Week of 2/14/11 - 2/20/11 (Friday - Sunday)


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House

Impact got a 1.1. Not good coming off a PPV.

Date: February 18, 2011
Location: Valley View Casino Center, San Diego, California
Commentators: Michael Cole, Josh Matthews, Booker T

It’s the last show before Elimination Chamber and we might have a new World Heavyweight Champion. It wasn’t really clear on Raw as to what was going on with that but we’ll find out tonight. Also, Vickie says that she has proof that Edge was the one that attacked Teddy Long. Finally we have the six faces in the Chamber matches vs. the six heels in the Chamber matches. Let’s get to it.

We see clips of Smackdown over the years as this is the 600th episode. We talk about the 12 man tag which is a bit much don’t you think?

Theme song hits. Since Cena is here tonight I can tell you to get your reinforcements.

Dolph’s coronation is tonight.

Here’s Edge to open the show. Oh wait this is the 12 man.

Edge/Randy Orton/John Morrison/R-Truth/Rey Mysterio/John Cena vs. CM Punk/Sheamus/Wade Barrett/Drew McIntyre/Kane/Dolph Ziggler

Great pops for all the faces with Rey as the hometown boy or Orton getting the best. No rapping for Truth here. This crowd is white hot. Booker takes offense to Cole calling Sheamus the best king of all time. Quite the lineup here. Kane competed in the first Friday Night Smackdown. Are we really just not acknowledging the Thursday show anymore? Is there a reason that Ziggler’s initials on his ass are backwards?

Edge and Sheamus start but Drew wants a tag immediately so more or less he and Edge start us off. I’ll try to keep up with the tags but I make no promises. Edge beats the hell out of him, pounding him down in the corner and getting a big boot for good measure. Truth comes in and Booker gets all excited. Cole says Truth actually knows what city he’s in here.

Off to Ziggler who gets taken down immediately. Orton comes in to a ROAR. Loud Randy chant as we hear about Ziggler winning the title by DQ. Big kneedrop by Orton gets two on Dolph. Off to Cena who gets a nice reaction of his own. Ziggler hammers away at Cena which doesn’t last long at all. Now we get to the interesting part of the show as we talk about Rock ripping into Cena on Monday. And that’s the end of that as we simply say Rock ripped into Cena.

Morrison in now but Starship Pain is avoided and Ziggler gets a reverse slam off the top as we take a break. Back with Sheamus beating on Morrison and getting two. MAD heat on Punk as he comes in. Booker and Cole argue over the toughness of names as Rey comes in to a big pop. 619 is blocked into a backbreaker for two and it’s off to Kane. Bearhug by the Big Fried Freak. Rey is up in the air for this and it looks like Kane is cuddling him.

Rey gets thrown into the corner but fights his way out of it and manages to avoid a chokeslam. Kane sends him to the floor into the waiting knee of Punk as we take our second break of the match. Back with Barrett beating on Rey and tagging in Sheamus. Rey can’t get a tag and the beating continues. Booker doesn’t seem to be incredibly familiar with Sheamus.

Mysterio almost gets a tag but Sheamus keeps pulling him back and gets the Irish Curse to stop it one more time. That only gets two though and it’s back off to Barrett. Miz is in action later tonight. Rey avoids a charge but goes up top for a moonsault instead of tagging. It’s enough for a tag (which the referee clearly didn’t see but allows anyway) to bring in Edge.

Edgecution sets up the spear but Sheamus intercepts it with the Brogue Kick. We get the expected sequence of finishers as everyone runs in to hit something. I’m not even going to try to keep track of them all. Rey winds up getting a double 619 on Ziggler and Barrett to allow Edge to hit a good spear on Ziggler for the pin at 11:57 shown of 18:57 total. That spear was more like a Gore as Ziggler bounced off and Edge didn’t just stop as it hit. Good shot.

Post match Vickie comes out to say it’s time for Edge to hand over the title. We get a clip from last week with Clay Matthews running in to count the pin after the illegal spar. This is a relief as the ending would have made no sense at all otherwise. Also Vickie knows that Edge attacked Teddy Long. Without showing the evidence, Vickie fires Edge and we take a break.

The announcers argue about Vickie for a bit.

We see the video of Cody having his face broken by Rey and his knee brace. Todd talks to Dashing Cody Rhodes who is ready to address the world. He’s in a mask ala Hannibal Lecter. While the surgery was a success his journey has stalled over a masked something (he didn’t finish what he was saying after masked). He’s cleared for travel and will be making an announcement on Smackdown next week.

Eve Torres/Beth Phoenix vs. Layla/Maryse

After the faces enter we take a break and get a clip of the first regular episode of Smackdown (remember that there was a pilot about four months earlier) from August of 99. Michelle has a bad foot so is out for awhile. Beth vs. Maryse to start. Michelle is on commentary and wants to know why Eve is the Divas Champion when Michelle got a pin also.

Off to Layla vs. Eve with the champion dominating. Michelle seems a bit irritated by Layla here as we continue to push the split. Eve fires away with kicks and Michelle gets off commentary. She limps up the steps and gets in the face of Layla. Beth hits her in the foot to bring her down. In the confusion, Layla and Maryse hit what I think was supposed to be a double superkick so that Layla can pin Eve at 2:27. No rating as this was mainly Layla vs. Eve but this was no worse than your usual Divas match.

It’s time to talk about the Rock. Booker says this show should have been named the Book Show instead of Smackdown. Yes, we should have named a show after a guy that wouldn’t be in the company for over two years. We see the same ten minute or so video from NXT which is still awesome as hell. I finally got the electricity part: he’s electrifying after all right?

Another Smackdown moment is the 9/11 show. That is indeed awesome and the #1 moment in Smackdown history.

Kofi Kingston vs. The Miz

This should be good. I’m in the minority here but I absolutely love hearing Cole talk about Miz. Basic back and forth style to start with Kofi grabbing an armbar. Booker praises Miz, saying he worked his way up from the bottom and that he has charisma. He does have a big mouth however but Cole doesn’t care as he has Booker’s endorsement of the Miz.

Miz is sent into the corner and Kofi tries what looks like either a Stinger Splash or a jumping Superman punch. Either way he misses and lands on the middle rope. Miz kicks the foot out though and takes over as we take a break. Back with Miz in control with a kick to the gut and a suplex for two.

Kofi fights back with kicks but can’t get the SOS. Miz is sent into the middle buckle and Kofi gets a shot for two. Kofi kind of misses the pendulum kick in the corner and gets the cross body for two. Backbreaker/neckbreaker combination (that needs a name) by Miz gets two. They’re going back and forth here but neither is seeming to go for the kill yet. Kofi does that thing where it looks like he bounces his head off the top rope to spring backwards.

Superman punch sets up the Boom Drop which sets up the Trouble in Paradise. Here’s Alberto though, doing what can almost be called Slick’s walk down the aisle. The distraction lets Miz get a rollup for two in a nice false finish. Kofi puts Miz down for a second but Alberto snaps his scarf at him which is enough of a distraction to allow Miz to hit the Skull Crushing Finale to end it at 6:46 shown of 10:16.

Alberto looks down at Kofi without saying anything. They have a match at the PPV which was announced on WWE.com.

We run down how awesome WWE is by showing the list of the top ten shows that have been on the air for the most amount of episodes. Raw is at 925 at #1 and Smackdown is at #3 with Gunsmoke is second. I shudder to think of the day when Raw hits 1000 episodes.

Eddie’s celebration for winning the title is another Smackdown moment.

Tag Titles: Santino Marella/Vladimir Kozlov vs. Heath Slater/Justin Gabriel

How many matches can these two teams have? No backup for the challengers here and no Tamina either. Vlad vs. Gabriel to start us off here. Gabriel is sent to the floor and here come Barrett/Jackson. Kozlov looks at Barrett and takes a chop block from Gabriel. Off to Slater now who stomps away. Santino comes in to fight Gabriel and it’s a strike off. Saluting headbutt gets two. Cobra to Gabriel but Barrett and Jackson run in for the DQ at 2:00.

Big Show runs down for the save and for once Jackson doesn’t kill him. They have a staredown though. Jackson teases getting in but smiles and leaves instead.

Another Smackdown moment is Booker vs. Austin in the grocery store. That’s one of my all time favorites.

It’s time for the coronation. Ziggler and Vickie are in the ring and the title is between them. Dolph is officially the new World Heavyweight Champion. Yes, a member of the Spirit Squad is a World Heavyweight Champion. He holds up the title and it’s the Mack Militant. He says Vickie and Dolph look like they’re seeing a ghost.

Teddy says Vickie never investigated anything and that it was odd that it was Ziggler and Vickie there first. Vickie starts talking and Teddy says SHUT UP to a big pop. Vickie sells Dolph out, saying that it was all his idea to attack Teddy. He says to clear the ring because we’re going to have a world title match RIGHT NOW. Vickie had the power to fire people but he has the power to rehire people, and he has rehired Dolph’s opponent right now.

Smackdown World Title: Edge vs. Dolph Ziggler

After a break the bell rings and we’re off. Edge starts like a house of fire, taking everyone down almost immediately. The now legal spear misses as Edge hits the post. Even Cole can’t defend Vickie here which is saying a lot. Back in the ring and Ziggler locks on a chinlock. Edge fights out of it but the champion hits a Fameasser. Ziggler tries a Zig Zag but the spear gives Edge world title #11 I think at 3:02. Yep that’s it.

Dolph Ziggler is fired post match, meaning there’s an open spot in the Chamber. Edge says excuse me but tonight has been a long party. Seeing Dolph get fired makes Edge feel like singing. I think you all know the words. Hey and there’s confetti! This ends the show.

John Cena/R-Truth/Edge/Rey Mysterio/Randy Orton/John Morrison b. Dolph Ziggler/Sheamus/Wade Barrett/Kane/CM Punk/Drew McIntyre – Spear to Ziggler
Maryse/Layla b. Beth Phoenix/Eve Torres – Double Superkick to Eve
The Miz b. Kofi Kingston Skull Crushing Finale
Santino Marella/Vladimir Kozlov b. Justin Gabriel/Heath Slater via DQ when the Corre interfered
Edge b. Dolph Ziggler – Spear


Typical Saturday.


Elimination Chamber 2011
Date: February 20, 2011
Location: Oracle Arena, Oakland, California
Commentators: Michael Cole, Josh Matthews, Booker T

It’s the final major stop on the Road to Wrestlemania as tonight we more or less set the main events in stone. The title matches are the Smackdown Chamber match which has an open spot and Jerry Lawler vs. The Miz for the Raw Title. It blows my mind that there’s an actual chance that is somewhat open for debate about who wins. Also there’s the Raw Chamber match and that’s about it. Let’s get to it.

The opening video is about what you would expect: it’s a video of how the Chamber is the big diabolical (their word not mine) turn on the Road to Wrestlemania. This is another of those shows where the big match sells itself and there’s not a thing wrong with that.

The set has what looks like the side of a Chamber in front of the Tron. Yeah that’s not a bad idea at all.

Alberto Del Rio vs. Kofi Kingston

Not a bad choice tos tart with but I’m so used to the Chamber starting us off that it’s a bit surprising. Ricardo gets in a jab at the Raiders which is rather easy to do to be fair. Alberto says that he’s committed to excellence unlike the people from Oakland. Commitment to Excellence is the motto of the Oakland Raiders if that line makes no sense. Tonight six men fight for the chance to face him and there’s nothing they can do to stop him. Kofi’s music finally cuts him off.

This is non-title mind you. Josh talks about Alberto taking liberties on Horny while Horny was blindfolded. You can make your own jokes there. We get an Alberto chant to start and a basic back and forth sequence to start. Alberto is sent to the floor where Ricardo plays nurse as well as he can. Kofi tries something on the apron and is rammed into the post to soften up the arm.

Body scissors by Del Rio who has a big chant going for him here. Belly to back gets two for Alberto and it’s back to the body scissors. Kofi fights back and gets a spinning flying forearm off the top in an awesome looking move. They fight from their knees up to their feet and Kofi chops away. Boom Drop hits but Trouble in Paradise misses. Pendulum kick hits but the cross body is countered into a knee that might have been into the arm or ribs but it wasn’t clear.

Del Rio tries a superplex but Kofi fights him off and gets a missile dropkick for a close two. It’s always cool when it looks like the referee threw his shoulder out on the two counts. Del Rio gets something close to a GTS but instead it ends with a double knee to the ribs. That only gets two and Kofi counters what looked like a big atomic drop into a DDT. Ricardo distracts though so it’s only two.

The Armbreaker can’t go on as Kofi grabs the rope before it is applied. SOS gets a very close two. Booker is totally behind Kofi but says he’s trying not to be biased. Kofi jumps at Del Rio in the corner but misses and Alberto gets a nice neckbreaker for no cover. Cross Armbreaker is attempted but Kofi locks his hands to avoid it for a bit. And never mind as it goes on and Kofi taps. Alberto’s face is hilarious.

Orton is ready.

Edge says he’s had a bad week and now that he has to walk into an Elimination Chamber after a week with Vickie, it seems like a walk in the park. Drew McIntyre comes up and asks about the casualties like Kelly. Edge says that Kelly and the title have something in common: neither will ever be seen with Drew.

Video about the Chamber which makes me think we’re getting ready for a lumberjill match. What? You don’t see the obvious connection there?

Smackdown World Title: Edge vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Kane vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Wade Barrett vs. ???

Remember that we have an extra spot open in the Chamber due to Dolph having been fired. Kane comes out first and therefore is in a pod to start. Drew is out second and therefore will be in a pod as well. Thankfully he’s rocking the white tights. The first four will be in pods which means we get to see who the final guy is rather soon. Barrett is in third. We hear about his bare knuckle fighting experience which makes me ask again: has he ever used said skills to win a match? Also Cole thinks Barrett is from Eastern Europe instead of Western.

Here’s Teddy Long when we’re ready for the fourth person. He’s here to introduce the next participant I guess. Here’s the replacement: It’s Big Show which is kind of what I expected when he came out there. Rey vs. Edge to start. Five minute periods as always with the last man standing winning. Every five minutes another comes in. Edge and Rey start off kind of slow which makes perfect sense as they want to maintain energy.

Edge sends Rey out to the steel for the first time with a backdrop. Drew is all pissed off and hammers on the glass as he wants to get to Edge as fast as possible. Edge and Rey fights on the outside with Rey being rammed into the cage multiple times. Rey gets rammed into the glass which is “the strongest in the world” which gets two. We’re more or less just killing time here and there’s the ten second clock.

In third it’s Barrett. He’s all fired up and goes after Rey immediately. Edge gets up to slow down the Englishman. Edge and Rey work together until Edge slides Rey across the mat and cage so that his head rams into the wall. FREAKING OW MAN! Boss Man Slam to Edge gets two and Barrett turns his attention to Rey after taunting Show. Pumphandle slam gets two.

Barrett is dominating here and we’re out on the steel again. A shot to the cage with Edge’s head going into it gets two. Edge low bridges Barrett and Wade might have hurt his knee. Rey takes down Edge but as he goes up Barrett stops him. Wasteland on the cage is countered as Rey grabs the cage. He tries to climb but Barrett catches him in a powerbomb position. Rana takes Barrett into the ring but Edge gets a big boot to stop the 619 for two. Again, why would you stop a finisher?

In fourth is Kane. He goes straight for Edge but gets caught by a boot. Kane cleans house, beating everyone in sight down. Everyone wakes up and gangs up on Kane as they should. A bunch of kicks to the head can’t stop him so we get a triple clothesline with Barrett clotheslining Edge and Rey and vice versa. We get some basic stuff and Barrett gets beaten down by Kane outside.

Rey tries to go up to take down Kane but a HUGE uppercut knocks Rey down into a Tree of Woe. Edge adds a baseball slide for two. Kane, Edge and Rey in the ring now while Barrett is slowly crawling back in. In at #5 is McIntyre. No eliminations yet. Drew has been wanting in the whole time and immediately picks up Rey and launches him into the glass. The Europeans beat up Kane, who actually is European as well so scratch that theory. Drew kicks the rope as Barret gets in and then throws him through the UNBREAKABLE glass. That’s a running joke now and it’s never been funny.

Drew is all pissed off and goes after Edge. All Drew here as he can’t get Futureshock on Edge but Edge hits Edgecution for no cover. Rey is somehow still alive as Edge is trying to get up. Edge wants the spear but Kane grabs him in a chokeslam. Rey is back in too but can’t hit the 619. Kane beats everyone down and slams Rey into the post. Drew can’t get Futureshock again as Kane backdrops him onto Barrett outside.

Edge and Kane hit double big boots to take each other down. That replay of Rey being thrown in awesome as it’s amazing he’s still alive. Show is getting ready as we’re under ten seconds. Naturally he takes down everyone. Barrett is the only one not in other than kind of Rey. HUGE chop to Drew. Barrett is the only one left standing other than Show and the stalking begins.

Show gets his hand on Barrett and chops away like 8 times on the outside. Barrett rolls back into the ring and it’s all Show. Big punch coming and Barrett is more or less dead and the pin is academic. We’re down to five and Rey is on top of a pod. Kane hits the top rope clothesline. Edge adds a top rope elbow for two as Show launches Edge over the referee. Futureshock to Show as Rey is still up there. The DDT gets two as Rey is ready to jump. Huge seated senton gets two as Rey is LAUNCHED.

619 and a spear put Show down but Kane fights them off. Chokeslam to Show and we’re down to four (Kane, Drew, Edge and Rey if you’re curious). Drew jumps into a chokeslam immediately and we’re down to three. It’s more or less a handicap match here but Edge is taken down. Rey hits a bunch of stuff on Kane but he can’t get the pin. Spinning cross body is caught in a chokeslam position but he reverses into the 619. Rey goes up and jumps into a powerbomb. Spear from Edge and a double cover is enough to take Kane out and we’re down to Rey vs. Edge.

Kane kills Edge with a big boot and a chokeslam to Edge has both guys down. After them laying there for a good while, Edge gets up and tries the spear but Rey reverses into a rollup for two. Springboard cross body is rolled through into two for Edge. Sitout bulldog gets two. Rey goes up but gets stopped by a shot from the Canadian. Mysterio knocks Edge down and tries a rana but Edge reverses into a sitout powerbomb for a long two.

Another powerbomb is countered into the 619 but Edge catches it and locks on the Edgecator of all things (kneeling Sharpshooter that he uses once in a blue moon). Rey is in trouble but reverses into a rollup for two. Good stuff here. Edge sets for the spear and the fans are booing a bit. Spear misses but the second one doesn’t and it’s NOT OVER. Rey kicks out again which is surprising as hell. 619 hits and the springboard splash gets two. Another 619 hits and Rey goes up. Edge pops up and spears him out of the air to go to Wrestlemania FINALLY.

Post match Alberto hits the ring and the beating is on Edge. The Armbreaker goes on but CHRISTIAN runs out for the save to the least interested response from Cole that I have ever heard. Unprettier to Del Rio (yes I know it’s the Killswitch but Unprettier is a better name). Edge gets a spear to Del Rio to put him down.

The Rock will be at Mania. Not sure if you heard that.

Lawler is getting ready when Striker comes in to ask for Jerry’s thoughts. He’s thinking about his mother which is good emotion from Lawler.

Booker gets to make an in ring appearance and introduces the third trainer of Tough Enough: TRISH STRATUS?????? Even with the brown hair she’s still great looking. She says she’s been getting excited about being around the ring and has been working on a new catchphrase. FINALLY, the Trish has come back at Oakland to deliver Stratusfaction to the millions SUCKA! Uh…yeah just wear little clothing Trish. Booker wants to know that she didn’t just say that. She’s here tonight to see King win the title.

Chaperone trailer despite the movie bombing for the most part.

Tag Titles: Santino Marella/Vladimir Kozlov vs. Justin Gabriel/Heath Slater

Jackson is here too which makes me think there’s a title change here. Kozlov and Slater to start but it’s off to Santino almost immediately. Off to Gabriel now as they trade strikes and leg sweeps. Vlad gets a battering ram to send Gabriel to the floor but a kick to the head puts the Russian down. Very international match here with Canada/Italy, South Africa, South America, Russia and America being represented. Slater in with a slingshot corkscrew splash for two.

Booker keeps calling Jackson a thug despite him not doing anything yet. Back to Santino again who gets all fired up. Hip block sets up the headbutt for two. Gabriel comes in and it’s Cobra time. It takes down Gabriel but Slater is legal so Marella has to cover him for two. Slater gets up and stomps away at the Canaditalian. Gabriel misses a slingshot hilo and it’s off to Kozlov who has no heat on the tag.

Blind tag brings Slater in and Jackson pulls Gabriel out of the ring. Slater gets a reverses DDT for no cover as he brings Gabriel back in. Santino is taken down by Slater and the 450 FINALLY gives Corre their first gold in the form of the tag titles. Quick and simple and more or less a Raw match but the mild buildup works perfectly here.

Miz says he’ll win because this is his time, not Lawler’s or Rock’s. He says he’ll address Rock later.

Here’s Vickie to waste more time. She’s a bit quieter here. She says that Dolph and her were dealing with some issues as he has a bad temper. The booing is kind of funny. It was a crime of passion apparently when Dolph jumped Teddy. She begs for the fans to plead with Teddy to rehire Dolph as she deserves some compassion and a little bit of love.

Teddy comes out and Vickie sucks up to him. Damn I didn’t want that image in my head. He says shut up as he’s in a hiring mood. It’s not Dolph but he’s rehired Kelly instead. Kelly shoves Vickie down and the beatdown is on. Laycool comes out for the save and beats down Kelly. Trish comes out and runs them off but they go after Trish. The good girls fight back and beat down Laycool and pose to end this. Trish botched a lot of stuff in there too and it was rather bad. We couldn’t have added five more minutes to Kofi vs. Alberto?

We recap Miz vs. Lawler. There’s a great bit at the beginning showing Miz doing his apron pose and the different titles and things he’s had to hold in a quick montage. Miz talks about how he was told to quit and kept rising up the ranks resulting in this title reign. Lawler said that Miz needed to shut up and that’s all we see of their rivalry. Instead we see Lawler winning the Raw rumble. We get a cool montage of Lawler and how he’s won over 140 titles but never the WWE Title. Cool video indeed.

Raw World Title: The Miz vs. Jerry Lawler

Wow I never thought I’d type that. We even get big match intros. Jerry in white and black with a cape here. That’s rather awesome. The bell rings twice so technically this isn’t happening. Jerry gets a quick backslide and small package for two each. He unleashes his variety of punches as it’s all Lawler so far. Miz gets knocked to the floor and chills for a bit. Riley distracts Jerry though and Miz sends him into the post to shift momentum.

Miz can’t get Lawler in the ring for some reason. He settles for a running knee while Lawler is on the apron for two. Jerry gets a punch and the fans wake up. Running clothesline in the corner and down goes Lawler. Miz goes up and Jerry crotches him so they slug it out on the middle rope. Superplex puts Miz down for two. Riley’s reactions out there are hilarious.

They slug it out again and Jerry gets a pair of dropkicks for no cover. Backdrop and a falling punch get two as Miz is in trouble. We get something close to Cole being civil by saying Lawler is hanging in there. Riley interferes by tripping Lawler and is ejected. I know it’s a long shot and more or less an impossibility but the stars are seeming to align for Jerry to pull this off. Miz misses a charge in the corner and Lawler rolls him up for two.

Miz escapes the Piledriver and gets a big boot for two. Jerry reverses the pin into a rollup for two and then Miz is sent to the floor over the top. Cole is annoying as hell here as Jerry rams Miz into the announce table. Cole says he and Miz have a personal relationship which you can make your own jokes about. Jerry throws Miz at the commentators and Miz lands on Cole. Booker cracking up at that is great.

Lawler is in control here and goes up top as we’re back in the ring. Top rope punch to a standing Miz gets a very close two. Crowd is INTO this. Miz gets a thumb to the eye but can’t get the Finale as Lawler shoves him off. Jerry gets a DDT and Miz is reeling! He looks at the Mania sign and goes up for the middle rope punch. With a point to the sign and the strap coming down, Jerry gets the fist but Miz gets his foot on the ropes. My heart jumped into my throat there.

As Booker talks about Dr. Dre and Snoop Dog for no apparent reason the Piledriver is reversed into a rollup by Miz for two. Jerry reverses that into one of his own for two but Miz gets a kick to the head. And there’s the Skull Crushing Finale for the pin. It was a nice dream while it lasted but at the end of the day I think we all knew this was coming. Still though, INCREDIBLE job here by WWE of making us think it could happen.

Cole celebrates like crazy and poses with Miz in the ring. Jerry gets up and is like well I tried. He gets a standing ovation and they play his music to take him out. Cole of course WILL NOT SHUT UP and let Lawler have his moment. If this doesn’t end with Jerry piledriving Cole to hell then it fails. Still though, great moment and incredible storytelling by WWE there.

2-21-11 promo. Yes, let’s continue to look for tiny clues in there when we’ll find out tomorrow.

Cena is eating Fruity Pebbles and Todd comes in. Cena says that he’s thinking about the Chamber tonight and not what happened on Monday. He feels Yabba Dabba Delicious though.

Striker is with Punk who says he’ll win.

Mania is in 42 days. That sounds incredible.

We recap the first match Chamber match which is going to be hard to top.

John Cena vs. Randy Orton vs. CM Punk vs. R-Truth vs. John Morrison vs. Sheamus

Truth, Punk, Orton and Cena in the pods to start. Punk gets in Orton’s face while Orton is in the pod. Booker says he can go right now and he means against Cole. Morrison vs. Sheamus to start us off. How in the world is Morrison a dark horse like this? Oh and remember that the winner gets Miz at Mania. Here we go. The fans seem to like Punk but I’m not sure if that’s what they’re saying.

They start off with some nice back and forth stuff until Sheamus slaps him. Angry Morrison shows up and the beating is on. Sheamus hides outside so Morrison dives over the top rope to take him out. Both block head shots to the cage and Morrison sets for the Flash Kick. Sheamus avoids it but Morrison is like bitch I’m John Morrison so he catches himself on the cage and hits a Flash Kick from there instead. That gets two back in the ring.

Sheamus takes over and we have dueling Cena/Punk chants. With not a lot going on it’s Orton in third. He cleans some house and it’s a powerslam (Booker calls it a scoop slam) to Sheamus and then one to Morrison (scoop powerslam according to Booker which I can live with). Morrison goes through the glass. Actually he might not have as the door might have been open.

Orton manages to get the elevated DDT to Sheamus onto the cage in a painful looking spot. Punk enjoys that for some reason. All Orton here as Morrison and Sheamus are getting destroyed. Morrison takes a superplex for a close two as no one is gone yet. There’s one for Sheamus as well for the same result. Miz and Riley are watching. Oh and Scott Armstrong has a job again.

In fourth is Punk and Orton is waiting on him. And they can’t get the pod opened. Punk is fucking stuck in the door! THIS IS HILARIOUS!!! Orton is like fuck it and hammers away as Punk still isn’t out! Ah there he is. RKO and Punk is gone in like 12 seconds! Orton celebrates….and we get an E-Mail??? Since Punk couldn’t get out, he’s back in the match. Damn it to hell. He’s allowed back into his pod also. Oh sweet damnation.

Irish Curse to Orton but the High Cross misses. Flash Kick to Orton and it’s Sheamus vs. Morrison now. Morrison is thrown to the steel and might have hurt his ankle. There’s the clock again and it’s Cena in now. And never mind as Sheamus kicks his head off as soon as Cena’s pod opens. Cena is up soon after it but can’t get the FU to Morrison who flips out to land on his feet on the steel.

Morrison takes out Orton and Sheamus. Cena dumps Morrison to the steel again and they fight out there for a bit. Sheamus is like fuck it and launches himself with a double slingshot clothesline to take both guys down. Orton vs. Sheamus in the ring now and a Thesz Press takes Sheamus down. Truth is in next and Sheamus tries the same thing he did to Cena which doesn’t work here.

Truth hammers away on Sheamus in the pod which works for a few seconds. All five still in now. Truth cleans a little house with the Lie Detector to Cena. And then he walks into a Brogue Kick to put him out. Orton vs. Cena and Sheamus vs. Morrison at the moment. Sheamus’ back is all red and purple. Orton throws Morrison through the glass and then the superpowers explode.

They slug it out but Orton gets a sweet dropkick for two. There’s the clock and it’s time for Punk. Orton waits on him and the door opens for a change. Cena grabs Orton though but it winds up being an RKO to Cena on the steel. Punk isn’t in the ring yet. Brogue Kick to Orton and apparently covers count on the steel as Punk gets two out there. Punk does the RKO setup in a nice bit of cockiness and manages to get the GTS to put Orton out.

Down to four now (Punk, Cena, Sheamus and Morrison). Punk goes after everyone but the bulldog on the steel to Sheamus doesn’t work at all. Morrison vs. Sheamus now and Morrison tries to climb a pod. Sheamus follows and they fight ON TOP OF THE POD. Sheamus sets for the High Cross but Morrison fights out of it and knocks Sheamus to the mat.

Morrison CLIMBS THE DOME OF THE CHAMBER and hangs there before dropping down onto Sheamus for the pin! Would have been better if Sheamus hadn’t looked at him for 10 seconds but damn that looked incredible. Punk charges at Cena which fails completely. Five Knuckle Shuffle hits and Punk rolls to the steel. FU doesn’t work out there but Morrison dives on both of them and they’re all down.

With Cena down, Morrison tries the running knee at Cena but it misses and the knee goes through the glass. FREAKING OW MAN! In the ring Punk covers off a freaking snap mare for two. Triangle choke goes on which is now the Anaconda Vice apparently. Cena is like fuck it and stands up to allow Morrison to team up for a Doomsday Device for two on Punk. Wow they’re going old school here and Morrison is looking great.

FU to Morrison but Punk takes Cena down so there’s no cover. Punk gets the springboard clothesline to Cena on the steel and Punk might be busted open on his arm. Punk slingshots Cena into the glass which doesn’t break. COVER HIM! Naturally he doesn’t as he goes after Morrison. A slingshot into the pod doesn’t work as Morrison catches himself on the pod then jumps to the cage and hits a Flash Kick. Starship Pain misses though and the GTS ends Morrison. Cena pops up and hits an FU over the ropes and onto the steel to go go Mania!

Alberto Del Rio b. Kofi Kingston – Cross Armbreaker
Edge b. Wade Barrett, Big Show, Kane, Rey Mysterio and Drew McIntyre – Edge last eliminated Mysterio to win
Justin Gabriel/Heath Slater b. Vladimir Kozlov/Santino Marella – 450 to Kozlov
The Miz b. Jerry Lawler – Skull Crushing Finale
John Cena b. CM Punk, John Morrison, Randy Orton, R-Truth and Sheamus – Cena last eliminated Punk to win

Quick Results

CM Punk b. John Cena – GTS
Eve Torres b. Natalya – Torres reversed a Natalya cradle into a pin
The Miz b. Daniel Bryan – Skull Crushing Finale
R-Truth/John Morrison b. David Otunga/Michael McGillicutty – Running knee smash to McGillicutty
Randy Orton b. Sheamus – RKO

Brodus Clay won the Smash and Grab Challenge
Brodus Clay b. R-Truth – Splash
Brodus Clay won the Trivia Challenge
Daniel Bryan b. Derrick Bateman – LeBell Lock

Hernandez b. Douglas Williams – Border Toss
Kazarian b. Robbie E via DQ when Cookie hit Kazarian with a purse
Matt Hardy b. AJ Styles – Twist of Hate
Rosita/Sarita b. Angelina Love/Velvet Sky – Rosita pinned Velvet when Sarita held Rosita’s legs
Jeff Hardy b. Rob Van Dam – Twist of Hate

John Cena/R-Truth/Edge/Rey Mysterio/Randy Orton/John Morrison b. Dolph Ziggler/Sheamus/Wade Barrett/Kane/CM Punk/Drew McIntyre – Spear to Ziggler
Maryse/Layla b. Beth Phoenix/Eve Torres – Double Superkick to Eve
The Miz b. Kofi Kingston Skull Crushing Finale
Santino Marella/Vladimir Kozlov b. Justin Gabriel/Heath Slater via DQ when the Corre interfered
Edge b. Dolph Ziggler – Spear

Elimination Chamber 2011
Alberto Del Rio b. Kofi Kingston – Cross Armbreaker
Edge b. Wade Barrett, Big Show, Kane, Rey Mysterio and Drew McIntyre – Edge last eliminated Mysterio to win
Justin Gabriel/Heath Slater b. Vladimir Kozlov/Santino Marella – 450 to Kozlov
The Miz b. Jerry Lawler – Skull Crushing Finale
John Cena b. CM Punk, John Morrison, Randy Orton, R-Truth and Sheamus – Cena last eliminated Punk to win

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