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Week of 11/3/2014 - 11/9/2014


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House

Bo Dallas has injured his foot and will be out 6-8 weeks.

Monday Night Raw
Date: November 3, 2014
Location: First Niagara Center, Buffalo, New York
Commentators: Jerry Lawler, Michael Cole, John Bradshaw Layfield

Survivor Series is still a few weeks away but we have a main event set and a story to get us there. I'm not sure on having the match set up and then building the story behind it, but the idea worked in 1992 for Flair vs. Savage. Anyway, now we need to find out who else is going to join Cena before Orton comes in for the save. Let's get to it.

We open with a recap of Orton laying out Rollins last week and the setup for Cena vs. the Authority at Survivor Series with the big brawl to end the show.

In the arena we have the Authority and.....the Boss himself, Vince McMahon. Vince praises the Authority and acknowledges the fans' displeasure of them. The fans know what a great experience the WWE Network is (unless you're in the UK of course) and if you don't, you can find out in November for free. This includes the Survivor Series being free, meaning you can see Team Cena vs. the Authority for absolutely free.

However, let's raise the stakes a bit. There's something great about having power you've earned, such as when Vince defeated the US government, Ted Turner, and the match with God (where Vince was God's partner but whatever). Therefore, let's put the Authority's power on the line in the match. The fans love that idea and we get an awkward ending where Vince's music comes on before he seems ready to leave. Vince was just a spokesman here and didn't mention the mess in the UK at all.

As they leave, here's Dean Ambrose for his match. He shakes Vince's hand and that's it for the Authority right now.

After a break, Vince says he loved being back out there and hopes the Authority liked his surprise. He knows he can count on HHH and Stephanie but doesn't like HHH's tie. Vince leaves for the night and that's it.

Dean Ambrose vs. Cesaro

Before the match we get a recap of how Ambrose lost in the Cell. They hit the mat to start with Dean working on the arm before hammering away in the corner. A headlock takes Cesaro right back to the mat but he shoves Ambrose out to the floor to get a breather. Dean hammers away and nails an ax handle off the apron. Back in Cesaro powerbombs Dean out of the corner but Dean just charges at him with right hands to put Cesaro outside again. Cesaro is busted open BAD but the lights go out and we take a break.

Back with Wyatt sitting on the stage and watching Cesaro DDTing Dean off the top. The doctors have closed up the gash on Cesaro's head so he doesn't bleed on Dean while holding a chinlock. Dean fights up and nails a running forearm in the corner followed by a bulldog for two.

A big boot sets up the Rebound Clothesline to give Ambrose another two count. Dean loads up a tornado DDT but gets countered into Swiss Death to give Cesaro his own two. That doesn't last long though as Dean knocks him to the floor for a suicide dive. Back in and Ambrose gets crotched on the top for two, only to grab Dirty Deeds for the pin at 13:23.

Dean stares at Wyatt on the stage but the lights go out again. They come back up and show an empty rocking chair.

The Authority is in the back, talking about how make the best Survivor Series team. HHH suggests Orton but Stephanie isn't convinced. Neither was HHH, but now Vince has forced them into a position they don't want.

Jimmy Uso vs. Miz

Miz grabs a headlock to start as Jey stares at Mizdow's imitations. Back up and Jimmy nails a superkick to the ribs and gets two off a clothesline. We hit the armbar as Jey starts copying his brother. Cole: “THIS IS HILARIOUS!” A Samoan drop puts Miz down again but he avoids the running Umaga attack. Back in and Miz avoids a low clothesline before kicking Jimmy's head off. We hit the chinlock for a bit before Miz gets sent to the floor, setting up a huge dive. Mizdow tries to interfere and eats a superkick from Jey, drawing a huge boo from the crowd. The distraction lets Miz hit the Finale on Jimmy for the pin at 4:40.

We recap Mark Henry turning on Big Show last week.

Sheamus is defending the US Title on Raw Backstage Pass against Rusev tonight.

Sheamus vs. Tyson Kidd

Non-title and Kidd has his big headphones on again. Feeling out process to start with Kidd kicking away at the leg but getting dropped with a European uppercut. A tilt-a-whirl backbreaker (not the Irish Curse Cole) puts Kidd down again as we see Rusev and Lana watching from the back. Kidd sends him throat first into the middle rope as Natalya looks very nervous on the floor. A hard kick to the head staggers Sheamus as Cole makes a Sarah Palin reference. Leave it to WWE to be on the cutting edge of the news.

We hit a chinlock on Sheamus until he fights back with a running knee and Alabama Slam. There's the Cloverleaf but Tyson crawls over to the ropes. A springboard missile dropkick puts Sheamus on the floor as Kidd is doing far better than you would expect here. Sheamus pulls him off the apron for the rolling fireman's carry but Tyson throws Natalya at Sheamus to beat the count back in at 5:17.

Sheamus kicks Kidd's head off post match.

Here's Dolph Ziggler for his match but instead he gets the entire Authority. We see Vince's announcement again and Stephanie says the Authority is excited. See they're winners, unlike John Cena and everyone else. They'll put together the greatest Survivor Series team in history, led by Seth Rollins and Kane. HHH whispers in her ear and Stephanie announces Orton as the third member.

The Game talks about how people think the Authority is punishing people who side with Cena, but that's not the case at all. If Ziggler sides with Cena and wins, who is going to get the credit? If they lose, who is going to get all the blame? Ziggler seems ready to rise up to the top but there's always someone in his way. He works harder than anyone else in the back but Ziggler doesn't get the credit for it. Instead, Cena is called the hardest working man in the company while no one remembers Dolph. Stephanie asks Ziggler where Cena is tonight if he cares about Ziggler so much.

Maybe this will all work out for Ziggler though. Maybe Dolph gets all the titles, the girls and the fame. Maybe....that's an awful lot of maybes. Or maybe, Ziggler can call up Cena and tell him the answer is no. Dolph can have anything he wants for one phone call. If Ziggler asks, the Authority will give.

Ziggler thinks about it and confirms that he can have ANYTHING he wants. HHH: “Anything.” Ziggler wants HHH and the Authority out of power for good. That's too bad because the Authority wanted to give Dolph whatever he wanted. Now, when the twelve year olds are complaining about the Authority on Twitter, they can blame Ziggler. Sometimes in life you can end up empty handed, like right now because Ziggler is defending his Intercontinental Title.

Intercontinental Title: Dolph Ziggler vs. Seth Rollins

Rollins is challenging. They hit the mat to start with Rollins grabbing a headlock as the fans tell him that he sold out. The announcers plug the Network as Ziggler hiptosses Rollins out to the floor. Seth comes back with right hands in the corner and a clothesline gets two. Dolph backdrops him down but gets caught in a suplex. A dropkick staggers Rollins but he comes back with a Downward Spiral into the buckle for two. We hit the chinlock on the champion but he fights up and sends both guys outside.

Back from a break with Ziggler in another chinlock. He fights up but both guys try cross bodies to give us a breather. Some clotheslines drop Rollins and the neckbreaker puts him down again. The Fameasser is countered into a rollup for two but a catapult sends Rollins into the corner. Dolph hammers away in the corner, only to have Seth nail the Buckle Bomb for two.

Seth misses the top rope knee to the head and the Fameasser connects for another near fall. The running DDT and superkick are blocked and Rollins gets two off an enziguri. Ziggler avoids the Curb Stomp but has to deal with the Stooges. Seth sends him shoulder first into the post and now the Curb Stomp connects....but Orton comes in with an RKO to Rollins for the DQ at 15:30.

Orton comes in to see the Authority and is told he and Rollins will be co-captains at Survivor Series. Randy thinks he should go fight on Team Cena instead but HHH gets in his face. HHH wants Orton to face Rollins tonight to get this out of his system because everything is on the line at Survivor Series. They slowly shake hands and Orton says deal.

We get a vignette of eyes with a voice saying he sees you. It sounded like Rowan but it wasn't clear.

We see Show and Henry fighting on MizTV from Smackdown.

Titus O'Neil is in the ring and says you spell winning T-I-T-U-S-. He's open to offers for Survivor Series but gets cut off by some music.

Ryback vs. Titus O'Neil

The fans get behind Ryback to start but O'Neil actually takes him down with a clothesline. Some kicks to the back have Ryback in more trouble but he spinebusts Titus with ease. The Authority is watching in the back as the Meathook and Shell Shock are enough for the pin at 2:26.

Big Show is in the back and says he'd love to be on Team Cena at Survivor Series because Cena could count on him. Speaking of people you can count on, Show thought he could count on Mark Henry. But then Henry turned on him in a big way and beat Big Show up. They have forty years between them in WWE (not quite) and Big Show misses his friend. However, there's a part of him that just wants to knock Henry out.

Some Buffalo Bills are here.

Big Show vs. Mark Henry

Henry gets tossed into the corner to start but Show charges into an elbow. The fans chant for Sexual Chocolate as Show superkicks Henry down. An elbow gets two and they head outside where Henry sends him into the post. Show nails something like a spear to put both guys down on the floor.

Back in and Show drops some elbows before putting on that modified Haas of Pain. Henry makes the ropes so Show stands on his chest. The Authority is watching from the back again as Big Show goes up top. Mark slams him down and RUNS over for a two count. The World's Strongest Slam gets the same with a very weak reaction. They head outside with Henry sending him into the steps before nailing him with the steps for a DQ at 6:28.

Henry Slams him on the steps post match.

Stephanie wants Henry on the team so HHH sends Kane to find out. We get some of Stephanie's classic acting as she says they only need one more. HHH says let the guys get it out of their system tonight so they can focus.

Network hype.

AJ is on commentary as Brie is in the back for a chat with Renee. She's on day 8 of her sentence and knows it's tough when Nikki comes in to cut it off. Brie isn't allowed to do anything without Nikki's permission so get out of here. Renee says that's a wrap when Erick Rowan pops up next to her and starts playing with her hair. He takes off the mask and says pretty. Renee leaves because she's smarter than Michael Cole.

Nikki Bella vs. Emma

The CM Punk chants begin as Cole explains the servant story. An early slam gets two for Nikki and she cranks on Emma's arms. Back up and Emma avoids a charge in the corner before putting on the Dilemma. The Emma Sandwich is broken up by a dropkick, followed by the Rack Attack for the pin at 2:24.

Post match Nikki tells Brie to go slap AJ. Brie follows orders and Nikki runs off from the champ.

Xavier Woods is now an over the top preacher who talks about it being a new day.

Rusev vs. Zack Ryder

Ryder has sent Cena a tweet saying that he'd be on Team Cena. It's almost sad at this point. Rusev quickly takes him into the corner and hammers away. Ryder scores with some dropkicks but charges into a foot and gets Accoladed at 1:18.

Post match Lana says their new orders from Putin are to bring him the United States Title. Rusev says Sheamus is no different from any other and he'll beg for mercy like everyone else. This brings out Sheamus who says he values the title more than anything and that Rusev is in for the fight of his life tonight.

After a break, Stephanie comes up to the Russians in the back and offers Lana a spot on the team. They'll have to talk to Putin first and then get back to her. As you would expect, this took far longer than it should have.

Fernando vs. Stardust

Miz and Mizdow are on commentary. Stardust takes him down to start and hammers away as Miz talks about teaching Mizdow to act. Fernando fights out of an armbar but gets sent out to the floor. Stardust throws him back in but knocks JBL's hat off the table for some reason. Goldust, Torito and the actors get in a brawl, allowing Fernando to hit the Backstabber on Stardust for the pin at 2:32.

We recap all the Authority stuff tonight.

Randy Orton vs. Seth Rollins

The Authority is at ringside. Orton knocks him into the corner to start and sends Seth outside. Back in and they slug it out with Orton sending him outside again for a clothesline to the back of the head. We take a break and come back with Orton having some issues getting back inside. Rollins misses a dive though and we head back inside for a chinlock. That goes nowhere either as Rollins fights out and kicks Orton in the chest a few times.

A knee drop gets two for Seth but they head outside with Orton sending him onto the announcers' table. Seth drives him head first onto the table as well and heads back inside. Orton crotches him on top though and scores with a superplex for two. They head back outside again so Rollins can hit a suicide dive. HHH looks worried as Seth goes back inside for a springboard knee to the head. An enziguri looks to set up the Curb Stomp but Orton counters with a powerslam for two. The Elevated DDT looks to set up the RKO but Rollins counters into a backslide for the surprise pin at 14:40.

Most of the Authority gets in the ring and Orton is livid. Randy shakes the Stooges' and Kane's hands, leaving only Rollins in front of him. Orton isn't sure this time as Rollins extends his hand and says he's sorry. They shake hands and Orton lays him out with an RKO. What a sore loser.

The rest of the Authority gets taken out but HHH comes in to break up the Punt. He tries to calm Orton down but Randy lays him out as well. The Stooges come back in and triple team Orton but he fights all of them off and goes after Rollins outside. The Authority gets on Orton, allowing Seth to Curb Stomp him onto the table. Orton is slightly busted open. HHH says finish this and walks off with Stephanie, leaving Rollins to Curb Stomp Orton onto the steps to end the show.

Here's a rare bonus match from the post show.

US Title: Sheamus vs. Rusev

Sheamus is defending of course and we get Big Match Intros. Rusev takes him up against the ropes to start before they trade some big clubbing shots. Sheamus knocks the Russian out to the apron for the forearms but Rusev breaks it up at about four. They head outside with Sheamus diving into a powerslam off the apron. Back in for a side choke from Rusev followed by a spinwheel kick for no cover.

We hit a front facelock on the champion but he quickly fights up for a powerslam to get a breather. Sheamus wins a slugout with some running ax handles but gets backdropped to the apron, only to grab Rusev for the ten forearms. The slingshot shoulder gets two but Sheamus takes too long going up, allowing Rusev to slam him down. A fall away slam gets two more for Rusev and frustration is starting to set in.

The Accolade goes on but Sheamus gets an arm free to fight it. He gets to his knees and headbutts his way to freedom, setting up White Noise for two. Sheamus staggers to his feet but misses the Brogue Kick, allowing Rusev to hit two straight running superkicks. The Accolade makes Sheamus black out to give Rusev the title at 12:02.

Dean Ambrose b. Cesaro – Dirty Deeds
Miz b. Jimmy Uso – Skull Crushing Finale
Tyson Kidd b. Sheamus via countout
Seth Rollins b. Dolph Ziggler via DQ when Randy Orton interfered
Ryback b. Titus O'Neil – Shell Shock
Big Show b. Mark Henry via DQ when Henry hit him with the steps
Nikki Bella b. Emma – Rack Attack
Rusev b. Zack Ryder – Accolade
Fernando b. Stardust – Backstabber
Seth Rollins b. Randy Orton – Backslide




Raw got a 2.84, up from last week.

Impact Wrestling
Date: November 5, 2014
Location: Sands Bethlehem Events Center, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Taz

We might be getting close to the end of Impact's run as there are only a handful of episodes left before their TV show runs out. We keep hearing about various other networks that want to pick TNA up but there's never anything definitive about them. As for the show tonight, we're likely setting up Roode vs. Lashley III and finishing the tag team tournament. Let's get to it.

We open with a recap of Lashley vs. Roode from last week with Roode winning the title.

Angle is in the ring to start the show and says there's a new World Champion in the house. Roode comes out and talks about how this is all he ever wanted to do since he was a kid. Now he gets to be the best because he's the World Champion. He's proud to be here in the ring with the best ever in Kurt Angle and is proud to be our champion.

Cue Lashley with MVP and King for the big showdown. MVP calls Lashley the most dominant champion in TNA history but Roode is just a guy that needed help from Angle to win the title. He keeps talking though and says Lashley only became champion because MVP hurt his knee. MVP wants a shot and Kurt agrees, seeing where this could be going. Roode agrees and Lashley doesn't look pleased.

Quick video on the tournament final.

Joe and Low Ki say they'll prove everyone wrong when they work together to win the tournament.

Tag Team Tournament Finals: Samoa Joe/Low Ki vs. Hardys

Winner get a title shot at some point in the future. Jeff and Ki get things going with Hardy taking a kick to the knee. They both start slowly until Ko grabs the arm, only to get nailed in the back. Off to Matt for an arm wringer of his own before Joe comes in for some right hands to pound Matt down in the corner. The non-brothers take over with their strikes until it's back to Jeff for a front facelock.

Matt comes right back in with the middle rope elbow to the back for two. A double belly to back suplex gets two with Joe making a quick save. Jeff headscissors Ki out of the corner but charges into some boots in the corner. A Shining Wizard misses but Ki kicks Jeff in the back of the head to take over. Back to Joe for the knee drop for two as we take a break.

Back with Jeff nailing the Whisper in the Wind to drop Joe next to him. A double tag brings in Matt and Ki with the Side Effect connecting for two. Another Side Effect gets the same result and a bulldog/clothesline combination takes down both X-Division guys. Ki crotches Matt on the top to break up a moonsault, setting up the top rope Warrior's Way for two.

Back up and a Twist gets two on Ki as everything breaks down. Joe breaks up Jeff's Twist and kicks him in the head. The Twist from Matt is countered with the Clutch but Jeff Swantons Matt to break it up. Most people would have just kicked Joe but that's not how Jeff rolls. Things settle back down and Ki can't hit the Ki Crusher on Jeff. Back to Matt for Poetry in Motion followed by the Swanton and a moonsault from Matt for the pin at 14:38.

James Storm is with Davey Richards in the back and says he wants an answer in a week.

Roode says MVP suspended him months ago but now he can take care of MVP once and for all. He won't hide as champion and he'll prove why he's TNA's MVP.

We recap Gunner and Samuel Shaw's long running story with Brittany catching Shaw's eye and breaking the team up.

Here are Shaw and Brittany to rip on Gunner and Christy Hemme, who never appreciated Shaw's artistic genius. Neither of them can ever do the things that she can do, which include licking Shaw's face. Cue Gunner to say Shaw turned on him for a girl. Crazy attracts crazy though and that's another problem for Shaw. His biggest problem though is that Shaw wanted to be Gunner instead of just being like him. Gunner calls them creepy again and the fight is on. Brittany saves her new man by jumping on Gunner's back, allowing Shaw to hit him low. Shaw puts on gloves and chokes Gunner out.

An Indian wrestler named Mahabali Shera is coming to TNA. We get a nice package on his international accomplishments and how sure he is that he belongs on the roster.

We recap the opening segment.

MVP tells Angle that this is all about him (MVP) despite what Angle thinks.

D-Von/Tommy Dreamer vs. Bram/Magnus

Time for the ECW tribute match of the week. The old guys jump the Brits from behind to start and take over early on. They get back to ringside for a baseball slide from Dreamer and a beer shot to Magnus' head. Back in and Magnus hits D-Von in the knee with his metal rod as the weapons are brought in. Dreamer gets a flashback with a drop toehold onto the chair. A trashcan shot puts Dreamer down again and Bram adds a chair to the back.

The Brits backdrop Dreamer down but D-Von comes back with some chair shots of his own. We get the Tower of Doom out of the corner with Dreamer taking the worst of it but D-Von taking almost nothing at all. Magnus comes back with some kendo stick shots to Dreamer's back. Tommy fights up and sends Magnus into a trashcan in the corner, setting up a DDT for the pin at 9:40.

Gail Kim wants her title back.

Here's Spud for a chat. He doesn't want anyone to feel sorry for him, even though he's had to do some things that he isn't proud of. When he won British Boot Camp, he had no friends and nothing to do in TNA. Then he became Dixie Carter's Chief of Staff and he loved every bit of it.

He would have done anything for the Carters but then his best friend Ethan turned into a complete and utter wanker. Ethan said Spud's suits make him sick but he isn't changing for anyone, especially Ethan Carter III. Carter calls himself a 1%er, so Spud is Mr. 99% and has these people behind him. JB talks about Spud growing up on British Boot Camp and says he's with Spud.

This brings out Ethan and Tyrus with Carter calling everyone in the crowd a loser. The villains get in the ring and Ethan demands an apology from Spud but the Rockstar says no. Tyrus grabs him from behind and Spud apologizes....for Ethan being so worthless. Ethan goes after JB for some reason and slaps him, only to have Spud get in some shots from behind. Eric Young runs in to save Spud from the double teaming.

Knockouts Title: Havok vs. Gail Kim

Gail is defending and has a bad shoulder. The brawl starts in the aisle with Gail getting in some shots, only to have Havok try to ram her shoulder first into the post. Gail comes back with some kicks but Havok just runs her over. The bell hasn't rung yet as Gail is sent face first into the post. Havok drags her up the ramp and throws Gail off the stage. We get a maniacal laugh as medics check on Gail. No match.

Post break Gail says let's fight.

Knockouts Title: Havok vs. Gail Kim

Havok sends her shoulder first into the buckle to start and slams Gail down on the arm. Gail's rollup is blocked but she dropkicks Havok into the corner. They head outside with Havok missing a dive off the apron and landing on the steps. Havok comes right back by sending Kim face first into the steps but the champ breaks up the count at nine.

Back in and Gail hooks on something like the Black Widow, only to be countered into a kind of Samoan drop. Gail gets slammed down but pops back up for a top rope cross body and two more. Eat Defeat is countered into a spinebuster on the arm for another two. The chokeslam is countered into Eat Defeat for two but Gail jumps into the chokeslam to retain the title at 6:35.

Shera is at TNA when Manik comes up to him. Manik is very nice and asks to hear some more about Sheva. I'm not sure where this is going.

Lashley leaves as MVP asks if Lashley is really mad.

TNA World Title: Bobby Roode vs. MVP

Roode is defending of course. A quick suplex gets two on Roode and a clothesline sends him outside. Back in and the crowd is completely behind Roode, only to have MVP take him down with a facebuster. Ballin Elbow and a fisherman's suplex get two and we hit a crossface chicken wing on the champion.

Bobby fights up and avoids the running boot in the corner, setting up a Roode Bomb attempt. MVP flips out though and avoids a Blockbuster before kicking Bobby in the face for two. The Drive By misses and Bobby gets two off a rollup. Now the running boot connects but the Playmaker is countered into the Roode Bomb for the pin at 6:55.

Post match Lashley comes in and spears Roode down. He walks past MVP to end the show.

Hardys b. Samoa Joe/Low Ki – Moonsault to Low Ki
D-Von/Tommy Dreamer b. Magnus/Bram – DDT to Magnus
Havok b. Gail Kim – Chokeslam
Bobby Roode b. MVP – Roode Bomb


Date: November 6, 2014
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Jason Albert, Alex Riley, Rich Brennan

It's a big night in NXT as we have two major stories to get to. First and foremost, Tyler Breeze is Sami Zayn's latest obstacle on his road to redemption. Breeze is one of the only guys that Sami has never beaten and tonight they square off in what might be a #1 contenders match. Other than that we get to find out who Hideo Itami has found to help him in his war with the Ascension. Let's get to it.

We open with a recap of Zayn's road to redemption. I like this story more every time I see it.

Opening sequence.

Sami Zayn vs. Tyler Breeze

Feeling out process to start with Tyler getting two off an early backslide. Sami flips out of an armbar and nails an atomic drop before taking Breeze into the corner. Tyler comes right back with some stomps in the corner before bulldogging him face first onto the middle buckle for two. We take a break and come back with Sami fighting out of a chinlock but eating an elbow. Back to the chinlock as the fans are chanting for Breeze.

Zayn fights up again but Tyler fights out of the Blue Thunder Bomb and drops Sami with a neckbreaker for two. Sami shoves him off the top rope but Tyler dropkicks him out of the air. The Koji Clutch is quickly broken and neither guy can hook a German suplex. A HUGE Supermodel Kick gets two on Sami and frustration is setting in. Breeze takes him into the corner but walks into the exploder suplex, followed by the Helluva Kick to give Sami the pin at 14:43.

Neville isn't afraid of Sami because he can't win the big one.

Dash Wilder vs. Tyson Kidd

Wilder runs him over to start so Tyson begs off in the corner. Kidd unloads in the corner and catapults Wilder face first into the bottom turnbuckle. A kick to the back gets two and we hit the chinlock on Dash for awhile. Wilder finally gets up and nails a powerslam for two, only to get kicked in the head again. A Moss Covered Three Handled Family Credenza sets up the Sharpshooter to make Dash at 4:28.

Marcus Louis is completely insane and ranting like a crazy man. I didn't recognize him at first.

Sami Zayn says he feels like the Count of Monte Cristo by beating all of these people in a row. The road to redemption is more than just a tag line and he wants his shot at Neville next week.

Becky Lynch/Sasha Banks vs. Charlotte/Bayley

Bayley and Becky get things going with Bayley driving Lynch into the corner with aggression to start. Off to Banks who gets dropped with a clothesline and knee dropped for two. Charlotte and Becky come back in with the champ taking Lynch down in a cravate. We take a break and come back with Charlotte taking her back down with another cravate.

Charlotte talks trash to Sasha on the apron before whipping Lynch into the corner to knock Sasha to the floor. She spends too much time yelling at Banks though and gets nailed for two. Banks comes in now for a few shots and immediately tags back out. Charlotte comes right back and drops a knee on Lynch's head before bringing in Bayley. Lynch takes her into the corner and tags in Banks for some forearms to the back.

In an evil nod, Banks hooks Bayley in a figure four neck lock and drives her face first into the mat ala Charlotte. The heels take turns on Bayley until she finally suplexes Banks down for a breather. Sasha knocks Charlotte off the apron and gets rolled up, only to roll through on Bayley and grab the tights for the pin at 11:34.

Regal confirms Neville vs. Zayn for the title next week.

Here's the Ascension to call out Itami. They tried to be patient but Itami has done nothing but make threats. Get out here right now so we can finish this. Itami comes to the stage and is joined by.....FINN BALOR! I believe the screen was originally supposed to say Prince Devitt and then turn into the new name but it just said Finn Balor (pronounced like valor). They charge the ring and destroy Ascension with a variety of kicks and knee shots as the fans chant THIS IS AWESOME and DREAM TEAM. Finn goes to the top for a double stomp to Konor's back to end the show. Finn looked AWESOME here and the fans ate him up.

Sami Zayn b. Tyler Breeze – Helluva Kick
Tyson Kidd b. Dash Wilder – Sharpshooter
Becky Lynch/Sasha Banks b. Charlotte/Bayley – Rollup to Bayley with a handful of tights


Date: November 7, 2014
Location: Times Union Center, Albany, New York
Commentators: Michael Cole, John Bradshaw Layfield, Tom Phillips

As we switch from red to blue this week, the big story has Randy Orton being thrown out of the Authority and laid out with a pair of Curb Stomps. Other than that we have Cena and the Authority trying to firm up their teams for Survivor Series. So far both teams have only a few people but we have a few weeks to get ready. Let's get to it.

Tag Team Titles: Stardust/Goldust vs. Usos

The Dusts are defending and this is inside a cage with pins, submissions or escape to win. Stardust tries to escape early but Jey makes a save. All four come in and we have an early standoff. We settle down to Goldust getting double teamed in the corner until Jimmy gets two off a standing flip splash. Jimmy sends him into the cage for the same result but his cross body only hits steel.

We take a break and come back with Goldust rubbing Jimmy's face against the cage. A chinlock doesn't get Goldust anywhere as Jimmy fights up and climbs the cage, only to be taken down with an electric chair. The second chinlock has Jimmy in more trouble but he fights up and climbs again. Goldust makes another stop but gets nailed by Whisper in the Wind.

Jey comes in off a hot tag to clean house and sends Stardust into the cage, setting up a superkick for two. Everything breaks down and Cross Rhodes gets two on Jey. Stardust goes up but Jey makes a save. All four guys get on turnbuckles, allowing Jimmy to superplex Goldust, setting up a Superfly Splash from Jey. Goldust is done but the legal Stardust grabs a rollup out of nowhere to retain at 12:15.

Network hype time.

We recap the Authority's issues from Monday, culminating in Orton being knocked out so badly that he thinks he's an actor.

Kane is in the ring to talk about handling Orton before Survivor Series. Randy should serve as an example of what's coming to anyone else stands up to the Authority. Dolph Ziggler thinks he can survive Team Cena, but tonight he has to survive against Kane inside that steel cage. Back to Survivor Series, Team Authority has an open spot.

Kane wants to bring out a man that has everything they're looking for but Cesaro cuts him off. Cesaro says he can survive everything WWE has thrown at him and would love to be on Team Authority. Kane says he wasn't thinking about Cesaro, but if he can beat the guy Kane was thinking of, he can be on Team Authority.

Cesaro vs. Ryback

This is joined in progress after a break with Cesaro driving him into the corner and putting on a chinlock. A low dropkick to the face gets two on Ryback and a suplex gets the same. Back to the chinlock but Ryback fights up and flips Cesaro down. A big spinebuster puts Cesaro down and there's the Meat Hook, only to have Cesaro escape Shell Shock.

Ryback is sent shoulder first into the post and a top rope elbow gives Cesaro two more. Cesaro loads up a suplex but Ryback counters into one of his own, only to have Cesaro drive upside down knees to Ryback's head. Ryback grabs Cesaro's leg as it comes down though and Shell Shocks him for the pin at 3:53.

Kane applauds Ryback but Ryback walks away without acknowledging him.

R-Truth vs. Adam Rose

This is a result of Truth saying the Bunny was the real star of the team. Truth nails a shoulder to start and does a quick Bunny hop. Rose puts his hand up and jumps into Truth's arms, only to be thrown down. The Bunny jumps up on the apron, allowing Truth to roll up Rose for the pin at 1:24.

Rose lays out the Bunny post match and dances with the Rosebuds. The Bunny looks stunned. Well, as stunned as a Bunny can look.

Here's the returning Christian for one more.....episode of the Peep Show. He asks the fans who they think is winning at Survivor Series and of course the people are behind Team Cena. Guest Dean Ambrose cuts him off though as he doesn't like being patience. Christian asks what it's like to be Dean now, because the last thing Christian remembers is Dean ticking off the entire roster as a member of the Shield.

Dean says he has no friends and is always looking over his shoulder but he wouldn't have it any other way. As for Bray Wyatt, Dean doesn't really know why he's coming after him. Dean doesn't have a title that Bray wants or anything like that, so maybe Bray is just preying on people like he always does. Bray likes to manipulate people's minds, but Dean is just crazy enough that it doesn't work. It's a thrill to live the way he does, riding the edge of a lightning bolt. He loves living this way...and here's Wyatt to cut him off.

Bray says Dean has nothing to fear because he has nothing to lose. There was a time when Dean had the security of the Shield around him but that was taken away, leaving Dean like a fish on land, gasping for air. Bray however, is a healer. He healed Harper and Rowan and now he can heal Ambrose. Wyatt can take Dean's hand and heal all his pain, but not everyone can be saved.

Daniel Bryan once defied him and now Bryan is nowhere to be seen. What does Dean have to lose? His own father turned his back on him. Does he still send Ambrose postcards from prison? Bray invites Dean to prove him wrong, so Dean goes up the ramp as the lights cut off again. Ambrose gets to the stage and there's no one in sight.

Video on preacher Xavier Woods.

We look at Rusev beating Sheamus on Monday's post show. Since it's an “exclusive”, we only see the last three minutes or so. After the match, Lana said they were taking the title back to Russia for Putin.

AJ says Brie slapped her on Monday but it was the evil twin that made her do so. Brie comes in to apologize, but it's a ruse so Nikki can get in a cheap shot.

Summer Rae vs. Natalya

This is due to Summer spending too much time around Tyson Kidd earlier today. Considering how much Tyson and Natalya hate each other on Total Divas, it's odd that Natalya would be annoyed at all. Kidd is on commentary and takes credit for weakening Sheamus for Rusev. Summer takes Natalya down with a bodyscissors until Nattie comes back with a slam. Cole suggests Kidd support his wife, so he gets up and tells her to put on the Sharpshooter. The distraction lets Summer grab a rollup for the pin at 1:34.

2K15 hype.

Cena vs. Ryback on Raw in England.

Dolph says he'll do whatever it takes to get rid of the Authority. Cue HHH, who is surprised Ziggler is here after the beating Rollins gave him on Monday. Orton isn't here tonight though, so who is going to save him tonight? Maybe he should save himself by joining the Authority.

Cole brings out the founder of an organization called Soldier Socks and a wounded soldier named Dan Rose. The founder talks about the organization as Rose is put into a different wheelchair. We get a news clip about some new technology that allows wounded soldiers to walk again. Back in the arena, Rose talks about losing the use of his legs due to a roadside bomb in Afghanistan. Using the new equipment, Rose is able to stand up and walk across the stage using two walking sticks. Rose gets a well deserved standing ovation. That's a very cool moment to see and one of those things that is almost hard to believe.

Dolph Ziggler vs. Kane

Inside a cage and non-title. Before the match, we get the eyes vignette from Raw. Ziggler looks at the screen and isn't sure what to make of it. Kane slugs away to start but gets caught in a faceplant for two. Dolph tries to climb out a few times but gets sent into the cage for his efforts. We take a break and come back with Dolph getting kicked in the face for two.

Kane takes off a turnbuckle pad but misses a charge into another corner, setting up Ziggler's running DDT. Both guys climb to the top rope and both quickly get crotched for their efforts. Ziggler dives into an uppercut but escapes the chokeslam. He tries to escape and gets slammed down, setting up the chokeslam to knock him silly. Kane calls for a tombstone but takes WAY too long, allowing Ziggler to hit the Zig Zag for two.

Dolph takes too long going for the door, setting up a collision to put both guys down again. Back up and Kane misses a charge into the exposed buckle. Dolph climbs his back and over the cage but Kane kicks the door open to break Ziggler's balance and leave him hanging on the door. Kane goes to escape but Dolph kicks the door onto his head and drops down to win at 11:36.

Stardust/Goldust b. Usos – Rollup to Jey
Ryback b. Cesaro – Shell Shock
R-Truth b. Adam Rose – Rollup
Summer Rae b. Natalya – Rollup
Dolph Ziggler b. Kane – Ziggler escaped the cage





Quick Results

Monday Night Raw
Dean Ambrose b. Cesaro – Dirty Deeds
Miz b. Jimmy Uso – Skull Crushing Finale
Tyson Kidd b. Sheamus via countout
Seth Rollins b. Dolph Ziggler via DQ when Randy Orton interfered
Ryback b. Titus O'Neil – Shell Shock
Big Show b. Mark Henry via DQ when Henry hit him with the steps
Nikki Bella b. Emma – Rack Attack
Rusev b. Zack Ryder – Accolade
Fernando b. Stardust – Backstabber
Seth Rollins b. Randy Orton – Backslide

Impact Wrestling
Hardys b. Samoa Joe/Low Ki – Moonsault to Low Ki
D-Von/Tommy Dreamer b. Magnus/Bram – DDT to Magnus
Havok b. Gail Kim – Chokeslam
Bobby Roode b. MVP – Roode Bomb

Sami Zayn b. Tyler Breeze – Helluva Kick
Tyson Kidd b. Dash Wilder – Sharpshooter
Becky Lynch/Sasha Banks b. Charlotte/Bayley – Rollup to Bayley with a handful of tights

Stardust/Goldust b. Usos – Rollup to Jey
Ryback b. Cesaro – Shell Shock
R-Truth b. Adam Rose – Rollup
Summer Rae b. Natalya – Rollup
Dolph Ziggler b. Kane – Ziggler escaped the cage

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