Week of 12/20/10 - 12/26/10 (Monday - Wednesday)


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House

Monday Night Raw
Date: December 20, 2010
Location: Frank Erwin Center, Austin, Texas
Commentators: Michael Cole, CM Punk, Jerry Lawler

After last night’s AWESOME TLC, we begin the Road to the Royal Rumble and ultimately the Road to Wrestlemania with tonight’s episode of Raw. We have Miz vs. Morrison at the Rumble for the Raw World Title which is amazing when you consider where they were a mere two years ago. But remember, WWE doesn’t elevate people right? Let’s get to it.

We open with Miz coming to the ring as STILL WWE Champion! There’s no Cole on commentary here. Miz says that you better get used to hearing people saying STILL WWE Champion about him. Miz is ROCKING that suit by the way. Suddenly the lights dim and we get something close to a gong. No way….

Nah it’s Riley with bandages and chains around him as the Ghost of Christmas Past to show him the error of his ways. The first clip is of him beating Lawler which Miz says was impressive. Gong and lights go down again and Cole is the Ghost of Christmas Present. And he quotes™ that although his actions last night were vintage™, he needs to change. Miz says nah because the actions of a champion are defined by one statement: he is STILL WWE Champion. He’s a bit fixated on that no?

Miz gives us a Christmas card picture as he holds up the title and the lights/gong go off again and DEMON CHILD pops up on the screen. Her mouth moves and says Miz needs to change or Morrison will take his title. This is awesome by the way, but I’m sure people will bitch and complain because it’s “childish” or something like that. Miz disagrees again and does his catchphrase but is cut off by a very sweaty Morrison.

He says that that was really stupid, even for Miz. Morrison says that he’s getting a title shot soon and that he’s beaten Miz in the past, he can beat him in the present, and he will beat him in the future. Simple but effective line. Miz says really a lot and Riley jumps Morrison. Cue Sheamus and it’s on again. Sheamus hits John’s knee in a nice bit of continuity and Morrison is down. Lawler DRILLS Riley who goes down in a heap.

We get an E-Mail and we’re going to get Miz vs. his ghosts tonight in a 6 man tag. Riley/Miz/Sheamus vs. Morrison/Lawler/Orton. That should be fine, as long as it doesn’t lead to more Orton vs. Sheamus. Miz holds up the title and gets drilled by the emerging Orton.

Clip from the end of the PPV with Barrett being “buried”. Cena addresses the Cenation tonight.

Cole is on commentary now, as is Natalya for the following match.

Melina vs. Alicia Fox vs. Eve Torres

Winner gets Natalya at a later date. Melina has a bit of a haircut. I could look at Eve in those gold shorts all day. Natalya puts her arm around Lawler which is odd. There really isn’t a leader in this for the most part but Eve is down for the most part. Melina tries a headsdissors out of the corner but gets caught in a powerbomb by Alicia for two.

Standing moonsault by Eve gets two on Alicia. She tries to go up but Melina charges into her and is acting all aggressive here. Eve and Alicia set for a Doomsday Device on Melina but she rolls through with a victory roll as Eve’s cross body misses for the pin at 3:15. Pretty slick ending.

Post match Natalya goes into the ring to congratulate Melina but gets slapped instead. Looks like a heel turn which is probably a good thing.

The Bellas are talking about some guy when Bryan comes up and they walk him to the ring arm in arm in arm.

Daniel Bryan vs. William Regal

The IWC just collectively orgasmed. To the shock of no one we start with a lot of technical based stuff with no one really being able to control. Bryan rapid fire kicks in the corner and backflips off the top. He runs into a running forearm/elbow for two for Regal. Regal gets a side headlock/Cravate on the mat and hammers away for two.

This is a rather physical match with them hammering away with European uppercuts and the boo/yay thing begins. Bryan starts winning it but Regal blocks and we hit the mat. Regal Stretch can’t go on though so Regal wants a butterfly suplex instead. That can’t connect either and Bryan reverses into the LeBell Lock for the tap out at 4:33.

Post match Regal applauds a bit and Bryan points at him. The Bellas celebrate with Bryan and one kisses him on the cheek. The other spins him around and kisses him on the lips. The other is like oh no you didn’t and kisses him even harder. Not bad Bryan.

Back from a break with Morrison getting ready. Orton pops up and says they’re partners tonight and if Miz loses the title to Morrison, Orton will come after the new champion. Orton says don’t trust him.

Santino is getting a massage from Tamina who is walking on his back. Maryse comes in and says that now Tamina has a plan B. Maryse gets on his back also and Santino is in pain after Vlad and Ted take the girls away.

Mark Henry and Gail are talking about how nice it is with Nexus gone. Vickie and Dolph come up and she says EXCUSE ME so Henry says maybe he was wrong. Was there a point to this at all?

Santino Marella/Tamina vs. Maryse/Ted DiBiase

Tamina actually looks like a girl here. It’s hard to believe but it’s true. Tamina has to crack Santino’s back to get him able to move. Santino and Ted start us off with Santino threatening the Cobra but uses the fake out to flip Ted over in a nice move. Nice dropkick puts him down though and the evildoer takes over. Ted goes for his clothesline move but Santino does the splits to get out of harm’s way.

He hits his flying salute headbutt and loads up the Cobra but Maryse is tagged in before he can hit it. He can’t use it on Maryse though due to the rules but he can’t get it to stop going. Maryse turns his hand around, causing the Cobra to hit Santino! Tamina comes in and throws the WORST SUPERKICK EVER which misses by a good six inches to put Maryse down. Superfly splash ends it at 3:00. No rating as it was mainly just the guys fighting but the splash was awesome.

Cena (Eruption for seeing him) is coming to the ring and a guy gives him flowers for some reason. He gives them to a female stagehand and steals her damn coffee! What a jerk our hero is!

After a break here’s Cena who is REALLY happy. He says that for the first time in 6 months there’s no Nexus on Raw! He hugs a guy with a WE HATE CENA sign. Cena says he feels like singing and dancing so we get the damn Dougie and what I’m assuming was the opening of the University of Texas theme song.

Cena shows us footage from TLC last night where all the chairs fell on Barrett from three camera angles and once in slow motion. That was still awesome whether you think it was or not. Cena invokes the Shamwow and the Snuggie for no apparent reason. Last night he got to every member of Nexus so now Cena can focus on the more important things, like winning the Rumble. Punk wasn’t happy with the chair thing at all.

Instead here are Vickie and Dolph. Vickie keeps trying to say that Cena isn’t the only one that won a match last night but she keeps getting booed out of the building. Cena dies laughing and even Vickie starts laughing at it. AWESOME crowd tonight. This goes on for like three minutes until Cena has to tell them to be quiet so they can talk. Even that doesn’t work so Vickie just has to talk over them.

What we learn after a LONG time is that Dolph is still champion and we have a clip from Vickie. It’s from last week where Vickie made fun of King losing the title and then Lawler making fun of her figure. It turns into Lawler and Cena ripping on Vickie back and forth. It’s really stupid but the crowd is cracking me up.

Vickie FREAKS OUT and Dolph yells at Cena and Lawler in her defense. Cena gets on Dolph saying that when they met Dolph was afraid of the dark. Then he saw Vickie naked and he was afraid of the light. E-Mail makes the match you would expect it to make, and it’s happening RIGHT NOW! AFTER THIS COMMERCIAL! Absolutely hilarious segment and one of the funniest things on Raw in as long as I can remember.

John Cena vs. Dolph Ziggler

The bell rings as we get back which is a nice touch. Ziggler stomps away as apparently Dolph wants revenge. This should be a pretty good match actually and it’s a good sign to see Ziggler getting ring time with the big boys instead of fighting Kofi all the time. Cena takes over for a bit but misses a charge and hits the corner rather hard.

Cena gets a suplex/slam to reverse for two. Ziggler hooks a side chinlock while on the mat and the crowd keeps getting louder and louder. Cena picks him up into the FU position but Ziggler counters into an X-Factor for two as we take a break. Back with Cena hammering away at Dolph. Side slam marks Cena’s 7th move.

They ram heads and both men are down. Dolph gets a Downward Spiral Stunner for two. Nice move. Big dropkick gets two and here comes Cena as he initiates his ending sequence. Five Knuckle Shuffle hits but Ziggler avoids the FU and tries for the sleeper. John blocks and the STF….doesn’t end this as Vickie has the referee.

Ziggler gets a Fameasser which is apparently now called the Zig Zag for a long two. There goes the buckle at the hands on the blonde, meaning he’ll be going into it. It’s just a diversion though as Dolph goes for the belt. FU is the counter to end this at 13:15. Nice long match here.

Post match Punk runs into the ring and drills Cena with a chair. OH HELL YES!!!!!

Back from a break and Josh asks Punk why he did that. Punk says all Cena understands is aggression and he was giving him a taste of his own medicine after what he did to Barrett. Punk drives away.

Jerry is getting ready for the main event and looks pretty damn good for a guy that is 61. Sheamus comes up and says he’s the real king and that tonight Lawler is done. LONG LIVE THE KING.

Vickie is going off on Ziggler. He’s challenging Cena to a rematch tomorrow on Smackdown which Vickie makes a handicap match with her in it also. Oh dear.

The Miz/Alex Riley/Sheamus vs. Randy Orton/Jerry Lawler/John Morrison

It’s 10:35 and this is starting already? Riley’s briefcase is just a normal one now so maybe people can quit complaining about him holding it a bit. We take a break after Miz and Riley’s entrances. Back with some clips of Miz on Jimmy Fallon’s show with the title. Lawler gets a nice reaction. Orton gets a BIG pop. He’s doing the Austin rope pose now. I guess using a move similar to Austin’s and being names after a snake weren’t enough similarities.

Josh Matthews is on commentary for the main event. Riley and Orton start us off. Big pop for Lawler as he comes in and he manages a dropkick. It sucked but he tried at least. Cole complains about Lawler doing too many things on Raw lately. The irony there slays me. Orton comes in to fight Miz and the champion runs to bring in Sheamus which stops Orton in his tracks as we take a break.

Back with Sheamus working on Lawler and getting two off an unseen move. Morrison comes in and SELLS THE KNEE from last night as he reverses an Irish Curse. Flash Kick takes Sheamus down but a quick interference from Riley stops Starship Pain. Sheamus works on the knee as the fans chant for Morrison.

Miz goes to cannonball down onto the knee but Morrison kicks him to the floor. The champion makes the save to stop the tag though and here’s Sheamus again. A big kick can’t get Morrison out of trouble as Sheamus goes right back to the knee. Half Crab by the pale one until Orton makes the save. Tags in to Orton and Miz and the crowd wakes WAY up.

Powerslam and Angle Slams take down Miz. Elevated DDT has the champion reeling but it only gets two as Sheamus saves. Morrison takes the Irishman to the floor as Orton sets for the RKO. Riley takes it instead as Miz gets a big boot to Orton. Lawler tags himse in and pulls the strap down. Miz goes for the Finale on him but Orton sneaks in with an RKO and Lawler pins Miz at approximately 13:00.

Post match we get an E-Mail which is booed out of the building. The GM apparently has authority to make matches on Smackdown now as he makes Miz vs. Orton which is non-title I’d assume. Orton goes for a powerbomb on Riley but Miz saves and runs.

Melina b. Eve Torres and Alicia Fox – Victory Roll to Alicia
Daniel Bryan b. William Regal – LeBell Lock
Tamina/Santino Marella b. Ted DiBiase/Maryse – Superfly Splash to Maryse
John Cena b. Dolph Ziggler – Attitude Adjustment
Randy Orton/Jerry Lawler/John Morrison b. The Miz/Alex Riley/Sheamus – Lawler pinned Miz after an RKO


Smackdown got a 1.76, which I believe is up from last week.

Raw got a 3.3, which considering MNF was a solid rating is rather good.

Date: December 21, 2010
Location: AT&T Center, San Antonio, Texas
Commentators: Michael Cole, Josh Matthews, Matt Striker

It’s the beginning of Edge’s tenth title reign which doesn’t have much of a ring to it when you think about it. I think they’ll probably set up Del Rio vs. Edge at the Rumble but we’ll find out. This is on Tuesday for the first time as they didn’t want to have Smackdown on Christmas Eve which makes sense to say the least. This should be a good show but it’ll be fun to see it live. Let’s get to it.

Oh and NXT is on at 11 so I’ll have that up as soon as it finishes as usual.

Edge will address the crowd tonight.

Randy Orton vs. The Miz

Damn jerking the curtain this fast? How the mighty have fallen. You can figure out which one I’m talking about. I was thinking the GM would make Miz vs. Lawler tonight but this is probably a better option on all fronts. Orton goes OFF on Miz to start, beating the hell out of him on the floor. Riley is of course here also.

Miz gets a guillotine clothesline over the top to take over and a boot to a seated Viper gets two. Orton comes back and looks like he wants the RKO but settles for a powerslam. They’re kind of flying through this. Elevated DDT is blocked but Orton lands on the apron. Riley interferes and here comes Miz again. We take a break with Orton ramming into the steps and holding his arm.

Back with Miz holding a chinlock on the Viper which is reversed while the TVPG logo is still in the corner. Miz goes up but is crotched as we’re talking about Money in the Bank for no apparent reason. Suplex from the middle rope puts the champion down for two. This match is getting some time as we’re past ten minutes already.

They slug it out with Orton hammering him down in the corner so he ca-n stomp a mudhole (he does the two fists in the air pose on the corner now, he stomps people in the corner, he uses a quick strike finisher and he’s named after a snake. He reminds me someone but I just can’t place it. I’ve got it: The Rougeau Brothers) in the champion. Miz fights back with a Reality Check for two.

Orton sets for his powerbomb which I guess along with the Angle Slam are his new signature moves now but Riley’s distraction interrupts it. Clothesline in the corner and a DDT gets both a smile from me (it’s my favorite move) and a two count. The Finale and the RKO are both countered as Miz gets a backslide for two.

There’s the elevated DDT and Orton sets for the RKO. Riley gets up AGAIN and there’s the RKO, but Riley runs in for the DQ at approximately 11:00 shown of 14:42. This was a lot longer than I expected but was still good. We’re not done yet as Orton sets for the Punt. Riley comes in at the last second and runs into an RKO for his troubles.

Show is still Santa and he and Rosa are giving out action figures. Damn it Hornswoggle is an elf. Can’t we just look at the hotness that is Rosa?

Back with the aforementioned three throwing out presents and DVDs and such. There’s a Christmas setup in the ring complete with a small tree, milk and cookies and presents. Oh wait that tree is bigger than I thought as it was positioned kind of weird. Show breaks the chair as he sits on it.

Show sits in another chair (still taller than Horny) and reads a WWE version of Night Before Christmas. It’s about TLC which is a nice little thing actually. “Santa now must leave before it’s too late. Go out and get the Knucklehead DVD….IT’S GREAT!” Cole bitches about it of course and they throw out more presents….with no heel attack. I’m surprised indeed. Oh I knew it. Here’s Cody who takes out Horny and the Christmas stuff.

Back with a recap of the Cena segment last night which was absolutely hilarious. To the people that thought it was childish, get the damn sticks out of your ass and have a bit of fun. The handicap is still later.

Beth says she’s glad she’s not hurt from the SICK fall she took at the PPV. Santino and Vlad come in and the Italian/Canadian/Russian depending on which company he’s in wants to know how she’s doing. For old time’s sake he requests a lip lock and more or less snaps his fingers, making Kozlov produce some mistletoe.

Tamina isn’t an issue as she’s on Raw and this is Smackdown. Santino is a damn player! Santino puckers up and closes his eyes, so Beth grabs Vlad and kisses him. The look on his face is hilarious as his eyes bug out. Santino sees the lipstick on his lips after Beth leaves and says it’s like they just kissed as he had kissed Beth before. Funny stuff indeed.

Santino Marella vs. Chavo Guerrero

They’re going to reair this show Friday which makes this airing make more sense. Smart to offer a reairing of this later but to not try to go against Christmas Eve. Santino uses his Sambo stuff to start but Chavo uses basic wrestling to take over again. Santino comes back but the headbutt eats knees. Chavo does Eddie’s dance and Three Amigos have Marella in trouble. Third is blocked though and it’s Cobra time, ending it at 3:00. Basic little match to fill in some time.

Back from a break and it’s time for Edge to address Smackdown. I can’t imagine this won’t be interrupted by Alberto to set up the Rumble match. He talks about how all the insanity with Paul and Kane is now worth it because he now has his world title back. Edge talks about how he’s worked his entire career to get here and has accomplished all the goals he’s set for himself.

Kane comes out a bit to my surprise and says no one wants to hear this story. Edge more or less says shut up and challenges Kane to a world title match RIGHT NOW. Kane….turns it down? He wants it to be under his own rules and he’ll get the title back. PLEASE don’t let that be the Rumble match.

Rey/Kofi vs. Alberto/Swagger later.

Back with a video on Big Zeke who is awesome to look at to put it mildly. He’s coming soon even though I was pretty sure he was supposed to be on here.

Drew McIntyre vs. Kaval

Drew gets a decent face pop actually. Drew jumps him before the bell and Kaval is barely able to get up. A big boot and the Future Shock end this in 28 seconds. Well that was abrupt. Maybe Kaval’s ankle isn’t healed up yet.

We look at Tribute to the Troops, which was rather good. Not sure if it’ll be the same as a 2 hour show but it should be solid still.

Jack Swagger/Alberto Del Rio vs. Kofi Kingston/Rey Mysterio

This should be pretty good as the tag match last week was rather awesome indeed. Back and we see everyone not named Alberto’s entrance as his had already happened. Rey vs. Alberto to start us off as Swagger still has his t-shirt on for some reason. He goes after Kofi before the match really gets going and Alberto gets to jump Rey. OH SNAP Alberto goes for the mask and we saw Rey’s face!

Rey fights him off and here’s Kofi. Rey and Kofi clean house and the bad guys are both sent to the floor. Stereo dives have Swagger and Alberto reeling as we take a break. Swagger was holding his arm and it didn’t look too good. Back with Alberto holding a chinlock on Rey. That double dive was pretty sweet as they show it again in slow motion and from a second angle from facing the stage. Striker: take two hits and pass it on.

Swagger comes in and hits his Vader Bomb as his arm looks just fine. Bearhug goes on Rey for a bit but even with some kicks Rey can’t get a tag out. He does however get one after sending Swagger into the buckle. Big crossbody and dropkick to bring Kofi in but he runs into boots in the corner and a big boot takes him down.

The announcers say Alberto will be a future world champion but they’re not sure about Kofi. Interesting debate topic indeed. Kofi takes Swagger down after a long beatdown and both Spanish speakers comes in and Rey shows off a lot with a tornado DDT after a bunch of spins and flips. BIG swinging kick to the head gets two for Rey. SICK tilt-a-whirl backbreaker gets two for Alberto.

Rey gets a dropkick to the back to set up Alberto for the 619 but Swagger gets a blind tag to lay out Rey for a close two. Kofi has apparently been swallowed by the Earth as Rey gets out of the gutwrench powerbomb. It’s almost a double 619 but Alberto gets out of the way. Trouble in Paradise out of nowhere kills Swagger and the springboard splash ends this at 13:40.

Drew comes up to Kelly and says he’s sorry for last week and acting weird. She says he wasn’t weird and he says that he’d never hurt her. She seems a bit receptive this time.

Dolph helps Vickie stretch for her match which is a fairly pointless scene.

Kane/Del Rio vs. Edge/Rey next week. That should be good, although on New Year’s Eve the ratings are going to TANK.

Dolph Ziggler/Vickie Guerrero vs. John Cena

Vickie is in her EXCUSE ME tights. She’s all bitchy to Dolph as they wait for Cena to come out. Vickie tries to get to Cena immediately but Dolph holds her back. They have to tag here. Dolph beats him down and then Vickie tags herself in to stand on John’s head so he lifts her off the ground by bench pressing her. Keep in mind she’s standing upright and her feet were on his face and he simply lifted her off from his back. That is SCARY strength.

Back to Ziggles who hammers away and hits a jumping elbow like Sting always used to miss. Loud Vickie Sucks chant as Cena can’t get the FU and Dolph hits a DDT for two. It’s the standard formula for these kinds of matches: the heel destroys the good guy while the weaker heel hangs out on the apron and steals a shot here or there.

To the floor where Dolph eats steps after Cena blocks the same kind of shot. Yep it’s an overrun while NXT is being advertised as starting now. Back in and Cena gets a suplex to put Dolph down and they slug it out. Ziggler finally figures out a counter to the shoulder blocks. After years of studying mystical scrolls, consulting various monks and reaching near nirvana…….he ducks and lets Cena crash to the floor.

The dueling chants begin as Vickie gets some kicks in on the floor. Vickie distracts again and Ziggler gets a chinlock before that cool Stunner kind of move. He sets for a Downward Spiral and then jumps to drop into a Stunner. Vickie tags herself in AGAIN and misses a splash.

Dolph back in and the ancient scrolls fail him as Cena initiates his ending sequence. Vickie can’t see him apparently. Ziggler counters the FU and hits a Fameasser for a close two. This is getting more time than I expected it to by far. Ziggler goes for another but Cena steps to the side for the STF but Vickie saves. Cena kisses her hard and the FU ends it at 13:30.

Post match Cena goes for an FU on Vickie but punk runs in for more chair shots and leaves. Cena getting up in pain ends the show.

Randy Orton b. The Miz via DQ when Alex Riley interfered
Santino Marella b. Chavo Guerrero – Cobra
Drew McIntyre b. Kaval – Futureshock DDT
Rey Mysterio/Kofi Kingston b. Jack Swagger/Alberto Del Rio – Springboard Splash to Swagger
John Cena b. Dolph Ziggler/Vickie Guerrero – Attitude Adjustment to Ziggler

Date: December 21, 2010
Location: AT&T Center, San Antonio, Texas
Commentators: Todd Grisham, Josh Matthews

It’s week 3 here and I’m pretty sure we’re live here for a change due to the whole confusing thing of Smackdown having to be live tonight due to Christmas Eve. Hopefully it’s decent like the previous two weeks have been but they need to give the characters a chance to develop a bit as they haven’t done that at all for the most part yet. Let’s get to it.

This is starting IMMEDIATELY after Smackdown ended which is a bit of overkill indeed.

The opening video is about the obstacle course last week which wasn’t as bad as I expected it to be.

Theme song is still good.

Here come the rookies as usual. Sorry if I’m a bit off tonight as this isn’t something I want to be doing at the moment. The challenge is a wheelbarrow race and the Soaring Eagle will be inside it. I’m not sure if this is better or worse than Horny.

Curtis goes first and jumps the gun, prolonging the stupidity of this one. His time is 13 seconds. There’s nothing to say about this stuff at all other than some weak jokes from the announcers. Grisham is bitching like he has a piece of Cole in his ass.

Novak breaks the mark at 12.8.

Brodus gets 13.8 and drops the wheelbarrow, sending the Eagle sprawling to the floor.

O’Brian is next and sets the new mark at 12.7. This is REALLY boring if you can’t get that.

Saxton wants to warm up and puts on a black glove to get a time of 12.5.

Bateman is last and ties it. Please….no.

We do it again and Bateman throws a flag on the ground that he got from….somewhere. Saxton doesn’t CROSS THE LINE as that has to be a rib of some sort. Never mind he did as they keep saying it over and over. GET ON WITH THIS. Bateman goes again and wins this STUPID segment that went on way too long. He gets two points.

Novak vs. Curtis and a six person tag later.

Jacob Novak vs. Johnny Curtis

JTG is subbing for R-Truth here. Dolph yells at Novak as he sends Curtis to the floor. Dolph is in a tie so we talk about that more than anything else. We hit a chinlock as we talk about hitting on Vickie. This match is really, really dull. This whole season has had dull characters. Ziggler gets in a cheap shot to Curtis and Novak adds in a big boot to end it at 5:00. Vickie is watching and smiling.

Profile on Bateman who was on Heat once. He says he’s Man-Tastic and has the most charisma.

There’s a Divas calendar. The PG is slowly slipping away actually. Just little things like that or a bit more swearing. It’s barely noticeable but it’s helping somewhat.

Profile on O’Brian who looks like a rat and was an outcast. Yes we get it he has a weird looking face. He says it’s time for the Rattitude Era. I hate this guy already.

Bateman and Bryan are training more as Bateman reads the WWE Champion book which appears to be upside down to him. There’s a trivia challenge tonight which should be fun.

Trivia challenge time but there’s a twist. There will be a category named and you go down the line with each person naming something/someone that fits said category. First up is Undertaker Wrestlemania opponents. Shawn Michaels being mentioned gets the big hometown pop. They don’t go on until people are eliminated, as in once 6 are named we move on to a new category.

Second up is King of the Ring winners. Owen Hart is mentioned on TV actually. Bateman almost says Mr. Ass but he goes with Billy Gunn instead. We go through this again due to no one being eliminated yet. Brodus Clay is the first one out as he thinks Diesel was King. New category is Wrestlemania host cities. Conor says Pee Wee Herman. That isn’t a typo. Saxton reminds me of Token on the news anchors episode of South Park.

We stay with it as they’re running low on cities. No one has said LA yet surprisingly. Curtis is out as he can’t think of anything. New category is any WWE PPV in 2010. Saxton repeats Survivor Series and he’s out. Final two are Bateman and Novak. Their category is WWE Champions. BATEMAN TRAINED FOR THIS! Hogan reference. Novak says Miz and gets buzzed for no apparent reason and we keep going. Novak freezes somehow and can’t get Cena in time, giving Bateman the win.

We go to the back where Conor comes in to see Alberto as per his request. They get into a semi spat which goes nowhere. Conor wants some of the cheese Alberto is eating. HEY, MAYBE YOU SHOULD PUSH THE FACT THAT HE LOOKS LIKE A RAT MORE!!! YOU’RE BEING TOO SUBTLE!!!

Ted DiBiase/Maryse/Brodus Clay vs. Byron Saxton/Chris Masters/???

There’s a guest/mystery Diva here to team with Masters and Saxton. And there’s no real intrigue/suspense as it’s Natalya. Gender vs. gender here as usual. Those who I’d prefer to see topless start us off. Natalya outsmarts her to start and the beating/screaming begins. Off to the rookies now and Saxton can’t hurt Brodus. Clay sends him to the floor as we take a break.

Back with some not hot Saxton on DiBiase action. Masters comes in and it’s pro vs. pro. Is Clay a face or a heel? I’m not sure. Masters hammers away on the fat man until Saxton comes back in. Clay gets a somewhat awkward looking cover for two. It’s hard to describe but he looked odd laying down on Saxton. No one will tag in for Saxton as his bravado is costing him.

DiBiase gets a dropkick for no cover. Oh apparently Saxton wouldn’t tag out so here’s Masters. Powerslam gets two. Dream Street is countered and Masters gets a spinebuster. Brodus beats on Masters in the corner and Maryse adds a slap. Back to the girls and it’s a catfight. The pros go outside to break them up and it’s up to the rookies. Powerslam ends Saxton but a Vader Bomb misses and Saxton gets the pin. I forgot to check the clock but it ran about 12:00.

Derrick Bateman won the Wheelbarrow Race Challenge
Jacob Novak b. Johnny Curtis – Big Boot
Derrick Bateman won the Hot Seat Trivia Challenge
Chris Masters/Byron Saxton/Natalya b. Brodus Clay/Ted DiBiase/Maryse – Saxton pinned Clay after a missed splash


Smackdown was a 2.5. No idea how to interpret that as it has nothing to go against for the most part.

Tribute to the Troops 2010
Date: December 22, 2010
Location: Fort Hood, Killeen, Texas
Commentators: Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler

It’s the annual tradition and in this case it’s the two hour version rather than the one hour one that was shown on Saturday. In other words, I know half of the show but not the rest of it, which I’ll throw in if I can. There isn’t much to say about it but so far it’s the best one they’ve done. Let’s get to it.

Expect a lot of “so and so says thanks to the troops” and “so and so performs” tonight.

We open with a clip of President Obama thanking the troops for what they’re doing. He doesn’t actually mention WWE but the idea is there I guess.

We get a quick set of shots of WWE being there for the troops for years.

Battle Royal

Mark Henry, John Morrison, Ezekiel Jackson, Sheamus, Daniel Bryan, Chris Masters, Cody Rhodes, Vladimir Kozlov, Santino Marella, Michael McGillicutty, Husky Harris, Justin Gabriel, David Otunga, Heath Slater, Chavo Guerrero

The commentary is different here as they’re referencing TLC having already happened which hadn’t happened when this first aired. This wasn’t on the first show. They’re getting some big names in there at least. Fifteen guys in there if you don’t want to count. Everyone surrounds Nexus and the beating is on. They’re all run off but not over the top rope so I guess they’re still in?

Sheamus puts out Masters but can’t get rid of Bryan. Nexus is chilling out maxing relaxing all cool and all watching some wrestling out by the ring. Chavo dumps Jackson which surprises me a bit so the ring is kind of empty without Nexus in there. Cobra to everyone and it works on them all, cleaning the ring. And then he goes after Sheamus like an idiot.

Sheamus and Henry have a standoff but HERE THEY COME! I haven’t gotten to write that in a long time. Everyone is still down from the Cobra of all things. The tag champions go out as Nexus is cleaning house. Chavo and Cody are out, leaving Morrison, Bryan, Sheamus and Henry against the black and yellow dudes. They charge with Sheamus chilling in the corner.

Bryan beats up the Wendy’s chick/dude but everyone else has it 2-1. Gabriel vs. Bryan makes the IWC orgasm just a bit but Bryan gets rid of Gabriel. Sheamus kicks Bryan’s head off though and dumps him with ease. Harris takes down Sheamus and the beatdown is on. There goes Otunga as Morrison is doing most of the fighting. Sheamus and Morrison start fighting but Morrison is finally put out by Nexus.

And then Henry awakens, throwing Slater over to leave him, McGillicutty, Harris and Sheamus. Henry beats the tar out of the Nexus guys and throws out Hennig’s son. There goes IRS’ son as well, leaving us with Henry vs. Sheamus. The very white guy beats down Henry for a bit until the POWER OF TEXAS wakes Henry up. In a very impressive display of strength, Henry gorilla presses Sheamus over the top with relative ease. That was scary.

Taylor Swift loves the troops.

The Bellas love the troops and are hot as hell.

Diddy Dirty Money performs I’ll Be Missing You.

After a break, Miss USA is introducing the next match.

Kofi Kingston/Big Show vs. Jack Swagger/Dolph Ziggler

No Vickie this time. This was on the first show. Dolph vs. Show to start us off here. Show stands on his ribs and I think the champion is about to cry. Kofi in now and he and Ziggler do their usual good stuff. King talks about the morale people and gets in a Craig Pittman line: beatings will continue until morale improves.

After Swagger interferes a bit, Kofi gets a SLICK counter of the Fameasser into a powerbomb. Semi-hot tag to Show who gets a sidekick to take down Swagger. He cleans house and Ziggler is thrown into the air. Kofi gets a cross body to put both he and Ziggler on the floor. The chokeslam to Swagger ends this totally clean.

Trace Adkins performs.

R-Truth vs. Ted DiBiase

Not on the first show. Truth jumps him to start as this is looking one sided so far. This is probably Truth’s last TV appearance for a long while given his recent health issues. Both guys go down off a double clothesline as I think this is going to go fast. Maryse gets on the apron, Eve pulls her down, Dream Street is countered, Axe Kick ends it. This was nothing.

Bella Twins/Natalya/Kelly Kelly vs. Alicia Fox/Melina/Laycool

Not on the first show either. Yep the evil ones are definitely hotter. They’re all in Santa outfits of course. Alicia vs. a Bella starts us off and Cole thinks it’s Nikki. Since Cole is a very stupid man we’ll call her Brie. Melina is working as a heel here to play up the whole turn on Raw two days ago. Kelly comes in and we get the headscissors to show off the underwear under her skirt. She beats the hell out of Michelle before Layla saves. Everyone gets in until Kelly hits K2 to beat Michelle. Another nothing match.

The cast of 30 Rock loves the troops.

Back from a break we see Sherri Sheppard throwing shirts and DVDs out to the troops earlier along with Horny.

George W. Bush thanks the troops.

Diddy Dirty Money performs Coming Home which makes sense at least. The chorus of that is actually pretty awesome.

Lindsay Vonn (Olympic skier) loves the troops.

We get an arm wrestling contest between the commander of the base who is rather wrinkly and he gets…..Kane. Oh dear. The commander whose name is Grimsley gives Kane a chance to back out. Grimsley gets an advantage early on but here comes Kane. The soldiers are of course behind their boss. Edge’s music hits and the distraction lets the General get the win. Nicely done. Spear puts Kane on the floor and Edge shakes the General’s hand. Not on the original show.

Earlier today Cedric the Entertainer came out and did a short routine. It looked like they clipped a bit of it so maybe it was longer. That would make some more sense.

Jimmy Fallon loves the troops. He tells some horrible jokes until Miz pops up behind him and slams him to a big pop. Funny stuff.

Adkins performs Whup a Man’s Ass. There’s a line in there that says something about you should whip a man’s ass if he cusses out a kid. After the song his 9 year old daughter comes out and it’s supposed to be a big emotional moment. Bit contradictory there isn’t it? The second of each performances were on the Saturday show.

The military chief of staff says basic stuff.

John Cena/Rey Mysterio/Randy Orton vs. Alberto Del Rio/Wade Barrett/The Miz

Del Rio has the whole car thing here. This was on the Saturday show too. ERUPTION for Cena. Before we go to break, the cast of the Today Show loves the troops. Miz vs. Cena to start which I have a feeling might be Wrestlemania. Off the Barrett and Orton and you can feel the interesting part of the show dying away almost instantly with those two fighting. Orton gets the elevated DDT to take over but can’t get the RKO.

Rey comes in and things speed up as he hits a Seated Senton to Miz for two. Riley hooks Rey’s foot though and here come the evildoers as we take a break. Back with Barrett hitting a backbreaker on Rey for two. Off to Alberto who tries a sunset flip and gets kicked in the head. Again, that always works if you just give it a try. Rey reverses a top rope suplex and gets a top rope cross body.

Hot tag to Cena and Alberto no puede ver Cena. Everything falls apart and Orton gets the Angle Slam to Miz. Riley pulls him out before the RKO can hit. Barrett takes a backbreaker and it’s 1238 time to Alberto and Barrett. FU to Del Rio and RKO to Barrett with Del Rio getting pinned to end this.

Mark Henry won a battle royal – Henry last eliminated Sheamus
Big Show/Kofi Kingston b. Jack Swagger/Dolph Ziggler – Chokeslam to Swagger
R-Truth b. Ted DiBiase – Axe Kick
Bella Twins/Natalya/Kelly Kelly b. Alicia Fox/Laycool/Melina – K2 to Michelle
Rey Mysterio/Randy Orton/John Cena b. Alberto Del Rio/Wade Barrett/The Miz – RKO to Del Rio

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