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Week of 11/10/2014 - 11/16/2014


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House

Smackdown got a 1.86, up from last week.

Zack Ryder has a torn rotator cuff and is out six months.

Monday Night Raw
Date: November 10, 2014
Location: Echo Arena, Liverpool, England
Commentators: Michael Cole, John Bradshaw Layfield, Jerry Lawler

We're in England for the annual fall tour and the show is taped tonight. The main story for tonight is the return of Cena to Raw after missing an entire week. He'll be facing Ryback, but the important question is who will be on the Survivor Series teams for the upcoming showdown. Let's get to it.

We open with a recap of the Authority's issues last week, including Vince putting their power on the line and Rollins putting Orton out of action.

Here's Cena to open things up with one of the loudest boos you'll ever hear. He says the fans know how bad things are for him right now because Survivor Series is coming up. The Authority's life is on the line and they don't even want Cena to have a team. People like Zack Ryder tried to make a stand and now he's going to be out six months.

However, he has two men ready to fight for him: Dolph Ziggler and former World Heavyweight Champion Jack Swagger. The fans say they want Ziggler and Cena blames the Authority for him not being out here. There's one more man that Cena has his eye on and he's a monster. The fans chant FEED ME MORE and that's exactly who Cena wants out here right now.

Ryback comes out and says the big guy is back but the Authority cuts him off immediately. The entire group is here, complete with Mark Henry as the third man on the team. Stephanie thinks the English fans should love the Authority because they're so used to being ruled by a monarchy. HHH says everything is on the line for the Authority and of course he's trying to scare people out of being on Team Cena. The stakes have been raised so the game has changed. Who has the guts to join Team Cena when everything is on the line?

Cena only has two guys on his team right now but Ziggler isn't likely to make it to Survivor Series. Cena: “You said the same thing about Daniel Bryan.” The HUGE YES chant suggests that Bryan is still over. HHH takes credit for Bryan being on the shelf and suggests that Ziggler will join him after facing Henry tonight. Stephanie brings it back to Ryback, saying that he could have many more main events if he joins Team Authority. Ryback might be the biggest monster the company has ever seen, but Kane doesn't look happy.

Ryback seems to like the idea but Cena goes on another rant against the Authority. He doesn't care who Ryback joins but know the pressure that comes with joining the Authority. The fans chant FEED ME MORE and Ryback says he isn't afraid of the Authority, but he doesn't see Cena's name on the bottom of his paycheck. Ryback lays out Cena with a spinebuster and Stephanie starts a YES chant.

Seth Rollins vs. Jack Swagger

They trade shoulders to start until Rollins bails to the floor for a breather. Back in and Swagger snapmares him into an armbar to slow things down again. Rollins bails again and we take an early break. Back with Rollins in control and the fans chanting for JBL. Jack quickly breaks out of a chinlock and backdrops Seth out to the floor. The Stooges tell Colter to stay back and that's exactly what the mustached wonder does.

Back in and a big boot sets up the Vader Bomb for two and the Patriot Lock goes on. Ropes are quickly grabbed though and Seth is sent out to the floor. Another Patriot Lock has Seth in trouble outside but he sends Swagger face first into the post. Back in and the Curb Stomp is good for the pin at 11:26.

Post match the doctor looks at Swagger so Rollins gives Jack another Curb Stomp.

We look at Ambrose on the Peep Show from Smackdown. Wyatt interrupted and said Dean was just as broken as Harper and Rowan were. Bray mentioned Dean's father being in prison and seemed to get under Ambrose's skin.

Ambrose says he has a rap sheet as long as your arm but he doesn't claim to be anyone's hero. He's fighting demons a lot scarier than Bray Wyatt but he doesn't hide from anything. Dean is going to take Bray down hard with him and there's a special place waiting for both of them. The match is official for Survivor Series.

Kane tells Ryback he'll be at ringside for the main event. Ryback says he's got it covered so Kane tells him to learn some humility. Ryback tells him to stay out of his way.

Paige vs. Alicia Fox

Guess who the fans are behind here. Fox jumps Paige to start and kicks her out to the floor. Back in and a northern lights suplex gets two for Alicia and a backbreaker gets the same. Paige gets all fired up and nails the Rampaige for the pin at 2:14.

Stephanie recruits Rusev for the Authority but Lana isn't sure. They'll consider it though. McMahon calls her a stuck up little Russian twit and offers to scratch Lana's back if Lana will scratch hers.

Xavier Woods video.

The Authority watches Vince's speech from last week and say Vince has tried this kind of stuff before. HHH thinks he's trying to split them up but says they'll dominate at Survivor Series. Stephanie asks what if but HHH says they can't think like that.

Here are the Russians for a victory celebration. Lana calls Rusev being US Champion ironic because Russia is superior to the United States. If not for Russia saving the British military, everyone here would be speaking German. A Russian guy in a suit reads a proclomation from Putin, basically saying woo hoo go Rusev. The Russian national anthem plays but Sheamus cuts things off. He storms the ring and Rusev bails to the floor.

US Title: Sheamus vs. Rusev

Rusev is defending. Sheamus powers him into the corner to start and knocks the champion to the apron for the ten forearms. They head outside with Sheamus being sent into the apron and then thrown onto the announcers' table for a good crash. Back in and Rusev puts on a hard front facelock to take Sheamus back down to the mat. Off to a cobra clutch for a bit before a big spinwheel kick puts Sheamus down again.

Back from a break with Sheamus fighting out of a chinlock as the Stooges are watching from ringside. Sheamus nails his running ax handles to the face but charges into a dropkick to put him right back down. A powerslam drops Rusev for two and Sheamus heads to the apron for the ten forearms. The slingshot shoulder sets up White Noise but Rusev rolls out. He doesn't roll far enough though as Sheamus tries the Cloverleaf. Rusev kicks away but Sheamus grabs a jackknife rollup for two.

The champ comes right back with a gutwrench suplex for two and takes Sheamus to the corner, only to get caught in White Noise for an even closer two. The fans start an OLE chant as the Brogue Kick misses. Instead Rusev bails to the floor so Sheamus nails a top rope shoulder to drop him again.

Another ax handle to the head has Rusev in trouble and Sheamus throws him into the barricade over and over. Rusev dives back in and the referee checks on him as the Stooges jump Sheamus. The referee turns back around and starts the count at 8 (totally against the rules that have been in place for like, ever) to count Sheamus out at 15:47.

Post break Lana makes Rusev join the team.

We recap the opening segment.

Rollins comes in to see Ryback and tells him to take orders from him instead of Kane. Ryback says he destroys whatever target is in front of him. Also, it's the big man, not the big guy.

Los Matadores vs. Miz/Damien Mizdow

The actors have Hornswoggle in a black coat of his own. Miz runs over Fernando to start but Fernando keeps dropping to the mat until OLE! Diego comes in with a slingshot hilo for two but gets caught in a Reality Check. Lawler points out that almost all of the teams in the tag division look alike as the fans want Mizdow. Miz teases tagging him in but opts for a corner clothesline on Diego instead.

A top rope ax handle gets two on Diego as Jerry wants to know why Miz has a stunt double but Tom Cruise doesn't. It's finally off to Mizdow for one of the loudest pops of the night. Miz almost immediately tags himself back in and Diego runs over for a tag to Fernando. Everything breaks down and Miz kicks Fernando in the face. The little guys get into it and we get the Wrestlemania V ending with Mizdow holding down Fernando's foot to give Miz the pin at 4:55.

Ziggler and Cena have a meeting in the back with Cena saying Swagger has been lost. Dolph isn't going to let the same thing happen to him and Cena promises to have his back. Cena goes to leave when HHH dances in. HHH is cool with Cena having his back but not at ringside. The boss leaves, singing Another One Bites the Dust on the way out.

Dolph Ziggler vs. Mark Henry

Non-title again and we get the eyes talking to Dolph before the match again. The big man misses a charge in the corner and a rollup gets two for Dolph. Ziggler charges into a bearhug but faceplants Henry down to get a breather. They head outside with Henry missing a charge into the barricade but coming up with a chair for the DQ at 2:47.

Henry loads up the steps post match and loads up the World's Strongest Slam. Cue Big Show who blocks a steps shot and knocks Henry to the floor. Show says he's on Team Cena, which shouldn't be that big of a surprise.

Video on Kofi Kingston in the exact same style of the Woods video, even shouting NEW DAY over and over.

Team Cena meets up in the back and says they need two more. Sheamus comes up and says they just need one more.

Brie Bella vs. AJ Lee

Non-title again. Brie quickly takes her down and gets two off a running knee to the face. A missile dropkick puts AJ down again but Brie charges into some knees in the corner. The Black Widow is good for the submission at 2:14.

Nikki lays out AJ with the Rack Attack post match.

We see the veteran who is walking again using some new technology from Smackdown.

Henry comes in to see Ryback and talks down to him as well.

The Grumpy Cat is on Raw next week.

Adam Rose vs. Tyson Kidd

Rose is still over despite teasing a heel turn on Friday. The match is just getting going when Erick Rowan comes out and scares the Bunny half to death. He takes off the mask and says “she's not here” before walking into the crowd. Natalya maybe? Rose kicks Kidd in the face and hits some running clotheslines but the Bunny gets on the top rope. Adam shouts him down but Kidd uses the distraction to put on the Sharpshooter for the submission at 2:20.

Post match the Bunny hops around Rose and helps him up, only to get kicked in the ribs for his efforts. Rose leaves with the Express, who doesn't seem to mind.

We recap Vince's speech from last week.

The Authority (minus Ryback) is having a meeting. Kane thinks Ryback has an attitude when Ryback walks in. HHH says the match tonight is about Ryback so he should destroy Cena in short order. Stephanie gives them a pep talk.

Chris Jericho will be back on Smackdown for the Highlight Reel with the Authority.

Ambrose/Wyatt video from Friday.

Wyatt pops up on screen and says society tells us that we're all imperfect. Everyone is to be accepted for who we are though. Even someone as different as a Dean Ambrose, when people would rather spit on him than throw him a dollar. Bray walks the same wire as Ambrose, who admits he was a sinner. Dean got that from his daddy, who was a sinner as well.

Society tells us that sin is bad but that's just another lie they teach us. Bray knows the future for Ambrose because Bray is sin himself. If God walked this earth, he would make oceans to walk away from Wyatt himself. Dean can join Wyatt on the path of righteousness or he can walk away alone.

ECW Exposed is on the Network after Raw goes off the air. Joey Styles and Paul Heyman hype up the show a bit.

John Cena vs. Ryback

The Authority is at ringside. Ryback throws Cena around and runs him over with a shoulder to start. An early AA attempt is countered but Cena fights back with right hands to knock Ryback into the corner. The bulldog is easily countered into a powerslam for two and Cena is in trouble again. More right hands have little effect as Ryback throws Cena at the Authority's feet. Kane yells at Ryback a bit, allowing Cena to send Ryback flying into Kane for a big crash as we take a break.

Back with Cena diving into a slam and getting suplexed for two. Cena grabs a belly to belly to put both guys down but gets caught with a Thesz Press. Ryback rams John's head into the mat over and over before getting two off a splash. The Shell Shock is countered but Ryback counters the shoulder into a powerslam for two. Cena backflips out of a powerbomb and escapes something like a Razor's Edge to put on the STF.

The hold is quickly broken and Ryback hits a kind of slingshot cross body for two. Cena comes right back with an STF in the middle of the ring but Ryback casually powers up into a Shell Shock. That's countered as well into the ProtoBomb but Kane gets on the apron for a distraction. A spinebuster plants Cena again as the Authority is having issues on the floor. Kane gets in and nails Cena for the DQ at 15:07.

Ryback shoves Kane post match so Rollins comes in to break it up. Ryback nails him so Kane boots him down as the Authority goes after Cena. Sheamus tries to come in for a save but gets caught by the numbers. Cue Big Show to knock out the Stooges but the numbers take him down as well. Ziggler is nowhere in sight but Ryback comes back in and destroys the Authority. He doesn't say anything to Cena as he leaves. Cena counts his team and looks at Ryback before slowly applauding.

We cut to HHH and Stephanie in the back when Ziggler is thrown onto their couch. HHH looks up and sees Luke Harper, who says he's a team player. The bosses aren't sure what to do as we go off the air.

Seth Rollins b. Jack Swagger – Curb Stomp
Paige b. Alicia Fox – Rampaige
Rusev b. Sheamus via countout
Miz/Damien Mizdow b. Los Matadores – Miz fell on Fernando
Dolph Ziggler b. Mark Henry via DQ when Henry hit him with a chair
AJ Lee b. Brie Bella – Black Widow
Tyson Kidd b. Adam Rose – Sharpshooter
John Cena b. Ryback via DQ when Kane interfered


Raw got a 2.75, down from last week.


Impact Wrestling
Date: November 12, 2014
Location: Sands Bethlehem Events Center, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Tazz

We're down to just two episodes left under the current TV deal. The main story at the moment is the build to Roode vs. Lashley III, but as is the case with everything else, there isn't anywhere to actually air the match. We also have the Wolves vs. the Hardys coming up at some point. Let's get to it.

We open with a recap of MVP getting on Lashley's nerves last week and losing a title shot.

Lashley is waiting for MVP but finds Kenny King. He asks where MVP is but King doesn't know. That's not good enough though as Lashley wants to know where MVP is. King keeps walking and doesn't like Lashley's attitude.

Here's the Revolution to open the show. Storm offered Richards a chance to join the team last week and now he wants his answer. He gets both of the Wolves though with Eddie saying that the answer is always going to be....cut off by Davey apparently. Davey says he can speak for himself and he's been listening to what Storm has been saying. A lot of it makes sense, but after after all this time, he's come to the conclusion that Storm is out of his mind.

The answer is no so Storm sends the Revolution after them. Storm uses his noose around Davey's legs before crushing it with a chair. Security gets rid of Storm but he comes back with a the Feast or Fired briefcase. Edwards tries to fight back but takes a briefcase to the head. Eddie takes a case shot to the ankle before Storm yells at the referee.

Tag Team Titles: James Storm/??? vs. Wolves

James covers Eddie for two before planting him with the Eye of the Storm. Storm grabs the mic and says he told Edwards to stay out of it. Cue Abyss as the newest member of the Revolution. A chokeslam to Edwards sets up the Black Hole Slam to give Storm the pin and the titles at 3:06. I'm not rating it due to the announcement and entrance taking up so much time but this was an angle instead of a match.

Storm lays out Richards post match for good measure.

Madison Rayne vs. Taryn Terrell

Taryn gets jumped as she comes in but fires away on Madison. Rayne runs up the ramp but Terrell throws her back into the ring for another beating. Madison comes back with a kick to the ribs for some two counts as frustration is starting to set in. Taryn's face is bounced off the mat for two but Madison runs into some knees in the corner. A running neckbreaker drops Madison and Taryn is all fired up....until she runs into a boot in the corner. Madison hammers away but the Rayne Check is countered into an RKO to give Terrell the pin at 6:38.

Lashley comes up to Angle and demands his rematch tonight. That can't happen because Roode isn't here, so Lashley gets in Angle's face.

Sheera, the Indian wrestler, is in the back when Manik jumps on his back. In a friendly way of course. Manik says there's a powerful man that Sheera is ready to meet. Sheera goes off with him.

Here's Kenny King. He doesn't like the fact that Lashley is so angry at everyone because it means bad things for Impact Wrestling. However, he's here to address Chris Melendez, who had a little dust up with him a few weeks back. Cue Melendez and Anderson with King calling Melendez a fraud.

That's not cool with Anderson who calls Melendez a hero and an inspiration. King says he's talking to peggy over here because Melendez doesn't belong in this ring. He wants to fight Chris one on one but Melendez says Anderson is his role model. King says role models don't exist and sucker punches Anderson before running.

Gail Kim and Taryn are in Angle's office to complain about Havok so Angle makes a triple threat for the title next week.

Menagerie vs. BroMans/Beautiful People

Handicap elimination tag. Angelina and Rebel get things going with Love avoiding a kick and scoring with a dropkick for two. Rebel comes right back with a quick rollup for the pin to get us down to 3-3. Off to Knux vs. Jesse with the big man cleaning house with a cartwheel into a dropkick for two. Knux lifts DJZ up for a slam but Jesse dropkicks his partner's back and grabs the foot, giving DJZ a fast pin.

Steve rolls up DJZ for the pin a second later, leaving us with Sky/Jesse vs. Steve/Rebel. The girls go at it for a bit until Angelina sneaks back in with hairspray to Rebel, giving Sky the pin. DJZ flips Steve into a facebuster, setting up a gorilla press drop. Sky comes back in to kick Steve in the ribs, only to get rolled up (and kissed) for the pin. It's down to Jesse vs. Steve with the Craazy one being powerbombed for an arrogant two. Jesse puts him on the top but gets caught in a tornado DDT for the pin at 7:04.

Eric Young is in the back when Spud comes up and asks to be in his corner tonight. Young approves.

Opening video.

The Revolution is in the back with Storm telling Abyss that this is just beginning. Sheera comes in but Storm spits on him and tells him to leave. Storm whispers something to Manik who bows and leaves.

Eric Young vs. Tyrus

Young goes after Tyrus to start but the big man throws him into the corner and heart punches him out to the floor. Back in and Young tries a slam for the exact result you would expect. We hit the nerve hold on Young before Big E.'s Big Ending plants Eric again. A Vader Bomb misses though and Young fires off whatever he can. Spud stops Carter's interference as Young shoves Tyrus off the top, setting up a top rope elbow for the pin at 4:50.

Post match Lashley runs in and cleans house, including Pillmanizing Young's arm and putting him in a Crossface. Austin Aries comes out with a chair of his own for the save. A challenge is made for later.

Brittany is with Samuel Shaw in the back and says Gunner came onto her. Shaw isn't pleased and storms off.

Here's Samoa Joe who says he has to make a difficult but correct decision. He isn't medically cleared to compete for quite awhile and therefore he can't defend the title. When he won the X-Division Title again, it was to rebuild the division that the company started on. The wrestlers in the division as well as the fans deserve better, so he's vacating the title tonight. There will be a new champion crowned but the belt is a beacon to bring Joe back for his title.

Bram wants to face Tommy Dreamer in a hardcore match next week. Dreamer's time is over so he's going to bleed next week.

Gunner vs. Samuel Shaw

No DQ. Shaw hides next to the entrance and jumps Gunner at the entrance. We pause so Shaw can kiss Brittany, allowing Gunner to take over again. Shaw sends him into the post but again looks at Brittany, setting up a fall away slam from Gunner. They head inside with a bunch of chairs, including one going into Shaw's ribs. He comes back with a dropkick to send a chair into Gunner's face but Gunner escapes the choke.

A Cactus Clothesline puts both guys on the floor and Brittany makes sure Shaw is ok. She distracts Gunner again, allowing Shaw to send him face first into the steps. Back in and Gunner punches Shaw out of the air before stacking up the chairs on the floor. A superplex puts both guys down on the chairs but Brittany gets up on the apron again.

That's fine with Gunner who powerbombs Shaw off the apron and onto the steps. All three get in now and Brittany kicks Gunner low before trying to drag Shaw over. Gunner grabs her leg though, allowing Shaw to nail him in the back with a chair. He takes too long to go for his choke though and takes an F5 onto the chairs for the pin at 8:58.

Austin Aries vs. Lashley

Aries throws his shirt in Lashley's face to start and tries an early brainbuster but is easily powered down. The Last Chancery doesn't work either as Lashley throws him out to the floor. Aries nails the running dropkick against the barricade to take over but Lashley shrugs off the missile dropkick back inside. Lashley shoves him out of the corner and we take a break.

Back with Lashley snapping off so many belly to belly suplexes that even Scott Steiner would say something incomprehensible about sugar or being from a highly educated university. Oh and freaks. Always freaks. The spear is blocked though and Aries scores with a missile dropkick. Some discus forearms put Lashley on the floor for the suicide dive but Lashley throws him into the steps. The spear connects on the floor but it's a double countout at 15:23.

Lashley press slams Aries on the ramp and puts Aries in the Crossface to end the show.

James Storm/Abyss b. Wolves – Black Hole Slam to Edwards
Taryn Terrell b. Madison Rayne – RKO
Menagerie b. BroMans/Beautiful People – Tornado DDT to Godderz
Eric Young b. Tyrus – Top rope elbow
Gunner b. Samuel Shaw – F5 onto a chair
Lashley vs. Austin Aries went to a double countout


Impact got a .84, up from last week.

Date: November 13, 2014
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Jason Albert, Alex Riley, Rich Brennan

Tonight is a big show for NXT as we have the showdown between Sami Zayn and Adrian Neville for the NXT Title. I don't quite believe we're getting the full match tonight though, or at least we're not getting a clean ending. Other than that we have the fallout from the debut of Finn Balor, who will be helping Itami in his war against the Ascension. Let's get to it.

We open with a recap of Itami vs. Ascension and Balor debuting last week.

Opening sequence.

Here's Balor to open the show. He says he's here in NXT because he's the future but cue Natalya and Tyson Kidd. Tyson is sure that Balor has a fascinating story but no one cares. Kidd was brought into this business as a Hart, so the first thing he was ever taught was respect. Cue Justin Gabriel who says a new international superstar is here every week to be a top guy. Finn has to get through them first though, but let's pause for a WHO ARE YOU chant at Gabriel. Kidd and Gabriel get in the ring but here's Itami for the save.

Finn Balor/Hideo Itami vs. Tyson Kidd/Justin Gabriel

Gabriel and Itami get things going but it's quickly off to Kidd for a wristlock. Balor comes in for the first time and Tyson is already out for Gabriel. A dropkick puts Gabriel down but he bails to the floor, setting up a big flip dive from Balor as we take a break. Back with Itami putting Justin in a chinlock and getting two off a kick to the chest. Off to Balor vs. Kidd with Tyson taking him outside for a neckbreaker on the floor. Gabriel hits a LOUD chop on the floor before kicking Finn in the back.

Tyson does the same for two as the heels take over on Finn in the corner. We hit the chinlock on Balor before Justin cranks on both arms at the same time. Kidd and Gabriel keep making the fast tags until Balor nails Tyson with a Pele Kick. The hot tag brings in Itami to clean house and a big kick gets two on Kidd. Justin dives into a knee to the ribs for two as everything breaks down. The newcomers hit stereo corner dropkicks, setting up a top rope double stomp to end Gabriel at 10:34.

We look back at Zayn vs. Neville from about a year ago in a great #1 contenders match.

Zayn says tonight feels different than all of the previous times. The road to redemption is more than just a nice tagline because destiny never makes mistakes. Tonight is going to unfold just like it's supposed to.

Sasha Banks vs. Alexa Bliss

Banks sends her into the corner to start and nails a low clothesline for an early two. The fans argue over whether Sasha is ratched as she puts Bliss in a modified surfboard. Bliss nails a dropkick but gets caught in the Backstabber into the Bank Statement for the tap out at 2:18.

Banks wants to make her title match against Charlotte official.* She doesn't do anything to accomplish that but she does indeed want it.

Neville says Sami is his friend but he's going to be disappointed again tonight.

Lucha Dragons vs. Wesley Blake/Buddy Murphy

We need new jobbers around here. Non-title again. Kalisto throws Blake around to start but Murphy sneaks in to catch Kalisto in mid air for a suplex. Murphy gets two off a clothesline before it's back to Blake for a top rope stomp to the back for two of his own. Buddy comes back in to hammer away but Kalisto slips through his legs to tag Sin. Cara speeds things way up but gets thrown into Blake to knock him off the apron. Kalisto hits a HUGE corkscrew plancha to drop Blake again, setting up the Swanton from Cara to Murphy for the pin at 5:07.

The Vaudevillains applaud the Dragons but tell them to keep the titles polished.

NXT Title: Adrian Neville vs. Sami Zayn

Zayn is challenging and quickly flips Adrian down to send the champion into the corner. He does it again before avoiding some dropkicks and dropkicking Adrian out to the floor. Sami loads up a dive but backflips back in when Neville moves. The OLE chants start up as Sami holds the ropes open but Neville flips back in. Now it's the champ's turn for some rapid fire kicks and Sami is in trouble.

Back from a break with Neville holding a chinlock to slow things down. Sami fights up but is pulled right back down into the same hold. Back up again with Sami nailing three clotheslines because that's the standard comeback anymore. The third puts Neville on the floor and now the flip dive connects. Back in and Sami hits the cross body but hurts himself on the impact. Adrian hits a quick standing shooting star for two but can't hook a powerbomb.

Sami gets back up and catches Neville on his shoulders for a BIG spinning powerbomb and two. Fans: “THAT WAS THREE!” Neville nails another kick but Sami ducks the second and rolls some Germans, capped off by a release half nelson suplex for two. The Helluva Kick is blocked by a kick to the face and the exploder is countered with a rollup for two more. Neville goes up for the Red Arrow but only hits mat to put both guys down. Adrian comes up holding his knee and Sami won't go for the Helluva Kick. The referee throws up the X so Sami goes to check on Adrian and gets rolled up for the pin at 15:33.

Sami is stunned as trainers check on Neville to end the show.

Hideo Itami/Finn Balor b. Tyson Kidd/Justin Gabriel – Top rope double stomp to Gabriel
Sasha Banks b. Alexa Bliss – Bank Statement
Lucha Dragons b. Wesley Blake/Buddy Murphy – Swanton bomb to Murphy
Adrian Neville b. Sami Zayn – Small package


Ethan Carter III has torn his bicep and will be out of action for an undetermined amount of time.

Date: November 14, 2014
Location: Echo Arena, Liverpool, England
Attendance: 2,500
Commentators: Michael Cole, Tom Phillips, John Bradshaw Layfield

We're wrapping up the European shows here with the blue show over in Liverpool. By now most of the Survivor Series main event is set as I believe we have five guys apiece. It should be interesting to see if any of them are swapped out again. They've done a nice job so far of building up the people in the match other than Cena, which should be the point of something like this. Let's get to it.

We open with a recap of Raw.

Here's the returning Chris Jericho for a British Highlight Reel. Jericho has one burning question: Who is Adam Rose's Bunny, because he's AWESOME. He thinks it's Funaki, drawing the first Funaki chant in WWE history. That's enough hijinks though so let's get our guests out here. This brings out HHH and Stephanie, with Steph doing Jericho's pose in a cute bit.

Jericho would like to know why the Authority wanted to be on the show. Stephanie says it was because it's been too long since Smackdown had the Highlight Reel and they like to have fun. She sucks up to the fans and calls them the most important part of the show. We get a YES chant, which shows how important the fans are because they keep him that popular. However, he wouldn't be there without the Authority. Who could run the WWE without the Authority? Jericho: “I could.”

Actually he has a better idea: the fans run WWE. He lists off some humiliating ideas for HHH, such as cleaning Jericho's boots, before showing us a clip of Vickie Guerrero shoving Stephanie into the mud in her retirement match. That's enough for HHH who says the wolf doesn't ask to be embraced by sheep. The Authority is going to be laughing when they win at Survivor Series. Jericho should learn that when he calls again to come back and get his WWE fix, because he might be erased from the WWE history books by then. Chris thinks this is an arena full of Jericholics and starts singing the Goodbye song.

Video on Wyatt costing Ambrose the Cell match.

Bray Wyatt vs. Sin Cara

Bray nails him a few times to start but misses a charge. Cara goes up for the Swanton but only hits mat. Back up and the charge hits this time, setting up the suplex slam. The Spider Walk sets up Sister Abigail for the pin at 2:16. Total squash.

Post match Bray says he can feel Ambrose screaming for help in his heart. Dean used to feel unloved and woke up every Christmas morning, hoping that daddy would come back. But when he came downstairs, only darkness was waiting for him. That's what life has become for Dean, but Bray is the light he's been searching for his entire life.

Salvation is at hand so let Bray fix him. Cue Ambrose but Bray bails and calls Dean predictable. All he has to do is push the right buttons and Dean will be there right on time. Ambrose wants to punish him, just like he wants to punish his daddy. Bray gets in but gets knocked out by a single right hand. As he walks away, Bray says Dean is crying out for help and that he is the key.

Xavier Woods' new day is coming.

Goldust/Stardust vs. Adam Rose/The Bunny

Non-title. Rose is a bit less energetic on the way to the ring this week. We get a clip from Main Event where the Bunny took out Goldust, allowing Rose to roll up Stardust for a surprise pin to get back in Adam's good graces. Adam runs over Goldust to start but gets thrown into the corner for a tag off to Stardust. The Express tries to fire up Rose as he fights out of a chinlock. Goldust and Rose bang heads and the hot tag brings in the Bunny. Stardust gets taken down and won't tag out, allowing Stardust to block a splash with knees. Dark Matter ends the Bunny at 2:03.

Rose Party Fouls the Bunny post match.

Dolph Ziggler looks at what the Authority has put him through in recent weeks and isn't worried about his triple threat elimination title defense tonight. He says he's survived everything they've thrown at him and if this is the night he loses, he's going down with a fight and staying on Team Cena. All he has to do is survive until Survivor Series and then the Authority is gone.

Video on Ryback.

Ryback says he's on his own team and the only person who needs to worry about survving is Kane, who he faces tonight. What you saw on Monday was just an appetizer and unfortunately for Kane, it's almost feeding time.

Intercontinental Title: Tyson Kidd vs. Cesaro vs. Dolph Ziggler

Ziggler is defending under elimination rules. Kidd gets shoved away to start and Cesaro kicks Dolph in the face. The smaller guys dropkick Cesaro down but Dolph has to kick out of a rollup from Tyson. They trade rapid fire rollups for two each until Dolph dropkicks Cesaro down again. We take a break and come back with Cesaro suplexing both guys at the same time in a nice power display. A powerbomb plants Dolph and Kidd comes back in with a springboard elbow drop.

Cesaro throws Tyson down to cover Ziggler for two and the fans think this is awesome. Dolph gets two off a Fameasser to Kidd but gets caught in the Tree of Woe. Now it's Kidd with some delayed dropkicks to Dolph's face but Cesaro nails a clothesline for two on the Canadian. The champ comes back in with a high cross body to Cesaro as JBL rips on Ziggler for complaining too much. Ziggler neckbreakers Kidd and DDTs Cesaro at the same time for two each. Kidd pops back up with a neckbreaker of his own to the champ but gets caught with an uppercut on the top.

They all head to the corner and grapple up top until Cesaro superplexes Ziggler while Kidd powerbombs Cesaro for the Tower of Doom. Cesaro covers Ziggler but Kidd slaps on the Sharpshooter to the European at the same time. Pure leg strength breaks the hold though and Cesaro counters the running DDT with Swiss Death. We take another break and come back with Kidd hitting a Blockbuster on Cesaro, driving him into Ziggler's raised knees at the same time.

For once that hurts the knees so Kidd puts on the Sharpshooter with Cesaro adding a Crossface at the same time. In what JBL calls a very stupid move, Kidd lets go of his half and stomps on Cesaro, earning him a Cesaro Swing. Ziggler comes back with the running DDT for two on Cesaro but Kidd kicks the champ in the face, right into a German suplex from Cesaro. Back up and a Zig Zag nails Cesaro but Kidd dropkicks the champ down and steals a pin to eliminate Cesaro at 18:17.

So it's Ziggler vs. Kidd for the title now with the champ on the floor. Tyson headscissors him down into the steps before running the barricade for a kick to the face. Back in and Kidd chokes on the ropes but gets rolled up for two. A Moss Covered Three Handled Family Credenza gets two for the challenger so Kidd springboards with a dive only designed to get superkicked down for two. Tyson pops back up and grabs the Sharpshooter, only to have Dolph roll through into the Zig Zag for the pin at 21:43.

Natalya vs. Layla

Layla steals the shirt Natalya is about to throw into the crowd. Natalya rolls out of a wristlock ala Owen Hart but Layla rolls out of an early Sharpshooter attempt. They trade some hard forearms until Layla just kicks her in the head. Some choking on the ropes gets two for Layla and we hit a figure four neck lock. Off to a body vice instead as we keep cutting to Summer Rae on the floor, even though she hasn't done anything. Layla poses a lot but gets dropkicked down for two. Natalya gets thrown out to the floor but slaps Summer hard in the face. Back in and a quick Sharpshooter makes Layla tap at 3:55.

Recap of the opening segment.

Kofi Kingston new day video.

We recap Bray's promo on Dean earlier.

Ambrose shouts about being sick of Bray Wyatt. Bray jumps him from behind and lays Ambrose out. He says this world isn't made for people like them and labels are the way the world puts them in a box.

Ryback vs. Kane

HHH and Stephanie are at ringside. Kane grabs a headlock to start as we're already in the slow power counters stage. Ryback runs him over with a shoulder but eats an uppercut for his efforts. Cole wants to know what HHH and Stephanie could possibly do if they lose at Survivor Series because it's all the know. A suplex puts Kane down and we take a break. Back with Ryback hitting his Thesz Press and slamming Kane's head into the mat.

The Meat Hook is stopped by a big boot and an elbow drop gets two for Kane. Ryback fights back with chops but gets whipped hard into the corner. We hit the chinlock for a bit but Ryback powers up and breaks a chokeslam attempt. Now the Meat Hook connects but Kane escapes the Shell Shock and takes it to the floor where a chair to Ryback's ribs draws a DQ at 11:45.

Ryback shrugs off the chair shots, nails Kane and stares down HHH to end the show.

Bray Wyatt b. Sin Cara – Sister Abigail
Stardust/Goldust b. Adam Rose/The Bunny – Dark Matter to the Bunny
Dolph Ziggler b. Cesaro and Tyson Kidd – Zig Zag to Kidd
Natalya b. Layla – Sharpshooter
Ryback b. Kane via DQ when Kane used a chair





Quick Results

Monday Night Raw
Seth Rollins b. Jack Swagger – Curb Stomp
Paige b. Alicia Fox – Rampaige
Rusev b. Sheamus via countout
Miz/Damien Mizdow b. Los Matadores – Miz fell on Fernando
Dolph Ziggler b. Mark Henry via DQ when Henry hit him with a chair
AJ Lee b. Brie Bella – Black Widow
Tyson Kidd b. Adam Rose – Sharpshooter
John Cena b. Ryback via DQ when Kane interfered

Impact Wrestling
James Storm/Abyss b. Wolves – Black Hole Slam to Edwards
Taryn Terrell b. Madison Rayne – RKO
Menagerie b. BroMans/Beautiful People – Tornado DDT to Godderz
Eric Young b. Tyrus – Top rope elbow
Gunner b. Samuel Shaw – F5 onto a chair
Lashley vs. Austin Aries went to a double countout

Hideo Itami/Finn Balor b. Tyson Kidd/Justin Gabriel – Top rope double stomp to Gabriel
Sasha Banks b. Alexa Bliss – Bank Statement
Lucha Dragons b. Wesley Blake/Buddy Murphy – Swanton bomb to Murphy
Adrian Neville b. Sami Zayn – Small package

Bray Wyatt b. Sin Cara – Sister Abigail
Stardust/Goldust b. Adam Rose/The Bunny – Dark Matter to the Bunny
Dolph Ziggler b. Cesaro and Tyson Kidd – Zig Zag to Kidd
Natalya b. Layla – Sharpshooter
Ryback b. Kane via DQ when Kane used a chair

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