Week of 3/3/2014 - 3/9/2014 (Friday - Sunday)


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House

Kurt Angle is out of Lockdown with a knee injury.

Date: March 7, 2014
Location: Joe Louis Arena, Detroit, Michigan
Commentators: John Bradshaw Layfield, Michael Cole

We're getting closer and closer to Wrestlemania with the main story coming out of Monday being the lack of CM Punk. While there's still a chance of a surprise return, it's not looking likely that he's going to come back anytime soon. Other than that we're still waiting to find out what Daniel Bryan is going to be doing at the biggest show of the year. Let's get to it.

Opening sequence.

We open with a recap of Bryan challenging HHH for a match at Wrestlemania and being beaten down by Kane, Batista, HHH and Orton to end the show.

Here's Batista to get things going. He asked where have all the real men gone in WWE and he got Dolph Ziggler on last week. Batista destroyed Ziggler and then he got Daniel Bryan on Raw with the same outcome. Bryan isn't a superhero but here he is (with a YES hoodie) to disagree. He doesn't think Batista is a hero but Batista wants to know who is. This place has gotten screwed up because it's listening to the fans.

Daniel Bryan is nothing but a big fan and he should buy a ticket to Wrestlemania and watch Batista win the title. Bryan thinks the skinny jeans are cutting off the blood flow to Batista's brain. It took four people to beat him on Monday and before they all came out, he had Batista beat. Yeah Bryan is a fan, just like everyone here. Batista says he's better than Bryan and this is now his universe.

Bryan is allowed to live in this universe but Batista is fine with taking that existence away. Daniel makes fun of Batista tattoos and clothes and the brawl is on with Batista being sent to the floor. This brings out Kane but the distraction lets Batista get in a shot from behind. Big Show makes the save and clears off the monsters. Vickie comes out and makes a tag match for later.

Christian vs. Dolph Ziggler

Alberto is on commentary. Ziggler takes Christian down to start and swivels his hips a bit. Christian slaps him in the face and the brawl heads to the mat with Ziggler dropping a string of elbows. They head outside with Ziggler being sent into the steps as we take a break. Back with Christian holding a chinlock while laying on Ziggler's back. Dolph fights up but is quickly slammed back onto the mat. Del Rio is pleased with Christian's new attitude as the Canadian puts on a chinlock.

Christian goes for the sunset flip out of the corner but gets dropkicked out of the air in a nice counter. Dolph hammers away and gets a delayed two off a neckbreaker. The Killswitch is countered with Ziggler jumping over Christian's back followed by the jumping DDT for two. Dolph can't hit the Zig Zag but he does get a middle rope X-Factor. Del Rio gets on the announce table and shouts at Ziggler, allowing Christian to hit the Killswitch for the pin at 9:05.

Post match Christian is about to talk about attacking Sheamus but here's the Irishman himself to beat down Christian. A Brogue Kick misses and Christian runs up the ramp.

We look at the Usos winning the titles on Raw.

Usos vs. Ryback/Curtis Axel

Non-title. Jey starts with Axel and is immediately dragged to the corner for a tag to Ryback. The Usos score with a series of chops but Axel low bridges Jimmy out to the floor. Axel hammers away on the chest and drops an elbow for good measure. Ryback cranks on the arm a bit as the announcers talk about malaria. Jimmy comes back with chops to Ryback and a Bubba Bomb followed by a Samoan drop. Everything breaks down and the double superkick followed by the Superfly Splash take care of Ryback at 4:20.

We look back at Heyman's promo and Brock destroying Henry on Raw. Only the portion about Undertaker vs. Lesnar was shown and Punk wasn't mentioned.

Kane thinks Bryan's luck runs out tonight. Bryan has delusions of grandeur such as challenging HHH to a match at Wrestlemania, so tonight he'll shove Bryan's beard down his throat.

Tamina Snuka/AJ Lee vs. Natalya/Eva Marie

Eva armdrags Tamina down to start but AJ gets in a shot from the apron, allowing Tamina to take over. The heels take over on Eva in the corner with AJ kicking her in the ribs. We hit the chinlock from the champion but Eva crawls away and makes the tag off to Natalya. Nattie cleans house and slams AJ down before hitting a discus lariat on Tamina. The Sharpshooter gets the submission from AJ at 3:57.

Tamina stares the winners down post match but nothing comes of it.

Paul Bear Hall of Fame video.

Here are Reigns and Ambrose for a Shield Summit. Dean says he can take whatever physical pain that comes with being on this team but what he can't take is being lied to. He was lied to for the last 18 months because he believed that all three of them were in this together. Then Seth Rollins walked out this past Monday night, so he needs to get out here right now and settle things.

Rollins comes down the ramp and Reigns says this better be good. Seth says Monday wasn't the best time to do what he did during a war with the Wyatts. The war is within themselves and not with the Wyatt Family. However, he sacrificed himself on Monday to get through the Wyatts as he always does. Ambrose doesn't want to hear that and says he does that every night but doesn't walk out. Reigns isn't pleased either and Seth says that's the point: for the first time in months the two of them are seeing things the same way.

Rollins says the three of them can walk out right now and go their separate ways but there's strength together. They've taken apart everyone they've seen over the last year and a half so let's keep this together and take this place apart. Dean shoves Rollins down but Seth shoves him right back.

Seth says he knows what's going to make him feel better so he slaps Dean to the mat. He offers to let Dean give him one right back and Ambrose does it before Rollins is done talking. Reigns is just watching. Rollins asks if we're done here or if we're done. He puts out his fist and Reigns does the same. Ambrose thinks about it and puts his fist out as well to a nice pop from the audience. Cool segment but this is far from over.

Sheamus vs. Alberto Del Rio

Sheamus has a bad arm coming in. Del Rio goes after the injury but is easily clotheslined to the floor with the good arm. The rolling fireman's carry on the floor has Alberto in even more trouble and Sheamus rams him into the barricade. They head back inside for a few seconds before rolling outside again. Del Rio sends the arm into the steps to take over and we take a break. Back with Del Rio hitting the running enziguri in the corner for two. An armbar goes nowhere and Del Rio misses a charge to the ropes and gets clotheslined.

Sheamus goes up but Alberto goes after the arm, only to get caught by the ten forearms to the chest. Alberto snaps the arm over the ropes and hits the low superkick for a very close two count. Sheamus breaks up the armbreaker and hits a running knee lift followed by the Irish Curse for two. A second attempt at the armbreaker goes on but Sheamus rolls over and powerbombs his way out of the hold. Alberto grabs the arm again but Sheamus gets his foot in the ropes. Back up and the Brogue Kick gets the pin at 7:36 shown of 11:06.

The Wyatts want to know why John Cena keeps doing this stuff. Cena feels the need to feel some void in his life. What would John be without his legacy? Bray's father was the war, his brother was the snare that forced him to watch, his mother was the hard road and the world is his teacher. Once he takes care of John Cena, he just wants to stand back and warm his hands as it burns. Follow the buzzards.

The expert panel of Booker T., Hacksaw Jim Duggan and Alex Riley recap the show thus far.

Batista says tonight Bryan has to face the reality that there's nothing special about him.

Lana brings out Rusev for his usual Bulgarian promo.

Daniel Bryan says HHH isn't a real man because he keeps hiding behind anything he can to avoid a match at Wrestlemania. Big Show comes in and asks if he should get some skinny jeans to get people to be scared of him. They're naming themselves Respect the Beard, Fear the Giant.

Kane/Batista vs. Daniel Bryan/Big Show

Kane takes Bryan into the corner and drops him with an elbow to the jaw. Bryan takes him into the corner as well for a tag to Big Show for heavy right hands and chops. Kane avoids a charge into the corner and tags in Batista but Big Show counters a suplex into a double DDT called a double suplex. The villains roll outside and the FLYING GOAT puts both guys down as we take a break. Back with Big Show chopping Batista against the ropes before it's back to Bryan for kicks to the chest.

Kane gets knocked off the apron and Bryan nails Batista with the YES Kicks. Big Dave ducks the last kick and spinebusters Bryan down for two. Back to Kane who loads up a superplex but Bryan knocks him off and hits the missile dropkick. Batista gets another tag and drives Bryan hard into the corner.

Back in and Batista runs him over with a tackle but Bryan escapes the Batista Bomb and kicks Batista's head off. The hot tag brings in Big Show who cleans house on the also legal Kane. Bryan gets two off a swan dive and everything breaks down. Kane tries the chokeslam but Bryan counters into a sunset flip with Big Show knocking Kane out to give Daniel the pin at 10:42.

One more note: there was a Big E. vs. Jack Swagger match taped but there was no mention of it here. Big E. won and the Real Americans had more issues after the match.

Christian b. Dolph Ziggler – Killswitch
Usos b. Ryback/Curtis Axel – Superfly Splash to Ryback
Natalya/Eva Marie b. Tamina Snuka/AJ Lee – Sharpshooter to Lee
Sheamus b. Alberto Del Rio – Brogue Kick
Big Show/Daniel Bryan b. Kane/Batista – Rollup to Kane




Lockdown 2014
Date: March 9, 2014
Location: BankUnited Center, Miami, Florida
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Tazz

It's been five months since the last pay per view so this isn't something TNA is used to anymore. We have a double main event tonight with Magnus defending the World Title against Samoa Joe and Team MVP vs. Team Dixie in Lethal Lockdown for control of the company. The Lethal Lockdown match also has Jeff Hardy returning for the first time in a few months. All of the matches tonight are in the cage so let's get to it.

We see Magnus arriving earlier today.

The opening video talks about being alone with your greatest enemies inside the cage.

Bad Influence/Chris Sabin vs. Great Muta/Sanada/Yasu

Daniels and Kazarian come out in Great Muta garb circa 1989. Sanada took the X Title from Austin Aries a week ago in Japan. Sabin and Sanada get things going and fight over hiptosses before Sanada grabs an abdominal stretch. It's quickly off to Muta to drop some fast elbows on Sabin followed by a crossface hold. Daniels makes the save but we get the Green Mist from Muta.

Back to Yasuyuki who gets taken into the wrong corner with Daniels dropping him with a belly to back suplex, setting up a slingshot legdrop from Kaz for two. Daniels suplexes Kaz onto Yatzu, setting up a springboard moonsault for two from Christopher. Back to Kaz who misses a top rope legdrop, allowing the hot tag off to Sanada.

He cleans house until Bad Influence hits a quick High/Low for two. Daniels takes Sanada down for a second but a hot tag brings in Muta to really clean house with dragon screw leg whips all around. The Mist puts Daniels down and there's the Shining Wizard, setting up a moonsault from Sanada for the pin on Daniels at 9:22.

Here's Spud to introduce Dixie as real royalty. She calls herself a real queen, unlike that stupid King James. Dixie rants about how MVP and the people have driven her to do something she's going to regret. She built this company into the international success that it is. Earlier this week she went to New York to get a little insurance policy to ensure victory tonight. Jeff Hardy walked out on this company and therefore breached his contract. Therefore, he's banned from the building tonight and now we can enjoy the rest of the show.

Velvet Sky and Eric Young are answering internet questions. Eric thinks everything changes after tonight.

We recap Shaw vs. Anderson. Shaw is obsessed with Christy Hemme and Anderson is protecting her from harm. Samuel thinks this means Anderson is preventing him from being with Christy and has been attacking him as a result.

Mr. Anderson vs. Samuel Shaw

This is escape only. Before Anderson comes out, Shaw climbs to the top of the cage and says if Christy doesn't come out, he's going to professionally end it all. Before he can jump though, Anderson comes out and points out the obvious: the cage isn't high enough to do a lot of damage. All that will do is break his ankle and make Shaw look even goofier. Anderson offers to beat Shaw up a bit and then take him somewhere really high to jump.

We're finally ready to go with Anderson taking over for a few moments but running into a boot in the corner. Christy is at ringside now. An early Mic Check is blocked but Anderson takes him down with a gutwrench suplex. Shaw chokes Anderson in the corner but can't quite get over the cage. Anderson goes after him but gets rammed face first into the cage a few times and knocked down to the mat. Shaw still can't climb fast enough though and Anderson runs the corner for a belly to back superplex.

Shaw sends him face first into the cage but Anderson sends him into the cage door, knocking it open and drilling Earl Hebner in the process. There's the Mic Check to Shaw and a second one sends him face first into the buckle. Anderson calls him a frickin weirdo and climbs the cage but Shaw reaches through a hole in the cage and pulls Christy in.

Shaw starts crawling on the mat ala Kevin Sullivan at the 1988 Great American Bash. Anderson makes it to the floor but there's no referee. Mr. gets the key from Hebner and opens the door for the save but Shaw hits Anderson low and chokes him out before leaving for the win at 10:12.

Team Roode isn't sure what the insurance policy is and argue about who will own what percentage of the company after they win.

We quickly look at Ethan Carter III injuring Kurt Angle, putting Kurt out of the match tonight.

Here's Ethan who has issued an open challenge for Angle's spot. Ethan talks about growing up wanting to be the best and to beat the best. In 1996, Kurt Angle was the best and Ethan took him out twice now. The fans say he can't wrestle but Ethan comes back with chants of “I'm very good” and “I disagree.” By the way this is our third promo tonight and it's getting clear that they're stalling, despite having eight matches. He asks anyone to come out here but warns the fans not to hijack this show.

Ethan Carter III vs. Bobby Lashley

Well that's a surprise. Ethan insists that Lashley isn't on the roster but Bobby powerslams him down and hits a big spear. There was no bell so it wasn't a match, meaning Ethan is still undefeated.

Kenny King's King of the Night promo.

Magnus says he's all alone tonight but he's used to that. He has to battle against Joe on his own tonight and he's fighting a lone crusade. Something doesn't sit well with him tonight because everyone is talking about what Joe is going to do to him. No one has asked what Magnus is going to do to Joe. Tonight, Joe bows down to the reign of Magnus.

Manik vs. Tigre Uno

Pin/submission to win here. Tigre Uno is Extreme Tiger from AAA. They trade some very fast wristlocks to start before they both go for dropkicks and crash to the mat. Back up and they miss each other a few times until Tigre dropkicks Manik down. Manik comes out of the corner with a headscissors before throwing him to the top rope, only to have Tigre catch himself on the cage. A moonsault gets two on Manik but Tigre misses a charge and goes flying into the steel.

Manik gets two off a belly to back suplex and drives some knees into Tigre's back. There's a surfboard hold from Manik and he drops Tigre backwards for two. Manik gets two more off a dropkick and a backbreaker gets the same. Tigre comes back by jumping up to the top rope and coming down with a hurricanrana.

A spinwheel kick and running DDT drop Manik again but he can't get a sunset bomb off the top. Instead Manik dropkicks him in the back and gets two of his own off a sitout powerbomb. They trade standing switches and Tigre tries a capture suplex, only to drop Manik down onto his head. A quick Sabretooth (moonsault into a 450) Splash is enough to give Tigre the pin at 7:48.

We recap Gunner vs. Storm. Gunner took the Feast or Fired briefcase from him and Storm was livid, eventually turning on Gunner to cost him the World Title match against Magnus. Tonight it's last man standing.

James Storm vs. Gunner

New music and long tights for James tonight. They start fighting on the ramp and Storm gets in a good shot early. Gunner rams him into the cage and suplexes him on the floor before going to get some chairs. He throws three of them into the cage but Storm sends him into the steps to slow Gunner down. Storm sends him into the cage and slams the cage door on Gunner's head. He demands a count and we get the opening bell followed by a four count.

Storm wedges a chair into the corner and takes Gunner down with a jumping DDT for five. Gunner tries to get up but gets choked down by a tag rope and dropped throat first across the top rope. James ties the rope around Gunner's throat and ties it to the rope but Gunner rips it away, only to be taken down by a low blow. Gunner no sells some ramming into the buckle and rams his own head into the same buckle for good measure.

Some running knees including one to Storm's head have Storm in trouble and Gunner pulls the top of the steps into the ring. A hard shot to James' head gets eight but he comes back with a quick Closing Time (Codebreaker) before ramming Gunner into the chair in the corner. James blasts him in the back with the chair but Gunner is getting that look in his eyes. He fights up and scores with a spear and an F5 as the fans think this is awesome. Storm tries to grab the chair but Gunner stands on it to thwart the Cowboy's plans.

Gunner slams him down again and goes up, only to have Storm throw the chair at Gunner's head on the way down for seven. Another hard shot to the back gets five and Storm sets up some chairs in the ring. He loads up the Eye of the Storm but Gunner gets to the ropes in the corner. Both guys climb to the middle rope and ram each other into the cage until Gunner superplexes him through the chairs for the win at 12:02.

We look at Dixie's promo again because that's what we do in TNA.

Team MVP is ready for revenge but don't like the idea of being patient. Richards wants to get Aries for injuring his shoulder but MVP tells him to keep his composure. MVP promises to unleash the Wolves and the hunt will be on.

We recap Gail Kim vs. Madison Rayne. They used to be best friends but titles came between them. How many times has TNA used that story for this division in recent years?

Knockouts Title: Gail Kim vs. Madison Rayne

Rayne is defending. Gail quickly takes her down to start and chokes with a boot but Madison gets a quick rollup for two. Kim fakes her out on a middle rope cross body and tries to leave, only to have Madison get above her and use her legs to ram Gail's head into the cage. Madison gets pulled off the cage and down to the mat in a crash for two but she's still able to make a save as Gail tries to leave.

Kim bends her over a knee for a backbreaker but Rayne stretches her legs up for a kick to the head. Madison sends her face first into the cage and drops her with some forearms and a low dropkick. Both girls climb the cage but Gail brings her down with a neckbreaker in a big crash. Madison makes a save to prevent an escape but gets leveraged into the cage for two. They both climb again and Gail is sent down, setting up a top rope spear for the pin to retain Madison's title at 8:55.

Joe says he's dominated the last few months to earn this shot. He once considered Magnus to be a brother but now Magnus has thrown that away for the quick and easy path to the title. Joe will make the pain tangible and bash it into Magnus' skull over and over again.

We recap Joe vs. Magnus which was already covered in Joe's promo. Magnus was part of the Main Event Mafia but joined Dixie Carter to become champion. Tonight it's knockout or submission only to win.

TNA World Title: Samoa Joe vs. Magnus

Magnus is defending. Joe gets in the first offense with a hard kick to the thigh but the champion takes him down with a headlock. In a unique move, Joe grabs a wristlock and headbutts Magnus' hand before putting on a hammerlock. A hard back elbow to the jaw drops Magnus again and Joe peppers him with right hands in the corner. Joe chops him down in the corner and hits the Facewash.

Magnus avoids the running backsplash and hammers away before raking Joe's eyes. The champion misses a charge and goes into the cage so Joe rams him face first into the steel over and over. The ramming draws blood and Joe goes right after it but misses a charge, allowing the Englishman to send him face first into the steel over and over. Now Joe is busted open and Magnus locks on the Figure Four.

Joe turns it over but Magnus immediately lets go and puts on a camel clutch. That's powered out of as well but Magnus slaps on a sleeper. Joe picks him up into the air and drops Magnus down onto his back, putting both guys down. Magnus loses a forearm slugout but gets a boot up in the corner to stop a charging Samoan. Joe comes right back with a slam and the backsplash followed by a cross armbreaker.

Magnus rolls out and heads up top and shoves Joe down before dropping the big elbow. Joe gets back to his feet and wins a slugout with his hard slaps before crotching Magnus down on the top. There's the MuscleBuster and the Koquina Clutch but Abyss' hand comes up through the ring and pulls Joe through the mat. After a few seconds, a furious Joe slowly comes up through the ring and chokes Magnus in the corner. Abyss comes up through the hole and hits Joe in the stomach with Janice before a Black Hole Slam sets up the Koquina Clutch from Magnus for the win at 19:28.

Post match Eric Young asks Abyss what he's thinking but Magnus says get him out of here.

Dixie sends Spud to get the insurance policy. Roode comes in and says he's nervous but Dixie says there's insurance. They tell each other not to screw this up.

We recap Lethal Lockdown with both teams fighting for control of the company. Aries swerved MVP to join Team Roode but MVP brought back Jeff Hardy to even things out.

Team MVP vs. Team Roode

MVP, Wolves, Jeff Hardy
Bobby Roode, Bro Mans, Austin Aries

It's Lethal Lockdown, meaning WarGames and the winner gets control of TNA (Roode is fighting for Dixie and gets 10% ownership if his team wins). Two men start for five minutes followed by a member of Team Roode (due to winning a match on Impact) enters for a two minute advantage. After two minutes a member of Team MVP enters to even things out for two minutes. This alternates until all eight are in when a roof with weapons is lowered and then it's one fall to a finish, including pins.

Aries and the hometown boy MVP get things going with MVP kicking Aries in the face. Austin comes back with a bulldog and the Last Chancery before laying on the ropes. A missile dropkick doesn't work as MVP catches him in an exploder suplex and the Ballin Elbow but Aries takes him out before it lands. Aries hits a running dropkick but MVP slams him down and hammers away. Austin escapes an arm hold but misses an elbow drop as Robbie E comes in for the advantage after four minutes.

MVP immediately drops him on his face but Aries gets in a cheap shot and the heels take over. A top rope ax handle puts MVP down and E drops a middle rope elbow to the face. They talk trash to MVP until Eddie Edwards ties things up. Eddie cleans house as you expect a fresh man to do in a Lethal Lockdown match. DJ Zema Ion tries to interfere but gets knocked off the cage wall in a big bump. The good guys control for a bit until the clock runs out with Jesse Godderz giving Team Roode a 3-2 advantage.

The Bro Mans take over without much happening until Davey Richards and his bad arm ties things up. Davey of course gives his team the advantage again with the fast paced double team offense as the WarGames formula is firmly in place here. Stereo half crabs have the Bro Mans in trouble until Aries clotheslines the Wolves from behind. Roode and his awesome sleeveless coat makes it 4-3. The captains go face to face until Roode takes MVP down with a spinebuster.

The heels take complete control until the clock comes on and it's Willow (Jeff Hardy's new gimmick, which looks like a black and white Ultimo Dragon mask and really high pants) to tie things up and complete both teams. He comes in as the lights are out and dives off the top of the cage. If they don't want us to know he's Hardy, they might have wanted to give him a full body suit to cover the big green tattoo. Thankfully Taz and Tenay drop hints about who it is as the roof with the weapons lower.....and here's Dixie.

She introduces the insurance policy as the special referee: Bully Ray. As in the guy that spent a year and a half trying to destroy her company. Team MVP waits for Ray at the door but Team Roode jumps them from behind. The weapons are brought in with Ray finding a table under the ring. Dixie sits in a chair on the stage to watch the carnage as it's all Team Roode. Bobby puts Davey's bad arm in the Crossface with Bully asking if he wants to give up and talking trash at the same time.

Team Roode all has front facelocks on their opponents but a triple backdrop breaks them free. Richards is broken out quickly and MVP makes sure to hit the Ballin Elbow on Roode. The weapons are used more extensively and Willow loads up a powerbomb on Aries but throws him face first into the cage instead. Robbie is tied up in the Tree of Woe as Ray is just standing in the corner watching. The Wolves set up a trashcan in front of Robbie's face for an AWESOME double Van Terminator.

Aries is sat in a chair and kicked over and over until he grabs Richards for a BRAINBUSTER THROUGH THE CHAIR. Willow breaks up the save but Aries puts him on a trashcan, only to have Willow move before the 450 only hits the can. A Twist of Fate and Swanton gets a very delayed two on Aries as Roode makes the save and sends Willow into the cage. The table is set up in the cage but Ray gets in the way of the Roode Bomb to MVP. Ray and Roode stare each other down until Ray gives him a Bully Bomb. MVP hits a quick Drive By on Roode for the pin at 26:53.

Dixie and Spud go to the cage but Spud pulls her away from Ray. Bully puts Roode through a table to end the show.

Great Muta/Sanada/Yasu b. Bad Influence/Chris Sabin – Moonsault to Daniels
Samuel Shaw b. Mr. Anderson – Shaw escaped the cage
Tigre Uno b. Manik – Sabretooth Splash
Gunner b. James Storm – Superplex through two chairs
Madison Rayne b. Gail Kim – Top rope spear
Magnus b. Samoa Joe – Koquina Clutch
Team MVP b. Team Roode – Drive By to Roode

Quick Results

Monday Night Raw
Usos b. New Age Outlaws – Superfly Splash to Gunn
Big E. b. Cesaro via DQ when Jack Swagger interfered
Wyatt Family b. Shield – Sister Abigail to Ambrose
Santino Marella/Emma b. Summer Rae/Fandango
Bella Twins b. Alicia Fox/Aksana – Rack to Fox
Dolph Ziggler b. Alberto Del Rio – Zig Zag
Big E. b. Jack Swagger via DQ when Cesaro interfered
Daniel Bryan b. Batista via DQ when Randy Orton interfered

Adrian Neville b. Camacho – Red Arrow
Charlotte b. Emma – Flip over faceplant
Corey Graves b. Yoshi Tatsu via countout
Adam Rose b. Wesley Blake – Slice
Sami Zayn b. Corey Graves – Small package

Impact Wrestling
MVP/Wolves vs. Bobby Roode/Austin Aries/Robbie E went to a no contest
Eric Young b. Samuel Shaw via DQ when Shaw threw tea into Young's eyes
Velvet Sky/Madison Rayne/ODB b. Alpha Female/Gail Kim/Lei'D Tapa – In Yo Face to Female
Bobby Roode b. Davey Richards – Crossface

Christian b. Dolph Ziggler – Killswitch
Usos b. Ryback/Curtis Axel – Superfly Splash to Ryback
Natalya/Eva Marie b. Tamina Snuka/AJ Lee – Sharpshooter to Lee
Sheamus b. Alberto Del Rio – Brogue Kick
Big Show/Daniel Bryan b. Kane/Batista – Rollup to Kane

Lockdown 2014
Great Muta/Sanada/Yasu b. Bad Influence/Chris Sabin – Moonsault to Daniels
Samuel Shaw b. Mr. Anderson – Shaw escaped the cage
Tigre Uno b. Manik – Sabretooth Splash
Gunner b. James Storm – Superplex through two chairs
Madison Rayne b. Gail Kim – Top rope spear
Magnus b. Samoa Joe – Koquina Clutch
Team MVP b. Team Roode – Drive By to Roode

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