

Back with Cara slamming Fernando down and making the hot tag to Kalisto for a cross body of his own. The twisting cross body puts Diego down and the short hurricanrana does the same. Kalisto's handspring into a spinning kick to the head stuns Fernando again, allowing Cara to small package him for the pin at 8:25. There was no need for a break in this match.

Los Matadores blame Torito for the loss.

Kane is here to emcee the contract signing. After a brief intro, he calls out all four participants as this is already taking a long time. Seth chills on the stage, prompting Ambrose to call him Justin Bieber. I really, really hope that isn't foreshadowing the appearance of that horrible person. Seth mocks Reigns' lack of speaking ability so Reigns has a sentence for him: He's going to sign this contract and then take Seth's head off. The fans chant for Randy and all three challengers sign.

Seth wants Kane to sign for him but Kane says do it yourself. Mercury is told to bring the contract to Rollins, but Seth would rather insult everyone instead of signing. Apparently Roman used to call Ambrose a Roddy Piper knockoff and Reigns can sign autographs better than he can wrestle. Orton is spoiled and only here because of his old man. Seth finally gets inside and signs and hands them to Kane, who he refers to as Mr. Obsolete.

We get the same argument for the 193rd time but Ambrose moves the table out of the way. “We all know how this is going to end anyway so I call dibs on the table.” The brawl is on with Ambrose throwing the chairs over the top, and hitting Noble in the head. Rollins dropkicks Reigns into Ambrose but has to bail from an RKO. Dean and Roman get into it but it's the RKO to Ambrose, Superman Punch to Orton and springboard knee to Reigns to leave Rollins standing tall to end the show.

Dolph Ziggler b. Bad News Barrett via DQ when Sheamus interfered
Dolph Ziggler/Neville b. Sheamus/Bad News Barrett – Zig Zag to Barrett
Luke Harper b. Fandango – Discus lariat
New Day b. Cesaro/Tyson Kidd/Ryback – Rollup to Kidd with a handful of trunks
Naomi b. Emma – Rear View
Lucha Dragons b. Los Matadores – Small package to Fernando


Impact Wrestling
Date: May 8, 2015
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentator: Josh Matthews

For the first time in weeks, we actually have a special episode. This is airing live from Orlando with the promise of a former World Champion returning in the first five minutes. Other than that we have Kurt Angle defending the World Title against Eric Young to probably blow off their feud. Let's get to it.

Eric Young is in the ring to start and promises to win the title back tonight. This brings out the returning World Champion and it's Bully Ray, who will referee Angle vs. Young. Eh cool but it's nothing earth shattering. It doesn't help that it's for Angle vs. Young which is just a placeholder until Cater challenges Kurt.

We get the opening recap video. They're treating this like a huge show.

Here's Ethan Carter to talk about the democratic process which has lead us to a gentlemen's contest: arm wrestling. This brings out Mr. Anderson to show us the results: falls count anywhere wins with 85% of the vote. Shocking indeed.

Mr. Anderson vs. Ethan Carter III

This is billed as falls count anywhere but the rules make it sound hardcore. Anderson quickly sends Carter and Tyrus to the floor but the big man gets in some cheap shots. That's fine with Anderson who sends Tyrus into the post and chases after Carter as he tries to get away. We get the first weapons brought in as Anderson pulls out a bunch of chairs to pile up on the floor.

A Mic Check onto the chairs doesn't work so Carter backdrops Anderson onto the ramp for two. Carter makes the mistake of spitting in Anderson's face, earning him a Regal Roll onto the chairs for two. Back in and Anderson hammers away before planting Carter with a swinging neckbreaker. Tyrus comes back in to earn his check with a t-bone suplex and a corner splash. The spike to the throat puts Anderson down for the pin at 5:39.

Bully Ray likes the look of Angle's World Title.

Gail Kim goes up to Awesome Kong and asks if they're on the same side tonight. Kong walks away.

Quick recap of BDC vs. the Rising.

Here's the BDC, wearing masks during their entrance, with something to say. MVP holds up his mask and says it belongs to Homicide, but he can't be here tonight because someone blindsided him on his way back here, sending him to the hospital for surgery shoulder. Now he's not saying the Rising did it, but they must know something about it. MVP goes on a rant about the American government taking foreign oil fields and being cheered, but when the BDC tries to take something, they're called thugs. That's a new word for something censored, which was probably a racial term given how MVP was going.

Cue the Rising, who says they fight in a ring instead of the streets. Think about it though: a man called Homicide isn't the most endearing person in the world. The Rising had nothing to do with the injury, but maybe it was someone closer to home. Where was Kenny King last night for example? MVP says he doesn't care about wrestling. It's all about the money and power that comes with the job. Drew cares about workrate but MVP cares about interest rate. Wasn't MVP the one who came to TNA to make things better for wrestling? MVP wants a match right now so let's do it live. The brawl is on and we take a break.

MVP vs. Drew Galloway

Joined in progress after a break with MVP choking on the ropes and bending the arm around the ropes. A slam off the middle rope gets two and they trade big boots with Drew's knocking MVP outside. Drew follows him and gets slammed head first into the barricade for a loud thud. Back in and the Playmaker is countered into the Futureshock to give Drew the pin at 4:45.

Post match Eric Young (in CRAZY pink) comes in and helps the BDC beat down the Rising with a chair. Despite Young being an associate of the team when it formed, this is treated as a surprising turn of events.

James Storm is here with a present for a special friend. They should just call him Christmas because he's always giving.

The preview for next week is all about Kurt Angle and asks who's next. I know that's a Destination America ad but it's almost guaranteeing that Angle retains tonight.

Here's James Storm with his present. He can talk about being tough and drinking beer, but it's time to give someone else the spotlight. This brings out Mickie James to a very nice ovation, but Storm wants to talk about her being a mother. Everyone should love their mother, but Storm quickly switches over to Mickie's music career. She's an amazing mother, wrestler and singer, but she's also a great friend. He holds up the box and it's a new guitar. Storm tries to sing a bit but Mickie politely shakes her head no.

They take a picture together (not a selfie Storm) and here's Magnus with a forced smile. Storm has a gift for him too: the spiked helmet from the Brutus Magnus days. Magnus and Mickie leave but Storm pulls out a blanket for their son Donovan. That's too much for Magnus, who comes back in and breaks the guitar over Storm's head. Like a truly creepy man, Storm starts smiling. They are NAILING this story and Storm is making it awesome. How can he be the same guy that led the worthless Revolution?

Eric Young wants the BDC to have his back to deal with Bully Ray tonight.

We go backstage at Robert Irvine Live (Gail Kim's real life husband and a celebrity chef) where Taryn Terrell shows up. Gail gets in her face and that's about it.

Gail Kim/Awesome Kong vs. Dollhouse

Jade jumps Gail to start but gets thrown down by a hurricanrana, so it's off to Marti vs. Kong. Everyone but Taryn comes in and the Doll House is thrown into the same corner and splashed by the monster. We settle down to Marti hitting a running faceplant on Gail, setting up a cannonball from Jade for two.

Marti slams her down for two but it's off to Jade, who is very slowly slammed down onto Gail's knees. Kim's Black Widow is broken up by Taryn but Gail dives over for the hot tag. The Dollhouse has to save their boss from an Implant Buster and everything breaks down. Jade takes an Implant Buster but Taryn counters the Eat Defeat on Marti with a rollup for the pin at 5:32.

We look at Jeff Hardy breaking his leg and see Matt holding both Tag Team Titles.

Magnus asks Mickie to have nothing to do with James Storm anymore. Mickie isn't thrilled and leaves.

Here's Matt Hardy to address the Tag Team Title situation. Jeff is going to be healing for a long time, so as of right now, the titles are vacant. That means it's time for Matt to go home and figure out what's next for him.

As he leaves, here are Bobby Roode and Austin Aries with something to say. Aries hasn't forgotten Young putting him on a stretcher to send him out of the Impact Zone on a stretcher. That brings Aries to another piece of gold: the World Tag Team Titles, which seem to have a curse on them. Yeah they're constantly being vacated, but that sounds like an opportunity. He and Roode have held the Tag Team Titles and didn't get hurt, so Roode thinks the titles should be defended by two of the best wrestlers in the world today.

This brings out Davey Richards, who says no one has fought more battles for those belts than the Wolves. Aries likes the idea, but there's no team in front of him. Not quite says Davey, because Eddie Edwards is back. Eddie has been cleared to wrestle and who better to start against than Roode and Aries? That's fine with them, but Eddie wants to one up it: a best of five series. Hands are shaken and the series is on.

After a break, Matt Hardy goes to leave but Drew Galloway stops him to offer him some food for thought: things are changing a lot and he could use a good man.

Angelina Love is in the ring to talk about being asked everything going on lately. However, she just wants to talk about herself because she's the only Beautiful Person around and the best Knockout ever. Cue Velvet Sky because these two are cursed to be around each other for all eternity. Velvet looks.....sleepy. Anyway, Angelina sucks up to her but Velvet, now with pink/purple highlights and a left arm tattoo sleeve doesn't say anything. Instead it's a spear to start a catfight as the fans are going mild. Security breaks it up.

Recap of Young beating Angle in a stretcher match last week.

Young asks Ray if he's going to be the next one to stab him in the back. Ray says he's just here to referee.

TNA World Title: Kurt Angle vs. Eric Young

Bully Ray is refereeing and Angle is defending. Josh on Angle: “If anything ever happened to Captain America, Kurt Angle could easily be an Avenger.” A quick belly to belly puts Young down but he fires off some elbows in the corner to take over. Eric is sent to the apron so he runs to the top, only to have Kurt run the ropes and superplex him down. The BDC is watching from the stage as we take a break.

Back with Young getting two off a neckbreaker and choking in the corner. The chinlock slows Angle down for a bit before Angle fights up and wins a slugout. Now we hit the rolling Germans before the ankle lock sends Eric to the ropes. Kurt won't let go so Eric rolls Angle out to the floor. A CRAZY low blow puts Ray down and the BDC starts triple teaming Angle.

This brings out Chris Melendez and the Rising to help Angle before fighting to the back. Young loads up a piledriver on Ray but gets backdropped down, setting up the Angle Slam for two on Eric. Why there hasn't been a DQ called yet isn't clear. Eric hits a quick piledriver for two but goes up for a cross body, only to have Angle roll through into the ankle lock to retain at 14:33.

Angle poses on the stage for a long time and no one attacks him to end the show.

Ethan Carter III b. Mr. Anderson – Pin after a spike to the throat from Tyrus
Drew Galloway b. MVP – Futureshock
Dollhouse b. Gail Kim/Awesome Kong – Rollup to Kim
Kurt Angle b. Eric Young – Ankle lock

Quick Results

Monday Night Raw
New Day b. Randy Orton/Roman Reigns – Kingston pinned Orton after a spear from Reigns
Tyson Kidd/Cesaro b. Ascension – Cesaro Swing into a dropkick to Viktor
Dean Ambrose b. Seth Rollins – Rollup
Rusev b. Fandango – Accolade
Stardust b. R-Truth – Rollup
John Cena b. Sami Zayn – Attitude Adjustment
Sheamus/Bad News Barrett b. Dolph Ziggler/Neville – Bull Hammer to Neville
Randy Orton vs. Roman Reigns went to a no contest when the Authority interfered

Charlotte b. Emma – Natural Selection
Rhyno b. Bull Dempsey – Gore
Hideo Itami b. Tyler Breeze – Shotgun Kick

Dolph Ziggler b. Bad News Barrett via DQ when Sheamus interfered
Dolph Ziggler/Neville b. Sheamus/Bad News Barrett – Zig Zag to Barrett
Luke Harper b. Fandango – Discus lariat
New Day b. Cesaro/Tyson Kidd/Ryback – Rollup to Kidd with a handful of trunks
Naomi b. Emma – Rear View
Lucha Dragons b. Los Matadores – Small package to Fernando

Impact Wrestling
Ethan Carter III b. Mr. Anderson – Pin after a spike to the throat from Tyrus
Drew Galloway b. MVP – Futureshock
Dollhouse b. Gail Kim/Awesome Kong – Rollup to Kim
Kurt Angle b. Eric Young – Ankle lock

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