Week of 12/6/10 - 12/12/10 (Monday - Thursday)


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House

Smackdown got a 1.71, up from the 1.56 it got on the Thanksgiving week to the shock of no one that was paying attention.

Monday Night Raw
Date: December 6, 2010
Location: KFC YUM Center, Louisville, Kentucky
Commentators: Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler, CM Punk

We're back to the regular two hours of shows here as it's the week between the King of the Ring and the Slammys. The main thing tonight is the explanation from Cole as to why he cost King the WWE Title last week which should be most interesting. Let's get to it.

We open with a highlight package of the TLC match from last week where Cole flat out cost Lawler the title. Punk and Lawler are on commentary without Cole. Punk praises Lawler for trying last week and here’s Cole.

Cole says that he’s been Miz’s biggest supporter for years and that when Miz won the title it was like his own son won it. He apologizes profusely for what happened and Lawler says he’s going to come in there and finish what he started last week.

Cole then blames Jerry, saying that Lawler had to have the spotlight one more time and that he was trying to be the King again. According to Cole, Lawler should apologize to him.

We get an E-Mail and since Cole is in the ring, Punk answers it. He says he’s nervous because he’s always wanted to do this. The GM has issued a cease and desist order and if it’s violated them someone will be terminated. Lawler must shake Cole’s hand.

Very slowly Jerry gets in and does shake his hand but says there’s someone that has something for Cole. Cue Orton’s music to a solid pop. Orton says he has a message for Miz. He doesn’t blame him for cashing in and would have done the same thing.

Orton says he and the Miz are a lot alike but Orton has proven that he can back up what he says in the ring. He’s going to take back the championship tonight. I knew I should have gone to this show!

Here are Miz and Riley. Miz says Orton used to be original but now he’s just stale. They were in the same MITB match in the summer and now he’s world champion while Orton is nothing. Since he defended last week he doesn’t have to do so again until the TLC PPV against Orton.

Orton wants to know where the seven guys are to beat up Orton. Riley isn’t even one guy apparently. Alex challenges Orton to a match later which is accepted. Miz gets to pick the match type for the PPV which he hasn’t decided on yet. Orton says that even on one knee there’s something he can do, and with that he RKO’s Cole to send us to commercial.

Back from a break and Josh Matthews is now on commentary.

Ted DiBiase/Maryse vs. Daniel Bryan/Brie Bella

Before the match we see Daniel Bryan coming out of a locker room with Brie Bella. Nikki comes up and seems rather jealous. I’m liking where this is going. The guys start us off and here comes Nikki. The Bellas are looking very good tonight in red. Punk says he’s seeing double. There’s a Foreigner song in there somewhere.

Bryan beats on Ted for a few seconds before the girls come in. Maryse gets beaten on for a bit. Ted comes in for the save and it’s a big brawl a minute and a half in. There’s the Twin Magic and Nikki rolls up Maryse for the pin at 2:12.

Post match Ted yells at Maryse again and is told to talk to the hand.

Fatal fourway elimination match for the tag titles later and an interview with Wade Barrett.

Back from a break we recap the Cena and Nexus angle from last week along with Truth’s involvement with it. I’m not sure where that aspect of it is going but I don’t see it going well. I’d also still like to know why Cena needed five tickets for one seat. Cena said he would be here tonight.

We go live via satellite to a hotel room to talk to Barrett. He’s gotten one hell of a tan, one hell of a bad haircut and has gotten rid of his accent. Ah never mind it’s Otunga, saying that Barrett is on his way to the arena for the tag title shot.

Otunga throws the camera out because his food is here. He complains that it’s cold and throws out the deliveryman. There’s a second knock on the door it’s SUPER CENA TO THE RESCUE! I’m not sure what he’s rescuing but it sounds good. He pounds on Otunga a bit but Harris makes the save. Otunga bails and Cena beats up Harris a bit before going after Otunga as we take a break.

David Hart Smith vs. Tyson Kidd

Wasn’t this the main event of Superstars a few weeks back? This is quite the upgrade. Kidd brings out a big man with him that I don’t recognize. He’s huge though, towering over Smith who is a big guy in his own right. This guy is at least 7’0.

They start fast with Kidd stomping away and beating down Smith in the corner. Smith shrugs those shots off and gets an overhead belly to belly but runs into an elbow. Apparently being hit in the face by a grown man’s elbow doesn’t hurt Smith as he gets a delayed vertical suplex off the middle rope for two.

Kidd gets caught in the powerslam position but reverses into a rollup/victory roll for the pin at approximately 2:15. Smith goes after him again post match as there might have been tights pulled. The big man destroys Smith

Gabriel and Slater are worried about Cena but Barrett tells them to chill. McGillicutty is out of action apparently. Otunga comes in and says Harris is hurt. Is the hotel across the street or something? Either that or Otunga is capable of flying. I doubt it though as one superhero on Raw is enough. Barrett is going to call out Cena later. Otunga says there may be a mutiny coming soon.

Apparently Kidd’s big man was Jackson Andrews, a guy from FCW.

Tag Titles: Usos vs. Nexus vs. Santino Marella/Vladimir Kozlov vs. Mark Henry/Yoshi Tatsu

This is under elimination rules. Gabriel and Tatsu start. At the last show I was at Tatsu and Jericho tore the house down so it would be nice to see him win a title here. Spin kick gets two for Tatsu so Gabriel kicks Tatsu in some African on Asian violence. Off to Slater now with Josh picking Kozlov and Santino.

Henry comes in and is supposed to fight an Uso but they run from him. Henry is like get the hell in here and pulls Jey in by the hair. Freaking ow man! We’re getting some very fast paced tagging here. Punk is talking about the Bellas vs. the Usos for some reason but since it’s coming from Punk it’s awesome.

Lawler brings us back to reality as Punk threatens to send Josh back to Superstars. The Usos surprisingly clean house and beat up Henry and Tatsu. Slater tags himself in and gets one of the most unrecognizable finishers of all time to get rid of Tatsu and thereby Henry at approximately 3:00.

The Usos come in and get a slingshot Samoan Drop (think 3D kind of but with a Samoan Drop ending and the guy playing D-Von lets go) for two as Gabriel saves. Kozlov comes in and runs through the Usos. The spike slam ends the Usos at approximately 4:45. Tamina stays behind with Santino.

It’s Nexus vs. Kozlov/Santino for the titles. Punk keeps calling Santino Jar Jar which is amusing. Santino comes in to by far the biggest reaction in this match. Who would have guessed that he would be the most popular guy of eight men in a title match late in 2010?

They’re trying to make Tamina look good and from a distance she kind of does. Then they show closeups of her and she looks a bit goo much like a diseased goat. We take a break with Nexus in control.

Back with Gabriel holding Kozlov in a front facelock. There’s the hot tag to Santino who raises the roof and surprisingly cleans house to a nice pop. He hits a Stunner complete with splits as Kozlov takes out Slater. Cena pops up from under the ring and gets Gabriel’s attention. The Cobra hits Gabriel and we have new champions at 12:00!

Sheamus’ coronation ceremony is tonight. Didn’t we have that last week?

It’s coronation time. Sheamus comes out in a freaky looking black cape/robe thing. He looks like a gender confused inbred offspring of Batman and Satan. Sheamus says he’s better than anyone here and is better than the King of Kings, HHH. He talks about the last great High King of Ireland but that his reign will live forever.

Sheamus says he’ll be remembered as the High King, not some Ronald McDonald guy or Conan O’Brian. Isn’t USA owned by NBC? That has to be a lawsuit and more millions to Conan. Here’s Morrison to make fun of him a bit, saying Sheamus looks like something from Lord of the Rings. He’s right actually.

Sheamus says that Morrison is jealous because Sheamus has done more in two years than Morrison has done in his whole career. That’s very true. Morrison says it’s 1-1 in their series and he’s the better man. Sheamus demands respect and says bow to your king. Could they foreshadow HHH’s return any harder?

Morrison guarantees he’ll never bow. Sheamus shouts GET DOWN ON YOUR KNEES and gets slugged. I guess we had to prevent this from getting to TV-14 with suggestive language. Morrison cleans the ring and holds up the scepter. I like this feud.

Back with Laycool on commentary.

Natalya vs. Melina

Melina looks GREAT tonight. Natalya gets the pumpps on the vertical suplex almost immediately. Melina goes for a sunset flip but puts her knees up to drive them into the back of Natalya. Nice one. This is a back and forth match as Laycool will not shut up. Punk tries to play it straight and can’t get it to work at all. Sharpshooter ends clean at 2:20.

Laycool beats down Natalya post match.

We recap the opening segment and go to Miz and Riley in the back. Miz says Riley HAS to beat Orton tonight. He’s going to show Orton the type of match they’ll be having.

Randy Orton vs. Alex Riley

Orton makes his entrance and we take a break. Back and we’re on. Orton has a bad knee still which may be legit from what I’ve heard. Miz trips him up and Riley hammers on hit but Orton uses the powers of staring to take over again. Orton is in trouble but gets an Angle Slam to break Alex’s momentum.

This is rapidly turning into what you would expect it to be. Powerslam sets up the elevated DDT as it’s all Orton here. Orton has his usual seizure but manages to keep his shoulder in one piece long enough for Miz to run in and hit the Skull Crushing Finale for the DQ at 2:54.

Miz grabs a mic and says he’s going to show Randy what kind of a match they’ll be having. He pulls out a table and sets for the Finale again but Orton fights out of it. He tries to powerslam Miz through it but the champion escapes. Orton powerbombs Riley through the table instead. Nice to see that knee is able to hold up a full grown man for a powerbomb after getting beaten on in a match.

Barrett is on his way to the ring and says something to Otunga as we take our last break.

Barrett comes out and says that he was wrong. It was supposed to be free or fired, not free or run around all over the place whenever you like. Only Barrett can get Cena rehired so the attacks on Nexus are pointless. Barrett calls out Cena who comes through the crowd as Punk calls for security.

Nexus comes out as Cena gets in the ring. Barrett says this is not going to work and Cena will never be rehired. Cena says Barrett is stupid which is funny for some reason. He lists off all he’s done so far and says he has no issue with staying fired and hanging out with the WWE Universe and making Nexus’ lives a living hell.

Barrett says Cena can’t intimidate him and says what will Cena do if Barrett rehires him? Cena says he could do a lot of things like compete for the WWE Championship, which doesn’t apply to Barrett since he doesn’t have the title. Cena says if he’s rehired the attacks on Nexus may stop but they won’t stop on Barrett.

Cena says that Barrett knows nothing about honor or anything like that or he’d rehire him. He says he’s going to make Barrett’s life a nightmare. Barrett says that sounds like a threat and calls down Nexus. They stand still though before turning to leave. There goes Cena’s shirt and this is awesome all over again.

Cena goes off on Barrett and destroys him. He sets up the steps next to the table and in a hilarious moment, Cena stops to hand Punk his diet soda which Punk casually throws down. He sets for the FU and bolts for the back but Cena stays in the ring to not quite end the show. We head to the back where Barrett GOES OFF on Nexus but Otunga says this is an ultimatum: either hire Cena back next week or Barrett is out. This just got awesome.

Daniel Bryan/Brie Bella b. Ted DiBiase/Maryse – Rollup
Tyson Kidd b. David Hart Smith – Victory Roll
Santino Marella/Vladimir Kozlov b. Usos, Mark Henry/Yoshi Tatsu and Nexus – Cobra to Gabriel
Natalya b. Melina – Sharpshooter
Randy Orton b. Alex Riley via DQ when The Miz interfered


Raw got a 3.1, which is pretty solid considering the big Monday Night Football game last night.

Goldust is going to be out for 5-6 months. That’s a rather long time, especially considering his age.

Date: December 7, 2010
Location: Nutter Center, Dayton, Ohio
Commentators: Todd Grisham, Josh Matthews

Season Four of NXT debuts tonight with only six rookies this time. That might be a good thing indeed as having the full monty of eight is too many due to there being dead weight amongst them that takes too long to get rid of. This almost has to be better from a quality perspective than last season doesn’t it? Anyway, let’s get to it.

Wild and Young is back. Awesomeness all over again.

Striker brings out the Pros who bring out their rookies. There’s no Cole this season???

R-Truth – Johnny Curtis
Ted DiBiase – Brodus Clay (He is a BIG old boy. Think a white Viscera)
Chris Masters – Byron Saxton
Dolph Ziggler – Jacob Novak
Daniel Bryan – Derrick Bateman
Alberto Del Rio – Conor O’Brian

Striker says the winner gets a championship match but says nothing about PPVs. Everyone is going to get to introduce themselves.

Curtis says he isn’t going to ask people to cheer him. Instead he wants to give some shoutouts, one of which is to his gym teacher. A vote for Curtis is a vote for freedom apparently.

Clay says he’s coming to this with lemon juice and razorblades. This was almost like a rap thing.

Saxton sounds like Token from the News Reporters episode of South Park. This is rather cheesy indeed.

Novak talks about board games, saying his favorite is Monopoly because you get to own your competition, which he’s going to do this season. Not bad.

Bateman says he’s from Ohio and that today will live in infamy (it’s December 7 if you didn’t get the reference) and he’s mantastic.

Conor does a weird voice to get our attention and says he looks like a rat. Apparently he’s going to take the cheese or something like that. Wow indeed.

Alberto yells at him and says he’s boring, just like Daniel Bryan. The obvious tag match is made.

We get a profile on Byron Saxton who is from a privileged background and has never had to really do anything. He’s a good person apparently and we get a clip of him as a kid wrestling. He mentions being a conglomerate type of man, which I think was the stable he led in FCW.

Johnny Curtis vs. Jacob Novak

Fairly nice back and forth match so far. Both guys look decent out there which is why this show works so much better than something like Tough Enough did. Curtis gets a discus lariat for no cover. I’m sorry for the lack of play by play here but I’m trying to check out both guys instead. Novak misses a charge in the corner and Curtis goes up top. After misstepping a bit he hits a decent looking guillotine legdrop for the pin at about 3:05.

Profile on Brodus Clay who comes from Pasadena and a broken home. He liked to be with his brother apparently. We hear about him being a bodyguard for Snoop Dog which is interesting I suppose. He’s in business for himself now though.

It’s already time for our first challenge, in this case capture the flag. You have to run down, get a ladder that is set up at ringside, put it in the ring, climb up and get a flag then run back to the stage to win. Curtis goes first with a time of 28.6 seconds.

Conor (that’s how the on screen graphic spells it) is second and gets a time of 28.2 to take over. This is just for an immunity point I think.

Clay is third and as expected he’s strong but not quick. The time is past the mark to beat by the time he hits the floor to come back.

Saxton is fourth and says he’ll just be himself. He has his own way of climbing a ladder? And he loses too due to intentionally taking his time. He tries to jump down which is illegal apparently. He gets a time of nearly a minute.

Novak is fifth and gets a good start at least. It pays off too as he gets 26.9 to take the lead.

Bateman is last and gets cheered by Bryan. He has a chance at it but just barely misses it.

Back with the Raw Rebound to what I thought was an excellent show.

Ted and Maryse talk to Clay. Maryse won’t shut up and Ted yells a bit.

Saxton is getting ready and Masters comes up and they have a bromance moment. Masters wants to give him some workout tips and Saxton says he has it covered.

Daniel Bryan/Derrick Bateman vs. Alberto Del Rio/Conor O’Brian

No intro for the heels. The rookies start us off with O’Brian being rather aggressive. Off to Alberto who beats on Bateman a bit also. No Bryan yet other than trying to get in once Alberto hits him but to no avail. Bateman gets an airplane spin of all things to make the hot tag to Bryan.

Bryan adds an airplane spin of his own as we all channel our inner Gorilla Monsoons. We actually take a break on an NXT match to see Gene Okerlund pitch us old school apparel. Back with Bryan working on the arm of O’Brian. I guess he doesn’t like the O’ part. The pros are in now.

The announcers try to make small talk by saying Alberto’s last name means the River. It actually means of or from the river but who cares about being correct? Ziggler of all people says something on a mic but I’m not sure what it was. According to a guy that was at the show he was yelling that he doesn’t suck to the crowd and didn’t realize his mic was partially on or something. Works as well as anything I guess.

Bateman gets a running neckbreaker for two on Del Rio as Bryan hits a huge dive to the floor to take out O’Brian. Being alone with Del Rio isn’t a good thing as the cross armbreaker ends this a few seconds later at approximately 10:00 (assuming the commercials were in real time for this).

Johnny Curtis b. Jacob Novak – Guillotine Legdrop
Jacob Novak won the Capture the Flag Challenge
Alberto Del Rio/Conor O’Brian b. Daniel Bryan/Derrick Bateman – Cross Armbreaker to Bateman


Taylor Wilde and Hamada are both gone from TNA. Nice way to treat your champions no?


Date: December 9, 2010
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Taz
Episode Title: Immortal Ups the Ante

Tonight is the fallout show from Final Resolution where for the most part Immortal reigned on high. Jeff Hardy retained his world title, Jeff Jarrett made Samoa Joe tap and Abyss put the Pope in a casket, which to any non wrestling fan would certainly raise an eyebrow or two. Tonight we see where things go from here as we head towards Genesis. Let’s get to it.

We open with a recap of Morgan vs. Hardy at the PPV and the rather odd moment at the PPV of Bischoff throwing in a referee when Hardy was covered. I didn’t really understand that at the time but it could have been out of fear of Morgan I suppose.

The first shot on the actual show is Bischoff lecturing Immortal and Fourtune in his office. Apparently they may be in a lot of trouble due to Dixie’s lawsuit against Hogan. Bischoff says that they need all the titles and gold they can get in case things go bad in court. He calls out AJ for losing to Williams at the PPV but tells him to sit down.

Rhyno comes in and asks for the contract that Eric promised him. Eric writes NO in green marker on a piece of paper and gets on him for losing to RVD. Eric more or less says go away and Rhyno lunges at him, only to have the troops make the save.

Out to the arena with Immortal, complete with a new name graphic. If my math is right they have 10 guys here, not including Hogan and Hardy who aren’t here. Eric brings out Hardy because ten guys in the ring at once isn’t enough I suppose. After some ass kissing, Bischoff asks Morgan to come down. The Blueprint comes down with a pipe. At least he’s smart about it.

Bischoff says everything is about fair play now. As long as it’s not Johnny I can live with that. Bischoff says he watched the Morgan/Hardy match 25 times today. It was 12 minutes long so he really spent 5 hours watching the same match? Is he turning into Howard Hughes? Bischoff says Morgan could have beaten Hardy but the referee messed things up.

Morgan vs. Anderson for the next shot at Hardy is made for tonight. Anderson isn’t cleared to wrestle though so Morgan says no match. Bischoff doesn’t seem to care and says that if Anderson doesn’t wrestle tonight he’s gone. Immortal has new music here which is a really scratchy sounding version of Hogan’s TNA theme.

Theme song hits fifteen minutes into the broadcast.

Tara is going to perform tonight, as in singing.

Another MMA contest tonight. I’m still not sure what I think of this gimmick for Jarrett.

Abyss vs. Williams for the TV Title tonight.

Brother Ray says that tonight he proves that he was the star and that anyone could have been D-Von. He says come on D-Von and we see a fake D-Von. Can they just have their bad and uninteresting matches and get them over with?

Back and we’re told that Hamada has passport issues and the Knockout Tag Titles are vacant. We’re going to have a tag team title tournament with four teams to determine the new Knockout Tag Champions. This is what, the second time the belts have been vacated due to lack of defenses? Why are they keeping these things around?

Team 3D vs. Ink Inc

Remember it’s a fake D-Von. It’s a student from the wrestling school according to Taz. Bubba has to keep giving D-Von tips and instructions as they do some Dudley signature moves. Moore goes for a sunset flip and Bubba misses as he tries to drop down onto his chest. D-Von is rather green and misses a middle rope headbutt.

Neal, who is also a student of Team 3D, comes in to clean a few rooms. He isn’t doing enough to qualify for cleaning house. Jesse gets a nice move on D-Von where he sets for a belly to back suplex but slams forward instead to drive D-Von’s face into the mat. Bubba fights the heroes off and we get What’s Up and GET THE TABLES to a limited reaction. Ink Inc gets back up as the table is set up and the Mooregasm takes out D-Von to end this at 4:45.

Bubba beats up D-Von post match but D-Von makes the save to save….himself I guess. The real D-Von ran in if that didn’t make sense. The match is announced for Genesis.

Tara is warming up and hits on Gen Me who are going to be her backup dancers. She makes them take off their shirts before they go out as her cougar character continues. Can’t complain about a sexed up Tara.

Back and Morgan is looking for Anderson who Christy hasn’t seen. He was shown earlier in the opening segment.

Tara sings her theme song which is pretty clearly lip-synched. A little bit of trivia for you very old school TNA fans: Goldilocks sings Tara’s theme song. This is basically just an excuse for Tara to be in loose clothing and to gyrate a lot. And of course here’s Mickie to drill her after about a minute to the surprise of no one.

Eric Young of all people comes out to save Mickie when Gen Me holds her arms. I’m not sure why they’re connected all of a sudden but apparently they are. The song playing throughout the majority of this brawl is good for a nice chuckle. Mickie says she’s sick of this so they need to have a cage match. This is happening tonight apparently. Great to see them giving a blowoff to a long running angle the proper build it deserves of a full hour.

Beer Money wants Gunner and Murphy to rough up the Guns before the title match at Genesis. Roode gives Storm more money for beer, which is I think his first money related action in many months.

Jarrett says that his fans have poured out a ton of support after his victory Sunday. He’s starting an MMA Challenge series for his money tonight.

Gunner/Murphy vs. Motor City Machineguns

I have a feeling the Guns drop the belts at Genesis. Beer Money comes out to do commentary and their entrance allows the security guys to take over early. Only Storm has a headset. Shelly starts for the champions and I have no idea which security guy is which so barring the announcers telling us I’m not sure who is who.

Storm says the Guns remind him of a six pack of Zima. That’s certainly a unique analogy to make. The Guns finally take over and set for Skull and Bones but Murphy brings in a nightstick to drill Shelly with to draw the DQ at about 3:45. The Guns beat down the security guys post match.

The Beautiful People are getting ready and Winter comes in, freaking out Velvet. She asks Angelina what’s going on and they leave.

Anderson tells Morgan he’s wrestling tonight which Morgan isn’t happy with at all. He yells about turning his back on Immortal to stand up for the wrestlers after Anderson got hurt. This goes on for a very long time but it’s interesting.

Knockouts Tag Titles Semi-Finals: Daffney/Sarita vs. Beautiful People

Daffney stays on the roster and Hamada is fired? Really? Sarita says that whenever Velvet gets in trouble she goes running back to Angelina and asks when she’s going to grow a set so Velvet spears her. Velvet destroys her for the most part including a nice Fujiwara Armbar.

After a save by Daffney she comes in to a nice cheer. Angelina finally comes in and cleans house. She completely dominates both girls and hits Lights Out (Downward Spiral) to end it at 3:30. Sarita says that Velvet still can’t beat her because she’s a loser. This is the bullying angle that was rumored to be coming.

A casket is being brought to the ring.

We recap Mickie and Tara which is summed up as they used to have issues so they’re fighting. We see part of the finale at the PPV which sets up the post finale match tonight. The cage match is billed as the main event. That’s considered the main event over Anderson vs. Morgan?

Recap of the casket match from the PPV.

Here’s the casket and as it opens….a gospel choir in red robes come out singing This Little Light of Mine. Pope’s voice comes over the loudspeaker and says this is a new beginning. He compares himself to Moses and tonight he’s going to help those in need. The choir is dancing the whole time. He talks about a little girl that needs help or something and asks for a donation from the audience.

AJ yells at Abyss to get it done. I’m not going where that line should lead so don’t wait on me to.

We get some clips of TNA in Abu Dhabi which is rather cool.

Mickie talks about doing things for the first time, as in having a cage match.

TV Title: Abyss vs. Douglas Williams

Abyss uses power so Williams tries whatever he can to get out of trouble. Taz tries to convince us this has been all Abyss once he gets a chinlock/neck crank for about 4 seconds. Williams makes a comeback despite not really being on defense that long including a jumping back elbow from the top which is one of my favorite moves. Abyss blocks Rolling Chaos and rips off the turnbuckle. Naturally he goes into it seconds later and a rollup ends it at 3:40.

AJ comes out and hits a Styles Clash on Williams on the stage.

Tara accepts Mickie’s challenge. Is there a reason that Tara vs. Mickie James is getting as much if not more camera time than Morgan vs. Anderson? Gen Me is there and it’s them vs. Young/Jordan next week.

It’s time for Jarrett’s MMA open challenge. Simple deal: if any fan can make Jarrett submit they get $100k. The fan is naturally a plant and his name is Mike. Naturally Jarrett destroys him and a rear naked choke ends this non-match. I’m still not sure if I like this character or not but it’s certainly different.

There are 15 minutes left in the show and the cage match and Morgan vs. Anderson are left.

We come back to see the cage ready and then see a package on RVD.

Tara vs. Mickie James

It never ceases to amaze me that Vince let Mickie go because she didn’t look right and that Hugh Hefner turned down Tara for Playboy back in the day. Men have odd choices at times. They brawl outside the cage to start for a bit before actually going into it. Mike says we’ve got to take a break. The bell rings between “take” and “a”. Talk about cutting things close.

Back and apparently Morgan vs. Anderson is at Genesis. That makes a lot more sense from a time perspective but it’s kind of confusing as I could have sworn they said it was happening tonight. Tara is thinking about leaving but goes back for some more violence. Mickie gets a reversal and an Edge-O-Matic to take over. Seated dropkick gets two. Tara takes over again and gets a snap suplex before rolling through into a guillotine choke.

The dueling chants are REALLY loud here. They go up to the corner and Mickie grabs the cage and lifts her legs up. She goes for a rana off the top but is caught in a semi-powerbomb that looked really bad. Until then for two girls that hate each other this much they’re being pretty tame in there. Mickie is thrown into the cage door.

ReAction starts (as my blood pressure rises in anger over it) and Mickie can’t get a comeback going. Mickie more or less Hulks Up and throws Tara all over the place. One of the time sends her into the cage which gave her a serious injury that is going to keep her out for a few weeks apparently.

They go up to the same corner as before and Mickie kicks Tara down before heading up the cage. We get the huge spot as she hits a Thesz Press off the top of the cage for the win at 13:15. Mickie apparently messed up her knee legitimately so both girls are hurt now. Solid match.

Ink Inc b. Team 3D – Mooregasm to D-Von
Motor City Machineguns b. Gunner/Murphy via DQ when Murphy used a nightstick
Beautiful People b. Daffney/Sarita – Lights Out to Daffney
Douglas Williams b. Abyss – Rollup
Mickie James b. Tara – Thesz Press off the top of the cage

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