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Week of 10/31/2011 - 11/6/2011


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House

Smackdown got a 1.9, which is down from last week and low given what they've been doing lately.

Monday Night Raw
Date: October 31, 2011
Location: Philips Arena, Atlanta, Georgia
Commentators: Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler
Guest Stars; The Muppets

I'm not going to lie: I'm a diehard Muppets fan. I'm going to absolutely lose it when they come out and I don't care who knows about it. As for the show, I really don't care as it's going to pale in comparison to all of the stuff with them. Henry vs. Punk is happening tonight and if Punk wins, he gets the shot at Del Rio in New York. Let's get to it.

We open with Rock on satellite from earlier today. This is his response to Cena's request for Rock to be his tag partner. Rock is pretty calm here. He says they both represent a generation and Rock (with some gray in his beard) says no. Why would he join up with the Fruit Loop Troop when Cena has been going after Rock for years?

However, the people started talking about how Rock had to do this. With that, he listened to the people and in that sense, Cena's wish is coming true and at Survivor Series they'll be a team for one night only. Also though, Rock is doing this so that Cena can witness what is waiting for him at Wrestlemania. The match is on.

Cena vs. Miz later.

CM Punk vs. Mark Henry

We get some exclusive footage from Vengeance, which is just the ring collapsing. They showed this on Smackdown ads last week but it's called “never before seen”. So they don't even watch Raw anymore? Before the match starts here's Johnny Ace who says that if Punk can beat Henry he gets the shot at Del Rio. They probably needed to tell the live crowd that.

Punk tries to fight down the monster but gets caught in a powerslam for two. Punk sends him into the corner and hits a slingshot clothesline and the Macho Elbow for two. Alberto and Ricardo come down with Alberto giving Ricardo some specific instructions. Ricardo comes in and attacks Henry who shoves him off. That isn't a DQ so Ricardo comes in with a shoe and that's enough for the DQ at 2:35. That fits in the story so I can't complain here.

Punk beats on Ricardo a bit and throws him in for the Slam.

THE MUPPETS ARE NEXT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In two weeks, it's the return of Rock to Raw. What is this, his third return special in 9 months?

HERE THEY ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's Kermit and Miss Piggy and I can't stop smiling. They come up from behind a stage and are kind of cheered. Piggy calls herself the original Diva and that brings out Vickie and Dolph. Swagger says it ain't easy being a plate of frog legs and a ham sandwich. Kermit tries to play peacemaker and says they don't want trouble from Swagger and his mother.

Piggy and Vickie get into a shoving match and here's Santino to a pop. He announces himself vs. Swagger later but Swagger closes Kermit's mouth for him. Kermit faints from a lack of air. Santino says there will be no Dolph in Jack's corner tonight because he has to face Ryder. Kermit and Piggy say WOO WOO WOO You Know It.

Here's Kelly for no apparent reason in....some kind of costume. She has a cowboy had and a sword. Kelly kisses Kermit and Piggy is MAD. There's a Divas costume battle royal next.

Battle Royal

They're all in costumes and I'm not going to list off what they're all in. Eve is Robin, the Bellas rule all as Mario and Luigi. AJ is a chick from Mortal Kombat. The match of course is junk as are most battle royals. Natalya is in there as....some kind of queen I guess. Kaitlyn is Dog the Bounty Hunter and is out.

We're down to Nattie, Kelly, the Bellas and Eve. Eve beats up both Bellas and Alicia is in this still too. There go the twins after a Stinkface from Kelly. Natalya tries a cover out of instinct which Beth got on Eve for earlier. There goes Alicia as well as Kelly, but Eve dumps Nattie for the win at 2:45. She's #1 contender now.

The good chicks stand down the evil ones and the bad ones leave.

OFF TO MUPPET LABS!!! Bunsen Honeydew has a potion for Santino and sends Beaker after him. Beaky runs into Christian instead and the Canadian steals the potion, pouring it out. Sheamus pops up behind Beaker who now has his head stuck inside his shirt. Christian leaves and Sheamus fixes Beaker. Beaker talks to Sheamus.....who says he can't make the family reunion, but tell Aunt Teresa he says high. Sheamus fixes Beaker's hair to look like his.

Air Boom vs. Cody Rhodes/Wade Barrett

The bell rings after a break. Bourne vs. Rhodes starts us off but it's off to Kofi about ten seconds in. Kofi hits kind of a spinning pendulum kick in the corner but gets taken down by Rhodes kicking the rope on a springboard. Off to Barrett (in dark gray instead of black) who hits a Bossman Slam and then a chinlock. Barrett actually throws some punches and it's back to Kofi. Kofi is beaten on for a bit until it's a hot tag to Bourne. He speeds things way up and counters Wasteland into a DDT for two. Everything breaks down and Kofi is sent to the floor. Bourne gets caught in Wasteland and we're done at 5:22.

Post match Christian comes out for some reason to help beat down Kofi but Sheamus makes the save and kicks Cody's head off.

STATLER AND WALDORF ARE IN THE BALCONY!!!! Statler does the WHAT chant to annoy Waldorf.

Punk comes in to see Ace, who he makes fun of. Ace says Punk can have the title match, if he can convince Alberto to give him one.

Brodus Clay is here next week.

Alberto Del Rio vs. Big Show

Show pounds away in the corner and Del Rio is in trouble early on. It's domination for the first few minutes with Del Rio only managing a few kicks to the legs. Show misses a charge but hits a clothesline to keep his momentum. Alberto grabs a sleeper which shifts into a chinlock. Show breaks it up and we head to the floor where Show pounds away on him. The bald one misses a charge into the barricade and Del Rio misses an enziguri which is sold anyway.

Alberto hooks a front facelock back in the ring but Show throws him off with relative ease. Both guys are down now. For some reason, Del Rio wants to slug it out with Show as they're on their knees. Somehow Show is knocked down for two but he easily shoves out of it. Shoe sends him to the floor again and we take a break. Back with Del Rio working on the leg as this is needing to end soon. Speaking of that, Del Rio is sent to the floor and when he comes back in, he walks into the punch for the pin clean at 14:00. Another champion loses.

Post match here's Punk while Del Rio is still out cold. He pours water on Del Rio to take him up. Punk wants a clean answer and says before he gets that answer, Punk is going to put on the Anaconda Vice. There's the hold and Del Rio agrees to the match. His mic goes out again but Punk shouts into the other one that HE SAID YES.

FOZZIE AND GONZO ARE IN THE BACK!!! They talk about how big the guys are and Gonzo says he could be a champion if he tried. Team Vickie comes up and pulls Gonzo's arms through his shirt to tie him up, saying stay out of Ziggler's match later. Gonzo is cool with it and Fozzie isn't sure what to say.

Muppet Movie promo. Oh yes.

Animal is the guest time keeper for the next match. He's as crazy looking as ever.

Jack Swagger vs. Santino Marella

Swagger beats him down quickly and does pushups on Santino's back. The fans want Ryder. Swagger grabs the ankle lock but Santino rolls through it. Here's Beaker with the energy drink to give to Santino. He winds up spitting it into Swagger's face for the rollup pin at 2:37. Harmless fun.

Zack Ryder vs. Dolph Ziggler

This is non-title. Basic start with a missile dropkick missing and we head to the floor. Dolph is put down and we take a break. Back with Ziggler in control, working on the neck. A neckbreaker puts Ryder down and Dolph nips up. Ryder catches him in a slingshot and they slug it out. A flapjack puts Ziggler down and here's the Broski Boot for two.

Ryder gets a double knee to Ziggler's chest in the corner for the pin but Ziggler's foot was on the rope. The bell rings but it gets waved off due to the feet. Zack chases him around the ring but Vickie interferes. A superkick puts Ryder down but he avoids the Zig Zag. The Rough Ryder pins Ziggler clean at 8:54.

We recap HHH/Nash from last week. It's 10:47 and we have Miz vs. Cena and Cole's Challenge to go. Doesn't Nash have a contract already? Why would he need another one? HHH will be out five weeks and Nash has been re-signed.

Cole gets on the announce table and says Ross isn't here tonight due to something regarding his bowels. Yeah yeah here we go again. Adult diaper jokes are made and the Challenge is moved to next week due to having too much on the show I guess.

Statler and Waldorf make fun of Cole but the laugh isn't quite right.

Miss Piggy is rubbing Morrison's abs and Morrison isn't sure what to make of this. She hits on him but Morrison says he has a friend for her. It's Horny, who now has a Piggy tattoo on his ankle. He kisses her but gets karate chopped for his efforts. Kermit comes up and Horny is in love. Cody comes in and bags Kermit. SOMEBODY SHOOT THAT MAN!!!

So yeah, no Cole vs. Ross tonight despite it being pushed harder than anything most of the week.

John Cena vs. The Miz

Statler and Waldorf make fun of Miz a bit. This has easily been the weakest part of the Muppet part of the show. We go to a break before the bell....at 10:55. The bell rings after 11pm so this is going to be short. Totally basic match so far and we're over five minutes into it. There's just nothing to say because they're flying through it for the sake of time. Miz hits some of his basic stuff until Cena fires back with a big running clothesline which gets two. Cena hits a superplex for two and we head to the floor. A guy in a Scream mask hits Cena and back in the ring....it means nothing as the STF ends this at 9:00.

Post match the Scream guy comes in again and takes an AA. It's Truth.

Mark Henry b. CM Punk via DQ when Ricardo Rodriguez interfered
Eve Torres won a battle royal last eliminating Natalya
Wade Barrett/Cody Rhodes b. Air Boom – Wasteland to Bourne
Big Show b. Alberto Del Rio – WMD
Santino Marella b. Jack Swagger – Rollup
Zack Ryder b. Dolph Ziggler – Rough Ryder
John Cena b. The Miz – STF


Evan Bourne has been Wellnessed. There go the belts.

Raw got a 3.1.


Date: November 2, 2011
Location: BI-LO Center, Greenville, South Carolina
Commentators: William Regal, Jack Korpela

We're approaching a full term pregnancy here as we're in I think week 35 or so. Darren Young can come back from suspension next week but I don't think he'll be returning. The show seems like it's trying to come back to the way things used to be but it's really not working. It was a lot better when there were random matches going on instead of ones like there used to be. Let's get to it.

The opening video is about the proposal and acceptance from last week with Bateman and Maxine. It's as stupid as it sounds, complete with a bad love song playing in the background.

Here's JTG to open the show. He brings out Bateman and Maxine, who wears a lot of REALLY not-PG outfits. Maxine insists the name is BetaMax. I give up. Bateman says he wants to do this right, so he drops to his knee and gives her a ring which is “what 38 weeks of being an NXT Rookie can buy.” He hasn't been here 38 weeks but whatever.

This brings out Watson, O'Neil and AJ. They really do look good in the suits. Maxine is fishless, whatever that means. Now we're talking about Fraggle Rock. No one gets the joke, myself included. Bateman sends them away because this is an engagement party and they're not invited. The girls get into a “you're uglier than me” contest so O'Neil implies that Maxine's father is here to make this formal. Titus pulls out a fish. Regal: “He's doing that just for the halibut.” There are a ton of fish jokes and that's the best of them all. Titus starts singing Under the Sea when Striker comes out and makes the six man tag main event.

Usos vs. Tyson Kidd/Johnny Curtis

Hawkins is suspended so Curtis is back on NXT as the sub. The winners of those shows can't catch a break. Kidd vs. let's say Jey starts us off. The twins take over on Kidd and Jimmy gets two off an elbow. Jey gets the same off a chop. No Curtis in yet, meaning the collective snoring hasn't started. Oh there he is. For the life of me I don't get what they saw in him. He's so bland and cookie-cutter looking I don't know how he could get more uninteresting.

Back to Kidd as apparently Curtis isn't even going to grace us with his presence. Thank goodness for that. If I sound a bit incoherent here, you can blame the slight cold I have or Curtis' ability to suck all the charisma out of a match. The Usos go up but heel double teaming takes them right back down. We take a break and come back with Curtis working on Jey's knee which may have been hurt coming off the top.

Kidd comes in again as I guess even Curtis is bored by his own work. Back to Boring Man who hits a slingshot legdrop to Jey's knee. Here's a leg lock as this match has somehow only been going about 7 minutes including the break. Jey finally sends Kidd to the floor as as we talk about Killer Kowalski. There's the tag and everything breaks down. The Usos head to the floor where they launch Kidd into the barricade in a cool looking move. Back inside a Samoan Drop followed by a Superfly Splash ends Curtis at 8:47.

Raw ReBound. The Sheamus/Beaker thing still makes me smile. There are some deleted scenes in this.

Kaitlyn and AJ chat about the wedding. Can we just look at Kaitlyn for 50 minutes instead?

Kaitlyn vs. Tamina

Rematch from last week, which isn't nearly as competitive was Korpela wants you to think it was. Regal makes jokes about having an affair with a dwarf. I don't have any idea what it has to do with this match but it's funny. Kaitlyn gets more offense in the first 30 seconds than she had all last week. Korpela calls Tamina's dad (Jimmy Snuka) a Hall of Flamer. The crowd is dead for this. Tamina hammers away and it's off to a chinlock.

At least we can look at Kaitlyn in those shorts of hers. Jack tries to say that the Divas Division is awesome right now and I begin to chuckle at him. Kaitlyn hits that old classic attack known as WHAT A MANEUVER (modified Side Effect) for the pin at 5:10. Again, can we just look at her for the rest of the show?

AJ/Percy Watson/Titus O'Neil vs. Derrick Bateman/JTG/Maxine

The Fascinating Fact this week: the black sheep of Maxine's family is an unsavory bishop from the island of Butte, who owns a combined toilet factory who in his spare time sends full tapes of Shetland ponies to people. I think that was a play on words joke but I'm not sure. The girls start us off and Maxine is ticked off. AJ hits a jumping armdrag and things speed up. Maxine rolls to the floor after a spinwheel kick.

Off to JTG vs. Watson now and the good guys take over. Titus gets two off a clothesline and it's back to Watson. Regal asks a good question: why do you need to dance about when you can hit someone in the mouth? Bateman hits a dropkick thanks to a Maxine distraction as we're running out of time in a hurry. Jimmy the Gimmick hooks on a chinlock and then hooks a Regal Cutter of all things. Even Regal points that one out.

The announcers talk about how long this season has been. Even they don't know when it's ending. Somehow Regal turns this into a metaphor involving a hamster on a skateboard. You can't say he's typical. Off to O'Neil and everything breaks down. Clash of the Titus ends Bateman at 6:35.

Usos b. Curt Hawkins/Johnny Curtis – Superfly Splash to Curtis
Kaitlyn b. Tamina – Side Effect
Titus O'Neil/AJ/Percy Watson b. Maxine/Derrick Bateman/JTG – Clash of the Titus to Bateman


Impact Wrestling
Date: November 3, 2011
Location: Macon Coliseum, Macon, Georgia
Commentators: Taz, Mike Tenay

We're on the road again in Georgia because we're not allowed to go outside the SEC for some reason. Tonight's main event is the Beer Money explosion because who needs months of build for a team that people have wanted to see feud for a very long time? I mean, they've had a week to build things up so that's more than enough time I suppose. Anyway let's get to it.

The opening video is about Storm vs. Roode which is still thrown together way faster than it should be.

Here's the champ to open the show. He talks about respect because this is TNA. You say yes ma'am and no sir and you hold the door open for a lady. He talks about how he's not going to be a champion that fights seven days a week because he watches football on Saturdays and Sunday is for church. Storm says he's been around the world six times and there's been one man at his side every time.

Cue Roode to a nice pop. Storm says they're fighting tonight and his daughter wants to hold the belt after they go to Chuck E. Cheese. Roode says exactly what you would expect him to say. It's the we've been friends forever and we'll steal the show tonight jazz.

Ronnie from the Jersey Shore is here with Eric Young because TNA thinks we care.

Knockout Tag Titles: Tara/Brooke Tessmacher vs. Gail Kim/Madison Rayne

Time for the monthly defense of the titles. Brooke's outfit is designed like a Texas flag for some reason. She and Madison start us off but it's off to Tara quickly. The arm work begins as the champions are tagging fast. Gail comes in and is all dominant and evil for a bit. Tessmacher's corner hijinks don't really work this time. Gail beats on Brooke a bit more until it's a hot tag to Tara. Everything breaks down and there's the Widow's Peak. Karen Jarrett has the referee though and Eat Defeat gives us new champions at 5:05.

Garrett Bischoff won't apologize to his father tonight.

Garrett is in the ring after a break and calls his dad down to the ring. Garrett apologizes for not being the man his father wanted to be but he's most sorry he didn't do this years ago. With that he blasts his dad and beats him down until Flair and Gunner make the save.

Joe comes up to Sting and offers help with whatever Sting might need. Sting says it's cool as there's no Bischoff to mess with anything right now. Joe says he's not going to be shut up even with a new sheriff in town. If Sting doesn't respect Joe, there might be some mysterious injuries. Sting says cool. Joe leaves and here are Bischoff and Flair. Bischoff says Sting can't fire him so Eric wants a match: his son against someone to be named later. If Sting grants it, Sting can rewrite Eric's contract.

Daniels says that he's awesome and beat AJ and never said he quit. He wants title shots because he's earned them. Daniels says he beat RVD last week. As he's talking, RVD pops up behind him but Daniels doesn't see him. He goes on a rant about the screwdriver last week (Daniels that is) and the cameraman asks Rob if he has any thoughts. The thought is a right hand and a brawl breaks out. RVD beats him up and Daniels runs. RVD implies there's a match at Turning Point.

Jesse Sorensen vs. Austin Aries

Non-title here. Kid Kash sits down on commentary to rant about old vs. new as usual. They speed things up a lot and Kash is already on my nerves. Sorensen misses a dive to the floor and Aries hits a GREAT suicide dive as Sorensen was flattened against the barricade. Kash spends the whole match ranting about how great he is and how he'll be respected and all that jazz. Sorensen starts his comeback which doesn't last long. Aries takes over again and hits a running dropkick in the corner to put Sorensen down. He loads up the brainbuster but Sorensen grabs a small package for the pin at 4:45.

Post match Kash threatens to cut Sorensen with a knife.

Storm says the title is his and he's keeping it.

Roode says this is the match they've talked about for years.

Here are the Robs for the Jersey Shore segment. Robbie E runs down Ronnie and Young (who are in the ring now) and I guess this is going to be a tag match. Oh joy. Robbie keeps calling people hamsters. A brawl breaks out and it's Big Rob dominating. Ronnie gets whipped by a belt and the heels leave. Eric gets up and suggests a tag match.

Bully Ray/Jeff Jarrett vs. Mr. Anderson/Jeff Hardy

Anderson looks like he has darker hair now. No complains about the double feuds in one match. Ray vs. Hardy starts us off and they trade some shots. Off to Jarrett but that goes nowhere either. Ray comes in and hammers away as Hardy does what he does best: sell things like death. Jeff finally gets the tag off to Anderson as Ray comes in as well. Everything breaks down and here's Scott Steiner to break things up and crotch Anderson for the DQ at 5:38.

Sting comes up to Garrett in the back and says he's known him since he was 6 years old. That might raise a few questions but I'm not sure if it does or not. Garrett says he'll take the match with whoever his dad picks.

Here's Morgan who calls out Crimson. Morgan talks about how he's always hearing about how he's always being asked if he can beat Crimson. He talks about how he's the real giant in pro wrestling and says let's give the fans what they want. Crimson says he's been thinking about it too, but let's raise the stakes. That means...let's just have a match. Ok then.

Hype video for the title match.

TNA World Title: James Storm vs. Bobby Roode

Feeling out process to start as they're playing up the idea that they know each other very well. Off to a test of strength which doesn't last long. Neither guy has an advantage as we go to a break. Back with Storm ramming shoulders into Roode in the corner. They keep countering each other and Roode can't get much of an advantage. Storm stays ahead with a superplex but both guys are down.

They slug it out and Storm takes over with some running shots. Blockbuster gets two for Roode. Backstabber gets two for the champ. Eye of the Storm is countered into a spinebuster for two. They head to the floor and both guys barely get back inside in time. Storm tries an Orton DDT but gets countered into a Crossface. Storm makes a rope and Roode is frustrated. Roode tries a superplex but Storm counters into a top rope elbow for two.

This is getting good. Last Call misses as Roode grabs the fisherman's suplex. Storm counters that and is almost sent into the referee. The referee avoids the contact but twists his knee in the process as Roode is sent to the floor. Roode succumbs to the demons inside and grabs the beer bottle which he breaks over Storm's head to BIG heat. It gives him the world title at 17:40.

Gail Kim/Madison Rayne b. Brooke Tessmacher/Tara – Eat Defeat to Tara
Jesse Sorensen b. Austin Aries – Small Package
Mr. Anderson/Jeff Hardy b. Bully Ray/Jeff Jarrett via DQ when Scott Steiner interfered
Bobby Roode b. James Storm – Pin after a beer bottle to the head


Impact got a 1.3, up from last week.

Date: November 4, 2011
Location: BI-LO Center, Greenville, South Carolina
Commentators: Michael Cole, Booker T, Josh Matthews

I'm not sure what we're going to have tonight as we're on the road to MSG and Survivor Series but nothing has really been announced. I'm pretty sure you can pencil in Show vs. Henry II so maybe that gets announced tonight. Other than that though the card is pretty blank on the Blue show so maybe we get a little something tonight. Let's get to it.

Do you know your enemy? Mine is a short little woman that can't stay out of people's business and happens to be my boss.

Cody Rhodes vs. Randy Orton

This is a street fight. Cole talks about how this is going to put the rivalry to an end so I guess this is the official blowoff. The crowd sounds very hot tonight. I guess they got a better audio inputer. The white belt on the crazy man champion is a nice touch. Cody is looking extra jacked tonight. Feeling out process to start until Orton takes over with a headlock. A dropkick sends Cody to the floor.

The brawl heads outside and Cody is getting intense. There's a knee drop to the Viper and it gets two back inside. Orton is getting all fired up and slams Cody into the steps twice. A clothesline takes us into the crowd as this is looking to be a pretty good fight. Orton hammers away and sends Rhodes into a wall of some kind. One of the baggers gets backdropped and the other takes an RKO. Rhodes cowers on the floor as we take a break.

Back with Randy hammering on Cody on the ramp. Rhodes starts firing back and sets to suplex Randy off the stage. Wouldn't that pull Cody with him? Randy counters with one of his own onto the steel and pounds down on Cody in the aisle. Back to the ring and Orton brings him in with a superplex. A delayed cover gets two. Both guys get up slowly and Rhodes gets a dropkick for two.

They hit the floor again and Rhodes is all ticked off. Cody charges at Orton but gets backdropped onto the timekeeper. Randy walks into a mask shot to put him down and we take another break. Back with Randy being thrown over the announce table as Cody is all fired up. Good heat for Rhodes as he goes to an armbar. Well it works the shoulder so it makes sense on Orton.

Orton keeps trying to fight back but Cody keeps pouring it on. Rhodes works on the knee and hooks of a Figure Four which is pretty smart. He takes the mask off and drills Orton in the head with it. Counting commercials this match has been going over 20 minutes now so this is one of the longer TV matches in awhile. Orton grabs the mask and drills Cody with it before loading up the RKO.

Cody shoves him off and drills the Beautiful Disaster. This has been an awesome match so far. Cross Rhodes is countered into a backdrop but the elevated DDT is countered as well. They head over the to barricade and Cody gets draped over them. The elevated DDT hits, but this time it's outside on the floor. Rhodes is DONE. The bonus RKO ends this at 15:56 shown of 22:56.

In a nice cap to the feud, Randy bags Cody. Orton takes the mask with him.

Too long recap of HHH vs. Nash, who is now re-signed. Wasn't he signed already?

Ted DiBiase vs. Tyson Kidd

Dibiase takes over to start but that doesn't last long at all. Cole managed to go almost 40 minutes without making fun of Booker and he falls just short of it. The match is completely ignored as we argue over who has the most Twitter followers. Dream Street is countered once but the second attempt ends this at 2:06. Pretty much just a step above a squash.

Mark Henry says he's tired of answering questions about Vengeance. Henry walks away and finds Daniel Bryan. He accuses Bryan of thinking of cashing in tonight but Bryan insists he's waiting until Wrestlemania. Henry says it doesn't matter how long Bryan waits. He's going to go find Teddy Long and make a match between them tonight. That gets a pop from the crowd.

Alicia Fox vs. Natalya

this is supposed to be retribution for the Halloween battle royal or something like that. Alicia tries early on but Natalya is too much for her. Natalya: “You stuck your nose where it doesn't belong!” Alicia: “THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH MY NOSE!!!” Natalya was choking her at the time so Alicia's priorities are a bit out of whack. Speaking of out of, out of nowhere Alicia hits a scissors kick for the pin at 1:24. So she's the flavor of the month now.

Here's Big Show who says he'd rather fight than talk. He has unfinished business with Mark Henry and therefore, until he gets his rematch, he's going to knock Henry out on every Smackdown. Cue Christian who says Show wants one more match. Christian however deserves one more shot because he's gotten screwed over and over. Show has his hand by his head but says he's scratching his head. For some reason Christian goes at him and there's a chokeslam for you. He has a match with Sheamus next too.

After a break Sheamus is here but Christian is too hurt to go. Cue Barrett who says he'll be a replacement.

Wade Barrett vs. Sheamus

Works for me. This is going to be a power brawl which is almost always fun. They slug it out to start and both guys has a brief advantage through their power games in the opening minute and a half. Sheamus hits the forearms to the chest and the slingshot shoulder for two. Barrett takes over and hits a big boot to send Sheamus out to the floor. That's not something you see all that often but it happened here.

After a break Christian is still outside selling the chokeslam. Barrett has a bow and arrow hold on Sheamus but the very pale one is fighting out of it. A middle rope elbow gets two. Back to another chinlock as this has been mostly Barrett. Sheamus fires back but can't hook the High Cross. The fans are split as Sheamus fights up. This would have made better sense next week when the show was in England but Barrett will be a face then. Here's another High Cross attempt but Christian pops up as a distraction, letting Wade roll him up for the pin at 7:27 shown of 10:57.

Sheamus is MAD post match following a spear from Christian.

Post break Sheamus is destroying Christian in the back until Barrett comes up for the save. Sheamus beats him up as well. This is probably build for the Survivor Series match.

The Muppets were on Raw and it's still awesome.

Bryan is in the back (pop) when Show comes in (BIG pop) saying that he'll be in Bryan's corner tonight.

Sin Cara vs. Epico

Epico is a Mexican guy that I don't recognize but is probably out of FCW. Pretty speedy start as you would expect until the Mexican hits a German on the Mexican to take over. There's a Gory Special but Cara escapes and speeds things up. Cara goes up for the Swanton but here's Hunico for the DQ at 2:17.

The double beatdown continues post match and Cara is left laying.

Daniel Bryan vs. Mark Henry

Non-title here and Big Show is with Bryan. Bryan has a huge beard now. Henry throws Bryan into the air but gets caught in a guillotine choke. It lasts all of 5 seconds but still, it existed. Bryan gets sent to the floor again and Henry squashes his head against the post. He squashes Bryan's head, not his own. Bryan has had practically no offense so far.

Off to a chinlock but Bryan fires off kicks, including a series to the knee to take him down. In standard giant vs. small man formula though, the fans pop as Bryan knocks him down but after all that Bryan is launched off during the pin. Back to the guillotine but he doesn't have his hands locked. Henry casually throws Bryan off in a release northern lights suplex. There's a running splash in the corner. There's another splash and here's Show for the DQ with the big right hand at 6:24.

Post match Show pours water over Bryan and says cash it in now. Bryan is barely alive so after figuring out what planet he's on he tries to cash in, but Henry gets up and hits the Slam. The bell never rang so the case is safe. Henry knocks Show out with the case post match and hits the Slam on him as well. Teddy comes out and makes the match for Survivor Series to end the show.

Randy Orton b. Cody Rhodes – RKO
Ted DiBiase b. Tyson Kidd – Dream Street
Alicia Fox b. Natalya – Scissors Kick
Wade Barrett b. Sheamus – Rollup
Sin Cara b. Epico via DQ when Hunico interfered
Mark Henry b. Daniel Bryan via DQ when Big Show interfered


Ring of Honor
Date: November 5, 2011
Location: Davis Arena, Louisville, Kentucky
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Kevin Kelly

This is week what, 8? I'm not sure what to expect from this one but it's probably going to be more of the build to Final Battle. If nothing else that show is going to be very well established when we get there. Expect more of Richards vs. House of Truth which would be great to have in a Survivor Series/Team match. Anyway let's get to it.

We open with a recap of last week's main event where Strong beat O'Reilly.

The main event tonight Wrestling's Greatest Tag Team vs. a new team.

Here's Cornette to make an important announcement. Final Battle is the show of the year so the world title match is going to be Richards defending against...........Eddie Edwards. Yeah no one else is surprised about this as Edwards is Richards' partner and the guy he beat for the title in the first place. Edwards says it'll be Edwards vs. Richards III (Edwards beat Richards in the final of a tournament for the first ROH TV Title.

The camera shots are way too close here at times. Edwards talks about all the training that Richards does. Edwards says he has a new trainer but won't say who it is right now. Could this be a heel turn? Cue Richards who is really short. He says they're going to do this one more time for this belt right here which means something, unlike most others. It's wolf vs. wolf and it's on in New York.

One more thing before Richards leaves though. Regarding the House of Truth, next week how about we have the American Wolves vs. the House of Truth? Edwards says it's on, but remember that when the fans are chanting next world champ at them, they mean Edwards, because he's going to win at Final Battle.

Here's a video on Edwards and his road to Final Battle which included beating Michael Elgin a few weeks ago.

Truth Martini and Elgin say that only what Martini says matters. Elgin apparently caused his brother to be badly injured by not taking keys from him. And he hurt his father before he died. I guess this is more of Martini's brainwashing.

Elgin's dinner for tonight says nothing of note.

Shiloh Jonze vs. Michael Elgin

Jonze (yes that's how it's spelled) is an OVW guy. Elgin won't shake hands. He's a big power guy who hammers Jonze down in the corner with ease. Jonze gets a boot up in the corner but a tornado DDT is easily countered into a powerslam. Jonze tries some clotheslines and a sunset flip but the latter is countered. The counter however is avoided and Jonze goes up for a top rope punch, getting two. There's a buckle bomb and a helicopter bomb ends the torture at 3:45.

We talk about ROH banning Kevin Steen. There's a video from attorney Christopher Mascagni (midcard heel manager in OVW) who is representing Kevin Steen. There's a lawsuit against Steen which says Cornette cost him his career or something. Cornette has four weeks to fix this. Steen says that he should beat up Cornette and he won't go away. He has things to do when he comes back and will do whatever it takes, including beating Davey Richards if need be, which only he can do. Then Cornette will admit Steen belongs in ROH.

Mike Bennett says he won the TV Title match so he didn't bother going into overtime. The referee says he had no intention in ending the match. Lethal says he injured himself instead of Bennett doing the damage. I'd like to point out that we're almost 35 minutes into a 60 minute show and we've had less than four minutes of in ring time.

Video on the tag match last week where the Briscoes beat the All Night Express.

We discuss the Proving Ground. The idea is any credible opponent can apply for a match with a champion. Once approved, they get a match with a set time limit which is non-title. If they win or go to a time limit draw, they get a title shot in 60 days.

Caprice Coleman/Cedric Alexander vs. Wrestling's Greatest Tag Team

This is one of those Proving Ground matches. There's a 15 minute time limit here. Alexander has the blonde mowhawk. Got it. Coleman vs. Benjamin starts us off. Benjamin works on the arm to start and Coleman can't get anything going. He's trying though so give him some points for that. Coleman manages to send him to the corner and gets a surprised look from Shelton.

Off to Haas vs. Alexander who is a bit more physical than his partner. Benjamin gets a blind tag in and kicks Alexander down for two. The champs have never really been in trouble at all. Haas works over the knee as we take a break. Back with Alexander fighting out of something by Benjamin but Shelton kicks him down with ease. Haas works on a leg lock but eventually walks into a bad tornado DDT.

We're over ten minutes in now if this is in real time. Double tag brings in Coleman and Benjamin who is taken down by a leg lariat for two. We have less than four minutes according to Kelly. The non-champions speed things up and hit a double dropkick to send Haas into the barricade. Three minutes left. Their clock is about 10 seconds off but it's close enough. There's a double powerbomb to Coleman and we're done at 12:55.

Post match here are the Briscoes. They say they're awesome and will take the titles in New York.

Michael Elgin b. Shiloh Jonze – Helicopter Powerbomb
Wrestling's Greatest Tag Team b. Caprice Coleman/Cedric Alexander – Wrestling's Greatest Finisher to Coleman



Quick Results

Mark Henry b. CM Punk via DQ when Ricardo Rodriguez interfered
Eve Torres won a battle royal last eliminating Natalya
Wade Barrett/Cody Rhodes b. Air Boom – Wasteland to Bourne
Big Show b. Alberto Del Rio – WMD
Santino Marella b. Jack Swagger – Rollup
Zack Ryder b. Dolph Ziggler – Rough Ryder
John Cena b. The Miz – STF

Usos b. Curt Hawkins/Johnny Curtis – Superfly Splash to Curtis
Kaitlyn b. Tamina – Side Effect
Titus O'Neil/AJ/Percy Watson b. Maxine/Derrick Bateman/JTG – Clash of the Titus to Bateman

Impact Wrestling
Gail Kim/Madison Rayne b. Brooke Tessmacher/Tara – Eat Defeat to Tara
Jesse Sorensen b. Austin Aries – Small Package
Mr. Anderson/Jeff Hardy b. Bully Ray/Jeff Jarrett via DQ when Scott Steiner interfered
Bobby Roode b. James Storm – Pin after a beer bottle to the head

Randy Orton b. Cody Rhodes – RKO
Ted DiBiase b. Tyson Kidd – Dream Street
Alicia Fox b. Natalya – Scissors Kick
Wade Barrett b. Sheamus – Rollup
Sin Cara b. Epico via DQ when Hunico interfered
Mark Henry b. Daniel Bryan via DQ when Big Show interfered

Ring of Honor
Michael Elgin b. Shiloh Jonze – Helicopter Powerbomb
Wrestling's Greatest Tag Team b. Caprice Coleman/Cedric Alexander – Wrestling's Greatest Finisher to Coleman

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