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Week of 12/17/2012 - 12/23/2012 (Wednesday - Sunday)


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House

THQ, the manufacturer of WWE's video games has filed for bankruptcy. It appears WWE's games will continue but this isn't for sure.

Smackdown got a 2.3, which is a huge number for them.

Tribute to the Troops 2012
Date: December 19, 2012
Location: Norfolk Scope, Norfolk, Virginia
Commentators: John Bradshaw Layfield, Michael Cole

This is the tenth anniversary of the biggest publicity stunt WWE does every year. The wrestling tonight is going to be light and the ratings are going to be a lot more lax with this show. The main idea here is to have the troops feel good and there's really nothing else to it other than that. Let's get to it.

The standard video from the President and opening video of “it means more to us” start things off.

Sheamus/Randy Orton vs. Dolph Ziggler/Big Show

The governor of Virginia is here. They're playing this up as live or at least recent, as they mention Orton's separated shoulder from the Smackdown that aired 12 days ago. Actually the injury seemed to occur in this match so who knows what's going on. Orton and Ziggler start things off with Barrett pounding away. The commentary is talking about the stuff that happened in the last two nights, so either it was recorded later or they had some BIG spoilers given to Cole and JBL. Show and Ziggler are knocked to the floor and walk away for the countout at 2:20. Well that was pointless.

Oh never mind here's Booker to say continue the match after a break. Back with Orton pounding on Dolph. Sheamus comes in and gets dropkicked down, but Show drops to the floor to tie his boot rather than face Sheamus. There are the ten forearms to Dolph's chest and it's back to Randy to pound away in the corner. He charges into a boot though and Ziggler takes over. A dropkick gets two for Ziggler and it's off to Show for some pounding. Cole talks about cannonballs and muskets for some reason. Show misses a chop in the corner but Orton's arm goes out. There's the injury.

The referee immediately starts checking on him and we cut to the crowd, presumably to not see the X sign. A tag brings in Sheamus as Orton is looked at on the floor. You can see Cole with his head on his hand so I'm guessing he and JBL are just sitting there, meaning the commentary was done later. Sheamus cleans house but goes up top and jumps into a chokeslam. That's reversed into White Noise for two as Ziggler makes the save, so Orton gives him a very weak looking RKO. Show gets one as well and it's a Brogue Kick for the pin at 12:54 all together, counting the time Booker took to restart the match.

Fergie says hi.

The US Gymnastics Team (there are four here and the team is the Fierce Five) read off a teleprompter about how much they love the troops. Maybe the fifth was fixing the screen.

Gonzo talks to Pepe and Rizzo but the latter two are busy staring at Layla. Eh the Muppets can make anything better.

Flo Rida performs. I see what else is on.

Cena says everything you would expect him to say.

Alberto Del Rio vs. Ryback

Del Rio says we're here for the troops, but today is also Ricardo's birthday. He asks for a chorus of Happy Birthday, but Del Rio sings in Spanish because he's a heel here....I think? Del Rio is slammed down to start but a Ricardo distraction lets Alberto get in some kicks to the leg. A powerslam puts Del Rio down but Ricardo jumps on Ryback's back for the DQ at 1:30.

Ricardo takes a Shell Shock, as does Del Rio a few seconds later.

Kid Rock performs.

Josh tries to interview Kermit before he's on MizTV. Statler and Waldorf have some insults of course.

Some soldiers TOUT IT OUT!

Time for MizTV with the Muppets. Miz doesn't want to talk about Kermit's new single, but rather he wants to expose him. Kermit: “But I'm already naked!” Miz wants to know the REAL story about what's going on with Kermit and Piggy. To be fair, that's a REALLY good question. Kermit: “For me, it's still don't ask don't tell.” Ok point for a funny line. Kermit says he thought Miz was a good guy, but Miz insists he's just awesome instead of a good guy.

The second guess is Miss Piggy. Miz wants to know what the deal is with these two, so Kermit says they're just a frog and a pig who care about each other. This turns into a REALLY battle, so Miz says let's have them get married RIGHT HERE. Damien Sandow interrupts. Kermit: “HALLELUJAH!” Piggy: “WHAT?” Kermit: “Uh I mean....How dare he???”

Sandow makes fun of Miz and says that 78% of the fans have taken the pictures of the Muppets out of their wallets and replaced them with pictures of Sandow. He says that Miz and Piggy are both overrated hams, causing Piggy to go into karate mode. Miz decks Sandow for her.

Damien Sandow vs. The Miz

This is joined in progress after the break with the Muppets watching from the stage. Miz pounds away in the corner and we head to the outside. All Miz so far as he high fives some fans. Back in and Damien pounds away before we hit the chinlock. Kermit of course is having his nightly crisis on the stage until Miz comes back with a flapjack. The Reality Check is broken up and Sandow hits a kind of running Blockbuster for two, but Miz counters the pin into a rollup for the pin at 3:30.

Piggy kisses Miz post match and he likes it.

The Miami Heat love the troops.

Katie Couric loves the troops.

Flo-Rida performs Wild Ones.

We look back at Tribute to the Troops over the years.

HELL NO is in the back and they need a third man to face 3MB. Bryan has picked Little Jimmy, and Kane likes the idea. Truth comes up and says that Little Jimmy's cousin Ugly Frida is getting married and Little Jimmy has to be there, so it's Truth teaming up with them tonight. After the match is over, they can go to the club or karaoke or kill some spiders.

Kane blames Bryan for this. Bryan: “IT'S NOT MY FAULT! NO! NO! NO!” A voice from off screen says yes, and it's Animal from the Muppets. They shout at each other until Animal calls him Goatface. Bryan turns around and runs into.....a talking goat. “Cousin Daniel?” Too funny.

HELL NO/R-Truth vs. 3MB

We cut to a shot of the crowd during HELL NO's entrance, apparently because Kane tripped and nearly fell off the stage during his entrance. McIntyre and Truth start things off with nothing going on. Bryan comes in and fires off some kicks in the corner, but HE HAS TIL FIVE. Mahal puts on a chinlock for no significant length of time before it's off to Kane. He cleans house and pounds on Slater, hitting the side slam and top rope clothesline. Everything breaks down and Jinder and Heath break up a double chokeslam. Truth makes a blind tag and there's the chokeslam to Mahal. Little Jimmy pins Slater at 3:27.

Kid Rock performs Born Free.

Cesaro makes fun of the USA and says Switzerland is better. He gets Cena tonight.

Sam the Eagle salutes Cena.

Some guy from Twilight and Sharon Stone love the troops.

John Cena vs. Antonio Cesaro

Cesaro doesn't even get an entrance. That should tell you where we're going here. The Muppets introduce Cena, which is completely awesome. Cena pounds him down to start but Cesaro throws him into the corner to take over. They head to the floor with Cena being rammed into the steps. Back in and the gutwrench suplex gets two and here's the comeback. Cena shrugs off everything Cesaro did, hits the Five Moves of Doom and wins with the AA at 5:23.

The locker room empties out and Cena gives a speech about how awesome AMERICA is to end the show. Oh wait there's one more thing: some more wrestlers come out dressed as reindeer pulling Santa in a sleigh. I don't recognize Santa this yeah but the idea is there. Cena throws gifts to the fans and the wrestler walks around high fiving people to really end the show. A closeup of Santa shows that it might (emphasis on that word) have been Johnny Ace.

Randy Orton/Sheamus b. Dolph Ziggler/Big Show – Brogue Kick to Big Show
Ryback b. Alberto Del Rio via DQ when Ricardo Rodriguez interfered
The Miz b. Damien Sandow – Rollup
HELL NO/R-Truth b. 3MB – Little Jimmy to Slater
John Cena b. Antonio Cesaro – Attitude Adjustment

Date: December 19, 2012
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: William Regal, Tony Dawson

We're into the new cycle of NXT now, but the problem continues to be the gap between the current WWE product and the current NXT product. It's a bit off putting to have the Shield version of Rollins on Raw and this version of him on NXT. It looks like we're moving towards Rollins vs. Graves in the main event scene around here. Oh and Big Show vs. Bo Dallas is tonight. Let's get to it.

The opening video is all about Dallas vs. Big Show.

Welcome Home.

Primo/Epico vs. Usos

Jimmy starts with Primo and we quickly hit the mat. There's an armdrag to put Primo down but Primo comes back with a hammerlock. Primo rolls away from an arm hold by Jimmy and we've got a standoff. Rosa gives Primo a quick kiss which earns him an elbow to the face. Back to the armbar and here's Jey for the first time. Epico comes in as well and immediately puts on a chinlock which doesn't last long either. This is a back and forth match so far but no one has any kind of long term advantage.

The Usos load up the Superfly Splash but Primo bails to the floor for a breather. Jey is all cool with that and hits a HUGE dive to take out the cousins. We take a break and come back with Epico holding a chinlock on Jey. Epico rolls some belly to back suplexes for two. Primo gets the same off a dropkick as the fans want Carlito. Jey avoids a dropkick in the corner and gets Primo caught in the Tree of Woe for a few seconds.

Hot tag brings in Jimmy but the referee didn't see it. Nice touch. Jey counters a whip into the corner and hits a big backdrop to give himself a breather. There's the real hot tag to Jimmy and a Bubba Bomb takes Primo down. The running Umaga attack in the corner sets up a Samoan Drop for two. Everything breaks down and a Jimmy superkick sets up the Superfly Splash to Epico for the pin at 8:28 shown of 11:58.

Post match the lights go out and it's Ascension (complete with recently released Kenneth Cameron) on the screen, telling the Usos that the war is far from over.

Camacho/Aiden English vs. Big E. Langston

Camacho can pick anyone to fight Langston with him and he picks this jobber? English has to start and is immediately pounded down by knees in the ribs and a running clothesline. Langston drags English over to Camacho and extends English's hand for a tag but Camacho bails. Big Ending ends English at 1:12.

Post match there's another Big Ending and the FIVE, then does both of them again. The reactions for the FIVE thing are tremendous.

Percy Watson vs. Kassius Ohno

Watson speeds things up to start and pounds on Ohno's back to start. Ohno comes back with a suplex and a corner splash followed by some high energy stomps/knees to the head. Off to a dragon sleeper by Kassius followed by some choking on the top rope. They chop it out a bit but Ohno charges into an elbow to the face. Percy makes his comeback but the Persecution is blocked. Ohno Blade (or whatever he's calling that elbow now) knocks Watson out cold at 5:23.

Ohno shouts at Regal post match.

Here's Seth Rollins for a chat with JR. Seth says he's here for anyone that wants to fight him and he's not hard to find. Corey Graves jumps Rollins from behind and puts him in the 13th Step leg lock. Graves talks about how his tattoos all tell a story and now he wants the Title. He says Rollins feeds off the fans and he'll see Seth in hell. Not bad here but calling himself the Savior of Misbehavior isn't going to get him over.

Cena tells us to watch the NXT Year In Review show next week.

Bo Dallas vs. Big Show

Non-title I'd assume. This is about what you would expect to start: Dallas goes nuts with strikes and is easily shoved away. The beating goes on for awhile until Dallas gets on his back and chokes away. Show falls back on him to break the hold but misses an elbow. Dallas escapes the chokeslam but a bulldog is countered with a basic slam. WMD ends this at 4:53.

Usos b. Epico/Primo – Superfly Splash to Epico
Big E. Langston b. Camacho/Aiden English – Big Ending to English
Kassius Ohno b. Percy Watson – Ohno Blade
Big Show b. Bo Dallas – WMD


Impact Wrestling
Date: December 20, 2012
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Todd Keneley, Mike Tenay, Taz

It's Championship Thursday, meaning we've got three title matches in a single night. The Knockouts Title, the TV Title and the World Title are all on the line tonight, because this monthly show is on par with a $40 PPV they just had. Other than that we're likely to get more of the Hogans arguing over Bully Ray because that's the focus of Impact anymore. WWE turned it up this week so TNA needs to follow suit. Let's get to it.

We open with the standard recap of last week's show. The hosts talk about the show tonight also.

TV Title: Kurt Angle vs. D-Von

D-Von is defending and Angle has a bad ankle due to an attack last week/a legit groin injury. Angle brings out his own guys to counter Aces and 8's in the form of Garrett, Wes and Joe. Angle gets behind D-Von to start but can't snap off the suplex. Instead it's a clothesline to take the champion down as Angle can't move very well right now. D-Von is sent to the floor and the backup guys get in a big brawl while Angle waits on him to come back. All of the guys on the floor are ejected, but in the melee D-Von chop blocks Angle.

We take a break and come back with D-Von holding a basic leg lock on Angle but Kurt grabs the rope. D-Von cannonballs down on the leg ala Flair for two. That's not old school enough for him though as it's a Funk spinning toe hold now. Another chop block keeps Angle in trouble as Todd talks about the power struggle. What power? Aces and 8's have the lowest title on the roster and that's it.

Angle hits a middle rope missile dropkick to put both guys down, followed by some clotheslines. The overhead belly to belly gets two but D-Von escapes the Angle Slam and hits a really lame spinebuster for two. Angle starts rolling Germans and puts on the ankle lock, but here are Aces and 8's again. Kurt's three guys come out to counter them and in the distraction, the big masked man hits Angle in the back with a pipe so D-Von can retain the title at 11:08.

Time for the Knockouts deliberation which is an excuse to have Brooke on TV more. ODB is thrown out because she has an injured husband.

Kenny King says he won last week and that's all that matters. They'll make good partners tonight though.

Joey Ryan/Matt Morgan vs. Rob Van Dam/Kenny King

Does Morgan plan to do anything with that robe or is it just there for now? Van Dam and Joey start things off with the champion (Van Dam) kicking Joey down. The standing moonsault gets two and it's off to King. Morgan comes in and kicks King's head off before it's back to Ryan for his non-existent offense. Matt smacks King in the back of the head before it's back to Ryan. King sunset flips him out of the corner and there's the hot tag to RVD. King and Van Dam dropkick Morgan down and kick Ryan as well, but Kenny bails when confronted by Morgan. Matt kicks Rob's head off to give Ryan the pin at 4:55.

We recap AJ's speech last week.

Kazarian doesn't care about AJ but likes that we're five days from Christmas. He has a surprise for the fans.

Here's Hulk for his weekly chat. He can't believe how awesome this company is anymore and talks about how there's going to be voting for the Impact Wrestler of the Year with Jeff Hardy being announced on January 3. Oh wait I mean the winner, which only could be Jeff Hardy. It's not like he's going to destroy everyone else in voting or anything. Anyway here's Aces and 8's to protest. D-Von says that this was Aces and 8's year and says that next year will be as well. The bikers start to get in the ring but Bully Ray runs out for the save with his chain. D-Von says Ray is next. Hogan still won't shake Ray's hand.

Hardy is ready for Aries. Thankfully he says this instead of thinking it.

Tessmacher gets eliminated in another stupid Knockouts segment.

Here's Kaz with some presents for Daniels. There's a Christmas Tree in the ring with a picture of Daniels and Kaz on top. “That tree has TWO stars on it!” Daniels is brought out with an appletini and a scarf to sit on a throne. Kaz brings out Santa who is rather slim here. They give Santa some Zumbz pants in a funny bit. Santa asks Daniels if he's been a good boy this year. Daniels says he got rid of the biggest loser in TNA and wants to use his Christmas wish on Styles' kids, because their dad is so worthless.

Cue Storm who says he doesn't like hearing these guys run down Christmas. Kaz says put him on the naughty list, which draws Daniels into the ring. Santa says hold it and Storm doesn't think he's the real Kris Kringle. If he's the real Santa, why didn't Storm get a real Red Ryder BB gun when he was six. Santa: “I'm the real Santa.” Storm: “Shut up.” Storm wants to know what he asked for last Christmas and Santa comes up with a Travis Tritt CD. Actually he wanted a case of beer, so here's a superkick for Santa. Storm throws DVDs to the fans.

Aries asks if you could hear it. Apparently no one can hear his thoughts, but tonight he'll prove he's the best in the universe.

1-3-13 is Sting. Ok then.

Aces and 8's gets yelled at by their boss for letting Bully Ray keep Hogan from getting his beating. D-Von says he has someone that can fix this and says they can be here next week. A vote says ok do it.

Mickie gets the shot.

Knockouts Title: Mickie James vs. Tara

Mickie grabs a bunch of quick rollups for two each but Jesse trips her up to give Tara control. A hair beal gets two and Tara pounds away a bit. She pulls on Mickie's face and whips her into the corner with authority. Whose authority that is I'm not sure but she certainly had it. The spinning side slam is countered into a headscissors but the referee is with Jesse. A powerslam gets two for the champion but Mickie slams her down to get a breather.

They slug it out from their knees and Mickie hits a sloppy jumping DDT for two. Jesse and Tara try to leave, so Mickie dives on Jesse off the top. Jesse interferes AGAIN, allowing Tara to hit something like an atomic drop which bends Mickie's knee back for the pin to retain at 7:00. Oh ok it was a facebuster.

Joseph Park is still training in OVW and he's still really bad at it. Joseph: “THAT HURT!” Danny Davis: “Do you know why that hurt? BECAUSE YOU'RE STUPID!” He sees blood coming out of his mouth though and turns into Abyss, killing his training partner with a Black Hole Slam.

TNA World Title: Jeff Hardy vs. Austin Aries

Hardy is defending. Feeling out process to start with Jeff taking it into the corner. Aries slams him down but the slingshot hilo hits knees. Jeff pounds away in the corner and the challenger chills on the floor. Back in and Aries hits a running elbow to the face for two but Aries' brainbuster is blocked. We head back to the floor where Hardy misses a dive into the barricade.

We take a break and come back with Aries getting two off a slingshot hilo. Aries pounds away for a bit more until Hardy gets a boot up. The champ dives into a boot though and we're right back where we started. A front suplex puts Austin down but Aries comes back with a forearm and a running dropkick in the corner for two. The brainbuster is escaped again so Hardy hits a backwards facebuster out of a powerbomb for two. In other words imagine a powerbomb lift but Hardy keeps rotating Aries backwards so that his face slams into the mat.

Hardy hits the Twisting Stunner but can't cover fast enough. Aries gets an elbow up in the corner and tells the referee he sucks. He jumps into an atomic drop but manages to kick Jeff into the referee. A low blow stops Hardy and Aries FINALLY hits the brainbuster. In a cool ending, Aries covers Hardy but Roode pulls the referee out. Bobby counts two and as Aries turns around, he gets a big spinebuster from Roode. The Twist of Fate sets up the Swanton to retain at 18:05.

Hogan says he's going to fix the title picture and says Aces and 8's is the real distraction. He says not to worry about Brooke and Bully, but sees the two of them kissing to end the show.

D-Von b. Kurt Angle – Pin after a masked man hit Angle with a pipe
Joey Ryan/Matt Morgan b. Kenny King/Rob Van Dam – Carbon Footprint to Van Dam
Tara b. Mickie James – Facebuster
Jeff Hardy b. Austin Aries – Swanton Bomb


Impact got a .99, up slightly from last week.




Nothing either.

Quick Results

Monday Night Raw
Rey Mysterio b. Damien Sandow – Top Rope Splash
Kaitlyn b. Eve Torres – Gutbuster
Kofi Kingston b. Tensai – Trouble in Paradise
Great Khali b. David Otunga – Chop to the head
Brodus Clay b. JTG – Splash
Cody Rhodes b. Sin Cara – Cross Rhodes
Alberto Del Rio/The Miz/Tommy Dreamer b. 3MB – DDT to Slater
Ryback b. Antonio Cesaro via countout
Vickie Guerrero/John Cena b. Dolph Ziggler/AJ via DQ when Big E. Langston interfered

Damien Sandow b. Sin Cara – Terminus
Santino Marella b. Tensai – Pin after Tensai missed a backsplash
HELL NO/Kofi Kingston b. Prime Time Players/Wade Barrett – Chokeslam to Young
Ryback b. Antonio Cesaro – Shell Shock
Kaitlyn b. Eve Torres via DQ when Eve grabbed the referee
Brodus Clay b. Brad Maddox – Splash
John Cena/Sheamus b. Dolph Ziggler/Big Show via DQ when Big E. Langston interfered

Tribute to the Troops 2012
Randy Orton/Sheamus b. Dolph Ziggler/Big Show – Brogue Kick to Big Show
Ryback b. Alberto Del Rio via DQ when Ricardo Rodriguez interfered
The Miz b. Damien Sandow – Rollup
HELL NO/R-Truth b. 3MB – Little Jimmy to Slater
John Cena b. Antonio Cesaro – Attitude Adjustment

Usos b. Epico/Primo – Superfly Splash to Epico
Big E. Langston b. Camacho/Aiden English – Big Ending to English
Kassius Ohno b. Percy Watson – Ohno Blade
Big Show b. Bo Dallas – WMD

Impact Wrestling
D-Von b. Kurt Angle – Pin after a masked man hit Angle with a pipe
Joey Ryan/Matt Morgan b. Kenny King/Rob Van Dam – Carbon Footprint to Van Dam
Tara b. Mickie James – Facebuster
Jeff Hardy b. Austin Aries – Swanton Bomb

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