Week of 4/25/11 - 5/1/11 (Friday - Sunday)


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House

Mania actually did 1 million buys. I didn’t think they could do it but they pulled it off.

Apparently Sabin really was injured on that spot last night. I thought he was.

Date: April 29, 2011
Location: Greensboro Coliseum, Greensboro, North Carolina
Commentators: Michael Cole, Booker T, Josh Matthews

It’s the final night with the Smackdown roster as it had been for months. It’s also the final night before Extreme Rules where we’re guaranteed a new World Heavyweight Champion in the form of Christian or Del Rio. Orton is here tonight I’m assuming and it’s Rey’s last night here. This should be good as there will be a lot of farewell matches. Let’s get to it.

Naturally we open up with a recap of the Draft and Cena going from Friday to Monday, which really isn’t as big a deal as it’s being made out to be. Of course Orton would wind up being the superstar brought in to replace Edge. Also Smackdown lost Del Rio and Mysterio so they didn’t do perfectly. Still though, Smackdown won on Monday. In the supplemental….that’s up for debate I guess.

Do you know your enemy? Mine would be IWC idiots that still say WWE is dying when it got 1 million buys for Wrestlemania which everyone said was impossible. WWE is dying my foot.

The World Heavyweight Championship is above the ring again.

Kane/Show vs. Corre for the titles and Henry vs. Mysterio tonight.

Here’s Orton in the Smackdown shirt to open the show. He introduces himself to the crowd, because no one here has ever watched Raw right? Orton talks about how he’s looking forward to the challenges that await him but this Sunday he has some unfinished business. It’s good that they’re not messing with the PPV matches at least. Orton gets interrupted by….Drew McIntyre?

Drew says he’s moving up to Raw and the WWE Universe has to wait a bit longer on Orton vs. McIntyre. Clearly a match the world is waiting for. Drew tries to jump him with the Futureshock but walks into an RKO. Orton tries to keep talking and here’s Alex Riley with generic rock theme #857, not to be confused with generic rock theme #856. He doesn’t even get a word out before he gets taken down by an RKO.

He tries to talk again and this time it’s Del Rio to interrupt him. Alberto is smart enough to talk on his way to the ring. Orton apparently knows how to make a first impression but Alberto knows how to make a lasting one. The three guys in Alberto’s crew surround Orton until Christian runs out to even the odds a bit. Teddy comes out to make the tag team main event. Clay gets knocked down and Orton and Christian stand tall.

Kofi is on his way to the ring for a match but Sheamus jumps him. Apparently this is the match. I can’t wait for Monday when those stupid shirts go away. Total assault before the match starts (I think) with Kofi getting sent into the railing and steps. That’s one thing I like about Sheamus: he isn’t a coward. He’ll go straight at you and can be a monster fighter when he wants to be.

Into the ring now as I guess the match has officially started when Sheamus jumped him. We’ll go with that for lack of anything official. Into the ring and there’s the Brogue Kick and Sheamus holds up the belt and leaves. I’m assuming this wasn’t an official match. I’d bet on a match between them at the PPV to put a midcard title on Raw.

Here’s Cole to introduce Jack Swagger. Cole implies JR is a pig.

Jack Swagger vs. Sin Cara

Cara NAILS the entrance. I can’t believe I’ve read people complaining about how stupid the trampoline is. Yes, of course he uses one. It looks awesome too but hey, I guess since they think it’s stupid, it must be stupid. Who cares that it looks cool or pops the crowd right? Booker says he’s noticed Sin Cara can fly. You can’t buy analysis like this people!!!

Swagger takes him to the mat easily and hammers away. What looks like a powerslam is reversed and Cara fires off some kicks and an INSANE armdrag off the top. The lighting is kind of a blue haze here. It’s almost like Kane’s back in the day although not red and nowhere near as dark. Cara is sent into the corner chest first but the Vader Bomb is blocked with knees.

More kicks follow and a Tajiri handspring elbow. Headscissors puts Swagger down but Cara walks into a big boot after a missed springboard move. Cole slips Swagger a leather belt and Cara grabs a victory roll to get the pin at 3:17. I’m hoping that’s a sign of how they have tension between Swagger and Cole for the tag match Sunday.

Swagger goes after him again post match but is sent to the floor where Cara hits a big plancha to take Jack down.

Kharma ad. That face is terrifying.

Tag Titles: Heath Slater/Justin Gabriel vs. Big Show/Kane

I still don’t get the point in having Show go to Raw when the champions can be on both shows. Show vs. Slater to start us off. The punch is now known as the WMD. Slater and Gabriel use some nice teamwork and a missile dropkick to put Show down. That gets one as Show launches Gabriel to the floor as we take a break.

Back with Slater getting two on Show. Gabriel pops in and manages to counter the chokeslam with a DDT for two as well. Sleeper/choke by Gabriel gets him nowhere on Show of course. A sideslam allows the hot tag to the Big Fried Freak (who isn’t as fried as you would expect). Another sideslam, this one from Kane, gets two. Top rope clothesline sets up the chokeslam as the crowd is DEAD. Gabriel saves for a bit but the double chokeslam ends them as Kane pins Slater at 3:40 shown of 7:10 total.

Khali and Singh say good luck on Raw to Rey. An Indian man comes up whose name is apparently Jinder Mahal and he’s from FCW. They treat him like a big deal and that’s about it.

Here’s Rey to say goodbye to Smackdown. He thanks the fans for everything, including their world title win last week. The journey isn’t done yet as this Sunday they have a match with Cody Rhodes. Everyone will be part of the 619. Is he going to buy them all houses in San Diego?

Rey Mysterio vs. Mark Henry

Mark is freshly heel for no apparent reason other than we needed a midcard heel monster on Fridays. Henry says Rey’s farewell is his debut which is unfortunate. Rey goes straight at him as Cole makes fun of Rey’s nicknames. Henry sends him to the floor and Rey stalls for a bit. Back in and Rey tries to speed things up. This goes about as well as Goldberg as a heel in WCW as Henry steps on him a lot.

Henry throws him to the floor as this is a very slow moving match. Rey goes into the steps but moves to send Henry knee first into them as we thankfully take a break. Back with them in the ring and Rey hitting a seated dropkick. This is rather boring to say the least. Henry knocks him off the top and splashes him in the corner. About ¾ of this match has been Henry running into Rey in some form or another.

We continue to go so slowly that I think I have horrible lag. Henry tries a drop onto the chest but Rey manages to move. I’m not sure what caused Rey to move but it was either Mark screaming or standing there for ten seconds. Little from column A, little from column B I guess. Rey fires back and hits the 619. He sets for the seated senton but Cody runs in for the DQ at 5:30 shown of 9:00.

Cody beats Rey up in the crowd for a bit and throws him in to Henry for the World’s Strongest Slam. Rey gets the paper bag treatment also.

Michelle McCool vs. Layla

Layla can make a Smackdown t-shirt look good. That’s impressive. They come out to the same music which is pretty rare. Doesn’t mean anything but it’s rare. Layla goes straight at her and Michelle shoves her off with ease. Total catfight and they brawl to the floor. The fight continues and it’s a double countout at 57 seconds. Intense if nothing else.

Layla grabs the mic and challenges Michelle to a no DQ and no countout (street fight) match at Extreme Rules. Michelle says Layla is nothing without her so it’s on. Michelle insists on loser leaves (overdubbed) WWE.

Video on the European tour. Hard to argue with those as apparently they’re almost pure profit. Edge was there too.

Christian says he hears Alberto talking about destiny all the time. He talks about Alberto injuring him and how it gave him time to reflect. Christian talks about how this was Edge’s spot but now he’s in it. He wants to know if this is his time or if he got lucky. It’s his destiny and he’s going to not only touch the title Sunday but earn the right to keep it. Good promo.

We run down the card for Sunday.

Brodus Clay/Alberto Del Rio vs. Christian/Randy Orton

Entrances take forever of course. Can’t tell if it’s a BMW or a Ferrari tonight. Ferrari apparently which looks awesome. Christian vs. Del Rio to start us off. And never mind as here’s Brodus about 4 seconds in. Standard monster vs. regular sized guy at the moment as we talk about Christian needing a win to validate his career which is a kind of interesting debate.

Off to Alberto as we talk about what his moving to Raw means for Clay. Clay could be a solid midcard monster if pushed right. Let the psychology begin as Alberto works on the arm of Christian. Off to Orton who stares a lot. Knee drop gets two but Del Rio gets a Codebreaker to the arm and it’s off to Clay as we take a break. Back with more tagging by the heels and Alberto throwing on a chinlock.

Christian comes in as does Clay. The Canadian speeds things up and takes the fight to Clay, but Del Rio cheats (that villain!) and Clay gets a t-bone suplex for two. More standard beating by both heels kills some time. Christian sends Del Rio to the floor but can’t make the tag. Brodus works on the back and brings in Alberto for a backsplash off the top for two. Christian takes him down eventually and it’s hot tag to Orton. Orton fires off his standard moveset on Del Rio as I’m begging ANYTHING interesting to happen. RKO doesn’t hit Del Rio but Clay walks into it for the pin at 11:42 shown of 15:12.

Sin Cara b. Jack Swagger – Victory Roll
Big Show/Kane b. Justin Gabriel/Heath Slater – Chokeslam to Slater
Rey Mysterio b. Mark Henry via DQ when Cody Rhodes interfered
Layla vs. Michelle McCool went to a double countout
Randy Orton/Christian b. Alberto Del Rio/Brodus Clay


Nothing of note today.


Extreme Rules 2011
Date: May 1, 2011
Location: St. Pete Times Forum, Tampa, Florida
Commentators: Jerry Lawler, Booker T, Josh Matthews

I see this show as being like TLC from last year: there isn’t much of a difference in the stories from here and Wrestlemania so here are a bunch of gimmicks tacked on and we hope that you watch our show and don’t notice that we haven’t put much thought into this past month. The main event tonight (possibly) is Christian vs. Alberto Del Rio for the vacant world title. If Christian doesn’t win here, I doubt he ever will. Not really but it sounds good. Let’s get to it.

Opening video is pretty much what you would expect: TONIGHT IS EXTREME!!!

CM Punk vs. Randy Orton

Last man standing here. New Nexus is with Punk as they continue to try to validate their existences. And never mind as an E-Mail throws them out. Punk takes the pad off a buckle before he even gets in. Hot start as they go right at it. We go to the floor quickly with Punk getting introduced to the barricade. They hit it off and are taking in a movie next Tuesday.

They go back into the ring as they’re keeping up that fast pace. The problem of course is that in last man standings, there’s no real point to buying into any counts until after at least 8 minutes. Punk grabs a kendo stick and the “brutal” part of the match starts. Multiple shots by Punk (Straightedge anyone?) gets about seven and now it’s payback time. Finisher attempts are exchanged and Orton sends Punk into a chair wedged in between the ropes to the floor for about 6.

Punk gets a solid kick to the head for about 8. As always in these matches, a lot of time passes with little happening due to the counting and setting up for the counting. Orton sends him into the barricade for six and we head back to the ring. GTS actually hits and Orton gets up at 9, only to fall back down a second later. That counts as being up though as it should. Punk throws in a chair and a Russian leg sweep onto it gets about 8.

To their feet and Punk tries another leg sweep. Orton pulls an RKO out of nowhere and both guys are down. Orton gets up as does Punk but he stumbles to the floor just after he gets up. Punk fights off the elevated DDT and wraps a chair around Orton’s throat to send it into the post. THAT gets 9 and Punk is ticked off. They go to the table and Punk tries the GTS on it….which wouldn’t add anything to the move but whatever. There’s the counter into an RKO onto the (non-breaking in this case) table and Punk stumbles to his feet somehow at 9. I would have bet on that being the ending.

Orton sets for a Punt but gets caught in a GTS into the steps. When I say the GTS I mean he gets dropped face first onto the steps which is really about all you can do with that move. Up at nine and Punk has a kendo stick. Punk sends Orton in and goes up top for some reason, only to have Orton intercept the stick and WEAR PUNK OUT with it as he’s hanging from the top. SUPER RKO from the top ends this with Orton barely beating the count.

Lawler heads to the back to get read and we recap the Draft.

Morrison is warming up.

Sheamus is ticked off that Teddy has added an extra match with him defending against Kofi in a tables match. He’s the US Champion and is defending against someone not from the US. He demands to see the birth certificate. This is FAR less stupid now that that whole issue is over.

US Title: Sheamus vs. Kofi Kingston

Booker continues to imply Kofi should turn heel as we hit the floor early. First table is brought out by the pale one and set up on the floor. Back to the ring and Sheamus gets caught on the apron, only to hit a slingshot shoulder block to take Kofi down. Table #2 comes in and lands on top of Kofi. We hear about how Sheamus beat Cena in one of these to win the title which still blows my mind.

Table gets set up in the corner but Kofi fights out of it. Sheamus moves to avoid Kofi’s dive but Kofi is like screw it and does the splits in midair to land on the ropes with the table between his legs. Big boot sends Kofi flying over the table on the floor as Sheamus takes over again. The corner table is set up in front of the corner and Sheamus hammers away. Sheamus can’t suplex him onto a table on the floor and gets caught by Trouble in Paradise but it doesn’t put him through the table. The Boom Drop as Sheamus turns around does however to give Kofi the title.

Truth complains about Morrison because that’s what he does anymore. He can’t spell conspiracy. The one thing he can’t stand is a thief which is what Morrison is. Back in the 80s this would have been a squash over a jobber and the point is just to establish that Truth is here for when he likely runs in later.

Michael Cole/Jack Swagger vs. Jim Ross/Jerry Lawler

Country whipping match here, which means they all have straps. Cole, I kid you not, is wrapped in bubble wrap. Ross has a legit broken hand after beating Cole up Monday. Cole gives us his resume as a reporter and insults all of Florida by saying everyone is old. Lawler vs. Cole to start as Lawler can’t hurt him. Lawler goes for the only unprotected part: Cole’s face. There goes the bubble wrap and it’s off to Swagger.

Basically this is Lawler vs. Swagger for all intents and purposes as they have a one on one match for a few minutes. Lawler gets him down but takes a chop block as he goes after Cole. Ankle Lock goes on for like 30 seconds as Ross WEAKLY hits Swagger to break the hold. Off to JR who puts an ankle lock on Swagger! Swagger escapes and I think accidently tags Cole. Ross wastes WAY too much time for a clothesline and whips Cole a bit. Ankle lock goes on Cole and even takes Swagger out with a low blow. He turns to whip Swagger….and gets rolled up by Cole to end it. Dang it this is going to keep going isn’t it?

Over the Limit is in three weeks. Well of course it is.

Cena says he hasn’t been champion since June and will be champion again tonight. Short interview here.

We recap Rey vs. Cody. Not much to say here other than it’s been awesome from Cody and Rey messed up Cody, turning him into someone that thinks he’s grotesque despite looking the same as he always has. That’s some solid psychological stuff there.

Cody Rhodes vs. Rey Mysterio

Falls count anywhere. People hand out the bags which is a nice touch. Cody has promised to send Rey to the hospital on his way to Raw. Cody charges at Rey to start us off but Rey speeds thigns up to send him to the floor. They go up the ramp and Rey gets a seated senton off the stage for two. Out into the crowd as Rey kicks away at the head. NOT IN THE FACE!!!

Up towards the back of the arena with Cody kind of in control now. Into the back as this is more or less an old school hardcore match. Cody mangaes the Beautiful Disaster off a concession stand window for two. That looked awesome. Back to the ring as this has been a very stiff looking match. Rey tries his sitout bulldog but Cody reverses with a wheelbarrow drop onto the steps for two.

Cody picks Rey up like a 24 pack and throws him into the ring. Rey fights back and sets for the 619, intentionally exposing his knee brace. Cody counters and hits an Alabama Slam for two. Up we go but Rey FIRES GREEN MIST at Cody to send him flying. 619 out of nowhere and the springboard splash finishes completely clean.

Layla apologizes to the Divas for being mean to them over the years. They say they don’t like her but they like Michelle less.

Cole is back on commentary. Oh joy.

Michelle McCool vs. Layla

More or less a street fight here and the loser leaves WWE. Michelle wisely jumps Layla during her lay on the rope entrance. Out to the floor as this is another intense brawl. A shot into the table gets two for Michelle. Big boot misses and here comes Layla. Belly to belly gets two for Michelle as we hit the floor again.

They fight on the barrier of all things with Michelle taking over. DIAMOND DUST gets two for Layla as they come back in. Faithbreaker is countered into the Layout for two. Michelle counters a jackknife cover into a Faithbreaker (Styles Clash) but can’t cover immediately. Layla counters the cover into a rollup/crucifix pin to get rid of Michelle.

Layla cries as she leaves.

Michelle gets the goodbye song treatment but Kharma (Awesome Kong) debuts. Implant Buster kills Michelle dead with ease. All of the Divas are freaked out. Beth is made to look the most prominent here.

Alberto gives Ricardo instructions on how to announce the ending.

We recap Edge’s retirement and the title being vacant. This gets the 3 Doors Down video again which makes me smile. Edge was supposed to defend in a ladder match but had to retire due to a neck injury so Christian took his place by winning a battle royal.

Smackdown World Title: Christian vs. Alberto Del Rio

Ladder match here. Well we’re in Christian’s match with Edge’s momentum behind him in his (kind of) hometown. If he doesn’t win here, he’s never going to have a better chance. Brawl to start and Christian goes for the ladder only for the king of the golden banana hammock to take over. Baseball slide into the ladder into Del Rio as Christian takes control right back.

First ladder is brought in and Del Rio gets in a shot to take over. Christian is knocked to the floor as Del Rio gets the big ladder set up between the table and the ring like a platform. Suplex is blocked but Christian is kicked into the steps hip first. The Canadian gets knocked off the top onto a ladder and then jumps onto Del Rio to keep the advantage for the most part.

Up goes Christian but we’re only about 8 minutes into this so that’s not the ending. They slug it out but the Killswitch is avoided. Del Rio is sent into the ladder arm first. Big ladder goes up in the middle of the ring but Del Rio chucks a stepladder at Christian for the save. Codebreaker to the arm with Del Rio on the small ladder and Christian coming off the big ladder which looked awesome.

Del Rio works on the arm a bit as Cole declares Christian done. The small ladder (I smell an alliance with Horny) is used again but Del Rio goes crashing into the big ladder to put him down. Christian goes up again, only to get caught by Alberto in a kind of powerbomb move which is countered by a rana by Christian. They fight over a chance to put the other through the ladder platform but Christian gets a suplex onto a ladder to put Del Rio down.

Alberto goes up, only to be stopped but the arm goes out on Christian as Alberto keeps control. Chair slipped in by Ricardo which goes nowhere. Back in the ring Christian busts out a SPEAR to put Del Rio down. I guess he isn’t a master of it though as Del Rio makes the save by pulling Christian through the rungs of the ladder. Christian slips free, sending Alberto into the corner where the stepladder gets kicked into his face again.

Christian gets laid out on the platform ladder and Del Rio goes up for an elbow/legdrop/splash/whatever. Christian moves though and the ladder DOESN”T BREAK. FREAKING OW MAN! There goes the Canadian but Brodus runs in to move the ladder and pull him down. Stepladder shot puts Clay down as Del Rio comes back in to take over. Cross armbreaker with the arm in the ladder makes Christian tap which means nothing.

Christian is busted open so we bust out the towel. Alberto sets up the ladder and has to take his time as first aid is administered, making this look REALLY FREAKING STUPID. He goes up but a horn honks and Edge is in a car. Brodus is busted BAD. The distraction lets Christian shove Alberto onto Clay and Christian is champion. One important thing here: Edge stands off to the side for a good while to let Christian celebrate on his own.

Edge celebrates with Christian but DOESN’T STEAL THE SPOTLIGHT.

Package on Orton’s movie at a film festival. I think they’ve figured out the idea here: let the actors do the acting and let the WWE guys have supporting roles. It’ll do a lot better.

Riley gives Miz a pep talk as the fans can be heard heckling Del Rio.

Tag Titles: Kane/Big Show vs. Wade Barrett/Ezekiel Jackson

Lumberjack match here which is really needed as it’s 10:15 and we only had the Raw title match left. Show vs. Barrett to start us off as Show dominates. Kane comes in with his low dropkick for two. Everything breaks down quickly as Show beats up various jobber lumberjacks as Jackson runs over Kane to take over. Double clothesline puts both guys down as this is a bit of a mess. It’s a bonus match though so you really can’t complain that much.

Off to Show who cleans a few rooms but gets sent to the floor by Jackson. Jobbers pound on him which means they’ll be his dinner later. DH Smith is actually here. Wow indeed. They finally get Show back in and Jackson slams him, but Barrett wants the glory. The glaring between the foreigners allows Show to grab a chokeslam to retain over Barrett. Just a quick match here.

Raw World Title: John Cena vs. The Miz vs. John Morrison

In a cage and it’s pin, submission or escape. Miz tries to run but the not brothers John save him. Midnight Express flapjack puts the champ down as we’re firmly into the three way formula already. Everyone beats on everyone as the former tag champions……and by that I mean Miz and Morrison…..go up but Cena makes the save. Miz and Cena fight on the top rope for a bit and down goes Cena.

Morrison tries to make a quick escape as Miz tries a pin but the champion saves. They sit on top of the cage and slug it out as Booker says they’re 20 or 30 feet in the air. I give up. Cena pops up and it’s a double suplex to Miz but they kind of botch it into almost a double brainbuster. That looked SICK. Back to the formula again and down goes Morrison.

Cena locks on the STF but Miz tries to escape. Cena lets go for some reason and no one escapes. Morrison gets thrown into the cage, only to jump up the wall and almost escape. He’s a wildcard in this and changes the whole thing, as wildcards are designed to do. With the Johns on top, Miz tries to go out the door. Morrison kicks the door onto his head but gets crotched on said door.

Miz wisely pulls Morrison back into the cage because Morrison was about to just fall onto the floor. Cena gets two on Morrison. BIG DDT on Cena by Miz gets two. Miz rams Cena into the cage and Morrison almost escapes, only to be caught again by Miz. They slug it out on top of the cage again and Miz can’t quite get down. Miz goes down so Morrison launches a Starship Pain off the cage to take out both guys in a cool spot.

Morrison almost gets out but of course here’s Truth to slam the door on Morrison’s head. Truth comes into the cage and destroys Morrison. Axe kick to Cena as Booker is confused. Jumping downward spiral (NAME THAT MOVE ALREADY!) to Morrison as Truth climbs the cage. He hasn’t touched Miz. Truth climbs out of the cage and has the big freaky eyes going on.

Everyone is down now and Miz is the first one up. He goes to escape, for some reason not going through the door, only to be caught by Cena. They slug it out with the boo/yay which is required for Cena matches anymore. Skull Crushing Finale is blocked into a big old FU off the top (stealing moves from Orton Cena? Really) and Cena is champion again.

Randy Orton b. CM Punk when Punk couldn’t answer the ten count
Kofi Kingston b. Sheamus – Boom Drop through a table
Michael Cole/Jack Swagger b. Jim Ross/Jerry Lawler – Cole pinned Ross with a rollup
Rey Mysterio b. Cody Rhodes – Springboard splash
Layla b. Michelle McCool – Crucifix Pin
Christian b. Alberto Del Rio – Christian pulled down the championship
Big Show/Kane b. Ezekiel Jackson/Wade Barrett – Big Show pinned Barrett after a chokeslam
John Cena b. John Morrison and The Miz – Cena pinned Miz after an Attitude Adjustment off the top

Quick Results

Team Smackdown won a battle royal – Big Show last eliminated Mason Ryan
Eve Torres b. Layla – Rollup
Kofi Kingston b. Sheamus – Trouble in Paradise
Jim Ross b. Michael Cole via DQ when Jack Swagger interfered
Randy Orton b. Dolph Ziggler – RKO
Rey Mysterio b. Wade Barrett – Top rope splash
The Miz/Alberto Del Rio/CM Punk b. John Cena/Mark Henry/Christian – Skull Crushing Finale to Cena

Jacob Novak won the How Well Do You Know Your Pro Challenge
Titus O’Neil b. Darren Young – Sitout Spinebuster
JTG/Jacob Novak b. Conor O’Brian/Vladimir Kozlov – Big boot to O’Brian
Lucky Cannon b. Byron Saxton via DQ when Yoshi Tatsu interfered

Angelina Love b. Velvet Sky – Choke Out
Anarquia b. Chris Sabin – Small Package
Gunner b. Christopher Daniels – F5
Samoa Joe vs. Crimson went to a no contest when Abyss interfered
Sting b. Bully Ray and Mr. Anderson – Sting pinned Ray after a shot with a steel pipe

Sin Cara b. Jack Swagger – Victory Roll
Big Show/Kane b. Justin Gabriel/Heath Slater – Chokeslam to Slater
Rey Mysterio b. Mark Henry via DQ when Cody Rhodes interfered
Layla vs. Michelle McCool went to a double countout
Randy Orton/Christian b. Alberto Del Rio/Brodus Clay

Extreme Rules 2011
Randy Orton b. CM Punk when Punk couldn’t answer the ten count
Kofi Kingston b. Sheamus – Boom Drop through a table
Michael Cole/Jack Swagger b. Jim Ross/Jerry Lawler – Cole pinned Ross with a rollup
Rey Mysterio b. Cody Rhodes – Springboard splash
Layla b. Michelle McCool – Crucifix Pin
Christian b. Alberto Del Rio – Christian pulled down the championship
Big Show/Kane b. Ezekiel Jackson/Wade Barrett – Big Show pinned Barrett after a chokeslam
John Cena b. John Morrison and The Miz – Cena pinned Miz after an Attitude Adjustment off the top

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