Week of 10/28/2013 - 11/3/2013 (Monday - Thursday)


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House

Smackdown got a 1.94, up slightly from last week.

Monday Night Raw
Date: October 28, 2013
Location: Amway Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Jerry Lawler, John Bradshaw Layfield, Michael Cole

We're finally past the Cell, meaning we're coming up on Survivor Series. The problem coming out of last night is the last three PPVs have pretty much been made useless, as we're right back where we were after Summerslam ended: Bryan has been screwed out of the world title by a crooked referee but this time there are less ways for him to get back on top. Other than that, Cena is the new World Heavyweight Champion, giving it its first important reign in months if not years. Let's get to it.

We open with a recap of last night with highlights of the three major matches.

You can vote tonight on what kind of match you want to see for Punk vs. Ryback. It'll either be a street fight, falls count anywhere or a tables match.

Here's the new World Heavyweight Champion John Cena to open the show. He talks about how he's used to the sound of half the place booing and half the place cheering but he missed it. A lot of people said that Cena came back too early and there's one in particular that he wants to thank: John Bradshaw Layfield. Cena does a nice imitation of JBL, saying that he's not back for just one night or one match but for good. He's sounding a bit like he did in the rapper days here. Cena remembers what the World Heavyweight Championship means and knows Del Rio has a rematch. If he wants some come get some.

Cena goes to leave but here's Damien Sandow to what sounds like a lower key version of Hallelujah. Sandow says the uncrowned champion is here and he knows that Cena can't possibly be back at 100% so soon after the injury he had. Cena is just scared that Sandow will cash in on him and he could do that anytime.....like RIGHT NOW? Eh he's just kidding because he'll do it any night but tonight.

Sandow goes to leave and brushes up against Cena, who shoves him down. Damien goes OFF on Cena with the case, blasting him in the arm and head over and over. The bad arm is wrapped around the post and sent into the barricade and then the steps. Sandow puts the arm on the steps and crushes it with a chair, saying his time is now. He slides into the ring and grabs the briefcase. Here's a referee and the cashin is on! After a break!

World Heavyweight Title: John Cena vs. Damien Sandow

Back from a break and Cena is on his feet and we get an opening bell! Cena is fighting with one arm and does what he can but Sandow takes him down with a DDT to the arm for two. A whip into the post gets the same and Sandow drives knees into the arm. We hit the armbar but Cena fights up with a belly to belly suplex for two. Sandow goes back to the arm but Cena gets out and scores with a clothesline as we take another break less than three and a half minutes after we came back.

Back with Sandow winning a slugout but getting slammed down. Cena hits a big boot of all things before starting up his finishing sequence. The Shuffle is broken up by a shot to the arm and a flipping neckbreaker gets two for the challenger. The ringside doctor looks concerned for Cena's arm. Cena hits an AA out of NOWHERE but Damien rolls to the floor. Dr. Samson is checking on Cena but John goes to get Sandow.

He rolls Damien back in and tries a one arm STF but Sandow easily breaks free before it's on. The Terminus connects for two more and there's a full nelson. Cena counters into one of his own which he lifts up and lets go, pulling the falling Sandow into a neckbreaker (nice move!) for two. Sandow grabs a Crippler Crossface of all things and Cena is in trouble, but he powers out and tries the STF.

Sandow escapes again and hits You're Welcome but Cena is up again at two. So much for that finisher. The fans think this is awesome and they're absolutely right. Sandow loads up a superplex but Cena headbutts him down, only to miss the high cross body. Cena comes up holding his knee, so Damien tries a piledriver, only to be countered into a bad looking AA for the pin at 13:09.

Shield says tonight is a huge night because Ambrose has to defend against Langston again.

US Title: Big E. Langston vs. Dean Ambrose

Langston was cut open in the match last night so we might have more blood here. He runs into a shot in the corner and Dean goes after the eye, only to have Big E. come back with clotheslines and a belly to belly suplex. Langston loads up the Ultimate splash but Reigns low bridges him for the DQ at 1:20.

Post match Shield beats down Langston until the Usos come in. Teddy Maddox makes it a six man.

Shield vs. Big E. Langston/Usos

Joined in progress with Shield working over Jimmy Uso via a Seth kick to the head and a knee drop from Reigns. Off to the US Champion who pounds away on Jimmy, only to get caught by an enziguri to put him down. Reigns comes in to try the Superman clothesline but gets caught in a DDT to put him down.

There's the tag off to Jey who comes in off the top and avoids a diving Rollins. Seth takes him into the corner and loads up a superplex, only to be shoved down to the mat with ease as Ambrose and Langston fight on the floor. Jey's Superfly Splash hits knees but Jimmy saves his brother from a double suplex. A double superkick puts Seth on the floor but Reigns spears both Usos down and pins Jey at 5:00.

Here's Shawn for the big explanation. He owes everyone a reason for what he did and Daniel Bryan in particular, so Bryan needs to come out here. A very serious Bryan comes out and Shawn said he called the match right down the line and only took out Bryan because Daniel took out Shawn's best friend. Like it or not, HHH is Shawn's friend and that's never going to change. HHH was there for Shawn when no one else was, so last night Shawn was there for him.

Shawn doesn't care if Daniel agrees, but he just wants him to accept the apology. Daniel shakes his head so Shawn praises him for how great he is in the ring and how far Bryan has come since Shawn trained him. Last night was finishing school and Bryan had to learn it. In WWE you don't trust anyone, even your future wife. Shawn says he's humbling himself here (he sounds apologetic and not evil at all) by apologizing so the least Bryan can do is accept it.

Bryan shakes his head again and Shawn has had it. He's spent seven months hearing people call Bryan a B+ player but Shawn has stuck up for him. Now Shawn doesn't care because he's an A+ player and he always will be. He's giving Bryan the chance to shake his hand so do it already. Bryan shakes it so Daniel pulls him into the YES Lock! Shawn taps but Bryan keeps pulling until referees come out.

Post break Daniel Bryan is in the back when the Wyatts of all people lay him out. Bray hits Sister Abigail's Kiss into a wall, saying the devil made him do it. Wyatt rolls a case against Bryan's head to knock him out. This has potential.

Los Matadores vs. 3MB

Handicap match and the Band brings a met with them for Torito. Fernando gets beaten down to start until it's off to Diego to clean house. McIntyre hits a running boot to the chest to put him down as Slater goes bull hunting. Torito dives under the ring and sprays Slater with a fire extinguisher. Slater gets gored from the back and the double Angle Slam pins McIntyre at 3:40.

Post match Slater is put in the net and taken down by Torito.

Here's another video on how to download the WWE App because you're too stupid to press three buttons.

Bella Twins vs. AJ Lee/Tamina Snuka

Bryan has been taken to a hospital so Brie is upset. She's so upset in fact that Nikki makes her start against AJ. Off to Tamina for a hard chinlock to eat up some time. Nikki fights up and cleans part of the house, only to be caught in a Samoan drop from Tamina and the Black Widow for the submission at 3:30.

Kane vs. The Miz

This was set up when Kane saved Miz from the Wyatts but chokeslammed him down due to being Kane. A big boot gets an early two for Kane but Miz fights back with some left hands and a clothesline in the corner. He goes up for the ax handle and jumps into the chokeslam to give Kane the pin at 1:20.

Post match Kane grabs a mic and demands that Stephanie of all people get out here right now. She comes to the stage and says that's close enough. Kane says she's been on a power trip and manipulated and ruined lies. In this day and age though, it's what best for business, so the monster is hers to unleash. This would be the 1904th heel turn for Kane if you're keeping track. Kane walks to the stage, takes his mask off with his back to the camera, hands it to Stephanie, and walks off.

The Prime Time Players offer free shipping on WWE.com with the code PTP.

David Otunga says Big Show's lawsuit has merit and could cost the McMahons millions if not loss of the company.

Here's CM Punk, presumably to tell us what to vote for on the WWE App. He has big bags under his eyes but he says he slept better last night than he has in months because he finally got Paul Heyman. Paul Heyman is gone after last night so now Punk's attention will be on Ryback. Ryback is a tough guy but without Heyman he's just a knuckle dragging neanderthal. Punk promises to beat Ryback, just like he promised to get rid of Heyman.

CM Punk vs. Ryback

It's a street fight with 59% of the vote. Ryback drives Punk into the corner as the Goldberg chants are in full force. Punk gets an elbow up to stop a charging Ryback before hitting a high cross body for two. Ryback is knocked to the floor but catches a plancha in midair. Punk's back is rammed into the post as Ryback pulls out a table.

He's not fast enough though as Punk grabs a kendo stick to blast Ryback before we head back inside. A neckbreaker gets two for Punk and he sets up the table. The high kick is countered into a buckle bomb by Ryback though and he loads up a superplex. Punk knocks him away and puts Ryback on the table for the Macho Elbow. The Anaconda Vice gets the submission at 4:25.

Post match here are the Wyatts again to lay out Punk. He swings the kendo stick a few times but there are too many monsters. Bray says he's been waiting for this but Punk headbutts him, only to be taken down by the discus lariat from Bray. Sister Abigail's Kiss leaves Punk laying.

Goldust/Cody Rhodes vs. Real Americans

Non-title. The fans chant for Goldust as he starts with Cesaro by cranking on the arm. Swagger comes in and is quickly taken down, only to drag Goldust into the corner. Off to Cody vs. Cesaro with Rhodes hitting a running knee to the head for two. The release front suplex puts Antonio down and a bulldog gets two for Goldust. Swagger comes back in but walks into a springboard dropkick from Cody as we take a break.

Back with Cesaro hitting the gutwrench suplex on Cody for two. Off to Swagger for a front facelock and he drives Rhodes into the corner to keep him in trouble. A Vader Bomb to the back sets up the double stomp from Cesaro for two. Cody fights out of a chinlock and finally makes the tag off to Goldust to clean house. A Disaster Kick puts Cesaro on the floor and a top rope cross body from Goldust gets two but he gets countered into the Patriot Lock. The reversal sends Swagger into the corner but Cesaro makes the save at two. Cody is sent to the floor and another Patriot Lock gets the submission at 12:20.

Here's Del Rio with something to say. He stands a Mexican flag next to him and pulls a mic from his coat which I don't think I've ever seen before. Del Rio doesn't care what Sandow did because Cena is a thief. No matter what happened tonight, Del Rio is getting a rematch and he's going to hurt Cena. The arm is his target and he's going to break it to pieces. The title belongs to him but you already know that.

The fans picked to see Goldberg vs. Undertaker on WWE 14, beating out Hogan vs. Cena, Flair vs. Bryan and Michaels vs. Rock.

Summer Rae vs. Natalya

This is Summer's solo debut. Natalya is easily taken down but comes back with a backslide for two. Summer yells at her a lot and chokes Natalya in the corner with those long legs. Off to a stump puller of all things before Summer hooks something like an Indian Deathlock. This has been one sided so far. Off to a chinlock by Summer before a running knee to the face gets two. She stops to kiss Fandango on the cheek, starting a fight between Horny and Fandango. Khali chops the dancer down, allowing Natalya to hook a quick Sharpshooter for the win at 5:20.

The entire roster is on the stage for Orton's championship celebration. Shield is handling security and here are HHH and Stephanie for the introduction. HHH talks about picking Orton to be the future a decade ago and grooming him for this spot. Orton is finally introduced and Stephanie says he's champion for everyone. Everyone should respect him but he gets a NO chant instead.

Orton says you're either a success or you're not, and this title makes him a success. It also makes him their superior, if that's clear. Cue Big Show ubt he can't get past Shield. The Usos and Goldust/Cody come out to fight Shield, leaving Big Show a clear path. Orton, HHH and Stephanie bail, leaving Show alone in the ring. Big Show says he knows about the restraining order but he's not going to listen to all this. If he's arrested he'll just get out on bail so it's not even worth it.

His lawsuit is going to gain him millions of dollars and he has nothing to lose. He spends so much time yelling at HHH that Orton comes in with a belt shot to knock Big Show down. HHH says do it again but Big Show gets in a KO punch to knock Orton out cold. HHH stares Show down and takes off the jacket but bails to the floor. Show: “YOU USED TO BE THE GAME!” HHH doesn't do anything and the show is over.

John Cena b. Damien Sandow – Attitude Adjustment
Big E. Langston b. Dean Ambrose via DQ when Shield interfered
Shield b. Big E. Langston/Usos – Spear to Jey Uso
Los Matadores b. 3MB – Double Angle Slam to McIntyre
Tamina Snuka/AJ Lee b. Bella Twins – Black Widow to Nikki
Kane b. The Miz – Chokeslam
Real Americans b. Goldust/Cody Rhodes – Patriot Lock to Goldust
Natalya b. Summer Rae – Sharpshooter


Eric Bischoff will not be back with TNA. He has been sent home and will be paid until his contract expires.

Raw got a 2.98, up from last week.


Date: October 30, 2013
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: William Regal, Renee Young, Byron Saxton

We're still in the Abu Dhabi era, meaning it's still time for the lower level guys to shine on this show. That opens up a lot of doors as it's hard to tell what the show is going to focus on. The strength of NXT has always been its ability to put the focus on anything at any time though, so hopefully this show holds up well. Let's get to it.

Welcome Home.

Enzo Amore/Colin Cassady vs. Alexander Rusev/Sylvester LeFort

Enzo and Big Cass think LeFort and his Legionnaires are just like chicken tenders: SAWFT! I believe this is Sylvester's in ring debut and the guy is in great shape. Rusev plows through Cass to start and hits a standing splash (think Vader) before pulling Enzo in as well. Sylvester wants a tag but Rusev runs him over as well before beating Cassady with the Accolade at 1:33.

The mysterious blonde comes back to look at Rusev.

The Raw ReBound is the big ending segment where Big Show returned after that whole two weeks away to have his life ruined.

Aiden English vs. Jason Jordan

English does his song on the way in and Regal admits to having a mancrush on him. Jordan jumps him to start as Renee lists off his other athletic accomplishments. For some reason they're much easier to listen to coming from her than Cole or JR. Off to a sleeper with English singing a lullaby. Jordan fights up and gets two off a dropkick, only to get caught in the Director's Cut (sitout cobra clutch slam) for the pin at 1:44.

English gives us an encore and has roses thrown at him.

We look at Corey Graves beating Adrian Neville last week and attacking him post match.

Neville congratulates Corey for last week but it's just the beginning since Corey went after Adrian's livelihood.

Video on the Abu Dhabi tour.

Paige vs. Summer Rae

Non-title. Paige stars fast by throwing Summer around by the hair and out to the floor. Summer avoids a baseball slide but hides behind Sasha to stop Paige's momentum. Back in and Paige gets two off a sunset flip as Regal continues to awkwardly hit on Renee. Regal snaps back into reality as Paige uses a headbutt, thrilling the Brit. Sasha tries to interfere and gets thrown out as we take a break. Back with Summer sending Paige to the apron and having her legs swept out from underneath her to give Summer control.

They head back inside with Rae hooking a leg lock as Regal talks about some old girlfriend of his coming to Orlando next time. Renee goes into girly mode and Saxton reminds them that he's here. Paige fights up and hits a standing cradle DDT for two. Some clotheslines put Summer down and a running dropkick does the same. Summer comes back with a nice spin kick to the face for two of her own, only to get caught in a quick Paige Turner for the pin at 6:12 shown of 9:12.

Post match Banks comes back and beats down Paige until Emma makes the save. Emma stomps away on Sasha in the corner and accidentally blasts Paige as the champ goes after Banks as well.

Tyler Breeze says it's time to send CJ Parker back to the streets where he belongs.

Luke Harper vs. Kassius Ohno and Rusev vs. LeFort next week.

Tyler Breeze vs. CJ Parker

Parker chases Breeze around the ring before sending him face first into a buckle. A nice suplex gets two for CJ and a cross body out of the corner gets the same. Apparently there's a small community in southeast Asia that worships Breeze's hair. I'm not sure why but that cracked me up. Parker hooks an airplane spin of all things before headbutting Breeze down. He loads up a big palm strike but Breeze bails to the floor as we take a break.

Back with Parker suplexing Breeze down but getting caught in a quick powerbomb out of the corner. Breeze stomps away but stops for a picture. We hit the chinlock for a bit before Tyler goes up and gets slammed down. Parker hits some shots to the face and a side kick for two before the Third Eye (palm strike) gets the pin at 7:50 shown of 10:50.

Post match Parker goes for Breeze's hair but Tyler bails to end the show.

Alexander Rusev/Sylvester LeFort b. Colin Cassady/Enzo Amore – Accolade to Cassady
Aiden English b. Jason Jordan – Director's Cut
Paige b. Summer Rae – Paige Turner
CJ Parker b. Tyler Breeze – Third Eye


Impact Wrestling
Date: October 31, 2013
Location: Maverik Center, Salt Lake City, Utah
Commentators: Tazz, Mike Tenay

It's Halloween night and the main story is the TNA World Champion left in a nice car last week, apparently not wanting to sign a contract and taking the title with him. Since this is TNA, you can see the brackets for the tournament being filled out as we speak. I'd assume we're heading for a champion vs. champion match because that's what WWE did a few years ago and if WWE can do it, TNA can as well, albeit with more mistakes and stupidity. Let's get to it.

We open with a recap of AJ literally driving away from TNA and Dixie with the title in hand to end last week's show.

Here's Dixie to open the show, talking about how she served AJ the world up on a plate but he just walked away with his nose in the air. From here on out, AJ is no longer world champion and is just like everyone else that buys replica belts. The title is officially stripped and the car is a present to AJ for all his work.

Therefore, we need a new world champion so we'll be holding an eight man tournament over the next few weeks for the vacant title. Seven of the entrants are former world champions, so here are James Storm, Samoa Joe, Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy, Austin Aries, Bobby Roode and Chris Sabin. Everyone gets a video bio of their accomplishments. There's a spot left so here's Bully Ray to interrupt.

Before he can say anything though, Dixie announces a gauntlet match for the final tournament spot. Ray gets in the ring and says he's been forgotten but the fans tell him he tapped out. He blames Earl Hebner and Ken Anderson for the losses, but the lights go out and here comes Anderson. Ken slowly stomps on Ray in the corner as we take a break.

During the break Anderson was taken away by security where Brooke yelled at her. Bully jumps him from behind and whips Anderson with the chain. He yells that Anderson is nothing without the club so stay out of club business.

Garrett Bischoff is asked what he thinks of this and says it's club business. Knux comes up and says he needs Bischoff's help in his match tonight.

Tag Titles: Bro Mans vs. James Storm/Gunner

The challengers jump the Bro Mans in the aisle before Gunner sends Robbie into the corner to start the official beating. A splash crushes Robbie and a slingshot suplex gets two. Off to Storm for a double back elbow and a knee drop to give James a two count. Jesse comes in and takes a big chop in the corner to mess with his blood vessels.

Back to Storm who gets two off a back elbow to the jaw followed by Storm getting the same via the Eye of the Storm. Things break down a bit with Gunner being sent out to the floor and Storm backdropping Jesse onto the back of his head. Robbie pulls his partner to the floor to avoid the Last Call before tripping up Storm on a suplex attempt and holding the foot down to give Jesse the pin at 4:15.

Sting goes in to see Dixie who is willing to lift the ban on Sting getting a world title shot for tonight only. He can be in the gauntlet but has to start first. Sting leaves without saying yes or no.

We get a recap of Abyss returning last week, leading to Bad Influence dressed up as Sherlock Holmes and Watson. They promise to solve the Abyss mystery and unveil the monster tonight.

Norv Fernum vs. Ethan Carter III

Bernum is the guy Carter squashed at BFG and weighs about 104lbs. Carter tosses him around to start before putting on a standing chinlock. Fernum comes back with some flying shoulder blocks but can't knock Carter down. Norv scores with a missile dropkick but walks into the bulldog driver (which might be called the 1%) for the pin at 3:10.

Bobby Roode asks the doctor how Angle can be cleared in just a week. He wants Angle checked again.

Bad Influence run into ODB and Eric, with the latter promising a surprise for them later.

Gauntlet Battle Royal

Sting starts out with Kazarian as this is over the top only with two minute time intervals. They start with a WOO off until Sting rams him into some top turnbuckles. A backdrop puts Kaz down and a suplex does the same. Kaz comes back with some shots to the ribs but can't put him out in the corner. Knux is in at #3 and we take an early break. Back with Eric Young coming out and no eliminations so far. It's been way more than two minutes since the break so screw the clock I guess.

Eric cleans house on the heels and pounds away in the corner as Sting gets back up. Kaz pulls at the beard to slow Eric down as Taz rips into Utah and all the wives the people around here have (his words not mine). Knux tries to put Eric out but he “pulls some of the pubic hair out” (again Tazz's words) to escape. Christopher Daniels is #5 and saves Kaz before he even gets to the ring. Daniels comes in and pounds away on Eric as Bad Influence takes over. Sting suplexes both of them down and we take our second break in than eleven minutes since the opening bell.

Back with Manik in at #6. They're clearly not doing anything during the break as the guys are in virtually the same positions as when the cameras went off. Manik cleans house and saves himself by headscissoring Kaz down. No eliminations so far and the ring fills up even more with Magnus at #7, the last entrant. Magnus cleans house but gets taken down by a cross body from Knux of all people. Manik escapes a pumphandle slam and catches Knux in a hurricanrana for the elimination.

Kaz hits a springboard elbow to eliminate Manik a few seconds later. Tazz says Aces and 8's suck. Eric goes up but gets crotched down and kicked in the head by Kaz for an elimination. We're down to Mafia vs. Bad Influence with Sting clotheslining Kaz down before Magnus hits a Snow Plow on Daniels. Sting gets his eyes raked so the double teaming of Magnus can begin, only to have the Mafia come right back with a clothesline to eliminate Kaz. Magnus sneaks up on Kaz and Sting with a double elimination for the win at 19:40. I'm pretty sure there was no extra action during the commercial though.

Angle has been advised to take the night off but will wrestle anyway.

Dixie has a surprise for us later: the Wheel of Dixie.

Knockouts Title: ODB vs. Gail Kim

ODB spears her down to start and pounds away on the champion in the corner. A splash sets up a Bronco Buster attempt but Gail bails to the floor. Gail loads up Eat Defeat on the floor but gets caught in a fallaway slam instead. ODB looks to go after Gail's enforcer Lei'D Tapa but gets dropkicked into the announce table instead. There's the Figure Four around the post as Tenay announces Turning Point for free on November 21.

Back in and Gail puts on a headscissor choke, only to have ODB counter into a half crab. Gail gets to the rope but a Thesz Press gets two for ODB. A front suplex out of the corner puts Gail down but Tapa distracts the referee. Gail grabs a rollup and a rope for the retaining pin at 6:25.

Bad Influence has solved the mystery of Abyss.

Back from a break with Daniels and Kaz in the ring to explain their findings. With British accents, Daniels and Kaz say they've figured out the on again off again monster Abyss. Apparently it's under the ring, which is certainly not a ripoff of when Santino dressed up like Sherlock Holmes and was told to solve the mystery of the Raw GM and it wound up being under the ring.

It's a pumpkin under the ring though, which apparently has more brains than the entire Knockouts roster put together. This brings out Eric Young dressed as Joseph Park in a decent imitation. He has no proof that Halloween is a real holiday but it's the big guy's favorite holiday. Eric has a message for bad Influence so he punches them both, earning himself a beatdown. Abyss comes out for the save and crushes Bad Influence before helping Young up in the corner.

Here are the world title tournament brackets.





As simple as this sounds, the wheel of Dixie will determine what the gimmick is for Sabin vs. Hardy. It's Full Metal Mayhem, which is basically TLC.

Kurt Angle vs. Bobby Roode

This would be the third Bound For Glory rematch of the night. Roode was inducted into the EGO Hall of Fame to mock Angle, but since Angle declined the induction into the TNA Hall of Fame, the whole thing is kind of worthless now. Angle takes him into the corner to start but Roode bails to the floor to escape the ankle lock. Back in and Roode chops away but gets caught in a belly to belly. Roode bails to the floor again and has to rake Angle's eyes to break up another suplex.

Back from a break with Roode working on the ribs with an abdominal stretch. Angle escapes and puts on Rolling Germans, getting up to about five of them this time. Roode fights up but has to escape the ankle lock. There's the Crossface but Kurt tries to grab the ankle lock to counter. Roode rolls back and puts the hold on again, only to have to let go to escape a cradle and get it on for a third time. Angle rolls backwards again and puts on the Angle Slam for two but his shoulder is almost gone.

There's the ankle lock but Roode rolls through into a cradle for tow. Roode comes back with an AA into a neckbreaker for a close two as this starts getting better. Angle gets the ankle lock again with the grapevine but Roode is too close to the ropes. Roode goes up but Angle runs up the ropes for the big Angle Slam for two. Angle stops moving and the match is stopped at 16:23.

Angle is shaking badly to end the show.

Bro Mans b. Gunner/James Storm – Suplex reversal to Storm
Ethan Carter III b. Norv Fernum – Bulldog driver
Magnus won a gauntlet battle royal last elimination Sting and Kazarian
Gail Kim b. ODB – Rollup
Bobby Roode b. Kurt Angle via referee stoppage

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