Week of 12/28/2015 - 1/3/2016


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House

Monday Night Raw
Date: December 28, 2015
Location: Barclay's Center, Brooklyn, New York
Commentators: Michael Cole, John Bradshaw Layfield, Byron Saxton

We'll wrap up the year with John Cena making his return after a few months off to film a reality show. Tonight Cena is facing Alberto Del Rio in what sounds like a non-title match, meaning we're likely to see another champion lose again. It should be interesting to see if Cena is going to have a mini feud with the League of Nations or if it's just going to be a one off match. Let's get to it.

Opening sequence. They really need to update the video due to all the current injuries.

Here's Vince McMahon to open things up. He's here to settle a score with Roman Reigns so here's the champ in a hurry. After seeing clips of what Roman put Stephanie through last week, Vince yells at Roman for embarrassing his family last week. Nobody turns their back on a McMahon and embarrasses them, including Roman Reigns.

Roman can't just say everything to anyone he wants because this is Vince's ring and Vince's company. Reigns says Vince is just a crazy rich guy. Vince: “I'm a freaking billionaire. There's a difference.” The champ says Vince doesn't own this title because it belongs to him and his supporters. Vince doesn't think Reigns is going to be champion that long and here's a DANIEL BRYAN chant, only to have Vince tell them to shut up.

Now it's CM Punk as Reign asks if he's going to be in a handicap match or a gauntlet match. Vince brings up the Wild Samoans and making Afa wrestle every night to ruin him while making a fortune. As for Roman's dad Sika, Vince used him up and paid him peanuts for all the work. Roman shoves him down and Vince holds his neck, demanding someone help. This brings out a concerned Stephanie, meaning we get ACTING!

She tells the security guards to arrest Reigns but they say no because they're not her personal police. If Stephanie doesn't step back, she's going to jail instead. That means a YES chant but Vince is back up. Vince tries to calm the cops down but winds up grabbing one by the shoulders, earning Vince an arresting. The cop reads him his rights as Stephanie goes on about how they can't do this. Reigns is just kind of there on the side as all this is happening.

During the break, Stephanie yelled at the cops a lot more.

Cole: “We're not sure what the charges are at the moment.”

Neville vs. Kevin Owens

Neville kicks him down and almost immediately loads up the Red Arrow. That goes nowhere so Neville rolls him up for the pin at 24 seconds.

Owens destroys him post match.

Post break Neville is still being helped out. Owens runs back down and takes Neville's head off with a clothesline. He loads up the powerbomb on the floor but Ambrose runs out for the save.

Clips of John Cena co-hosting the Today Show.

Rock will be at Wrestlemania XXXII.

Becky Lynch talks about moving to New York City with no money and getting a chance to fight in Brooklyn tonight.

Sasha Banks vs. Becky Lynch

Before the match, Sasha says the real best town in the world is of course Boston. Naomi gets in a few jabs at Brooklyn as well but Tamina doesn't get to say anything. Well at least it's not all bad. Becky chases her to the floor to start before grabbing an armbar to slow things down. Sasha runs the corner for an armdrag but Becky starts going after the knee. A reverse figure four has Sasha in trouble but Tamina pulls her to the ropes.

Becky gets tired of the numbers game and baseball slides Tamina down, setting up a huge top rope dive to take all of them out. We come back from a break with Becky cranking on an armbar, only to get caught in the corner for the knees to the back. Sasha puts her foot in Becky's back and pulls on the arms but stops for UNITY! The fans think this is boring as Sasha stays on the back with a legdrop.

Back up and Sasha botches something that looked like a headscissors, only to send her into a 619 position. Becky avoids a charge though and sends Sasha into Naomi and Tamina. Sasha doesn't seem to mind as she tries the Bank Statement but can't flip Becky over. An exploder suplex into the corner gets two and the fans are wanting this to end. Cue Tamina to try to get in, allowing Naomi to kick Becky in the head, setting up the Bank Statement, only to have Becky reverse into the Disarm-Her. Sasha rolls through as well though and grabs the trunks for the pin at 15:39.

Vince has been booked and we have a goofy mugshot.

Renee Young is outside the police precinct and has little to report.

Kofi Kingston vs. Kalisto

This is the birthplace of the trombone so it's time for some songs! Actually no because Francesca (the trombone) reminds Woods that these fans didn't vote for New Day as Tag Team of the Year. Kofi goes on a rant about how New Day will come over and fight kids who don't listen to their children. This causes Big E. to roll around laughing so Woods shouts “HE'S ROFLING!”

Cole thinks this might be a high flying match. Just a hunch of course. Kofi grabs a wristlock to start but Kalisto flips him into the corner and springboards up into the corner for a wristdrag. A headscissors takes Kofi down again and there's the corkscrew cross body into the hurricanrana driver. No count though as Kalisto has to dropkick Kofi into Woods and Big E. Cara takes them both down, allowing Kalisto to grab a hurricanrana for the pin at 2:48.

Post match Woods challenges Sin Cara to face Big E. right now. Well after the commercial of course.

Sin Cara vs. Big E.

Joined in progress with Cara getting out of the abdominal stretch but taking a hard backdrop. A moonsault is caught in mid air, only to have Cara send him out to the floor. Big E. pulls him off the apron for a huge crash, meaning it's time for some sweet Francesca. The referee comes over and brings in the doctor to check on Cara but the match continues.

Big E. asks about the shoulder and runs Cara over to make sure it's ok. We hit another abdominal stretch for a bit before Big E. charges into the post. A cross body staggers E. and a standing moonsault gets two. Cara actually gets him into the corner for a rolling senton but Woods comes in for a distraction, allowing the Big Ending to put Cara away at 5:20.

Here's Miz for his year in review. We'll start on January 1 with his New Year's Resolution but here's Ryback to interrupt. He's had his fill of MizTV but here's Goldust to interrupt as well. He doesn't think Miz is going to win a SAG Award or an Oscar or a Golden Globe but before he can go anywhere with that, here's Zack Ryder to a ROAR. Zack talks about 2016 being his year but Miz has something else to talk about.

Miz: “On January 2nd....” This brings out R-Truth to interrupt with a speech about trying to be voted Superstar of the Year. Miz points out that the Slammys were last week and Truth remembers winning one. Truth: “I need to get one of those daily planners.” Miz tries to keep going but here's Heath Slater for yet another interruption.

Before he can say anything, Big Show comes out to knocks Slater cold. Show takes out everyone but Truth is smart enough to lay down. He looks up though and eats a chokeslam, leaving only Ryback and Big Show standing. Show throws him out as well and mocks the fans for telling him to retire. Therefore, he's entering the Royal Rumble and wants to be #1.

Ryback vs. Big Show

In case you didn't see this enough earlier in the year. Ryback gets thrown around to start but hits a quick middle rope dropkick, only to have Show drop under the bottom rope. It's a countout to give Ryback the win at 2:56.

Dean Ambrose/Usos vs. League of Nations

No Del Rio here. Sheamus dedicates this match to Vince and headlocks Jimmy down to start. A double dropkick knocks Sheamus to the floor and Rusev joins him off a double atomic drop and a missile dropkick from Dean. The League takes a break on the floor until Dean follows them out and stomps Sheamus down. Back to Jimmy for chops in the corner but Rusev hiptosses him down and we've got a bad leg.

We come back from a break with Jimmy still in trouble and Rusev putting him in a half crab. They're doing a really good job of hiding Barrett's injury as he's on the apron but hasn't had any actual contact. It's off to Sheamus who quickly gives up a tag to Ambrose. Dean cleans house on Rusev to near silence and Jey dives onto Sheamus. The top rope elbow gets two on Rusev but Barrett offers a distraction so Rusev can superkick Dean, sending us to another break.

Back again with Rusev missing a middle rope splash and Dean tagging in Jey. The running Umaga attack gets two with Rusev making the save. Jey superkicks Sheamus but Barrett offers a distraction (again, well done on hiding the injury) to delay the Superfly splash. The Brogue Kick finally puts Jey out at 16:57.

Post match Owens comes in through the crowd and sending Ambrose into the steps. A powerbomb puts Dean through the table and makes him convulse a lot.

We look back at Rock announcing that he's going to be at Wrestlemania in case you thought that changed.

Recap of the arrest.

Renee is still at the precinct with other media waiting on Vince to come out. Here are the McMahons, because you can totally be booked and let out on bail in two hours in New York City. They bail into a car and leave.

John Cena vs. Alberto Del Rio

Before the match, Cena comes out to rip on the League of Nations for not respecting the USA. He brings up the fact that Del Rio hasn't defended the title on Raw and that he won't defend it tonight. This brings out Del Rio to say he defends his title wherever he wants so Cena says do it here. They argue back and forth for a few more minutes until Del Rio agrees to make it a title match.

Back from a break and before the match, we get a tribute to Motorhead's Lemmy, who passed away earlier today.

US Title: John Cena vs. Alberto Del Rio

Del Rio is defending of course. After the big match intros, Alberto starts with right hands in the corner and sends him face first into the post. We hit a quick chinlock with a knee in Cena's back but Alberto misses a charge and crashes out to the floor. Back from a break with Cena dropkicking him out of the air and starting his finishing sequence. Del Rio breaks it up with a Backstabber and tilt-a-whirl backbreaker for two.

Cena's tornado DDT gets the same and NOW the fans are getting into it. They get back up and the AA is countered, only to have the referee get bumped. The STF makes Del Rio tap but there's no referee, allowing the League to run out for a superkick to Cena. That's only good for two though as Cena cleans house but gets caught by the low superkick for two. There's the AA but the League comes in for the DQ at 14:05.

Post match the League swarms until the Usos come out for a failed save. The League goes for chairs but Roman comes in for the real save. Reigns Superman punches Sheamus but here's Vince to make Reigns vs. Sheamus for the title next week. With Vince as guest referee of course.

Neville b. Kevin Owens – Rollup
Sasha Banks b. Becky Lynch – Rollup with a handful of trunks
Kalisto b. Kofi Kingston – Hurricanrana
Big E. b. Sin Cara – Big Ending
Ryback b. Big Show via countout
League of Nations b. Dean Ambrose/Usos – Brogue Kick to Jey


Impact Wrestling
Date: December 29, 2015
Hosts: Josh Matthews, D'Angelo Dinero

It's the second half of the Best of 2015 show, meaning this one is likely to focus on Bound For Glory and the tournament. Last week's show was kind of all over the place so it could be interesting to see what they do with this. There's always a chance of a lot of promos for next week too. Let's get to it.

Josh and Pope get right to the point and send us to Matt Hardy challenging EC3 to a Full Metal Mayhem match.

From August 5.

TNA World Title: Matt Hardy vs. Ethan Carter III

Carter is defending in Full Metal Mayhem, which is TNA's version of TLC. The champ takes over early on with a chair to the back before sitting down so he can punch Matt from eye level. That earns him a Side Effect through the chair and it's already ladder time, which goes upside Ethan's face. The ladder is laid across the middle corner so Carter can be rammed face first as Matt is in full control.

It's time to go up but it's WAY too early on, allowing Ethan to chair Matt in the leg. Why would you ever go up that early on? Back from a break with Matt breaking up Carter's attempt at the belt by sending Ethan down into the buckle. Matt isn't done yet as he drives the ladder into Ethan's crotch to prevent another generation of Carter's from populating the earth. That's still not enough for Matt to get the title so he plants Ethan with the Twist of Fate.

A moonsault through the table is broken up with a quick crotching and a powerbomb through the wood but Matt is up again with a powerbomb of his own to break up Carter's climb. They head outside with Matt bridging a ladder between the steps and the ring, only to get slammed head first onto the ladder. Since we haven't had enough near climbs yet, Matt makes another save and hits a Side Effect onto the apron.

A guillotine legdrop drives Carter through the table on the floor but Matt takes way too long to climb, allowing Ethan to chair him in the leg. They already have to repeat spots for the saves? Carter climbs up, shoves Matt down and pulls the title off the hook to retain at 20:10.

We look at Mahabali Shera splitting from James Storm.

From May 29.

Dirty Heels vs. Wolves

This is match #2 in a best of five series with the Wolves up 1-0. Roode throws Aries through the ropes for a suicide dive to start but Davey runs inside for a dive of his own on Aries. The Wolves double team Roode inside until Austin gets back in and things settle down a bit. Edwards chops away at Aries but Austin punches him in the face, setting up a tag to Roode for chops of his own.

The Heels (who aren't heels) load up what looked like a Sharpshooter but Aries gets kicked into his partner, allowing the Wolves to double team even more. Davey puts Rode into a reverse figure four (with Roode facing the mat and Davey facing up) for a unique looking submission. The German suplex into the jackknife rollup gets two as the announcers are overhyping the heck out of this. Eddie puts Roode in a chinlock for a bit until Bobby fights up and makes the hot tag to Aries.

Austin speeds things up and snaps both Wolves' throats across the top, setting up a missile dropkick to Edwards. There's the Last Chancery on Davey and a Crossface to Eddie but both Wolves make the ropes. Something like Chasing the Dragon but with a Michinoku Driver instead of a brainbuster gets two on Aries but he pops right back up for the running dropkick in the corner, followed by the 450 to Eddie with Davey making the save. Another Last Chancery has Edwards in trouble but Richards comes in off the top with a double stomp for the save, setting up the powerbomb into a Backstabber to pin Austin at 11:09.

Clips of Jeff Jarrett's Hall of Fame induction.

Clips of Mr. Anderson beating Bram on August 19.

Recap of the GFW heel turn, setting up the war with TNA.

Very quick clip of Lethal Lockdown with TNA beating GFW.

Clip of Tigre Uno winning the X-Division Title.

Clip of EC3 beating Matt Hardy again to earn Jeff Hardy as his personal assistant.

Clip of the Dollhouse beating up Gail Kim in a cage.

We see Brooke winning the Knockouts Title.

Clip of Team Young winning the Hardcore War and Young stealing Chris Melendez's leg.

We look at some of the things EC3 has put Jeff Hardy through.

Another video on Storm vs. Shera.

From September 16.

Knockouts Title: Brooke vs. Lei'D Tapa vs. Awesome Kong vs. Gail Kim

Brooke is defending and this is one fall to a finish. Gail and Brooke go after the giants to start and are quickly thrown to the side. Tapa and Kong slug it out until Brooke and Gail beat on Tapa for a bit. Kong adds a splash and we take an early break. Back with Tapa dropping Gail face first off the barricade but Kong dives off the apron to crush Tapa with a cross body.

Gail and Brooke fight in the ring until Kong misses a charge at Tapa and takes out the champ. Tapa slams Gail down inside but Kim kicks away at the knee. Kong comes back in with a top rope splash to Tapa. Brooke's top rope elbow hits Kong and all four are down. The giants are sent to the floor, leaving Brooke to try a sunset flip on Gail, who sits down on it for the pin and the title at 12:21.

We see the ending of Kim beating Kong at Bound For Glory.

Clip of the Revolution finally splitting and Shere beating Storm.

We see the end of Ultimate X from Bound For Glory.

Matt Hardy won the World Title at Bound For Glory.

We wrap things up with a five minute highlight reel of the tournament.


Date: December 30, 2015
Hosts: Rich Brennan, Corey Graves

This is the first half of the Best of 2015, meaning there's no new material save for match introductions. It's been a good year for NXT and the next two weeks are going to be a good look back at all the good things that have gone on. You can probably expect a solid mixture of Takeover and regular TV on here so let's get to it.

Opening sequence.

We open with a look back at Kevin Owens' debut. Sami Zayn nearly cried watching it, which takes us to Sami Zayn winning the NXT Title, even though that happened in December 2014. The show ended with Owens powerbombing Zayn onto the apron and leaving him laying.

This takes us to our first match: Sami Zayn vs. Kevin Owens for the NXT Title at Takeover: Rivals. The match is clipped but here's the full recap.

NXT Title: Kevin Owens vs. Sami Zayn

We get the tracking shots of both guys coming to the ring, which is a trend I'd love to see come back. After the big match intros, they stare each other down as the fans are mostly behind the champ. Owens bails to the floor to get inside Sami's head and we're in full on Zbyszko mode. Sami finally just dives over the top to take Owens down before throwing him inside for a beating. A hot shot breaks up Sami's momentum and the pro-dirty traitors strike up the FIGHT OWENS FIGHT chants.

Owens rips the skin off Sami's chest with a chop and Sami quickly loses a slugout. We hit the chinlock on the champ to get a breather before Kevin just grinds his forearm into Sami's jaw. Sami tries to fight up but gets dropped ribs first over the top rope for two. Back to the chinlock which makes sense as Kevin has been trying to grind Sami down. A hard belly to back suplex gets two and they head outside so Sami can be rammed into the apron.

The fans have switched up to KILL OWENS KILL as he takes the champ back inside to yell in his face. Owens also puts fists to his face before a gutbuster gets two. Sami jawbreaks out of the third chinlock as the announcers bring up Lesnar vs. Cena from Summerslam. That's not the longest stretch in the world. Sami fights back with some clotheslines, including a big one to send Kevin to the floor.

Now it's Owens going into the steps and getting his head taken off with a clothesline. Back in and Sami hits the Blue Thunder Bomb for two but the Helluva Kick is countered with a huge superkick. There's the Cannonball for two and the pumphandle driver onto the knee gets an even closer near fall. The popup powerbomb is countered with a dropkick and the Half and Half suplex gets two for the champ.

Kevin snaps the throat over the top rope but gets caught on the same rope, only to knock Sami down. He spits at the champ but his Swanton Bomb hits knees. The Exploder Suplex into the corner looks to set up the Helluva Kick but Owens bails to the floor. Owens can't hit the apron powerbomb so Sami hits the bouncing moonsault, only to have both guys bang their heads on the ramp. Sami can barely stand and staggers on the attempt at the Helluva Kick, allowing Owens to hit the popup powerbomb for an even closer two.

Owens just unloads with right hands to the head and the champ's eyes are glazed over. He pounds away in the ropes and keeps getting dragged away by the referee. The trainer comes out to check on Sami but Owens powerbombs Sami again. A second powerbomb has Sami out cold but he slowly rolls his shoulder up to keep this going. The trainer gets in the ring now, earning Zayn two more powerbombs. Kevin loads up a fifth in a row and the referee finally pulls him off to stop the match at 23:12, giving Owens the title.

We take a quick look at Hideo Itami.

We look at the end of Finn Balor defeating Tyler Breeze to become #1 contender at Takeover: Unstoppable.

NXT went on the road for the first time this year, including a tour of Ohio. We see the ending of a never before seen match from Columbus with Cesaro vs. Neville which will be available in full on the Best of NXT DVD. Cesaro broke up the Red Arrow and got the win off a Neutralizer out of the corner.

On to the women's division with a look at the Four Horsewomen, including the last five minutes of Bayley vs. Sasha Banks in the Ironman match at Takeover: Respect.

Now we look at some of the new names debuting for NXT, including Samoa Joe, who challenged Baron Corbin at Takeover: Brooklyn.

Samoa Joe vs. Baron Corbin

The announcers think Joe is going to kill him. Joe has the Clutch on in less than a minute but Baron makes it to the floor. Back in and an enziguri in the corner puts Corbin right back on the floor, only to have him blast Joe in the face to stop a suicide dive. Joe kicks him in the face though and does his rotating submissions spot until Corbin puts his foot on the ropes.

Baron grabs a heel hook but Joe makes the rope a few seconds later. Something like a Boss Man Slam gets two on Joe so Corbin superkicks him. That earns Baron a second enziguri though and both guys are down. Back up and they slug it out with Joe taking over. Corbin locks the Muscle Buster before hitting kind of a loose Jackhammer for two. The End of Days is broken up so Corbin lifts him up into a choke spinebuster. Joe flips the cover into the Koquina Clutch though and Corbin is out at 10:24.

We look at Sami Zayn answering John Cena's US Open Challenge and coming this close to taking the title.

This led to Kevin Owens answering the Challenge but wanting to fight Cena on pay per view in a non-title match. From Elimination Chamber 2015.

Kevin Owens vs. John Cena

Alright WWE. This is your chance. You can elevate someone or go with the same old stuff. Owens is very fired up to be in there and actually doesn't drop to the floor at the bell as is his custom in NXT. A quick shoulder puts Owens down but he takes Cena into the corner and puts a boot in his face. Cena gets punched to the apron so Kevin can rip at his face like a villain should.

The fans chant for NXT and we hit the chinlock. Cena powers up into an AA attempt but Owens calmly escapes and hits a DDT for two. Owens opts to just punch Cena in the face (I love it when people do that) for a bit before a backsplash connects for two more. Back up and Kevin tries a swinging Rock Bottom but Cena counters into a crucifix, only to have Owens slam him down in a kind of Samoan drop for another near fall. The Cannonball gets the same and Owens says it's time for Johnny boy to give up.

The pop up powerbomb is countered with a leapfrog and Cena initiates his finishing sequence. Cena loads up the AA but gets countered into the pop up powerbomb for a close two, stunning Owens. Kevin gets crotches on top but headbutts Cena down, only to miss a moonsault of all things. The AA gets two (take a shot!) and both guys are down. Owens nails a superkick and tries his own Five Knuckle Shuffle (because he's that awesome) but Cena pulls him down into the STF.

Cena tries to pull him back to the middle but Owens kicks him away and hits an AA of his own (good one too) for another near fall. Both guys are down again and it's Cena up first for the two off the top rope Fameasser. Cole calls that patented, but I'm not sure Cena ever filed that paperwork. Back up again and Owens loads up the package piledriver (his pre-WWE finisher) but slams Cena to the side instead of dropping him on his head.

Kevin starts talking more trash before winning a slugout, only to get caught in the springboard Stunner for two. Frustration is setting in so Cena takes him up top for a superplex, only to have Owens counter into a spinning superplex of his own for two. Owens runs to the top for a Swanton for two more and now Kevin is frustrated. Cena nails that big running clothesline and Owens is rocked. John goes for another but walks into the pop up powerbomb for the completely clean pin at 20:03.

Graves throws away Brennan's Christmas present to end the show. Jerk.


Date: December 31, 2015
Location: Verizon Center, Washington DC
Commentators: Rich Brennan, Booker T., Jerry Lawler

We'll wrap up the year here with a Smackdown that not a lot of people are going to watch because most people aren't at home from 8-10pm on New Year's Eve. The big story coming out of Monday continues to be Vince vs. Roman with Reigns defending his WWE World Title against Sheamus this coming Monday. Therefore, I think you know what to expect here tonight. Let's get to it.

We open with a long and detailed recap of Monday's events with Vince being arrested, the League of Nations costing John Cena the US Title and Vince returning to announce next Monday's World Title match.

Opening sequence.

Here's a festive New Day to open things up. It's always a new day but tomorrow is New Year's Day. Therefore their new year's resolution is......nothing, as they're already perfect. On top of that, they're not the ones who didn't vote for New Day for Tag Team of the Year. Instead, they have a list of resolutions for the fans. First up, everyone needs to wear glasses and hearing aids so they can see and hear all this greatness. Second, everyone is required to keep a New Day journal. Finally, every day, make sure to proclaim that NEW DAY ROCKS!

This brings out the Lucha Dragons who say the Slammys are for the people. I thought they were for the best in WWE but that's what I get for listening to Michael Cole. The Dragons want a match right here and right now but Cara's arm is in a sling. Therefore, they have some backup for Kalisto.

New Day vs. Kalisto/Dudley Boyz

We start this up after a break, which included Ryback's new year's resolution (give more to local charities and get more involved). Woods and D-Von get things going with Xavier being thrown into the corner like he's nothing. Off to a fired up Bubba to crank on the arm and mess with Woods' hair. For some reason Booker equates this to a Jedi mind trick as Big E. comes in to run Bubba over.

Kofi tries to charge at Bubba in the corner but gets a little Flip Flop and Fly. That means it's time for Kalisto to play D-Von on What's Up, only to have Big E. take him to the floor for a beating. It's the Unicorn Stampede with Woods accompanying on trombone, followed by a big clothesline from Big E. to take us to a break.

Back with Woods putting Kalisto in a chinlock and Big E. getting two off a Warrior Splash. Kalisto avoids a charge though and makes the hot tag to Bubba as house is cleaned. The reverse 3D drops Woods like that ball in Times Square (Lawler gets in a good line like that every now and then). Kalisto DDTs Woods and a springboard Salida Del Sol puts Kofi away at 12:41.

We look at John Cena's week, which included hosting the Today Show and receiving a charity award.

Becky Lynch wishes us a happy new year.

Goldust vs. Tyler Breeze

Goldust snaps off some armdrags to start as Booker reminisces about their partnership. Breeze stops a charge in the corner by raising a boot and it's time to start on Goldust's arm. A quick spinebuster gets Goldust out of trouble and the snap powerslam gets two. Tyler slams the arm into the post though and a rollup with feet on the ropes pins Goldust at 3:25.

Post match Summer and Tyler announce that they're splitting up for New Year's, though it seems amicable. That's good for Breeze as Summer is kind of the kiss of death for anyone she's paired with. We do however get one last gorgeous picture for the road.

Bo Dallas finds Curtis Axel and talks about how bad Axel's 2015 has been. Axel says he's going to win the Royal Rumble so he won't be eliminated two years straight. Dallas keeps walking and signs some random blonde's hand. A little more walking finds Dolph Ziggler, who tells Bo to stop dressing like the New Year's Baby. This sets up a match for later, complete with Ziggler doing a nearly creepy Dallas impression.

Usos vs. Wyatt Family

Harper/Strowman here with only Rowan accompanying. Jey gets punched in the face to start but comes back with an uppercut to Harper. Jimmy comes in, only to have a run across the ring stopped by a Braun stare. It's off to Strowman who chokes Jimmy in the corner and throws him around like a giant throws around a villager. Harper's catapult into the bottom rope gets two and it's off to a leg lock of all things.

Back to Strowman for a choke with his knee before we hit the nerve hold. It's back to Harper for a chinlock until Jimmy finally gets in an enziguri. Strowman breaks up the tag but charges into the post, allowing the hot tag to Jey. A quick Umaga attack gets two on Harper and two superkicks stagger Strowman, only to have the standing choke knock Jey out at 6:28.

John Cena returns to Smackdown next week.

Tamina/Naomi vs. Alicia Fox/Brie Bella

For some reason this wasn't on the international version. Tamina shoves Brie down to start and it's Alicia with the COME ON BRIE chants in Nikki's absence. Fox comes in for two off a sunset flip out of the corner but Tamina hits (not really) a superkick for two of her own. More power from Tamina has Alicia in trouble until she avoids a corner splash. The hot tag brings in Brie and it's time for the YES kicks. Naomi misses a Rear View and the Bella Buster gives Brie the pin at 3:38.

Miz doesn't have much of a resolution.

Bo Dallas vs. Dolph Ziggler

Ziggler gets two off an early rollup but Bo hits a quick clothesline, requiring a lap around the ring. Back in and Dolph misses a Stinger splash so we hit a chinlock. A really hard elbow to the face gets two for Bo and we're right back to the chinlockery. Bo stops to pose and takes another lap, only to eat a superkick to give Dolph the pin at 4:23.

New Day's new year's resolution is to make sure that the patriarch becomes World Champion. I'm not sure who they mean there.

Here's the same long recap that opened the show.

Roman Reigns/Dean Ambrose vs. Sheamus/Kevin Owens

Reigns and Sheamus get things going as the announcers talk about Vince being arrested on Monday. Sheamus uppercuts Roman around and elbows out of a Samoan drop. A clothesline puts Sheamus on the floor and Dean takes him down with a suicide dive. It's off to Owens to pound on Dean, which only makes me think of Neville pinning him in 24 seconds on Monday. Dirty Deeds is broken up and Owens bails to the floor, only to have Dean send him into the announcers' table. Owens drives Dean back first into the apron and we take a break.

Back with Kevin stomping on Dean's ribs and we hit the chinlock. Sheamus comes back in for some clubbing forearms (yes I said clubbing forearms) and a reverse chinlock. Sheamus does the forearms to the chest but alternates some forearms to the back in a new twist. It's back to Owens but Dean hits a quick rebound lariat, setting up the hot tag to Reigns. Roman starts cleaning house with the clotheslines and a Samoan drop but Owens breaks up the Superman punch. The second attempt connects with Sheamus' jaw but this time Owens crotches Reigns against the post for the DQ at 11:14.

Sheamus and Owens load up the announcers' table but Reigns punches and spears his way out so the good guys can stand tall to end the year.

Dudley Boyz/Kalisto b. New Day – Springboard Salida Del Sol to Kingston
Tyler Breeze b. Goldust – Rollup with feet on the ropes
Wyatt Family b. Usos – Standing choke to Jey
Brie Bella/Alicia Fox b. Tamina/Naomi – Bella Buster to Naomi
Dolph Ziggler b. Bo Dallas – Superkick
Roman Reigns/Dean Ambrose b. Sheamus/Kevin Owens via DQ when Owens sent Reigns into the post




Nothing again.


Still nothing.

Quick Results

Monday Night Raw
Neville b. Kevin Owens – Rollup
Sasha Banks b. Becky Lynch – Rollup with a handful of trunks
Kalisto b. Kofi Kingston – Hurricanrana
Big E. b. Sin Cara – Big Ending
Ryback b. Big Show via countout
League of Nations b. Dean Ambrose/Usos – Brogue Kick to Jey

Dudley Boyz/Kalisto b. New Day – Springboard Salida Del Sol to Kingston
Tyler Breeze b. Goldust – Rollup with feet on the ropes
Wyatt Family b. Usos – Standing choke to Jey
Brie Bella/Alicia Fox b. Tamina/Naomi – Bella Buster to Naomi
Dolph Ziggler b. Bo Dallas – Superkick
Roman Reigns/Dean Ambrose b. Sheamus/Kevin Owens via DQ when Owens sent Reigns into the post

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