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Week of 10/8/2012 - 10/14/2012 (Monday - Thursday)


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House

Smackdown got a 1.7, down even lower than last week's low rating of a 1.8.

Monday Night Raw
Date: October 8, 2012
Location: Power Balance Pavilion, Sacramento, California
Commentators: Jim Ross, Michael Cole, John Bradshaw Layfield

After last week's lowest rating in fifteen years, Vince is back tonight for a State of the WWE address. Love him or hate him, when he's on TV the fans pay attention. Granted having a lower level Monday Night Football game isn't going to hurt anything either. Other than that, we're likely to have another legend, maybe Vince himself, tell Punk that he needs to fight Cena in the Cell. Let's get to it.

Here's Cena to open things up. He asks if the people missed him and the fans cheer, which surprises both him and me. Cena talks about how he's been gone awhile (it's been two weeks) and he's gotten to experience things for two weeks. He goes through the basics of various storylines and asks AJ out on a date. Maybe to In and Out (California staple) for a Double Double?

Also Vince is here tonight and Arnold Schwarzennegger is the social media ambassador tonight (seriously) and we've got a one armed man in the ring tonight. He talks about the fans losing their voice and the WWE Title losing its voice as well. Cena sums up Punk's reign in a nutshell: if no one wants to watch, it doesn't matter how many days he holds the belt. He tells Punk to be a man and define his legacy by facing him in the Cell.

As Cena is leaving, here's Ryback. Apparently it's just for a match as Cena walks past him.

Ryback vs. Primo/Epico

I'm not going to bother doing commentary on these matches anymore. The cousins get in some offense, Ryback kills them both, double Shell Shock at 2:33.

Brodus Clay vs. R-Truth

It's a regular hat for Brodus this week. Now this is an interesting match. Before the match, Truth says they can't fight because Little Jimmy is going through puberty and wants to dance. It turns into a dance party, and by that I mean the other four stand there and watch Little Jimmy dance.

Thankfully Vince pops up on screen and says dance up the ramp because it's time for the State of the WWE Address.

Here's Vince to criticize what we just saw. He says there's room for that here, along with leprechauns, goat faced vegans, masked luchadors and more. We have drama, action, romance and comedy, but above all else, we have action. Here you want to see the best against the best....and here's Punk, in a bright yellow shirt. But I guess since it's Punk it's much more ok than the ones Cena wears right?

Vince immediately says the shirt is ugly and yells at Punk for interrupting. Punk wanted his name mentioned and thinks it was a shot at him for not being mentioned and not getting inside the Cell with Cena. Punk blames the fans for his issues and doesn't like the fans that ironically chant his name as well. He asks if Vince respects him and Vince respects Punk being champion for 323 days. However, he doesn't respect Punk being a Paul Heyman guy. Vince isn't a CM Punk guy which sets Punk off.

Punk goes into a tirade about how a year and a half ago he talked about being a spoke on the wheel and now he is the wheel. He's the best thing WWE has today and he isn't appreciated. Where's his appreciation night? Punk threatens to leave again and this time he wouldn't come back, even though he's the reason Vince has any money left. If not him, then who makes this place go around? Vince says the fans make this place successful and right now all the fans want someone to shut Punk's mouth.

Vince says Punk isn't one of the all time greats like Andre or Bret or Shawn or Steve Austin. The Austin mention makes Punk go into a rant about Austin running away and being scared of people. Austin's greatest accomplishment was beating up a clueless millionaire. Punk goes on ANOTHER rant about how the company and Vince have slapped him in the face for years, so Punk slaps Vince across the face, causing Vince to fall down faster than he does from a Stunner. Vince wants to fire him but that's too good for him. Tonight it's Vince vs. Punk or Punk is fired. Heyman really doesn't like this idea but Punk loves it.

Tag Team Tournament Semi-Finals: Prime Time Players vs. Sin Cara/Rey Mysterio

Cara and Young start things off with Cara starting to speed things up very quickly. The twisting armdrag out of the corner puts Young down as does a rana. Off to Rey who low bridges Young and hits a seated senton off the apron. Titus misses a charge and Cara takes him out as we head to a break. Back with Titus hitting a backbreaker on Cara before bringing in Young for a bearhug.

Cara slams Young down as the camera freaks out. It looks like it's shaking or something. Anyway it's off to Rey who speeds things up and gets two on Young. Cara kicks O'Neal in the head and hits a springboard missile dropkick to take him down. Young hits the release gutbuster on Cara but Cara isn't legal. The gutbuster doesn't work on Rey and it's a 619 and top rope splash for the pin on Young at 7:25.

Heyman still isn't sure on this and wants Punk to lose so that Vince doesn't go insane on them. Punk laughs it off.

Wade Barrett vs. Sheamus

My mind will be boggled if there's a conclusive ending. They fight over a headlock and here's Big Show 15 seconds in. He doesn't do anything but walk around ringside and Barrett gets jumped. Sheamus takes over with a headlock and hits a slingshot shoulder before hooking another headlock. Wade fires off some elbows in the corner but Sheamus fires off one of his own. A suplex gets two for the champ but he can't hit a Regal Roll. Instead it's a knee lift to send Barrett to the floor but Barrett trips him on the apron and pulls Sheamus to the floor.

We take a break and come back with Sheamus breaking a hold and sending Barrett out to the floor. An uppercut sends Barrett up the stage a bit but Wade comes back and kicks the steps into Sheamus' knees. Back in and it's another chinlock which doesn't last long. Barrett sits him in the ropes (not on them) and kicks Sheamus' head off for a delayed two. A top rope elbow misses for Barrett and Sheamus comes back with a clothesline. Barrett tries the elbow but Sheamus steps to the side and gets the ten forearms in the ropes. We get a Dusty Rhodes reference and freaking Tensai comes in for the DQ at 12:34.

Tensai and Barrett beat Sheamus down but Tensai gets kicked in the face and Barrett is sent to the floor. Show gets in and blocks the Brogue Kick before shoving Sheamus to the floor with a SICK thud.

JR goes to talk some sense into McMahon.

Punk comes in to see AJ and she accuses him of being afraid of fighting both Cena and Vince. Punk says whatever happens is on her head. This seemed pointless.

Antonio Cesaro vs. Tyson Kidd

Before the match we see Cesaro at an American restaurant complaining about how fattening American food is. Non-title here and man alive Cena was right about Cesaro's nipples. I think I left that out earlier but there were comments about said nipples. They fight over arm control with some nifty moves before Kidd gets a victory roll for two. That gets him nowhere though as Cesaro kicks his head off to take over.

Cesaro puts on the cravate and guillotines Kidd on the top rope to send him to the floor. Kidd speeds things up and hits a hard kick to the chest followed by another one through the ropes. A slingshot cradle gets two as does a slingshot legdrop to the back of the head. Kidd misses a springboard elbow though and the big uppercut takes Kidd's head off. Neutralizer ends this at 4:25.

HELL NO vs. Dolph Ziggler/Alberto Del Rio

Non-title again here. The champs argue over who starts and the crowd explodes. It's Bryan vs. Ziggy with Bryan taking over on the arm. Off to Kane and Del Rio with Kane intentionally short arming a tag attempt. Ziggler charges in and gets an uppercut to the face. Cole and JBL get in an argument over Mil Mascaras as Ziggler is thrown to the floor. Bryan tags himself in and hits a big running knee off the apron to take over.

We take a break and come back with Bryan kicking Dolph's head off and getting into another argument with the crowd. Del Rio comes back in and puts on a chinlock, followed by a hip swiveling neckbreaker from Dolph for two. Alberto and Bryan trade rapid fire kicks in the corner but Bryan misses a running kick in the corner. We get into some standard tag stuff with Bryan being cut off from Kane by both bad guys. Well, both bad guys not named Bryan as he's still a heel. Alberto hooks a chinlock followed by a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker for two.

Back to Ziggler who prevents another tag despite taking a shot to the face. Del Rio comes back in with a kick to the face for another two. Another chinlock goes on as this match is DRAGGING. Bryan avoids a charging Del Rio, sending the shoulder into the post. There's the tag to Kane and the big fried freak takes over with some clotheslines.

A double chokeslam is broken up and a Fameasser gets a VERY close two on Kane. Kane hits a sidewalk slam on Dolph and goes up, but Bryan tags himself in and hits a top rope dropkick for two on Dolph. Del Rio misses a charge and hits the floor. Vickie is up on the apron, giving Dolph a rollup for two. A Buzzsaw kick to Ziggler sets up a chokeslam from Kane for the pin at 16:00.

JR finds Vince in the back and talks about the JR Appreciation segment from after Raw went off the air last week. Vince called JR a friend and as a friend, JR says don't do this, because “remember what happened to the King after he fought CM Punk.” JR goes into JR mode and says what he'll say if Vince wins.

Now, I kid you not, here's LARRY KING in the arena for a sitdown interview with The Miz. Apparently it's Miz's birthday and he wants King and King's wife to sing Happy Birthday. King has another guest: Kofi Kingston. Kofi plays to the crowd and Miz freaks out. Miz goes off on King's history of divorces and calls Kofi and Larry amateurs. Larry's wife throws water on Miz. Miz starts taking his jacket off but Kofi jumps him and throws Miz off the stage.

We look at Austin vs. McMahon in WWE 13. Next.

Tag Team Tournament Semi-Finals: Rhodes Scholars vs. Santino Marella/Zack Ryder

The Scholars think this is a mismatch. The winners of this get Rey and Cara. Gee I wonder who is going to win here. Cody and Ryder start things off with the heel in control. Off to Sandow who misses his wind-up elbow, allowing for the tag to Santino. The Cobra is loaded up but the Disaster Kick ends Santino at 3:07.

As the Scholars leave, Encore comes down and beats up Santino and Ryder.

Heyman comes to see Vince in the back and begs for McMahon's mercy on Punk tonight. Vince goes off on Heyman for poisoning Punk's mind but Heyman says he's here for Vince's sake. Heyman invokes HHH's name to shake Vince up a bit.

Divas Title: Eve Torres vs. Kaitlyn

Layla is on commentary as she always is anymore. Apparently she gets the winner of this. Eve is champion coming in just in case it's like 2031 or something. Kaitlyn takes over to start and suplexes Eve down a few times followed by a fireman's carry into a kind of Torture Rack. Eve rakes the eyes and kicks out the bad ankle to take over. Kaitlyn hits a backbreaker but it hurts her ankle again. Eve goes after the ankle by standing on it before putting on a heel hook for the tap at 2:54. This wasn't terrible at all.

Layla makes the save and Eve becomes all nice and sweet again.

Alberto is in the back with Ricardo when Josh comes in with a Tweet for him to read. Del Rio isn't interested but it's from Randy Orton. Orton says he'll be at Smackdown on Friday. Del Rio isn't happy.

Larry King and his wife are leaving when Bryan comes up to him. Bryan wants advice on being called a goatface and hits on King's wife. She says no and Kane comes up to say he carries the team. The usual argument ensues. When I said more segments, I didn't mean with Larry King. Larry and his wife leave. Kane: “That was Larry King? I thought it was Skellator.” Eh not bad but it's no “my name is Gerald.”

Heyman thinks the way out of this is for Punk to beat Vince so badly that Vince can't make another decision ever again.

Vince comes out for the match but Punk jumps him on the way to the ring and beats the tar out of him before the bell. Vince spears him down but Punk beats him in the head. The high kick puts Vince down and I don't think the bell every rang. They head to the floor and Punk puts on a headset. “WHAT A MANUEVER!!!” I laughed out loud.

Vince sends Punk into the post after escaping the GTS. He sends Punk FLYING over the announce table and grabs a mic. Vince DIVES OVER THE TABLE and beats up Punk! He rams a chair into Punk's crotch and we head back inside. Vince is bleeding from the eye but he grabs a kendo stick. I think Vince's ear is bleeding also. Punk bails and tells Heyman to bring the

title, but Vince stops him and lays out Heyman with a shot to the head. Vince gets the title and stands in the ring with it and the kendo stick, challenging Punk to come fight him.

Punk finds a kendo stick and gets in. They BEAT THE TAR OUT OF EACH OTHER with the sticks and Vince knocks the stick out of Punk's hands, sending Punk to his knees to beg. Punk hits Vince low and beats on him with the sticks. He loads up the GTS but FEED ME MORE hits and the fans LOSE IT. Punk runs but Cena comes out and sends Punk back in. Ryback kills Punk with the clothesline but Punk escapes Shell Shock.

Punk bails and Vince gets the mic. He says it's either Punk vs. Ryback or Punk vs. Cena in the Cell. If Punk doesn't decide, Vince makes up his mind for him. Punk is TERRIFIED to end the show. This wasn't a match but man it ROCKED.

Ryback b. Epico/Primo – Shell Shock
Sin Cara/Rey Mysterio b. Prime Time Players – Top rope splash to Young
Sheamus b. Wade Barrett via DQ when Tensai interfered
Antonio Cesaro b. Tyson Kidd – Neutralizer
HELL NO b. Alberto Del Rio/Dolph Ziggler – Chokeslam to Ziggler
Rhodes Scholars b. Santino Marella/Zack Ryder – Disaster Kick to Marella
Eve Torres b. Kaitlyn – Heel Hook


Raw got a 2.8, up from last week but still a bit low.


Date: October 10, 2012
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Byron Saxton, William Regal

After last week there isn't much to go on for this show. The main feud continues to be Ohno vs. Steamboat which can only go on so much longer before it starts getting dull. Far more importantly than that though, the WWE Champion CM Punk is here tonight to do whatever he wants. That's a cool bonus for the fans. Let's get to it.

Punk talks about how he's here to see Rollins get respect. He says it's Rollins' first main event title defense. Didn't he have that against Rick Victor already or was that non-title?

Johnny Curtis vs. Bo Dallas

Dallas takes him into the corner to start and hits some standing clotheslines for two. Curtis elbows him down a few times for two and hits a suplex for the same. We hit the chinlock which doesn't last long so Curtis goes up. A top rope knee drop misses and Dallas starts his comeback. Some forearms set up a belly to belly suplex for no cover but a spear gets the pin on Curtis at 4:05.

Paige/Audrey Marie vs. Alicia Fox/Kaitlyn

No entrances for anyone. Paige and Kaitlyn start things off Feeling out process to start with Paige taking over on the arm. Off to the rather good looking Marie who keeps up the work on the arm. Kaitlyn works on the arm as well but Alicia makes a blind tag to surprise Marie. The fans want Paige but have to stick with Audrey for a bit longer.

The girls do some very nice looking gymnastics before Audrey pulls off what can best be described as an armdrag while Alicia was laying on the mat. Regal says it's called a Winnick (not sure if that's spelled right) Throw and freaks out because he hasn't seen it in years. I've never seen it either but it was cool looking. Off to Kaitlyn who picks up Audrey and drops her on her face for two.

Back to Alicia who pounds away on Marie and hooks a chinlock. Back to Kaitlyn for a body scissors as Regal talks about how good the girls look. Kaitlyn shifts over to a full nelson with her legs but has to break it when Marie turns it into a cover. There's the hot tag to Paige who goes nuts and cleans house but her cradle DDT is broken up by Fox. A dropkick gets one on Alicia and everything breaks down. Paige hooks an O'Connor Roll on Alicia for the pin at 6:20.

Some guy I don't recognize hits on some chick. It doesn't go well for him and Trent Barretta comes up to laugh at him. This sets up a match next week. Apparently that's Jake Carter.

Rollins talks about being champion when Punk pops up. He says just holding the title won't get Rollins respect and tonight, Seth needs to beat the respect out of McGillicutty.

Leo Kruger vs. Dante Dash

Kruger is still insane. He's growing on me every time I see him. After crouching in the corner to start, Leo charges out of the corner to forearm Dash in the head. Off to a chinlock which turns into a beard pull. Leo suplexes him down and keeps pulling on his own hair. That falling neckbreaker/cutter thing from Kruger gets the pin at 2:23.

Post match Kruger gets a blue spotlight and says something in a different language before saying he'll finish his prey quickly. His voice is awesome.

McGillicutty doesn't get the obsession with respect. He's coming after Punk for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship (that'll likely be a fine) after he beats Rollins.

NXT Title: Seth Rollins vs. Michael McGillicutty

Rollins is defending and they have a ton of time to work with here. Punk comes out to do commentary and gets a big reaction. Before the match starts though, Punk has something to say. He's here to take a closer look and he says good luck. That's all he has to say which is a surprise. After big match intros we're ready to go.

Feeling out process to start as Punk asks the other announcers for their picks. Regal isn't a betting man (he called Gamblers Anonymous yesterday and they gave him 5-1 odds he wouldn't come to a meeting) and can't pick (Punk: “That's very Switzerland of you”) and Ross picks Rollins to keep the title until someone beats him for it. You can't buy this kind of expertise people.

McGillicutty avoids the Blackout and we take a break. Back with Michael stomping away in the corner but Rollins takes him down with a headlock takeover. Michael grabs one of his own but gets dropkicked down twice in a row. McGillicutty throws him over the top and to the floor as this is a very back and forth match. Back in and Seth tries to go up top, only to get crotched and put in the Tree of Woe.

A hard whip into the corner gets one for McGillicutty and we take another break. Back with Rollins jumping off the top and over McGillicutty before dropkicking Michael down. A clothesline puts McGillicutty on the floor and a suicide dive from Rollins takes him down. Back in and Rollins tries a springboard clothesline but Michael dropkicks him out of the air for two.

Rollins hits an enziguri but misses the Blackout and a high kick before McGillicutty hits a Saito Suplex for two. McGillicutty loads up a Perfectplex but gets small packaged for two. A clothesline takes Rollins down for another two and Michael is getting frustrated. Rollins gets back up and avoids the McGillicutter before hitting Sliced Bread #2 for the pin at 11:20 shown of 15:50.

Punk applauds Rollins to end the show. Punk was pretty much neutral tonight.

Bo Dallas b. Johnny Curtis – Spear
Audrey Marie/Paige b. Alicia Fox/Kaitlyn – O'Connor Roll to Fox
Leo Kruger b. Dante Dash – Face First Mat Slam
Seth Rollins b. Michael McGillicutty – Sliced Bread #2


Impact Wrestling
Date: October 11, 2012
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Taz

It's the final show before BFG and I can't say I'm chomping at the bit to see the show on Sunday. Bound For Glory is mainly focused on Sting/Ray vs. Aces and 8's, whoever they are. The world title match is mixed in there somewhere but it's way beneath the tag match as far as importance. As for tonight, I wouldn't expect a lot of matches as the focus will likely be on building up what's already there through a lot of promos. Hopefully there's less King Mo tonight too. Let's get to it.

After the recaps, we're told that it's Storm vs. Aries and Roode vs. Hardy. Those should be good.

James Storm vs. Austin Aries

We don't have to wait long to see if they're good I guess. Non-title here of course. Feeling out process to start and Storm armdrags Aries to the floor. Back in and Storm pounds away before he skins the cat. Aries tries to slide beneath the Cowboy as he pulls himself back in, but Storm dives at the champ. Aries slides back in and hits the suicide dive to take over in a sweet sequence.

After a quick chinlock from the champ, they chop it out in the corner. A dropkick from the middle rope to the back of a seated Storm gets two. James is all fired up now and he pounds away in the corner. Another ten punches hit Aries in the other corner but he comes back with five punches of his own. Storm shoves him off but the Eye of the Storm is escaped and Storm gets guillotined on the top rope.

The champ misses a missile dropkick but the Codebreaker is escaped. Brainbuster doesn't work for Aries and they roll through an O'Connor Roll. Aries flips him over and they hit head to head. Roode runs out and posts Storm which I'm not sure Aries saw. The brainbuster finishes Storm at 7:20.

Wes Brisco asks Angle if he can go to Phoenix. Angle says ok and that can't end well. AJ comes in and says Angle needs to get his head in the game and leaves.

Sting's 4th or so BFG Moment is the Hogan face turn from last year.

Here are Sting and Hogan to the arena. Hogan and Sting don't like having to play by Aces and 8's rules and Hulk says it feels like they made a deal with the devil. This brings out Daniels and Kaz, saying that they're the angels that can fix this problem. Hogan made the wrong move by picking Ray, because instead of Sting/Ray, it should be the two of them fighting Aces and 8's.

Kaz: “Listen Thunderlips...” Ok Kaz is awesome. Kaz tries to get out of the title match and suggests that Angle is put in Ray's place in the tag match. Here's Ray who says Angle is a great choice for a wrestling match, but this is going to be a fight. Ray says he doesn't have to be Sting's friend because he has a unified goal in getting rid of Aces and 8's. Hogan isn't convinced and makes the tag champs vs. Ray/Sting. The champs PANIC.

Hernandez vs. AJ Styles

AJ takes him down to start and escapes a choke hold with a Pele. Styles keeps yelling at Chavo instead of following it up, which allows SuperMex to avoid a charge in the corner. Off to a bearhug for a few moments before AJ escapes and speeds things up. The drop down/kick sets up another dropkick to send Hernandez to the floor. Styles yells at Chavo AGAIN and Hernandez gets up again. Back in and Hernandez hits something like a Monty Brown Pounce for the pin at 3:53.

Aces and 8's feed Joseph Park and imply that tonight they'll determine if they've been locked out or if everyone else is locked in.

Here's Zema Ion who complains about not having a title match on Sunday because he's injured everyone in the division. This brings out.....Rob Van Dam? He says Hogan has told him he can fight anybody he wants at BFG, and instead of picking Aries and Hardy in the world title match, he picks Ion. Rob kicks Zema to the floor and that's the match setup.

Ray comes in and asks Sting if he's ready but Hogan isn't pleased. Ray asks why Hogan doesn't trust him and they get in an argument. Sting snaps and says Ray can be trusted. If there is anyone you want to trust the instincts of, it's Sting.

Brooke and Teryn are talking when Tara comes up with a list of stuff she has to do once she's champion. Brooke rips it up and says no green room for the boyfriend on Sunday.

Christopher Daniels/Kazarian vs. Sting/Bully Ray

Ray and Daniels start with Ray hitting a BIG chop in the corner. Another one has Daniels screaming and Kaz gets scared off the apron. Sting takes over on both champions and it's off to Ray vs. Kaz. Ray gets two off a belly to back suplex and it's off to Sting. Off to Ray for another suplex as Sting and Ray are tagging very fast. Sting hits the first splash in the corner but Daniels pulls Kaz away from the second one.

Sting gets crotched on the post and sent into the barricade as the champions take over. Ray chases Daniels off with a chair and it's off to Kaz for a chinlock on Sting. Back to Daniels who pounds away some more but they clothesline each other, allowing for the double tag to bring in Ray and Kaz.

Bully cleans house and everything breaks down. Daniels tries to hit Sting with a belt but Ray kicks him down. Sting saves Ray from a top rope double ax from Kaz and the unlikely partners shake hands. Sting says Bully Get The Tables. Great way to stop the D-Von chants there guys. Ray powerbombs Daniels throug a table for the DQ at 10:09.

Video on Aries vs. Hardy with Aries still being jealous of Jeff.

We get a video recapping Aces and 8's.

Video recapping Snow vs. Ryan.

Joe and Magnus get in an argument in the back about the match on Sunday. Magnus says he's a businessman and Joe hides behind politics. As Magnus is leaving he says “Bound For Glory....or at least I am.” Good line.

Gail Kim vs. Miss Tessmacher

Non-title of course. Tessmacher takes over to start but Gail avoids the Stinkface. Gail takes over with a guillotine on the top rope and starts choking away before hitting a backbreaker for two. Tessmacher comes back with a slingshot and some shots in the corner followed by that sitout legsweep of hers. Tessmacher goes up and gets crotched before countering a fireman's carry into a sloppy rollup. Gail counters a rana into a powerbomb for two and Tessmacher hits a bad looking release mat slam which I can't remember the name of for the pin at 5:31.

Tara comes out for a beatdown but Tessmacher beats her down and hits the Tesshocker.

Roode is talking in the back when Storm comes in and says he knows it was Roode that attacked him earlier. Storm chokes Roode and a fight starts before King Mo, the real star of the match Sunday, breaks it up and says save it for Sunday.

Sting's Hall of Fame video.

We run down the BFG card.

Bobby Roode vs. Jeff Hardy

Roode jumps Hardy as Jeff is slapping hands at ringside. They head inside for the opening bell with Roode in full control. Hardy makes a brief comeback with his seated dropkick and they slug it out in the corner. A clothesline puts Roode on the floor and Hardy hits a big old plancha to take Roode out. Back in and Roode clotheslines him down and we head back to the floor. Hardy hits a suplex on the outside and we take a break.

Back with Roode holding Hardy in a front facelock and keeping control. Hardy fights up but gets put in a sleeper for his efforts. That gets two arm drops but Hardy finally breaks the hold. Hardy rams him into the buckle and hits Whisper in the Wind for no cover as he's too far down. Hardy fires off right hands and hits a middle rope splash for two.

Roode comes back with a spinebuster for a near fall of his own and Jeff goes up, only to get caught in a superplex attempt. Hardy knocks him off but misses the Swanton. A spear puts Jeff down for two and the fisherman's suplex is countered into a Twisting Stunner. Another Twist is loaded up but Roode this Hardy low for the DQ at 16:18.

Anyway post match Hardy runs Roode off and here's Aries. Aries is tired of being told to the fans and it's not true that he's jealous of Hardy. He's not jealous of the rap sheet Hardy has or of Hardy being so crippled he can barely play with his little girl. He's tired of Hardy getting special treatment while he can't even get the new music and the new entrance he wants. Aries says he does his best when it's him against the world.

The only failure at BFG is Hardy because until Hardy beats Aries, he's still a failure. Hardy is a lot taller than Aries. Jeff's response: “Austin, my nuts hurt.” He says he'll win on Sunday and Aries asks Jeff to leave so he can bask in the fans' glory. Hardy goes to leave but Aries kicks him low and loads up the brainbuster which lays Hardy out. No Aces and 8's tonight.

Austin Aries b. James Storm – Brainbuster
Hernandez b. AJ Styles – Running Body Attack
Christopher Daniels/Kazarian b. Sting/Bully Ray via DQ when Ray powerbombed Daniels through a table
Miss Tessmacher b. Gail Kim – Tesshocker
Jeff Hardy b. Bobby Roode via DQ when Roode hit Hardy low

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